Odsevne oznake za tovorna vozila in prikolice Reflective Solutions Celotna paleta odsevnih rešitev za Evropo (skladnost ECE104) For Traffic Signs and Construction Zones Engineered to Save Lives™ Reflexite® Engineered to Save Lives™ Prednosti ORAFOL Reflexite trakov so: -Izjemno velika razdalja vidljivosti -Enostavne za uporabo in montažo -Tanka folija-trak -Vzdržljiv in trpežen material - brez razpok -Mikroprizmatična tehnologija * -Odpornost na pranje pod visokim pritiskom Reflexite® VC104+ tapes Slika 1 Vidnost tovornjaka brez ECE104 standardizirane ga odsevnega traku Slika 2 Vidnost tovornjaka z ECE104 standardiziranim odsevnim trakom " Raziskave kažejo, da lahko odsevne označbe na HGV (heavy goods vehicle) vozilih zmanjšajo število nesreč v slabših vremenskih pogojih, do 41% * Vir: The US National Highway Traffic Safety Admisistration (NHTSA) 2 Engineered to Save Lives™ ECE 104 Predpis Od 10. julija 2011 so bile vidnoste oznake obvezne na novih tipsko odobrenih vozilih s tonažo nad 7,5 ton (N2 in N3) in za priklopnike s tonažo od 3,5 ton (O3 in O4). V skladu z Uredbo ECE 104 Združenih narodov in Ekonomske komisije za Evropo (UNECE), morajo biti odsevni materiali, nameščeni ob strani in zadaj . ORAFOL kot izumitelj mikroprizmatične odsevne tehnologije je pooblaščen za izdelavo ECE104 oznak Reflexite . S tem so postavili nove standarde za izdelavo in za prepoznavnost težkih tovornih vozil, od zgodnjih 1990-ih. Biti viden je varno. ECE 104 Predpis M Motorna vozila za prevoz potnikov M1 Motorna vozila za prevoz potnikov z več kot 8 sedeži poleg vozniškega sedeža M2 Motorna vozila, ki se uporabljajo za prevoz potnikov z več kot 8 sedežev z največjo dovoljeno maso 5 ton M3 "Obvezno od 10.7.2011 Dovoljeno Ni dovoljeno Motorna vozila za prevoz potnikov z več kot 8 sedežev in z več kot 5 ton skupne mase N Motorna vozila za prevoz blaga N1 Motorna vozila za prevoz blaga z največjo maso 3,5 tone N2 Motorna vozila za prevoz blaga z maso nad 3,5 ton, vendar ne presega 7,5 tone skupne mase N3 Motorna vozila za prevoz blaga z maso, ki presega 7,5 tone N4 Motorna vozila za prevoz blaga z maso, ki presegajo 12 ton O Prikolice O1 Priklopna vozila z največjo dovoljeno maso, ki ne presega 0,75 tone O2 Priklopna vozila z maso večjo od 0,75 tone, vendar ne več kot 3,5 tone O3 Priklopna vozila z maso nad 3,5 tone, vendar ne več kot 10 ton O4 Prikolice več kot 10 ton teže * Za nove registrirana vozila Engineered to Save Lives™ 3 TheVC VC104+ 104+range range includes... The includes... Uporaba Reflexite® VC104+ trakov in nalepk Reflexite ® VC104 + za trde in ravne površine · Odobreni ECE 104 razred C · Enostavno rokovanje in uporaba · Ni potreben obrez roba · Dovolj močan da prenese čiščenje pod pritiskom · Ni nevarnosti razpok traku · 10-letna garancija ECE 104 Reg. 48-03 Reflexite ® VC104 + za zavese VC104+ Grade ·Reflexite® Odobreni ECE 104 razred C Rigid Reflexite® VC104+ Rigid Grade · Enostavna in hitra uporaba-montaža · Enostaven za rezanje brez roba potrebno tesnjenje Outstanding tape for application onto rigid vehicles. Not · Flexibilen trak, ki se razteza in krči-ne poka Outstanding tape for application onto rigid vehicles. Not only does this tape provide superb night-time visibility, · Odporen na močno pranje only does this tape provide superb night-time visibility, ·it3-letna garancija * is also easy to apply with no edge-sealing required. * koitseis uporabljajo za nove to zavese also easy apply with no edge-sealing required. Comes with a 10 year warranty. Comes with a 10 year warranty. Reflexite ® VC104 + za prevoz tekočin nalepke Reflexite® VC104+ Curtain Grade Enostavna oblika pre-cut nalepke, še posebej primerna za zadnje označevanje. · Odobreni ECE 104 construction razred C Unique vinyl makes this tape ideal for · Kvaliteta nalepk je ista kot trakov za trdne površine application onto trailer curtains. The tape is highly · Odlična vidljivost na velike razdalje, tudi v slabih resistant to cleaning processes and comes with a 3 vremenskih razmerah · Idealna rešitev za okrogle aplikacije year warranty. · Odporne na močno pranje · 10-letna garancija 4 Reflexite® VC104+ Tanker Stickers Reflexite® VC104+ Tanker Stickers Engineered to Save Lives™ application onto trailer curtains. The tape is highly resistant to cleaning processes and comes with a 3 year warranty. Reflexite ® vehicle VC104 + za ponjave-cerade Get Get Get your your your vehicle vehicle marked marked marked up up up tototo the the the VC104 + Segmentirani drugačen videzrequirements vašega vozila Reflexite® VC104+ daje Tanker Stickers new new new European European European safety safety safety requirements requirements · Odobreni ECE 104 razred C · Estetsko skupni učinek Retroreflective stickers · Velika prožnosttanker in raztezanje traku for application onto rigid Reflexite Reflexite Reflexite is the is the leading is the leading leading manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer of ECE of ECE of 104 ECE 104 approved 104 approved approved Product Product Product benefits benefits benefits include: include: include: · Odporen na močno pranje surfaces. The tape provides reflectivity in allvisibility marking marking marking tapes. tapes. tapes. OurOur reflective Our reflective reflective tapes tapes are tapes are known are known known for being for for being being superior · Outstanding · Outstanding · Outstanding long long distance long distance distance night night time night time visibility time visibility ·and 3-letna garancija * and not not only not only safe only safe safe and visible, and visible, visible, but but also but also tough also tough tough and durable and durable durable as as as · Easy · Easy · toEasy handle to handle to handle andand apply and apply apply weather conditions. Available in peel off strips which wellwell aswell easy as easy asto easy apply. to apply. to apply. · No · edge No · No edge sealing edge sealing sealing required required required * Pri novih ponjavah · Easy · toEasy cut to cut to cut are quick and easy to apply. · Easy ® ® ® ® TheThe Reflexite The Reflexite Reflexite VC® 104+ VC® VC 104+ range 104+ range includes range includes includes a complete a complete a complete product product product· lineline forline application for for application application ontoonto rigid onto rigid bodies, rigid bodies, bodies, ontoonto circular onto circular circular tanker tanker tanker · shapes, shapes, shapes, as well as well as aswell onto as onto ascurtain onto curtain curtain sides. sides. sides. · · · Reflexite Reflexite VC Reflexite 104+ VCmarking 104+ VC 104+ marking tape marking tape tape · · ® ® ® Reflexite ® VC104 + Imagine Polyester · Polyester · Polyester construction construction construction means means means no cracking no cracking no cracking Resistant · Resistant · Resistant to power to power to power washing washing washing Highly · Highly · Highly resistant resistant resistant to most to most toindustrial most industrial industrial cleaning cleaning cleaning processes processes processes 10· year 10 · year 10 warranty year warranty warranty Single · Single · layer Single layer prismatic layer prismatic prismatic construction construction construction withwith adhesive with adhesive adhesive backing backing backing Approved · Approved · Approved to ECE to ECE to 104 ECE 104 Class 104 Class CClass C C Standard · Standard · Standard roll roll size: roll size: 50mm size: 50mm 50mm x 50m x 50m x 50m Prilagojeni trak z vašim logotipom podjetja. Reflexite® VC104+ Curtain Segmented Oglašujte se na drugačen način Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Types Types included Types included included in Registration in Registration in Registration 48-03 48-03 are: 48-03 are:are: · Trucks · Trucks · Trucks 7.5 7.5 t (N2+N3) 7.5 t (N2+N3) t (N2+N3) · Odobreni ECE 104 razred C · Trucks · Trucks · Trucks 3.5 3.5 t (03+04) 3.5 t (03+04) t (03+04) Microprismatic tape with a segmented look. Comes as · Na voljo tako za trde podlage, zavese in ponjave Enaka vrhunska kvaliteta kot pri of ostalih a ··single strip for ease application. Quick and easy to To find To find To outfind out more out more information more information information visit visit www.reflexite.eu visit www.reflexite.eu www.reflexite.eu Vaš logotip se ponavlja vzdolž traku or email or email orinfo@reflexite.eu email info@reflexite.eu info@reflexite.eu if you if you have if you have any have any questions. any questions. questions. apply also *useful for repair work. Comes with a 3 · 10 in 3and leta garancije * Glede na razred proizvodov year warranty. ® ® ® With With With Reflexite Reflexite Reflexite tapes tapes tapes itImagine itis itiseasy iseasy easy totrakom tomark tomark mark up your upyour your fleet... fleet... fleet... Montaža zVC104+ Reflexite® VC104+ v up samo treh korakih Reflexite® HowHow toHow apply to apply toto apply your to your to vehicle your vehicle vehicle in 3in easy 3ineasy 3steps: easy steps: steps: Your logo in lights! Reflective tape for rigid and curtain grade which can be individually customised with your logo. Makes any truck stand out from the crowd with 24/7 identification. 1. Slika STEPSTEP 1 -STEP After 1 -1After 1surface - After surface cleaning surface cleaning cleaning and and and marking marking marking up where up where upthe where line the should the line line should go, should go, go, Najprej očistimo površino leplenja simply simply start simply start sticking start sticking on sticking the ontape the on the tape . tape . . 2. STEPSTEP 22-STEP Cut 2 - around Cut 2 - Cut around e.g. around rivets e.g. e.g. rivets with rivets with a with a a Slika normal normal standard normal standard standard knife.knife. knife. Na prekinitvah in okroglinah z olfa nastavimo vodilo in odvijamo trak. nožem odrežemo. 3. Slika 3STEP STEP 3 -STEP Use 3 - aUse 3squeegee - Use a squeegee a squeegee to firmly to firmly to tack firmly tacktack the tape the the tape tostrgalo the tape tosurface, the to the surface, surface, and to and release and to release to release Uporabite za trdno any trapped any any trapped trapped air bubbles. air air bubbles. in da pritrditev traku nabubbles. površino se izpusti vse ujete zračne mehurčke. Whatever the application we have a solution... Engineered to Save Lives™ 5 resistant to cleaning processes and comes with a 3 year warranty. Primeri postavitve glede na tip vozila: What you need to know about ECE 104 markings... What Whatyou youneed needto toknow knowabout aboutECE ECE104 104markings... markings... Applications on different vehicle types: Applications Applicationson ondifferent differentvehicle vehicletypes: types: Where should the tapes be applied? Where Whereshould shouldthe thetapes tapesbe beapplied? applied? To the rear: Here full contour marking required, i.e. full ’box’. To Tothe therear: rear:Here Hereaaafull fullcontour contourmarking markingisis isrequired, required,i.e. i.e.aaafull full’box’. ’box’. To the sides: Here you can choose to do either full contour (’box’) To Tothe thesides: sides:Here Hereyou youcan canchoose chooseto todo doeither eitheraaafull fullcontour contour(’box’) (’box’) marking, or linemarking of the length of the vehicles plus marking marking, marking,or oraaalinemarking linemarkingof ofthe thelength lengthof ofthe thevehicles vehiclesplus plusmarking marking of the upper corners the design of the vehicles allows for this. of ofthe theupper uppercorners cornersifififthe thedesign designof ofthe thevehicles vehiclesallows allowsfor forthis. this.ItItItisis is good idea to mark also the tractor (e.g. on the door) to visually get aaagood goodidea ideato tomark markalso alsothe thetractor tractor(e.g. (e.g.on onthe thedoor) door)to tovisually visuallyget get marking of the full length of the vehicles, however this not an aaamarking markingof ofthe thefull fulllength lengthof ofthe thevehicles, vehicles,however howeverthis thisisis isnot notan an obligation. Minimum 80% of the length of the vehicle (excl. the length obligation. obligation.Minimum Minimum80% 80%of ofthe thelength lengthof ofthe thevehicle vehicle(excl. (excl.the thelength length of the cabin) must be marked. The lower line of the marking tape must ofofthe thecabin) cabin)must mustbe bemarked. marked.The Thelower lowerline lineofofthe themarking markingtape tapemust must be placed minimum 25cm from the ground, and in a height of be beplaced placedminimum minimum25cm 25cmfrom fromthe theground, ground,and andininaaheight heightofof maximum 150cm. This can special cases be extended to 250cm. maximum maximum150cm. 150cm.This Thiscan caninin inspecial specialcases casesbe beextended extendedto to250cm. 250cm. The length of the upper corner markings must be minimum 25cm. The Thelength lengthof ofthe theupper uppercorner cornermarkings markingsmust mustbe beminimum minimum25cm. 25cm. Upper corner markings should be applied as high as practical, but Upper Uppercorner cornermarkings markingsshould shouldbe beapplied appliedas ashigh highas aspractical, practical,but but within 40cm of the upper extremity of the vehicle. In cases where top within within40cm 40cmofofthe theupper upperextremity extremityofofthe thevehicle. vehicle.InIncases caseswhere whereaaatop top corner marking not possible due to the construction of the vehicle, corner cornermarking markingisis isnot notpossible possibledue dueto tothe theconstruction constructionof ofthe thevehicle, vehicle,aaa line marking on its own is allowed. line linemarking markingon onits itsown ownisisallowed. allowed. ECE 104 R.48-03 Application Guidelines ECE ECE104 104///R.48-03 R.48-03Application ApplicationGuidelines Guidelines Reflexite® VC104+ Curtain Segmented Microprismatic tape with a segmented look. Comes as a single strip for ease of application. Quick and easy to apply and also useful for repair work. Comes with a 3 year warranty. Minimum 80%* 80%* Minimum Minimum Minimum80%* 80%* *(Down to 60% or 40% for difficult or especially difficult applications) *(Down toto60% or40% 40% for ordifficult or especially difficult *(Down *(Down to 60% 60% or or 40% forfor difficult difficult or especially especially difficult difficult applications) applications) applications) Minimum 25cm Maximum 150cm* Maximum 150cm* Maximum Maximum 150cm* 150cm* Minimum 25cm Minimum 25cm Minimum Minimum 25cm 25cm *(Special cases: 250cm) Minimum Minimum25cm 25cm Minimum 25cm *(Special *(Special cases: cases: 250cm) 250cm) *(Special cases: 250cm) For more information on these regulations and our VC 104+ range visit www.reflexite.eu For Formore moreinformation informationon onthese theseregulations regulationsand andour ourVC VC104+ 104+range rangevisit visitwww.reflexite.eu www.reflexite.eu If you have any questions you can email info@reflexite.eu or call one of our European offices below for further information. IfIfyou youhave haveany anyquestions questionsyou youcan canemail emailinfo@reflexite.eu info@reflexite.euororcall callone oneofofour ourEuropean Europeanoffices officesbelow belowfor forfurther furtherinformation. information. 918236 - © www.reklamehuset.dk 918236 © www.reklamehuset.dk 918236 - ©-www.reklamehuset.dk Scandinavia, Greece, Eastern Europe Middle East: Telephone +45 45761122 Scandinavia, Scandinavia,Greece, Greece,Eastern EasternEurope Europe&& &Middle MiddleEast: East:Telephone Telephone+45 +4545761122 45761122 Germany, Netherlands, Austria Switzerland: Telephone +49 3644554801 Germany, Germany,Netherlands, Netherlands,Austria Austria&& &Switzerland: Switzerland:Telephone Telephone+49 +493644554801 3644554801 France Belgium: Telephone +33 72 19 19 10 France France&& &Belgium: Belgium:Telephone Telephone+33 +3344472 7219 1919 1910 10 Italy: Telephone +39 02 38093415 Italy: Italy:Telephone Telephone+39 +3902 0238093415 38093415 UK Ireland: Telephone +44 1865 396959 UK UK&& &Ireland: Ireland:Telephone Telephone+44 +441865 1865396959 396959 Spain & Portugal: Telephone +34 941 381 592 Spain Spain&&Portugal: Portugal:Telephone Telephone+34 +34941 941381 381592 592 6 Reflexite® is a registered trademark of Reflexite® Corporation, Avon CT USA. An Employee-Owned company. ® ® ® ® Reflexite Reflexite is is a registered a registered trademark trademark ofof Reflexite Reflexite Corporation, Corporation, Avon Avon CTCT USA. USA. AnAn Employee-Owned Employee-Owned company. company. Engineered to Save Lives™ Whatever the application we have a solution... Tovornjak oblepljen z ORALITE® 5600E grafično folijo na straneh in Reflexite® VC104+ trakom za trde površine na straneh in zadaj. Reflective Solutions Engineered to Save Lives™ Odsevne rešitve ORAFOL® Europe GmbH Orafolstraße 2, D-16515 Oranienburg, Germany Tel: +49 (0)3301 864-0 · Fax: +49 (0)3301 864-100 reflective.solutions@orafol.de · www.orafol.com Brochure 919738, © 2012, ORAFOL Europe GmbH. ORALITE® and Reflexite® are registered trademarks of ORAFOL Europe GmbH. Engineered to Save Lives™
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