X-Ray Crystallography Center – Sample Submission Form Department of Chemistry

X-Ray Crystallography Center – Sample Submission Form
Department of Chemistry
Please complete the ENTIRE form before submission.
Contact/Billing Information:
Research Advisor: _________________________ Telephone: ________________________
Email: ________________________
Chemist: _________________________________ Telephone: ________________________
Email: ________________________
Address (if not UA Chem Dept): ________________________________________________
PO/Account number: _______________________
Billing Contact Person: _____________________ Telephone: _______________________
Email: _______________________
Requested Service:
Single Crystal Analysis
Unit Cell Determination Only
CSD Check
Sample Information:
Sample Name: __________________________ Molecular Formula: ___________________
Collection Temperature:
Sample Container:
100 K (standard)
Room Temp
Other: _________
Other: __________________________
Stable at ambient conditions
Heat Sensitive
Air Sensitive
Light Sensitive
Water Sensitive
Speed of Decomposition: _________________
Special Instructions or Precautions:
Analysis Performed:
Melt Pt
Confidence in the Proposed Structure of Your Compound:
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Form revised Feb. 2014
Sample Preparation: In the space below, please provide a detailed molecular drawing of your
proposed structure and include the starting reagents for its synthesis.
Please list all solvents that have come in contact with this sample (i.e. reaction solvents,
crystallization solvents, etc):
- Sample analysis is typically completed within two weeks of the sample being received.
- Files are sent by email, unless otherwise requested. This includes a crystallographic information file
(CIF), required by most journals for a crystallographic submission, various thermal ellipsoid plots, and a
full report. All tables and images will be provided in a .doc file.
- All samples will be disposed on within one month of completion unless other arrangements are made.
Internal Use Only:
Operator: _____________________________
Date Received: ________________________
Date Run: _________________________
Report Completed On: __________________
Billed On: _________________________
Applicable Codes: _________________
Abandoned; Completed; Data only; Known structure; Publishable; Questionable; Supercell;
Twinned, Unpublishable
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X-Ray Crystallography Center – Pricing and Policies
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST
Meetings and consultations by appointment only.
Dr. Matthew Panzner
Associate Director
Email (preferred): mjp9@uakron.edu
Office: KNCL 105
Phone: (330) 258-7503
Pricing for single crystal data collection and structure determination is as
University of Akron Departments __________________________ $50.00 (USD)
Other Academia** _______________________________________ $200.00
Industrial ______________________________________________ $500.00
Pricing for Other Services:
Recrystallization ________________________________________ $200.00
Consultation ___________________________________________ $250.00/hr
Misc. Services (Database searches, etc) ____________________ $200.00/hr
** Academic institutions should contact Dr. Matthew Panzner for more information on pricing.
Acknowledgments: Users who publish papers including data collected on the Bruker SMART
APEX I system should include the following statement: We would like to acknowledge the
National Science Foundation (CHE-0116041) and the Ohio Board of Regents for funds used to
purchase the Bruker-Nonius Apex CCD X-ray diffractometer used in this research.
Users who publish papers including data collected on the Bruker APEX II Duo system should
include the following statement: We would like to acknowledge the National Science Foundation
(CHE-0840446) for funds used to purchase the Bruker APEX II Duo X-ray diffractometer used in
this research.
Policy: There will be a policy of co-authorship in all publications that present collected and
solved crystal structures. In such cases, the name of the responsible crystallographer will be
included in the manuscript.