Slovenia: VAT rate increase as of July 1 2013

Rea, Robert-WASH C
Garber, Ian M
Cho, Christine M; Carey, Landis; Tercero, Andrea E
need a PDF please / Slovenia-june5-2013.pdf
Tuesday, June 04, 2013 10:35:56 AM
Slovenia: VAT rate increase
as of July 1st 2013
05 June 2013
General VAT rate is increased from 20% to
22% and lower tax rate from 8,5% to 9,5%
Contact us:
Slovenia has introduced higher VAT rates within adopted changes of
the Republic of Slovenia Budget for 2013 and 2014 Implementation
Act (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia No. 46 as of May
Nada Drobnič
29 th 2013).
Effectively July 1 st 2013 general VAT rate will increase to 22% and
the reduced VAT rate to 9,5%.
According to mentioned changes, the following should be taken into
For goods and services which were partially supplied prior to
Katarina Šerak
Tax Consultant
KPMG poslovno
svetovanje, d.o.o.
Železna cesta 8a
1000 Ljubljana
charge VAT rates which were in force before July 1 st 2013 if
the invoice for partially supplied goods and services prior to
KPMG SI intranet
A taxpayer who receives the full payment for goods and
services prior to July 1 st 2013, which will be supplied after
that date, shall charge the VAT at rates which were in force
before July 1 st 2013.
July 1 st 2013 while the rest of supply is done after that
date, a taxpayer (a supplier) shall charge VAT for the entire
supply of goods and services at higher VAT rates.
Regardless just mentioned a taxpayer (a supplier) may
July 1 st 2013 is issued no later than on July 20 th 2013.
Tax Partner
A taxpayer who receives partial payment for goods and
services prior to 1 July 2013, which will be supplied after
that date, shall charge the VAT at rates which were in force
before July 1 st 2013 and while the rest of the payment
received after the mentioned date the VAT should be
charged at the higher rate.
Tel: +386 1 4201 180
Fax: +386 1 4201 158
Provisions in the last two paragraphs shall also apply in
relation to amounts of advance payments made for the
supply of goods and services that are subject to reverse
charge mechanism.
Nada Drobnič
Tax Partner
KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o., Železna cesta 8a, Ljubljana, Slovenija
© 2013 KPMG Slovenija, d.o.o., KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o., and KPMG
računovodske storitve d.o.o., Slovenian limited liability companies and member firms of
the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. KPMG and the
KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG
International”), a Swiss entity.
Katarina Šerak,
Tax Consultant
KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o.
Železna cesta 8/a
1000 Ljubljana
+386 (0) 1 236 43 02
Mobile +386 (0) 51 315 310
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Svetovanje temelji na dejstvih in podatkih, ki smo jih prejeli, ter na veljavni zakonodaji vključno z javno dostopnimi pojasnili
davčnih organov. Zakonodaja je predmet stalnih dopolnil in sprememb. V kolikor smo prejeli nepravilne ali nepopolne
podatke ali če se zakonodaja oz. pojasnila davčnih organov spremenijo, je lahko naše svetovanje neustrezno. Naknadna
posodobitev svetovanja v skladu s spremenjeno zakonodajo bo izvedena le na posebno zahtevo naročnika.
Any advice herein is based on the facts provided to us and on current applicable law includig publicly available opinions
published by the Tax Administration. The law is subject to continual change. Should the facts provided to us be incorrect or
incomplete or should the law or opinions of Tax Administration change, our advice may be inappropriate. We will not
update our advice for changes in law after the date hereof unless specifically requested by the Client.