Report Date/Time Local ID 1 09—03—2010 937635631 08: 10:23 am. Transmit Header Text Local Name 1 CITY OF QUITMAN This document: Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5”xll” September 3, 2010 William Clay Harris Assistant General Counsel, Contract Comptroller of Public Accounts P0. Box 13528, oom Q1 Austin, Texas 78711-3528 Michael E. Hall via fax: (512) 463-3669 REP: RFA No. RE-AG22O1O - LETTER OF INTENT Mr. Harris, In accordance with the REA No. RE-AG2-2010 (Section 1.8), the City of Quitman hereby provides notice of intent to apply for funding under the Distributed Fienewable Energy Technology Stimulus Grant Program of the Texas Comptroller or Public Accounts. As noted in the RFA, this letter is considered non-mandatory and non binding and Is otherwise provided by request as a courtesy to identify a point of contact with the City for communication regarding the grant program. Pending City Council approval, the City may submit an application and in such case, their resolution would designate the Mayor as the authorized individual and the City Secretary-Administrator as the primary contact. Contact information is as follows: chyai ad&ess 401 Ea8t000deSj,eeq !fl5address P.O. Bcz 1855 Outmen. TX 75783 903-1S3-223 O3 7634045 Jerry Edwards Mayor, City of Quitman P.O. Box 1855 (madlrig) 401 E. Goode (physical) Quitman, Texas 75783 (903) 763-2223 (o) (903) 330-2783(c) (903) 763-5631 (f) mayor© Michael E. Hall City Administrator, City of Quitman P.O. Box 1855 (mailing) 401. E Goode (physical) Quitman, Texas 75783 (903) 7 63-2223(o) (903) 767-5620(c) (903) 763-5631(f) if you need additional information or clarification, please contact me directly. Thank you for your time and assistance. Sincerely tax 803-763-5631 9 mh9quitmanx.o Total Pages Scanned: 1 [No. Job RemoteStation 001 012 Abbreviations: HS: Host send HR: Host receive WS: Waiting send Michael E. Hall Total Pages Confirmed: 1 StartTime Duration 09—03—2010 000019 PL: Polled local PR: Polled remote MS: Mailbox save MP: Mailbox print RP: Report FF: Fax Forward Pages 1’l Line Mode CP: Completed FA: Fall TU: Terminated by user JobType Esults TS: Terminated by system G3: Group 3 EC: Error Correct SECO SECO Strmuus State Energy Prcrqram SECO Stimuftis j State Energy Program Ke Dates - . ‘555,,.4 SSe 555 .55r5555m555,.•sSnnn .• Request for Application (RFA):,,,,/Ir3er,php As ofAugust 27. 2010. a Round II RF\ has been issued br the Distributed Renewable I. nerav [echnolog’s Procr tin snd is now as ulahlc on the F oimsptrnlk.r s I ni. Stst. BlisntLss I) tils (I SIIDI sift. F tics countics Round II 1/4 ‘Ibis will be a statewide program and will be accomplished through a competitive grant process br governmental entitmes to install and demonstrate the ellëetiveness ofcommercialh-aailahle renewable emsergs technologies tiir electrieits generation. (iosernrnental entmtics mrla include urliLs ofstate and local goscrninent_ public schools. public colleges arid unisersitles. public hospitals and governniemtt-owned utilitics. A speeitie minimum she has not been determined, as there are some entitles in the state such as public schools that ma want to install small—wind projects that may he less than I 0KW. SR’( I nay allow smaller systems under 10 KW at public institutions. However, no residential or commercial buildings will be eligible lOr limnding. lie purpose ofthms program Is to increase the amount of installed renewable energ in lexas.Addmtknallv. the purpose is to Iimrther deelop ‘lexas’ renewable energ potential. assist in meeting the state’s Renewable PortlElmo Standard target of I ((.01(0 megawatts b 2025 and adsance the market timr renewable ted kg,nes Such teehmtok)gles must abide by the SI/P definition ofrenewable energy non-depletable source of energy) and would include hiomass, geothermal, solar, water (hydro) and wind, - .m5555555 . Press Release 3 Iô 1(0 s5sn,545, W,,5555m5m55_ — Distributed Renewable Energy Technology Program $53 Million . Projects lexas Rismne rEnts (\las June 20 lOt sr>> (‘oinptrollcr Awards First Round 01 ( irants lEr Renewable Energ Sunshine Stimulus Possers Schools, Irainimia 1)enton Austin Comumunit College \CC) University oflexas ‘lexas Southmost College I’SC) $1,589,929.63 $1,526,474.88 Austimi - Ilarlingen www.seco 01 dex,php [taskell Street \\ are Water Ireatment Plant Palacios Independent School District. Nlatagorda Independent School District, and lidehasen lmidependenm School District — 1.1 Paso \\atei I tilities 81.479.664.00 $1,425,549.00 llu,stamanle Waste Water ‘l’reatnient Plant El Paso Water I tilitics —, J.J. Pickle Research Campus 81,519.664.00 - - ‘lime Counts ofCaineron — I larlmngen, San Benmto. Brownsville Public I .ibrarv $1,713,326.20 - $1,594,369.75 Dallas lime t ‘ni’sersit of lexas at Arlington - (‘mty oftledlird Grapevine SI .832.000.00 - $1,998,500.00 Southwestern Medtcal Center Uttiverslty of lexa,s Carroll Independent School District $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 - - S an Antonio ‘Ihe City ofWeslaco 82,000.000.00 — lime (‘itv ofJonestowit St. Phml’s College Ihe Cit’s ofl ampasas 82.200.0001(0 $2,000,000 00 I ‘niversitv ofNorth Texas $2,200,000.00 $2,036 .40(1.011 (.ovemme Assa rd Amount nial Entities As ofAtatust 24. 200. the Comptroller has awarded eompetmtrse lèderal stimulus izrants to the lolkwvmng governnmental entitles ARR-\ F unds Awarded. Match and or lotal Project amounts are not linal until contract execution. Note that remaining applications mar still he in revs2w, Round I: Distributed Renewable Energy Technology Awarded Projects )5 )ateS mat’ he subject to change Official Responses to Questions from Potential Applicants F,e1ated News 09/10/10. or as soon therealter as practical Deadline lEr Stibmisslon ofQuesmions (2:00 p.m. CS’I’) As soon as practical 09/03/Itt 09/1)3/I 0 Deadlimte lEr Non—Mandatory Letters of Intent to Apply (200 pin. (‘SI) Grant Agreement Execution / (‘ommenecient of Project >;> Date 08/27 Itt - Issuance ofREA Round II • RFA Title: I)istributed Reiwssable Energy Technology Stimulus Grant Program • Agency Requisition Number: RE-AG2-20I0 school districts and other local and state government entitmes can apply lOr competitive grants. 3/13/2010 ec the list otRound 1 Distributed Renewable Energ Awarded Projects. I pdated RI \w artk Round 11 Request For Application #RE-AG2-20 10, 1)istrlhuted Renewable Energy kehnologv Stimulus 3rant Program. has been posted. Proposals due by 9/24/10. RFA Posted Stole Ene’gy Consereaten tarfce 9/13/2010 2/4 City ofUrand Prairie $872809.00 Wcst Texas A&M I Jniversity - Denton Ibe Cns ofAtpirie The City oft torseshoc Bay University ofNorth Texas Munday Independent School District City oft lenrtetta Fort Worth Independent School Dtsuict the City ofSunset Valley $419,600.00 $311,396.83 $260,500.00 $249,117.46 $159,160.00 $143,074.00 $95,000.00 - - Austin area Dallas — tort Worth Munday I tarlnigen ghp • (josemmental entitss eligible: • Request lOr Applications announcetuent s tnt a eut—otldate liar suhniittal: • Cost- rennhursemcnt based contracts: • Biomass projects mttst use Texas grown/harvested/collected crops: • Grantees will be required to provide a pre- and post-report; • Selection Committee will consist ofinlernal SEC() program experts and external participants; • Grants capped at $2 million: • Eligible technologies include: Process and Selection C,iteria: see detaik texas State technical College $33I .001(00 - the Cit of San Antonio $433000.00 Shatkoater - Region Ill $455203.00 - Stialkiwater Independent School I )istricl Texas Parks and Wikttilë Department $476.800.00 — Sinton (aiion Sinton Independent School District $551,200.00 $497,350.00 - The City ofAddison The City of Seadrift $572,400.00 $564,000.0)) - Northeast Texas Community College $750,000.00 $794,121.00 Adjutant (jeneral’s t)eparunent of texas Military Forces at Camp \labrv Austin Else Uniscrsit ottexas Ilcaith Science Center San Antonio Austin l-leadquarters $799.939 00 - I lopkins Counts Texas Parks and WildliIë Department Sulphur Springs Waco $82 I .386.0)) - $827A113.00 - Texas State 1 echnical College $978,226.00 San Antonio I’he City of Duncanville University of texas $1,121,208.00 $1,080,000.00 Fred Itervey Reclamation Plant El Paso Walei Uuitics -- Resnnn I Region ii The City of Irving Irving Public I .ibraiy - $1,199,472.00 texas Parks and Wildtiie Department $1,158316,00 Fexas Parks and Wikthlë Department $t.320.326 00 - SECO Slmu)us State 0ergy Proqram Utie City ofl loiistoii $l,30I,50t .00 $l.352525.nt) 9/13/2010 3/4 o -— SECO Seuas State tnerçjy Proqre 4/4 Biomass O (jeothennal o Solar o Water(ltdrot o Wind: • Installed technology must be grid connected unless it is planned liar use during emergency reliel • Renewable Energy Credits should he retired: Imossever, the emission reductions call and should be included in the State Implementation Plan in areas oftion—attaninsent; and, • Applications will he scored by the tialkasuig: o Reads-to-go projects tusen priority. o Projects must he completed and linids expended by April 30. 21)12. Prctërcmice gtsen to pntect completed s tttmns 12 18 months: o Protects that tiase alread conducted a Nl:P.\ rcsiess mfrequmred gi%cn prmormts: o A tiinimmunl ofa 20’ mrntch required ta larger tnatch simil reccmse additional points). o The cost share can he mn-kind seruces or additional secured tinidnig on the project. An example of in-kind is city or county qualified stalfparticjpatioti and or equipment use (oat match can inctttde designated project or bond hinds that will increase the proposed project swc.); o Projected greenhouse gas emissions reduction: o Projected tiumber ofjohs created/retained (permanent jobs more points); o Projected energy savings; o Innovative. coinniercially available technologies: arid, o While a project’s selection is not contingent on including its itrstallation on U.S. EPA contaminated lands such as brotantields. extra points will he gixen ifa project is alread\ planned on such sites in I exas. 3132010
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