American Journal of Epidemiology Copyright O 1998 by The John3 Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health All rights reserved Vol. 147, No. 8 Printed in U.SA Mortality and Optimal Body Mass Index in a Sample of the US Population Ram6n A. Durazo-Arvizu, Daniel L McGee, Richard S. Cooper, Youlian Liao, and Amy Luke body mass index; mortality; obesity between BMI and health status is almost certainly bidirectional, and the directionality is likely to" vary across the range of BMIs. Thus, illness can cause weight loss and weight gain can cause illness. Second, many potential forms of confounding can be identified, particularly for lifestyle factors. Smoking and heavy drinking are more common in lean individuals, while the obese have greater caloric intake and engage in less physical activity (19-22). A mixture of these confounding influences can exist in the same BMI range. Among persons who are lean, one is likely to find an excess of the health-conscious as well as the unhealthy. Finally, standard analytic methods have not been well established, and a variety of strategies have been employed, further compromising direct comparisons of the results. The use of arbitrarily defined quantiles based on the amount of data available and their empirical characteristics is a particularly common approach, but it has inherent limitations. An important additional shortcoming of previous studies has been the use of unrepresentative samples as the basis for inference to the general population. In this study, the biethnic US population sample available through the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) Epidemiologic Follow-up Study was used to characterize mortality by level of BMI. In an attempt to define a more robust analytic method, we fitted the BMI-mortality relation The impact of overweight on health risk, and on mortality in particular, is an issue of great public interest at the present time. Unfortunately, current recommendations often make reference to contradictory evidence. Although a monotonic relation between relative body weight, usually expressed as body mass index (BMI) (weight (kg)/height2 (m2)), and coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus have been consistently observed (1, 2), the relation with total mortality is less well established. Epidemiologic studies have reported five major types of outcome—either no relation (3-6), a direct association (7-10), an inverse association (11), a J-shaped relation (3-5, 7, 12-15), or a U-shaped relation (6, 16-18). Not unexpectedly, the interpretation of these findings has been the subject of ongoing debate. Given the virtual impossibility of conducting randomized trials on this question, it is necessary to rely on the findings of observational studies. The interpretation of these findings is complex, however, for several reasons. First, the cause-and-effect relationship Received for publication November 8, 1996, and in final form November 10, 1997. Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; BMI,,*,, BMI of minimum mortality; ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; NHANES I, First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. From the Department of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Stitch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Maywood, IL 739 Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 In this paper, the authors model the nonmonotonic relation between body mass index (BMI) (weight (kgyheight2 (m2)) and mortality in 13,242 black and white participants in the NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study in order to estimate the BMI at which minimum mortality occurs. The BMI of minimum mortality was 27.1 for black men (95% confidence interval (Cl) 24.8-29.4), 26.8 for black women (95% Cl 24.7-28.9), 24.8 for white men (95% Cl 23.8-25.9), and 24.3 for white women (95% Cl 23.3-25.4). Each confidence interval included the group average. Analyses conducted by smoking status and after exclusion of persons with baseline illness and persons who died during the first 4 years of follow-up led to virtually identical estimates. The authors determined the range of values over which risk of all-cause mortality would increase no more than 20% in comparison with the minimum. This interval was nine BMI units wide, and it included 70% of the population. These results were confirmed by parallel analyses using quantlles. The model used allowed the estimation of parameters in the BMI-mortaltty relation. The resulting empirical findings from each of four race/sex groups, which are representative of the US population, demonstrate a wide range of BMIs consistent with minimum mortality and do not suggest that the optimal BMI is at the lower end of the distribution for any subgroup. Am J Epidemiol 1998; 147:739-49. 740 Durazo-Arvizu et al. with a mathematical model. The primary focus of this analysis was to determine the BMI of minimum allcause mortality risk and the range of values associated with an increase in risk of 20 percent or less. sified as either a never smoker or an ever smoker, which included both current and former smokers (31, 32). We did not control for variables which are in the pathway between obesity and illness, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS The NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study Statistical methods Preliminary descriptive analyses were performed on these data. First, crude and age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated by race and sex for all causes of death, as well as for specific causes. The age-adjusted rates were obtained by direct standardization, with 10-year strata of the entire race/sex-specific cohort as the reference. Second, the BMI range was divided into group-specific quintiles, and all-cause age-adjusted mortality risks and relative risks were computed for each BMI quintile. Third, point estimates of the BMI of minimum mortality ( B M I ^ J were calculated as the midpoint of the BMI interval of minimum relative risk. The BMI interval of minimum risk was defined as that interval obtained by concatenating all of the intervals with age-adjusted risk estimates that fell within the 95 percent confidence interval of the estimated lowest risk. These values were computed primarily to lend credence to the estimates of the BML^n established by our models. Logistic regression analysis (33) was used to assess the association between BMI and mortality, adjusting for age and smoking history. We used the logistic regression model primarily because it allowed us to visualize the relation between BMI and mortality well. However, the model also provided the basis for seeking transformations to account for the asymmetric nonmonotonic relation. We examined the sensitivity of our analyses to the choice of this model by repeating all analyses using the proportional hazards method (34) and by grouping the data and using Poisson regression (35). Virtually identical results were achieved in these reanalyses. As has been demonstrated in other cohorts (36), the BMI values had a right-skewed distribution. Furthermore, although the relation between mortality and BMI has frequently been described as U-shaped, it is generally asymmetric, as was the case in this large, representative population sample. Fitting a quadratic equation to these data can result in an estimated BMI^n that is either too high or too low, depending on the nature of the asymmetry. As a consequence, some authors have suggested that no attempt be made to model the relation (16), and to our knowledge mathematical functions have not been used for this purpose. One method of obtaining a fit to these data is to transform BMI values so that the resultant values for the variable are normally distributed (37-39). To disAm J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 As made available from the National Center for Health Statistics, data from the NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (23-27) were used to examine the relation of BMI to mortality. Briefly, these data provide follow-up information on morbidity and mortality among 14,407 individuals, initially aged 25-74 years, who received complete medical examinations during NHANES I, which was conducted from 1971 to 1975 as previously described (2, 28, 29). Follow-up surveys were carried out in 1982-1984, 1986 (among persons aged ^ 5 5 years at baseline), and 1987 (26, 27). Our analysis was restricted to the 737 black men, 1,243 black women, 4,644 white men, and 6,618 white women who were present during at least one of the three follow-up cycles of the study and for whom BMI was measured. The small percentage of persons whose ethnicity was neither black nor white were omitted (n = 141; 1 percent). Mortality was defined in terms of the 1987 followup (24, 25). At each follow-up, the subjects (or their proxies) were interviewed, death certificates were gathered for subjects who had died, and hospital and nursing home records were obtained for overnight stays that had occurred since the most recent contact. A subject's death had to be confirmed by either a death certificate or a proxy interview. Death certificates were coded using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) (30). Coronary heart diseases were denoted by ICD-9 codes 410-414 and 429.2, cardiovascular diseases by ICD-9 codes 390-448 (stroke constitutes ICD-9 codes 430-434 and 436-438), and cancers by ICD-9 codes 140-208; all other codes denoted all other causes of death. Height was measured with the examinee wearing disposable foam rubber slippers. To minimize observer and recording errors, height was recorded by Polaroid camera (Polaroid Corp., Cambridge, Massachusetts). Weight was measured using a Toledo selfbalancing scale (Toledo Guild Products, Inc., Toledo, Ohio) that mechanically printed the person's weight with an accuracy of lA pound (0.1 kg). Smoking information was collected at baseline on only approximately half of the participants, and these data were supplemented retrospectively. Because of the difficulty of separating the effect of previous smoking from that of current smoking, a participant was clas- Mortality and Body Mass Index 741 (B) (A) talit}^ Rate 0.60: i_ 0.50 0.40- 0.40 0.30- 0.30 0^0- 0.20 0.10< <-21.4 21.5-23.9 24.0-26.1 26.2-292 29.3+ <-22.2 22.3-25.5 28.8-33.0 33.1 + 25.5-29.1 29.2+ (D) (C) 0.40- 0.40 0.35- 0.35 0.30- 0.30 0^ 0.25 0^0 0.20 0.15] 0.15 0.10 0.10<-22.4 25.6-28.7 22.5-24.6 24.7-26.5 26.6-28.8 28.9+ <-20.9 21.0-23.0 23.1-25.4 Body Mass Index (Quintiles) FIGURE 1. Observed (—) versus predicted ( ) all-cause 10-year mortality rates by quintile of body mass Index (weight (kgyheight2 (m2)) for four race/sex groups, NUANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (1971-1987). (A), black men; (B), black women; (C), white men; (D), white women. cern the necessary transformation to normality, we used Tukey's "ladder of powers" (40) method. This method consists of transforming the variable of interest, X, by raising it to a power. These powers are chosen from the subset {-3, - 2 , - 1 , 0, 1, 2, 3}. The logarithmic transformation is applied to X in addition to these power transformations. A test for normality based on skewness and kurtosis is performed on each of the transformed variables (41) to determine the best transformation. Application of the "ladder of powers" method suggested Y = 1/BMI as the best transformation candidate for each of the race/sex groups under consideration. Recently, Nevill and Holder (36), using data from the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Study, demonstrated that the reciprocal of BMI, which they refer to as "lean body mass index," was also normally distributed in their cohort, and was more closely related to percentage of body fat than was BMI. Following the 1/BMI transformation, Bartlett's test for equality of variance was calculated for decedents compared with survivors. The p values were all sigAm J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 nificant, suggesting real differences in the variances of the two groups. As noted by Cornfield et al. (37), this inequality of variances implies the necessity of including a squared term in the model. For each of the four race/sex groups, we first derived the logistic regression model with 1/BMI and 1/BMI2, adjusting for age and smoking status. The goodness of fit of the model was assessed by dividing the BMI range into subgroups determined by quintiles and then comparing the observed number of deaths with the predicted number of deaths in each of the BMI intervals (figure 1). Observed and predicted probabilities were extremely close, with the possible exception of the midpoint among black women. A formal statistical goodness-of-fit test was performed using Monte Carlo simulations (42). The BMI corresponding to minimum mortality was calculated on the basis of the quadratic form of the logit derived for each of the four groups. Once the logistic model containing terms for 1/BMI and 1/BMI2 had been derived, the value of 1/BMI corresponding Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 10-jfear A ll-cause fv o 0.5& 742 Durazo-Arvizu et a). baseline and those who died during the first 4 years of follow-up. Stratified analyses including never smokers and ever smokers were also completed. RESULTS The baseline characteristics of the analytic sample are summarized in table 1. The average BMI was similar in all groups, with the exception of higher values among black women. Among the decedents, the median survival time of women was longer than that of men for both blacks and whites. As reported by many other studies, with the exception of black men, the average BMI among ever smokers was lower than that among never smokers. Age-adjusted all-cause mortality was 35 percent higher among black participants than among white participants (men and women combined), and it was higher for all major categories of mortality except coronary heart disease (table 2). Table 3 presents the age-adjusted relative risks of mortality by quintile of BMI, as well as age-adjusted mortality rates. In these analyses, the quintile with the lowest mortality rate was selected as the reference category for calculation of relative risks. The middle quintile was associated with the lowest mortality rate, except for white men, among whom it occurred in the next-to-highest quintile. Point estimates of the TABLE 1. Data on key baseline variable* in a study of body mass index and mortality risk, NHANES I EpMemtotoglc Follow-up Study, 1971-1987* Mean age (yeare) Total sample Body masslndext Ever smokers Nonsmokers of ever smokers} Mortally rate§ Median survival^ (days) 361(15) 2,783(168) 266(11) 3,169(208) 284 (5) 2,849 (58) 179 (4) 3,277 (70) Black man (737 participants and 328 deaths) 54 (15)# 25.6 (4.9) 25.6 (5.0) 25.5 (4.8) 67 Black women (1,243 participants and 308 deaths) 48(15) 27.9(6.7) 27.1 (6.9) 28.5 (6.6) 43 White men (4,644 participants and 1,463 deaths) 52 (15) 25.7 (4.0) 25.6 (4.0) 26.1 (4.1) 72 White women (6,618 participants and 1,066 deaths) 48(15) 25.3 (5.4) 24.5 (5.2) 25.8 (5.4) 43 * Age-adjusted mortality rates vwre obtained by the direct method, with 10-year strata of the entire saxVracespecrfic cohort used as reference groups. t Weight (kg)/heighti (m»). X Includes both current smokers and ex-smokers. § 10-year age-adjusted mortality per 1,000 subjects. U Medan survival times for those who died. # Numbers in parentheses, standard deviation. Am J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 to minimum mortality was computed by setting the derivative of the quadratic form of the logit equal to 0 and solving for 1/BMI. The reciprocal of this value is the BMI level corresponding to minimum mortality. A point estimate for this index was computed as BMImin = - 2/§2//3,. Here /3, and /32 are the maximum likelihood estimates of terms associated with 1/BMI and 1/BMI2 in the logistic regression, respectively. Confidence intervals for the BMI,,,;,, were based on the delta method (43). The BMI values associated with relative risks of 1.1 and 1.2 above and below the minimum were calculated with the model, and the proportion of the population falling into those intervals was determined; 1.2 was chosen arbitrarily as the upper bound in the belief that it represents a level of risk that most individuals would find acceptable. Following the derivation of the logistic regression model using only main effects, we examined the possibility of interaction with age. No effect was seen (data not shown). In addition, we adjusted for educational level by introducing two indicator variables, the first of which identified persons who attended school through the 12th grade and the second of which identified those with post-high school instruction. To control for the potential effect of prevalent illness, we carried out additional analyses after eliminating all persons with cardiovascular disease and/or cancer at Mortality and Body Mass Index 743 TABLE 2. Crude and age-adjusted mortality rates In the NHANES I Epidemlologlc Follow-up Study, by sex and race, 1971-1987 Cause of death All causes of death Coronary heart dbease (ICD-9* codes 410-414 and 428.2) Stroke (cerebrovascutar dsaasa) (ICD-9 codes 430-434 and 438-438) Oner cardiovascular dteease (CO-9 codes 390-448) Cancer All other (al) OCO-9 codes 140-208) (another CD-8 codes) CflUSftfl IOrude mortality ratef Women Black White 175 248 161 51 56 50 20 38 16 18 31 16 39 43 38 47 Man Black White 333 445 315 113 106 115 24 37 22 31 57 26 75 71 90 146 81 20 33 17 42 46 42 51 85 45 27 66 83 64 81 121 99 80 41 Age-adjusted mortality rate\ 192 266 57 61 179 57 22 41 18 Men Black White 294 361 99 83 102 21 28 20 284 46 24 74 * ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. 110-year mortality par 1,000 subjects. are given as the midpoint of the BMI interval of minimum relative risk. For instance, for white men, the BMI min is the midpoint of the interval 22.5-28.8, since the age-adjusted rates for the second, third, and fourth quintiles are indistinguishable (the 95 percent confidence interval around 285 was 256-304). A substantial increase in risk was noted in the lowest quintile for all groups, especially black women. The ageadjusted mortality rates are depicted graphically in figure 2. Table 4 presents the estimated BMI^n based on the described modeling technique, including adjustment for age and smoking status. The minimum was also calculated for the strata that included only persons who had never smoked and current/past smokers. In each case, the average value for the group is included in the confidence interval. The goodness-of-fit p values based on 1,000 Monte Carlo simulations yielded p values in the range 0.3-0.9 for each of the four race/ sex groups. The BMIn,;,, was also estimated after eliminating from the analysis individuals who died during the first 4 years of follow-up (table 5). On average, this procedure yielded values 0.3 BMI units lower than those for the whole cohort; most of this reduction was observed among blacks. Further analyses were restricted to the subset of individuals who had never smoked, were free of cardiovascular disease and/or cancer at Am J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 baseline, and survived the first 4 years of follow-up. To ensure sufficient power, we restricted analyses to race/sex groups with at least 100 fatal events, i.e., white men and women. The quadratic relation between BMI and mortality persisted for both never smokers and ever smokers; however, the BMI min increased modestly from 23.5 to 23.7 (95 percent confidence interval 22.0-25.6) for never-smoker white men and decreased from 24.8 to 24.7 (95 percent confidence interval 22.9-26.9) for never-smoker white women. To obtain an estimate of the impact of the risk of death associated with variation in BMI from the estimated BMIj^j,,, we calculated the proportions of the sample within intervals associated with 10 percent and 20 percent increases in risk (table 6). A weighted average of the group-specific estimates suggested that at least half of the sample experienced no more than a 10 percent increase in risk, while three quarters of the sample had an increase of no more than 20 percent. Based on the confidence limits around the endpoints of the risk intervals, the proportions of the cohort contained within the risk interval would be considerably more extreme. DISCUSSION In this analysis of a representative sample of the US population, we found consistent evidence of a non- Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 Women Black White 744 Durazo-Arvizu et a). TABLE 3. Ten-yaar age-adjusted mortality rate and relative risk of death, by sex, rat» , and quintila of body mass index: NHANES 1 Epfdemlologlc Follow-up Study, 1971-1987* Qulntlleof body mass Indexf Hack man (26.7)$ £21.4 21.5-23.9 24.0-26.1 26.2-29.2 £29.3 Black women (27.2) £22.2 22.2-25.5 25.6-28.7 28.8-33.0 £33.1 White women (25.7) £20.9 21.0-23.0 23.1-25.4 25.5-29.1 £29.2 84 79 54 52 59 64 62 52 61 69 324 279 293 251 316 164 173 185 254 290 No. of subjects Relative risk of death Mortally rate per 1,000 subjects 96% confidence Interval 1.59 1.33 1.00 1.04 1.18 576 482 361 375 425 512-648 413-547 290-^130 247 .71 .24 .00 .28 .39 323 235 189 242 263 269-371 187-273 148-234 192-288 213-307 921 918 969 894 942 1.24 1.05 1.06 1.00 1.17 354 300 303 285 334 324-376 275-325 276-324 256-304 305-^355 1,322 1.35 1.17 1.00 1.08 1.25 189 163 139 151 169-211 141-179 123-157 134-166 154-186 145 147 150 148 147 248 249 248 251 1,336 1,310 1,320 1,330 175 298-442 353-^187 • The age-adjusted rates wore obtained by the direct method, with 10-year strata of the entire sex-/racespecific cohort used as reference groups, t Weight (kg)/height« (mi), i Numbers in parentheses, body mass index of minimum mortality. monotonic, U-shaped relation between BMI and mortality risk. A mathematical model in which the distribution of BMI values was made normal by taking its inverse predicted the mortality experience with precision, and allowed estimation of the parameters of interest using the full range of data. The point of minimum mortality, estimated by this model, was on average 0.4 BMI units below the group-specific means (range, —1.1 to +1.5); in every instance, the 95 percent confidence interval of the BMI min included the group mean. In addition, 70 percent of the population was included in the range of BMI values which conferred no more than a 20 percent increase in all-cause mortality risk. Surprisingly, despite the obvious statistical advantages, no prior studies have attempted to model the relation between BMI and mortality using individuallevel data. Not only are the data used in the most informative manner, arbitrary grouping is avoided, statistical comparisons between populations become possible, and the role of confounders can be more effectively assessed. As a consequence, other aspects of the epidemiology of obesity can be examined. As noted above, the point estimate of BMI^,, varied across groups, and the confidence intervals for the most extreme comparison—black men versus white women—just barely overlapped. Some investigators have advanced a strong hypothesis regarding the role of smoking and prevalent disease as either confounders or effect modifiers (8, 44). Despite its appeal and widespread currency, very few empirical tests of this hypothesis exist. Our data demonstrate that the impact of these factors on the BMI-mortality relation is very limited in the general population. Given our interest in the role of relative weight in the general population, this cohort provides a nearly ideal data set, because it is a representative population sample and the results are therefore generalizable. The observation period for this cohort, which extended through the late 1980s, increases its relevance. The outcome of this analysis is broadly consistent with the current US Department of Agriculture recommendations defining healthy weight as a BMI of 25 or less, with an acceptable interval 6 BMI units wide (45). Despite this agreement, our results are unusual in the extent of the upturn in risk at lower BMI values; Am J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 White man (25.7) £22.4 22.5-24.6 24.7-26.5 26.6-28.8 £28.9 No. of deaths Mortality and Body Mass Index 745 (B) (A) 0.6 0.6-1 0.5 0.5- 0.4- 0.4- 0.3- 0.3- 02 02- 0.1 J 0.1- CD cd "§ <-21.4 215-23.9 24.0-26.1 26.2-29.2 29.3+ <-22.2 22.3-25.5 25.6-28.7 28.8-33.0 33.1 + 25.5-29.1 29.2+ (D) (C) 0.4-. 0.4 0.3- 0.3- 0.2- 0.2- 0.1 J 0.1 J CD ca O <-22.4 22.5-24.6 24.7-26.5 26.6-28.8 28.9+ <-20.9 21.0-23.0 23.1-25.4 Body Mass Index (Quintiles) FIGURE 2. Age-adjusted 10-year mortality rates by quintile of body mass Index (weight (kgj/height2 (m2)) for four race/sex groups, NHANES I Epidemlologic Follow-up Study (1971-1987). (A), black men; (B), black women; (C), white men; (D), white women. likewise, the optimal BMI found here would be considered high in the current debate, since the lower bound of current recommendations extends to 19 (45). The age range of these participants was broader than that in many prior studies, which could potentially have influenced the outcome (17,46), and the effect of statistical adjustment for age is apparent in the contrast between figures 1 and 2. Despite these caveats, since recommendations are formulated for the entire population, it would be even more unreasonable to restrict the data being analyzed to a specific age range. Two previous reports from the NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study have addressed the issue of mortality risk and relative weight among the elderly (47, 48). Quantitatively similar outcomes were observed, and the U-shaped curve was apparent in all subgroups, although no attempt was made to model these relations. The increase in risk among lean individuals was particularly prominent among blacks; however, these results were based on a relatively small number of events and must be interpreted with appropriate caution. The higher BMI,,,;,, in blacks does sugAm J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 gest, however, that while the shape of the relation may be consistent across populations, the position of the nadir could vary with the mean. The value of the statistical approach proposed here depends on several assumptions. First, it must be accepted that the underlying pattern of mortality being modeled is an accurate description of the experience of relevant human populations. Second, this pattern must not have been distorted to any significant degree by confounding factors, and therefore must reflect direct cause-and-effect relationships. The first assumption can be satisfied, at the level of phenomenology, by the demonstration that the U-shaped relation is the "true" or characteristic finding. The second assumption, on the other hand, raises complex questions about etiologic processes which can only be answered by invoking an inference. Below, we briefly address the extent to which each of these assumptions can be satisfied. Few investigators doubt the increase in health risk associated with obesity. Although controversy does exist over the occurrence of excess mortality among persons who are lean, the majority of population-based Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 i_ 746 Durazo-Arvizu et al. TABLE 4. Estimated body mass Index (BMI) of minimum mortality based on logistic regression analysis, by sex and race: NHANES 1 Epidemlologlc Follow-up Study, 1971-1987 Adjustment factors) Mean BMI* No. oJ subjects No. of deaths M*Lnt 95% corfktenca interval 27.2(1.20)$ 26.7(1.43) 27.7(1.79) 27.1 (1.17) 24.8-29.5 23.9-29.5 24.2-31.2 24.8-29.4 26.9(1.08) 27.4 (2.44) 26.5(1.15) 26.8(1.06) 24.8-29.0 22.6-32.2 24.3-28.8 24.7-28.9 25.0 25.4 24.2 24.8 (0.55) (0.83) (0.69) (0.53) 23.9-26.1 23.7-27.0 22.8-25.5 23.8-25.9 24.7 (0.54) 23.8(0.91) 24.8 (0.65) 24.3 (0.54) 23.7-25.8 22.0-25.5 23.5-26.1 23.3-25.4 Black men Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 25.6 25.2 25.9 737 493 244 Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 27.9 26.6 28.6 1,243 537 706 328 208 120 Black women 308 108 200 White men 25.7 25.2 26.1 4,644 3,395 1,305 1,463 1,072 391 White women Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 25.3 24.1 25.8 6,618 2,840 3,778 1,066 414 652 * Weight (kg)/heighti (m»). t BMI of minimum mortality. t Numbers in parentheses, standard error (estimates based on delta method). studies demonstrate some degree of upturn at the lower end of the weight-for-height distribution (3-7, 12-18). If we accept this observation as being characteristic of unselected population samples, the interpretation of the causal process remains much in doubt. Two basic hypotheses have been put forward. Some investigators believe that observations made in whole populations are fatally flawed by the impact of confounding factors, primarily smoking and illnessrelated weight loss. In the face of this potential limitation, it is argued that analyses of highly selected, homogeneous subgroups are more revealing of the true cause-and-effect relationship (10, 15). An alternative point of view suggests that representative population samples provide more reliable findings, since the quantitative impact of confounding is likely to be complex and heterogeneous, both between populations and across the range of BMIs within populations, and the relation between BMI and mortality may therefore be biased among subgroups in unpredictable ways. Finally, a series of long-term studies have yielded data suggesting that excessive leanness may actually be a cause of illness, most notably lung cancer (49-52). If this is true, elimination of the susceptible members of the lean subgroup will obviously bias the outcome. Unfortunately, in the absence of complete knowledge of confounding factors, hypotheses related to the shape of the "true" BMI-mortality relation cannot be tested directly. Do other means of testing these hypotheses exist? It has been suggested that observational studies of weight change provide unique, and perhaps better, information about the risk of overweight. An overview of these studies supported the view that weight change values close to the population mean are associated with the best outcome and that persons who fail to gain weight have increased risk (46). In the face of this additional evidence, we conclude that there is no basis for rejecting the hypothesis that mortality risk increases at both extremes of weight. Because a nonmonotonic model best describes the relation between BMI and mortality in the sample studied here, before and after control for confounders, the model which was developed has several advantages. The full range of data can be used in a single analysis without the need to define arbitrary quantiles. In addition, the parameters associated with the nadir of the curve, and its confidence interval, can be specified. The estimation of a "range of normal values" is further aided by the use of this model. Incremental increases Am J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking Mortality and Body Mass Index 747 TABLE 5. Estimated body mass index (BMI) of minimum mortality based on logistic regression analysis, excluding persons who died during the first 4 years of follow-up, by sex and race: NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study, 1971-1987 Adjustment factors) No. of subjects Mean BMI* No. of deaths 95% BMI^f confidence Interval 26.4 (0.89)$ 26.3(1.17) 26.5(1.23) 26.4 (0.88) 24.7-28.2 24.0-28.6 24.1-29.0 24.7-28.1 26.2 (0.99) 27.7 (2.63) 25.4(1.10) 26.2 (0.98) 24.3-28.2 22.5-32.8 23.3-27.6 24.2-28.1 24.8 (0.61) 25.5(1.01) 23.5 (0.82) 24.6 (0.59) 23.6-26.0 23.5-27.5 21.9-25.2 23.5-25.8 24.9 24.1 24.8 24.5 23.7-26.0 22.3-25.9 23.3-26.2 23.3-25.6 Black man Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 246 159 87 655 444 211 25.8 25.7 25.9 Black woman Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 28.0 27.1 28.6 1,177 509 668 25.8 25.6 26.2 4,285 3,074 1,211 242 80 162 White men 1,104 807 297 White women Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 6,429 2,766 3,663 25.2 24.4 25.8 877 340 537 (0.58) (0.92) (0.73) (0.58) • Weight (kg)Aieight» (m»). t BMI of minimum mortality. i Numbers in parentheses, standard error (estimates based on delta method). in mortality risk can be examined, and the relation with the underlying distribution of BMIs in the population can be determined. Across the great majority of attained values, the excess risk was well under 20 percent in comparison with the minimum, suggesting that most individuals do not experience a substantial increase in mortality risk from modest overweight or underweight. The proposed model also makes it possible to compare population subgroups in a systematic fashion. In partial confirmation of the generalizability of the shape of the BMI-mortality relation, a similar model fitted the experience of each group. This analysis has potential limitations as a basis for inferring cause and effect, most of which are inherent in all such studies, as described above. First, data on morbid events were not presented here, since this was not a focus of this paper, although morbidity is clearly an important consequence of obesity. Second, the pop- TABLE 6. Range of body mass Index (BMI) values associated with an Increase In mortality risk of no more than 10% or 20%, by sex and race: NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study, 1971-1987* Increase Inriskerf £10% Black men Black women White men White women Weighted average§ hcrease In rbk of £20% BM It range %ol population? BMI range 25.0-29.7 23.3-31.5 22.0-28.4 21.3-28.4 34 48 62 53 23.3-32.5 22.2-33.8 21.1-30.0 2O.3-30.4 55 %0l population^ 56 63 77 69 70 * These values were based on logistic regression analysis, adjusting for age and smoking status at baseline. t Weight (kgyneighti (m»). X Percentage of individuals whose BMI fell within the specified range. § Weighted by the number of subjects per group. Am J Epidemiol Vol. 147, No. 8, 1998 Downloaded from by guest on October 6, 2014 Age Ever smokers Never smokers Age and smoking 748 Durazo-Arvizu et al. 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