Abstract This paper analyzes a sample of monthly performances of 186 italian equity and balanced funds from January 1995 to December 1999. We show that a simple industry classification based on the investments location is a very good descriptor of mutual fund styles. This assessment is made considering the remarkable out of sample explanatory power of this classification system when compared to other reasonable return based benchmark categorization schemes. We find that the classic growth versus value and large versus small paradigm do not convey relevant information in terms of performance prediction and that italian funds are progressively migrating towards the large/growth segment of their reference market. According to our return based style analysis, most italian funds historical performances could have been replicated by appropriate passive alternatives on investable indices. Contrasting a strong empirical evidence from most US fund studies and our a priori beliefs, italian funds do not seem to follow any recognizable dynamic trading strategy other than naive portfolio rebalancing. JEL codes: G20, G23, G11 Keywords: Italian mutual funds, Return based style analysis, Equity styles Management Styles of Italian Equity Mutual Funds Ignazio Basile Department of Business Economics University of Brescia email: basile@eco.unibs.it Nicola Doninelli Department of Quantitative Methods University of Brescia email: doninel@eco.unibs.it Roberto Savona Department of Business Economics University of Brescia email: savona@eco.unibs.it 1 Introduction1 In the U.S. pension fund industry, plan sponsors choose complementary managers, instead of portfolios of assets such as stocks, bonds or currencies (see, e.g., Chan, Chen and Lakonishok (1999)). In fact, most fund managers consider that the risk profile of their overall portfolio depends on the investment styles followed by the individual portfolio managers. As a consequence, their choices are tipically consistent with a ”style diversification” principle. While there is no general agreement on the definition of this expression in Investments, we use the term ”style” as the systematic portion of mutual fund returns which include stock and bond characteristics as well as recognizable trading strategies and behavioural patterns. At an intuitive level, a fair degree of style diversification is needed for several reasons. In some cases, the aggregate position of an investment company could come out to be extremely unbalanced. This happens whenever the individual portfolio managers are exposed to the same asset classes or, in general, implement trading strategies resulting in highly correlated returns. In the mutual fund industry the situation is quite similar. Most mutual fund investment companies tipically oer a variety of portfolios to match various risk-return profiles. On the other side, the final investors are interested in being 1 We thank all the partecipants of the AMASES 2000 conference and the seminars we held at the University of Verona and the University of Brescia for their comments which greatly improved this paper. A special thank goes to Stephen Brown for his helpful suggestions and the numerous discussions, Marco Ratti (our discussant), Andrea Berardi, Paolo Mottura and Riccardo Campanini of IAM SIM. 1 informed on how aggressively their money are managed as well as the main asset classes chosen by the funds. As a result, the disclosure of these characteristics have become so important that sometimes a fund is identified by its investment style, which enters as a part of the fund name itself. Since both plan sponsors and the public are paying attention on style matters, any information about this concern is likely to be rewarded accordingly. Therefore, reliable informations regarding styles and trading strategies should play a fundamental role in the process of mutual fund selection. In fact, many US vendors provide data services including, for example, mutual fund classifications based on the growth/value and large/small categories as well as quality ratings within styles and peer groups (see, e.g, Graham and Harvey (1996)). In the European market, other companies and mutual fund associations provide similar services. These databases are not as detailed as their US counterparts in terms of historical performance and institutional/stylistic characteristics. In most cases, the coverage is limited to the biggest and oldest markets, namely France and the UK. In Italy, both the Central Bank and Assogestioni (the Italian mutual funds association), started providing some categorizations only a few years ago. The Bank of Italy partitions mutual funds by investment objective into three groups: bond funds, balanced funds and equity funds, according to some basic indications derived from the prospectus. No other distinction is made. 2 The Assogestioni classification is much more involved. At the end of 1999, Assogestioni contemplates 10 dierent clusters for the equity and balanced categories: Equity Italy, Equity Europe, Equity Euro area, Equity Pacific, Equity US, Equity Emerging markets, Equity International, Other specializations and Balanced funds. It has been noted several times (see, e.g., Cesari and Panetta (1998)) that the distinction between funds investing in Italian securities as opposed to international investment vehicles, which operates since the liberalisation reform of capital flows in 1990, is an important step. However, the Assogestioni classification suers of some limitations, at least in theory. First, it gives no informations regarding objectives other than the geographical focus and the proportion of wealth invested in equities. Second, it is prone to missclassification, being based on self reported declarations (see e.g. Witkowski (1994) and Kim, Shukla and Thomas (1995)). In the italian mutual fund market, Morningstar like classifications or publicly available ratings based on historical performance analysis, individual fund research and the small/large, value/growth paradigm do not exist. This means that the portfolio managers and the fund researchers who believe in the explanatory power of these categorizations must refer to proprietary analyses. Now, two questions: first, is this interest in better classification methods really justified or, put in dierent terms, stylistic dierences do really explain a significant amount of the cross sectional expected returns variability (Brown and Goetzmann (1997))? Second, what is the best method to classify Italian 3 funds? As was recognized a long time ago in the financial literature, style analysis is related to another important issue, relative performance evaluation (see, e.g, Jensen (1968) and Grinblatt and Titman (1995)). Plan sponsors need to fix meaningful benchmarks, reasonable return targets and the achievement of their portfolio managers. To accomplish this, the systematic style component must subtracted from the ex post total return to determine skill, that is the proportion of return that is to be attributed solely to superior active management or above average talent (Fama (1972)). Any investment company and, in general, any rational investor is willing to pay higher fees only if this superior ability is in some sense unanmbiguously evident. However, this unambiguous evidence is far from being simple to figure out. To realize this, consider that the introduction of style adjusted performance evaluation techniques in the context of asset pricing theories dates back to the study of Sharpe (Sharpe (1966)). Recently, Sharpe (1992) and Fung and Hsieh (1997) pointed out that most mutual fund managers are rewarded relative to benchmarks, mimicking the behaviour of broad, naive combinations of investable assets. This benchmarking practices could induce fund returns to remain closely related to their benchmarks, which reflect an investment mandate. Mutual funds returns are then expected to be highly correlated to the performances of the main asset classes in the market. Moreover, mutual fund managers are subject to institutional restrictions: they can’t short sell and have very limited if no access to leverage. 4 Thus, we can expect the time series of fund returns to be approximately replicated by a passive, constantly rebalanced combination of market indexes. This observation is the economic rationale behind the celebrated Sharpe return based style analysis procedure (Sharpe (1992)). The Sharpe procedure is widely used both by academics (see, e.g., Blake, Elton and Gruber (1993)) and practitioners, thank to its simplicity and intuitive financial interpretation. Nevertheless, the Sharpe method suers of several problems. While we may be content with the representation of fund returns as a passive portfolio of index returns at an instant of time, Sharpe model asserts that we can represent the fund not really as a purely passive portfolio or buy and hold strategy (see, e.g., Ferson and Schadt (1996)), but rather, a portfolio constantly rebalanced to weights given as linear coe!cients in a constrained regression framework. In principle, stylistic dierences are not limited to the location component2 . In fact, it seems that most, if not all, actively managed funds dynamically change their portfolio composition in response to changed economic conditions, so that the eect of non-trivial dynamic portfolio rebalancing patterns must be somehow taken into account (Bansal and Harvey (1996)). In Sharpe original work this fundamental concern was addressed through the use of rolling regression procedures. As an alternative solution, one could carry out a family of simpli2 Fung and Hsieh (1997) decompose hedge funds returns into three components: location, trading strategy and leverage. Mutual funds can’t make use of leverage and can’t short sell, so that their returns are aected only by the location and the ”long” dynamic trading strategy component. For an alternative approach, see, for example, Glosten and Jagannathan (1994). 5 fied constrained regressions within short non-overlapping periods and still get a picture of the portfolio weights evolution through time. Fung and Hsieh (1997) address this issue using portfolios of funds chosen to be maximally correlated to the first principal components extracted from the cross product matrix of standardized fund returns. Neither approach is completely satisfactory from an econometric viewpoint. For example, heteroskedasticity in funds returns could induce significant biases in the estimated principal components and weights of the factor mimicking portfolios. Another important limitation regards the original specification of the Sharpe procedure, which aimed at capturing the US mutual fund return exposure to standard asset classes. Nothing guarantees that some asset classes may be redundant, misspecified and others simply excluded. It can also be that the Sharpe equation needs to be completely re-cast in order to work outside the US. Any linear representation of the mutual fund styles will be misspecified if there are omitted factors, or the manager systematically underperforms or overperforms a passive fund benchmark. A straightforward way most practitioners use is to include a constant term in the regression and then impose the constraint that the sum of the coe!cients be less than or equal to one. The constant term reflects both the degree of under/over performance plus the average exposure to omitted factors3 . A version of this ”workmanlike” solution has been applied in 3 Note that the excess return over the style component will be under/over-estimated if the 6 Brown, Goetzmann, Hiraki, Otzuki and Shiraishi (1999) to illustrate that in the Japan mutual fund industry the ”Other” classification represents international fund exposure not otherwise captured by the standard set of factors used in US studies. This paper also points out that the constrained linear model systematically underrepresents fund returns due to a tax dilution factor (Japanese funds, like Italian funds, are taxed at source even if the mechanics behind the calculation of the oering price per share are substantially dierent). This paper applies various style classification methods to a sample of 186 italian equity and balanced fund returns from January 1995 to December 1999. We show that a simple industry classification, not including the small/large and value/growth attributes works better than complicated return based classifications, both in sample and out of sample. In addition, only a few style factors are shown to be enough to explain most of the cross sectional variation in the returns panel and each time series could be better and better approximated by semi-passive benchmarks. The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 describes the methodology. Section 3 is about the main institutional features characterizing the italian mutual funds market. Section 4 deals with after-tax returns calculations. We have included a section on tax issues because italian mutual fund researchers are forced to use after-tax returns. In general, after-tax returns might be preferred to pre-tax returns. However, the quite cumbersome way used to compute the systematic risk taken by the fund on the financial indexes is significantly dierent from one. 7 performances and the italian tax regulation could introduce potential biases in our analysis. We will discuss qualitatively why this will not aect the results in our case. Section 5 is about some necessary details regarding data. Section 6 derives a specification of the Sharpe equation that is suitable for the italian case. Section 7 is about style classification and the existence of dynamic trading strategies. Section 8 concludes. 2 Methodology We assume that security returns in the economy evolve according to a multifactor stochastic specification. The j-th asset return for the t-th month is then given by: Q X ji Fit + %jt Rjt = (1) i=1 © ª where Fit , i 5 {1, .., Q} is the return on the i-th factor, ji is a matrix of real valued coe!cients or factor loadings, t < T < 4 and j 5 {1, .., N }; % is the idiosyncratic returns. In general, under these assumptions, Q ranges from five to fifteen, much less than N , the total number of assets, usually in the order of thousands. Consequently, relatively few factors explain much of the variation in security returns. These factors could be exogenously determined as innovations to important macroeconomic variables as in Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) and Berry, Burkmeister and McElroy (1988) or predetermined financial indexes 8 (naive traded portfolios) as in Sharpe (1992). Other authors (e.g. Lehmann and Modest (1988)) prefer to endogenously derive the Fit ’s using principal components analysis and factor maximum likelihood techniques. As Campbell (1996) points out, all these specification methodologies have their advantages and limitations. First, they are based on weak theoretical assumptions. Second, they give little economic guidance in the factor picking process. Third, they are silent about the determinants of factor risk prices. Nevertheless, they appear to empirically fit the cross section of asset returns. Given that a mutual fund is a portfolio of assets for each t, the above multiP F = D wjt Rjt . factor specification must hold for the mutual fund returns RM qt j=1 In formulas: F = RM qt Q D X X wjt ji Fit + j=1 i=1 D X wjt %jt (2) j=1 where D is the number of assets in q-th fund portfolio and q 5 {1, .., M }. Sharpe (1992) exogenously identifies the Fit ’s as investable indexes, mimicking the aggregate dynamics of some broad standard asset classes (US stocks, international stocks, corporate bonds, government bonds and gold): Q X MF Rqt = i Fit + %qt (3) i=1 with i = PQ i=1 wjt ji . To estimate the factor loadings, the following regres- 9 sion is found to be appropriate: MF Rqt = q + Q X i Fit + %qt . (4) i=1 We may interpret %qt as the q-th fund absolute tracking error with respect to the passive alternative PQ i=1 i Fit and the intecept term q as a relative performance measure with respect to a style benchmark. This unconstrained version of Sharpe (1992) could be thought as a multifactor generalization of the Jensen performance measurement equation (Jensen (1968)). The dierence relies in the functional form of the conditional expected return and the size of the e5 conditioning set at time t. Imposing to the above equation the constraints e e e e RK + ^{0} and • 1 = 1 ( is a K-dimensional vector and 1 is a conforming vector of ones) and minimizing the tracking error variance (%jt ), we can interpret e as a vector of portfolio weights4 . The R2 coe!cient (R2 , 1 (%jt ) (Rj ) ) of this constrained regression measures the best proportion of variance explained by all the linear portfolio combinations of market indexes. The nonnegativity constraint reflects an important institutional limitation for mutual funds, which cannot take short positions. As we mentioned in the introduction, this method suers of some serious problems. Despite this, it has become an accepted industry standard. There 4 The passive portfolio that is identified must define a feasible and low cost index fund alternative. American index funds approximately cost 23 basis points a year (Gruber (1996)). Italian index funds are much more expensive (even more than 1,5% per year). This fact is almost ubiquitous in Europe. For example, the average cost for a French index fund is as high as 1,20% (Otten and Schweitzer (1998)). This dierence might indicate that italian index funds do not properly replicate indices or that there is limited competition in the industry. This fact must be taken into account when evaluating extra performances with respect to a multi-index portfolio. 10 are some obvious reasons for this success: the procedure is easy to implement, it admits an intuitive financial interpretation, requires minimal statistical knowledge and there is a need for a few data to run the estimation. Moreover, the style benchmark that is produced is undoubtly objective, being based on historical data, it can be specified ex ante, is not easy to beat in principle and is consistent across managers. e doesn’t depend It should be noted that the vector of portfolio weights on t. However, a convenient style descriptor should allow the fund portfolio weights to change dynamically through time (Bansal and Harvey (1995)). Simple and computationally e!cient classification procedures, which are also consistent with dynamic portfolio rebalancing already exist in the literature (see, e.g, Elton and Gruber (1970)). One of these is the Generalized Style Classification algorithm (GSC) introduced in Brown and Goetzmann (1997). The GSC procedure makes minimal demand on available data. In fact, it uses only the N × T panel of fund returns optimizing an intuitive criterion function based on the squared deviations from the adjusted centroid means, as in the k-means approach of cluster analysis (see, e.g. Everett (1974)). The GSC allows for fund specific and time varying variance: at each step a generalized least squares adjustment takes place, reducing the influence of outliers on the centroid estimates. Brown and Goetzmann (1997) observe that when returns admit a multifactor representation, the GSC model is identical to a switching regression technology5 . 5 The connections between clustering algorithm and switching regime models has been 11 A justification to this analogy can be made as follows. Start from a reduced factor representation of the fund returns Rjt , t < T < 4, j 5 {1, .., N}: Rjt = J + K X Ji Fit + %jt (5) i=1 where Ji are real valued coe!cients. If the j-th fund belongs to the J-th style with J 5 {1, ...K}, K ¿ M the above expression simplifies to: Rj,t = sJt + %j,t (6) where sJ t is the conditional expected return E ( RJ,t | F1,t , ...FQ,t ) and each vector of coe!cients © ª J , J1, ..., JQ is associated to a style. The analogy between the two methods is easily seen since one of the outputs of the GSC procedure is the vector [s1t , .., sKt ], obtained by a volatility adjusted distance minimization criterion. The GSC procedure and Sharpe model aren’t necessarily conflicting. To use the language of econometrics, the GSC procedure is the ”reduced form” and the Sharpe procedure is the ”structural form” of a linear asset pricing model. Given a multifactor stochastic specification, the sJt estimated via the GSC procedure are linear in unknown factors, whereas the Sharpe procedure attempts to explicitely specify this linear relationship. recognized several times in the statistical literature. 12 The traditional k-means clustering algorithm (as well as other grouping procedures) can be applied to other spaces too, not only to the returns panel. For example, the space of factor loadings or the space of Sharpe portfolio weights can serve as a basis for a reduction of dimension procedure. The relative performance of these alternative methods must be tested out of sample (see, e.g., Blake and Morey (2000)) and compared in terms of predictive power to the existing industry classifications, which can be based on the geografical or sector preferences of the funds or the classical equity styles. 3 The Italian mutual funds industry In Italy there are two types of mutual funds: open end funds and closed end funds. Italian open end funds do not have a long history. They were introduced in 1983 and started operating in 19846 . Since then, the industry has experienced a steady growth, especially from 1996. The net amount of assets under management increased by 53% in 1996, by 86% in 1997 and by 96% in 1998 7 . Pure equity funds8 showed even more pronounced dynamics. The net amount of assets under management increased by 124% in 1997 and by 83% in 1998. The total number of funds has sustantially increased too. In 1990 there were only 183 registered funds which became 703 6 Starting from 1998 mutual funds must mandatorily declare a benchmark in the periodic reporting statements. As far as we know, Italy is the only country where the benchmark has been introduced by the law. 7 All the data come from Assogestioni. 8 For the sake of clarity, we distinguish between pure equity funds and equity funds. Pure equity funds do not include balanced funds. In this study we refer to equity funds including balanced funds, as it is customary in the US studies. 13 in 1998. In the year 2000 there are more than 1000 existing funds. It should be noted, however, that equity funds still count for only one fourth of the overall assets under management. A recent study by Otten and Schweitzer (1999) shows that the preference for bond funds is a common feature of the European mutual funds market. Using 1997 data, these authors observe that the European equity funds counted for the 32% of the total mutual funds asset value, compared to the 50% in the US. In Table 1 we report the evolution of the assets under management by the European based mutual funds from 1990 to 1999. Note that the average increase in the net asset under management (excluding Italy) is about 313%. In Italy the same ratio is roughly four times greater. Figure one shows the distribution of the investment vehicles between the pure equity, bond, liquidity and balanced categories. The preference for bond and liquity funds is weaker that in the past, but it is still important. 14 Figure 1: Europe an mutual funds by type 100 11 90 13 80 70 31,2 40 9,8 18 28,4 15 60 33 50 35,8 40 34,8 31,5 30 20 10 34 26 21 17,5 0 1992 1994 Equity Funds 1996 Bond Funds 1999 Liquidity Funds Balanced and Others Table 1 : Evolution of the assets under management by european mutual funds, 1990-99 (million euros) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 A us tria 1 0 .6 0 9 1 1 .2 7 6 1 2 .4 8 5 16.328 19.155 26.083 31.779 4 0 .8 2 1 5 4 .3 3 6 6 9 .7 4 5 B e lg iu m 3 .3 2 5 4 .5 3 4 7 .4 2 4 13.908 15.434 18.764 22.042 3 0 .6 0 3 4 8 .2 3 6 5 6 .0 5 0 D e n m a rk Fr a n c e G e rm any 2 .6 3 3 2 .7 8 9 2 .8 3 9 3.984 4.452 5.023 7 .5 0 0 1 1 .8 6 5 1 6 .6 0 5 2 1 .6 1 6 2 7 8 .3 6 7 3 3 1 .1 0 0 3 7 1 .4 8 0 4 3 3 .8 8 2 406.498 406.818 426.117 450.741 5 0 3 .1 0 4 6 5 5 .6 0 0 5 1 .9 5 7 5 9 .2 2 7 5 8 .1 0 1 70.460 92.065 104.733 110.097 133.661 1 6 6 .8 3 4 1 9 6 .3 9 7 G re e ce 688 733 844 3.106 4.551 8.705 12.612 2 3 .5 4 1 2 7 .4 2 5 3 5 .5 4 1 Ire la n d 5 .1 0 9 5 .5 3 6 4 .9 0 7 4.705 6.359 6.558 7 .3 5 0 2 3 .0 0 0 2 0 .2 4 1 2 0 .2 4 1 Ita l y 3 0 .6 4 7 3 6 .5 3 6 3 4 .1 6 2 57.687 65.425 62.443 103.859 182.610 3 7 1 .9 1 2 4 5 4 .4 9 0 L ux e m bu rg 6 2 .0 3 1 8 7 .4 8 8 1 5 1 .1 4 2 2 2 2 .2 2 1 231.376 253.333 283.035 349.726 3 5 3 .1 1 6 4 3 4 .9 1 4 N e the rland s 1 7 .8 2 5 1 5 .3 0 0 2 8 .8 0 0 40.821 39.043 48.637 53.959 6 4 .0 4 4 6 4 .6 8 3 7 5 .1 0 0 Po rtu gal 3 .7 0 6 4 .7 8 5 6 .5 9 1 8.356 10.521 10.393 12.562 1 6 .1 9 7 1 9 .8 4 5 2 0 .4 7 1 S p a in 8 .9 6 7 3 0 .2 3 5 4 5 .3 8 5 64.596 70.129 48.335 114.325 161.627 2 0 3 .7 7 9 2 0 5 .2 3 1 Sw e d en 1 5 .6 4 4 1 3 .1 3 0 1 4 .9 8 3 22.280 16.482 21.019 28.263 4 1 .6 9 9 4 7 .1 3 6 6 3 .4 4 2 S w it ze rl a n d 1 4 .2 8 7 1 5 .0 7 2 1 6 .2 0 0 30.647 31.770 34.974 38.404 4 8 .8 5 6 6 1 .2 8 8 7 0 .5 6 6 U nite d K ingd om 6 5 .2 5 0 7 7 .9 6 1 7 5 .6 2 5 1 2 0 .1 9 3 108.881 120.390 159.551 213.324 2 4 3 .6 0 7 3 0 6 .4 4 5 15 In Italy, the investment in bond funds became increasingly predominant in the early 90’s. In 1990 the 41% of the total mutual funds asset value was represented by bond funds and this percentage reached 71,5% in 1997. From 1997 to 1999 it stabilized around 72%. This extreme preference for low risk investment vehicles, which typically focus on fixed income government bonds and money market instruments could be attributed to a variety of reasons. The traditionally strong degree of risk aversion of the italian investor, who still holds the largest portion of the huge domestic public debt and a dierent pension mechanism, with a limited role for pension funds. Unlike their US counterparts, most of the funds are owned by banking groups. In 1995, Italian banks held as much as the 74% of the italian mutual funds industry asset value, which became 94% in 1998. Moreover, the 60% of the total assets is currently managed by the ten biggest mutual fund companies and as much as the 42% by the first three (who still hold only 10 funds each on average). The estimated degree of concentration for the future years is even greater if you consider that a significant number of italian banks have recently merged or are to merge (Simper (1999)). Combining these two facts, the first ten banking groups now hold more that the 75% of the total assets under management. As a result, in 1998, the largest part of italian funds was oered through banking channels (58%) compared to a 10% in the US, where brokers and direct sales count for more than the 70%. This is in part a european phenomenon. On average, the european banking system distributes as much as the 52% of the total mutual funds and only a 20% is left to brokers and direct 16 sales (FEFSI). These unambiguous figures suggest that there are at least two significant institutional dierences between the italian and the US mutual funds industry. First, the control of the italian banking system over the domestic mutual funds market is tighter. This fact might result in similar investment policies and scarcely innovative trading strategies. Second, given the increasing concentration of the italian banking industry, a substantial proportion of the mutual funds are supervised, if not managed, by a few people. A few managers, i.e. limited competition, results in a few investment styles i.e. poor variety. We anticipate that the empirical analysis based on historical performance figures will confirm our first guess, that, at this stage, is based on a rather elementary discussion of some institutional aspects. 4 After tax returns US Mutual funds studies always use pre-tax returns. After tax returns are better in principle and should be preferred, but they are never used. The reason behind this choice is simple. In the US, the amount payed by firms and individuals does vary greatly due to dierential tax rates. As a result, reasonable approximations to the after-tax performance are almost impossible to reconstruct (see, e.g. Kent, Grinblatt, Titman and Wermers (1997)). Moreover, dierent conclusions regarding absolute and relative performance could be drawn depending on the tax regime to which the investor is referenced. On the contrary, long and 17 accurate time series of pre-tax returns are widely available in the US9 . In other countries, for example in Japan, it happens to be exactly the opposite. Mutual fund researchers are forced to use exact or proxy after-tax returns. A recent study by Brown, Goetzmann, Hiraki, Otzuki and Shiraishi (2000) on the Japanese fund case shows that sometimes the fiscal policy could be everything but neutral. In particular, it could substantially aect the return dynamics, i.e., the strategies originating the returns themselves are partially driven by tax factors. Using proxies for after tax returns, Brown et al. illustrate that the plain Sharpe procedure will systematically underrepresent the fund returns due to a tax dilution factor. The way this phenomenon is analyzed relies on a two step procedure. First a number of style centroid means (the GSC style or analogous style representation) is estimated and then related to standard factors and tax dilution proxies. In Italy the situation is apparently similar to Japan, since open end mutual funds are taxed at source. Mutual fund returns are still subject to dierent tax rates and all the capital gains are uniformly taxed (12,5%). More precisely, there are some marginal tax exempt asset classes and income from short term government bonds is taxed at a dierent rate. In any case, considering a homogenous 12,5% tax rate is su!cient for our purposes. From July 1998 dividends have been subject to dierent tax rates: 22,5% from July to December 1998 (12,5% + an additional 10%) and 12,5% from January 1999. 9 Most of the US academic studies regarding mutual funds appeared after 1968. Reliable mutual fund data for a limited number of US investment companies were available even in the fifties (see, e.g, Jensen (1968)). 18 The net asset value per contract at time t, N AVt , is calculated every day on a post-tax basis and it is precisely the price at which a new quote of the fund can be purchased by the public. The pre-tax return for an accumulating fund, that is the return normally used in the US studies, could be defined as: gt1,t = N AVt qt + T AXt 1 N AVt1 qt1 + N AVt1 (qt qt1 ) (7) where qt is the number of fund shares in t. T AXt stands for the sum of tax amounts computed every day as a proportion of the increase in the asset value and is the tax rate. After some algebra we get: T AXt = t X i qi (N AVi N AVi1 ) 1 (8) The sum T AXt must be payed o once a year, in February. The daily aftertax return nt1,t is easily obtained by analogous formal algebraic manipulations as a function of gt1,t , T AXt , N AVt1 , qt and : µ nt1,t = ¶ N AVt 1 N AVt1 µ = gt1,t + T AXt N AVt1 qt ¶ (1 ) (9) As we mentioned earlier, we are forced to use post tax returns, since we didn’t record any information regarding the tax payments of the individual funds. Unfortunately, the nt1,t ’s do not only depend on the appreciation of the fund portfolio but also on the number of shares, qt , that is revealed ex post. Can the inclusion of these tax factors produce a significant impact on return based style classification procedures? 19 In principle, including the end of day number of shares in the returns calculation can produce a significant impact on performance evaluation analysis, because the benchmark return is not sensitive to positive or negative variations in the net inflows. In particular, this bias is inversely proportional to the size of the fund: the smaller the funds the higher the bias. In addition, given that in Italy funds practically cannot fail, because of the strict regulation imposed on the industry, an abnormal decrease in qt , that could be associated to poor past performance, could result in artificially increased returns which are not to be attributed to improved asset management. Tax issues are much less important for style identification purposes. In return based style identification we’re not concerned with the absolute eect of qt on nt1,t , as in performance evaluation, but, rather, on the undesired cross sectional dierences induced on the nt1,t ’s by substantial inflows/outflows of funds across managers. In the italian case, these cross sectional dierences can be neglected because the mutual funds industry experiences remarkable yet homogenous periodic variations in the qt ’s, at least within the category of equity funds. In practice, investors tend to go in and out of the market together and normally do not switch massively between equity funds. Moreover, the average size of the funds included in our sample is above the market average, so that the eect of tax payments on the return dynamics is somehow mitigated. For the sake of completeness, we mention that before 1998 mutual funds didn’t pay taxes on a performance basis but relative to the portfolio compo- 20 sition at an instant of time. Industrial, non industrial stocks and bonds were treated dierently for tax. Capital gains and income from mutual funds were tax exempt for households and the mutual funds were paying dierent tax rates on their total asset value: 0,05% on cash, government bonds and bank deposits, 0,10% on stocks issued by italian manufactoring firms and 0,25% on the residual category10 . 5 The data In this paper we start from a complete dataset of monthly returns of all the Italian equity funds classified by Assogestioni (December 1999) from January 1995 to December 199911 . First of all, we eliminate funds having less than 60 months of valid observations. After this, we eliminate funds of funds, funds whose target currency is dierent from Italian lira, sector funds and a few ”country” funds which declare to exclusively or mainly invest in a single country other than Italy, the UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Japan and the US. As Wermers (2000) correctly notices, mutual funds sometimes oer the same portfolio to their clients, but charging diering expense ratios and fees to dierent investors. For example, 1 0 Dierent tax rates were to favour private investment in manufactoring firms. This could have been an additional temptation for window dressing practices. As far as we know, there is no study regarding the eects of these incentives on mutual funds investing in asset classes subject to non-homogenous tax rates. 1 1 The data were provided by Independent Asset Managers SIM (IAM SIM) and Compage SGR. IAM SIM is an investment firm specialized in selecting fund managers and Compage is an asset management company belonging to the Mediobanca group. Both institutions are based in Milan. 21 long term investors prefer low expense ratios and high fees while high expense ratios and low fees are usually chosen by short term investors. Italian funds recently started oering structured portfolios formed within their existing funds to allow a higher degree of diversification at a lower cost. Sometimes the pool of assets under management is the same, and the target currency is dierent. In all these cases it is su!cient to take a representative element for the entire class of clones oered by the same company. A similar justification is valid for fund packages, to be treated as redundant assets. We drop country funds and sector funds because they do not present any evident problem of classification and funds whose target currency is dierent from Italian lira to reduce the number of indexes in the constrained linear model. We also slightly modify the Assogestioni classification12 , merging the balanced and the flexible category as well as the Euro and the European group. All the funds belonging to the ”Other specializations” category are excluded from the sample (all of them are either country funds or sector funds). We refer to this simplified 7-categories clustering as the industry classification. The 186 funds comprised in the sample fall into the market location and investment mix categories as follows: Balanced (47 funds), Emerging Markets equities (6 funds), European equities (25 funds), International equities (38 1 2 The Assogestioni categorization has changed during the course of this research. For example, at the end of 2000 you have three dierent categories for balanced funds (by the way, our analysis shows that this distinction may be unnecessary for style analysis purposes). The number of groups is obtained exogenously by the standard determinant ratio procedure discussed in Everett (1974). We think that this intuitive method is more robust than the commonly employed likelihood ratio statistics, that are sensitive to departures from the normality assumption. 22 funds), Italian equities (41 funds), Pacific equities (13 funds) and US equities (16 funds). The average annualized returns vary from 2,7% (an Emerging Markets fund) to 31,3% (an International fund). The highest annualized volatility is found with vehicles primarily investing in Italy: 13 out of the 14 funds having an annualized volatility higher than 30% (34,54% is the highest) belong to the Italian Equities category. The average equally weighted market return is 17% and the average unconditional volatily per annum is 20,6%. The same statistics by industry category indicate that the absolute dierence in average annual returns across groups is rather sharp. The lowest mean return is found within the Pacific Equities category (8,8%) and the highest within the American Equities style (24,9%) and the Italian category (23,4%). Similar dierences arise between the average annual unconditional volatilities. The Emerging Markets funds show the highest standard deviation per annum (25,65%). As expected, the lowest value is found within the balanced category (11,7%). More intrinstingly, the standard deviations for the Emerging Markets, the Italian and the American Equity funds are very close (25,65%, 22,3% and 21,6% respectively). Consequently, the dierence in the average Sharpe ratios is little, from 1,2 (International equities funds) to 1,0 (Italian Equities funds), with two exceptions behaving similarly (Emerging markets and Pacific funds, both with a Sharpe ratio of 0,4). 23 Table 2a : Standard Deviations within GSC Groups 1995-I 1995-II 1996-I 1996-II 1997-I 1997-II 1998-I 1998-II 1999-I 1999-II mean G1 0, 0095 0, 0069 0, 0099 0, 0089 0, 0093 0, 0111 0, 0163 0, 0112 0, 0082 0, 0125 0, 0104 G2 0, 0228 0, 0155 0, 0159 0, 0169 0, 0200 0, 0306 0, 0326 0, 0273 0, 0259 0, 0285 0, 0236 G3 0, 0123 0, 0114 0, 0120 0, 0093 0, 0103 0, 0135 0, 0130 0, 0121 0, 0115 0, 0146 0, 0120 G4 0, 0145 0, 0079 0, 0081 0, 0088 0, 0123 0, 0108 0, 0148 0, 0132 0, 0117 0, 0141 0, 0116 G5 0, 0107 0, 0090 0, 0130 0, 0138 0, 0194 0, 0219 0, 0178 0, 0253 0, 0199 0, 0151 0, 0166 G6 0, 0109 0, 0111 0, 0117 0, 0091 0, 0101 0, 0113 0, 0135 0, 0107 0, 0144 0, 0219 0, 0125 G7 0, 0080 0, 0069 0, 0093 0, 0083 0, 0089 0, 0111 0, 0109 0, 0100 0, 0102 0, 0186 0, 0102 mean 0, 0127 0, 0098 0, 0114 0, 0107 0, 0129 0, 0158 0, 0170 0, 0157 0, 0145 0, 0179 0, 0138 Table 2b: Standard Deviations within Assogestioni Groups 1995-I 1995-II 1996-I 1996-II 1997-I 1997-II 1998-I 1998-II 1999-I 1999-II mean Bal/Flex 0, 0170 0, 0106 0, 0116 0, 0095 0, 0140 0, 0135 0, 0204 0, 0155 0, 0106 0, 0148 0, 0137 Emerg 0, 0259 0, 0128 0, 0152 0, 0121 0, 0195 0, 0258 0, 0240 0, 0321 0, 0294 0, 0171 0, 0214 Europe 0, 0223 0, 0175 0, 0205 0, 0148 0, 0217 0, 0185 0, 0276 0, 0179 0, 0124 0, 0171 0, 0190 Int 0, 0208 0, 0166 0, 0148 0, 0113 0, 0161 0, 0158 0, 0225 0, 0183 0, 0150 0, 0182 0, 0169 Italy 0, 0115 0, 0096 0, 0129 0, 0098 0, 0115 0, 0125 0, 0132 0, 0099 0, 0080 0, 0161 0, 0115 Pacific 0, 0235 0, 0143 0, 0134 0, 0184 0, 0208 0, 0220 0, 0296 0, 0195 0, 0202 0, 0280 0, 0210 US 0, 0184 0, 0154 0, 0146 0, 0146 0, 0165 0, 0167 0, 0246 0, 0127 0, 0134 0, 0135 0, 0160 This table reports the return monthly standard deviation within each GSC and industry group. Each line corresponds to a semester, for example 1995-I corresponds to the first semester of 1995. The last column reports the mean values of the standard deviations for each subperiod and the last row the mean values of the standard deviations for each group. We pack together the results to give a feeling of the variability 24 mean 0, 0199 0, 0138 0, 0147 0, 0129 0, 0172 0, 0178 0, 0231 0, 0180 0, 0156 0, 0178 0, 0171 reduction of the clustering tecnique obtainable starting from an industry allocation. All the GSC groups are obtained starting from random allocations. Table 3: GSC groups composition Bal./Flex Emerg Europe International Italy Pacific U.S. Total G1 32 0 1 0 1 0 0 34 G2 1 6 2 29 0 13 14 65 G3 0 0 17 3 0 0 0 20 G4 12 0 0 1 0 0 1 14 G5 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 G6 1 0 3 3 16 0 1 24 G7 0 0 2 0 24 0 0 26 Total 47 6 25 38 41 13 16 186 This table reports the number of funds within each GSC group as classified by the modified industry categorization. Each GSC grouping is obtained minimizing the euclidean distance of each fund return series from a centroid mean estimated according to the following model: Rj,t = sJt +%j,t where sJt is the fund expected return conditional on knowing the realizations of the market factors and the residual fund specific variance is allowed to vary through time. The method is a generalized least squares variation of the traditional k-means algorithm of cluster analysis (see, e.g, Everett (1974)). Given that the method is nongerarchic, the number of groups must be specified exogenously, in other words, it is not necessarily optimal. We do not employ the classical regression based likelihood ratio 25 test, that is very sensitive to departures from the normality assumption. Although there are no completely satisfactory methods for determining the number of population clusters for any type of cluster analysis (see, e.g., Hartigan 1985; Bock 1985) we use a version of Arnold’s (see, e.g., Arnold (1979)) method that is based on the the ratio between the determinants of the within-cluster sum of squares and the overall sum of squares matrix. The correct number of clusters is reached when this ratio comes to a fixed point (other approaches suggest to use the trace of the within-cluster sum of squares matrix instead of the determinant, see, e.g., Marriott (1971, 1975)). We have repeated the same analysis (unreported) for other clustering methods, such as the style classification algorithm applied to the space of the Sharpe coe!cients and the Lehman-Modest factor loadings obtaining rather puzzling results. These results do not need to be reported because the explanatory power of such models, in particular the second, is extremely low. Instead, we obtain analogous groupings for the SC algorithm applied to space of fund returns In table 2 we report the monthly standard deviation of fund returns within the industry categories and the endogenously groups estimated with the GSC methodology. The results of this procedure are in table 3, which reports the cross-tabulation as classified by Assogestioni and GSC. As a first approximation, the low values of the intra group standard deviation might indicate that the style component not to be attributed to the industry classification is small. We have also investigated some summary measures of predictability in the spirit of Harvey (1989) and Breen, Glosten and Jagannathan (1989). The first 26 order autocorrelation coe!cient is greater than 0,1 in 49 out of 186 cases. The unconstrained regression adjusted R2 of the fund returns versus a set of instrumental variables (a constant, the Italian Treasury bill return taken as a proxy for the risk free rate, the lagged MSCI equity Italy and the lagged excess return with respect to the risk free rate) exceeds 5% for 23 out of 186 funds and exceeds 10% in 14 cases. When a fund changed name during the sampling period, we directly linked its return series to the old one. This could be in part a problem, since italian funds could have changed name and objective instead of dissolving. On the other hand, our database is not directly subject to survivorship bias (Brown, Goetzmann, Ingersoll and Ross (1992)). This issue is very important in performance studies but yields limited eects in return based style analysis. The most interesting case happens whenever most of the defunct funds are concentrated within a desappeared style (Fung and Hsieh (1997)), which means that terminated funds behaved so dierently from the rest of the population to force an extension of the categorizations. 6 The Sharpe equation Our specification of the Sharpe procedure uses monthly observations of 14 independent variables (market indexes) from January 1995 to December 1999. All the indexes come from the Ibbotson and Associates database. 27 A first problem in applying the Sharpe methodology outside the US is that, in many cases, the currency of the indexes and the target currency of the funds aren’t the same. Therefore, a decision must be made on how to convert returns and hedge currency risk (see, e.g., Detzler (1999)). We converted all the monthly total return series into Italian Lira applying the monthly JPM spot rate from the Ibbotson and Associates database. We followed this direct conversion procedure for the MSCI emerging markets Europe index, the MSCI emerging markets Latin America Free index, the MSCI Japan index, the MSCI Germany index, the MSCI Switzerland index, the MSCI France index, the MSCI Nordic index, the MSCI U.S. index, the MSCI U.K. index, the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan index. The FTSE Italy Med-Small Cap, the FTSE Italy Large Cap, the IMF Italy Tbill and the JPM Italy 1+ Yr Gvt bond indexes do not need to be converted. Our choice of the independent variables deserves some words of comment13 . We subdivide the european market (ex Italy) into su!ciently orthogonal components: Nothern Europe, European emerging markets, the U.K., Switzerland, France and Germany. The rest of the world is represented by a few, whenever possible free14 market indexes. The italian market is proxied by a small-mid cap and a large cap equity index. The exposition versus the short and the mediumlong term interest rates is captured by two government bond indexes. We do not include any corporate and municipal bond index given the the marginal size and 1 3 The right choice of the explanatory variables is always a problem. In particular, the number of regressors may even exceed 60, as in the BARRA software proprietary model. 1 4 In order to maximize the correlation with a representative investable entity we recommend the use of equity market proxies not including assets restricted to foreign investments. 28 scarce liquidity of the domestic corporate and municipal bond markets and gold because its explanatory power as a substitute for investments in commodities, is not meaningful in the italian case15 . Our approach is then eurocentric, as opposed to the US focus of Sharpe (1992), as most funds in our DB are classified in the Equity Italy, Equity Europe or Equity Euro Area categories. Table 4: Change in the implied portfolio weights CH F IT1 N J US IT2 UK EML APJ EME B1+ D L G1 0,0% 3,2% -7,7% -0,2% -0,5% -2,4% 8 ,7 % - 4 ,3 % - 0 ,6 % 2 ,3 % - 0 ,2 % - 1 0 ,4 % 1 ,6 % 10,6% G2 0,0% -1,2% 0,0% 6,9% -4,9% 8,7% 0 ,7 % 0 ,0 % - 4 ,7 % - 2 ,3 % 1 ,5 % 1 ,1 % - 5 ,9 % 0 ,0 % G3 4,7% 4,3% 1,0% 1,6% -0,9% -4,3% 3 ,4 % 1 ,3 % - 3 ,0 % 1 ,5 % 1 ,5 % - 3 ,5 % - 3 ,6 % - 3 ,9 % G4 -3,7% 3,9% 0,5% 0,0% -0,2% 3,5% 0 ,4 % - 2 ,3 % - 2 ,5 % 1 ,3 % 0 ,0 % - 0 ,2 % - 5 ,6 % 4 ,9 % G5 4,1% 0,0% -40,5% 1,6% 4,7% 9,8% 0 ,0 % 1 3 ,3 % 1 ,0 % 9 ,2 % 0 ,1 % - 1 0 ,4 % - 2 ,0 % 8 ,9 % G6 0,0% 2,0% -0,7% 1,9% 0,0% -3,2% 1 3 ,5 % - 0 ,9 % - 0 ,6 % 1 ,6 % - 0 ,5 % - 1 4 ,4 % 0 ,7 % 0 ,6 % G7 0,0% -1,5% -6,7% 3,8% 0,0% 0,0% 1 9 ,4 % 0 ,0 % - 0 ,4 % - 0 ,7 % 0 ,0 % - 2 2 ,4 % 4 ,1 % 4 ,4 % This table reports the dierence between the implied portfolio weights estimated in the period July 1997-December 1999 and January 1995-June 1997 for each GSC group. IT1 and IT2 are the FTSE Italy Med-Small Cap and the FTSE Italy Large Cap indexes, EME is the MSCI emerging markets Europe index, EML is the MSCI emerging markets Latin America Free index, J is the MSCI Japan index, D is the MSCI Germany index, CH is the MSCI Switzerland index, F is the MSCI France index, N is the MSCI Nordic index, US the MSCI U.S. index, UK is the MSCI U.K. index, APJ is the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan index, L is the IMF Italy Tbill, used as a proxy for cash and B1+ is the JPM Italy 1+ Yr Gvt bond index, to represent the eventual 1 5 Italian mutual funds can’t invest in commodities and real estate. 29 bond fund component. Some results regarding the Sharpe implied portfolio weights are given in table 4 and figures 2 and 3, which report the average exposures to the 14 exogenously prespecified asset classes. As one could expect, the preferences of the italian equity portfolio managers are directed towards italian stocks and government bonds instruments. In particular, investments in short and long term government bonds count for approximately the 25% of the industry portfolio. Such a high estimated exposure to the returns on cash and bonds could be attributed to the selection of a wrong set of benchmarks16 , given that the constant and the return on cash are collinear. This potential distorsion is always latent in the application of the Sharpe procedure. However, at the exploratory stage, we obtained similar estimates of the bond and cash component of the equity portfolios using dierent sets of benchmarks. In any case, this result must be interpreted much more as an indication of an order of magnitude and on a comparative basis, rather than a completely reliable approximation. Here we’re not giving much importance to the fact that the estimate could be upward biased since we’re interested in pointing out the dierence from the implicit weight calculated in the US studies. For example, Brown and Goetzmann (1997) report an average exposure as low as 1 6 Using the methods developed by Gibbons Ross and Shanken (1989) and Green (1986), Basile, Doninelli and Savona (2000) show that the equity indexes used by the italian fund managers are e!cient in the mean variance sense and the maximal benchmark error is bounded by a small constant. 30 0% 31 Italy Tbill Bond Italy 1+ Asia Pacific ex Japan U.K. U.S.A. Nordic France Switzerland Italy Large Cap Germany Japan EM Latin America Italy MedSmall Cap Italy Tbill Bond Italy 1+ Asia Pacific ex Japan U.K. U.S.A. Nordic France Switzerland Italy Large Cap Germany Japan EM Latin America Italy MedSmall Cap EM Europe 0% EM Europe Figure 2: Sharpe implied portfolio weights by asset class 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% Figure 3 : Changes in portfolio weights first subperiod second subperiod 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 2, 4% versus the Tbill and 1% versus long term government bonds17 . This means that american equity funds consider cash and long term bonds as residual instruments and this evidence is supported by the estimated coe!cients of the Sharpe style analysis. Some investment in cash is needed for liquidity purposes, the second is of negligible importance. On the contrary, italian equity funds reserve a much more substantial amount of their asset allocation to non equity instruments. In figure 4 and 5 we group our sample by the overall Sharpe regression unadjusted R2 . The performance of the linear model is quite satisfactory, indicating that a multifactor linear approximation explains the returns dynamics quite well. The R2 of the Sharpe regression over the whole 1995-1999 period exceeds 0, 95 for roughly the 75% of the funds with a lowest value around 0, 70. Subdividing the sample into two non-overlapping subperiods of 30 observations each we observe a significant improvement in the performance of the linear model in the second subperiod. From January 1995 to June 1997 only the 35% of the funds style regression exceeds 0.95 compared to more than the 60% in the second period. This phenomenon characterizes the whole industry: as can be seen from figure 6 there aren’t any appreciable dierences across dierent categories. Most of the funds progressively increased their exposure towards large cap stocks and cash or money market instruments, that is, safer assets. This could be a consequence of the recent introduction of ”public benchmarks” in evalu1 7 We recalculated these exposures from the GSC group compositions and the GSC implied portfolio weights means in Brown and Goetzmann (1997), table 1 and 2 respectively. 32 Figure 4 : In sample explanatory power of Sharpe regressions 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 99% 2 R of Sharpe regression Figure 5 : Changes in the explanatory power of Sharpe regressions first subperiod second subperiod 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 65% 2 70% 75% R of Sharpe regression 33 80% 85% 90% 95% 99% Figure 6 : In sample explanatory power of Sharpe regressions by industry class overall period first subperiod second subperiod 100,00% R of Sharpe regression 95,00% 2 90,00% 85,00% 80,00% 75,00% 70,00% U.S. Bal./Flex Emerg Europe 34 International Italy Pacific ating mutual funds performance. Starting from 1998, italian funds are forced to declare a benchmark in order to fulfill a Consob (the italian Securities and Exchange Commission) regulation. This regulation is still eective and states that ”an objective parameter (benchmark), built by third parties and of common utilization, coherent with the risks assumed...” must be provided as a part of the periodic statements. As a result, most of the benchmarks are broad spectrum indexes or combinations of dierent market portfolios proxies such as the MSCI indexes. Mutual fund managers are then really invited to track their whole reference market, instead of concentrating on potentially profitable, but risky practices such as market timing and security selection. 7 Equity styles and dynamic trading strategies Many financial analysts classify mutual funds with respect to investment styles derived from classic descriptors including the small cap, mid cap, large cap, aggressive growth, income and capital appreciation indicators. As a result, most US investors believe that these styles attributes are informative and think of them as stable fund characteristics. Our first question is: are these categories informative in the italian case?18 . To answer this, we classify the sample starting from the implied portfolio weights on the IIA style indexes (from the Ibbotson 1 8 The question can be phrased dierently: do the terms growth fund or value fund, for example, mean something when applied to the italian equity funds case? You could think of it as a particular case of a more general question: do the US textbook equity styles explain something outside the US? 35 and Associates DB) explaining most of the fund return hystorical variation. Using the coe!cient estimates coming from the Sharpe return based style analysis reported in the preceding section we define the reference market as the maximally weighted index in the passive alternative. For example, if the maximum implied portfolio weight is represented by the MSCI Japan coe!cient, we have choose the Japan IIA stylistic indexes. This elimination procedure leaves us with the the IIA Italy, IIA Europe, IIA Pacific, IIA Pacific ex Japan and IIA U.S.large growth, small growth, large value and small value indexes. Then, for each fund return series, we run separate portfolio constrained ref ref regressions on the reference market IIA indexes IIAref LG , IIASG , IIALV and IIAref SV as follows: Rj,t i ref ref ref = + 1 IIAref LG + 2 IIASG + 3 IIALV + 4 IIASV + %j,t (10) 0, ;i and 4 X i = 1 i=1 A fund is assigned to one of the four categories, small value, small growth large value, large growth according to the Morningstar-like procedure. 36 Table 5: Industry classification and equity styles Bal./Flex Emerg Europe International Italy Pacific U.S. Total Large/Growth 43 1 11 17 22 4 6 104 Large/Value 0 0 5 5 0 0 4 14 Small/Growth 4 5 5 13 18 9 5 59 Small/Value 0 0 4 3 1 0 1 9 We classify the funds performing Sharpe regressions on the reference IIA indexes ref ref ref IIAref LG , IIASG , IIALV and IIASV as follows: Rj,t i ref ref ref = + 1 IIAref LG + 2 IIASG + 3 IIALV + 4 IIASV +%j,t 0, ;i and 4 X i = 1 i=1 A fund is assigned to one of the four categories, small value, small growth large value, large growth according to the maximally weighted coe!cient in the regression. The IIA International Style Indices are developed by MSCI and IIIA, a Boston based money management firm. IIA divides the corresponding MSCI into two sub-indices basically using the price to book ratio. All the securities in a given market are sorted in ascending order by their previous month-end ratio as it was published in MSCI Perspective; the cut-o is set at the 50-th percentile. As far as the Large vs Small is concerned, in each market, stocks are ranked by their market capitalization. The large index encompasses the top 70% of the market capitalization, while the small index encompasses the bottom 30% of the market capitalization. 37 Figure 7 : Mutual funds and equity styles 100% Large Small 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 100% 80% 1998-99 80% Large/Growth Large/Value 60% Small/Growth Small/Value 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 38 Both the overall period and 24 months rolling regressions support a strong empirical evidence for an increasing style drift towards the ”large-growth” category (see table 5 and figure 7). Italian funds didn’t choose for size or income characteristics once and for all. Instead, they dynamically adjusted their preferences and progressively concentrated their allocation on large cap stocks (large cap index tracking) during the sampling period. These results also confirm that, in the italian case, the explanatory power of these ”classic” stylistic categories is scarce. Additional evidence can be found considering that only a few funds use value (reddito), growth (crescita) or aggressive growth (aggressivo) as part of their names. In general, the location component is much more importan than the category of assets chosen by the funds as defined according to the widely used small/large value/growth paradigm. Now we introduce another question. Is it true that italian mutual funds follow dynamic trading strategies, at least to some extent? The performance of the linear model is, by itself, a negative reply to this question, but we want to consider this issue in more detail. In the U.S. mutual fund literature there are several important studies supporting the belief that almost all fund managers follow some kind of dynamic trading strategies adjusting their portfolio weights quite often, so that the overperformance with respect to passive benchmark deseappears when the appropriate instruments are considered (see e.g. Graham, Harvey (1996)). We can’t simply transfer this conclusion to the italian case as if it was necessarily true. 39 The way to test if funds follow dynamic strategies is rather straighforward: first estimate the style benchmarks and then see if the style really evolves nonlinearly in the main asset classes. To accomplish this task, we combine the GSC and Fung and Hsieh (1997) non parametric methodology (FH) and use the relative advantages of both. The GSC provides a better estimation technique for the style factors and the FH non parametric approach is to be preferred for its simplicity and graphical appeal. In our case, we let the reference market vary while the majority of US studies concentrate on the U.S stock market: in figure 8 we plot the GSC equally weighted portfolios versus 5 states of nature (return quintiles for the reference market index). Figure 8 shows that all the payo functions behave linearly conditional on a 5 states of nature structure. Carrying out similar experiments using deciles instead of quintiles we get payo profiles apparently similar to bullish vertical spreads. This suggests that some kind of insurance strategies19 protecting from extreme market moves could have been used, but nothing really significant supports the evidence of recognizable nonlinear patterns. 1 9 Successful market strategies provide cheap options to the investor (see Merton (1981)). However, analogue positive results could be obtained using derivatives (inherently non-linear instruments), which can be employed for hedging purposes. 40 Figure 8 : Sensitivity of the GSC estimators GSC 1 GSC 2 15% GSC 10% Italy GSC 10% U.S. 5% return return 5% 0% 0% -5% -5% -10% 1 2 3 4 -10% 5 1 2 quintiles 3 4 5 quintiles GSC 3 GSC 4 10% GSC 10% Europe GSC Europe return 5% return 5% 0% 0% -5% 1 2 3 4 -5% 5 1 2 quintiles 3 4 5 quintiles GSC 5 GSC 6 15% 15% Italy GSC Italy 10% 10% 5% 5% return return GSC 0% 0% -5% -5% -10% 2 3 4 -10% 5 1 2 quintiles 3 quintiles GSC 7 15% GSC Italy 10% 5% return 1 0% -5% -10% 1 2 3 quintiles 41 4 5 4 5 Table 6: Sharpe implied portfolio weights and dynamic trading strategies Italy World ex Europe R2 T-bill mean s.d. corr mean s.d. corr mean s.d. corr mean s.d. G1 0,1902 0,1828 0,2003 0,3600 0,1274 -2333 0,4498 0,1953 0,2433 0,8388 0,1382 G2 0,3717 0,1122 0,0765 0,1041 0,0919 -0,7863 0,5242 0,0911 -0,1244 0,9606 0,0218 G3 0,1660 0,1617 0,2003 0,6474 0,2733 -0,6306 0,1865 0,1767 -0,0264 0,8297 0,1241 G4 0,0912 0,0766 0,2003 0,6087 0,1077 0,1599 0,3000 0,11221 -0,2211 0,9333 0,0677 G5 0,6971 0,1947 0,0765 0,0505 0,0742 -0,5808 0,2524 0,1550 -0,0935 0,9635 0,0227 G6 0,5960 0,2577 0,0765 0,1601 0,2412 -0,2542 0,2440 0,1259 -0,0935 0,9590 0,0310 G7 0,8014 0,1804 -0,1215 0,0399 0,0699 -0,4570 0,1587 0,1405 -0,0935 0,9664 0,0180 For each index, in the first column we compute the mean and the standard deviation of the Sharpe implied portfolio weights estimated within 6 months non-overlapping period. In the third column we report two informations. One is correlation between changes in the Sharpe portfolio weights on a reduced set of independent variables and the lagged return series on the same independent variables (the Morgan Stanley Capital International Italy, the Morgan Stanley Capital International ex Europe and the Italian IMF Treasury bill indexes) over non-overlapping periods of six months each. A trend chasing attidude corresponds to positive values of the correlation coe!cients. Negative values of the correlation coe!cients indicate that a contrarian staregy may explain part of the fund return dynamics. Note that some of the correlations are identical across groups because the change in portfolio weights, which is a categorical variable, is likely to assume the same values for dierent groups, which implies the same correlation with the returns on the lagged indexes. In Table 6 we report, for each GSC group, the correlation between changes in the positive constrained portfolio weights on a reduced set of independent variables, represented by a +1 for an increase, a -1 for a decrease and a zero in 42 case of no rebalancing, and the lagged return series for the same indexes (MSCI Italy, MSCI world ex Europe and the italian Tbill returns) over 6 months nonoverlapping periods. This method has been used (see Brown and Goetzmann (1997)) in detecting the trend chasing or contrarian attidude of the fund managers, but must be associated with other procedures when the time series of returns is not very long (due to the non-overlapping nature of the regressions), as it is in our case. If a fund systematically follows a naive rebalancing strategy we should expect very low values for these correlation coe!cients. This because the portfolio weights are stationary with respect to time. This is indeed the case for the Italian MSCI and the short rate index, but we obtain some significant values for the MSCI World ex Europe. The GSC procedure splits the Italian Equities category in two groups (6 and 7) which might rebalance their portfolios of italian stocks according to dierent trading rules. The sixth group tends to buy italian stocks when the previous period returns are high (7,65% correlation), the seventh when they are low (-12,5% correlation). All the other groups tend to be weak trend chasers. As we expected, the first GSC group, comprised of balanced funds, has a positive correlation (24,33%) with the lagged return on the Tbill, while for the other categories we found negative values. The degree of correlation with the MSCI World ex Europe needs to be explained a little bit more carefully. In three cases (corresponding to the second, third and fifth GSC group) the correlation is high in absolute value (greater 43 than 0,5) and for all the GSC categories except the fourth (balanced funds) the value is negative. The highest negative correlation, -78.63%, is found with the second GSC group which is by far the biggest (it includes most International and US funds and all Pacific and Emerging markets funds, a total of 65 cases). Therefore, the results obtained using the non-parametric methodology and the correlation analysis leaves us with two apparenly contrasting pictures. On the one side, the returns attributable to style respond linearly to the reference market but, on the other, some fund managers appear to behave as strong contrarians. This result suggests that we need to take a further step in order to assess the out of sample explanatory power of the GSC and other return based categorizations and not necessarily assume that they work better than the industry classification. 8 The explanatory power of dierent categorizations A model of mutual fund returns is useful if it can explain out of sample facts. For this reason, we discuss the out of sample explanatory power of alternative classification systems in the spirit of Brown and Goetzmann (1997) and Blake, Morey (2000). In this section we try to answer two basic questions. First, is it true that a classification system ”per se” provides some valuable information in explaining the cross-sectional variability of mutual fund returns? Second, what is the best fund classification system? As we discussed in the previous section, 44 we can interpret the return dynamics of the italian equity funds by means of various groupings, some of them derived from the existing asset pricing literature and even find apparently interesting common patterns. Interesting ad puzzlying as they may seem, such common patterns arising from complicated clusterings could be the result of a statistical artifact. We divide the 186 by 48 return panel into three, partially overlapping 24 months data matrices, from January 1995 to the end of 1998. The empirical statistic we construct for each subperiod should contain informations regarding the cross sectional dispersion of the next year annual compound returns RNY,t . In other words, the categorization matrix D 5 M (N × K) estimated by means of the previous 24 months returns data should convey statistically significant explanatory power. This hypothesis can be tested using cross sectional regressions which can be though as exact analogues to the cross sectional procedures common in the empirical asset pricing literature. We linearly project the 1 × N vector of annual returns RNY,t on the dummy matrix D , {djJ = 1 if j 5 J and zero otherwise} estimated over a [t 1, t] time window: RNY,t = t + t D[t1,t] + %t (11) and obtain a time series of coe!cient estimates {t , t }. Note that, if t is statistically indistinguishable from the zero vector then the expected next year’s return RN Y,t is constant for each t, that is all funds belong to the same style. In this case the time varying mean model RiN Y,t = t + %i,t could be employed 45 as a universal ”fund pricing tool”. Table 7: Explanatory power of classification methods R2 1997 R2 1998 R2 1999 Assogestioni 0,8010 0,7953 0,6821 GSC 0,6620 0,6548 0,2771 Sharpe procedure 0,7064 0,5532 0,2866 L-M 0,3415 0,5501 0,5418 SC 0,6329 0,6406 0,6265 The table shows the cross-sectional return variance explained by the Assogestioni categorization and the classifications derived using the GSC, Sharpe, Lehmann-Modest and SC procedures. We employ partially overlapping 24 month estimation periods from 1995 to the end of 1998 and linearly project the 1 × N vector of annual returns RNY,t on the dummy matrix D , {djJ = 1if j 5 J and zero otherwise} estimated over a [t 1, t] time period: RNY,t = t + t D[t1,t] + %t . 46 In Table 7 we report a summary of the results we obtain estimating the k+1dimensional vector [t | t ] by regressing RNY,t on dierent D’s. Each dummy matrix D corresponds to a classification method, which could make use of the total returns history (GSC or SC), the loadings on endogenously determined or prespecified factors or existing industry classifications based on recommended allocations. The usefulness of the return based clustering approaches is considered when applied to dierent spaces: the Q-dimensional space of Sharpe coe!cients (estimated via quadratic constrained optimization routines) and the loadings coming from a PC analysis on the N × T returns matrix estimated as in Lehmann and Modest (1988). Both the GSC and the plain k-means method provide a necessary reduction of dimension needed to derive stylistic approaches from a bunch of estimated coe!cients. In this sense, such techniques constitute a generalization of the classic unidimensional Black-Scholes-Jensen beta sorting procedure. A comparison between the performance of the SC and GSC algorithms on the returns matrix is also needed to test whether heteroskedasticity adjustments on the basic theme adds predictive content to the estimates. The results we obtain are rather surprising, since they indicate that the same classification methods work much worse in Italy than in the US. They also confirm that there is no value added complicating simple things, that is applying a sophysticated computational machinery to naively generated returns. The modified 7-categories classification dominates all the others and explains 47 a really remarkable portion of the out of sample cross-sectional return variability. The usual caveat that the original industry categorization changed from time to time also applies to this case.We do not take classification changes into account and proceed as if the 1999 classification remained constant over the whole 1995-1999 period. Put in dierent terms, we test the power of the industry categorization ”backwards in time”. Moreover, we couldn’t obtain any reliable information regarding fund objective changes and eventual switches between categories. Table 7 contrasts some robust empirical findings regarding US based mutual funds. In the US case, cross sectional variability predictions based on widely known industry classifications, such as Morningstar and similar, do rather poorly. Such poor performance of the Morningstar classification is certainly attributable to misspecification. However, a lack of explanatory power doesn’t imply that mutual fund styles are a coarsening of complex dynamic trading strategies. It can also be that a simpler classification based on the average asset allocation of the funds (that doesn’t exist in the US, as far as we know) works finer than many unnecessary complications. To further motivate this point of view, consider that Morningstar groups funds in somehow vague categories, which sometimes refer to conceptually different criteria. The growth and the small group, for example, include very diverse funds, even in terms of asset allocation policy. In addition, not all the growth funds but only the US growth funds lie within the growth cluster. On 48 the contrary, the italian industry categorization, which is based on a recommended asset allocation, never makes use of the more intriguing but potentially misleading concepts of growth and small. Summarizing, we can conclude that: 1. classifying mutual funds is a simple task in a static, indexed market. Additional features complicate things and do not contribute with any information in order to assess the out of sample explanatory power. 2. Computationally intensive return based classifications are probably useful in a dynamic enviroment, such as the US market, but need to be compared to simpler, more robust naive benchmark groupings in the future. Note that, even in a static market, neither clustering the Sharpe coe!cients nor the portfolio factor loadings turns out to be a good choice. This has also been noted in Brown and Goetzman (1997) for the US case. These coincident negative results raise doubts on the general applicability of such methodologies, independently of the confounding eect of dynamic trading strategies on the return generating process. 9 Concluding remarks Based on a large sample of Italian mutual funds, our paper shows that a modified industry classification considering only the recommended asset allocation 49 (portfolio weights) is the best predictor of the cross-sectional variability of the fund historical returns. The original Assogestioni classification and our modified version do not make use of the classic growth versus value and large versus small categories, which are shown to be volatile attributes. This empirical finding could also serve to improve some widely used US mutual fund industry classifications, which perform extremely poorly in terms of predictive power, possibly even when mutual funds follow linear strategies. The US industry categorizations are quite involved but probably privilege the wrong characteristics. In fact, the small and growth categories could be better replaced by a broader range of asset class exposures as well as shared dynamic strategies only if necessary, given that the reduced explanatory power of the Morningstar-like categorizations could be improved not only by refining it towards more complicated but also simpler versions. Our data seem to be rather easy to interpret in a linear asset pricing framework. A few style portfolios (that is, an asset pricing model in reduced form) describe well the cross section of equity funds, which could have been replicated by passive alternatives constructed combining investable entities. Our results suggest that most of the italian fund managers do not think it is worth following dynamic strategies other than index tracking20 , reducing or increasing the exposure versus dierent markets as a response to opposite changes in relative prices. 2 0 Naive portfolio rebalancing is consistent with the Sharpe model and the linear unconstrained model. Obviously, relative value rebalancing and the buy and hold rule aren’t the same thing. 50 As some financial press already pointed out, Italian based funds are statistically indistinguishable from index funds. This extremely conservative attidude, which continued to increase, is a mixture of poor asset management and the rational response to some recent regulations from the Italian authorities, which impose to mention the composition of the benchmark (restricted to the portfolio combinations of publicly available indexes), as well as the relative performance in the periodic statements. This choice of the italian regulators, aimed at improving the transparency of performance figures (the average investor must still adjust for taxes by himself), basically forces the portfolio manager to act passively21 . The structurally reduced competition and limited degrees of freedom of the average italian portfolio manager explain only in part why italian funds still cost so much. A few funds are significantly dierent from naive portfolios and innovative trading is virtually non existent, so that the tipical Italian investor is paying more than a fair price for products that he could manage by himself. 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Rino FERRATA, Tecnologia e mercato: i criteri di scelta dei metodi di valutazione, luglio 1999. 5. Giuseppe BERTOLI, Salvatore VICARI, L'impresa diversificata come organizzazione che apprende, dicembre 1999. 6. Virna FREDDI, Attività economica e impresa nella concezione economicista, febbraio 2000. 7. Virna FREDDI, L'approccio Resource-based alla teoria dell'impresa: fattori interni e competitività aziendale, febbraio 2000. 8. Maria MARTELLINI, Sviluppo, imprese e società, maggio 2000. 9. Arnaldo CANZIANI, Per la critica della teoresi zappiana, e delle sue forme di conoscenza, dicembre 2000. 10. Giuseppe BERTOLI, Gabriele TROILO, L'evoluzione degli studi di marketing in Italia. Dalle origini agli anni settanta, dicembre 2000. 11. Giuseppe BERTOLI, Profili di efficienza delle procedure concorsuali. Il concordato preventivo nell’esperienza del tribunale di Brescia, dicembre 2000. 12. Daniele RONER, Domanda e offerta di beni economici. Rassegna critica dall’irrealismo neoclassico alla differenziazione dei prodotti, marzo 2001. 13. Elisabetta CORVI, Le valenze comunicative del bilancio annuale. I risultati di un'indagine empirica, luglio 2001. Serie depositata a norma di legge
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