EQUITY RESEARCH | Earnings Preview April 24th, 2014 1Q2014 estimates: Our sample's net income would fall 3.9% YoY, impacted by the mining industry. Kallpa SAB estimates that net income from our sample of companies under coverage (15 companies) will register a 3.9% YoY decrease in 1Q2014. This behavior is differentiated by industries, but the companies related to the domestic demand will have the best performance with a 29.8% YoY increase in net income, as a consequence of: i) Peru’s sustained economic growth, ii) acquisitions of certain companies (Credicorp, Alicorp and Grana y Montero); and, iii) an exchange rate’s lower volatility, with regard to 1Q2013. Among the companies related to the domestic demand, the consumption and the infrastructure industries will register the best performances with 81.6% YoY and 31.6% YoY increases in net income, respectively. These increases will be boosted by the net income of InRetail (+221.7% YoY) and Ferreycorp (+65.5% YoY), which were our sample’s most affected companies due the exchange rate’s volatility registered in 2013’s first half. The mining industry will register a 20.4% YoY drop in 1Q2014’s net income. However, this behavior is differentiated by the type of mineral produced by each company. Mining companies which concentrate an important part of their sales in precious metals and copper (such as Buenaventura, Southern Copper, Cerro Verde and Volcan) will register a 22.4% YoY fall in their net income due to a strong decrease in the prices of the metals they produce. Nevertheless, mining companies such as Milpo and Atacocha, which concentrate a significant part of their sales in zinc and lead, will register a 119.5% YoY increase in their net income due to: i) price stability in such metals, ii) efforts directed to increase the scale of their operations; and, iii) cost control policies. 1Q2014 estimates' summary Indust. / Comp. FV Recommend. Currency Sales YoY EBITDA YoY Mg. Net Inc. YoY Mg. 22.8% n.a. Financial Credicorp 1 USD 155.00 Hold PEN MM 1,336.7 14.8% n.a. n.a. n.a. 575.9 Consumption Alicorp PEN 9.90 Buy PEN MM 1,395.2 14.2% 158.8 19.2% 11.4% 63.1 37.1% 4.5% InRetail USD 16.00 Hold PEN MM 1,433.8 16.2% 134.8 29.9% 9.4% 47.1 221.7% 3.3% Grana y Montero PEN 11.15 Buy PEN MM 1,487.7 17.3% 215.8 2.0% 14.5% 72.8 17.2% 4.9% Ferreycorp PEN 2.25 Buy+ PEN MM 1,239.8 2.7% 130.6 12.9% 10.5% 43.7 65.5% 3.5% Southern Copper USD 29.00 Hold USD MM 1,525.4 -6.0% 747.0 -13.2% 49.0% 380.8 -23.1% 25.0% Cerro Verde USD 24.75 Hold USD MM 443.1 12.6% 242.8 5.1% 54.8% 133.8 -3.6% 30.2% USD 16.80 Buy USD MM 316.4 -10.8% 90.6 -8.1% 28.6% 52.9 -48.5% 16.7% PEN 1.51 Buy+ USD MM 238.0 2.3% 37.5 -50.0% 15.8% 1.9 -91.5% 0.8% Milpo PEN 2.75 Buy+ USD MM 184.3 6.2% 78.6 20.1% 42.6% 25.0 66.0% 13.6% Rio Alto USD 4.50 Buy+ USD MM 68.9 18.5% 31.1 19.6% 45.1% 17.2 113.1% 25.0% El Brocal PEN 10.90 Hold USD MM 55.5 19.2% 21.9 221.1% 39.4% 5.4 n.s. 9.7% Luna Gold USD 2.55 Buy+ USD MM 26.2 51.2% 6.7 79.4% 25.6% 2.4 n.s. 9.1% Atacocha PEN 0.150 Hold USD MM 26.1 10.6% 6.3 76.0% 24.1% -1.2 n.s. -4.6% Minera IRL USD 0.430 Buy+ USD MM 6.8 -26.6% -0.4 n.s. -5.6% -2.5 n.s. -36.9% Infrastructure Mining Buenaventura 2 Volcan 1: With regard to Credicorp, its sales are represented by the net interest income. 2: Buenaventura's EBITDA does not include the contribution from its associates. n.a.: not available. n.s.: not significant. Source: Kallpa SAB Alberto Arispe Head of Research (511) 630 7500 aarispe@kallpasab.com Marco Contreras Senior Analyst: Consum., Infras. & Others (511) 630 7528 mcontreras@kallpasab.com Edder Castro Analyst: Mining (511) 630 7529 ecastro@kallpasab.com Humberto Leon Analyst: Junior Mining (511) 630 7527 hleon@kallpasab.com Sebastian Cruz Analyst: Energy (511) 630 7527 scruz@kallpasab.com Fiorella Torres Assistant (511) 630 7500 ftorres@kallpasab.com Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Financial - Credicorp Ltd. (NYSE, BVL: BAP) The company’s net interest income would grow 14.8% YoY in 1Q2014, supported by a similar increase in Banco de Credito’s loans. We are confident that a change in the functional currency from USD to PEN should decrease exchange rate distortions in Credicorp’s main operating figures. The net income would register a 22.8% YoY strong increase in 1Q2014. However, this is due to a PEN 48.1 MM translation loss occurred in 1Q2013. If we observe the operating income, this should increase only 10.8% YoY, since the higher interest income should be partially offset by higher provisions (due to higher PDL with regard to 1Q2013), by administrative expenses and by a slowdown in non financial income. With regard to the acquisition of Mibanco, its inclusion within Credicorp’s financial statements might generate higher than the expected interest income. Nevertheless, due to high provisions (5.7% PDL ratio as of February 2014) and administrative expenses, net effect over the holding’s net income should not be significant. It might even provoke a slight downward pressure over the consolidated ROE (Mibanco’s ROE registered 4.4% as of February 2014). Chart Nº 1: Operating efficiency Chart Nº 2: Earnings per share (PEN) 48% 8.0 7.22 45.8% 46% 7.0 6.28 43.9% 43.4% 44% 42.3% 42.0% 5.88 6.0 42% 5.30 5.0 40% 4.0 38% 3.0 36% 1.83 2.0 34% 1.0 32% 30% 0.0 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e 1Q2013 Source: Credicorp, Kallpa SAB 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Credicorp, Kallpa SAB Consumption - Alicorp S.A.A. (BVL: ALICORC1) We expect the company’s sales to grow 14.2% YoY in 1Q2014. This dynamism will be supported by the company’s organic growth and by the acquisitions of Teal and Pastificio Santa Amalia, carried out in January and February 2013, respectively. However, this quarter will be also affected by the seasonality of certain products such as pasta, whose consumption is low during summer months. We estimate the company’s EBITDA to register a 19.2% YoY increase. In this way, the company’s EBITDA margin would rise from 10.9% in 1Q2013 to 11.4% in 1Q2014. This, due to the fact that in 1Q2013 there were additional costs regarding the acquisitions of Teal and Pastificio Santa Amalia, whose recurrence is not expected since these companies are already integrated to Alicorp. The company’s net income would increase 37.1% YoY (higher than EBITDA’s growth) due to the fact that in 1Q2013 there were FX and derivatives losses for PEN 14.9 MM and PEN 8.1 MM, respectively. Chart Nº 3: Gross Income vs. Gross Margin Gross Income 500 Gross Margin 30% 28.7% 450 Mg. % PEN MM EBITDA 300 EBITDA Margin 18% 15.3% 27.5% 27.6% 400 350 Chart Nº 4: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Mg. % PEN MM 27.5% 28% 250 14% 12.5% 200 25.4% 300 16% 13.4% 11.4% 10.9% 26% 250 12% 10% 150 200 8% 24% 100 150 100 22% 6% 4% 50 2% 50 0 20% 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: Alicorp, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e 0 0% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Alicorp, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 2 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Consumption - InRetail Peru Corp. (BVL: INRETC1) We are confident that the company’s sales will have a 16.2% YoY increase in 1Q2014, supported by: i) new store openings in the last 12 months (+11 supermarkets, +135 pharmacies and +105,000 m2 of gross leasable area); and, ii) a modest recovery in same store sales (+2.0% in supermarkets and +4.0% in pharmacies). The EBITDA should increase 29.9% YoY in 1Q2014, improving the EBITDA margin in 100 bps due to: i) a higher market share in shopping centers (openings of Real Plaza Cajamarca and Real Plaza Cuzco in December 2013); ii) revenues from Tarjeta Oh!; and, iii) higher penetration from own branded products. With regard to the net income, it would be observed an important increase (+221.7% YoY) due to a PEN 21.4 MM FX loss registered in 1Q2013, which occurred due to its debt’s exposure to USD. Chart Nº 5: Same Store Sales' (SSS) growth 8% Supermarkets SSS Chart Nº 6: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Mg. % PEN MM SSS Pharmacies SSS EBITDA 180 7% 6% 9.4% 140 5% 4.0% 3% 2.1% 8.4% 10% 8.2% 8.1% 120 4.0% 2.4% 12% 10.6% 160 6.9% 4% EBITDA Margin 8% 100 2.0% 6% 2% 80 1% 0.4% 0% 60 -0.7% -1% -1.1% -2% 4% 40 2% -2.1% 20 -3% 0 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: InRetail, Kallpa SAB 0% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: InRetail, Kallpa SAB Infrastructure - Grana y Montero S.A.A. (NYSE: GRAM, BVL: GRAMONC1) Despite private investment’s slowdown, Grana y Montero will maintain its sales dynamism in 1Q2014 (+17.3% YoY), supported by a USD 2,085 MM backlog for 2014 (including recurrent businesses), which represents 0.98x times the sales from 2013; and by the acquisition of DSD in Chile, carried out in August 2013. In terms of EBITDA, the company would register a 2.0% YoY modest increase. This due to the fact that in 1Q2013 there were a PEN 4.7 MM extraordinary income and a PEN 16.5 MM revenue from stake in associates, whose recurrence is not expected in 1Q2014, in a conservative way. The net income would stand out with a 17.2% YoY increase, given the PEN 13.3 MM FX loss registered in 1Q2013. Chart Nº 7: Gross Income vs. Gross Margin PEN MM 350 Gross Income 18.5% Gross Margin 19% 17.4% 300 250 Chart Nº 8: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Mg. % Mg. % PEN MM EBITDA 300 18% 15.9% 15.6% 200 15% 150 14% 18% 16.2% 14.7% 17% 16% 20% 17.8% 16.7% 250 15.8% EBITDA Margin 14.5% 14% 200 12% 150 13% 10% 8% 100 6% 100 12% 4% 50 50 11% 0 10% 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: Grana y Montero, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e 16% 2% 0 0% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Grana y Montero, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 3 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Infrastructure - Ferreycorp S.A.A. (BVL: FERREYC1) Regarding Ferreycorp’s sales, we will keep on observing a deceleration with regard to previous years. We do not expect that sales from new machinery to the mining industry will stand out in 2014, so our 2.7% YoY expected growth in 1Q2014 should be leaded by the spare parts and services business unit. Due to the spare parts and services unit’s higher growth, the EBITDA would register a 12.9% YoY increase, improving also the EBITDA margin from 9.6% registered in 1Q2013 to 10.5% in 1Q2014. This is subject to the fact that the operating expenses’ growth remains stable. Net income would benefit from the improvement in the EBITDA margin, and from a PEN 17.0 MM FX loss registered in 1Q2013. Chart Nº 9: Gross Income vs. Gross Margin Chart Nº 10: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Mg. % PEN MM Gross Income 22.8% 22.7% 350 Gross Margin 22.2% 24% 22.0% 300 22% PEN MM EBITDA 200 Mg. % EBITDA Margin 16% 13.8% 180 13.0% 14% 160 250 19.2% 20% 200 18% 150 16% 100 14% 140 10.2% 9.6% 10.5% 12% 10% 120 100 8% 80 6% 60 4% 40 50 12% 0 10% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 2% 20 0 1Q2014e 0% 1Q2013 Source: Ferreycorp, Kallpa SAB 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Ferreycorp, Kallpa SAB Mining - Southern Copper Corporation (NYSE, BVL: SCCO) Sales would have reached USD 1,525 MM in 1Q2014, that is to say, -6.0% YoY. This would be explained by a -12.1% YoY fall in copper price, as a consequence of the Chinese economy’s slowdown. However, copper production should have increased approximately to 168,000 MT in 1Q2014 (+10.7%) since we are not expecting floods which would stop Buenavista’s production (a problem that occurred in 1H2013). Additionally, there will be registered a higher recovery rate in Cuajone due to projects developed in 2013. We estimate a USD 747 MM EBITDA in 1Q2014 (-13.2% YoY). This is explained principally by the above-mentioned fall in copper price, and by an increase in the cost of sales which is related to a higher treated mineral volume necessary to increase production levels. Consequently, we expect the EBITDA margin to decrease from 53.0% to 49.0% as of closing of 1Q2014. We expect a USD 381 MM net income attributable to Southern in 1Q2014, that is to say, -23.1% YoY. This due to higher taxes with regard to the new Mexican tax framework, which is in force since January 1st, 2014. Chart Nº 11: Copper production and cash cost 000' MT Production 180 Cash cost Chart Nº 12: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Cash cost (USD/Lb.) 1.2 EBITDA 53.0% 1.1 0.98 160 900 800 1.09 170 Mg. % USD MM 1.00 1.0 0.91 46.7% 700 1.00 EBITDA Margin 55% 49.0% 49.3% 50% 47.3% 600 150 0.9 140 0.8 130 45% 500 400 40% 300 0.7 120 200 0.6 110 100 0.5 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: Southern Copper, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e 35% 100 - 30% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Southern Copper, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 4 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Mining - Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. (BVL: CVERDEC1) We estimate sales of USD 443.1 MM in 1Q2014, that is to say, +12.6% YoY, before higher copper production (confirmed by data as of February from the Ministry of Energy and Mines - MEM), and higher weight of copper cathodes within the sales’ mix (20.0% vs. 15.0% registered in 1Q2013). These two effects should offset the -12.1% YoY strong fall in copper price. However, we anticipate that the EBITDA will grow only 5.1% YoY and will reach USD 242.8 MM. We expect lower copper grades, which will generate upward pressures over costs and increases in treated mineral volumes in order to sustain the current production level. Consequently, the EBITDA margin would fall from 58.7% to 54.8% in 1Q2014. The net income would reach USD 133.8 MM (-3.6% YoY). The latter is explained by interest expenses related to the USD 1,800 MM loan taken in March in order to finance the project’s expansion CAPEX. Additionally, the company will start-up paying royalties and the special mining tax, since its tax stability contract expired in 2013. Chart Nº 13: Copper production Chart Nº 14: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin MM Lb. USD MM Copper concentrates 180 Copper cathodes EBITDA 160 65% 58.7% 300 17% Mg. % EBITDA Margin 63.4% 350 58.3% 60% 54.8% 140 18% 120 51.1% 250 24% 55% 20% 15% 100 80 200 50% 150 45% 100 40% 50 35% 83% 60 85% 82% 76% 80% 40 20 0 0 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 30% 1Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Cerro Verde, Kallpa SAB 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Cerro Verde, Kallpa SAB Mining - Compania de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (NYSE, BVL: BVN) We estimate that sales would decrease 10.8% YoY in 1Q2014, that is to say, they would fall from USD 354.7 MM to USD 316.4 MM. This is explained mainly by the drop in precious metals prices, -20.8% YoY and -32.0% YoY for gold and silver in average, respectively. With regard to production levels, we expect 215,000 gold ounces and 5.0 MM silver ounces during the quarter, in a consolidated way. We calculate a USD 90.6 MM EBITDA (excluding the EBITDA from associates), that is to say, an 8.1% YoY fall in 1Q2014. The lower fall with regard to sales is explained by cost savings that will be generated in Huanza hydroelectric plant and by production synergies with Rio Seco plant. Additionally, we expect a reduction in greenfield exploration expenses (USD 3.8 MM) and brownfield exploration expenses (USD 10.0 MM), in line with the company’s guidance . Nevertheless, we anticipate a 48.5% YoY fall in the net income attributable to Buenaventura in 1Q2014, until reaching USD 52.9 MM. This due to a lower income contribution from its associates (Yanacocha, Cerro Verde and Tantahuatay), since these mining companies would have been also negatively affected by lower gold, silver and copper average prices during the quarter. Chart Nº 15: Precious metals production Chart Nº 16: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin 000' Au Oz. MM Ag Oz. Au Prod. 260 5.4 5.0 4.80 4.70 EBITDA Mg. % EBITDA Margin 200 35% 29.9% 5.00 4.93 240 220 Ag Prod. USD MM 175 28.6% 27.8% 150 4.44 4.6 200 180 4.2 30% 25% 125 17.9% 20% 14.7% 100 15% 160 3.8 75 10% 50 140 3.4 120 100 3.0 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: Buenaventura, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e 5% 25 0 0% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Buenaventura, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 5 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Mining - Volcan Compania Minera S.A.A. (BVL: VOLCABC1) We estimate sales would grow 2.3% YoY in 1Q2014, until reaching USD 238.0 MM. This, since we expect a production level slightly higher than the one registered in 1Q2013, which will be diminished by the drops in silver price (-32.0% YoY) and in lead price (-8.4% YoY). Let us recall that in 2013 Raul Rojas mine stopped its operations and Paragasha mine reduced its production level considerably, both mines located in Cerro de Pasco UEA. We estimate a USD 37.5 MM EBITDA in 1Q2014 (-50.0% YoY). We expect a consolidated cash cost similar to the one registered in 4Q2013. With regard to sales and administrative expenses, we do not expect reductions higher than the ones observed in late 2013. Consequently, we estimate a 15.8% EBITDA margin in 1Q2014, lower than the 32.2% registered in 1Q2013. We calculate a USD 1.19 MM net income in 1Q2014, that is to say, a 0.8% net margin. However, we are optimistic with regard to results for the next quarters, since the contribution from its projects (Silver Oxides and new Alpamarca – Rio Pallanga UEA) will have a significant impact over the company’s margins. Chart Nº 17: Zinc production and cash cost Chart Nº 18: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin 000' MT 90 Zinc production 75.5 Cash cost Cash cost (USD/MT) 80 70.5 80 Mg. % USD MM EBITDA 200 175 65.4 70 65.5 EBITDA Margin 45% 40% 42.3% 70 35% 150 59.7 60 60 125 30% 32.2% 30.7% 25% 50 50 100 24.3% 40 30 40 15% 15.8% 50 20 30 10 0 25 20 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 10% 5% 0 1Q2014e 0% 1Q2013 Source: Volcan, Kallpa SAB 20% 75 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Volcan, Kallpa SAB Mining - Compania Minera Milpo S.A.A. (BVL: MILPOC1) We expect sales of USD 184.3 MM in 1Q2014, that is to say, +6.2% YoY, due to a higher production of zinc, lead, copper and silver fine concentrates (confirmed by data from MEM as of February). This, due to the fact that in 1Q2013 El Porvenir and Cerro Lindo’s installed capacities did not reach 100% of use, since these mines were in ramp up stages. We estimate that the EBITDA would increase 20.1% YoY up to USD 78.6 MM due to cost reduction policies executed by the company, which were not implemented in 1Q2013. Additionally, we expect that the treated mineral volume will increase 37.8% YoY due to the consolidation of installed capacities towards levels close to 100%. Consequently, we expect a USD/MT 35.0 cash cost, 4.4% YoY below the USD/MT 36.6 registered in 1Q2013. We calculate a USD 25.0 MM net income attributable to Milpo, 66.0% YoY above the USD 15.1 MM obtained in 1Q2013. This is explained by a higher production and by the cost reduction previously explained. Additionally, it is expected an effective tax rate for approximately 38.0% in 1Q2014, below the 47.3% rate registered in 1Q2103. Chart Nº 19: Treated MT and cost per Treated MT MM TM Treated TM Tratadas 2.4 2.3 Cash Cost Chart Nº 20: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Cash cost (USD/MT) 38 34.9 35.0 35 2.1 34 1.9 1.8 1.7 www.kallpasab.com 39.6% 37.7% 45% 38.8% 40% 35.5% 70 35% 60 30% 50 25% 40 20% 33 30 15% 32 20 10% 31 10 5% 30 - 2.0 Source: Milpo, Kallpa SAB 42.7% 36 35.1 2Q2013 Mg. % EBITDA Margin 37 36.3 2.2 EBITDA 90 80 36.6 1Q2013 USD MM 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e 0% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Milpo, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 6 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Mining - Rio Alto Mining Ltd. (LSE: RIO) We estimate that the company’s sales will grow 18.5% YoY in 1Q2014. This expansion will be originated by a 47% YoY increase in production, when passing from 36,355 Au Oz. in 1Q2013 to 53,463 Au Oz. in 1Q2014. Nevertheless, this increase will be offset by the effect of a lower gold price, which decreased from USD/Oz. 1,598 in 1Q2013 to USD 1,292 in 1Q2014. We forecast that the company’s EBITDA will register a 19.6% YoY increase. This increase will be explained by the abovementioned higher sales and by a lower cash cost, which would decrease 16% YoY, passing from USD/Oz. 788 in 1Q2013 to USD/Oz. 661 in 1Q2014, in line with the company’s guidance. However, the lower cash cost would be partially offset by a 113.6%YoY increase in administrative expenses. The company’s net income would grow 113.1% YoY. This growth would be the consequence of a higher EBITDA, as well as of a lower effective tax rate, which we estimate in 34% for 1Q2104, versus the 46% rate registered in 1Q2013. Chart Nº 21: La Arena's production Chart Nº 22: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Au Oz. USD MM 80,000 Mg. % EBITDA 45 40 59,157 60,000 53,463 48,427 50,000 45.2% 44.7% 45.1% 50% 35 37.1% 30 40% 25 36,355 40,000 60% 52.1% 70,551 70,000 EBITDA Margin 30% 20 30,000 15 20,000 20% 10 10% 10,000 5 0 0 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 Source: Rio Alto, Kallpa SAB 0% 1Q2013 1Q2014e 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Rio Alto, Kallpa SAB Mining - Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A. (BVL: BROCALC1) For 2014’s first quarter, we only expect production of copper concentrates, in line with the strategy provided by the company’s management. Despite the fact that copper price decreased 12.1% YoY in 1Q2014, we expect sales to increase 19.2% YoY until reaching USD 55.5 MM. This will be due to its strategy focused on copper, which has shown good results during 1S2013, and due to its hedging policy with derivatives. With regard to the EBITDA, we expect that it reaches USD 21.9 MM in 1Q2014, widely exceeding the USD 6.8 MM reached in 1Q2013. We expect the same operating efficiency level and administrative expenses reached in 1Q2013. We anticipate a USD 5.4 MM net income for 1Q2014, in contrast with the USD -2.7 MM net loss registered in 1Q2013. This due to the expected behavior regarding sales and the operating efficiency, which was previously mentioned. Chart Nº 23: Copper concentrates production Chart Nº 24: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin 000' MT USD MM 35 33.1 33.0 33.0 Mg. % EBITDA 25 Margen EBITDA 50% 39.4% 30 25 37.4% 20 24.0 15 19.0 20 10 40% 30% 24.1% 20% 14.6% 15 5 10% 10 0 0% 5 -5 -10% -9.8% -10 0 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: El Brocal, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e -20% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: El Brocal, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 7 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Mining - Luna Gold Corp. (TSX, BVL: LGC) We forecast that the company’s sales will grow 51% YoY in 1Q2014. This dynamism will be explained by a 23,002 Au Oz. sold volume (a 19,000 Au Oz. production), which will exceed in 76.7% the 13,017 Au Oz. sold volume registered in 1Q2013 (a 17,203 Au Oz. production). The higher volume will be partially offset by the USD/Oz. 1,292 estimated lower gold price, versus the USD/Oz. 1,606 registered in 1Q2013. We estimate that the company’s EBITDA will increase 79.4% YoY. In this way, the EBITDA margin would pass from 21.6% in 1Q2013 to 25.6% in 1Q2104. This due to higher sales and a USD/Oz. 725 lower cash cost estimated for 1Q2014, versus the USD/Oz. 757 registered in 1Q2013. Additionally, the higher EBITDA is explained by lower exploration expenses, which should decrease 41% YoY. The company’s net income would increase to USD 2.4 MM in 1Q2014, with regard to the USD -0.6 MM net loss registered in 1Q2013. This result would be influenced by an increase in the EBITDA. Chart Nº 25: Aurizona's production Chart Nº 26: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Au Oz. USD MM EBITDA 10 25,000 22,177 19,414 18,853 20,000 40% 33.4% 9 20,997 Mg. % EBITDA Margin 35% 8 17,203 25.6% 7 21.6% 6 15,000 21.3% 25% 17.0% 5 20% 4 10,000 30% 15% 3 10% 2 5,000 5% 1 0 0 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 0% 1Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Luna Gold, Kallpa SAB 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Luna Gold, Kallpa SAB Mining - Compania Minera Atacocha S.A.A. (LSE: ATACOBC1) We estimate 20% YoY and 10% YoY increases in silver and lead production in 1Q2014, respectively. However, we expect a 10% YoY decrease in zinc production, in line with data published by MEM as of closing of February. Sales would have reached USD 21.6 MM, only 10.5% above the amount registered in 1Q2013, due to a 32.0% YoY fall in silver price. We estimate that the company’s EBITDA registers a 76.0% YoY increase. In this way, the company’s EBITDA margin would pass from 15.1% registered in 1Q2013 to 24.1% in 1Q2014. This due to the quarter’s higher sales previously explained, and to an important reduction in the cash cost YoY, which would pass from USD/MT 49.0 to USD 45.0. Additionally, we expect a slight reduction in administrative expenses due to policies implemented in 2013, and as a consequence of the effect from the merger with Minera Atasilver S.A.C. We expect that the company registers a USD -1.2 MM net loss in 1Q2014, better than the USD -4.2 MM net loss obtained in 1Q2013. This result would be influenced by the increase in EBITDA previously mentioned. Chart Nº 27: Treated MT and cost per treated MT Chart Nº 28: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Cash cost (USD/MT) MT Treated 400,000 390,000 USD MM EBITDA 12,000 Mg. % EBITDA Margin 45% 50 49 49.4 26.9% 46.6 360,000 48 47 6,000 46 4,000 15% 2,000 5% 45 45.0 350,000 45.0 35% 24.1% 8,000 380,000 370,000 32.5% 10,000 25% 15.1% 44 44.3 0 -5% 43 340,000 42 330,000 320,000 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: Atacocha, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e -2,000 41 -4,000 40 -6,000 -15% -16.5% 1Q2013 2Q2013 -25% 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Atacocha, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 8 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Mining - Minera IRL Ltd. (AIM: MIRL, LSE: MIRL, TSX: IRL) We expect the company’s sales to decrease 27% YoY in 1Q2014. This fall will be explained by: i) the 5,250 Au Oz. lower production expected in 1Q2014, compared with the 5,848 Au Oz. registered in 1Q2013; and, ii) the USD/Oz. 1,292 lower average gold price, vs. the USD/Oz. 1,631 reached in 1Q2013. We estimate that the company’s EBITDA reaches a negative level of about USD -0.4 MM. In this way, the company’s EBITDA margin would pass from 20.1% in 1Q2013 to -5.6% in 1Q2014. This due to the fall in sales and to a significant increase in the cash cost YoY. According to our projections, the cash cost will increase to USD/Oz. 890 in 1Q2014 from the USD/Oz. 726 reached in 1Q2013. This upward trend will continue as long as Corihuarmi reaches its life of mine’s end, in 2015. Minera IRL would register a higher net loss in 1Q2014, USD -2.5 MM vs. USD -1.1 MM reached in 1Q2013. This decrease is in line with the fall in EBITDA and will be influenced by higher interest expenses. Chart Nº 29: Corihuarmi's production Chart Nº 30: EBITDA vs. EBITDA Margin Au Oz. USD MM 6,633 7,000 6,000 6,296 EBITDA 2.5 6,446 20.1% 5,848 Mg. % EBITDA Margin 25% 22.1% 2.0 20% 5,250 5,000 1.5 4,000 1.0 3,000 0.5 2,000 0.0 1,000 -0.5 15% 11.1% 10% 3.3% 5% 0% -5% -5.6% -1.0 0 1Q2013 2Q2013 Source: Minera IRL, Kallpa SAB www.kallpasab.com 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e -10% 1Q2013 2Q2013 3Q2013 4Q2013 1Q2014e Source: Minera IRL, Kallpa SAB Earnings Preview 9 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 Appendix – Disclaimer Analyst certification The analyst that prepared this report hereby certifies that: i) the opinions and views expressed in this valuation report, in regard with the issuer and with the company’s overview, reflected his/her personal opinion and ii) No part of his/her salary compensation was, is or will be related directly or indirectly to the recommendations expressed in this report. The economic compensation of the analyst that prepared this report is based in several factors, including but not limited to Kallpa Securities SAB’s profitability and the profits generated by its different areas, including investment banking. In addition, the analyst does not receive any kind of economic compensation from the companies he/she covers. This valuation report was prepared by Kallpa Securities SAB’s employees that maintain the position of Analyst. Persons involved in the elaboration of this report are authorized to maintain shares. Share prices in this report are based on market prices as of closing of the day prior to the publication of this report, unless it is strictly stated. General statement This document is for informative purposes only. Under no circumstances it should be used / be considered as an offer of sale or an application of purchase of shares or any other securities mentioned in this document. The information herein has been obtained from sources which are believed to be reliable, but Kallpa Securities SAB does not guarantee the trustfulness or accuracy of the content of this report, or the future market values of shares or other securities mentioned in this document. The views and opinions expressed in this document constitute our opinion at the time of this report and are subject to change without any notice. Kallpa Securities SAB does not guarantee analysis updates before any change in the circumstances of the market. The products referred in this document may not be available for purchase in some countries. Kallpa Securities SAB has reasonably designed policies to prevent or to control the exchange of non-public information used by areas such Research and Investment, Capital Markets, among others. Definition of qualification ranges Kallpa Securities SAB has 5 qualification ranges: Buy +, Buy, Hold, Sell and Sell - . The analyst will assign the coverage one of these ranges. Sell Sell Hold < - 30% -30% to -15% -15% to 0% > + 30% +15% to +30% 0% to +15% Buy + Buy Hold The range assigned to each company covered by the analyst in these reports is based on the analysis/monitoring Kallpa Securities SAB has been developing for the company. In some cases, the analyst can express his/her short-term points of view to traders, vendors and some Kallpa Securities SAB’s clients but this point of view may differ in time by market volatility and other factors. The fair value calculated by Kallpa SAB is based in one or more valuation methodologies commonly used by financial analysts, including but not limited to discounted cash flows, In Situ valuations or any other applicable methodology. It should be noted that the publication of a fair value does not imply any guarantee that the value will be achieved. www.kallpasab.com Earnings Preview 10 Earnings Preview | 1Q2014 KALLPA SECURITIES SOCIEDAD AGENTE DE BOLSA MANAGEMENT Alberto Arispe CEO (511) 630 7500 aarispe@kallpasab.com COMMERCIAL CAPITAL MARKETS CORPORATE FINANCE Enrique Hernandez Manager (51 1) 630 7515 ehernandez@kallpasab.com Ricardo Carrion Manager (51 1) 630 7500 rcarrion@kallpasab.com Andres Robles Manager (51 1) 630 7500 arobles@kallpasab.com Edder Castro Analyst (51 1) 630 7529 ecastro@kallpasab.com Humberto Leon Analyst (51 1) 630 7527 hleon@kallpasab.com Javier Frisancho Trader (51 1) 630 7517 jfrisancho@kallpasab.com Jorge Rodriguez Trader (51 1) 630 7518 jrodriguez@kallpasab.com EQUITY RESEARCH Marco Contreras Senior Analyst (51 1) 630 7528 mcontreras@kallpasab.com Sebastian Cruz Analyst (51 1) 630 7533 scruz@kallpasab.com Fiorella Torres Assistant (51 1) 630 7500 ftorres@kallpasab.com TRADING Eduardo Fernandini Head Trader (51 1) 630 7516 efernandini@kallpasab.com CHACARILLA OFFICE Hernando Pastor Representative (51 1) 626 8700 hpastor@kallpasab.com MIRAFLORES OFFICE Daniel Berger Representative (51 1) 652 6453 dberger@kallpasab.com Gilberto Mora Representative (51 1) 652 6453 gmora@kallpasab.com Walter Leon Representative (51 1) 243 8024 wleon@kallpasab.com AREQUIPA OFFICE Jesus Molina Representative (51 54) 272 937 jmolina@kallpasab.com Ricky Garcia Representative (51 54) 272 937 rgarcia@kallpasab.com OPERATIONS - IT Alan Noa Head of Operations (51 1) 630 7523 anoa@kallpasab.com Mariano Bazan Analyst - Treasury (51 1) 630 7522 mbazan@kallpasab.com Ramiro Misari Head of IT (51 1) 630 7500 rmisari@kallpasab.com INTERNAL CONTROL Elizabeth Cueva Controller (51 1) 630 7521 ecueva@kallpasab.com www.kallpasab.com Earnings Preview 11
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