1258 TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 SPECIAL GUEST EDITOR SECTION Review of Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Soil Jost L. TADEO, ROSA ANA PEREZ, BEATRIZ ALBERO, ANA I. GARCIA-VALCARCEL, and CONSUELO SANCHEZ-BRUNETE Instituto Nacional de InvestigaciOn y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Ctra de la Coruna Km 7, 28040 Madrid, Spain This paper reviews the sample preparation techniques used for the analysis of pesticides in soil. The present status and recent advances made during the last 5 years in these methods are discussed. The analysis of pesticide residues in soil requires the extraction of analytes from this matrix, followed by a cleanup procedure, when necessary, prior to their instrumental determination. The optimization of sample preparation is a very important part of the method development that can reduce the analysis time, the amount of solvent, and the size of samples. This review considers all aspects of sample preparation, including extraction and cleanup. Classical extraction techniques, such as shaking, Soxhlet, and ultrasonic-assisted extraction, and modern techniques like pressurized liquid extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, solid-phase microextraction and QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe) are reviewed. The different cleanup strategies applied for the purification of soil extracts are also discussed. In addition, the application of these techniques to environmental studies is considered. p esticides play an important role in agriculture, but they must be used efficiently in order to be both economically viable and environmentally sustainable. Many pesticides have been classified as persistent organic pollutants and highly toxic; hence, they have been banned by regulatory organizations and replaced by more environmentally friendly products. The legislation of many countries for environmental protection from pesticide contamination makes necessary the development of analytical methods suitable for detecting pesticides at low concentration levels in the environment; soil is an important matrix where pesticides are often directly applied or found after their application to the herial part of plants. Sample preparation is a very important part of the analytical method. The development of an appropriate sample preparation procedure includes a number of steps, such as extraction and cleanup, to obtain a final extract concentrate of target analytes as free as possible of matrix compounds. Due to the low levels of pesticides that may be found in soil, an enrichment of the Guest edited as a special report on "Methods of Pesticide Residue Analysis" by Tomasz Tuzimski. Corresponding author's e-mail: tadeo@inia.es DOI: 10.5740/jaoacint.SGE_Tadeo analyte concentration must be achieved before its instrumental determination. The selective extraction of pesticides from soil is based on differences in their chemical and physical properties. These include solubility, polarity, MW, and volatility. A more selective extraction technique may eliminate or reduce the cleanup required. Classical methods for the determination of trace pesticides in soil usually involve a large amount of sample and require much manual handling of the extracts. These methods are tedious and time-consuming and require large amounts of solvents. Ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) is a powerful tool used to accelerate the analytical process in soil. This technique is expeditious, inexpensive, and an alternative to other conventional extraction methods. Moreover, several novel extraction techniques have been developed in recent years in an attempt to overcome the main limitations of conventional methods. In general, these techniques allow a reduction of organic solvent consumption and an increase of sample throughput, or they are solventless, such as solid-phase microextraction (SPME). Among those techniques, enhanced extraction efficiency can be achieved with microwave energy by doing a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), or with solvents at high pressure and temperature by means of pressurized liquid extraction (PLE). In addition, QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe) is a novel sample preparation methodology that involves an initial extraction with acetonitrile followed by an extraction/partitioning step after the addition of a salt mixture. Figure 1 shows the relative percentages of published articles on the different techniques used for the extraction of pesticides from soil, found in the available scientific literature during 2007-2010. PLE is the modern extraction technique most often applied, followed by SPME. Among the classical techniques, shaking continues to be a widely used procedure, and UAE is still a popular technique. Different aspects of the analysis of pesticides in environmental samples have been previously dealt with by our group (1). The aim of this paper is to review the main extraction and cleanup procedures applied to the analytical determination of pesticides in soil samples in the review period. Classical Extraction Methods Solid—liquid extraction (SLE) is the procedure most widely used in the analysis of pesticides in soil; it is based on the contact of a sample with an appropriate solvent. SLE includes three widely used techniques: shaking, Soxhlet, and UAE. TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, NO. 5, 2012 1259 consumption of solvents (to a total volume of 10-30 mL) have been reported in recent years (6). Extraction techniques Soxhlet MAE QuEChERS UAE SPME Shaking PLE 4% Soxhlet Extraction 11% 12% 16% 18% 19% 20% Percentage Figure 1. Publications on extraction techniques for the analysis of pesticides in soil during 2007-2010. Total number of articles: 74. Shaking This extraction technique involves shaking (manually or mechanically) the soil in presence of an appropriate solvent for a certain period of time. Several types of equipment, such as orbital, vortex, and stirring shakers, have been used, among others, for mechanical extraction. The most commonly used solvents are acetone, methanol, and acetonitrile, due to their miscibility with water, although immiscible solvents, such as dichloromethane or hexane, can also be used. The published shaking procedures for extraction pesticides from soil are summarized in Table 1. Polar herbicides like phenoxyacids (2, 3) and benzonitriles (4), which are also acidic pesticides, are usually extracted from soil with organic solvent-water mixtures at acidic pH, with a solvent of medium polarity or with an alkaline solution, using manual or mechanical shaking. The solvents most often used were ethyl acetate and methanol. For less-polar pesticides such as chloroacetamides (7), triazines and their metabolites (8, 9), and acetamides (10), organic solvents like methanol and acetonitrile, alone or in mixtures with water, were commonly used. Typical characteristics of carbamate pesticides are their high polarity and solubility in water. Therefore, extraction of these compounds in soil has been carried out by shaking with methanol or acetonitrile (5). Chlorothalonil, a tow polarity fungicide, and its more polar degradation products were extracted from soil with a dichloromethane—hexane solution using a rotary shaker for 2 h (11). Reliable multiresidue methods for the analysis of different chemical families within a wide range of polarity are needed for monitoring programs of pesticide residues in soils. For this purpose, soil was shaken with acetone alone or in a mixture with water (12-14, 17), with methanol—ethyl acetate (15), or with acetonitrile (16). The addition of water has been reported to increase the recoveries of polar pesticides, like some organophosphates, as well as nonpolar pesticides, such as pyrethroids, because it favors the mass transfer from soil to the organic solvent phase. This technique of sample preparation is simple, but it is time-consuming and usually involves a great amount of glassware and large volumes of solvents harmful to the environment. In order to minimize these drawbacks, a decrease of the extraction time (to approximately 15 min) and the Soxhlet extraction is a general and well-established technique used for the isolation of nonpolar and semipolar pesticides from soil. The sample is placed in an apparatus (Soxhlet extractor), and the extraction of pesticides is achieved by means of a hot condensate of an organic solvent that is continuously refluxed through the sample distilling in a closed system. The papers published during the review period on the Soxhlet extraction of pesticides from soil are summarized in Table 1. Soxhlet extraction has been used for the isolation of organochlorine pesticides using dichloromethane (18, 19) or a mixture of hexane—acetone (20) as the extraction solvent. The main advantages of this methodology are that the extract obtained does not need to be filtered or centrifuged and that a large amount of sample can be used. On the other hand, the high volume of solvent required and the long duration of the process are the drawbacks of this procedure. This technique, although exhaustive, is not selective, and a cleanup is often necessary. After the extraction step, rotary evaporation-concentration of the extracts before cleanup and analysis is necessary due to the large volumes of organic solvents used, which may lead to losses of the most volatile compounds. In some cases, Soxhlet is a more suitable procedure when shaking is not effective enough to extract pesticides strongly bound to soil and an increase in temperature is required. However, due to the high temperatures involved in Soxhlet extraction, degradation of thermally labile compounds may occur. Other disadvantages are extraction times of about 20 h and organic solvent volumes in the range of 50 to 200 mL. Recent improvements of this technique, namely S oxtec® System HT, Soxwave-100, and focused microwaveassisted Soxhlet extraction, have been proposed, aimed at overcoming most of the shortcomings of conventional Soxhlet. Automated Soxhlet extraction may reduce extraction times significantly and perform boiling, rinsing, and solvent recovery automatically (21). Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction (UAE) UAE is a conventional technique based on the extraction of soil samples with an appropriate organic solvent by applying ultrasound radiation in a water bath or with other devices, such as probes, sonoreactors, or microplate horns. The mechanical effect of ultrasound induces a greater penetration of solvent into soil and improves mass transfer, leading to an enhancement of analyte extraction efficiency. The most available and cheapest source of ultrasound irradiation is the ultrasonic bath, but at present a more efficient system using a cylindrical, powerful probe for the sonication of samples has been developed (22). To maximize extraction, it is necessary to optimize different factors, such as the type of solvent and irradiation conditions (temperature and amplitude of sonication). Other parameters that influence extraction efficiency are sonication time, sample particle size, sample amount, and the ultrasound device used (bath or probe). Some examples of analysis of pesticides in soil using UAE are summarized in Table 2. Organochlorine pesticides are lipophilic compounds and tend 1260 TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 Table 1. Shaking and Soxhlet techniques for extraction of pesticides from soil Analyte (number) Type Sample size, g Time, min Solvent, mL a Ref. 2 Shaking MCPA Manual 20 2 DCM, 50 Chlorophenoxy acids (2) Manual 10 2 NaOH—EtAc, 40 3 Mechanical 10 45 Acetone, 50 4 Carbamates/carbamoyloxime (10) Mechanical 5 120 MCAAB, 20 5 Carbaryl, triazophos Mechanical 1 30 Me0H,10 6 Chloroacetamides (2) Mechanical 20 90 Me0H—water (1 + 1, v/v), 80 7 Vortex 100 30 Me0H—ACN (1 + 1, v/v), 100 8 Bromoxynil Triazines (3) Atrazine and metabolites Mechanical 10 5 Me0H—water (1 + 1, v/v), 30 9 Chlorophacinone Mechanical 20 60 Me0H—ammonium bicarbonate 0.01 M, 100 10 Chlorothalonil Mechanical 8-10 120 DCM—hexane (1 + 1, v/v), 40 11 Multiclass (37) Mechanical 8 30 Acetone—HAc 1%, 30 12 Multiclass (32) Mechanical 25 240 Acetone—EtAc—water (2 + 2 + 1, v/v/v), 50 13 Multiclass (62) Mechanical 50 60 Acetone—ammonium chloride, 130 14 Multiclass (9) Mechanical 10 240 Me0H or Me0H—EtAc (70 + 30, v/v), 20 15 Multiclass (6) Mechanical 10 60 ACN, 50 16 Multiclass (3) Mechanical 4 30 Acetone, 10 17 20 24 h DCM, 100 18, 19 10 16 h Acetone—hexane (1 + 1, v/v), 250 20 Soxhlet Organochlorine (8, 13) Organochlorine (20) a Automatic DCM = Dichloromethane; EtAc = ethyl acetate; MCAAB = monochloroacetic buffer; HAc = acetic acid; ACN = acetonitrile; Me0H = methanol. to remain adsorbed onto the surface of organic matter present in soil. Methanol (24) or mixtures of n-hexane with a more polar organic solvent such as acetone (25, 26) have been used in the extraction of these analytes from soil. Organophosphorus pesticides are polar compounds soluble in water that have been extracted from soil by sonication with methanol or a mixture of solvents (28). For nitrogen-containing pesticides, such as triazines (33) and pyrimidines (34), organic solvents like methanol, alone or in mixtures with water, have been commonly used. When pesticide residues belonging to different chemical classes with a wide polarity range have to be determined simultaneously, the solvent selection is critical and the extraction is often performed with a semipolar solvent such as ethyl acetate or acetonitrile (35). A fast UAE procedure, using acetonitrile–water (1 + 1, v/v) as the extraction solvent, was used for the simultaneous determination of 54 pesticides in soils (22). Although traditional extraction procedures, as described above, allow the isolation of the pesticide analytes adequately, the trend is to develop analytical methods in which the sample preparation is less time-consuming and requires lower solvent consumption (27). A miniaturized technique for reducing both the amount of sample and the volume of organic solvent, named sonication-assisted extraction in small columns (SAESC), has been developed in our laboratory (35). In this method, the soil sample located in a small column is placed in an ultrasonic water bath wherein the pesticides are extracted with a low solvent volume assisted by sonication. Analyses of fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides in soil samples have been reported using SAESC with three different solvents: ethyl acetate, methanol, and acetone. This methodology requires lower solvent volumes and shorter extraction times, thus reducing the costs and toxic wastes generated, and uses low-cost equipment, making SAESC a very attractive technique for extraction of pesticides in soils. Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the extraction of soil samples using SAESC. The application of UAE to the extraction of pesticide residues from soil is generally carried out in an ultrasonic bath (24, 27, 28, 35); however, an analytical method applying sonoreactors for the determination in soil of Cl-containing herbicides has been lately reported by Ueno et al. (36). UAE has been recently carried out using a dynamic extraction setup (DUAE) with a system that continuously supplies fresh extraction solvent to the extraction cell placed in an ultrasonic water bath or in a water bath equipped with an ultrasonic probe. The DUAE technique not only reduces extraction time and solvent consumption, but also allows the possibility of coupling to several techniques, making possible, in this way, the online coupling of DUAE to instrumental analysis (37). An interesting approach in sample preparation is to couple UAE with other extraction techniques, such as stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE; 38), to make the most of both procedures in order to achieve good extraction yields, with lower solvent consumption, and be cost-effective (29, 39). Modern Extraction Methods MAE. MAE, also known as microwave-assisted solvent extraction, uses microwave energy for the extraction of — TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 Table 2. 1261 UAE of pesticides from soil Analyte (number) Type' Chlorothalonil Organochlorine (17) Sample size, g 10 UB Organochlorine (21) Time, min 30 x 2 Solvent, mL b Ref Acetone, 50 23 1 30 Me0H, 15 24 5 4x3 Hexane—acetone (1 + 1, v/v), 90 25 2 30 a 2 Hexane—acetone (1 + 1, v/v), 30 26 Organochlorine (18) UB 0.5 5x3 Acetone—petroleum ether (1 + 1, v/v), 15 27 Organophosphorus (7) + buprofezin UB 1.5 15 Me0H—ACN (1 + 1, v/v), 10 28 1 60 ACN, 20 29 Permethrin 0.5-5 15 x 2 DCM, 20 30 Triazoles (3) 20 30 ACN, 50 31 Enestroburin 20 30 ACN, 70 32 Sulfonylureas (4) 20 30 Me0H—water (1 + 1, v/v), 60 33 10 20 Me0H—water (2 + 1, v/v), 18 + 0.1 M HCI, 2 34 UB 5 15 x 2 EtAc, 10 35 UP 10 15 ACN—water (1 + 1, v/v), 20 22 Metribuzin, quinalofop-ethyl Triazolopyrimidine herbicides (4) UB Multiclass (50) Multiclass (54) a UB = Ultrasonic bath; UP = ultrasonic probe. ACN = Acetonitrile; Me0H = methanol; DCM = dichloromethane; EtAc = ethyl acetate. analytes from a sample. MAE is a modern extraction technique that provides a significant reduction in solvent consumption requires lower amount of sample, and shortens extraction times compared to traditional extraction procedures. Nevertheless, filtration and cleanup of the extracts from soil samples are usually required prior to chromatographic analysis. In MAE, the microware energy causes molecular motions that heat the extractive solvent and promote extraction of the analytes from the matrix into the solvent. Because microwaves are electromagnetic waves, this energy is only absorbed by molecules with a high dielectric constant. For this reason, to carry out the extraction of analytes, the solvent or mixture of solvents must be polar or include some proportion of a polar solvent (as methanol, ethanol, water, or acetone). Thus, although hexane is not potentially a good solvent for MAE, it has been described as adequate for the extraction of different types of pesticides from soil (40-42) when it was used together with a polar solvent. Two types of MAE have been developed: pressurized and focused MAE, depending on the microwave energy application to the samples using closed vessels (with controlled pressure and temperature) or open vessels (under atmospheric pressure), respectively. Pressurized MAE is the technique used in the extraction of pesticides from soil (Table 3) that allows extracting multiple samples simultaneously. The main parameters that, affect pressurized MAE of pesticides from soil are the extraction solution, temperature, extraction time, and microwave power. Usually, 5 g of dried and sieved soil and 20-25 mL of solvent are used in the extraction process. Nevertheless, Fuentes et al. (41) and Morozova et al. (43) used lower volumes of solvent to carry out pesticide extractions from 1 and 2.5 g of soil, respectively. Fuentes et al. (41) and Hernandez-Soriano et al. (44) used the surface response approach to improve the recoveries obtained when MAE was used for the determination of organophosphorus and pyrethroid pesticides in soil samples. In these works, the surface methodology was applied to find the optimum values of the parameters involved in the extraction of analytes, and the proposed methods were applied to the analysis of real samples. This methodological approach (41) was recently applied by Rodriguez-Liebana et al. (48) to evaluate the effect of the use of wastewater, or dissolved organic carbon and some of the salts present in wastewater, on pesticide sorption onto soil. PLE. PLE, also known as accelerated solvent extraction, is a technique introduced in 1995 (49, 50) that, like MAE, is less time-consuming and provides a lower solvent consumption than traditional extraction procedures, such as shaking or Soxhlet extraction. In PLE, solvent is pumped into an extraction cell containing the sample, where it is subjected to elevated temperature and pressure. The sample cell sizes can vary from 1 to 120 mL, although it depends on the PLE system used. After extraction, the extract is automatically transferred from the cell to a collector vial. Each extractive cycle involves three steps: heating, hold, and discharge. During the heat up period, the pressure inside the extraction cells slowly increases to the set value of the extraction method. The extraction conditions remain constant during the hold period; finally there is pressure compensation and extracts are collected in the vials in the discharge step. The whole process is automated; each step can be programmed to allow sequential or simultaneous extractions of several samples, depending on the PLE instrument. — 5 ml AcEt 5 g soil 2 Filter papers 2g NauSOc anh. Extraction Vacuum manifold Filtration Figure 2. Schematic diagram of SAESC procedure (from ref. 88). 1262 TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL Table 3. OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 MAE of pesticides from soil Sample size, g Solvent' 5 25 mL n-hexane—acetone (1 + 1, v/v) 1200 110°C/10 min ramp to 110°C, 10 min hold time 40 1-2 mL water—MeOH (1 + 1, v/v) and 0.02 M KH 2 PO 4 homogenization 5 mL n-hexane 500 10 min 41 5 20 mL hexane—acetone (1 + 1 , v/v) 1500 100°C/10 min ramp to 100°C, 10 min hold time/ magnetic stirring 42 2.5 5 or 10 mL EtOH—water (40%) 1200 15 min 43 Pyrethroid and organophosphorus (5) 5 25 mL EtAc 110°C/10 min ramp to 110°C, 5 min hold time/1 mL extra water/ highest speed stirring 44 Carbamate and urea pesticides (8) 5 20 mL ACN 1500 70°C/10 min ramp to 70°C, 10 min hold time/ medium speed stirring 45 200 pL Alkyl benzene sulfonate (10 mg/mL in acetone), 200 pL benzalkonium chloride (3 mg/L in acetone), 8 mL HNO 3 (65%), 2 mL HCI (37%), and 2 mL HF (48%) 20 mL 4% Boric acid aqueous solution 800 200°C/30 min ramp to 200°C, 20 min hold time 180°C/15 min ramp to 180°C, 15 min hold time 46 50 mL Me0H—water (50 + 50, v/v) 1000 100°C/10 min 47 Analyte (number) Organochlorine (10 ) Organophosphorus (6) Chlorfenvinphos Chlorophenoxy acids (2) Quaternary ammonium herbicides (3) Chloroacetanilide pesticide (2) and their acidic metabolites (6) a 10 Microwave Temperature, °C/time, min/ power, W other conditions Ref. ACN = Acetonitrile; EtOH = ethanol; Me0H = methanol; DCM = dichloromethane; EtAc = ethyl acetate. The main parameters involved in PLE procedures are temperature, pressure, extraction solvent, number of cycles, and hold time. There is another parameter, the flush volume, that is important to avoid carryover of extract residues to a subsequent run. Temperature is the parameter that has the highest impact on the speed of the extraction and the recovery of analytes. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account that heat-sensitive compounds could be degraded during the extractive process. For this reason, it is generally preferable to work above, but close to, the boiling point of the solvent. The elevated pressures used in PLE increase the penetration of organic solvents into the matrix as a consequence of the decrease in viscosity and surface tension, and the ability to overcome strong solvent—matrix interactions (51). A pressure of about 10 MPa (1500 psi) is usually used for a very broad range of applications. As in other extractive techniques, the extracting solvent has a major impact in the extraction, being a parameter to be optimized in the PLE process. Various cycles are necessary when the extraction efficiency is limited by the saturation of the solvent with the analyte. On the other hand, when the extraction efficiency is limited by the time required for the solvent to penetrate the matrix and to dissolve the analyte, it is more efficient to increase the hold time. Additionally, it is necessary to carry out an adequate sample preparation, and it is usually recommended to disperse the sample with inert materials to avoid aggregation of sample particles. The PLE conditions reported for the extraction of pesticides from soil during recent years are shown in Table 4. In the period reviewed, organochlorine pesticides have been the main pesticide group analyzed in soil by PLE (40, 52-56). In these works, different mixtures containing 10 to 17 organochlorine pesticides were studied. The sample size varied from 1 to 10 g; the dispersing agent was usually diatomaceous earth. Vega Moreno et al. (56) used aluminum oxide as dispersing agent, but it was not reported why this agent was selected nor its quantity, whereas other parameters like the effects of different solvent mixtures, the extraction temperatures and times, and the flush volume were evaluated in the study. Several solvent mixtures, such as hexane—acetone (1 +1, v/v or 3+1, v/v; 52, 53, 56), ethyl acetate—n-heptane (1+1, v/v; 54), and acetone—n-heptane (1 +1, v/v; 54, 55), have been reported as adequate for the extraction of organochlorine pesticides from soil by PLE. These extractions are usually carried out at 100°C, at about 10 MPa, and with three cycles of 5 min of static extraction. However, Vega Moreno et al. (56) have reported organochlorine pesticide recoveries from 64 to 103%, with a temperature of 50°C, 5 min of static extraction, and only one cycle. The availability of different extraction cell sizes makes it possible to carry out an in-cell cleanup simultaneously with the extractive process. Thus, the use of 10 g of Florisil topped with 2 g of sodium sulfate and the soil sample homogenized with diatomaceous earth have been described as adequate to perform a simultaneous extraction and cleanup for multiresidue analysis of organochlorine pesticides in soil with good recoveries (54). This method was successfully applied to the assessment of organochlorine pesticide pollution in Upper Awash Ethiopian state farm soils (55). Other pesticide groups that have been extracted from soils by PLE are pyrethroids (61) and triazines (62, 63), using quite different sample quantity and conditions (Table 4). Some works have focused on development of PLE methods for the multiresidue analysis of widely used pesticides (5760) instead of a group of pesticides in the same family (61). In these methods, the procedures are quite different. Thus, sample size was between 1 and 100 g of soil and the dispersing agent was Florisil, silica gel, hydromatrix, or another agent. In TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, NO. 5, 2012 Table 4. 1263 PLE of pesticides from soil Analyte (number) Sample size, g Dispersion agent (amount, g) Other agent in cell Solvent° Temperature, °C/P, psi b /t, min/flush volume, % Cycles Ref. 3 52 Organochlorine (11) 1 Diatomaceous earth (0.25) Hexane-acetone (3 + 1 , v/v) 100°C; 2000 psi, 5 min heat time, 5 min static extraction, flush volume 60%, 100 s purge time Organochlorine (17) 1 Diatomaceous earth (0.25) Hexane-acetone (1 + 1 , v/v) 100°C; 1500 psi, 5 min static extraction Organochlorine (13) 4 Diatomaceous earth (1) EtAc-n-heptane (1 + 1, v/v) 100°C; 1494 psi, 5-8 min heat time, flush volume 50%, 60 s purge time 3 54 55 Acetone-DCM (1 + 1, v/v) 140°C, 1500 psi, 6 min heat time, 5 min static extraction, purge using N2 at 1500 psi 1 40 Hexane-acetone (1 + 1 , v/v) 50°C; 1500 psi, 5 min heat time, 5 min static extraction, flush volume 60%, 300 s purge time 1 56 Acetone-DCM (1 + 1, v/v) 130°C; 1500 psi, 5 min static extraction time, flush volume 60%, 60 s purge time 2 57 Water-ACN (1 + 2, v/v) 140°C; 1595 psi, 20 min 3 58 Acetone 100°C; 1450 psi, 3 min static extraction, flush volume 60%, 120 s purge time 3 59 Organochlorine (10) 10 Organochlorine (13) 5 Aluminum oxide Multiclass (30) 1 Florisil (5) Multiclass (24) 5 Silica gel (1) Multiclass (7) 100 10 g Florisil topped by 2 g sodium sulfate anhydrous 2 g Florisil 53 Acetone-n-heptane (1 + 1, v/v) Multiclass (122) 6 Hydromatrix (7.5) EtAc-MeOH (3 + 1, v/v) 85°C; 1500 psi, 2 min heat time, 5 min static extraction, flush volume 60%, 60 s purge time 2 60 Pyrethroids (12) 10 Diatomaceous earth (2) Acetone-DCM (1 + 1, v/v) 100°C; 1500 psi, 10 min static extraction 3 61 Triazines (11) 2 Hydromatrix Acetone-MeOH (50 + 50, v/v) 65°C; 1500 psi, 5 min heat time, 5 min static time, 3 min extraction time, flush volume 60%, 60 s purge time 3 62 Atrazine and 2 metabolites 15 or 60 Acetone 60°C, 1494 psi, 5 min heat time, 5 min static extraction, flush volume 90%, 120 s purge time 3 63 Chlormequat 30 Me0H-water (35 + 65, v/v) 130°C; 1500 psi, 5 min static extraction time 2 64 Trifloxystrobin 10 Me0H-water (50 + 50, v/v) 40°C, 1485 psi, 5 min heat time, 5 min static extraction, flush volume 60%, 60 s purge time (150 psi) 1 65 Diatomaceous earth a ACN = Acetonitrile; Me0H = methanol; DCM = dichloromethane; EtAc = ethyl acetate. b Pressure units commonly used in PLE, 1500 psi = 10 MPa. general, PLE methods for the extraction of a reduced number of pesticides used a large amount of sample ( 10 g), and the quantity of the dispersion agent was low (61), none (63, 64), or not specified (65). Hildebrandt et al. (57) developed a PLE method for the analysis of 30 widely used pesticides and various transformation products and, after evaluation of the extraction solvent, the sorbents used for in-cell cleanup, and the effects of extraction temperature and pressure, the recoveries obtained ranged from 48 to 144%. Schreck et al. (59) applied PLE to the extraction of seven pesticides from different chemical families. In this work, a large quantity of sample (100 g)—without homogenization with any sorbent—was used, and the extraction solvent, temperature, and number of cycles were evaluated in order to achieve efficient extractions. Recoveries higher than 93% were obtained for all compounds after three extractive cycles. Recently, Martinez Vidal et al. (60) developed a multiresidue method for the analysis of 94 nonpolar pesticides and 28 polar pesticides in soil. Several parameters, such as extraction solvent, number of extraction cycles, preheating time, and extraction temperature, were evaluated. The best results, both for nonpolar and polar pesticides, were obtained using ethyl acetate–methanol (3 + 1, v/v) as the solvent. Because lower recoveries of nonpolar pesticides were obtained at high temperature, the extraction temperature and preheating time were finally set at 85°C and 2 min, respectively. The average extraction recoveries reported were in the range of 71 to 108%, and the method had a sensitivity good enough to carry out analysis at concentrations lower than the levels set by legislation (66). QuEChERS.—In 2003, Anastassiades et al. (67) developed the procedure called QuEChERS to extract pesticides in fresh fruits and vegetables, matrixes with high water content. This procedure involves the extraction of 10 g sample with 10 mL 1264 TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 Table 5. QuEChERS extraction of pesticides from soil Sample size, g Water, mL Acetonitrile, mL Salts, buffer Ref. Ecological insecticides: azadyrachtin, spinosad, rotenone 5 5 10 + HAc, 0.1 8 4 g MgSO 4 , 1 g NaCI, 0.5 g Disodium citrate sesquihydrate 1 g Trisodium citrate dihydrate 69 Metaflumizone 10 5 10 4 g MgSO 4 , 1 g NaCI 70 3 Analyte (number) Procymidone 10 10 2 g NaCI 71 Oxadiargyl 10 15 4 g MgSO 4 , 1 g NaCI 72 Organophosphorus (10) + buprofezin 10 20 4 g MgSO 4 , 1 g NaCI, 0.5 g Disodium citrate sesquihydrate 73 Organochlorine (19) 5 10 or 1 M Na 2 -EDTA, 10 9.9 + HAc, 0.1 4 g MgSO 4 1.7 g Sodium acetate trihydrate 74 Carbamates 5 3 5 2 g MgSO 4 , 0.5 g NaCI 75 Phenolic compounds 10 5 9.9 + HAc, 0.1 6 g MgSO 4 , 4 g NaCI 1.7 g Sodium acetate trihydrate 76 Multiclass (24) 10 20 4 g MgSO 4 , 1 g NaCI, 1 g Sodium citrate dihydrate 0.5 g Disodium citrate sesquihydrate 58 Multiclass (38) 10 20 8 g MgSO 4 , 2 g NaCI, 1 g Disodium citrate sesquihydrate 2 g Trisodium citrate dihydrate 77 4 a HAc = Acetic acid. acetonitrile, followed by liquid partitioning using 4 g MgSO 4 and 1 g NaC1 to remove water, and a dispersive solid-phase extraction (d-SPE) cleanup with primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent. The application of this procedure allows obtaining good results for the extraction of polar as well as nonpolar pesticides. The use of acetonitrile instead of acetone or ethyl acetate has several advantages, such as to extract less lipophilic compounds, facilitate the removal of residual water with drying agents, and form well-differentiated partitioning phases with nonpolar solvents, which can provide convenient cleanup if necessary. The main disadvantage is that 1 g/mL of final extract concentration is lower than the 2-5 g/mL obtained in the most traditional methods, requiring a highly sensitive and selective analytical instrument. The QuEChERS method has been accepted as a standard sample preparation method for fruits anci,vegetables by AOAC INTERNATIONAL due to its simplicity, inexpensiveness, amenability to high throughput, and high efficiency (68). In addition, great interest has been recently shown on the application of this procedure to other matrixes, such as soil. Modifications of the original QuEChERS procedure by using acidic-buffered extractions, adding water in order to obtain adequate moisture, or using different adsorbents in the d-SPE to remove matrix components, as described below in the cleanup section, have been used for the extraction of pesticides from soil with good results. The different QuEChERS procedures used in pesticide extraction from soil are shown in Table 5. Usually, the sample size is the same as that of the original method (10 g), whereas in many cases a higher amount of acetonitrile is used because a sufficient volume of supernatant has to be obtained, after cleanup, to allow its transfer into a vial and injection into the GC or LC system (58, 72, 73, 77). On the other hand, many authors added water to soil samples to facilitate the access of the extraction solvent to soil pores for extracting the bound target analytes. Some authors added water to soil samples 30 min before extraction with acetonitrile (74, 77), whereas others added water and acetonitrile at the same time (69, 70, 76). Several authors used buffered extraction (pH = 5), by citrate or acetate buffering, with the aim of enhancing recoveries for pesticides showing pH dependence. In order to stabilize the possible losses of pesticides due to the increase of temperature reached during the initial acetonitrile extraction by the addition of anhydrous MgSO 4 , acidification is carried out in some cases (69, 74, 76). Although QuEChERS is a fast and easy method, extraction conditions stronger than shaking may be needed to overcome the strong binding characteristics of soil. In this way, Asensio-Ramos et al. (73) and Santalad et al. (75) used sonication in the QuEChERS step to enhance pesticide extraction from soil. SPME. SPME was developed in the 1990s by Arthur and Pawliszyn (78). This technique is based on the use of a fiber coated with a stationary phase that sorbs analytes from the matrix, followed by desorption of retained compounds into an analytical instrument. This procedure integrates extraction and concentration into one step without using solvent. The efficiency of analyte extraction by SPME is dependent upon the nature of the matrix, time period of absorption and desorption, and temperature. Moreover, the efficiency also depends on the kind of fiber used. The main SPME methods for pesticides in soil are carried out by the preparation of a mixture of soil with water, or by dilution with water of the organic extract obtained with other techniques, such as UAE or MAE, and subsequent adsorption in the SPME fiber of the analytes from the mixture. The soil/water suspension can be sampled by direct immersion of the fiber or by headspace extraction (HS-SPME). Generally, HS-SPME reduces the matrix effect because the fiber is not in direct contact with the matrix, and only volatile or semivolatile compounds are released into the headspace. Several pesticides in soil samples have been determined by — TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL Table 6. OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 1265 SPME of pesticides from soil Matrix preparation' Fiberb Technique Adsorption Desorption Ref. Slurry: 2 g soil + 2 mL water CACF HS-SPME Agitation with magnetic stirring in a water bath at 500 rpm and constant temperature GC injection port 79 Analyte (number) HCH at 300°C (2 min) Triazines (5) DCM MAE extract, concentrated and dissolved in benzene MIP DI-SPME Agitation with a magnetron at 100 rpm (30 min) LC desorption chamber with Me0H (10 min) 80 Triazines (2) Slurry: 1 g soil + 0.5 mL NaCI saturated water PPy-DS HS-SPME Agitation with magnetic stirring in a water bath at 70°C (80 min) Injection port of IMS' at 220°C (60 s) 81 Pyrethroids (5) ACN extract, diluted 1/10 with water Sst Agitation with stirring at 600 rpm (30 min) GC injection port at 300°C (4 min) 82 Multiclass (36) Slurry: 0.5 g soil + 0.5 mL water PA HS-SPME Agitation in a water bath at 100°C (30 min) GC injection port at 290°C (5 min) 83, 84 Multiclass (20) Me0H extract evaporated to dryness, dissolved in acetone and diluted 1:50 with 5% NaCI water PDMS DI-SPME Immersion (30 min) GC injection port at 270°C (7 min) 85 Me0H—acetone (1 + 1, v/v) extract evaporated to dryness, dissolved in acetone and diluted 1:50 with 25% NaCI water PDMS DI-SPME Immersion at 75°C (30 min) GC injection port 86 Multiclass (5) a For solvent abbreviations, at 270°C (7 min) see Table 1. PDMS = Polydimethylsiloxane, PA = polyacrylate, CAGE = cold activated carbon fiber, MIP = sylilated silica fiber + prometryn + metacrylic acid + azo(bis)-isobutyronitrile + trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate, PPy-DS dodecylsulfate-doped polypyrrole, Sst = stainless steel wire etched by hydrofluoric acid. IMS = Ion mobility spectrometer. SPME coupled with LC or GC (Table 6). Various commercially available SPME fiber coatings, mainly polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polyacrylate, among others, have been used in these analyses. When HS-SPME is used, high temperatures normally release analytes from the matrix; however, this heat can reduce the fiber's ability to adsorb analytes because adsorption is an exothermic process (87). On the contrary, if high temperatures are not used, a long equilibrium time will be required, otherwise the sensitivity will be reduced. Therefore, to overcome this problem or enhance selectivity, other fibers, such as cold-activated carbon (79) or molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP; 80), have been developed. Table 6 shows the different pesticides that have been determined in soil samples by SPME coupled with LC or GC during the review period. Some authors used water with NaCl to enhance retention of pesticides in the fiber (81, 85, 86), and the use of simultaneous or sequential application of MAE with SPME is sometimes used to overcome strong interactions between the analyte and matrix (80). The main advantage of SPME is to allow the simultaneous solventless extraction and concentration of analytes, but a disadvantage of this technique is the high RSD values obtained when analyses are carried out with different fibers of the same coating. Comparison of Extraction Techniques Conventional techniques, such as UAE, Soxhlet, and shaking, may have had a certain decline in favor of the new extraction techniques, but today, UAE is still a popular technique considering the number of articles in the scientific literature where this extraction procedure is applied for the determination of organic compounds in soil samples (88). UAE is faster (15-30 min) than Soxhlet extraction, several extractions can be performed simultaneously, and, as no specialized laboratory equipment is required, this technique is relatively low-cost compared to most modern extraction methods. Extraction by shaking, or in lower proportion Soxhlet extraction, is still an attractive option in routine analysis for its robustness and low cost. Various studies have compared different extraction techniques for the analysis pesticides in soil samples. Thus, Druart et al. (89) reported the extraction of glyphosate, glufosinate, and its major metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid, in soil using three different extraction procedures: shaking, UAE, and PLE. Among the three tested methods, extraction by PLE showed lower efficiency, whereas shaking provided the best results. Nevertheless, in this comparative study no optimization of the main parameters involved in PLE extractions was carried out. Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides from soil was evaluated by Wang et al. (40) in a comparative study with three different extraction procedures (Soxhlet, MAE, and PLE). In that work, PLE was the method for which the best extraction efficiency was reported, followed by MAE. Lesueur et al. (58) applied a new ultrasonic system, based on a cylindrical probe, for the extraction of 24 pesticides from soil samples, and the results were compared with those obtained with different extraction methods, such as PLE, QuEChERS, and the European Norm DIN method. The results pointed out that this new UAE method was successful in recovering the selected pesticides with good repeatability, whereas some of the studied pesticides were not recovered with the other methods. Pateiro-Moure et al. (46) compared new analytical procedures, such as digestion-based methods, shaking, and MAE, for determining quaternary ammonium herbicides in soil. Recoveries of the three compounds evaluated ranged from 98 to 100% by digestion, 102 to 109% by MAE, and up to 61% by shaking. 1266 TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, No. 5, 2012 Table 7. Cleanup technique' SPE Cleanup using SPE techniques Sorbenta GCB Solvent (volume) a Conditioning solvent (volume) a Analytes (number) Ref. DCM—n-hexane (3 + 7, v/v) (10 mL) n-Hexane (6 mL) Pyrethroids (12) 61 OC pesticides (9) 53 Herbicides (9) 15 DCM (10 mL) 0.75% NH 4 OH in ACN Chlorothalonil and degradates 23 n-Hexane—acetone (1 + 1, v/v) (2 mL) Hexaconazole, myclobutanil, and tebuconazole 31 n-Hexane—EtAc (8 + 2, v/v) (10 mL) OASIS HLB PSA Me0H pH3 (2 x 1 mL) ACN (2 x 1 mL) Me0H (pH 3) Me0H—(NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 0.1 M (1 + 9, v/v) Petroleum ether—acetic ether (95 + 5, v/v) (3 mL) Petroleum ether (2 mL) Acetochlor and propisochlor 7 Pesticarb/NH2 ACN—toluene (12 + 1, v/v) (2 mL) ACN—toluene (12 + 1, v/v) (5 mL) Enestrobwin 32 Florisil n-Hexane—acetone (9 + 1, v/v) (10 mL) OC pesticides 20 n-Hexane: ethyl ether (85 + 15, v/v) (12 mL) DCM (6 mL) Cis-trans permethrin 30 OC pesticides 25 Multiclass (62) 14 n-Hexane: diethyl ether (4 + 1, v/v) (60 mL) Washed before loading with n-hexane—cliethyl ether (4 + 1, v/v) (40 mL) Different mixtures of DCM, hexane, and ACN Silica n-Hexane (30 mL) + DCM (35 mL) OC pesticides (10) 40 Me0H—HCI 6.5 M (7 + 3, v/v) (10 mL) Diquat, paraquat, and difenzoquat 46 DCM—n-hexane (2 + 3, v/v) (30 mL) OC pesticides 18 Acidified silica (8 g) n-Hexane (15 mL) + DCM (10 mL) OC pesticides 52 Alumina (deactivated 5-6%) n-Hexane—EtAc (7 + 3, v/v) (100 mL) OC pesticides 27 Silica (deactivated 3%) + alumina (deactivated 3%) DCM—n-hexane (2 + 8, v/v) (35 mL) Prewash with DCM—n-hexane (2 + 8, v/v) (10 mL) OC pesticides 19 EtAc (1 mL) + n-hexane (3 mL) Metabolites—MeOH (6 mL) Me0H (1 mL) + EtAc (3 mL) + Me0H (2 mL) + water (2 mL) Alachlor, metolachlor, and metabolites 47 Me0H—water (10 + 1, v/v) (3 x 5 mL) Water (5 mL) Pyroxsulam, flumetsulam, metosulam, diclosulam 34 Strata XCW (0.5 g) 2% Formic acid in Me0H—water (7 + 3, v/v) (3 mL) Me0H (10 mL) + 10 mM NH 4 Ac (10 mL) Sample adjusted to pH 7-7.5 Washed with water (10 mL) Chlormequat 64 MWCNT DCM 1(20 mL) ACN (10 mL) + water (10 mL) C18 OP (7) and buprofezin 28 Atrazine and metabolites 9 Shaking + 1 min sonication + centrifugation 4400 rpm (10 min) OP (10) and buprofezin 73 Vortex (1 min) Centrifugation: 2077 x g (5 min) Metaflumizone 70 Shaking (30 s) + centrifugation 1500 rpm (3 min) Multiclass (38) 77 Vortex (1 min), centrifugation (4500 rpm, 2.5 min) Azadyrachtin, spinosad, and rotenone 69 Multiclass (24) 58 OC pesticides (51) 24 EtAc (4 mL) d-SPE PSA PSA (150 mg) + C18 (150 mg) SBSE a PDMS Water (85 mL) 900 rpm (14 h) SPE = Solid-phase extraction; d-SPE = dispersive SPE; SBSE = stir bar sorptive extraction; Me0H = methanol; DCM = dichloromethane; HAc = acetic acid; EtAc = ethyl acetate; ACN = acetonitrile; PDMS = polydimethylsiloxane; OC = organochlorine; OP = organophosphorus; PSA = primary secondary amine; MWCNT = multiwalled carbon nanotubes; NH 4 AC = ammonium acetate. TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, NO. 5, 2012 1267 Morozova et al. (43) developed two procedures, based on MAE and UAE, for the extraction of chlorophenoxy acids in soil. The results showed that MAE was more efficient and rapid than UAE for the determination of these pesticides in soil. The comparisons of the extraction techniques used for the analysis of pesticides in soil show that the choice of the extraction method will depend on the extraction techniques available in the laboratory and on the characteristics of the particular matrix-analyte combination. Cleanup The extraction of pesticides from soil is usually performed by nonselective procedures aimed to enhance the extraction yield, but numerous matrix components that may hinder the determination of pesticides are also coextracted. Therefore, it is necessary to have a cleanup step after the extraction to allow the determination of pesticides at the trace levels found in soil. The different approaches in the cleanup of extracts can be classified in two categories: liquid—solid and liquid—liquid extraction. Among the liquid—solid extraction techniques, the most common procedure is SPE with cartridges or columns using sorbents of different characteristics depending on the selected pesticides (Table 7). Different sorbents, such as Florisil, silica, alumina, and C18, have been used in methods developed for the determination of organochlorine pesticides. The use of graphitized carbon black (GCB) is adequate for the removal of nonpolar and oxygen-containing compounds due to hydrophobic, electronic, and ion-exchange interactions. GCB allowed the determination of pyrethroids—in particular, prallethrin, resmethrin, and deltamethrin—that could not be determined without a previous purification due to important matrix interferences (61). The combination of GCB and aminopropyl adsorbent was effective to remove pigments and organic acids from wheat and soil samples (32). For strongly basic pesticides, such as chlormequat, SPE cleanup based on weak cation exchange is a good choice because it can be directly analyzed by LC, avoiding the need of evaporating and reconstituting the extract in the corresponding mobile phase (64). Other materials, such as multiwalled carbon nanotubes, have been used, but the amount of sorbent used due to the strong retention of the pesticides in this stationary phase must be taken into account (28). Furthermore, Min et al. (9) used this sorbent for the determination of atrazine and its metabolites, observing that the flow rate affected the recovery as a fast flow rate (>5 mL/min) and did not allow the analytes to be correctly adsorbed. Different solvents were assayed, and hexane, which was the most hydrophobic solvent tested, had the lowest elution efficiency. d-SPE is a variation of SPE in which a bulk amount of SPE sorbent is added to the extract and the mixture is shaken and centrifuged, rather than loading the extract in a column or cartridge packed with the sorbent. This cleanup technique is part of the QuEChERS procedure developed by Anastassiades et al. in 2003 for the determination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables (67). Modifications of the original protocol have been carried out in order to analyze other compounds in different matrixes, including soil, but in general, most of the works use PSA sorbent as in the original procedure, and in some cases C18 sorbent was added to improve the cleanup of extracts (69). Anhydrous magnesium sulfate is usually present in d-SPE in order to eliminate residual water, but in some cases, it is used as both cleanup and drying agent without applying any SPE sorbent. SBSE is another cleanup procedure that became very popular for the extraction of liquid samples, and is starting to be used for the determination of organic contaminants in soil. In the optimization of SBSE procedures, the effect of such parameters as pH, the addition of salt, stirring speed, extraction time, and temperature are usually evaluated. The commercial stir bars used in this procedure are coated with PDMS, but new materials are being developed to provide a more selective extraction of the target pesticides, and this will be discussed below. In the determination of 51 persistent organic pollutants that included organochlorine pesticides, SBSE with PDMS was carried out for 14 h after the dilution with 85 mL of water of the methanolic extract obtained with UAE (24). The addition of water was necessary to increase the polarity of the mixture and shift the equilibrium in favor of the PDMS coating, improving the recovery of the analytes. New sorbents, such as MIPs, have also been used in the cleanup of soil extracts by applying different techniques (Table 8). Molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction was applied for the determination of several triazines and their metabolites (62, 63). Terbuthylazine was selected as a template because this MIP extracted selectively many triazines including their metabolites. In both works, dichloromethane, an aprotic and weakly polar solvent, was used before the elution to favor the interaction between the analytes and the binding sites. Methanol was used as the elution solvent because it is a very polar and protic solvent that disrupts the hydrogen bonds between the polymer and the analytes. As indicated above, d-SPE is a variation of SPE that has been mainly applied using PSA sorbent when QuEChERS is selected as the extraction technique. However, Peng et al. (29) prepared silica nanoparticles coated with a metsulfuron-methyl imprinted polymer layer for d-SPE of sulfonylurea herbicides in crop and soil samples. SBSE, as already mentioned, is usually performed with stir bars coated with PDMS, although new coatings based on MIP technology have been used for the selective sorption of triazines (38) and nicosulfuron (90). Hu et al. (38) developed a stir bar coated with terbuthylazine-MIP that exhibited a concentration factor that was 54-fold higher than that of an MIP-coated SPME fiber. In this work, the durability of the stir bar was tested, and no obvious differences were observed in the extraction efficiencies after the same stir bar was used 50 times, which reduces the costs in routine laboratories. The effects of pH and ionic strength on the efficiency of the stir bar coated with nicosulfuron-MIP were evaluated (90). Increasing ionic strength, due to the addition of NaCl, decreased the extraction because NaC1 molecules entered the inner surface of the MIP layer; hence, NaCl was not added. The process had to be done at a pH range of 4-5, so that nicosulfuron binds to the MIP by hydrogen bonds, because at pH >5 the carboxyl group is ionized and at pH <4 nicosulfuron is protonized. Another approach applied in the cleanup of soil extracts is the use of classic and modern procedures based on liquid— liquid extraction that are summarized in Table 9. When large volumes of extraction solvent are used, the cleanup is usually carried out by liquid—liquid partitioning in which NaC1 is generally added to enhance the migration of the analytes to 1268 TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VoL. 95, No. 5, 2012 Table 8. Cleanup using MIPs Cleanup technique MISPE Template Solvent (volume)8 Conditioning solvent (volume) e Analytes (number) Ref. Terbuthylazine Me0H (3 mL) DCM (10 mL) Atrazine and metabolites (2) 63 Me0H (3 mL) Me0H (1 mL) + water (1 mL) + 50 mM NH 4 H 2 PO 4 (pH 3) (1 mL) Washing: 0.1 M HCI (1 mL) + water (1 mL) Triazines (9) and metabolites (3) 62 d-SPE Metsulfuron-methyl on silica nanoparticle Chloroform (1 mL) Incubated (30 min) Filtered and cleaned with CHCI 3 (2 mL) and dispersed in Me0H—HAc (9 + 1, v/v; 1 mL) Sulfonylurea herbicides (4) 29 SBSE Terbuthylazine Toluene 500 rpm (60 min) Triazines (9) 38 Nicosulfuron Aqueous solution (100 mL) 600 rpm (180 min) Nicosulfuron 90 a MISPE = Molecularly imprinted; d-SPE = dispersive SPE; SBSE = stir bar sorptive extraction; Me0H = methanol; DCM = dichloromethane; HAc = acetic acid. the organic phase. Although d-SPE is the cleanup technique used in the original QuEChERS technique, Rashid et al. (74) executed a liquid-liquid partitioning and obtained clean extracts. Dispersive liquid—liquid microextraction (DLLME) is a modern liquid—liquid extraction procedure used in the cleanup and concentration of extracts. The extraction solvent has to meet four requirements: higher density than water, low water solubility, high extraction capability, and good chromatographic behavior. In summary, 5 mL of aqueous extract containing the target pesticides are rapidly injected with 0.8-1 mL of methanol acting as the disperser solvent, and 10-50 At of tetrachloroethylene or carbon tetrachloride as the extraction solvent. With a little gentle shaking, a cloudy solution swiftly forms, consisting of droplets of the extraction solvent dispersed within the aqueous solution. The mixture is then centrifuged, and the extraction solvent is collected for subsequent analysis. Wu et al. (91) performed a modified DLLME cleanup, applying ultrasound radiation to accelerate the mass transfer between the two immiscible phases that leads to an increase in the extraction efficiency. The addition of salt to promote the transfer of analytes was considered, but it was discarded because it increased the viscosity and, as a consequence, the organic phase could not be dispersed in fine droplets and therefore the efficiency of the emulsion formation was reduced drastically. A very similar procedure, named homogeneous liquid—liquid extraction (HLLE), was used for the determination• of three pesticides (malathion, lambda-cyhalothrin, and cypermethrin; 17). The main difference between HLLE and DLLME is that in HLLE, the mixture of solvents produces a homogeneous solution prior to the separation of the two phases by the addition of salt or an auxiliary solvent. In the case of DLLME, the phase separation is accomplished instantly by rapidly adding the mixture of disperser and extractio,n solvents into the aqueous solution. The use of two different liquid—liquid extraction cleanup techniques, DLLME and hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME), was evaluated for the determination of six organosulfur pesticides (92). Although DLLME is more sensible than HF-LPME, filtration and dilution of the extract prior to DLLME were required when analyzing complex matrixes such as soil. Hence, HF-LPME was considered more suitable for the analysis of soil samples because it could be carried out without filtration and dilution. Today, the trend is to develop analytical methods where the extraction and purification are carried out simultaneously. In this way, PLE with in-cell cleanup has been successfully applied in the determination of pesticide residues in soil. The addition of a layer of Florisil inside the PLE cell at the flow out end provided clean extracts ready for their analysis (54, 57). Application to Environmental Studies The contamination of agricultural soils with pesticides represents a major environmental concern. Thus, the analytical methodologies described in this review may be applied to different studies related to the presence of pesticides in the environment, such as monitoring, fate and transport, modeling, ecotoxicology, risk assessment, and management strategies (93, 94). The persistence and mobility in soil are important processes for the efficacy of pesticides over the growing season, although this may increase concerns about environmental contamination. Various sample preparation techniques have been used in the assays of persistence and mobility of pesticides in soil; PLE is the technique most often used lately (59), with UAE and shaking also applied as alternative procedures in some studies (35, 95). Sorption and degradation are key processes affecting the behavior of pesticides in soil, thereby determining their persistence and distribution in the field. Sorption coefficients of pesticides are normally obtained by analyzing their concentration in the aqueous phase after partition, but in order to know the mass balance their levels in soil are also determined. Pesticide extraction from soil samples by UAE or shaking with an adequate solvent has been frequently used (35, 96), although MAE may also be used to increase extraction efficacy for hydrophobic pesticides more strongly adsorbed (48). The distribution of pesticides in the environment through their transport to water and air compartments has been studied by means of the application of SPE and SPME to those matrixes (97-99). SBSE has also been used lately to increase the sensitivity obtained (100). Degradation and metabolism of pesticides are important processes controlling their persistence in soil, and they are influenced by a number of factors including environmental conditions and pesticide and soil properties. For the study of these processes in soil, miniaturized procedures have being proposed (96), and sample preparation methods able to extract pesticides together with their metabolites or degradation products have been developed in recent years (101, 102). TADEO ET AL.: JOURNAL Table 9. OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL VOL. 95, NO. 5, 2012 1269 Cleanup using liquid—liquid extraction Cleanup technique' LL partitioning DLLME HLLE HF-LPME Extract solvent (volume) s Solvent (volume) a Conditioning Analytes (number) Ref. ACN (1 mL) Hexane (5 mL) + water (1 mL) Vortex (5 min) Organochlorine pesticides (19) 74 Acetone extract (25 mL) Water (25 mL) + saturated NaCI solution (25 mL) + n-hexane (3 x 50 mL) Bromoxynil octanoate 4 NaOH 0.1 M extract (10 mL) EtAc (20 mL) + NaCI (2 g) pH adjusted <2 Clopyralid and picloram 3 Me0H (1 mL) Water (5 mL) + TCE (50 pL) 3500 rpm (3 min) Carbaryl and triazophos 6 Aqueous extract (5 mL) Chlorobenzene (100 pL) Sonication 3 min at 25°C + 3500 rpm (5 min) Triazines (5) 91 Aqueous extract (5 mL) Me0H (800 pL) + CCI4 (10 pL) 3000 rpm (15 min) Organosulfur pesticides (6) 92 Acetone (1 mL) Water (5 mL) + CCI4 (40 pL) + 0.3 g NaCI 3000 rpm (4 min) Malathion, cypermetrin, and lamda cyhalothrin 17 Aqueous extract (5 mL) o-Xylene (5 pL) Organosulfur pesticides (6) 92 'LL = Liquid—liquid; DLLME = dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction; HLLE = homogeneous liquid—liquid extraction; HF-LPME = hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction; ACN = acetonitrile; Me0H = methanol; EtAc = ethyl acetate; TCE = tetrachloroethane. 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Implementing these new developments, especially those that can be automated, into routine laboratories continues to be an important step in the analysis of pesticides. Classical techniques like shaking and UAE will probably continue being widely used due to their robustness, simplicity, and low cost. In the use of classical techniques, the trend is to miniaturize the method with the aim of reducing the use of solvents and glassware. The development of very selective techniques, such as those hyphenated to MS/MS, will reduce the requirements for a cleanup of sample extracts, although it still will be needed in the analysis of dirty samples due to the presence of matrix effects and the negative impact of coextracted compounds on the analytical equipment. These methods have been applied to study the presence and behavior of pesticides in the environment. 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