Sample Question Paper : I Sample Question Paper - I INFORMATICS PRACTICES Class-XII TIME : 3 hours MM : 70 Types of Questions Marks Per Question Total Number of Questions Total Marks SA I 1 16 16 SA II 2 18 36 LA 6 3 18 37 70 Total Blue Print - Sample Question Paper - I INFORMATICS PRACTICES Class-XII TIME : 3 hours MM : 70 SA (1 mark) SA (2 marks) LA (6 marks) Total Networking and Open Standards 4(4) 3(6) - 7(10) Programming 7(7) 6(12) 1(6) 14(25) 4(4) 7(14) 2(12) 13(30) 1(1) 2(4) - 3(5) 16(16) 18(36) 3(18) 37(70) Topic / Unit Relational System Database IT Applications Total Management 2 Sample e Question Paaper: I Serries: SOS/1 Sample Question Q Pa aper - I INFORMA ATICS PRAC CTICES Class-XII C TIME : 3 hours 1 MM : 7 70 (a)) Tara Natthani wants to upload and download d files from/to a rem mote intenet se erver, write the e name of the relevant co ommunication n protocol, whiich will let her do the same. An ns. FTP) File Transfer Protocol (F (b)) Two docttors in the sam me room have connected the eir Palm Tops using Bluetoo oth for working g on a Gro oup presentatio on. Out of the following, wh at kind of Netw work they havve formed? LAN, MA AN, PAN, WAN N An ns. k (PAN) Personal Area Network (c) Arrange the followin ng communication channe els in ascend ding order o of their data a transmisssion rates. Ethernet Cable, Optica al Fiber, Teleph hone Cable, C o-axial Cable An ns. Telephon ne Cable, Ethernet Cable, Co o-axial Cable, Optical Fiber (d)) Which off the following is not a chara acteristic of Op pen Source Sofftware? Its source e code is availa able for modiffication It is owne ed by a compa any or an indivvidual It can be downloaded from f internet An ns. ed by a compa any or an indivvidual. It is owne (e)) Jai Khanna is confused d between the e terms Doma ain Name and URL. Explain the difference e with the help of approp priate example es of each. An ns. An easier way of remembering a web bsite is by its U Uniform Resou urce Locator (U URL), which is a simple sttring of characters used to re epresent and id dentify a Web page or webssite. Unlike the e IP addresss, the URL co onsists of text, which makess it easier to rremember. An example of a URL is, http://www.g In this URL, w is the dom main name. A domain name n consists of the followin ng three parts:: ((1 Mark for Ab bbreviation and d/or Full Form) (1 Mark for ccorrect answerr) (1 Mark for ccorrect answerr) • • • (1 Mark for ccorrect answerr) www w Nam me of the website Top p Level Domain n (TLD), such as a .com, .net, .o d .in org, .edu, and (2 2 marks for correct explanatiion of differen nce with the he elp of example) (f) ny two threats to Network Se ecurity. Define an An ns. t to Netw work Security are a as follows:: The two threats • Worms: Refer to malicious pro ograms that ca an copy themsselves and use e networks to send copies of the emselves to other computerss. A worm cau uses harm by consuming the er through self--replication. entiire disk space or memory of your compute • Sno ooping: Referss to the act ga aining unauth horized access to a user’s files and other perssonal information, such as password and d login details,, without the k knowledge or permission of the e user. This inccludes monitorring the activitty of the user on a network u snooping g software. by using ny two threats) (1 mark e each for correcctly defining an Sample Q Question Pap per: I (g)) S and Bus Topology T of ne tworks. Differentiate between Star An ns. n Star and Buss Topology is a s follows: The difference between • 3 pology, each n node of the n network is connected to the Star Topology: In the star top central node (also o known as hub) through a single path. TThe star topollogy is one of the most popularr topologies in n networks tha at are used fo or data processsing or voice mmunication. An A example off the star topollogy is the insttallation of IBM M 370, where com 327 70 terminals are a connected to a central node or host system. The IBM 370 is a mod del range of IBM mainframes. Figure A sshows the arra angement of d devices in the starr topology: Figure A: A Network with tthe Star Topolog gy • Buss Topology: The bus topo ology has a ssingle transmiission medium m with which seve eral nodes are e connected. In n this topologyy, a host locate ed at one end of the bus (or the central node) communicate es with all the other nodes a attached along g its length. In the bus topology, data transmission can takke place from any workstation (or node). How wever, data tra avels along th he length of th he bus in both h directions, an nd is received by all a workstation ns. Terminatorrs present at b both ends of tthe bus help tto absorb the sign nal, removing it from the bu us. Figure B sshows the arra angement of d devices in the bus topology: Figure B: A Network with tthe Bus Topolog gy (2 marks for corrrect difference) 2 (a)) While wo orking in NetBeans, Rajmeetta included a LListbox in the fform. Now she e wants the list of her friiends' names to t be displayed d in it. Which property of Lisstbox control sshould she use e to do thiss? An ns. Model (b)) What is the t purpose off default clause e in a switch sttatement? An ns. Default clause c is used to t handle the case c when no match of any case in the sw witch statemen nt is found. (1 mark for ccorrect answerr) (1 mark k) 4 Sample e Question Paaper: I (c) Which HT TML tag insertss a horizontal straight line o on a web page? An ns. ag <HR> ta (d)) < tag differe ent from <BR> > tag in HTML? ? How is <P> An ns. <P> tag inserts a blank line and starrts a new para agraph wherea as <BR> tag fo orces text to a new line like the <P> < tag, but without w insertin ng a blank line e. (1 1 mark for corrrect difference) (e)) How many times will each e of the fo ollowing loops execute? Which one of the ese is an entryy control lo oop and which h one is an exitt control loop? ? Loop1: Loop2: int sum = 0, i = 5; int sum = 0, i = 5; do while (i<5 5) = i; i++;} whiile (i<5); {sum += i; i++;} { sum += An ns. Loop1 wiill execute once and Loop2 will w execute 0 ttimes. Loop1 is exit control loop and Loop2 is entry contro ol loop. ( ½ mark for e each correct no o. of times of lo oop execution) ( ½ mark eacch for correctlyy identifying the type of loop) (f) Write a function in java a that takes tw wo numbers two o numbers as input from texxtfields and t sum. displays their An ns. (1 mark for ccorrect answerr) int arseInt(jTextF Field1.getText t()); int arseInt(jTextF Field2.getText t()); int c; c=a+ +b; jTex xtField3.setT Text(""+c); ( ½ mark for gettting the input) (1 mark for ca alculating sum) ( ½ mark for displayin ng in text field) (g)) An ns. X different from tags in HTTML? Write 2 p points. How are tags used in XML XML Ta ags HTM ML Tags Allows users to define e their own tag gs Allo ows users to usse only predefined tags Require es the user to close c each tag Doe es not require tthe user to clo ose each tag (1 markk for each corrrect difference) 3 (a)) If a data abase "Employe ee" exists, which MySql com mmand helps you to start w working in that database e? An ns. ployee Use Emp (b)) nd that there should have been another Sahil cre eated a table in MySql. Latter on he foun column in the table. Which W command d should he usse to add anotther column to o the table? An ns. Alter table (c) d a table "Boo ok". Price is a ccolumn of thiss table. To find d Pooja, a students of class XI, created hose prices havve not been en ntered she wro ote the followin ng query: the details of books wh Select * from f Book whe ere Price = NU ULL; Help Poo oja to run the query q by removving the errorss from the que ery and rewritin ng it. An ns. f Book whe ere Price IS NU ULL; Select * from (1 mark for ccorrect answerr) (1 mark for ccorrect answerr) (1 mark for ccorrect answerr) Sample Q Question Pap per: I 5 (d)) Rama is not able to ch hange a value e in a column to NULL. Wha at constraint d did she specifyy when she e created the table? t An ns. Rama spe ecified 'NOT NULL' N constrain nt for that colu umn when she created the ta able. (1 mark for ccorrect answerr) (e)) Distinguish between a Primary key and a Candidate e key with the help of suitab ble example of each. An ns. Candidatte key is a collumn or a gro oup of columnss that can be a primary Keyy of a table. A table can n have multiple e candidate ke eys but it can h have only one primary key. F For example, A table CU USTOMER conta ains the colum mns CustomerIId, AccountNo o, Name, Addrress, PhoneNo, and Bala ance. In this table CustomerIId and Accoun ntNo (both are e unique for evvery row in the e table) arre candidate keys. k Out of th hese any one can be chosen as the prim mary key of the e table. (1 mark for co orrect answer 1 mark for suittable example) (f) Name column of a table "Dirrectory" is give en below: The LastN LastName Batra Sehgal Bhatia Sharma Mehta Based on n this informatiion, find the output of the fo ollowing querie es: a. SELEC CT LastName FROM Directory WHERE last name like "_a% %"; b. SELEC CT LastName FROM Directory WHERE last name not like "%a"; 4 An ns. a. LastN Name Batra a b. LastN Name Sehg gal (g)) A table "Stock" " in a da atabase has 5 columns and contains 17 records. Whatt is the degree e and card dinality of this table? An ns. Degree = 5. Cardinaliity = 17 (a)) erence to objecct oriented pro ogramming. Define a class with refe An ns. A class iss an abstract user-defined da ata type that iss used as a blu ueprint to defin ne the objects of o that class. ( 1 mark for corrrect definition) (b)) What will be the conten nt of jTextField d1 after executting the follow wing code: (1 mark k for each part) int Num = 6; Num = Num + 1; if ( Num > 5) jTex xtField1.setT Text(Integer.t toString(Num)) ); else e jTex xtField1.setT Text(Integer.t toString(Num+ 5)); An ns. 7 (c) What will be the conten nts of jTextArea1 after execu uting the follow wing statement: a1.setText("Object\nOriented d\tProgrammin ng"); jTextArea ( 1 mark for ccorrect answerr) 6 Sample e Question Paaper: I An ns. jTextArea a1 will display the following text: Object Oriented O Progrramming ‘\n’ is used to break th he string to the e next line; how wever, ‘\t’ is used to provide e a tab spacing g between two strings. (1 mark for contentss to be printed) ( ½ markk each for writting the effect of '\n' and ' \t') (d)) p code using switch sttatement: Rewrite the following program if (d == 1) day = "Monday"; else e if (d == 2) day = "Tuesday"; else e if (d == 3) day = "Wednesday y"; else e day = "-"; An ns. swit tch(d) { ca ase 1: day = "Monday"; brea ak; case e 2: day = "Tuesday"; brea ak; case e 3: day = "Wednesday y"; brea ak; defa ault: day = "-";} (2 marks for ccorrect answerr) (e)) The follo owing code has h some error(s). Rewrite e the correctt code underrlining all the e corrections made: int i=2; j=5; while j>i {jTe extField1.get tText("j is gr reater"); j--;++i;} JOpt wMessageDialog g("Hello"); An ns. int i=2, j=5; while (j>i) { jT etText("j is greater"); g j--; ++i; } JOpt wMessageDialog g(this, "Hello o"); ( ½ mark e ach for identiffying and corre ecting 4 errors) (f) What will be the conten nts of jTextField1 and jTextFiield2 after exe ecuting the following code: String s = "ABC Micro Systems s"; jTex xtField1.setT Text(s.length( ()+" "); jTex xtField2.setT Text(s.toLower rCase()); An ns. jTex xtField1: 17 jTex xtField2: abc c micro system ms (1 Mark for 17 7 1 Mark for abc micro systems) Sample Q Question Pap per: I (g)) 7 on for their co ompany as sho own below: Glamourr Garments has developed a GUI applicatio The company accepts payments in 3 modes- che eque, cash and d credit cards. The discount p is as follows. f given as per mode of payment Mode of Payment P Discount Cash 8% Cheque 7% Credit Card d Nil If the Bill Amount is mo ore than 1500 00 then the cusstomer gets an n additional diiscount of 10% % on Bill Am mount. An ns. (i) Wrrite the code to t make the textfields for D Discount (name ed txtDisc) and d Net Amount (na amed txtNetAm mt) uneditable. (ii) Wrrite code to do o the following: (i) (a) When "Calcculate Discoun nt" button is cliicked the disco ount should be e calculated ass per the give en criteria and d it should be d displayed in th he discount texxtfield. o be enabled. "Calculate Net N Amount" button b (named d btnCalcNetAm mt) should also (b) When "Callculate Net Amount" A butto n is clicked tthe net amou unt should be e calculated and a it should be b displayed in n the net amou unt textfield. txtDis sc.setEditable(false); txtNet tAmt.setEdita able(false); (1 mark each for both parts) 8 Sample e Question Paaper: I (ii) (a) float BillAmt, NetAmt, Disc; String g ModeofPayment; BillAm mt = arseFloat(txtB BillAmt.getTex xt()); Modeof fPayment = (String) cmbMod de.getSelected dItem(); if (Mo odeofPayment.equals("Cash" ")) Disc = BillAmt*8/1 100; else if i (ModeofPay yment.equals(" "Cheque")) Disc = BillAmt*7/1 100; else Disc D = 0; if (Bi illAmt > 15000) Disc = Disc + BillAmt*10/100; btnCal lcNetAmt.setEnabled(true); ; txtDis sc.setText(Disc+""); ( ½ Mark M for variablle declaration with appropria ate data types) ( ½ Ma ark for extractiing Bill Amoun nt correctly from m the text boxx) ( ½ Mark forr extracting Mo ode of Paymen nt correctly from m Combo Boxx) ( ½ Mark for calculating corrrect Discount based on Mod de of Payment) ( ½ Mark for calculating Discou unt based on B Bill Amount and displaying it) ( ½ Markk for Enabling b btnCalNetAmt) (b) float BillAmt, NetAmt, Disc; BillAm mt = arseFloat(txtB BillAmt.getTex xt()); Disc = Float.parseFloat(txtDisc c.getText()); NetAmt t = BillAmt - Disc; txtNet tAmt.setText(NetAmt+""); ( ½ Markk for calculating g Net Amount) ( ½ Markk for Displaying g Net Amount) 5 (a)) An ns. Explain the t purpose off DDL and DM ML commandss used in SQL.. Also give tw wo examples of each. • Datta Definition Language (D DDL): DDL com mmands are u used to create,, destroy, and to restructure the database obje ects. Example: CREATE E and ALTER • Datta Manipulattion Languag ge (DML): DM ML commandss are used to insert, delete and d change data in tables. Example: SELECT and DELETE (½ Ma rk each for pu urpose and exa amples of DDLL) amples of DMLL) (½ Marrk each for purpose and exa (b)) Write the e output of the following SQLL queries: a. SELEC CT ROUND(6.5 5675, 2); b. SELEC CT TRUNCATE((5.3456, 1); c. SELEC CT DAYOFMON NTH('2009-08 8-25'); d. SELEC CT MID('Class 12', 1 2,3); An ns. a. b. c. d. 6.57 5.3 25 las each for each ccorrect answerr) ( ½ Mark e 9 Sample Q Question Pap per: I (c) Considerr the table TEA ACHER given below. b Write co ommands in S SQL for (1) to (4) and output for (5) to (8) TEACHER R Salary ID Name N Department Hiredatte Categ gory Gende er 1 Tanya T Nanda SocialStudie es 1994-03 3-17 TGT F 25000 2 Saurabh S Sharma S Art 1990-02 2-12 PRT M 20000 3 Nandita N Arora English 1980-05 5-16 PGT F 30000 4 James J Jacob English 1989-10 0-16 TGT M 25000 5 Jaspreet J Kaur Hindi 1990-08 8-01 PRT F 22000 6 Disha D Sehgal Math 1980-03 3-17 PRT F 21000 7 Siddharth S Kapoor K Science 1994-09 9-02 TGT M 27000 F 24500 (i) Sonali S Math 1980-11 1-17 TGT Mukherjee M o display all infformation abo out teachers of PGT category . To (ii) o display all infformation abo out teachers of PGT category . To (iii) To o list names, departments d an nd date of hirring of all the teachers in asscending order off date of joining. (iv) o count the num mber of teache ers in English d department. To (v) ELECT MAX(Hirredate) FROM TEACHER; SE (vi) ELECT DISTINC CT(Category) FROM TEACHE R; SE (vii) Category = "P ELECT COUNT T(*) FROM TEAC CHER WHERE C PGT" SE (viii) ELECTAVG(Sala ary) FROM TEA ACHER group b by Gender; SE (i) ELECT * FROM TEACHER WH HERE Category = 'PGT'; SE (ii) ELECT Name FROM TEACHER WHERE Gen der = 'F' AND Department = 'Hindi'; SE (iii) ELECT Name, Department, D Hiredate H FROM M TEACHER OR RDER BY Hiredate; SE (iv) SE ELECT count(*)FROM TEACHE ER WHERE Dep partment = 'En nglish'; (1 Mark each for each h correct queryy) (v) 994-09-02 19 (vi) TG GT PR RT PG GT 8 An ns. (vii) 1 (viii) 4500 24 24 4000 10 6 (a)) Sample e Question Paaper: I Write an SQL query to create the tab ble 'Menu' with the following structure: An ns. Field Type T Constraiint ItemC Code Varchar(5) V Primary K Key ItemN Name Varchar(20) V Categ gory Varchar(20) V Price Decimal(5,2) D CREA ATE TABLE Men nu (ite emcode varcha ar(5) primary key, item mname varchar r(20), cate egory varchar r(20), price decimal(5,2) ); ( ½ Ma ark for CREATE E TABLE Menu) ( ½ Mark for ap ppropriately pu utting Primary Key constraint) ( ½ Mark for corrrect data types) ( ½ Mark for correct synta ax of the queryy) (b)) In a data abase there are e two tables 'C Customer' and 'Bill' as shown below: Custome er Name CustA Address CustomerID CustomerN CustPho one 1 Akhilesh Na arang C4,Ja anak Puri,Delh hi 9811078987 2 Purnima Willliams B1, A Ashok Vihar,De elhi 9678678711 3 Sumedha Madaan M 33, S South Ext.,Delh hi 6767655412 Bill An ns. BillNo o CustID Bill_Amt 1 2 12000 2 1 15000 3 2 13000 4 3 13000 (i) 2 14000 5 How w many rows and a how manyy columns will be there in the Cartesian prroduct of these e two o tables? (ii) Wh hich column in the 'Bill' table is the foreign key? (i) olumns 15 rows and 7 co (ii) CusstID h for stating number of rowss and columns) ( ½ Mark each (1 mark for choo osing the corre ect foreign keyy) Sample Q Question Pap per: I (c) 11 1 Considerr the tables HA ANDSETS and CUSTOMER C giiven below: HANDSE ETS etCode SetN Name Touch hScreen Pho Se oneCost N1 1 a 2G Nokia N 500 00 N2 2 a 3G Nokia Y 800 00 B1 kBerry Black N 140 000 CUSTOM MER CustNo o SetNo C CustAddress 1 N2 D Delhi 2 B1 M Mumbai 3 N2 M Mumbai 4 N1 K Kolkata 5 B1 D Delhi With refe erence to these e tables, Write commands in n SQL for (i) an nd (ii) and outp put for (iii) below: An ns. (i) ess and corressponding SetN Name for each customer. Display the CusttNo, CustAddre (ii) f each custom mer who uses a Nokia hand dset. Display the Custtomer Details for (iii) select SetNo, SetName om HANDSETS S, CUSTOMER fro wh here SetNo = SetCode an nd CustAddresss = 'Delhi'; (i) SE ELECT CustNo, CustAddress, SetName FRO OM CUSTOME ER, HANDSETS S Where SetNo o = SetCode; (1 m mark for corre ect use of SELECT and FROM M) (1 mark for co orrect use of W WHERE clause ) (ii) SE ELECT * FROM CUSTOMER, HANDSETS W WHERE SetNo = SetCode and d setname like e "N Nokia%"; (1 m mark for corre ect use of SELECT and FROM M) (1 mark for co orrect use of W WHERE clause ) (iii) setno N2 2 B1 (1 mark fo or each correct line of output) 7 (a)) es e-business im mprove custom mer satisfaction n- Write one p point. How doe An ns. E-businesss improve cusstomer satisfacction in the fol lowing ways: • Redu ucing transactio on and other costs c • Imple ementing the supply s chain efficiently e • Imprroving custome er service • Incre easing efficienccy • Proviiding access to o international markets (1 Mark for anyy correct point) 12 Sample e Question Paaper: I (b)) enefited from e-governance? e ? Write 2 pointts. How has our society be An ns. The follow wing are the ways w in which our o society hass been benefitted from e-govvernance: • Imprroved the administrative mac chinery and de elivery of servicces • Redu uced the waitin ng time before the work is do one each for any 2 correct points) ( 1 Mark e (c) e controls on a form for the Vijayan works w for the Customs C Depa artment. He w wishes to create e following g functions. Ch hoose appropriate controls frrom Text box, Label, Option button, Check k box, List box, Combo box, b Command d button and w write in the thirrd column. An ns. SN No Control used to: 1 Enter lasst name 2 Enter Ge ender 3 Choose City C from the llist of cities 4 Submit Form F C Control SNo ntrol used to:: Con Control 1 er last name Ente Text Fielld 2 er Gender Ente Option B Button 3 oose City from m the list of citie es Cho List Box or Combo Boxx 4 bmit Form Sub Button (C Command) ( ½ Mark e each for each ccorrect answerr)
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