Beat the Drum for Change – Young Creatives` Competition Bill

Beat the Drum for Change – Young Creatives’ Competition
Bill Bernbach, the legendary founder of Doyle Dane Bernbach, ignited the creative revolution and changed the world of communications and
business forever. We at Golden Drum also believe that in our industry we have a lot of opportunities at our hands to change things for the
better. That is why we partnered with DDB Budapest and this year with Global Development a catalyst for developing new global partnerships
for sustainable development.
We know that young creatives are the goldmine of engaging ideas, so we ask them to create ideas that truly Beat the Drum for Change.
The 2014 Challenge:
Beat the Drum for Change!
Help to learn the World - a brief from Golden Drum, DDB and Global Development.
a future where young people are more conscious about the increasingly complex relationships of common social, ecological, political and
economic issues so they can actively shape their future in the present.
the countries’ leaders, the businesses and its leaders as well as young talents and future leaders to recognize the role of global education in
affecting change.
It is important to inform, inspire and enable young people to participate in discussions about the world they want to see and live in.
The current thinking about Global Education.
We live and interact in increasingly globalized world and interconnected society, and we need to understand increasingly complex relationships of common social, ecological, political and economic issues, so as to derive new ways of thinking and acting for better world.
Global Development Education is education that opens people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the globalized world and awakens them to
bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all.
It is understood to encompass development education, human rights education, education for sustainability, education for peace and conflict
prevention and intercultural education. It is the global dimension of education for citizenship (from Maastrict Global Education Declaration),
and educates youth and all citizens about opportunities to find solutions to the global challenges we are all facing today and are summarized
in the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a major global effort today in development by all countries to end poverty and
ensure lasting prosperity for all.
These global goals are continuation of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals endorsed by over 180 countries in 2000 which
will come to an end in 2015 (1. eradicate poverty and hunger, 2. achieve universal education, 3. promote gender equality, 4. reduce child and 5.
maternal mortality, 6. combat HIV/AIDS, 7. ensure environmental sustainability and 8. develop global partnerships).
See video here : We Can End Poverty: Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015
Your task:
Global Development – Advising the Leaders is looking for an activation idea which will raise the awareness of Global Education, i.e. will help young people to be more conscious about the increasingly complex relationships of common social,
ecological, political and economic issues so they can actively shape their future in the present.
Background: Maastricht Declaration, Millennium Development Goas and the new Sustainable Development Goals in the shaping for our planet
and all of us.
Here are some thought starters:
Everything has consequences… really. And sometimes to see the full picture you should look further than the obvious. For examples: opening
a factory in a 3rd world country is much cheaper. It is more profitable for a company and will help the economy of the given nation too. But in
the same time human rights (like work conditions), local and even global environmental issues should be also considered.
It is time to see not only the dots but the connections too.
The digital world offers amazing sources to understand our world, get new perspectives, to educate ourselves about any topic and to have a
balanced view about what’s happening in the world.
For millions of young people the internet is their second home.
But for most of them it means to live in one of the virtual worlds, play Battlefield 4 or World of Warcraft… you name it.
How about to change this and inspire them to look at real life as the best game ever? Imagine this: the more you understand the complexity of
our world - the bigger your chance to actively shape your future.
To present your ideas you can either prepare a case video or a presentation (ptt or keynote) not longer than 10 pages.
It can be a complex campaign, a digital/social media activation, a print/poster campaign or just a one-off event or stunt idea with a big PR-potential.
Enter NOW
How to enter?
1. Please fill in and email the application form to or fax it to +386143960509.
2. Please send your entry / entries directly to or if the file is too big, please use Internet sharing space providers like
Wetransfer, Sendspace, Redpost etc.
Deadline: 19 September 2014
Great work deserves great reward!
Shortlist will be announced online.
Winners will be announced and celebrated on the 7th of October.
1st prize:
The winner (or winning team) can spend a long weekend in Berlin. Eric Schaeffer, CCO of DDB Group Germany, will make sure that it will be a
truly exciting and inspiring visit in this multicultural city.
2nd and 3rd place:
Each author(s) is entitled to one free Full registration(s) for the Golden Drum Festival 2015.
Additionally: Shortlisted works will be exhibited on
The winning idea will be published in leading international publications and online platforms (e.g.Guardian Global Developement,
Business Fights Poverty).
The Jury will be announced in the following days.
*Only authors, born after 10 October 1984, from the countries of New Europe can participate in the competition.