SAMPLE HS ESOL 3 SLO MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Developing-Writing Professional Growth System Student Learning Objective (SLO) The purpose of this SLO draft is to provide the ESOL Professional with options for creating an academic language based SLO. One of the two required SLOs must be aligned to MSDE’s Initial Conference Date: state mandated assessment, ACCESS for Final Conference Date: ELLs. Name: School: Grade/Subject/Course: Interval: Academic Year Identify SLO: Area of Growth, Student Selection, Target Area of Growth Student Selection What is the academic goal or area of growth for students? By the end of the year, students will demonstrate progress toward proficiency in English by increasing their writing proficiency level by 1.0. Describe the student group(s) selected. Include: • Group or subgroup ESOL students with Overall Proficiency Levels (OPL) of 2.5-3.4 with writing proficiency levels below 2.0, according to the most recent ACCESS for ELLs test. • Number or percentage of students targeted 12/15 students in my ESOL Level 3 course • Current grade level or performance levels of students (List students’ grade levels, as they may vary.) ESOL Level 3 course th 10 -3 th 11 -9 Target Describe and explain the expectations for student growth for students included in this SLO. Highly Effective: 80% of all identified students will increase their writing proficiency level by greater than 1.0 and will meet requirements for advancement to the MCPS ESOL level 5 course or exit ESOL. Effective: 80% of all identified students will increase their writing proficiency level by .6 to 1.0 and will meet the requirement for advancement to MCPS ESOL 4 course. Adequate: 80% of all identified students will increase their writing proficiency level by .5 to reach the MSDE requirement for progress. (However, this may not be sufficient progress, to warrant advancement to MCPS ESOL 4 Course which requires an OPL of 3.5- implying the student may need to repeat ESOL 3) Evidence of Need Data & Baseline Evidence Review What data supports your identification of this need as a priority to address? If you need to collect baseline data, what will you use? • • ACCESS for ELLs student data- OPL and writing proficiency level, 2013 Baseline-beginning of the year formative assessment that informs the writing proficiency level based on WIDA Performance Definitions. Note to teacher: Insert or attach both aforementioned data here for the identified students. What course standards/indicators, concepts, or skills are being addressed by this SLO? WIDA Standard 1: Social and Instructional Language WIDA Standard 2: Language of Language Arts Writing Indicators: Indicator 2: Write to convey academic information. Indicator 3: Use Standard English grammar to communicate clearly and accurately in writing. Indicator 4: Use the conventions and mechanics of Standard English to communicate clearly and accurately in writing. Indicator 5: Use advanced vocabulary to communicate effectively in writing Why Explain why this is a significant need to address and why you chose this student group. Developing proficiency in academic English is a federal, state, and county mandate. In order for students to access and perform at high levels of academic achievement, they must attain English language proficiency and meet the same challenging academic achievement standards as all students are expected to meet. Annual Measureable Achievement Objective AMAO I • Definition: Progress toward English language proficiency. Students must increase .5 OPL, as measured by the ACCESS for ELLs test AMAO II • Definition: Attainment of English language proficiency. Students must obtain an overall proficiency level of 5.0 and a 4.0 proficiency level in literacy, as measured by the ACCESS for ELLs test AMAO III • Definition: Attainment of the Annual Measureable Objective (AMO) in Reading, Mathematics, and graduation rate for the MCPS LEP subgroup The AMO in Reading and Mathematics is measured by the percent of LEP students scoring proficient or advanced on the following assessments: o English 2/High School Assessment (HSA) o Algebra 1/HSA Plan Your Actions – Instructional Focus, Resources, Evidence of Progress Instructional Focus Describe the key instructional strategies selected to support students in reaching this growth target. Instructional Focus: WIDA Using the following teaching strategies outlined in the ESOL Observation Protocol I will systematically introduce and explicitly teach language aligned with the objective to access the content. • Vocabulary, language structures, and discourse will be explicitly modeled (word banks, sentence frames, graphic organizers.) • Opportunities for guided and independent practice will be structured What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ • Resources and techniques will be utilized to make concepts/language clear and concrete, such as visuals, realia, hands-on activities, technology, demonstrations, role-plays, etc. What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ • Use a variety of questions or prompts to facilitate student responses in writing What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ • Provide oral and written language models to support student writing What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ • Provide appropriate resources (e.g., graphic organizers, manipulatives, technology) that support students’ development of proficiency towards mastery of writing What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ I will structure opportunities for authentic language practice and application including educational technology integration in all domains of language so that all students are actively engaged in using the language. • Provide structured and frequent opportunities for teacher-student and student-student interaction and discourse. What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ Include a variety of questions or prompts (e.g., literal, analytical, interpretive) in speaking and writing that promote higher-order thinking skills, problem solving, collaboration, and /or risk-taking. What does this look like specifically? Give an example:____________________________________________ • Provide wait time of at least 5 seconds after questions are asked to allow for ample think time. 6/6/2013 Montgomery County Public Schools/OHRD/ESOL FINAL DRAFT 2013–2014 School Year • Create tasks that provide for on demand writing of multi-paragraphs within one class period. In writing, students will be able to: o Summarize content related notes from lectures and text o Revise work based on narrative and oral feedback o Compose narrative and expository text for a variety of purposes o Justify and defend ideas and opinions o Produce content related reports Monitoring progress toward English language proficiency using the WIDA Performance Definitions I will assess language and concepts explicitly taught in the lesson by using WIDA Performance Definitions to evaluate English language proficiency and writing proficiency based on the three language criteria of academic language. Having students self-assess their work on instructional tasks and formative assessments Students will have opportunities for self-assessment and daily access to WIDA rubrics and WIDA Performance Definitions as posted in classroom in order to build shared responsibility for learning. Resources Describe the professional development or support you will use to help reach this growth target. • • • • • • • • Attend all ESOL Professional Development Teacher Meetings and PLCs. Consult and collaborate with ESOL teachers and ESOL resource teachers. Access and share resources through e-Collaboration with other ESOL educators via MCPS ESOL PLC on Interact with professional development tools on and download resources, including the WIDA Performance Definitions. Receive instructional feedback for growth through formal and informal observations from supervisors and peers, as well as observe others. Collaborate with other ESOL teachers to develop teacher formative assessments that inform proficiency level in writing based on WIDA Performance Definitions. Refer to ESOL curriculum resources, formative and summative assessments aligned to WIDA, and professional development resources on writing academic language. Collaborate with ESOL Instructional Specialist, providing feedback regarding on-going needs that inform the development of additional professional development. Collaborate with other literacy professionals and content teachers as needed to inform the development of written discourse. Evidence of Progress Describe how you will monitor progress and collect data. List any benchmark assessments or other tools you will use to gather student evidence. • • • • • ACCESS for ELLs, OPL results, and writing proficiency level results. Teacher created performance-based formative assessments aligned to the WIDA Performance Definitions in speaking and writing. Student writing samples, scored based on WIDA Performance Definitions (linguistic complexity, language forms and conventions, and vocabulary usage.) ESOL Semester Exam (Writing analysis and multiple choice grammar section.) Student self-assessments as aligned to WIDA Performance Definitions or WIDA rubrics in writing. 6/6/2013 Montgomery County Public Schools/OHRD/ESOL FINAL DRAFT 2013–2014 School Year Analysis & Reflection Analysis & Reflection Analyze the student data you gathered throughout the SLO interval. Did you meet your target? Explain what worked, what didn’t, and what you would do differently in the future. Include any complexity factors that may have impacted your results. What worked: 90% of students reached the target writing proficiency level and OPL- Highly Effective. Focused planning, teaching, and performance based assessments that informed WIDA writing proficiency level and OPL, as well as student-self assessment was effective. What didn’t work: 10% of my identified student group did not meet target due to factors of late arrival into the program and a need for more time to practice and interact with language to ensure their acquisition of academic language at higher levels. In the future: Some of these students will either repeat ESOL 3 for non-credit and collaboration with content teachers next year will be necessary. I will collaborate with the special educator to help me more effectively meet the needs of my students with an IEP and consider supporting written language development in content areas with specific connections to WIDA Performance Definitions. Teacher: Printed Name Signature Date Principal: Printed Name Signature Date 6/6/2013 Montgomery County Public Schools/OHRD/ESOL FINAL DRAFT 2013–2014 School Year
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