Internship Position Letter Josie Beech 555 F Street 6 Davis, CA 9561 x (530) 75x-xxx November 10, 20xx ent-Internship ces Departm Human Resour Radio National Public t Street 123 Governmen C 20xxx Washington, D Program er: sources Manag Sincerely, Josie Beech Josie Beech Enclosure University of California, Davis 35 Resumes and Correspondence epartment ediaRelationsD gabachelor’s M nd a lic ub /P ions suin rCommunicat rnia,Davis,pur has sparked my rnshipwithyou orattheUniversityofCalifo ch te ar in se n re a ic ng ki em ee aJuni Iams My acad e terquarter.Iam a minor in Communication . d advertising . I believe in th duringthewin an ith g w s tin ie ke ud ar m ican St organization . livered through degree in Amer that media is de would like to represent your ay w e th in st d intere dio an ional Public Ra rent mission of Nat re from a diffe be American cultu at to ce ok lo en di to au le I was ab allows its ad at ro th ab y er ng e liv yi th de r ud s hile st r new nator fo while This summer w increased my appreciation fo elected to the position of Se is st-year students be fir Th to g e . an iv tin ct en hm pe es es fr pr pers re ly of e of on e e lu th va ng the s . I was the challe troduced me to informed citizen ts of UC Davis, and rose to riences have in pe ex en e ud es St Th d . te Associa ty issues . larger universi media exchange collaborating on ication through all forms of un . I am available effective comm h an internship d to discussing ug ro th o di Ra rwar blic to National Pu me and look fo r to contribute 14th . I have attached my resu urtimeandconsideration. no ho an be ld It wou March uforyo ary 9th through nsingreaterdetail.Thankyo beginning Janu tio ca ifi al qu dmy thepositionan Dear Human Re Career Position Letter 146LaRueRoa d#267 • Dav Jennifer A . Lee is,CA95616 • (530)XXX-X XXX • jalee@ Date Ms . Emily Smyr na Proactive Consu lting 50 Streetcar St reet, Suite 123 San Francisco, CA 94xxx Dear Ms . Smyr Resumes and Correspondence na: I am writing to apply for the po position from sition of Intern recr al Audit Consu RecruitingProg uiter Grace Chan at a recent ramsatUCDav company inform ltant . I learned about this encouraged me is.Afterquickl yreviewingmy ation meeting hosted by Car to apply . eer enclosedresum e,Ms.Chan Afterspeaking academic back withMs.Chanaboutmyqu ground, skills, alificationsfor and work expe th bachelor’sdegr rience you seek isposition,IbelieveIhave eeinInternatio the . I will graduate na gained“hands lR el at io ns .Ihavealsoc on ompletedcours in June with a of the UC Dav ”experienceinrelevantinter ework is ch ns Taiwan . I am flu apter of an international bu hips.Ihonedmyleaderships inbusinessand siness fraternity ki ent in Taiwanes and have studie llsasPresident e, Mandarin, an d and worked d Spanish . in Thank you for yo ur in terest in my ap interviews . I lo plication and yo ok forward to ur willingness meeting you . to visit UC Dav is for Sincerely, Jennifer A. Lee Jennifer A . Lee Enclosure 36 University of California, Davis University of California, Davis 37 Joe Green Joe Green Sincerely, Allison Aggie Allison Aggie Sincerely, Note: remove any proverbs, quotations, or sayings from your signature block! I will call next week to see if we can arrange a brief meeting at your convenience. Thank you for considering my request. I am an economics student and am exploring career paths open to me. I am interested in securities, trading and investment banking, but want to prepare for my campus interviews next quarter with a clear sense of direction. I would appreciate your advice on these career fields as well as information about the daily activities of a broker. Dr. Arnold Best, professor of economics at UC Davis, suggested that I contact you. He thought that as an alumna you would be in an excellent position to assist me with gathering career information. Dear Ms. Smith: November 10, 20xx Resumes and Correspondence Thank you for your understanding. I hope we can meet in the near future to discuss my qualifications for the Marketing Assistant position offered by the your company. My internships with Look Public Relations and Real Marketing have provided me with the experience and qualifications you desire in the Marketing Assistant position. This experience, in combination with my Managerial Economics major, make me a strong candidate for this position. Please accept my apology for missing the interview scheduled with ABC Company on Thursday, March 20 at 2:15 p.m. I experienced an unforseen emergency that kept me from meeting with you. Your company offers an invaluable opportunity, and I appreciate any consideration you can give me in rescheduling my interview. Dear Ms. Brown: Ms. Sally Brown ABC Company 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 95XXX March 21, 20xx 123 D Street Davis, CA 95616 (530) 758-xxxx To: Fr: Subject: Request for Advice Prospecting/Networking Letter (in e-mail format) Prospecting/networking letters seek details on available positions, the contact names of people in hiring departments, and/or information on the company of interest. An apology letter is a personalized note apologizing for a last-minute interview cancellation or no-show. The note is an effort to remain in good standing with the company. Apology Letter Prospecting/Networking Letter Apology Letter Additional Letter Samples 38 University of California, Davis Karen Miller Karen Miller Sincerely, In closing, I would like to emphasize my interest in the Student Advisor position with the Internship and Career Center for the 20XX-20XX academic year. I look forward to hearing from you and can be reached at (530) 754-xxxx. From March 25 through March 30 (spring break) I can be reached at (510) 922-xxxx. Thank you again for your time and consideration. I hope you will contact Maggie Smith, Customer Records, PG&E, at (916) 454-xxxx. She can provide additional information on my ability and promise. Her name is not on the Reference Sheet I submitted to you at the conclusion of the interview. Thank you for the opportunity to interview this afternoon. After our meeting I am even more interested in joining your student staff. The employees I met were very friendly and the Center seemed to be a welcoming environment. My experience as a resident advisor has provided me with outstanding training, good organizational and leadership skills, and the opportunity to develop a solid work ethic. I have also been successful in resolving issues for residents that required sensitivity. My summer job with PG&E required that I meet deadlines, maintain records and generate reports. I am very familiar with Access, andused it extensively at PG&E. Dear Ms. Kalifi, Ms. Karen Kalifi, Coordinator The Internship and Career Center University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 March 12, 20xx 1234 Raleigh Court Davis, CA 95616 (530) 754-xxxx Follow-Up Thank-You Patricia M. Raidt Patricia M. Raidt Sincerely, I’m including an updated copy of my resume for your review and would welcome an opportunity to speak with you further. Please let me know if I can answer additional questions about my experience or to schedule an interview. My background as a Biotechnology major has prepared me to understand the theory behind the work at your company and has supplied me with a number of the skills you described as necessary including PCR, gel electrophoresis and aseptic technique. You emphasized the value of teamwork within your organization. I believe my participation in the Student Leadership Development Series and as a Student Advisor in the Human Corps office attest to my ability to work as a team member while being independently responsible for prioritizing my work and meeting deadlines. Thank you for discussing the various laboratory positions available within your company at the UC Davis Career Fair on February 8, 20xx. I am excited about both the manufacturing and quality control divisions of your organization and would like to work for EGP Laboratories after I graduate in June. Dear Mr. Arp, Mr. David William Arp Hiring Manger EGP Laboratories 123 Street Name Sometown, ST 00000 March 12, 20xx 7777 Hollywood Road Davis, CA 95616 (530) xxx-xxxx If you don’t hear from a company within two or three weeks of submitting your resume or interviewing with them, follow-up with a phone call or a follow-up letter. It is also advisable to send follow-up letters to company representatives you speak to at career fairs. Follow-up Letter A thank-you letter underscores your continued interest in the position and demonstrates courtesy and appreciation. It should emphasize your background and reference your interview or meeting. Thank-you letters should be sent to the interviewer(s) within 24 hours of your interview. If you interview with a panel send each panelist a thank-you letter. Thank yous should be sent after follow-up interviews as well. Handwritten notes, cards, or emails are also acceptable. Thank-You Letter Resumes and Correspondence Additional Letter Samples David Fox David Fox Robyn Ryan Robyn Ryan Sincerely, Sincerely, Regretfully, I must decline your offer as I have accepted position at another firm. I am grateful for the offer of a career position with your organization. My interviews with you and other members of the staff were pleasant, and I was very impressed with the excitement, productivity and strengths of XYZ, Inc. Dear Ms. Richard: I appreciate the opportunity to interview with your organization and want to thank you for your time and consideration. Resumes and Correspondence I look forward to a satisfying and mutually productive career with ABC Corporation. I understand this is a 12-month career position, and I will begin employment on (date). I have read and understand the information contained in the benefits package and agree to my salary offer of ($ _____). If any of this information is in error, please clet me know as soon as possible. I can be reached at (530) 756-xxxx. Thank you for your letter of March 25, 20xx and your invitation to become a member of your organization following graduation. I am pleased to accept your offer of employment. Dear Mr. Jones: Jeanne Richard Vice President XYZ, Inc. 1000 Smith Way Los Angeles, CA 90XXX May 13, 20xx March 28, 20xx Mr. Kevin Jones Personnel Manager ABC Corporation 3 Wallaby Place San Francisco, CA 10XXX 1313 Ivory Tower Lane College Town, CA 91984 (530) 75x-xxxx Declining an Offer It is courteous to inform employers from whom you’ve received offers that you have accepted another position. Your letter should be positive and gracious, but need not elaborate on the reasons for your decline. Indicate your appreciation of the offer, and thank people who were particularly helpful. Letter to Decline a Job Offer 192 Beta Drive Davis, CA 95616 (530) 75x-xxxx Accepting an Offer If you are relocating let the employer know your travel plans and expected date of arrival. Let the employer know your new (or interim) address and telephone number. Notify the employer as soon as you decide to accept a job offer. Confirm your acceptance in writing even if you’ve already accepted the offer by telephone. Restate the date of the offer, the position, the salary, and the starting date. Express enthusiasm for the company and your position and future with it. Letter to Accept a Job Offer Career Development Additional Letter Samples University of California, Davis 39
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