G. G. DUFFY. , ‘ MERGHANDISE SAMPLE CASE. ' APPLICATION FILED DBO. 7, 1908. 918,297. j 1127.1 Patented 'Apr. 13; 1909, 1319.2 @ - 12 15 5 , 1/ q?‘ 2 ‘7/ ' 11 10 11 12 n1: NORRIS P575115 :0‘, WASHINGTON, u‘ c. .UNITED STATESl PATENT OFFTCE. CHARLES G. DUFFY, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, ASSIGNOR TO THE HARTELL-DUFFY COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF NEW YORK. MERCHANDISE-SAMPLE CASE. No. 918,297‘. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. Application ?led December 7, 1908. To all whom it may concern: 10 Patented April 18, 1909. Serial No. 466,245. bottom must be narrow enough to pass Be it known that I, CHARLES G. DUFFY, a freely between the side stops when it is slid citizen of the United States, residing in the out or in, and in consequence it must be borough of Brooklyn, Kings county, New shorter than the width of the case compart York, have invented certain new and useful ment, and I therefore prefer to place side Improvements in MerchandiseSample Cases, strips, as let 1%, between the sides of the of which the following is a speci?cation. bottom slides and the sides of the case so My improvements relate to cases which that there shall be no substantial opening are divided into compartments adapted to between them to permit portions of the receive samples of merchandise in such a samples to enter and become caught therein. way that the entire contents of the case may In operation, a door is drawn down until be readily removed for examination or sale it is extended in a horizontal position where or replaced, as the occasion requires; and it is held by the side stops 9 9. The bottom my invention consists in the particulars slide 10 may then be drawn forward upon hereinafter pointed out. the hinge-tracks until it is entirely out of In the drawings Figure 1 is a front eleva the case compartment and rests upon the tion of my improved case, and Fig. 2 is a door 3 which serves as a shelf. This permits (30 side elevation of the same, a portion of the ready access to the entire parcel of merchan side of the case being broken away to show dise which may have been placed upon the the interior arrangement, and Fig. 3 is a bottom slide, making it convenient for the perspective view of my improved hinged salesman to select and exhibit the samples; guide-tracks. The same parts are referred to by the same reference numbers in all the ?gures. 25 30 35 The case 1 is divided into a series of com 01', if desired, the bottom slide, with the mer chandise upon it, may be entirely removed and taken to a stock table or counter with the samples upon it, the slide with the sam partments by transverse shelves 2, 2, the ples being again slid back into the case when front openings being closed by doors 3 3 it has served its immediate purpose. which are attached to the shelves by hinges By providing the shelf and door with 4 at. I prefer to form the hinges of two tracks and the sliding bottom with ooopen long sections of sheet metal 5 5, which are ating guides, I secure an arrangement where provided with longitudinal ribs 6 6 and side by the sliding bottom may be drawn to and ?anges 7 7 pierced with holes 8 8 to receive fro in a true course so that it will not catch SO suitable screws for securing the hinges to or bind against the sides of the case or the the woodwork. At their point of union the side stops or other attachments of the door. sections 5 5 are?attened out so that they also avoid the friction which would be in shall form smoothly around the pintle pin, Icident to drawing a flat slide across a ?at and the ends of the raised ribs are separated bottom; and by using my improved form of sufficiently to allow the sections to fold to‘ hinged track I secure a construction which ward each other at right angles when the both acts as a strengthening batten for the doors are closed. The doors are supported door and shelf and also acts as a light, in a horizontal position, when opened, by smooth track for the bottom slide to travel suitable side stops 9 9; and when so opened upon, the guide grooves 11 1.1 in the sliding the members of the hinges will be extended bottom permitting the bottom to run close in the same plane so that their central ribs to the shelf so as to avoid the waste of space will form tracks, the inner members lying between the bottom slide and the shelf. upon the shelves and the outer members Having thus described my invention, what upon the backs of the doors. Bottom slides I claim and desire to secure by Letters Pat ent of the United States is :— ?t over the hinge ribs 5 5, so that the bottom In a sample case provided with a shelf, slides 10 10 may be slid to and fro upon the a 1. door to be lowered horizontally hinges as on tracks. The doors may be into theadapted same plane as the shelf, a pair of kept closed by any suitable catches as for 10 10 are provided with grooves 11 11 which 50 55 hinged track-guides one member of each of instance friction catches 12 12. The doors which immovably attached to the shelf are provided with suitable hand-grips 13 13. and theisother member attached to the back It will be understood that the sliding of the said door, so that said hinged tracks 110 918,29’? J i shall be extended in horizontallines parallel and the other member attached immovably i to each other when the door is opened and to the back of the said door, so that said 7‘ 1 will and guide perform tracks. the functions of both hinges hinged lines parallel tracks to shall each be other extended wheifthe in horizontal; door is 5 ,1; 2. In a sample case provided With a shelf, , opened and will perform the functions 012315 into‘the a ‘door adapted same plane to beaslowered the shelf, horizontally a pair of both hinges and- CHARLES guide-tracks. G. DUFFY. - hinged track guides formed of longitudi10 i nally of which ribbed is attached sheet metal inimovably one member to the of shelf each \Vitnesses: VVILLIAM JOHN HARTELL, I-I. M01111. ; 1‘
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