EIE ENFORCE and EPCs in Slovenia Presentation of the results and best practices in Slovenia Marjana Sijanec Zavrl Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK IEE ENFORCE Final conference Best Practises in energy saving – The Enforce Experience The future of Energy Certification in Europe Brussels, 22 June 2012 Status of EPBD transposition and implementation (6/2012) Directive EPBD and EPBD Recast - TOPICS I – Methodology – EPBD methodology ready, common AES included regulation promulgated in 9/2008, revision in 7/2010 minor corrections planned in line with Recast of EPBD II - Minimum requirements – regulation promulgated in 9/2008, revision done in 6/2010 (PURES-2, 2010) EPBD Recast based, ambitious targets, 25% RES III - Feasibility studies – transposition completed in 4/2008 IV - Energy certification – transposition at legal level completed, regulation accepted in 9/2009, partly implem. Recast changes already considered software – commercial - ready, electr. EPC data base planned V - Regular inspection of boilers – completed in 2008 VI - Regular inspection of air conditioning systems – completed 3/2008 VII – Independent experts – regulation on training, exams, authorized training institutions and licences for experts – promulgated 1/2010 trainings started in 4/2012, 61 experts trained , 90 on the way ZRMK is authorized training institutions Current building regulation PURES 2010 – corresponding to the cost optimal level? • • maximum U-values of the envelope elements maximum allowed specific transmission heat losses (Ht'), maximum annual heat demand for space heating and for residential buildings also for cooling (Qnh, Qnc), maximum primary energy for operation of the energy systems (incl. lighting) – for residential buildings Qp/Au = 200 +1,1 (60 f0 – 4,4 TL) kWh/(m2a) (Qp), approx. 165 to 220 kWh/m2a, • • 1,4 120,00 1,2 100,00 Qnh/Au (kWh/m2) H'T (W/m2K) 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 flat roofs 0.20 40,00 windows 1.3 glazing 1.1 doors 1.6 0,00 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 0 0,2 fo PTZURES 2002 LJ PURES 2008 LJ 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 fo PURES-‐2 2010 LJ 0.28 60,00 0 0,6 walls floors b. flats 0.90 20,00 0,4 Umax (W/m2K) 80,00 0,2 0,2 • Min. requirements for systems Public buildings must comply with 10% more severe requirements. The use of RES is mandatory in all new buildings since 2008, i.e., min. 25% of total final energy use for operation of the energy systems in the building must be covered by RES. Maximum allowed annual heat demand for space heating per useful floor area Qnh/Au (kWh/m2) Maximum allowed specific heat transfer coefficient by transmission H'T (W/m2K) 0 • • PTZURES 2002 PURES-‐2 2010 LJ after 1.1.2015 PURES-‐2 2010 LJ until 31.12.2014 1,6 Financial – 3% discount rate - SFH 650 600 und ound Net present value/Au (discount rate 3%, 30 years) 550 NPV/Au 500 … + Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery 450 Heat pump air/ water Condensing heat boiler 400 Pellet boiler Boiler for Extra light fuel oil Heat pump ground/water … + Solar collectors 350 Condensing gas boiler 300 250 200 0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 Qp/Au 120,00 140,00 160,00 180,00 200,00 Visok energ posta vrede Začne invest nižjo i prihra prihra ključn Financial & current regulation Net present value/Au (discount rate 3%, 30 years) 650 600 550 Current minimum requirements PURES 2010 500 Buildings in 450 compliance with regulation PURES 2010 400 are at cost optimum level or 350 better! NPV/Au Heat pump air/ water Condensing heat boiler Pellet boiler Boiler for Extra light fuel oil Heat pump ground/water PURES 300 250 200 0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 Qp/Au 120,00 140,00 160,00 180,00 200,00 Estimation – 10.000 EPCs / year • • • • • new, existing (real-estate transactions), all apartment buildings before 1980 with > 4 units: EPC by 2015 (20.000) residential, non-residential buildings, flats public buildings Nepremičninske transakcije HIŠE 3600 STAN. V BLOKIH 7000 • early steps – design EPCs for new buildings Nepremičninske transakcije -‐ STANOVANJA v BLOKIH Nepremičninske transakcije -‐ HIŠE Novogradnje HIŠE 2500 izdanih gradbenih dovoljenjih za hiše in bloke Najem za obdobje > 1 leta STANOVANJA, HIŠE, NESTANOVANJSKE in POSAMEZNI DELI Novogradnje BLOKI BLOKI pred 1980 EPC do 2015 Novogradnje NESTANOVANJSKE 1000 gradbenih Nepremičninske dovoljenj za transakcije nestanovanjske Podatki o izdanih gradbenih dovoljenjih za bloke 25.000 je blokov, od tega ocenimo 20.000 grajenih pred 1980, na leto odpade cca 7.000 stavb = izkaznic Javne stavbe STAVBE in POSAMEZNI DELI (za javni prikaz) Development of EPCs market in Slovenia IEE support Number of users Early beginners Inovators Visionars Gap Mass market Pragmatics Chasm Careful conservatives End of cycle Sceptics Time Experts, training, licences, tools, quality control 2002 By CODEMA, Garry Werdell 2012 “CHASM” IEE ENFORCE - Key contribution • Promotion of EPCs and ENFORCE energy auditing network • • • • Identification of experts for certification Development of 120 h training – Experiences for official traning for EPCs Focus on Quality control of EPCs and energy indicators • Trained ENFORCE experts available for further support in soft loans and subsidies scheme (use of EU funds for energy renovation) Enforce network of auditors National advisory board Participants of ENFORCE training ENFORCE lecturers at the training Call centre Tel.: 080 1669 Experienced energy auditors based on the certified references (good audits done) Licenced energy advisors of national ENSVET network Link to ENFORCE auditors ENFORCE network – 65 members ENFORCE complementary professional training - voluntary • • • • • • 10 days + Homework, 10 modules, repetitorium of professional topics, Course 1 implemented in 10/2011, further plans Energy performance certifcates, energy audits Energy advisory for RES and RUE in buildings Participation in IEE ENFORCE auditors network ENFORCE training course – 120 h Week 1,2 -The training topics were divided into ten modules: • • • • • • • • • • Energy efficient construction and energy advice. How to manage energy efficient construction or reconstruction of buildings? Concepts of energy efficient construction and renovation. Thermal protection, windows. Legislation, the calculation of energy indicators. Modern systems for the generation of heat and cold. Cooling and ventilation, air conditioning, electricity and lighting. Heating and hot water production – systems. Calculation, quality control, economic viability, views. Optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings. Week 3 – Homework – 2 audits (new and existing buildings) common exercise, advisory, calculation – Submission + FINAL EXAM Evaluation of ENFORCE training 1. What is your general impression on the course? Helpful but could be improve d Very good % 23 49% 24 Not interesJng Badly organised 51% • 45 participants of 50 passed the final exam N° of parJcipan ts 47 ENFORCE Final exam – common exercise Vir.: Šabec Kalan arhitekti Biro Petkovski Quality control – common exercise Energy demand for hea=ng Area of thermal envelope (m2) QC Experiences used in EPCs registry XML file s control : Air exchange rate – heating period Data relations (eg.: Aroof>Afloor) B. Plausibility Check Probable intervals (eg.: % of transparent surface, ventilation losses) Extreme values in relation to other EPCs XML files control: Indoor air temperature – heating period new & all residential buildings Envelope condition Final energy (payment s) RES, primary energy – expressed in CO2 Asset rating Calculation based on national customized calculation methodology based on EN ISO 13790 and CEN EPBD standards Existing non-residential buildings, public buildings Operational rating Procedure: energy metering acc. to SIST EN 15603 delivered exported § Final energy use for heat conversion & electricity use § 3 years average § Emissions of CO2 (delivered – exported), reflecting CO2 reduction due to on site use of RES § Share of RES produced on site Challenge – recommended measures / renovation support Kako čim bolj enostavno do zanesljivih priporočil za energijsko obnovo? • Izračuni • Hitra ocena • Energetski pregled … število stavb Energetski razred stavb po sanaciji 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 A (od 0 do 15 kWh/m2) B (od 15 do 35 kWh/m2) C (od 35 do 60 kWh/m2) D (od 60 do 105 kWh/m2) E (od 105 do 150 kWh/m2) obstoječe 21 15 cm TI na stene 15 cm TI na stene 20 cm TI na stene 20 cm TI na stene 25 cm TI na streho 25 cm TI na streho 25 cm TI na streho 25 cm TI na streho 2 slojna okna 3 slojna okna 3 slojna okna 3 slojna okna mehansko prezračevanje F (od 150 do 210 kWh/m2) G (od 210 kWh/m2 naprej) EnSOS web tool – TABULA based For support in ENFORCE network http://zidar.me/zrmk/# Applications LA U B A of T r g n i z li ula a c i u t r d i a of div f the p n n i o i s s llow eeds o ory s e s a l o b to to the n y advis e w S rg gy O e o n l S e o n p E the ors g ty s g i n i n v i d r d l i bu ld du SVET a o h e hous RCE, EN as, U…) O ENF ge of are n (Cha Customised for ENFORCE audits ons Renovation scenario – wall insulation Potential for wall refurbishment (end of 2010), only buildings in first three age classes will undergo external wall refurbishment until 2020 (81% area) (criteria - refurbishment status, life time of the element ) Wall insulation – (2008-2020) Potential 81% of external wall areas s 80.000 180 167 163 70.000 160 160 155 149 144 60.000 139 140 135 130 126 122 118 50.000 Moderate growth of residential buildings Reduction of final energy use -23% Reduction of specific en. use -31% 167 kWh/m2a > 115 kWh/m2a 120 115 100 40.000 Qf,h (GWh) Au (1000 m2) Qf,k/Au (kWh/m2 leto) 80 Poly. (Qf,h (GWh)) Poly. (Au (1000 m2)) 30.000 60 20.000 40 10.000 20 -‐ -‐ 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 -‐23% 12% -‐31% ENFORCE network – Poll 6/2012 (8 months after training, 18 m after network establishment) How many ENFORCE advices did you give? 0 0 5 6 -‐ 10 11 -‐ 20 Did you use ENFORCE knowledge at your work? more than 20 19% no 32% 29% 6% yes 68% 39% 7% Do you have a national licence for EPC independent expert? yes 22% I plan to get it During ENFORCE energy audits and advisory did you miss any specific knowledge? no 26% no 48% 52% yes 52% Thank you! Contact: E-mail: marjana.sijanec@gi-zrmk.si
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