UNIFORMEDSERVICESU NIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Manager’s Guide for Staffing & Classification Actions 1. FACT SHEETS Fact Sheet - Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for GS & FWS Recruitment Action. Fact Sheet - RPA for GS & FWS Reassignment Action. Fact Sheet - RPA for GS & FWS Career Ladder Promotion Action. Fact Sheet - RPA for AD Recruitment Action. Fact Sheet - RPA for Hiring Volunteers 2. SAMPLE – RPAs Sample RPA for GS & FWS Recruitment Action. Sample RPA for GS & FWS Reassignment Action. Sample RPA for GS & FWS Career-Ladder Promotion. Sample RPA for AD Recruitment Action. Sample RPA for Hiring Volunteers 3. FORMS & GUIDANCE Request for Personnel Action (RPA)-Fillable Form. Instructions for Completing an RPA. Position Description Cover Sheet (Optional Form 8-OF 8) with instructions – Fillable Form. Sample OF 8. Certification of Medical Examination (Optional Form 178 - OF 178). CHR Recruitment Checklist. Template for Justification Memorandum. Administratively Determined (AD) Salary/Compensation Request Form. Parental Permission Form Work Permit Application Volunteer Agreement Form (DD Form 2793) Work Assignment for a Minor (USUHS Form 6050) USUHS Instructions 6004 Minors Employed at the University Revised: 16 November 2012 UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Staffing and Classification Fact Sheet Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for GS/FWS Recruitment Actions The following provides guidance and information on the appropriate documentation needed to initiate a GS/FWS recruitment action. • Departments should consult with their designated CHR Staffing & Classification Specialist to discuss the position and available hiring options before submitting a recruitment action to the CHR. • Supervisors should review the subject position description (PD) to ensure that it is accurate before submitting a recruitment action. • The department will prepare a RPA for the recruitment action and will include the following information. See sample RPA for GS/FWS recruitment action and the instructions for completing an RPA - Sections 2 and 3. Indicate on the RPA if the position is new or vice an employee that separated. The RPA must be signed and dated by the immediate supervisor and authorized by the appropriate Chair, Department/Activity Head, or higher level official in the chain of command. Completed Recruitment Checklist (See CHR Recruitment Checklist - Section 3) • When the position is a vice recruitment action, the following documents will also be required and must accompany the RPA: A copy of the position description (PD) including the completed PD cover sheet (Optional Form - OF 8). If the position is a career ladder position, include appropriate grade level PDs (with OF 8) and statement(s) of difference. See sample OF 8 with instructions - Section 3. If the position is a WS, WL, or WG position or a position that requires a medical exam include the Certification of Medical Examination Form (OF178), if applicable. See copy of OF 178 - Section 3. • When the position is new, re-described, or a restructure of the grade level of a vice position, the following documents will be required and must accompany the RPA: A copy of the new and old PDs including completed PD cover sheets (OF 8). See sample OF 8 - Section 3. A written justification for initiating the new position, redescription, or restructure of the vice position to include how the department expects to fund the position if additional funds are required. See justification memorandum template - Section 3. 13 April 2012 Page 1 RPA for GS/FWS Recruitment Actions Fact Sheet A current and proposed organizational chart of the subject department or division showing the location of the new or restructured position. If the position is a career ladder position include appropriate grade level PDs (with OF 8) and statement(s) of difference. If the position is a WS, WL, or WG position or a position that requires a medical exam include an OF178, if applicable. • The department will submit the recruitment action to the CHR-Staffing & Classification Division for review and processing. Note: All RPAs must be signed and dated. RPAs received with incomplete or inaccurate information will be returned to the originator. 13 April 2012 Page 2 UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Staffing and Classification Fact Sheet Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for GS/FWS Reassignment Actions The following information provides guidance on the appropriate documentation needed to initiate a GS/FWS reassignment action: • Departments should consult with their designated CHR Staffing & Classification Specialist to discuss the process of reassigning an employee before submitting the reassignment action. • The department will prepare an RPA for the reassignment action (an assignment to a position at the same grade level). See Sample RPA for GS/FWS reassignment action and the instructions for completing an RPA - Sections 2 and 3. The RPA must be signed and dated by the immediate supervisor of the employee’s current position and signed by the appropriate Chair, Department/Activity Head or higher level official in the chain of command. • The following documents will be required and must accompany the RPA. A copy of the position description (PD) including the PD cover sheet (OF 8) to which the employee will be reassigned. See sample OF 8 - Section 3. Annotate any special requirements in Part D of the RPA (e.g. security clearance, drug test, physical, DAWIA, etc). • The department will submit the RPA for the reassignment action to CHR, Staffing & Classification Division, for review and processing. Note: All RPAs must be signed and dated. RPAs received with incomplete or inaccurate information will be returned to the originator. 13 April 2012 Page 1 UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Staffing and Classification Fact Sheet Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for GS/FWS Career Ladder Promotion Actions The following information provides guidance on the appropriate documentation needed to initiate a GS/FWS Career Ladder Promotion action. • Departments should consult with their designated CHR Staffing & Classification Specialist to discuss the requested career ladder promotion before submitting an RPA. • The department will prepare an RPA for the promotion action. See sample RPA for career ladder promotion action and the instructions for completing an RPA - Sections 2 and 3. The RPA must be signed and dated by the immediate supervisor of the employee and signed by the appropriate Chair, Department/Activity Head or higher level official in the chain of command. • The following documents are required and must accompany the RPA. A copy of the higher graded position description (PD) to which the employee is being promoted including the Optional Form (OF8). An email or brief memorandum to CHR from the immediate supervisor stating that the employee meets the proficiency level required for advancement to the next higher grade level of his/her position. • The department will submit the RPA for the promotion action to the CHR, Staffing & Classification Division, for review regulatory sufficiency and processing. Note: The RPA must be signed and dated. RPAs received with incomplete or inaccurate information will be returned to originator. 13 April 2012 Page 1 UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Staffing and Classification Fact Sheet Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for AD Recruitment Actions The following provides guidance and information on the appropriate documentation needed to initiate an AD recruitment action. • Departments should consult with their designated CHR Staffing & Classification Specialist to discuss the position and available hiring options before submitting a recruitment action to the CHR. • Supervisors should review the subject position description (PD) to ensure that it is accurate before submitting a recruitment action. • Department will prepare a RPA for the recruitment action and include the following information. See sample RPA for AD recruitment action and the instructions for completing an RPA - Sections 2 and 3. The RPA will specify if the position is new or vice an employee that separated. The RPA will specify if the position is in the tenure track or the non-tenured track. The RPA must be signed by the department Chair or head and authorized/signed by the appropriate Dean, Vice President, Director of AFRRI, or the President. • If the position is a vice recruitment action, the following will be required and must accompany the RPA: A copy of the position description (PD) including the completed PD cover sheet (Optional Form - OF 8). A draft of the proposed advertisement. • If the position is new or a restructure in the academic rank (e.g., Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, etc.) of a vice position, the following will be required and must accompany the RPA: A copy of the new and old PDs including completed PD cover sheets (OF 8). See sample OF 8 - Section 3. A justification memorandum for initiating the new position or restructure of the vice position to include how the department expects to fund the position if additional funds are required. See justification memorandum template - Section 3. A current and proposed organizational chart of the subject department or division showing the location of the new or restructured position. A draft of the proposed advertisement 13 April 2012 Page 1 RPA for AD Recruitment Actions • Fact Sheet The CHR, Staffing & Classification Division, will review and process the RPA upon receipt. Note: All RPAs must be signed and dated. RPAs received with incomplete or inaccurate information will be returned to the originator. 13 April 2012 Page 2 Staffing and Classification Fact Sheet UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for Hiring Volunteer The following provides guidance and information on the appropriate documentation needed to initiate a volunteer recruitment action. Agencies must document service performed without compensation by persons who do not receive a Federal appointment and are required to inform volunteers of the nature of their appointments. The department will prepare a Request for Personnel Action (RPA) for the recruitment action. See Section 3 for sample forms and guidance. Indicate the Not to Exceed (NTE) date of no more than one (1) year on Block 1“Action Requested” of the RPA. The RPA must be signed and dated by the immediate supervisor and authorized by the appropriate Chair, Department/Activity Head, or higher level official in the chain of command. The RPA must be submitted at least seven (7) working days prior to entrance on duty (EOD) to provide sufficient time to coordinate the action with the appropriate USU departments (i.e. Security, Environmental Health & Occupational Safety, and the Learning Resources Center). CHR, Staffing & Classification Division, will coordinate the entrance on duty date (EOD). All RPAs received must be signed and dated. RPAs with incomplete or inaccurate information will be returned to the originator. The following completed documents are required and must accompany the RPA: Form DD-2793 (Volunteer Agreement), Parts I and II, http://www.usuhs.mil/chr/doc/DD‐ 2793.pdf. See Section 3, Forms and Guidance. A copy of the volunteer’s resume/cv. Submit the completed RPA, DD-2793, and resume/cv to CHR. FOR MINORS If the volunteer is a minor (17 or younger), the following additional documents will be required and must accompany the RPA: 16 November 2012 Page 1 RPA for Hiring a Volunteer Fact Sheet Work Permit Application along with proof of age document. See Section 3, Forms and Guidance. The CHR must receive the individual’s work permit before employment begins. Permission from the school the volunteer is presently attending. Permission from the school is only required during the school year. If required, the letter must be on school’s letterhead. Parental Permission Statement (signed and dated). See Section 3, Forms and Guidance. USUHS Form 6050- Work Assignment for a Minor. See Section 3, Forms and Guidance. If the volunteer is below 16 years of age, an exception to the age requirement must be approved by Environmental Health & Occupational Safety (EHS). See Section 3, Forms and Guidance. Minors working in Laboratories: Minors younger than 16 will not be allowed to work in “posted” laboratories. Minors between the ages of 16 and 18 may be allowed to work in “posted” laboratories with the permission of the USUHS Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), 301-295-3390. See Section 3, Forms and Guidance. EXTENDING VOLUNTEER APPOINTMENTS The department will prepare an RPA to request an “Extension of Appointment” and indicate the new Not to Exceed (NTE) date. The NTE date may not be more than one year. The RPA must state the reason/rationale for extension in Part D, Remarks by the requesting office. The RPA must be signed and dated by the immediate supervisor and authorized by the appropriate Chair, Department/Activity Head, or higher level official in the chain of command. Submit the RPA (Request for Extension) to CHR at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the original appointment. IN-PROCESSING PROCEDURES Volunteers will report to Civilian Human Resources (CHR), Building A, room A1022. 16 November 2012 Page 2 Staffing and Classification Fact Sheet Fact Sheet CHR will in-process volunteer personnel only on Mondays (10:00 to 11:00 A.M.) and RPA for Hiring a Volunteer Wednesdays (9:00 to 10:00 A.M.). All EODs must be coordinated with CHR at least 7 working days prior to the effective date. Volunteers are required to provide one the following valid forms of identification during in-processing. Expired documents will not be accepted. U.S. Citizens: Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, or Social Security Card with a valid Driver’s License or State ID. Non-U.S. Citizens: Permanent Resident Card (green card), Employment Authorization Card or VISA authorizing permission to work in the U.S. Volunteers will receive a CHR check-in sheet for reporting to the departments listed below: USUHS/AFRRI Security Office USUHS Environmental Health & Occupational Safety Office (EHS) Volunteers must return the check-in sheet to the CHR. Failure to return the form will relieve USUHS of any responsibility for the volunteer. OUT-PROCESSING PROCEDURES All Volunteers must out-process through CHR at least 3 work days prior to the end of their service. The supervisor of the volunteer employee must complete Part IV of Form DD-2793 (Volunteer Agreement) at the end of the volunteer employee’s service and return the form to CHR. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING VOLUNTEER EMPLOYMENT Volunteers may not supervise paid employees or military personnel. Volunteers may not be used to displace paid employees, or in lieu of filling authorized paid personnel positions. Volunteers are considered employees of the Federal government only for the following purposes: Concerning compensation for the disability or death of an employee resulting from personal injury sustained while in the performance of his/her duty. 16 November 2012 Page 3 RPA for Hiring a Volunteer Fact Sheet Regarding the maintenance of records on individuals that are contained in a Privacy Act system of records. Criminal laws relating to conflicts of interest (18 U.S., Chapter 11). Defense of certain suits arising out of alleged legal malpractice under Title 10 U.S.C. 1054 The CHR will retain volunteer records for three (3) years following the termination of volunteer service. Any questions regarding volunteer appointments should be addressed to the CHR, Staffing and Classification Division, at (301) 295-3412. 16 November 2012 Page 4 Sample RPA for GS/FWS Recruitment Actions Standard Form 52 Rev. 7/91 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Supp. 296-33, Subch. 3 REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION PART A – Request Office (Also complete Part B, Items 1, 7-22, 32, 33, 36, and 39.) 1. Actions Requested 2. Actions Requested Recruit/Fill – New (or) Vice Jane Doe (include employee’s name on vice actions) MED-11-001 3. For Additional Information Call (Name and Telephone Number) 4. Proposed Effective Date John Doe, (301) 295-1234 1 June 2011 5. Action Requested By (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Request Date) 6. Action Authorized by (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Concurrence Date) Immediate Supervisor, Director of ___, MED & Date Authorizing Official, Chairperson, MED & Date PART B – For Preparation of SF 50 (Use only codes in FPM Supplement 292-1. Show all dates in month-day-year order.) 1. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 5-B. Nature of Action 6-A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 5-C. Code 5-D. Legal Authority 6-C. Code 6-D. Nature of Action 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Nature of Action 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 3. Date of Birth 4. Effective Date 15. TO: Position Title and Number Program Specialist PD# F444A 8. Pay Plan 9. Occ. Plan 12A. Basic Pay 10. Grade or Level 11. Step or Rate 12B. Locality Adj. 12. Total Salary 12C. Adj. Basic Pay 13. Pay Basis 12D. Other Pay 16. Pay Plan 17. Occ. Code GS 0301 18. Grade or Level 20A. Basic Pay 14. Name and Location of Position’s Organization 19. Step or Rate 20. Total Salary 11 20B. Locality Adj. 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 21. Pay Basis 20D. Other Pay 22. Name and Location of Position’s Organization USUHS, School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division Bethesda, Maryland EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Preference 1- None 3- 10-Point/Disability 2- 5-Point 4- 10-Point/Compensable 5- 10-Point/Other 6- 10-Point/Compensable/30% 24. Tenure 25. Agency Use 26. Veterans Pref for RIF 0- None 2- Conditional 1- Permanent 3- Indefinite YES 27. FEGLI 30. Retirement Plan 31. Service Comp. Date (leave) 28. Annuitant Indicator 29. Pay Rate Determinant 32. Work Schedule 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period F POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA Category 1- Competitive Service 2- Excepted Service 1 3- SES General 4- SES Career 38. Duty Station Code NO 36. Appropriation Code 37. Bargaining Unity Status E- Exempt N- Nonexempt 39. Duty Station (City – Count – State or Overseas Location) Bethesda, MD 40. Agency 41. 45. Educational Level 46. Year Degree Attained DDAAFD 42. 43. 44. 1BICDG 1BICDG 47. Academic Discipline 48. Functional Class 49. Citizenship 1- USA 50. Veterans Status 51. Supervisory Status 8 - Other PART C – Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting office.) 1. Office/Function Initials/Signature Date Office/Function A. D. B. E. C. F. 2. Approval: I certify that the information entered on this form is accurate and that the proposed action is in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. Signature CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE 52-118 OVER Initials/Signature Date Approval Date Editions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-333-6239 Sample RPA for GS/FWS Recruitment Actions PART D – Remarks by Requesting Office (Note to Supervisors: Do you know of additional or conflicting reasons for the employee’s resignation/retirement? If “Yes”, please state these facts on a separate sheet and attach to SF 52.) PART E – Employee Resignation/Retirement YES NO Privacy Act Statement You are requested to furnish a specific reason for your resignation or retirement and a forwarding address. Your reason may be considered in any future decision regarding your re-employment in the Federal service and may also be used to determine your eligibility for umemployment compensation benefits. Your forwarding address will be used primarily to mail you copies of any documents you should have or any pay or compensation to which you are entitled. This information is requested under authority of sections 301, 3301, and 8506 of title 5, U.S. Code. Sections 301 and 3301 authorize OPM and agencies to issue regulations with regard to employment of individuals in the Federal service and their records, while section 8506 requires agencies to furnish the specific reason for termination of Federal service to the Secretary of Labor or a State agency in connection with administration of unemployment compensation programs. The furnishing of the information is voluntary; however, failure to provide it my result in your not receiving: (1) your copies of those documents you should have; (2) pay or other compensation due you; and (3) any unemployment compensation benefits to which you may be entitled. 1. Reasons for Resignation/Retirement (NOTE: Your reasons are used in determining possible unemployment benefits. Please be specific and avoid generalizations. Your resignation/retirement is effective at the end of the day – midnight – unless you specify otherwise.) 2. Effective Date 3. Your Signature PART F – Remarks for SF 50 4. Date Signed 5. Forwarding Address (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code) Sample RPA for GS/FWS Reassignment Actions Standard Form 52 Rev. 7/91 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Supp. 296-33, Subch. 3 REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION PART A – Request Office (Also complete Part B, Items 1, 7-22, 32, 33, 36, and 39.) 1. Actions Requested 2. Actions Requested Reassignment MED-11-001 3. For Additional Information Call (Name and Telephone Number) 4. Proposed Effective Date JOHN DOE, (301) 295-1234 1 June 2011 5. Action Requested By (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Request Date) 6. Action Authorized by (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Concurrence Date) Immediate Supervisor, DVM, Director, MED & Date Authorizing Official, Chair Person, DVM, MED & Date PART B – For Preparation of SF 50 (Use only codes in FPM Supplement 292-1. Show all dates in month-day-year order.) 1. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number 3. Date of Birth 4. Effective Date Doe, Jane FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 5-B. Nature of Action 6-A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 5-C. Code 5-D. Legal Authority 6-C. Code 6-D. Nature of Action 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Nature of Action 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 15. TO: Position Title and Number Security Assistant PD#A2913 8. Pay Plan 9. Occ. Plan GS 080 12A. Basic Pay 10. Grade or Level Security Assistant (OA) PD# F444A 11. Step or Rate 12. Total Salary 13. Pay Basis 16. Pay Plan 11 GS 12B. Locality Adj. 12C. Adj. Basic Pay 12D. Other Pay 18. Grade or Level 19. Step or Rate 20. Total Salary 11 080 20A. Basic Pay 14. Name and Location of Position’s Organization 20B. Locality Adj. 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 21. Pay Basis 20D. Other Pay 22. Name and Location of Position’s Organization USUHS, Hebert School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Digestive Diseases Division Bethesda, Maryland EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Preference 17. Occ. Code 1- None 3- 10-Point/Disability 2- 5-Point 4- 10-Point/Compensable USUHS, Hebert School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division Bethesda, Maryland 5- 10-Point/Other 6- 10-Point/Compensable/30% 24. Tenure 25. Agency Use 26. Veterans Pref for RIF 0- None 2- Conditional 1- Permanent 3- Indefinite YES 27. FEGLI 30. Retirement Plan 31. Service Comp. Date (leave) 28. Annuitant Indicator 29. Pay Rate Determinant 32. Work Schedule 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period F POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA Category 1- Competitive Service 2- Excepted Service 1 3- SES General 4- SES Career 38. Duty Station Code NO 36. Appropriation Code 37. Bargaining Unity Status E- Exempt N- Nonexempt 39. Duty Station (City – Count – State or Overseas Location) 40. Agency 41. 45. Educational Level 46. Year Degree Attained DDAAFD 42. 43. 44. 1BICDG 1BICDG 47. Academic Discipline 48. Functional Class 49. Citizenship 1- USA 50. Veterans Status 51. Supervisory Status 8 - Other PART C – Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting office.) 1. Office/Function Initials/Signature Date Office/Function A. D. B. E. C. F. 2. Approval: I certify that the information entered on this form is accurate and that the proposed action is in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. Signature CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE 52-118 OVER Initials/Signature Date Approval Date Editions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-333-6239 Sample RPA for GS/FWS Reassignment Actions PART D – Remarks by Requesting Office (Note to Supervisors: Do you know of additional or conflicting reasons for the employee’s resignation/retirement? If “Yes”, please state these facts on a separate sheet and attach to SF 52.) PART E – Employee Resignation/Retirement YES NO Privacy Act Statement You are requested to furnish a specific reason for your resignation or retirement and a forwarding address. Your reason may be considered in any future decision regarding your re-employment in the Federal service and may also be used to determine your eligibility for umemployment compensation benefits. Your forwarding address will be used primarily to mail you copies of any documents you should have or any pay or compensation to which you are entitled. This information is requested under authority of sections 301, 3301, and 8506 of title 5, U.S. Code. Sections 301 and 3301 authorize OPM and agencies to issue regulations with regard to employment of individuals in the Federal service and their records, while section 8506 requires agencies to furnish the specific reason for termination of Federal service to the Secretary of Labor or a State agency in connection with administration of unemployment compensation programs. The furnishing of the information is voluntary; however, failure to provide it my result in your not receiving: (1) your copies of those documents you should have; (2) pay or other compensation due you; and (3) any unemployment compensation benefits to which you may be entitled. 1. Reasons for Resignation/Retirement (NOTE: Your reasons are used in determining possible unemployment benefits. Please be specific and avoid generalizations. Your resignation/retirement is effective at the end of the day – midnight – unless you specify otherwise.) 2. Effective Date 3. Your Signature PART F – Remarks for SF 50 4. Date Signed 5. Forwarding Address (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code) Sample RPA for GS/FWS Career-Ladder Promotion Standard Form 52 Rev. 7/91 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Supp. 296-33, Subch. 3 REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION PART A – Request Office (Also complete Part B, Items 1, 7-22, 32, 33, 36, and 39.) 1. Actions Requested 2. Actions Requested Career-Ladder Promotion MED-11-001 3. For Additional Information Call (Name and Telephone Number) 4. Proposed Effective Date JOHN DOE, (301) 295-1234 1 June 2011 5. Action Requested By (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Request Date) 6. Action Authorized by (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Concurrence Date) Immediate Supervisor, DVM, Director, MED & Date Authorizing Official, Chair Person, DVM, MED & Date PART B – For Preparation of SF 50 (Use only codes in FPM Supplement 292-1. Show all dates in month-day-year order.) 1. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number 3. Date of Birth 4. Effective Date Doe, Jane FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 5-B. Nature of Action 6-A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 5-C. Code 5-D. Legal Authority 6-C. Code 6-D. Nature of Action 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Nature of Action 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 15. TO: Position Title and Number Security Assistant (OA) PD# F444B 8. Pay Plan 9. Occ. Plan 10. Grade or Level GS 080 09 12A. Basic Pay Security Assistant (OA) PD# F444A 11. Step or Rate 12. Total Salary 13. Pay Basis 16. Pay Plan GS 12B. Locality Adj. 12C. Adj. Basic Pay 12D. Other Pay 18. Grade or Level 19. Step or Rate 20. Total Salary 11 080 20A. Basic Pay 14. Name and Location of Position’s Organization 20B. Locality Adj. 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 21. Pay Basis 20D. Other Pay 22. Name and Location of Position’s Organization USUHS, Hebert School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division Bethesda, Maryland EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Preference 17. Occ. Code 1- None 3- 10-Point/Disability 2- 5-Point 4- 10-Point/Compensable USUHS, Hebert School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division Bethesda, Maryland 5- 10-Point/Other 6- 10-Point/Compensable/30% 24. Tenure 25. Agency Use 26. Veterans Pref for RIF 0- None 2- Conditional 1- Permanent 3- Indefinite YES 27. FEGLI 30. Retirement Plan 31. Service Comp. Date (leave) 28. Annuitant Indicator 29. Pay Rate Determinant 32. Work Schedule 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period F POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA Category 1- Competitive Service 2- Excepted Service 1 3- SES General 4- SES Career 38. Duty Station Code NO 36. Appropriation Code 37. Bargaining Unity Status E- Exempt N- Nonexempt 39. Duty Station (City – Count – State or Overseas Location) 40. Agency 41. 45. Educational Level 46. Year Degree Attained DDAAFD 42. 43. 44. 1BICDG 1BICDG 47. Academic Discipline 48. Functional Class 49. Citizenship 1- USA 50. Veterans Status 51. Supervisory Status 8 - Other PART C – Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting office.) 1. Office/Function Initials/Signature Date Office/Function A. D. B. E. C. F. 2. Approval: I certify that the information entered on this form is accurate and that the proposed action is in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. Signature CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE 52-118 OVER Initials/Signature Date Approval Date Editions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-333-6239 Sample RPA for GS/FWS Career-Ladder Promotion PART D – Remarks by Requesting Office (Note to Supervisors: Do you know of additional or conflicting reasons for the employee’s resignation/retirement? If “Yes”, please state these facts on a separate sheet and attach to SF 52.) PART E – Employee Resignation/Retirement YES NO Privacy Act Statement You are requested to furnish a specific reason for your resignation or retirement and a forwarding address. Your reason may be considered in any future decision regarding your re-employment in the Federal service and may also be used to determine your eligibility for umemployment compensation benefits. Your forwarding address will be used primarily to mail you copies of any documents you should have or any pay or compensation to which you are entitled. This information is requested under authority of sections 301, 3301, and 8506 of title 5, U.S. Code. Sections 301 and 3301 authorize OPM and agencies to issue regulations with regard to employment of individuals in the Federal service and their records, while section 8506 requires agencies to furnish the specific reason for termination of Federal service to the Secretary of Labor or a State agency in connection with administration of unemployment compensation programs. The furnishing of the information is voluntary; however, failure to provide it my result in your not receiving: (1) your copies of those documents you should have; (2) pay or other compensation due you; and (3) any unemployment compensation benefits to which you may be entitled. 1. Reasons for Resignation/Retirement (NOTE: Your reasons are used in determining possible unemployment benefits. Please be specific and avoid generalizations. Your resignation/retirement is effective at the end of the day – midnight – unless you specify otherwise.) 2. Effective Date 3. Your Signature PART F – Remarks for SF 50 4. Date Signed 5. Forwarding Address (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code) Sample RPA for AD Recruitment Actions Standard Form 52 Rev. 7/91 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Supp. 296-33, Subch. 3 REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION PART A – Request Office (Also complete Part B, Items 1, 7-22, 32, 33, 36, and 39.) 1. Actions Requested 2. Actions Requested Recruit/Fill - New or Vice (if vice include employee’s) (tenure track or non-tenured track) SUR-12-001 3. For Additional Information Call (Name and Telephone Number) 4. Proposed Effective Date ASAP Jane Doe (301) 295-1234 5. Action Requested By (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Request Date) 6. Action Authorized by (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Concurrence Date) John Doe, Chair, Department of Surgery Jim Doe, Dean, School of Medicine PART B – For Preparation of SF 50 (Use only codes in FPM Supplement 292-1. Show all dates in month-day-year order.) 1. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 5-B. Nature of Action 6-A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 5-C. Code 5-D. Legal Authority 6-C. Code 6-D. Nature of Action 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Nature of Action 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 3. Date of Birth 4. Effective Date 15. TO: Position Title and Number Associate Professor PD #1234 8. Pay Plan 9. Occ. Plan 12A. Basic Pay 10. Grade or Level 11. Step or Rate 12B. Locality Adj. 12. Total Salary 12C. Adj. Basic Pay 13. Pay Basis 12D. Other Pay 16. Pay Plan 17. Occ. Code AD 602 20A. Basic Pay 14. Name and Location of Position’s Organization 18. Grade or Level 19. Step or Rate 00 00 20B. Locality Adj. 20. Total Salary 21. Pay Basis PA 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 20D. Other Pay 22. Name and Location of Position’s Organization USUHS, School of Medicine Department of Surgery, Cardiology Division Bethesda, MD EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Preference 1- None 3- 10-Point/Disability 2- 5-Point 4- 10-Point/Compensable 5- 10-Point/Other 6- 10-Point/Compensable/30% 25. Agency Use 24. Tenure 26. Veterans Pref for RIF 0- None 2- Conditional 1- Permanent 3- Indefinite YES 27. FEGLI 30. Retirement Plan 31. Service Comp. Date (leave) 29. Pay Rate Determinant 32. Work Schedule 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period F POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA Category 1- Competitive Service 2- Excepted Service 2 3- SES General 4- SES Career 38. Duty Station Code NO 28. Annuitant Indicator 36. Appropriation Code 37. Bargaining Unity Status E- Exempt N- Nonexempt 39. Duty Station (City – Count – State or Overseas Location) Bethesda, MD 40. Agency 45. Educational Level 41. 42. 43. DDAAFD 1BICDG 1BICDG 44. 46. Year Degree Attained 47. Academic Discipline 48. Functional Class 49. Citizenship 1- USA 50. Veterans Status 51. Supervisory Status 8 - Other PART C – Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting office.) 1. Office/Function Initials/Signature Date Office/Function A. D. B. E. C. F. pproval: I certify that the information entered on this form is accurate and that the proposed action is in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. Signature CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE 52-118 OVER Initials/Signature Date Approval Date Editions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-333-6239 Sample RPA for AD Recruitment Actions PART D – Remarks by Requesting Office (Note to Supervisors: Do you know of additional or conflicting reasons for the employee’s resignation/retirement? If “Yes”, please state these facts on a separate sheet and attach to SF 52.) PART E – Employee Resignation/Retirement YES NO Privacy Act Statement You are requested to furnish a specific reason for your resignation or retirement and a forwarding address. Your reason may be considered in any future decision regarding your re-employment in the Federal service and may also be used to determine your eligibility for umemployment compensation benefits. Your forwarding address will be used primarily to mail you copies of any documents you should have or any pay or compensation to which you are entitled. This information is requested under authority of sections 301, 3301, and 8506 of title 5, U.S. Code. Sections 301 and 3301 authorize OPM and agencies to issue regulations with regard to employment of individuals in the Federal service and their records, while section 8506 requires agencies to furnish the specific reason for termination of Federal service to the Secretary of Labor or a State agency in connection with administration of unemployment compensation programs. The furnishing of the information is voluntary; however, failure to provide it my result in your not receiving: (1) your copies of those documents you should have; (2) pay or other compensation due you; and (3) any unemployment compensation benefits to which you may be entitled. 1. Reasons for Resignation/Retirement (NOTE: Your reasons are used in determining possible unemployment benefits. Please be specific and avoid generalizations. Your resignation/retirement is effective at the end of the day – midnight – unless you specify otherwise.) 2. Effective Date 3. Your Signature PART F – Remarks for SF 50 4. Date Signed 5. Forwarding Address (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code) Sample RPA for Hiring Volunteers Standard Form 52 Rev. 7/91 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Supp. 296-33, Subch. 3 REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION PART A – Request Office (Also complete Part B, Items 1, 7-22, 32, 33, 36, and 39.) 1. Actions Requested 2. Actions Requested Volunteer NTE 12/23/2012 3. For Additional Information Call (Name and Telephone Number) 4. Proposed Effective Date Point of Contact 16-JUL-2012 5. Action Requested By (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Request Date) 6. Action Authorized by (Typed Name, Title, Signature, and Concurrence Date) Supervisor or Department Head Next higher level official PART B – For Preparation of SF 50 (Use only codes in FPM Supplement 292-1. Show all dates in month-day-year order.) 1. Name (Last, First, Middle) 2. Social Security Number 3. Date of Birth Doe, John 000-00-0000 00/00/0000 FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 5-A. Code 5-B. Nature of Action 6-A. Code 6-B. Nature of Action 5-C. Code 5-D. Legal Authority 6-C. Code 6-D. Nature of Action 5-E. Code 5-F. Legal Authority 6-E. Code 6-F. Nature of Action 7. FROM: Position Title and Number 4. Effective Date 15. TO: Position Title and Number VOLUNTEER 8. Pay Plan 9. Occ. Plan 12A. Basic Pay 10. Grade or Level 11. Step or Rate 12B. Locality Adj. 12. Total Salary 12C. Adj. Basic Pay 13. Pay Basis 16. Pay Plan 12D. Other Pay 17. Occ. Code 18. Grade or Level 20. Total Salary 0.00 20A. Basic Pay 14. Name and Location of Position’s Organization 19. Step or Rate 20B. Locality Adj. 20C. Adj. Basic Pay 21. Pay Basis 20D. Other Pay 22. Name and Location of Position’s Organization USUHS, Hebert School of Medicine Department Name EMPLOYEE DATA 23. Veterans Preference 1- None 3- 10-Point/Disability 2- 5-Point 4- 10-Point/Compensable 5- 10-Point/Other 6- 10-Point/Compensable/30% 24. Tenure 25. Agency Use 26. Veterans Pref for RIF 0- None 2- Conditional 1- Permanent 3- Indefinite YES 27. FEGLI 30. Retirement Plan 31. Service Comp. Date (leave) NO 28. Annuitant Indicator 29. Pay Rate Determinant 32. Work Schedule 33. Part-Time Hours Per Biweekly Pay Period POSITION DATA 34. Position Occupied 35. FLSA Category 1- Competitive Service 2- Excepted Service 3- SES General 4- SES Career 38. Duty Station Code 36. Appropriation Code 37. Bargaining Unity Status E- Exempt N- Nonexempt 39. Duty Station (City – Count – State or Overseas Location) Bethesda, MD 40. Agency 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Educational Level 46. Year Degree Attained 47. Academic Discipline 48. Functional Class 49. Citizenship 1- USA 50. Veterans Status 51. Supervisory Status 8 - Other PART C – Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting office.) 1. Office/Function Initials/Signature Date Office/Function A. D. B. E. C. F. 2. Approval: I certify that the information entered on this form is accurate and that the proposed action is in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. Signature CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE 52-118 OVER Initials/Signature Date Approval Date Editions Prior to 7/91 Are Not Usable After 6/30/93 NSN 7540-01-333-6239 Sample RPA for Hiring Volunteers PART D – Remarks by Requesting Office (Note to Supervisors: Do you know of additional or conflicting reasons for the employee’s resignation/retirement? If “Yes”, please state these facts on a separate sheet and attach to SF 52.) PART E – Employee Resignation/Retirement YES NO Privacy Act Statement You are requested to furnish a specific reason for your resignation or retirement and a forwarding address. Your reason may be considered in any future decision regarding your re-employment in the Federal service and may also be used to determine your eligibility for umemployment compensation benefits. Your forwarding address will be used primarily to mail you copies of any documents you should have or any pay or compensation to which you are entitled. This information is requested under authority of sections 301, 3301, and 8506 of title 5, U.S. Code. Sections 301 and 3301 authorize OPM and agencies to issue regulations with regard to employment of individuals in the Federal service and their records, while section 8506 requires agencies to furnish the specific reason for termination of Federal service to the Secretary of Labor or a State agency in connection with administration of unemployment compensation programs. The furnishing of the information is voluntary; however, failure to provide it my result in your not receiving: (1) your copies of those documents you should have; (2) pay or other compensation due you; and (3) any unemployment compensation benefits to which you may be entitled. 1. Reasons for Resignation/Retirement (NOTE: Your reasons are used in determining possible unemployment benefits. Please be specific and avoid generalizations. Your resignation/retirement is effective at the end of the day – midnight – unless you specify otherwise.) 2. Effective Date 3. Your Signature PART F – Remarks for SF 50 4. Date Signed 5. Forwarding Address (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code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of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Instructions for Completing a Request for Personnel Action (SF-52) Part A Block #1. Action Requested - Type in the Action that you are requesting, e.g., Establish (Classify), Recruit, Reassignment, Realignment, Extension of Appointment, Resignation, LeaveWithout-Pay, Name Change, etc. Block #2. Request Number - Each Department/Activity should assign a department Log Number to monitor/track each SF-52 submitted by the department /activity. For example - MED-11-001 (this represents the three letter department code, the fiscal year, and the number of action). Once the request is coordinated through appropriate departments and the FMG, the CHR will assign a request for personnel action (RPA) number to your SF-52 using the DCPDS system. Block #3. For Additional Information Call - Enter the name and telephone number of the Administrative Point of Contact, which would be the person who can furnish additional information, if required. Block #4. Proposed Effective Date - Enter the date the requesting office wants the action completed or annotate ASAP. Block #5. Action Requested By - Enter the name, title, signature, and date of the person requesting the action. Normally, this will be the immediate supervisor. Block #6. Action Authorized by - Enter the name, title, signature, and date of the person authorizing the action. This will be the appropriate Chairperson, the Department/Activity Head, or higher level official in the chain of command. Part B Block #15. Enter Position Title and PD Description Number if applicable. Block #16. Enter Pay Plan, e.g. AD, GS, WG, WL, etc. Block #17. Enter Occupational Code (position series), e.g. 0201, 0602, 0510, etc. Block #18. Enter Grade or Level, (5/6/7) etc. If the position is new, leave blank. The block will be completed by the CHR/HRSC. If the position is an AD position, it will be 00. Block #22. Enter the name and location of the position’s organization. Block #32. Enter the designated work schedule (i.e., F for full-time and P for part-time. If the position is part-time, enter the tour duty in Part D - Remarks by Requesting Official of the SF-52). 13 April 2012 Page 1 Instructions for Completing a Request for Personnel Action (SF-52) Block #34. Enter the service the position falls under (i.e., competitive, excepted, etc). Block #41. Enter the UIC#. USUHS UIC # is DDAAFD. Block #42. Enter the Org Code (if known or leave blank), e.g. 1BICDG Block #43. Enter the Cost Code Center (if known), same number as your Org Code. *Note: Once the request is coordinated through appropriate departments and the FMG, the request will be submitted to the CHR and a request for personnel action (RPA) number will be assigned to your RPA using the DCPDS system. 13 April 2012 Page 2 1. Agency Position No. POSITION DESCRIPTION (Please Read Instructions on the Back) 2. 3. Reason for Submission Redescription Reestablishment New Other 4. Employing Office Location Service Hdqtrs. Field 6. OPM Certification No. 8. Financial Statements Required 9. Subject to IA Action Bethesda, Maryland 7. Fair Labor Standards Act Explanation (Show any positions replaced) Exempt Executive Personnel Employment and Financial Disclosure Financial Interests 11. Position Is: 12. Sensitivity Nonexempt 10. Position Status Competitive Supervisory Excepted (Specify in Remarks) Managerial SES (Gen.) Neither SES (CR) Official Title of Position 15. Classified/Graded by 5. Duty Station Pay Plan Yes 1-NonSensitive 3-Critical Sensitive 2-Noncritical Sensitive 4-Special Sensitive Occupational Code Grade No 13. Competitive Level Code 14. Agency Use Date Initials a. U.S. Office of Personnel Management b. Department, Agency or Establishment c. Second Level Review d. First Level Review e. Recommended by Supervisor or Initiating Office Position Title as applicable (Assistant Professor/Program Specialist/Supply Technician) 16. Organizational Title of Position (if different from official title) 18. Department, Agency, or Establishment AD/GS/ 9 or 00 301 WG for AD) 17. Name of Employee (if vacant, specify) c. Third Subdivision Cardiology Division DoD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences a. First Subdivision School of Medicine b. Second Subdivision Department of Surgery d. Fourth Subdivision 19. Employee Review - This is an accurate description of the major duties and responsibilities of my position. Signature of Employee (optional) e. Fifth Subdivision 20. Supervisory Certification. I certify that this is an accurate statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position and its organizational relationships, and that the position is necessary to carry out Government functions for which I am responsible. This certification is made with the knowledge that a. Typed Name and Title of Immediate Supervisor b. Typed Name and Title of Higher-Level Supervisor or Manager (optional) Signature Signature Date this information is to be used for statutory purposes relating to appointment and payment of public funds, and that false or misleading statements may constitute violations of such statutes or their implementing regulations. Date ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED //S// ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED //S// 21. Classification/Job Grading Certification. I certify that this position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5, U.S. Code, in conformance with standards published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or, if no published standards apply directly, consistently with most applicable published standards. 22. Position Classification Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position Typed Name and Title of Official Taking Action Signature ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED 23. a. b. c. 24. Position Review Employee (optional) Supervisor Classifier Remarks Initials 3/29/01 Date Initials Date Information for Employees. The standards, and information on their application, are available in the personnel office. The classification of the position may be reviewed and corrected by the agency or the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Information on classification/job grading appeals, and complaints on exemption from FLSA, is available from the personnel office or the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Initials Date Initials 25. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities (See Attached) NSN 7540-00-634-4265 Previous Edition Usable 5008-106 Date Initials Date OF 8 (Rev. 1-85) U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Chapter 295 Optional Form 8 (BACK) (Revised 1/85) Instructions for Completing Optional Form 8 POSITION DESCRIPTION In order to comply with the requirements of FPM Chapter 295, subchapter 3, and other provisions of the FPM, agencies must complete the items marked by an asterisk. Agencies may determine what other items are to be used. 14. Agencies may use this block for any additional coding requirement. 3. Check one. *15. Enter classification/job grading action. • For "Official Title of Position," see the applicable classification or job grading standard. For positions not covered by a published standard, see the General Introduction to "Position Classification Standards," Section III, for GS positions, or FPM Supplement 512-1, "Job Grading System for Trades and Labor Occupations," Part 1, Section III. • For "Pay Plan" code, see FPM Supplement 292-1, "Personnel Data Standards," Book III. • For "Occupational Code," see the applicable standard; or, where no standard has been published, see the "Handbook of Occupational Groups and Series of Classes" for GS positions, or FPM Supplement 512-1, Part 3, for trades and labor positions. For all positions in scientific and engineering occupations, enter the two-digit functional classification code in parentheses immediately following the occupational code, e.g., "GS-1310(14)." The codes are listed and discussed in the General Introduction to "Position Classification Standards," Section VI. *4. Enter geographical location by city and State (or if position is in a foreign country, by city and country). 16. Enter the organizational, functional, or working title if it differs from the official title. *5. Enter geographical location if different from that of #4. 17. Enter the name of the incumbent. If there is no incumbent, enter "vacancy." *1. Enter position number used by the agency for control purposes. See FPM Chapter 312, Subchapter 3. *2. Check one. • "Redescription" means the duties and/or responsibilities of an existing position are being changed. • "New" means the position has not previously existed. • "Reestablishment" means the position previously existed, but had been cancelled. • "Other" covers such things as change in title or occupational series without a change in duties or responsibilities. • The "Explanation" section should be used to show the reason if "Other" is checked, as well as any position(s) replaced by position number, title, pay plan, occupational code, and grade. 6. To be completed by OPM when certifying positions. (See Item 15 for date of OPM certification.) For SES and GS-16/18 positions and equivalent, show the position number used on OPM Form 1390 (e.g., DAES0012). *7. Check one to show whether the incumbent is exempt or non-exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. See FPM Chapter 551. 8. Check box if statement is required. See FPM Chapter 734 for the Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure Report, SF 278. See FPM Chapter 735, Subchapter 4, for the Employment and Financial interests Statement. 9. Check one to show whether Identical Additional positions are permitted. See FPM Chapter 312, Subchapter 4. Agencies may show the number of such positions authorized and/or established after the "Yes" block. 10. Check one. See FPM Chapter 212 for information on the competitive service and FPM Chapter 213 for the excepted service. For a position in the excepted service, enter authority for the exception, e.g., "Schedule A-213.3102(d)" for Attorney positions excepted under Schedule A of the Civil Service Regulations. SES (Gen) stands for a General position in the Senior Executive Service, and SES (CR) stands for a Career Reserved position. 11. Check one. • • A "Supervisory" position is one that meets the requirements for a supervisory title as set forth in current OPM classification and job-grading guidance. Agencies may designate first-level supervisory positions by placing "1" or "1st" after "Supervisory." A "Managerial" position is one that meets the requirements for such a designation as set forth in current OPM classification guidance. 12. Check one to show whether the position is non-sensitive, non-critical sensitive, critical sensitive, or special sensitive for security purposes. If this is an ADP position, write the letter "C" beside the sensitivity. 13. Enter competitive level code for use in reduction-in-force actions. See FPM Chapter 351. *18. Enter the organizational location of the position, starting with the name of the department or agency and working down from there. 19. If the position is occupied, have the incumbent read the attached description of duties and responsibilities. The employee's signature is optional. *20. This statement normally should be certified by the immediate supervisor of the position. At its option, an agency may also have a higher-level supervisor or manager certify the statement. *21. This statement should be certified by the agency official who makes the classification/job grading decision. Depending on agency regulations, this official may be a personnel office representative, or a manager or supervisor delegated classification/job grading authority. 22. Enter the position classification/job grading standard(s) used and the date of issuance, e.g., "Mail and File, GS-305, May 1977." 23. Agencies are encouraged to review periodically each established position to determine whether the position is still necessary and, if so, whether the position description is adequate and classification/job grading is proper. See FPM Letter 536-1 (to be incorporated into FPM Chapter 536). This section may be used as part of the review process. The employee's initials are optional. The initials by the supervisor and classifier represent recertifications of the statements in items #20 and #21 respectively. 24. This section may be used by the agency for additional coding requirements or for any appropriate remarks. *25. Type the description on plain bond paper and attach to the form. The agency position number should be shown on the attachment. See appropriate instructions for format of the description and for any requirements for evaluation documentation, e.g., "Instructions for the Factor Evaluation System," in the General Introduction to "Position Classification Standards," Section VII. UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY of the Health Sciences, Civilian Human Resources Recruitment Checklist Recruitment Checklist Please provide the information below with your Recruitment Request for Personnel Action (RPA). This information identifies key elements that are essential to proceed with your recruitment action. POSITION TO BE FILLED Title, PP/Ser/Gr RPA# PD # Vice (Employee Name) POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION Supervisor’s Name POC/AO SME Position Data Other Recruitment Information Phone Phone Phone Target PP, Ser, Grade PD Attached to RPA (Yes or N/A) Is PD Accurate? (Yes or No) NTE Date (i.e. 120 days, 1 year, 366 days, etc.) Physical Exam Required (Yes or No) Drug testing Required (Yes or No) Certification or Licensing Required? (Yes or No) Email Email Email If yes, what type? Recruit at Grade Level(s): Number of Vacancies PCS Authorized (Yes or No) Recruitment Incentives (Yes or No) Duration of Announcement (Minimum 5 days) IDENTIFY THOSE RECRUITMENT SOURCES YOU WOULD LIKE TO UTILIZE TO FILL YOUR VACANCY. Area of Consideration DE –U.S. Citizen VRA and Veterans with 30% or more Disability Current Federal (Includes VEOA Eligible) Current Department of Defense (DOD) Reinstatement Eligible Military Spouses (E.O. 13473, E.O. 12721) USUHS Only (Current Career/Career-Conditional Employees) Re-employed Annuitants Individuals with Disabilities (Schedule A) Student Educational Employment Program Wounded Warriors VEOA IDENTIFY 3-5 MAJOR DUTIES AND THE CORRESPONDING COMPETENCIES (Knowledge, skills and abilities) WHICH SUPPORT THESE DUTIES. 1. All duties and competencies must be supported in the position description. 2. 3. 4. 5. 13 April 2012 UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF THE HEALTH SCIENCES Civilian Human Resources Office 4301 JONES BRIDGE ROAD BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814-4799 Date MEMORANDUM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES ACTIONS COMMITTEE THROUGH: SUBJECT: Justification - Establish and Recruit/Fill for ____________________ The justification memorandum shall address the following: 1. Reason/Rationale 2. Requirement/Need 3. Impact on mission 4. Fund Explanation VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT FOR APPROPRIATED FUND ACTIVITIES NONAPPROPRIATED FUND INSTRUMENTALITIES PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: Section 1588 of Title 10, U.S. Code, and E.O. 9397. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To document voluntary services provided by an individual, including the hours of service performed, and to obtain agreement from the volunteer on the conditions for accepting the performance of voluntary service. ROUTINE USE(S): None. DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; however failure to complete the form may result in an inability to accept voluntary services or an inability to document the type of voluntary services and hours performed. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. TYPED NAME OF VOLUNTEER (Last, First, Middle Initial) 2. SSN 3. DATE OF BIRTH (YYYYMMDD) 4. INSTALLATION 5. ORGANIZATION/UNIT WHERE SERVICE OCCURS 6. PROGRAM WHERE SERVICE OCCURS 7. ANTICIPATED DAYS OF WEEK 8. ANTICIPATED HOURS 9. DESCRIPTION OF VOLUNTEER SERVICES PART II - VOLUNTEER IN APPROPRIATED FUND ACTIVITIES 10. CERTIFICATION I expressly agree that my services are being provided as a volunteer and that I will not be an employee of the United States Government or any instrumentality thereof, except for certain purposes relating to compensation for injuries occurring during the performance of approved volunteer services, tort claims, the Privacy Act, criminal conflicts of interest, and defense of certain suits arising out of legal malpractice. I expressly agree that I am neither entitled to nor expect any present or future salary, wages, or other benefits for these voluntary services. I agree to be bound by the laws and regulations applicable to voluntary service providers and agree to participate in any training required by the installation or unit in order for me to perform the voluntary services that I am offering. I agree to follow all rules and procedures of the installation or unit that apply to the voluntary services I will be providing. b. DATE SIGNED (YYYYMMDD) a. SIGNATURE OF VOLUNTEER 11.a. TYPED NAME OF ACCEPTING OFFICIAL c. DATE SIGNED (YYYYMMDD) b. SIGNATURE (Last, First, Middle Initial) PART III - VOLUNTEER IN NONAPPROPRIATED FUND INSTRUMENTALITIES 12. CERTIFICATION I expressly agree that my services are being provided as a volunteer and that I will not be an employee of the United States Government or any instrumentality thereof, except for certain purposes relating to compensation for injuries occurring during the performance of approved volunteer services and liability for tort claims as specified in 10 U.S.C. Section 1588(d)(2). I expressly agree that I am neither entitled to nor expect any present or future salary, wages, or other benefits for these voluntary services. I agree to be bound by the laws and regulations applicable to voluntary service providers, and agree to participate in any training required by the installation or unit in order for me to perform the voluntary services that I am offering. I agree to follow all rules and procedures of the installation or unit that apply to the voluntary services that I am offering. b. DATE SIGNED (YYYYMMDD) a. SIGNATURE OF VOLUNTEER 13.a. TYPED NAME OF ACCEPTING OFFICIAL c. DATE SIGNED (YYYYMMDD) b. SIGNATURE (Last, First, Middle Initial) PART IV - TO BE COMPLETED AT END OF VOLUNTEER'S SERVICE BY VOLUNTEER SUPERVISOR 14. AMOUNT OF VOLUNTEER TIME DONATED a. YEARS (2,087 hours=1 year) b. WEEKS c. DAYS 17.a. TYPED NAME OF SUPERVISOR 15. SIGNATURE 16. TERMINATION DATE (YYYYMMDD) d. HOURS c. DATE SIGNED (YYYYMMDD) b. SIGNATURE (Last, First, Middle Initial) DD FORM 2793, FEB 2002 PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE. Reset Exception to Standard Form 50 granted by Office of Personnel Management (OPM) waiver.
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