Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014 A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.) ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4 A numerical procedure for calibrating damage indices Chara Ch. Mitropoulou, Nikos D. Lagaros, Manolis Papadrakakis Institute of Structural Analysis & Antiseismic Research, National Technical University of Athens, 9, Iroon Polytechniou Str., Zografou Campus, 157 80 Athens, Greece. email: {chmitrop, nlagaros, mpapadra} ABSTRACT: In this study a numerical calibration procedure is proposed for some of the most widely accepted damage indices (DIs) used for quantifying the extent of damage in reinforced concrete structures. In particular, without loss of generality of the applicability of the proposed procedure, the Park and Ang local damage index, its modified variant proposed by Kunnath, Reinhorn and Lobo; the Chung, Meyer and Shinozuka local damage index; along with the maximum and final softening damage indices proposed by Di Pasquale and Çakmak, are calibrated on the basis of the width of crack openings. Τhe proposed procedure is performed in two steps that both are based on the incremental dynamic analysis. In the first one, the estimation of the crack width is performed by means of detailed modelling with hexahedral finite elements for concrete and rod elements for steel reinforcement. Due to the extensive computing demands the databank of values for the damage indices under investigation is defined based on coarse models with beam-column elements, in the second step of the proposed calibration procedure. Finally, the statistical characteristics of DIs are computed by means of horizontal statistics in conjunction with the maximum likelihood function method and an optimization algorithm; the statistical characteristics are used for assessing the efficiency of each DI. KEY WORDS: Damage indices; numerical calibration; incremental dynamic analysis; detailed finite element modelling; performance based design. 1 INTRODUCTION Performance-Based Design (PBD) in earthquake engineering is the state-of-the-art framework for future developments in structural design. PBD in engineering practice requires the definition of clearly determined levels of damage achieved for different seismic intensity levels. In order to implement this design framework, appropriate models for assessing the structural damage, within the context of a random seismic environment, are required. The idea of describing the state of damage of the structure by one number on a defined scale in the form of a damage index (DI) is attractive because of its simplicity. So far, a number of researchers have studied various DIs for reinforced concrete or steel structures [1-4]. Damage indices can be broadly divided into two classes [5]: (a) strength-based DIs; and (b) response-based DIs. Strengthbased DIs do not require finite element (FE) analysis [6,7]; however, they must be calibrated against observed damages using a large experimental database. Although the seismic performance of the structures is commonly related to their capacity to undergo inelastic deformations, experimental studies have shown that ductility as well as alternative measures of the structural performance in case of seismic loading, based on the theory of low-cycle fatigue, do not seem to provide a satisfactory index of the seismic damage [8]. These test results are consistent with the notion that failure of brittle systems is caused by excessive deformation, while the failure of ideal ductile systems is initiated by repeated inelastic deformations. The damage indices, used for structural systems that are neither ideal brittle nor ideal ductile, need to account for the damage effect of both excessive and repeated inelastic deformations [9]. Thus, there is a need for more general and reliable indices able to characterize the performance of the structures. The responsebased DIs can be divided into three groups according to the quantity that the index accounts for [2]: (a) maximum deformation indices [10-14]; (b) cumulative damage indices [8,15]; and (c) combination of maximum deformation and cumulative damage indices. In this work some of the most widely accepted damage indices accounting for both maximum deformation and cumulative damage are considered. In particular, the Park and Ang [9] local damage index, its modified variant proposed by Kunnath, Reinhorn and Lobo [16], the Chung, Meyer and Shinozuka [17,18] local damage index, along with the maximum and final softening damage indices proposed by DiPasquale and Çakmak [19,20] are studied in this work. In this study a numerical calibration procedure is proposed and it is applied to the above mentioned damage indices that are used to quantify the extent of damage in reinforced concrete structures. Furthermore, the width of the crack openings is used as the basis for implementing the calibration procedure. The estimation of the crack width is performed using detailed numerical modelling with hexahedral finite elements for the concrete and rod elements for the steel reinforcement; while due to the computing demands the databank of values for the damage indices under investigation is defined based on coarse models with beam-column elements. Both steps of the proposed procedure are based on the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) [21]. Next, the statistical characteristics of the DIs are computed by means of horizontal statistics in conjunction with the maximum likelihood function method and an optimization algorithm. 283 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 The proposed numerical calibration procedure is not limited neither to the DIs considered, nor to the quantity used as a basis (crack width), or the material (reinforced concrete). For the purposes of the current study one 3D framed structure is considered. 2 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE For the needs of a calibration procedure a significant number of experimental tests are required that will provide snapshots of the structural behavior corresponding to different damage levels for a number of structural systems. In order to replace the experimental tests, which are expensive and cannot be performed for any structural system, the proposed calibration procedure is based on numerical experiments. The idea behind the proposed numerical calibration procedure is to correlate levels of visible damages with engineering demand parameters (EDPs) values (i.e. the damage indices considered). The levels of the visible damages considered in this study are based on the crack width openings observed in experimental tests found in the literature [22]. For this purpose, the proposed numerical calibration procedure of the damage indices is based on the incremental dynamic analysis [21] procedure where Nincr nonlinear dynamic analyses are performed, each for a specific earthquake hazard level of increased intensity. For demonstration purposes the five damage indices described above, belonging to the category of maximum deformation and cumulative damage, are considered; while in order to implement the proposed numerical calibration procedure the level of the structural damage is associated with the crack width. The main objective of the IDA-based study is to define a correlation of the intensity level and the maximum seismic response of the structural system and it is represented with a curve. The intensity level and the seismic response are described through an intensity measure (IM) and an engineering demand parameter, respectively; while IDA is implemented through the following five steps: (i) Define a reliable nonlinear finite element model for performing the required nonlinear dynamic analyses; (ii) select a suit of natural records; (iii) select the proper intensity measure and engineering demand parameter; (iv) employ a suitable algorithm for selecting the record scaling factor in order to obtain the IDA curve with the least required nonlinear dynamic analyses and (v) employ a post processing technique for exploiting the multiple records results. Figure 1 depicts the calibration procedure, where the seismic demand used for calibrating the damage indices DIi (i=1,2,...,m) is defined with reference to the characterization of the damage state associated with respect to the crack openings (0.05 cm, 0.1cm, 0.3cm and 0.4cm), without loss of generality of the proposed procedure. The crack openings are monitored at the beam-column joints (at the end of the structural elements). Furthermore, it should be noted that there are cases where the width of diagonal cracks is much more of a concern than the width of flexural cracks, for this reason both diagonal and flexural cracks are monitored. Although this approach (correlation of DIs with crack openings) can be considered as a simplistic one, it is employed in this study since the relation between the maximum crack openings and 284 the level of damage can be found in the literature [22]. However, the distribution of the cracks, or more accurately, the distribution of the plastic strains within the structure can also be used. According to a recent work by Mitropoulou et al. [23] there are cases where more than 80 natural records are required in order to obtain a good estimation of the probabilistic characteristics of a response quantity. For the purpose of this study 100 natural records have been used, which are randomly selected from the four lists of records. These records have been selected from the PEER [24] strong-motion database with the following features: (i) Events occurred in specific area (longitude -124o to -115o, latitude 32o to 41o). (ii) Moment magnitude (M) is equal to or greater than 5. (iii) Epicentral distance (R) is smaller than 150 km. These records, according to step (iv) of IDA, are scaled into multiple hazard levels and the 16%, 50% and 84% fractile curves for each damage index are developed. In order to compare the observed structural damage (quantified in this study through the crack openings) with the values of the damage indices, 3D detailed modelling with solid finite elements is used. Performing IDA over a pool of 100 natural records with detailed finite element models requires extensive computational effort which is substantially reduced with the procedure presented in Figure 1: (i) For each seismic intensity level of IDA the mean response spectrum of the 100 natural records is obtained. (ii) One artificial accelerogram is generated for each intensity level to be consistent with the corresponding mean response spectrum. This artificial accelerogram is implemented in the framework of IDA for defining the dynamic capacity curve (correlation pairs “SA(T1,5%)crack width”). For the test example considered in this study, a constant incremental step size of 0.05 g is applied up to failure, resulting into 100 to 120 increments, in order to obtain the database of the “SA(T1,5%)-crack width” pairs uniformly distributed over the range of crack openings. Following this procedure the damage levels are correlated with the hazard levels. (iii) The correlation of the crack width with the values of the DIs for the 100 natural records is achieved with the IDA studies, performed for each DI implementing beamcolumn FE simulation of the structure. (iv) The statistical characteristics of the DIs are computed by means of horizontal statistics in conjunction with the maximum likelihood function method and an optimization algorithm. The statistical information necessary to understand and quantify the behavior of structural systems can be presented in different formats depending upon the objective. For instance, if the issue is loss assessment, where it is important to evaluate the distribution, mean value and/or dispersion of a DI (or EDP) for a given IM, the “horizontal” statistics format is applied as the most appropriate one. However, if the issue is conceptual design or fragility analysis, where the designer’s main objective is to find the global strength required to limit the value of a DI (or EDP) to a certain quality, then “vertical” statistics are the most suitable. “Vertical” statistics are also used to quantify the ground Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 motion intensity at which a system approaches a certain limit state. The terms “horizontal” and “vertical” presuppose that DIs (or EDPs) are plotted on the horizontal axis and IMs on the vertical axis. Since this study is concerned with the correlation of damage levels with response quantities, the most appropriate format is the “horizontal” statistics for the hazard levels in order to calculate the statistical parameters of the response quantities i.e. the DIs via the maximum likelihood function method and an optimization algorithm. The likelihood function in our implementation is expressed as follows: Ν rec L( μDI ,σ DI ) f S A , j ( DI i , μDI ,σ DI ) (1) i 1 where the DIs are assumed to follow the lognormal distribution, fSAj is the lognormal density function of the DI corresponding to the jth hazard level characterized with the first mode spectral acceleration value SA,j and Nrec is the total number of records considered. The two parameters μDI and σDI of Eq. (1) are computed as the values that maximize ln(L) by implementing a metaheuristic optimization algorithm [25]. be equal to 1.5kN/m2 and for the load combination the dead and live loads are multiplied by 1.0 and 0.3, respectively. For the two story 3D RC frame test example, the floor area is 5×5 m2 and the height of each story is 3.5m. The dimensions of the beams are 30×50cm2, with longitudinal reinforcement LR: 3Ø18 top and bottom, and transverse reinforcement TR: (2)Ø8/10cm. The dimensions of the columns are 50×50cm2 with longitudinal reinforcement LR: 12Ø22 and transverse reinforcement TR: (2)Ø8/20cm. Rayleigh damping is used for the first and the second mode (T1=0.167 sec, T2=0.167 sec and ξ1=ξ2=5.0%). The numerical modelling is performed with solid finite elements of size 10×10×10 cm3 for the concrete resulting into 12,400 hexahedral finite elements with 19,056 nodes and 57,168 dof, while 13,280 embedded strut elements with 13,120 nodes and 78,720 dof are used for modelling the steel reinforcement. The detailed FE mesh is shown in Figure 2. SA(T1,5%) beam-column finite element discretization (a) 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.05 SA,0.1 SA,0.05 Crack width (cm) . . . SA,0.4 SA,0.3 SA,0.4 SA,0.3 SA,0.1 SA,0.05 DI1 SA(T1,5%) SA(T1,5%) 5 } 3D solid finite element discretization SA,0.4 SA,0.3 SA,0.1 SA,0.05 Figure 2. 3D test example - FE mesh for the concrete. (b) DIm Figure 1. IDA-based calibration procedure, (a) dynamic capacity spectrum defined with detailed FE modelling and (b) IDA studies performed for each DI with beam-column FE modelling. 3 NUMERICAL TESTS For the purpose of this study one test example is considered in order to implement the proposed procedure. The test example is simulated with 3D solid finite elements (hexahedral finite elements) with embedded reinforcement for implementing step (ii) of the calibration procedure, while the following material properties are considered for the concrete: modulus of elasticity Ec=30.0 GPa and characteristic compressive strength at 28 days fcκ = 25.0 MPa (C25/30), while the material properties of the reinforcing steel are: nominal yield stress fyκ = 500 MPa (S500) and modulus of elasticity equal to 200 GPa, while steel hardening was taken into account equal to 1.0%. The slab thickness is equal to 18cm, the self-weight of the beams and the slab is taken equal to 24 kN/m3, while a distributed dead load of 2kN/m2 due to floor finishing and partition walls is also considered. The live load is assumed to According to step (ii) of the proposed calibration procedure, pairs of “SA(T1,5%)-crack width” are obtained using the IDA curves defined with the detailed finite element models: (2.96(g)-0.05cm, 6.34(g)-0.1cm, 10.35(g)-0.3cm and 14.20(g)-0.4cm) for the 3D test example. Following step (iii) of the calibration procedure, the IDA procedure is performed over the set of 100 records implementing the beam-column numerical simulation for the structural elements. Combining the pairs “SA(T1,5%)-crack width” obtained as described previously in step (ii) of the procedure with the “SA(T1,5%)-DI” IDA curves defined with the beam-column numerical models in step (iii), the crack openings are correlated with the corresponding damage indices. Nonlinear static or dynamic analysis needs a detailed simulation of the structure in the regions where inelastic deformations are expected to develop. In order to consider the inelastic behavior either the plastic-hinge or the fiber approach can be adopted. In our implementation, the inelastic cyclic response, for the beam-column simulation, is modelled with distributed plasticity (fiber approach) which has certain advantages compared to the concentrated plasticity models (plastic hinge approach) [26]. According to the fiber 285 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 approach, each structural element is discretized into a number of integration sections restrained to the beam kinematics, and each section is divided into a number of fibers with specific material properties. Every fiber in the section can be assigned to different material properties, e.g. concrete, or reinforcing bar material properties, while the sections are located at the Gaussian integration points of the elements. The main advantage of the fiber approach is that every fiber has a simple uniaxial material model allowing an easy and efficient implementation of the inelastic behavior. All dynamic analyses, implementing the beam-column numerical models, are performed using the OpenSEES [27] simulation platform. A bilinear material model with pure kinematic hardening is adopted for the steel, while geometric nonlinearity is also taken into account. In order to simulate the concrete the modified Kent-Park model [28] is applied, where the monotonic envelope of the concrete in compression follows the model of Kent and Park [28] as extended by Scott et al. [29] and it is implemented in Concrete02 model of OpenSEES [27]. This model was chosen because it allows for an accurate prediction of the demand for flexure-dominated RC members despite its relatively simple formulation. The transient behavior of the reinforcing bars was simulated with the Menegotto-Pinto model [30] and it is implemented in Steel02 model of OpenSEES [27]. Park & Ang 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 SA(T1,5%) (g) SA(T1,5%) (g) Maximum interstorey drift 10 8 6 10 8 6 4 4 single records MSDA 16%,84% fractiles MSDA median 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 single records MSDA 16%,84% fractiles MSDA median 2 0 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 max (%) (a) 16 16 14 14 12 12 SA(T1,5%) (g) SA(T1,5%) (g) 1.4 1.6 1.8 10 8 10 8 6 4 4 single records MSDA 16%,84% fractiles MSDA median 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 single records MSDA 16%,84% fractiles MSDA median 2 0 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 DIKRL 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 DICMS (c) (d) Max softening 16 16 14 14 12 12 SA(T1,5%) (g) 18 10 8 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the European Research Council Advanced Grant “MASTER–Mastering the computational challenges in numerical modeling and optimum design of CNT reinforced composites” (ERC-2011ADG_20110209). 10 8 6 4 4 single records MSDA 16%,84% fractiles MSDA median 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 DIms 1.2 CONCLUDING REMARKS In this study a numerical calibration procedure is proposed. The proposed procedure is used to calibrate damage indices for different damage levels is performed by means of multiple nonlinear dynamic analyses performed in different earthquake hazard levels of increasing intensity. The first mode spectral acceleration representing the seismic demand was used for calibrating the damage indices implemented in two levels. In the first level, pairs associating the first mode spectral acceleration with crack openings where defined by means of a single IDA curve implementing detailed finite element models with solid elements and a single artificial accelerogram generated on the basis of the mean response spectrum of 100 natural records In the second level, 100 natural records are scaled in multiple hazard levels and the 16%, 50% and 84% fractile curves for each damage index are obtained. The 100 seismic demand-damage index IDA curves are obtained implementing crude finite element models with beam-column elements. Combining the results of the two levels, the calibrated values of the damage indices are defined based on the 50% fractile with reference to the seismic demand. In addition to the calibrated values of the five damage indices defined on the basis of the 50% fractile IDA curve, the coefficient of variation for each damage index and for each damage state is defined. For this purpose five damage indices, belonging to the category of maximum deformation and cumulative damage, are considered and they are calibrated numerically with reference to different levels of structural damage. The calibrated values can be used in the framework of performance-based design in order to assess the structural behavior under seismic actions. Furthermore, an additional goal of this study is achieved by identifying the damage index less influenced to the seismic action. This damage index is considered to be the most reliable one for assessing the structural behavior, among those considered in this study. Based on the numerical investigation performed for the five damage indices employed in this study the Park & Ang depicts the lowest coefficient of variation for all limit states considered, while similar performance depict Kunnath, Reinhorn and Lobo along with the Chung, Meyer and Shinozuka local damage indices. Final softening 18 1.4 1.6 1.8 single records MSDA 16%,84% fractiles MSDA median 2 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 DIfs (e) (f) Figure 3. 3D test example-IDA curves for the six damage indices The 16, 50 and 84 percentile “SA(T1,5%)-DI” IDA curves of the 3D test example for all damage indices are provided in Figures 3(a) to 3(f). DIs have a similar trend in pairs; in particular the pairs DIPA-DIKRL and DIMS-DIFL have a similar trend, while DICMS show a different trend. 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