Slovenian Style Guide Contents What's New? .................................................................................................................................... 4 New Topics ................................................................................................................................... 4 Updated Topics ............................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5 About This Style Guide ................................................................................................................ 5 Scope of This Document .............................................................................................................. 5 Style Guide Conventions .............................................................................................................. 5 Sample Text ................................................................................................................................. 6 Recommended Reference Material ............................................................................................. 7 Normative References .............................................................................................................. 7 Informative References ............................................................................................................. 7 Language Specific Conventions ...................................................................................................... 8 Country/Region Standards ........................................................................................................... 8 Characters ................................................................................................................................ 8 Date .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Time ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 12 Sorting ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Geopolitical Concerns ................................................................................................................ 19 Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions ......................................................................... 19 Adjectives ................................................................................................................................ 19 Articles .................................................................................................................................... 20 Capitalization .......................................................................................................................... 21 Compounds............................................................................................................................. 22 Gender .................................................................................................................................... 22 Genitive ................................................................................................................................... 22 Modifiers ................................................................................................................................. 22 Nouns ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Prepositions ............................................................................................................................ 22 Pronouns ................................................................................................................................. 26 Punctuation ............................................................................................................................. 26 Singular & Plural ..................................................................................................................... 30 Split Infinitive ........................................................................................................................... 30 Subjunctive ............................................................................................................................. 30 Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces........................................................................................... 30 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Verbs ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Word Order ............................................................................................................................. 31 Style and Tone Considerations .................................................................................................. 31 Audience ................................................................................................................................. 31 Style ........................................................................................................................................ 31 Tone ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Voice ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Localization Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 34 General Considerations ............................................................................................................. 34 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 34 Accessibility ............................................................................................................................ 35 Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 35 Applications, Products, and Features ..................................................................................... 35 Frequent Errors ....................................................................................................................... 36 Glossaries ............................................................................................................................... 36 Fictitious Information ............................................................................................................... 36 Recurring Patterns .................................................................................................................. 36 Standardized Translations ...................................................................................................... 36 Unlocalized Items.................................................................................................................... 41 Using the Word Microsoft ....................................................................................................... 41 Software Considerations ............................................................................................................ 42 User Interface ......................................................................................................................... 42 Messages ................................................................................................................................ 42 Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 46 Document Translation Considerations ....................................................................................... 52 Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 53 Copyright ................................................................................................................................. 53 What's New? Last Updated: February 2011 New Topics n/a Updated Topics The overall Style Guide content was fully updated in February 2011 as part of a major Style Guide update project performed for all languages. 4 Introduction This Style Guide went through major revision in February 2011 in order to remove outdated and unnecessary content. Some topics are considered to be "Core & Common" – pertaining to all Microsoft products and services. About This Style Guide The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide everybody involved in the localization of Slovenian Microsoft products with Microsoft-specific linguistic guidelines and standard conventions that differ from or are more prescriptive than those found in language reference materials. These conventions have been adopted after considering context based on various needs, but above all, they are easy to follow and applicable for all types of software to be localized. The Style Guide covers the areas of formatting and grammatical conventions. It also presents the reader with a general idea of the reasoning behind the conventions. The present Style Guide is a revision of our previous Style Guide version with the intention of making it more standardized, more structured, and easier to use as a reference. The guidelines and conventions presented in this Style Guide are intended to help you localize Microsoft products and materials. We welcome your feedback, questions and concerns regarding the Style Guide. You can send us your feedback via the Microsoft Language Portal feedback page. Scope of This Document This Style Guide is intended for the localization professional working on Microsoft products. It is not intended to be a comprehensive coverage of all localization practices, but to highlight areas where Microsoft has preference or deviates from standard practices for Slovenian localization. Style Guide Conventions In this document, a plus sign (+) before a translation example means that this is the recommended correct translation. A minus sign (-) is used for incorrect translation examples. In Microsoft localization context, the word term is used in a slightly untraditional sense, meaning the same as e.g. a segment in Trados. The distinguishing feature of a term here is that it is translated as one unit; it may be a traditional term (as used in terminology), a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph. References to interface elements really only refer to translatable texts associated with those interface elements. Example translations in this document are only intended to illustrate the point in question. They are not a source of approved terminology. Always check for approved translation in the Microsoft terminology database. 5 Sample Text Podjetje Microsoft d. o. o. je slovenski predstavnik korporacije Microsoft, ki je eno od vodilnih podjetij s področja informacijskih tehnologij. Microsoft je eden najpomembnejših razvijalcev poslovnih programov in sistemov, ki podjetjem pomagajo zagotoviti varno in učinkovito poslovanje ter podjetjem in posameznikom po celem svetu pomagajo pri uresničevanju njihovega potenciala. Ta cilj je temelj naših prizadevanj, da uporabnikom in širši druţbi ponudimo vedno boljše tehnologije. Vsak dan z izboljševanjem obstoječih izdelkov in predstavitvijo novih, s podporo globalnemu inovacijskemu omreţju in izvajanjem temeljnih raziskav razširjamo zmoţnosti računalništva. Slovenska podruţnica Microsofta je bila ustanovljena leta 1994, da bi tudi slovenskemu trgu ponudili inovativno programsko opremo. Od začetkov, ko so bili v podjetju zaposleni le trije, je podjetje zraslo v pomembno lokalno podjetje, ki zaposluje več kot 70 ljudi. Med velike uspehe gotovo sodi pionirska vloga pri slovenjenju programske opreme, saj so uporabnikom na voljo tako lokalizirani operacijski sistemi kot tudi zmogljivi programi za uporabo v pisarnah in doma. Od začetka svoje prisotnosti v Sloveniji se je Microsoft dejavno vključeval tudi v lokalno skupnost. Jasno začrtana pot vključuje tesno sodelovanje s slovenskimi partnerji in lokalnimi podjetji pri razvoju novih rešitev in reševanju poslovnih izzivov. Poleg tega se Microsoft dejavno vključuje tudi v številna prizadevanja na področju izobraţevanja in premostitve digitalnega razkoraka. Z vsemi svojimi dejavnostmi se podjetje osredotoča na ustvarjanje priloţnosti slovenskih uporabnikov na lokalni in globalni ravni. Kot vodilno podjetje v panogi se zavedamo odgovornosti, da naše vire in znanje uporabimo na način, ki bo pozitivno vplival na ţivljenje ljudi. Glede naših poslovnih praks in doseţkov smo zavezani odgovornemu ravnanju in odprti komunikaciji. Druţbeno odgovornost jemljemo zelo resno, saj se zavedamo, da imajo lahko Microsoftove poslovne odločitve pomemben vpliv na deleţnike in skupnosti, v katerih poslujemo. Slovenski Microsoft je v desetih letih zgradil ekosistem, ki je glavni nosilec razvoja slovenske IT-industrije. Značilnost tega ekosistema je, da ne samo omogoča, ampak podpira in pospešuje razvoj IT v drţavi. Eno od gonil tega pospeševanja je razvoj in prodaja lokalnega znanja. Tako danes slovenski Microsoft skupaj z novim poslovnim oddelkom, ki je odgovoren za poslovne rešitve Microsoft Navision, ustvarja pribliţno 40 % celotne vrednosti IT v drţavi. Biljana Weber je generalna direktorica slovenske podruţnice Microsofta od januarja 2011. Microsoft d.o.o., Ljubljana Šmartinska 140 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon: 386 (01) 58461 11 Telefaks: 386 (01) 58461 22. Vir: spletno mesto Microsofta Slovenija Ustvarjeno dne 23. 3. 2011 ob 13:00. 6 Recommended Reference Material Use Slovenian language and terminology as described and used in the following publications. Normative References These normative sources must be adhered to. Any deviation from them automatically fails a string in most cases. When more than one solution is allowed in these sources, look for the recommended one in other parts of the Style Guide. 1. SAZU, Slovenski pravopis, Ljubljana, ZRC, 2000 or later editions (updated electronic ed. 2002 2. SAZU, Slovar slovenskega knjiţnega jezika, DZS, 1997 or electronic version, Amebis, 1997 3. Gradišnik, Janez, Slovensko ali angleško? : priročnik za dobro slovenščino, Celje, Mohorjeva druţba, 1993 4. Toporišič, Joţe, Enciklopedija slovenskega jezika, Ljubljana, Cankarjeva zaloţba, 1992 5. Ţagar, France, Slovenska slovnica in jezikovna vadnica, Maribor, Obzorja Maribor, 1996 6. Kocjan – Barle, Marta, Abeceda pravopisa, Ljubljana, DZS, 1999 Informative References These sources are meant to provide supplementary information, background, comparison etc. 1. Batagelj, Vladimir et. al., Leksikon računalništva in informatike, Ljubljana, Pasadena, 2002 2. 3. 4. 7 Language Specific Conventions This part of the style guide contains information about standards specific to Slovenian. Country/Region Standards Characters Country/region Slovenia Lower-case characters a, b, c, č, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, š, t, u, v, z, ţ Upper-case characters A, B, C, Č, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, Š, T, U, V, Z, Ţ Characters in caseless scripts n/a Extended Latin characters č, Č, š, Š, ţ, Ţ Note on alphabetical order Alphabetical order is not necessarily indicative of sorting order. Total number of characters 25 Unicode codes č: 010D, Č: 010C, š: 0161, Š: 0160, ţ: 017E, Ţ: 017D Notes The letters Ć, Đ, Q, W, X and Y are not part of the Slovenian alphabet. If, however, there is a term in the index beginning with Ć, Đ, Q, W, X or Y used in the Slovenian text, these letters and entries should be included in the index in the following order: a, b, c, č, ć, d, đ, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, š, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, ţ Date Country/region Slovenia Calendar/Era Gregorian First Day of the Week Monday First Week of the Year Week 1 starts on January 1st Separator period (.) Default Short Date Format d. M. yyyy 8 Country/region Slovenia Example 17. 3. 2011 Default Long Date Format dddd, d. MMMM yyyy Example četrtek, 17. marec 2011> Additional Short Date Format 1 n/a Example n/a Additional Short Date Format 2 n/a Example n/a Additional Long Date Format 1 n/a Example n/a Additional Long Date Format 2 n/a Example n/a Leading Zero in Day Field for Short Date Format no Leading Zero in Month Field for Short Date Format no No. of digits for year for Short Day Format 2 Leading Zero in Day Field for Long Date Format no Leading Zero in Month Field for Long Date Format no Number of digits for year for Long Day Format 4 Date Format for Correspondence d. MMMM yyyy Example 17. marec 2011 9 Country/region Slovenia Notes n/a d is for day, number of d's indicates the format (d = digits without leading zero, dd = digits with leading zero, ddd = the abbreviated day name, dddd = full day name) Abbreviations in Format Codes M is for month, number of M's gives number of digits. (M = digits without leading zero, MM = digits with leading zero, MMM = the abbreviated name, MMMM = full name) y is for year, number of y's gives number of digits (yy = two digits, yyyy = four digits) Time Country/region Slovenia 24 hour format yes Standard time format Standard time format example Time separator H:mm:ss 18.15; 18:15:22 period (.) colon (:) Time separator examples 18:15:22 Hours leading zero no Hours leading zero example n/a String for AM designator n/a String for PM designator n/a Notes The period is used when the time includes hours and minutes. The colon is used in electronic formats (display of digital clocks). Minutes of the hour can also be written in superscript, without the period as 15 separator: 8 In textual context, full hours may also be written using a superscripted letter h "h" on the right side of the number: ob 18 (= at 18:00 hours) Days Country/region: Slovenia 10 Day Normal Form Abbreviation Monday ponedeljek pon Tuesday torek tor Wednesday sreda sre Thursday četrtek čet Friday petek pet Saturday sobota sob Sunday nedelja ned First Day of Week: Monday Is first letter capitalized?: No Notes: Names of days should not be capitalized except if the word appears at the beginning of a sentence. Ideally, a full stop should follow the abbreviation, but as this might create problems in certain cases not using the final full stop is acceptable. Months Country/region: Slovenia Month Full Form Abbreviated Form Long Date Form January januar jan n/a February februar feb n/a March marec mar n/a April april apr n/a May maj maj n/a June junij jun n/a July julij jul n/a August avgust avg n/a September september sep n/a October oktober okt n/a November november nov n/a December december dec n/a 11 Is first letter capitalized?: No Notes: Names of months are capitalized only when they begin a sentence. They may be and are capitalized in calendar layouts, where the name of the current month appears once - usually, these names appear alongside old traditional names, e.g. "April" at the top left side of the page and "Mali traven" (see below) at the top right side of the page displaying all days of the current month. Traditional Slovenian names are also used in calendars alongside the modern names: januar - prosinec februar - svečan marec - sušec april - mali traven maj - veliki traven junij - roţnik julij - mali srpan avgust - veliki srpan september - kimavec oktober - vinotok november - listopad december - gruden Numbers Phone Numbers Country/ region International Dialing Code Area Codes Used? Number of Digits – Area Codes Separator Number of Digits – Domestic Digit Groupings – Domestic Slovenia 386 yes 1 (except for IP telephony providers – see notes) space 8 (#) ### #### Country/ region Number of Digits – Local Digit Groupings – Local Number of Digits – Mobile Digit Groupings – Mobile Number of Digits – International Digit Groupings – International Slovenia 7 ### #### 9 ### ### ### 11 +386 # ### #### 12 Notes: Area Codes (01 - 07) IP telephony operators (Amis, T-2, ...): (0590), (0592) Mobile: Network (GSM: 031, 040, 041, 051, 070) Mobile international: +386 41 456 89. Note: Initial zero is dropped in network code Addresses Country/region: Slovenia Disclaimer: Please note that the information in this entry should under no circumstances be used in examples as fictitious information. Address Format: 1. [Title/Honorific] FirstName [SecondName] LastName 2. [CompanyName] 3. Address1 4. [Address2] 5. PostalCode CityName Example Address: 1. (Gospod) Janez Novak 2. Janez Novak d. o. o. 3. Novakova 123 5. 1000 LJUBLJANA Local Postal Code Format: xxxx Notes: One empty line between Address and Postal Code/CityName. First and second lines - Title etc. line and CompanyName line - can appear in reverse order, too, i.e. Company name on first line and Title etc. on second Currency Country/region Slovenia Currency Name euro Currency Symbol € Currency Symbol Position The symbol EUR is placed after the numeral and is preceded by a space Positive Currency Format 123,45 EUR Negative Sign Symbol For negative values the en dash (–) is placed directly in front of the numeral. There is no space between the en dash and the numeral. 13 Negative Currency Format –123,45 EUR Decimal Symbol , (comma) Number of Digits after Decimal 2 Digit Grouping Symbol . (period) Number of Digits in Digit Grouping 3 Positive Currency Example 123.456.789,00 EUR Negative Currency Example –123.456.789,00 EUR ISO Currency Code EUR Currency Subunit Name cent Currency Subunit Symbol c Currency Subunit Example 15 c Digit Groups Country/region: Slovenia Decimal Separator: , Decimal Separator Description: comma Decimal Separator Example: 12,34 Thousand Separator: . Thousand Separator Description: period Thousand Separator Example: 456.789,00 Notes: The thousand separator may be dropped and replaced by a space for numbers above ten thousand, when they are printed out by a machine e.g: 132 457 Measurement Units Metric System Commonly Used? Yes Temperature: Celsius Category English Translation Abbreviation Linear Measure Kilometer kilometer km Meter meter m Decimeter decimeter dm 14 Category Capacity Mass English Units of Measurement English Translation Abbreviation Centimeter centimeter cm Millimeter millimeter mm Hectoliter hektoliter hl Liter liter l Deciliter decliliter dcl Centiliter centiliter cl Milliliter Milliliter ml Ton tona t Kilogram kilogram kg Pound funt n/a Gram gram g Decigram dekagram dag Centigram centigram cg Milligram milligram mg Inch palec “ Feet čevelj n/a Mile milja n/a Gallon galona n/a Notes: If the unit of measure is preceded by a number, there should be a non-breaking space between the number and the unit of measure: 35 mm or 8 MB. Percentages There should be a non-breaking space between the number and percentage sign: 35 %. Sorting Sorting rules 1. Capital letters and lowercase letters are equal. No distinction is made between them. 2. The extended characters š, Š, č, Č, ţ and Ţ are not the equivalents of c, s, or z but treated as separate letters of the alphabet. 15 3. Non-alphabetical characters (i.e. symbols like @ ! #) sort before the letters of the alphabet. 4. Digits sort after the non-alphabetical characters and before the letters of the alphabet. Character sorting order a 0061 b 0062 c 0063 č 010D d 0064 e 0065 f 0066 g 0067 h 0068 i 0069 j 006A k 006B l 006C m 006D n 006E o 006F p 0070 r 0072 s 0073 š 0161 t 0074 u 0075 v 0076 z 007A ţ 017E A 0041 B 0042 C 0043 Č 010C D 0044 E 0045 F 0046 G 0047 16 H 0048 I 0049 J 004A K 004B L 004C M 004D N 004E O 004F P 0050 R 0052 S 0053 Š 0160 T 0054 U 0055 V 0056 Z 005A Ţ 017D 1 Examples of sorted words @ Aaron andere ändere chaque chemin cote coté côte côté Czech čučēt hiša irdisch lävi lie lire llama lõug 17 Löwen lòza Lübeck luck luč lye Männer màšta mîr möchten myndig piña pint pylon sämtlich savoir Sietla subtle symbol šàran Šerbūra ślub väga verkehrt vox waffle wood yen yuan yucca zoo Zürich Zviedrija zysk zzlj zzlz zznj zznz ţal ţena Ţenēva 18 Geopolitical Concerns Part of the cultural adaptation of the US-product to a specific market is the resolving of geopolitical issues. While the US-product should have been designed and developed with neutrality and a global audience in mind, the localized product should respond to the particular situation that applies within the target country/region. Sensitive issues or issues that might potentially be offensive to the users in the target country/region may occur in any of the following: Maps Flags Country/region, city and language names Art and graphics Cultural content, such as encyclopedia content and other text where historical or political references may occur Some of these issues are relatively easy to verify and resolve: the objective should be for the localizer to always have the most current information available. Maps and other graphic representations of countries/regions and regions should be checked for accuracy and existing political restrictions. Country/region, city and language names change on a regular basis and need to be checked, even if previously approved. A thorough understanding of the culture of the target market is required for checking the appropriateness of cultural content, clip art and other visual representations of religious symbols, body and hand gestures. Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions This section includes information on how to apply the general rules of the Slovenian language to Microsoft products and documentation. Adjectives In Slovenian, adjectives should be handled in the following manner. Adjectives have two forms: definite form (določna oblika) and indefinite form (nedoločna oblika). The difference is only visible in the 1st and 4th cases of masculine gender (1. in 4. sklon pri moškem spolu - e.g. izbran pogon vs. izbrani pogon). Some adjectives only appear in either definite or indefinite form, but not both. 1. Adjectives in indefinite form describe a quality or a characteristic of the noun they modify. They answer the question "What kind?" (Kakšen?). • Nominal phrases premodified by the indefinite article a/an are normally translated with the indefinite form of the adjective: an invalid parameter - neveljaven parameter. 2. Adjectives in the definite form distinguish the noun they modify from other nouns and describe an already known quality or characteristic. They answer the question "Which one?" (Kateri?). • Nominal phrases premodified by the definite article “the” are normally translated with the definite form of the adjective. 19 • The definite form is always used after demonstrative and possessive pronouns (kazalni in svojilni zaimki) and the pronoun "ves" (Ta formatirani seznam, Naš klicni center, Ves omrežni promet). Note that after the pronoun "vsak" the indefinite form is used (Vsak nov odsek). • The definite form is also used when the noun is sufficiently defined by other sentence elements, such as a relative clause (oziralni stavek) or a qualifier (prilastek - e.g. Stehnizirani svet, ki nas obdaja; Mali kolektiv piranske zavarovalnice). Some examples of common errors: English Slovenian – incorrect Unpartitioned space on this computer Nerazdeljen prostor v računalniku. Hard disk Trd disk 3D Combo Chart. 3D lomljen grafikon. Manual Exposure Control Ročen nadzor osvetlitve Disable 16 color brush cache Omogoči predpomnilnik za 16 barven čopič Unbalanced parenthesis Neuravnovešen oklepaj Make Outlook Express the default program for: Outlook Express naj bo privzet program za: Disk space available: Nezaseden prostor na disku: Use specified custom profile: Uporabi naveden profil po meri: Use default remote gateway Uporabi privzet oddaljeni prehod Restart Vnovičen zagon Possessive adjectives The frequent use of possessives is a feature of English language. However in Slovenian, possessive adjectives should for the most part be omitted. Literal duplication of these from English in Slovenian texts is considered poor style. Articles General considerations Please see notes regarding articles in section on adjectives Unlocalized Feature Names No applicable rules in this section. Localized Feature Names No applicable rules in this section. 20 Articles for English Borrowed Terms No applicable rules in this section. Capitalization In English, it is a general practice to capitalize all words in titles and names, e.g. Style Guide. In Slovenian, only the first word and proper names within the title are capitalized, e.g. Slogovni vodnik, Zdruţene drţave Amerike. Do not use capitalization in the middle of the name for check boxes, radio buttons, commands or options when the name contains other option, check box or radio button names, e.g. Organiziraj priljubljene (Not: Organiziraj Priljubljene). Use capitalization in cases when you are referring to proper nouns like names of programs, modules etc., (e.g. Opens the Microsoft Chat Release Notes – Odpre Microsoft Chatove opombe ob izdaji.) Note: Wizard names in the middle of sentences are not capitalized, e.g. Dobrodošli v čarovniku za vzpostavljanje povezave z internetom. In English additional short text in brackets often starts with the capital letter, e.g. “The updated software (Recommended)”. In Slovenian localized software, when the short text in brackets is not a full sentence it should be lower case, e.g. “Posodobljena programska oprema (priporočeno)”. Table column and row titles should follow the same language style throughout the software. Column and row titles should start with capital letters and usually should not end with any punctuation marks. When the table items are complete sentences, each of them starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. When table items are not complete sentences, they may start with either a small or capital letter and do not end with a period. However, the style applied must be consistent throughout the column, i.e. start with either small or capital letter. There are three approved patterns of localizing program/applet/component names: Capitalize when standing at the beginning of a sentence and not preceded by the word Microsoft (e.g. Organizator izrezkov, Računalo etc.) Lowercase when standing at the beginning of a sentence and preceded by the word Microsoft (e.g. Microsoftov organizator izrezkov, Microsoftova lupa etc.) Lower-case when standing in the middle of a sentence and preceded by the word Microsoft. Lower-case when standing in the middle of a sentence and not preceded by the word Microsoft (Copy to clipboard – Kopiraj v odloţišče). When a component name is preceded by the word Microsoft XXX, it should be lower-case, with the application name declined (e.g. Microsoft Officeova vrstica bliţnjic). National holidays - Except at the beginning of a sentence or when derived from a personal name, holidays are NOT capitalized: boţič, valentinovo, jom kipur, roš hašana, hanuka, kurban bajram, eid-al-fitr ... 21 Compounds Generally, compounds should be understandable and clear to the user. Overly long or complex compounds should be avoided. Keep in mind that unintuitive compounds are ultimately an intelligibility and usability issue. Gender General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Genitive No applicable rules in this section. Modifiers No applicable rules in this section. Nouns General considerations General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Inflection General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Plural Formation General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Prepositions Pay attention to the correct use of the preposition in translations. Influenced by the English language, many translators omit them or change the word order - they should not be translated literally. Most prepositions have several Slovenian counterparts, thus the preposition ”on” for instance can correspond to Slovenian na, ob, v, pri … In some cases, prepositions are not preserved in the translation: Follow the instructions in this wizard Sledite navodilom čarovnika. IMPORTANT: As opposed to English, Slovenian requires that in transitive verbs the object immediately follows the preposition: Place the caption next to or below the image – Napis postavite zraven slike ali pod njo (Not: … zraven ali pod sliko) 22 Some standard translations are listed below: In - normally corresponds to Slovenian ”v”. The exception is ”in a pile” - ”na kupu” At – corresponds to Slovenian ”pri, na, ob, s/z”. Under - corresponds to Slovenian "pod" but also "s/z, v, po, v skladu z, ...". Avoid direct translation On - can be part of a phrasal verb (e.g. turn on) or preposition corresponding to "na" or "v" The most frequent translations are listed below: English Slovenian Comment At least Vsaj At most Največ At once Hkrati Not: istočasno At the same time Hkrati Not: istočasno At a later time Pozneje At a time Naenkrat / ne … hkrati Only one document can be inserted at a time - Naenkrat lahko ... At any time Kadar koli Not stressed also: kadar koli At another time Drugič At a specific time Ob določeni/navedenI uri At the time when… Ko … At run time Med izvajanjem At the moment Trenutno At a kiosk V kiosku At this location Na tem mestu At insertion point Na mestu vstavljanja At the top Na vrhu or Zgoraj At the bottom Na dnu or Spodaj At the end Na koncu At the beginning Na začetku At Open Ob odpiranju At Startup Ob zagonu Hyphenate at Deli pri Separate at Loči pri Start at Začni pri / z End at Končaj pri / z Error at Napaka pri Kern at Spodsekaj pri Most often not: V trenutku, ko 23 Indent at Zamik pri / na Cross at Sekaj pri Align at Poravnati pri/na On Corresponds to Slovenian na, ob, v: English Slovenian Comment on vklopljen turn on vklopiti on a program v programu on MS Companion v programu MS Companion on an operating system v operacijskem sistemu on Windows XP v operacijskem sistemu Windows XP on clipboard v odloţišču click (on) something klikniti nekaj Do not use: klikniti na help on pomoč o … Do not use: pomoč v zvezi z tip on namig o on a menu v meniju on a toolbar v orodni vrstici on a status bar v vrstici stanja on the ruler na ravnilu on a control v kontrolniku on a tab na zavihku on a button na gumbu on the web v spletu on a web page na spletni strani on a network v omreţju on the internet v internetu Not: na internetu on the net v omreţju Not: na omreţju log on to network vzpostaviti povezavo z omreţjem Not: na spletu A corresponding preposition is "iz" for instance "iz orodne vrstice", "iz interneta" (not "z interneta".) 24 on a device v napravi on a drive na pogonu on a disk na disku on a floppy-disk na disketi on the screen na zaslonu on a server v streţniku on the keypad na tipkovnici on machine v računalniku on computer v računalniku on cell/mobile phone v prenosnem telefonu on a range v obsegu on top na vrhu on install ob namestitvi on load ob nalaganju on the fly brez vnovičnega zagona on save ob shranjevanju on copy ob kopiranju on paste ob lepljenju on close ob zapiranju on exit ob izhodu on first use ob prvi uporabi E.g. Page a friend on his cell phone Under The preposition “under” should not be automatically translated as "pod". This is the most frequent meaning but is wrong in many contexts. Consider the examples below and remember to use common sense and a general feel for language when translating this preposition. English Slovenian Save under a different name Shrani z drugim imenom Maximum extent under law V največji meri, ki jo omogoča zakon Under current legislation Po veljavni zakonodaji/Skladno z veljavno zakonodajo Under the File menu V meniju »Datoteka« Under Microsoft Windows XP V programu Microsoft Windows XP Value under HK_LOCAL_Machine Vrednost v HK_LOCAL_MACHINE 25 Run under safe mode Izvajati v varnem načinu Under normal conditions V normalnih pogojih Pronouns Excessive use of possessive pronouns should be avoided. Two common mistakes include using a pronoun where in Slovenian it is not needed, i.e. ”She shook her head” – ”Stresla je s svojo glavo”, and using the wrong pronoun ”She shook her head” – “Stresla je z njeno glavo”. In most cases the pronoun ”your” should be left out; in others the form ”svoj” or ”vaš”, depending on context, should be used. Examples: Turn on your computer. Vklopite računalnik. (”Svoj” can be left out and "vaš" is incorrect.) Close your document. Zaprite dokument. (Leave out ”Svoj” if there is no possibility for confusion) First, save your document, then you can close the one on remote server. Najprej shranite svoj dokument, nato pa lahko zaprete tistega v oddaljenem streţniku. Punctuation Comma For detailed rules on the use of commas refer to Slovenski pravopis – Pravila. Examples of the most common difficulties in MS translations are listed below: The word ”Prosimo” is separated from the rest of the text by a comma. English Slovenian Please wait Prosimo, počakajte Comment Unless joined by a co-coordinating conjunction (priredni veznik), two syntactical units, each containing a finite verbal form (osebna glagolska oblika), are separated by commas. English Incorrect Comment You can't use a date format in a different language than the slide master. Datumska oblika ne more biti v drugačnem jeziku kot je matrica diapozitiva. Comma before ”kot” Izberite programe za katere Select the applications for which you want to save/restore želite shraniti ali obnoviti settings nastavitve Comma before ”za” 26 A comma is placed before the co-ordinate conjunction (priredni veznik: in, pa, ter …), if it is required by the dependent clause. English Incorrect Comment Please verify that you have entered all required information, and try again Preverite, ali ste vnesli vse zahtevane informacije in poskusite znova Comma before ”in” … based on the certificates it is zasnovano na potrdilih, za izdajo Comma before ”in” because “za configured to issue as well as katerih je nastavljen in na izdajo katerih” is a dependent the security permissions varnostnih clauses that has to be separated from the main clause Non-finite clauses (polstavki) are separated from the main clauses when realized by a participle (deleţnik), a noun or an adjective. In the phrase "tako da", a comma before "tako" denotes a consequence or result of action, whereas before "da" it denotes a process i.e. a manner of action or the way of doing something. English Slovenian To return to the location of your Na mesto zadnjega urejanja se last edit, press SHIFT+F5 vrnete tako, da pritisnete tipki SHIFT+F5 Although you have closed the program window, the program will continue to run in the taskbar (near the clock) so that you can receive alerts and instant messages Comment (kako?) … tako, da … Manner of action Čeprav ste zaprli okno programa, (posledica) … , tako da … se bo program še naprej izvajal v opravilni vrstici (zraven ure), tako State or Result da boste lahko prejemali opozorila in neposredna sporočila No comma even if sentence subject is a long and complex nominal phrase. English Incorrect Comment For more information on digitally signed drivers see … Comma before "v sorodnih" Za dodatne informacije o digitalno podpisanih gonilnikih, v sorodnih temah preberite Before editing registry make a ... Pred spreminjanjem registra, naredite … No comma before "registra" Dependent clause is separated on both sides from the main clause: English Incorrect The supported Clipboard formats for reports are Oblike zapisov, ki jih podpira odloţišče so: obogateno besedilo Comment 27 English Incorrect Comment So even if the CA publishes a new Tudi, če overovitelj potrdila objavi No comma after tudi nov … Buttons available Gumbi, na voljo Either: Gumbi, ki so na voljo or Gumbi na voljo Colon Apply general punctuation rules. Dashes and Hyphens Three different dash characters are used in English: Hyphen The hyphen is used to divide words between syllables, to link parts of a compound word, and to connect the parts of an inverted or imperative verb form. In all cases where technical problems could arise due to the use of endash, it is allowed to use the hyphen instead. Example: TV-sprejemnik En Dash The en dash is used as a minus sign (space before numeral: 10 – 2), for negative values (no space before numeral, e.g. –17 °C). The en dash is also used in number ranges, such as those specifying page numbers. No spaces are used around the en dash in this case. Example: 8–21 Em Dash Not used in Slovenian Ellipses (Suspension Points) Must always be preceded by a space in Slovenian. Example: Odpiranje … Period General Slovenian punctuation rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). 28 Quotation Marks In Slovenian double angle quotation marks »« (ALT +175, 174) are used in all instances in localized Software. Help and documentation uses bold formatting as a counterpart to SW quotation marks. Quotation marks are used, however, in help and documentation when this is required by general rules (See Pravopis, Pravila, pp. 59-60). Double or single upper or lower quotation marks (", '), single angle quotation marks or curly quotation marks (“ ”), should not be used. Use quotation marks in the following cases: In software for all UI elements: Menu names (V meni »Start« dodaj bližnjico do orodij za gonilnike ) Menu commands (v meniju »Datoteka« kliknite »Shrani«) Button names (v orodni vrstici »Standard« kliknete gumb »Shrani«) Dialog Titles (spremenite mesto na kartici »Shrani« v pogovornem oknu »Možnosti«) Tabs (see above) Toolbar names Options Folder names Fields (Mapa »%1!hs!«, navedena v polju »Izhodi \x010De« ni veljavna.) Action Argument Names (Argument »Ime obrazca« ste pustili prazen) Property Names (Obrazec je samo za branje, ker ni nastavljena lastnost »Enolična tabela«.) Property Values (Ustrezno ponastavite vrednost na »Ni zaklepanja« ali »Urejan zapis«.) Expressions (Operator Is lahko uporabite samo v izrazu z »Nič« ali »Ni Nič«.) Groups (V skupini »Skrbniki« mora obstajati vsaj en uporabnik.) In all cases when the translation without quotations would appear strange in a sentence, standing out as if not part of the remaining text, and when there is no other way to identify this odd text; A word in a sentence that is capitalized and is not a proper name or anything else for which Slovenian grammar rules require capitalization; A sentence or phrase that appears to have no connection with other parts of the sentence until the user realizes it is a quoted text from a dialog window. Use quotation marks whenever they are present in source text. US single upper quotation marks ( ' ) translate into double angle quotation marks in Slovenian (e.g. Access to the resource '%1!.1023ls!' has been disallowed. - Dostop do sredstva »%1!.1023ls!« ni bil dovoljen.). The same is true of US double upper quotation marks (e.g. The protocol "%1!.1023ws!" does not have a registered program. - S protokolom »%1!.1023ws!« ni povezan noben registriran program.) Do not use quotation marks in the following cases: English text within Slovenian text Loan words Acronyms Parentheses In English, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them. The same applies for Slovenian. Example: (priporočeno) 29 Singular & Plural General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Split Infinitive No applicable rules in this section. Subjunctive No applicable rules in this section. Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces No applicable rules in this section. Syntax Syntax and register differ between Slovenian and English in the following ways: 1. In Slovenian the formal plural form should always be used to address the user. Example: Želite odpreti datoteko? NOT Želiš odpreti datoteko? 2. Then computer/device should never be personified Example: Shranjevanje datoteke … NOT Shranjujem datoteko … Verbs Reflexive forms Avoid using reflexive forms of verbs such as "prebrati" (Wrong: Preberite si navodila o izdelku) or "pregledati" (Wrong: Preglejte si navodila o izdelku). Gerunds or perfective verb form? For action where stress is not on the process or duration but on completion, use the perfective form of the corresponding verb, thus: Obnovitev, not Obnavljanje (or Obnova); Accepting - Sprejetje, not Sprejemanje; Accessing - dostop, not dostopanje; Odstranitev, not Odstranjevanje (once-off action, stress on completion). But: Med nameščanjem je prišlo do napake - note that the meaning here is "during installation" (stress on process, duration) For dialog titles, however, the imperfective form of the corresponding verb should be used whenever possible. Some examples: 30 English Slovenian Open Odpiranje Print Tiskanje Save Shranjevanje Save as Shranjevanje Save Scheme Shranjevanje sheme Add Dodajanje Add xxxx Dodajanje xxx (genitive) Add to Dodajanje med ... Find Iskanje Word Order General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Style and Tone Considerations This section focuses on higher-level considerations for audience, style, tone, and voice. Audience Microsoft products have a broad audience, so the text should be inclusive and nondiscriminatory. Terminology should not make users feel that the product is not for them. Examples: (+) druţinske varnostne nastavitve (-) starševski nadzor (Starši se lahko počutijo obtoţene, da preveč nadzirajo otroke.) (+) Najdite partnerja svojih sanj. (-) Najdite svojega sanjskega moškega. (Omeji uporabnike na tiste, ki se sestajajo z moškimi) Style Use simple, direct words. Editorial style must be clear, simple, and correct. Use the simplest and most specific word possible. E.g., use tudi instead of prav tako. Use precise words. When it works with the tone and voice, use one-word nouns and verbs. Nouns and verbs containing multiple words, such as sprijazniti se z, pobrati sadove and prvi v vrsti, can be mistakenly interpreted as individual terms instead of the noun or verb phrase. One-word terms, such as prenašati, dokončati and vodje are easier to interpret. 31 Avoid idiomatic and colloquial expressions. Idioms can confuse non-native speakers, and they take extra time to translate. For example, the Italian equivalent of Ubiti dve muhi na en mah is Ujeti dva goloba z enim zrnom. Avoid surprising or humorous word choices, slang, and sarcasm. Puns and coined phrases can be difficult to interpret, and non-native English speakers might not recognize humour or sarcasm. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations (except if the meaning is obvious, as in St. Peterburg), or use them sparingly and define them in context. E.g. WA is the abbreviation for one of the US states and for West Australia. Use contractions in most cases. Contractions can help provide a more casual tone. However, if the subject matter is serious, such as a critical error, the text may benefit from a more formal tone, e.g. ni mogoče instead of nemogoče. Use one term for one concept, and use terms consistently. Although the use of synonyms might be more interesting to read, users might assume that your choice of a different term indicates a subtle distinction in meaning. If a term describing a concept already exists, use it. Use terms that already exist, but avoid giving specific technical meaning to common Slovenian terms. Users are most familiar with the standard meaning, and might not notice the difference in use. Avoid using jargon and creating words or applying new meanings to common words. If you must use these terms, define them near the beginning of every section or article. Jargon is also frequently based on metaphor or U.S. business practices, which might not make sense to worldwide users. Tone Localized text in Slovenian speaks directly to users in the second person plural (referring to the user as “vi”). Writers should avoid referring to themselves (“jaz”). (+) Izraţajte se (-) Izraţam se (+) Vaš zadnji nakup (-) Moj zadnji nakup If necessary, writers can refer to Microsoft or Windows Live as "we," but only if this usage benefits readability or tone. (+) Priporočamo, da namestite te varnostne funkcije, da bo računalnik varnejši. (Uporaba prve osebe mnoţine je v tem primeru primerna, saj deluje bolj prijateljsko in manj ukazovalno.) (-) Te strani ne moremo najti. (Prva oseba mnoţine daje vtis, da Microsoft nadzoruje ta postopek, in ima tukaj negativno konotacijo.) One way to avoid the use of "we" is to change the voice to imperative: Example: Namestite te varnostne funkcije, da bo računalnik varnejši. 32 Voice In general, use the active voice, which emphasizes the person or thing doing the action. An active voice is more direct and personal than the passive voice, which can be confusing or sound formal. Use the passive voice only in the following cases: When you need to avoid a wordy or awkward construction When the action rather than the doer is the focus of the sentence When the subject is unknown In error messages, when the user is the subject and might feel blamed for the error if you use the active voice: (+) Strani ni mogoče najti. (Z uporabo pasiva se učinkovito izognemo uporabi prve osebe mnoţine in s tem prevzemanju krivde.) (-) Strani ne moremo najti. (Prva oseba mnoţine daje vtis, da Microsoft nadzoruje ta postopek, in ima tukaj negativno konotacijo.) (+) Nekateri zahtevani podatki manjkajo. (Z uporabo pasiva se učinkovito izognemo prelaganju krivde na uporabnika.) (-) Niste vnesli vseh zahtevanih podatkov. (Preveč neposredno krivimo uporabnika.) English Translation You are now connected to the Internet. Povezava z internetom je vzpostavljena. 33 Localization Guidelines This section contains guidelines for localization into Slovenian. General Considerations Abbreviations Common Abbreviations You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options names) due to lack of space. This can be done in the following ways: Use the common abbreviations listed below. Note, however, that extensive use of abbreviations is not recommended. Don't abbreviate any words that may not be immediately recognizable to a user. Use abbreviations only when this is necessary for technical reasons that might prevent normal functioning of localized products. When in doubt, spell out. In compound abbreviations such as "t. i." always use non-breaking space (CTRL+SHIFT+spacebar). If, for technical reasons, the non-breaking space cannot be used (e.g. in Help files) the space in such abbreviations may be left out to prevent one part of the abbreviations moving to the beginning of next line. List of common abbreviations: Expression Acceptable Abbreviation na primer npr. in tako dalje itd. število št. angleško angl. slovensko slov. oziroma oz. tako imenovani t. i. to je tj. gospod, gospa, gospodična g., ga., gdč. Don’t abbreviate words such as product names. 34 Accessibility This section does not apply for Slovenian. Acronyms Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. Some well-known examples are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), or RAM (Random Access Memory). They should be declinated in Slovenian or used with a modifier. Examples: PIN: kodi PIN, PIN-u RAM: pomnilnika RAM, RAM-a Localized Acronyms General Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Unlocalized Acronyms See general comments at beginning of this section. Otherwise Slovenian grammar rules apply (see references at beginning of SG). Applications, Products, and Features Application/product names are often trademarked or may be trademarked in the future and are therefore rarely translated. Occasionally, feature names are trademarked, too (e.g. IntelliSense™). Before translating any application, product, or feature name, please verify that it is in fact translatable and not protected in any way. The Slovenian subsidiary has recommended that non-localized product names are not to be declined. A qualifier should thus be used in front of all such non-localized product names to avoid direct declination of the product name (declination is moved to the qualifier). Several examples of the old and new approaches are listed below: EN: Microsoft Office document OLD SL: Microsoft Officeov dokument NEW SL: dokument zbirke Microsoft Office EN: Excel spreadsheet OLD SL: Excelova preglednica NEW SL: preglednica programa Excel 35 EN: Open the email in Outlook OLD SL: E-poštno sporočilo odprite v Outlooku NEW SL: E-poštno sporočilo odprite v programu Outlook N.B.: A qualifier needs to be used only if the product name would otherwise need to be declined. It should be omitted in all other cases. Example: (+) Outlook se ja zaprl (-) Program Outlook se je zaprl Frequent Errors These are explained throughout the other sections. Please see the appropriate subject for the most common issues. Glossaries Please make sure to consult Microsoft terminology available at Consistent use of Microsoft approved terminology in all localized products is one of the major factors in achieving the required quality of the localized product. Fictitious Information Fictitious content is legally sensitive material and as such cannot be handled as a pure terminology or localization issue. Vendors and Localizers are not allowed to create their own fictitious names. Recurring Patterns No applicable rules in this section. Standardized Translations There are a number of standardized translations mentioned in all sections of this Style Guide. In order to find them more easily, the most relevant topics and sections are compiled here for you reference. 36 English Slovenian Make sure that ... To do x do y For x do y Poskrbite, da bo ... Zagotovite Not advised Poskrbite za to, da bo Comments This translation depends on context, but should preferably be translated in line with either one of the two patterns on the left. Če ţelite narediti x, naredite y Da bi naredili x, naredite y This is a standard agreed translation and should be applied in all instances, except when this would result in a duplication of syntactic patterns or illogical translation. cannot can't can not could not couldn't unable to failed to x ni (bilo) mogoče ... Do not show me this message again Tega sporočila ne kaţi več Tega sporočila ne Always translate messages prikazuj več/Ne kaţi več with this content, regardless of tega sporočila, ... the actual source wording, the same way. Če ţelite pomoč, kliknite F1. Always translate messages with this content, regardless of the actual source wording, the same way. Press F1 to get Help. If you want Help press F1. To get Help press F1. Are you sure ...? Ali ste prepričani ...? Do you want to ...? Ali ţelite ...? Click OK to continue Če ţelite nadaljevati, kliknite »V redu« se ne da ... This is a standard agreed translation and should be applied in all instances, except when this would result in a duplication of syntactic patterns or illogical translation. The system cannot open Datoteke ni mogoče odpreti. the file. Standard phrase Could not start print job. Tiskalniškega posla ni bilo mogoče začeti. Standard phrase Failed to create empty document. Praznega dokumenta ni bilo mogoče ustvariti. No memory Not enough memory Insufficient memory There is not enough memory available Out of memory There is not enough memory available Na voljo ni dovolj pomnilnika. Cannot find file Datoteke ni mogoče najti. Standard phrase Always translate messages with this content, regardless of the actual source wording, the same way. Always translate messages 37 Failed to find file File not found Unable to find file with this content, regardless of the actual source wording, the same way. it is recurring se ponavlja. je ponavljajoče se. This product has already been activated Ta izdelek je ţe aktiviran Ta izdelek je ţe bil aktiviran Choose the type of installation you need Izberite vrsto namestitve Izberite vrsto namestitve, ki jo potrebujete Do not show this xxxx Tega xxx ne kaţi več Tega xxx ne prikaţi/prikazuj ... več ... application version 1.1 ... program različica 1.1 ali or later novejša ... 1.0 or later There are many versions of this type of message. Only the one in the second column should be used, though. Program različice 1.1 ali Example: novejše različice tega This document was originally programa created in Microsoft version FrontPage 3.0 or later WRONG: Ta dokument je bil izvirno ustvarjen s programom Microsoft FrontPage, različica 3.0 ali novejša - (+) Ta dokument je bil izvirno ustvarjen s programom Microsoft FrontPage različice 3.0 ali novejše. ... 1.0 ali novejša različica tega programa Example: This feature requires Microsoft Windows Media Player 8 or later - WRONG: Za to moţnost morate imeti Microsoft Windows Media Player 8 ali njegovo novejšo različico - (+) Za to moţnost morate imeti Microsoft Windows Media Player 8 ali novejšo različico tega programa Phrasal verbs Below is the list of the most common phrasal verbs and their standard translations: English Check in Check out Login in Log out Log on Sign in Sing out Slovenian Sprostiti Rezervirati Prijaviti se Odjaviti se Prijaviti se Vpisati se Izpisati se Comment Eg: Check in a document E.g. Check out a document Prijaviti se v Odjaviti se iz Vpis Izpis 38 Sign up Naročiti se Naročanje Quit, Exit and Close There is considerable inconsistency in the way the verbs Exit, Quit and Close are used. To avoid reproducing this inconsistency in Slovenian translations observe the following rules: Use "Zapri" as the translation for "Close" when referring to windows, documents and dialog boxes. Use "Izhod" as the translation for "Exit" as the command name only; Use "Končaj" as the translation for "Quit" as a transitive verb, as in "quit the program." When referring to closing a program "Končaj" also is the preferred translation for the following verbs: close, exit, end, leave, stop, or terminate. In these cases "Končaj" rather than respective standard translations should be used. Note that the user can click the Close button or the Exit command to quit, but close (Zapri) should be used only to refer to either the button or closing a window and exit (Izhod) only to refer to the command. Click and Select The English text mostly uses "click" and "point" (instead of "choose"). The Slovenian equivalents are "klikniti" and "pokazati". They may be used without the preposition »na« if such a translation is unambigous and stylistically acceptable (e.g. Click OK – Kliknite »V redu«). In some older or updated texts you may still find "choose" for commands instead of "click". However, it should still be translated as "klikniti" to save the verb "izbrati" for cases when the uses has the option to choose one from among several options. "Enter" and "type" should be translated as "vnesti" in cases when it is not emphasized that the user must press the Enter, TAB or arrow key to make an input. When this emphasis exists the translation "natipkati" should be used. Usage of "Select" Item Lists English Slovenian Comment In the drop-down list, Izberite moţnost s spustnega select = izbrati select an option. seznama. Uporabnik izbira med ali Izberite moţnost na spustnem pripravljenimi moţnostmi, ki so mu na seznamu. voljo. Check Boxes Select the check box. Potrdite potrditveno polje. select = potrditi, toda »to clear« a check box = »počistiti« Highlighting Text, Graphics, Select the text and Označite besedilo in ga povlecite select = označiti Cells, etc. then drag it to the new na novo mesto. Uporabnik označi location. besedilo (grafiko, celico ali kar koli drugega). 39 Usage of “Click” Item Menus Cascading Menus Shortcut Menus Toolbars/ Buttons English On the ____ menu, click _____. On the ___ menu, click ___, and then click ___. On the shortcut menu, click _____. Click ___. On the toolbar, click ___. English Example On the File menu, click Open. Slovenian V meniju Datoteka kliknite Odpri. On the View menu, click Fonts, V meniju Pogled kliknite Pisave, nato pa še Male. and then click Small. V priročnem meniju kliknite Izreži. On the shortcut menu, click Cut. Click xxx. On the toolbar, click xxx. Click the arrow next Click the arrow next to _____ and then click to xxx, and then click the file type ____ . you want. Buttons Click _____. Click Forms. Click OK. Click the _____ button. Click the Save button. Tab Dialog On the ____ menu, click On the Properties menu, click Boxes ______, and then click the Service Properties, and then click _____ tab. the Log tab. Click the ____ tab. Click the View tab. Edit boxes In the ____ box, type _____ In the Fonts box, type Arial and and then press enter. then press enter. List Boxes In the _____ box, click In the Color box, click Red. ____. Kliknite xxx. V orodni vrstici kliknite xxx. Kliknite puščico poleg xxx nato pa še ţeleno vrsto datoteke. Kliknite Obrazci. Kliknite V redu. Kliknite gumb Shrani. V meniju Lastnosti kliknite Lastnosti storitev in nato še zavihek Dnevnik. Kliknite zavihek Pogled. V polje Pisave natipkajte Arial in pritisnite (tipko) ENTER. V polju Barva kliknite Rdeče. Master/Slave Please always translate Master/Slave as "Glavni/Odvisen" Parent/Child Please always translate Parent/Child as "Nadrejen/Podrejen". Source and Original Source = Izvoren (e.g. Source code = Izvorna koda) Original = Izviren (e.g. Original document = Izvirni dokument) Fail Please always translate "xxx failed to ..." or "Failed to xxx" and other phrases with the same meaning as "... ni uspel/..." rather than as "... je spodletel/..." This should not be confused, however, with phrases containing "could not, cannot, ..." that are translated using the phrase "ni (bilo) mogoče ..." 40 Keyboard Shortcuts English keyboard shortcut shortcut key Slovenian bliţnjica na tipkovnici bliţnjična tipka Start, Stop, Continue Never translate the verbs "start", "stop" or "continue" as "začni z nečim", "prenehaj z nečim" or "nadaljuj z nečim" respectively. This pattern characteristic of Croatian but misleading in Slovenian as it implies that another kind of activity was taking place before or after the "continue with" command. English Slovenian Comment Start searching Začni iskanje "Začni z iskanjem" implies it continues with something else Stop speaking Prenehaj govoriti "Prenehaj z govorjenjem" implies some other activity should replace speaking. Continue searching Nadaljuj iskanje "Začni z iskanjem" implies it started with something else One or more ... Whenever possible, "one or more" should be translated as "nekateri" or "nekaj" or "več", depending on context. Avoid translating literally to "eden ali več". This is not an absolute rule, however, as sometimes the "eden ali več" translation is the only appropriate (See example #3). English Correct Wrong* or weak style One or more of the selected linked tables could not be refreshed. Nekaterih tabel ni bilo mogoče osveţiti Ene ali več tabel ni bilo mogoče osveţiti One or more macros were not converted Nekateri makri niso bili pretvorjeni Eden ali več makrov ni bil pretvorjen You can sort labels by one or more fileds Nalepke lahko razvrstite po enem ali več poljih * Nalepke lahko razvrstite po nekaterih poljih Unlocalized Items Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldn’t be localized. A list of Microsoft trademarks is available for your reference at the following location: Using the Word Microsoft In English, it is prohibited to use MS as an abbreviation for Microsoft. Microsoft may be freely declined in UI and text, unless there is a copyright/trademark symbol next to it. Example: Microsoftova programska oprema. 41 Software Considerations This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes etc., which should be consistently translated in the localized product. Refer to for a detailed explanation of the Windows user interface guidelines (English). User Interface Menus Menu names should be translated consistently in all localized products: the same US term should have identical translations in all localized applications. Choose a noun or a gerund as a translation for a menu, (e.g.: File – Datoteka, Edit – Urejanje, View – Pogled, Insert – Vstavljanje, Actions – Dejanja, etc.). Where it isn't possible to use a noun, use verbs, but always remember to apply the rules for verbs described in the appropriate section above. Note: If in doubt, always check the verb form in the Microsoft terminology database. All exceptions are listed there. Commands Command names should be consistently translated in all localized products: the same US term should have an identical translation in all localized applications. Command names which are nouns should be translated as nouns (e.g.: Comment – Komentar, Column – Stolpec). Nouns always take the nominative case (imenovalnik). Command names which are verbs are normally translated as verbs (Copy – Kopiraj, Save – Shrani, etc.), but always remember to apply the rules for verbs described in the section on style. Rules on capitalization of composite commands are described in the section on style. Note: If in doubt, please, always check the verb form in the Microsoft terminology database. All exceptions are listed there. Messages Status Messages What is a Status Bar Message? 42 A status bar message is an informational message about the active document or a selected command as well as about any active or selected interface item. Messages are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window when the user has chosen a menu, a command or any other item, or has started a function. The status bar messages refer to actions being performed or already complete (for example in Outlook below). Slovenian Style in Status bar Messages In English, the status bar messages have different forms dependent on the information they must convey. In Slovenian, menu and commands status bar messages should follow the format below. Name Edit Slovenian Name Uredi Copy to Folder... Kopiraj v mapo ... New Novo Category English Status Bar message Slovenian Status Bar message menu Contains editing commands Vsebuje ukaze za urejanje menu Copies the selected items to a new location Kopira izbrane elemente na novo meso command Creates a new document Ustvari nov dokument Make object visible? Ali naj bo predmet viden? Word is converting the document. Press Esc to stop. Word pretvarja document. Pritisnite »Esc«, da prekinete. Datasheet View Pogled podatkovnega lista Done Dokončano The importance of standardization In the US product you can often find messages that are phrased differently even though they have the same meaning. Try to avoid this in the localized Slovenian version. Use one standard translation as in the examples below: 43 English term Correct Slovenian translation Press F1 to get Help If you want Help press F1 Če ţelite pomoč, pritisnite F1. To get Help press F1 Not enough memory Insufficient memory Ni dovolj pomnilnika There is not enough memory Save changes to %1? Ali ţelite shraniti spremembe v %1? Do you want to save changes to %1? Error Messages What Is An Error Message? Here is an example: Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user that there is an error that must be corrected in order for the program to keep running. For example, the messages can prompt the user to take an action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the computer. Slovenian Style in Error Messages It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error messages, and not just translate as they appear in the US product. Error messages are sometimes “abbreviated” into elliptical sentence structures. In Slovenian, the abbreviated style does not work well and should be used as sparingly as possible. 44 Punctuation guidelines Slovenian error messages in most cases end with the period. However, when the source message ends with three dots, the Slovenian should as well. When there is no end period in source, there should be none in Slovenian. Exclamation marks in Slovenian error messages should be used sparingly. One should bear in mind that most English sentences ending with the exclamation mark should not have one in Slovenian. Standard Phrases in Error Messages When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses different forms to express the same thing. Use the present tense, even if the US error message is in the past tense. Sometimes, messages in the US original are phrased differently although they have the same meaning. Try to avoid this in the localized Slovenian version. Use one standard translation for the same English meaning. Examples: English Cannot … Could not … Failed to … Failure of … Translation Example Comment ni mogoče Storitve ni mogoče zagnati. Word order must be changed for Slovenian. ni bilo mogoče Storitve ni bilo mogoče zagnati. … ni mogoče najti. Datoteke ni mogoče najti. Na voljo ni dovolj pomnilnika Na voljo ni dovolj pomnilnika za izvedbo tega postopka. … ni na voljo. Tiskalnik ni na voljo. Cannot find … Could not find … Unable to find … Unable to locate … Not enough memory Insufficient memory There is not enough memory There is not enough memory available ... is not available ... is unavailable 45 Error Messages Containing Placeholders When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase. Note that the letters used in placeholders convey a specific meaning, see examples below: %d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number> %c means <letter> %s means <string> Examples of error messages containing placeholders: "Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>". "INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section". Examples in Slovenian: (-) %s ni mogoče najti (+) Programa %s ni mogoče najti. Keys The keyboard is the primary input device used for text input in Microsoft Windows. For accessibility and efficiency, most actions can be performed using the keyboard as well. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys, key combinations and key sequences. In English, References to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys, appear in normal text (not in small caps). The same should apply in Slovenian. The table below lists the names of most keys, and also gives Slovenian names for them. They should not be used, however, if there is an English name written on the key itself. The descriptor "tipka" may be used for clarity where necessary (e.g. "s tipko TAB skočite v naslednje polje"), but do not overuse this option as translations may become clumsy. English Slovenian usage Slovenian names ALT ALT IZMENJALKA BACKSPACE BACKSPACE (tudi vračalka) VRAČALKA BREAK BREAK BREAK CAPS LOCK CAPSLOCK ZAKLEPALKA VELIKOSTI CTRL CTRL KRMILKA DELETE DELETE BRISALKA 46 DOWN ARROW puščica dol puščica dol END END DOKONČNICA ENTER ENTER VNAŠALKA ESC ESC UBEŢNICA F1–F12 F1–F12 (tudi funkcijska tipka F1) FUNKCIJSKE TIPKE F1–F12 HOME HOME IZHODIŠČNICA INS INS VRIVALKA LEFT ARROW puščica levo puščica levo NUMLOCK NUMLOCK ZAKLEPALKA ŠTEVILČNICE PAGE DOWN PgDn Pg Dn PAGE UP PgUp Pg Up PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE PRINT SCREEN PRINTSCREEN TISKALKA ENTER (keypad) ENTER (številska tipkovnica) RIGHT ARROW puščica desno puščica desno SCROLL LOCK SCROLLLOCK ZAKLEPALKA DRSENJA SHIFT SHIFT (tudi dvigalka) DVIGALKA SPACEBAR preslednica PRESLEDNICA TAB TAB (tudi tabulatorka) TABULATORKA UP ARROW puščica gor puščica gor 47 Access Keys/Hot keys Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands or dialog boxes. These letters refer to access keys (also known as hot keys) that allow you to run commands, perform tasks etc. more quickly. Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? Notes "Slim characters", such as I, l, t, r, f can be used as hot key yes But only if no other character is available. Characters with downstrokes, such as g, j, y, p and q can be used as hotkeys yes But only if no other character is available. Extended characters can be used as hotkeys no An additional letter, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkeys yes A number, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey yes A punctuation sign, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey yes Duplicate hotkeys are allowed when no other character is available yes 48 Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? No hotkey is assigned when no more characters are available (minor options only) yes Notes Additional notes: n/a Arrow Keys The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right arrow key moves input focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left arrow moves input focus to the previous control. Home, End, Up, and Down also have their expected behavior within a group. Users can't navigate out of a control group using arrow keys. Numeric Keypad It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other keys, unless it is required by a given application. In case which keys to be pressed is not obvious, provide necessary explanations. Shortcut Keys Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform defined functions in a software application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and they are sometimes given next to the command they represent. In opposition to the access keys, which can be used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys can be used even when they are not accessible on the screen. Standard Shortcut Keys US Command US English Shortcut Key Slovenian Command Slovenian Shortcut key General Windows Shortcut keys Help window F1 same F1 Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1 same Shift+F1 Display pop-up menu Shift+F10 same Shift+F10 Cancel Esc Prekliči Esc Activate\Deactivate menu bar mode F10 same F10 49 US Command US English Shortcut Key Slovenian Command Slovenian Shortcut key Switch to the next primary application Alt+Tab same Alt+Tab Display next window Alt+Esc same Alt+Esc Display pop-up menu for the window Alt+Spacebar same Alt+Spacebar Display pop-up menu for the active child window Alt+- same Alt+- Display property sheet for current selection Alt+Enter same Alt+Enter Close active application window Alt+F4 same Alt+F4 Switch to next window within (modeless-compliant) application Alt+F6 same Alt+F6 Capture active window image to the Clipboard Alt+Prnt Scrn same Alt+Prnt Scrn Capture desktop image to the Clipboard Prnt Scrn same Prnt Scrn Access Start button in taskbar Ctrl+Esc same Ctrl+Esc Display next child window Ctrl+F6 same Ctrl+F6 Display next tabbed pane Ctrl+Tab same Ctrl+Tab Launch Task Manager and system initialization Ctrl+Shift+Esc same Ctrl+Shift+Esc File Menu File New Ctrl+N Datoteka Nova Ctrl+N File Open Ctrl+O Datoteka Odpri Ctrl+O File Close Ctrl+F4 Datoteka Zapri Ctrl+F4 File Save Ctrl+S Datoteka Shrani Ctrl+S File Save as F12 Datoteka Shrani kot F12 File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 Datoteka Predogled tiskanja Ctrl+F2 File Print Ctrl+P Datoteka Natisni Ctrl+P File Exit Alt+F4 Datoteka Izhod Alt+F4 50 US Command US English Shortcut Key Slovenian Command Slovenian Shortcut key Edit Menu Edit Undo Ctrl+Z Urejanje Razveljavi Ctrl+Z Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y Urejanje Ponovi Ctrl+Y Edit Cut Ctrl+X Urejanje Izreţi Ctrl+X Edit Copy Ctrl+C Urejanje Ponovi Ctrl+C Edit Paste Ctrl+V Urejanje Prilepi Ctrl+V Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace Urejanje Izbriši Ctrl+Backspace Edit Select All Ctrl+A Urejanje Izberi vse Ctrl+A Edit Find Ctrl+F Urejanje Najdi Ctrl+F Edit Replace Ctrl+H Urejanje Zamenjaj Ctrl+H Edit Go To Ctrl+B Urejanje Pojdi na Ctrl+B Help Menu Help Pomoč F1 F1 Font Format Italic Ctrl+I Leţeče Ctrl+I Bold Ctrl+G Krepko Ctrl+G Underlined\Word underline Ctrl+U Podčrtano\Samo besede Ctrl+U Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A Samo velike črke Ctrl+Shift+A Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K Pomanjšane velike črke Ctrl+Shift+K Paragraph Format Centered Ctrl+E Na sredino Ctrl+E Left aligned Ctrl+L Poravnaj levo Ctrl+L Right aligned Ctrl+R Poravnaj desno Ctrl+R Justified Ctrl+J Obojestranska poravnava Ctrl+J 51 Document Translation Considerations Document localization may require some specific considerations that are different from software localization. This section covers a few of these areas. Help documentation contains a lot of text which makes language quality and consistent application of typographic convention of particular importance. Write all instructions and procedures using an imperative form. Translate introductory or descriptive parts using an impersonal descriptive style. Consistent use of typographic conventions in documentation helps users locate and interpret information easily. The following guidelines present specific typographic conventions which will be used in US and localized print and online documentation. The US format should be followed as closely as possible. All instances in which the Slovenian convention is different from the US convention are shaded. ITEM User Interface Slo Format US Example Slo Example Menu names Command names Bold Bold meni Datoteka ukaz Priprava strani Dialog Box Titles Dialogbox elements: Tab names Option names Field names Button names List box names Text box names Check box names Bold Bold the File menu the Page Setup command the Options dialog box zavihek Pogled moţnost Pokončno polje Obrazec gumb V redu seznamsko polje Vrsta datoteke vnosno polje Geslo potrditveno polje Samo za branje Icon names Bold Views Windows Views (unnamed) Windows (unnamed) Bold the View tab the Portrait option the Form field the OK button the Files of type list box the Password text box the Read Only check box Click the Microsoft Internet Explorer icon. Full Screen view the Print window Switch to normal view. No formatting pogovorno okno Možnosti Kliknite ikono Microsoft Internet Explorer. pogled Celoten zaslon okno Tiskanje Preklopite v navaden pogled. … v oknu dokumenta … … in the document window … User Input Literal Placeholder (Nadomestno besedilo) Key names and combinations Bold Italic Type a:setup … Type password … Natipkajte a:setup … Natipkajte Geslo … Print /Help: … press ENTER … press SHIFT+F2 … pritisnite ENTER … pritisnite SHIFT+F2 SMALL CAPS (two points less then remaining text) 52 ITEM Slo Format Software: US Example Slo Example Ctrl+G Ctrl+G … see Chapter 12 in the Microsoft Word for Windows User’s Guide. … see “Special Characters” in chapter 4, “Programming Fundamentals.” In the online index look up: Favorites … glejte 12. poglavje v Priročniku Microsoft Word za Windows. … v 4. poglavju »Osnove programiranja« poiščite »Posebni znaki«. … the Windows Explorer shows the file structure. … Raziskovalec pokaţe datotečno strukturo. Initial Caps Cross-References Titles of manuals Italic Appendix, chapter, and section names Quotation marks (»«) Help index entry Bold V stvarnem kazalu pomoči poiščite: Priljubljene Miscellaneous Program names and group names Only bold when one has to click on them. Directory names (folders), long/short file names, paths, URLs Bold Acronyms Command-line commands/switches Port names All caps Bold All caps Click Windows Explorer, to open it. the Letter to Eve file Lexirom.exe EXCEL.EXE C:\folder1\file.ext DDE, OLE copy command /a switch LPT1, COM1 Kliknite Raziskovalec, če ga ţelite zagnati. datoteka Pismo Evi Lexirom.exe EXCEL.EXE C:\mapa1\datoteka.erw DDE, OLE ukaz copy stikalo /a LPT1, COM1 Titles In English the titles for chapters usually begin with "How to …" or with phrases such as "Working with …" or "Using …". In the Slovenian version of Microsoft documentation general Slovenian grammar rules apply. Copyright Copyright protection is granted to any original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated. 53
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