Authors: Krištof Oštir, Aleš Marsetič, Peter Pehani, Matej Perše, Tatjana Veljanovski, Klemen Zakšek, Janez Zaletelj, Tomaž Rodič Prototype of an Automatic Near Real-Time Satellite Image Processing Chain Space-SI is developing a complete automatic (no operators’s intervention) near real-time processing chain from raw optical satellite image to webdelivered map-ready products. Prototype presented here is an functional subset of the planned full chain. Currently prototype is operational in the area of Slovenia and for the RapidEye imagery. Full implementation is planned for the end of 2013, upgrades are possible afterwards. Processing newly obtained images Firewall and switch Main Control Module User requests Image Processing Server Pre-processing: - Geometric corrections (orthorectification) - Radiometric corrections (topographic normalisat.) Application (web) servers JAVA/IDL bridge Processing: - NDVI Database and Image server Database JAVA IDL , C++ System architecture. Motivation Automatic and fast processing of satellite images is an everlasting challenge in remote sensing. Scheme of processing chain ground station / raw optical images Prototype basics More emphasis given to the pre-processing steps (geometric and radiometric corrections) than towards the processing steps (data interpretation), since the first are prerequisites for successful completion of all subsequent operations. All processing is fully automatic, mutually connected and managed by the main control module. The chain is triggered by the appearance of a raw satellite image on the FTP server. Individual processing (sub)modules are developed in IDL and C++, main control module and web viewer however in Java. P 1.1 automatic geometric correction D s c rip Deesc riptio tionn R s uults Rees lts S U R F p o in ts S U R F p o in ts a re a re a -b a s e d S U R F po in ts a re a re a-ba sed fe a tu re s w ith lo c a l a re a d e s c rip to r. ferie a tun re s wnith rea scrip O ta tio a nlo d ca s cl aale in vde a ria n t. to r. N e to e lo a ll Noott re relia liabble le.. DDuue to lalarg rge locca d iffe re n c e s b e tw e e n s a t. a n d a e r. im a g e d iffe sa nt.sand r. aim a ge in te n ren s itiece s ,s pbe o intw t ee lo cna tio a n dae a re sitie loaca tion din e te s cn rip to rss,d po o nin o tt m tc h . s and a rea O rie n ta tion and scale in va rian t. de scrip to rs do n o t m a tch . P se P hh aa se c rrela latio tionn c oorre M h in h a sse e sspectru p e c tru m ak Maatctch ingg ooff ppha m pp eea kss to fin d th e d is p la c e m e n t. N e in te nnssitie itie ss aare o Noott re relia liabble le.. Im Imaagge inte re to too ddiffe n t,t, im o sssib s ib le iffere ren imppo le to to fin findd c o rre s p o n d in g p e a k s . Im Im aa ggee c rrela latio tionn c oorre AAbbsso o lu lid e aan n d ta n e lute te oorr EEuucclide dis ista n cce b e tw e e n a lig n e d im a g e s N m ee re g io n ss hha a vve e Noott re relia liabble le.. SSaam region d iffe re n t im a g e in te n s ity . O jecctt-b s edd O bb je -b aa se c o rre la tio n Im e ddiffe n cce e is a lc u la d fo Imaagge iffere ren is cca lcu la te ted fo rr d is tin c t o b je c ts o f s a te llite im a g e B r. SSm n cce e w n im e ss Beette tter. maallll ddiffe iffere ren whheen im aa gge aare o rre tly aalig n eed d .. re cco rrecctly lign c o rre la tio n R R oo aa dd m a tc h in g m a tc h in g to find th e d isp la ce m en t. co rre spo nd in g pea ks. be tw e en a ligned im a ges R a d ss lin e sse e ggm m een n ts x tra ccte te d Rooad line ts eextra d fro m im e ss. . M h in ed o from imaagge Maatc tch ingg is is bb aa ssed onn g e o m e try a n d lo c a l im a g e ge om e try a nd lo ca l im a ge in fo rm a tio n . Table left: For the implementation of the sub-module P1.2 Automatic GCP extraction we tested several methods, the most promising seems road matchig. Figure below: workflow of image matching. R ap id E ye Im a ge d iffe ren t im a ge in ten sity. d istin ct ob je cts o f sa te llite im a ge info rm a tio n . Im a ge P re p ro ce ssin g PPro a d lin e ggem e m een n ts rom mis isin ingg.. RRooad linee sse ts aare re w e ll d e fin e d o n b o th im a g e s . D iffic u lt to w e ll defined o n bo th im a ge s. D ifficu lt to c la s s ify ro a d s o n a e ria l im a g e . F e a tu re D e te ction F e a tu re D e scrip to rs F e a tu re M a tch in g A e ria l Im a ge cla ssify ro ad s o n ae ria l im a ge . Robust estimation of global image transformation parameters Im a ge P re p ro ce ssin g F e a tu re D e te ction Im a ge T ran sfo rm a tion F e a tu re D e scrip to rs P 1.2 P 1.3 P1.3 Sensor modelling and orthorectification sub-module P1.3 Sensor model and ortorectification: A generic physical sensor model was defined to accommodate various (full-frame and pushbroom) optical sensor types. Tests are being performed on RapidEye images. Ground control and check points are obtained from module P1.2. Orthorectification is done with single-ray backprojection and a nationwide DTM. form ation of collinearity e qu ations exterior orienta tion m odellin g P 2.1 self-calibratio n automatic radiometric correction m etadata integration in collinearity e qu ations groun d control and check points form ation of w eight m atrix iterative le ast squares adjustm e nt form ation of w eight m atrix accuracy check P 2.2 D E M (D S M ) orthorectificatio n Figure above: Geometric model workflow. Figure right: orthorectification of a pushbroom image. Final implementation (end of 2013) Support to various full-frame and pushbroom sensors will be added. M Meeth thoodd S U R F p o in ts Supported sensor: RapidEye Region: Slovenia (national coordinate reference system) Refinement and optimisation of prototype modules. The following modules will be added: * P2.1 Sub-module for atmospheric correction * R1 Change detection sub-module * R2.2 NDVI changes sub-module * S1 Data catalog * S3 End user/administrator triggered re-processing ground station / raw optical images P1.2 Automatic ground control points extraction sub-module Prototype implementation (June 2012) P1 Automatic geometric correction * P1.1 Data preparation sub-module * P1.2 Automatic ground control points extraction sub-module * P1.3 Sensor modelling and orthorectification sub-module P2 Automatic radiometric correction * P2.2 Sub-module for topographic correction R Automatic generation of results * R2.1 NDVI generation module S End user services * S2 Web mapping of products Processing chain module details 2 datasets P2.2 Sub-module for topographic correction automatic interpretation R 2.1 R1 P2.2 Topographic correction was solved with an extended combination of Image Processing Workbench (IPW) method and Minnaert method. LN = 2 datasets L illm K illm = p R 2.2 cos i + (1 − p ) svf + a (1 − svf ) cos z cos e direct irradiance diffuse irradiance from the sky diffuse irradiance from the terrain p = fraction of direct irradiance within total irradiance, i = incidence angle, z = sun zenith angle e = slope, K = Minnaert coefficient, a = albedo, svf = sky-view factor (portion of visible sky) Figure left: Comparison between false colour composites: orthorectified (above) and topographically normalized images (below) for the area around Maribor (left part of the figure urban area, middle part ski-centre covered by snow). As seen on the hills around the city the corrected results reveal almost no influence of the topography. Well-known processing workflow with no operator's intervention! R2.1 Module for NDVI generation database Main control module, database Main control module is the “brain” of the processing chain, with the following tasks: * control of available processing resources (e.g. CPU, memory, etc.), * control of correct execution of individual image processing modules, * communication with all other parts of the system (i.e. the web application and database) which were developed in Java environment. It is developed in Java. The Java/IDL bridge and input/output XML forms are used to pass/receive the processing commands and parameters to/from the individual modules of image processing chain which are developed in IDL and C++. Database is implemented on the PostGIS infrastructure. * raw optical images * orthorectified images * radiometrically corrected images * interpretation results * metadata about processing > 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 < -0.2 S 1, S 2, S 3 Figure left: RGB rendering of NDVI for the area around Maribor for situation in March 2011. end user / products delivery Figure below: On the operational level the execution of the prototype processing chain is controled by the application window. end user / products delivery R2.1 NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is a standard product in remote sensing of vegetation. To improve visual interpretation of NDVI and to enable easier comparison between two or more NDVI products from two or more different satellite images, we use RGBrendering based on a fixed color scheme. S2 Service: Web mapping of products Figure above: Planned full processing chain. The modules are denoted as: P - Pre-processing modules (geometric and radiometric corrections) R - modules for automatic interpratation yielding Results S - end user Services Modules implemented in the prototype are marked in darker colour. S2 Web mapping of products is one of the possibilities of final product dissemination. All the key products are passed to web mapping application which enables GIS functionalities such as geo-location of processed images and some basic feature querying (e.g. sensor type, available products, date, etc.). Additionally a WMS server was developed to facilitate the use and integration of products into other third-party applications. Figure left: End user viewer. W: E: Corresponding authors: (overall), (overall), (P1.2), (P1.3), (P2.2), (S2 and MCM)
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