Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams SCHOOL PERFORMANCE MEASURES SUMMARY Note: The School Improvement Plan priorities must focus on three areas: reading, mathematics, and student behavior. The School Improvement Plan must include: (1) the utilization of MCAs as a data point for one or more goals; (2) articulated goals related to proficiency rate(s), growth, and achievement gap reduction; and, if applicable, (3) a graduation rate goal. GUIDING QUESTIONS: What data did you collect? What did the data tell you about your current state? What were things the data did not tell you? What trends did you see in the data analysis? What adult practices might be the cause of the data? How are students responding to curriculum and instruction? What results do you want to achieve? What did you examine to be the root causes to be addressed in action plans? HIGH SCHOOL: GRADUATION RATE Baseline Data Graduation Rate The graduation rate for the Class of 2012 was 78.31% Goal Base Goal: Park Center’s graduation rate for the Class of 2013 will be 78.40% Challenge Goal: Park Center’s graduation rate for the Class of 2013 will be 80.00% PRIORITY ONE: Actual Outcomes Click here to enter text. READING Data Collected: (Examples: MCA, MAP, Dibels, etc.) 2013 MCA 10th Grade Reading Scores Evidence of Need: MCA 2013 Student Academic Growth The Z-score for all 10th grade students in 2013 taking the Reading MCA was .05, which is only considered “medium growth” Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams Student Proficiency Only 45% of 10th grade students in 2013 taking the Reading MCA met or exceeded the State standards Achievement Gap Reduction The Z-score for our 10th grade Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in 2013 was .0035, short of the .05 State-wide target The Z-score for our 10th grade F/RP Lunch students in 2013 was -.04, short of the .092 State-wide target Reading Student Proficiency Student Academic Growth Achievement Gap Reduction Baseline Data by Grade Level 45% of 10th grade students in 2013 taking the Reading MCA met or exceeded the State standards Goal Raise the percentage of 10th grade students in 2014 who meet or exceed the State standards on the Reading MCA from 45% to 47% Actual Outcomes Click here to enter text. The Z-score for all 10th grade students in 2013 taking the Reading MCA was .05, which is only considered “medium growth” The Z-score for our 10th grade Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in 2013 was .0035, short of the .05 State-wide target Raise the Z-score for all 10th grade students taking the Reading MCA in 2014 to .08 Click here to enter text. Raise the Z-score for our 10th grade Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in 2014 to .05, which is the current State-wide target Click here to enter text. The Z-score for our 10th grade F/RP Lunch students in 2013 was -.04, short of the .092 State-wide target Raise the Z-score for our 10th grade F/RP Lunch students in 2014 to .092, which is the current State-wide target Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams ACTION PLAN: Identify Actions, Strategies and Interventions What research-based actions, strategies, and interventions will support students in meeting the goal? What knowledge and skills (professional learning) will adults need to support students in meeting the goal(s)? Step: Measure/Indicator: Monitor: What steps will your site take? What data will be collected? How will you know a step is completed? How will you monitor progress throughout the school year? Use MAP/NWEA scores, District guidelines, and the suggested placement process to determine placement of all 10th, 11th, and 12th graders into Language A and reading classes Identify and place 11th and 12th grade students who need additional academic support into Learning Lab Appropriate placement of students Language A teachers will review MAP/NWEA scores to verify proper placement Annie Burtman, Counselors, Cindy Swanson, Bart Becker, Ben Nicholson, and Steve O’Toole Student placement into Learning Lab, students’ trimester grades/credits/ graduation rate Counselors, Bart Becker, and Learning Lab teachers Create and maintain a Google document containing incoming 10th grade/new student MAP/ NWEA scores Incorporate nonfiction writing strategies into everyday instruction across content areas Continue to support programs that have proven to be successful including, but not limited to: English/Read and Reading Lab courses, Homework Center, Sustained Silent Reading (SSR), and Writing Interventions Develop, communicate, Timely and accurate placement of incoming 10th graders/new students At mid-tri, Learning Lab teachers will make placement recommendations for upcoming trimesters; run grade distributions for all students (for all their classes) in Learning Lab Conversations will occur with counselors and Steve O’Toole on a regular basis to ensure the Google document is being updated Feedback from Process Leaders at IB Collaborative Leadership Team meetings Communication with the Homework Center ESP, Reading Lab teachers, and English/Read teachers; run grade distributions at the end of each trimester of students in reading and Eng/Read to determine effectiveness of programs Kelli Parpart, Bart Becker, and Heather Miller-Cink Language A teachers will Anne Burtman, Counselors, Anecdotal data collected through the IB Collaborative Teams and Process Leaders Continued student improvement as evidenced by our AYP, MCAs, MMRS, and MAP/NWEA scores Appropriate placement of Person(s) Responsible: Counselors, Language A teachers, Bart Becker, and Steve O’Toole All teachers, with support from IB Collaborative Teams Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams and utilize a process using MAP/NWEA scores to determine placement of students into CLS (Critical Literacy Skills) US History and CLS World History (courses focused on improving Critical Literacy Skills) Encourage students to participate in the Park Center Book Club students review MAP/NWEA scores to verify proper placement Cindy Swanson, and Bart Becker Attendance and participation Dhaivyd Hilgendorf and all staff Identify students in English/Read and Reading classes who are ready for placement in regular English Appropriate placement of students at the beginning of Trimesters 2 and 3 Library Media Specialist will monitor participation using attendance and student engagement Language A teachers will monitor for student success and Intervention needs using grades, MAP/NWEA scores and overall motivation as indicators PRIORITY TWO: English/Read and Reading teachers, Counselors, and Bart Becker MATHEMATICS Data Collected: (Examples: MCA, MAP, Dibels, etc.) 2013 MCA 11th Grade Math Scores Evidence of Need: MCA 2013 Student Academic Growth The Z-score for all 11th grade students in 2013 taking the Math MCA was .1045, which is only considered “medium growth” Student Proficiency Only 35% of 11th grade students in 2013 taking the Math MCA met or exceeded the State standards Achievement Gap Reduction The Z-score for our 11th grade Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in 2013 was -.1257, short of the .0285 State-wide target Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams The Z-score for our 11th grade F/RP Lunch students in 2013 was .0511, short of the .0896 State-wide target Mathematics Student Proficiency Student Academic Growth Achievement Gap Reduction Baseline Data by Grade Level 35% of 11th grade students in 2013 taking the Math MCA met or exceeded the State standards The Z-score for all 11th grade students in 2013 taking the Math MCA was .1045, which is only considered “medium growth” The Z-score for our 11th grade Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in 2013 was -.1257, short of the .0285 State-wide target The Z-score for our 11th grade F/RP Lunch students in 2013 was .0511, short of the .0896 State-wide target Goal Raise the percentage of 11th grade students in 2014 that meet or exceed the State standard on the Math MCA from 35% to 37% Raise the Z-score for all 11th grade students taking the Math MCA in 2014 to .12 Raise the Z-score for our 11th grade Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in 2014 to .0285, which is the current State-wide target Actual Outcomes Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Raise the Z-score for our 11th grade F/RP Lunch students in 2014 to .0896, which is the current State-wide target ACTION PLAN: Identify Actions, Strategies and Interventions What research-based actions, strategies, and interventions will support students in meeting the goal? What knowledge and skills (professional learning) will adults need to support students in meeting the goal(s)? Step: Measure/Indicator: Monitor: What steps will your site take? What data will be collected? How will you know a step is completed? How will you monitor progress throughout the school year? Person(s) Responsible: Obtain additional graphing calculators to use throughout the year and on the MCA Facilitate math peer tutor centers during Tuesday and Thursday Intervention Current inventory and purchase of additional calculators Verify status of orders with Macky Knutson and Matt Sauter Kelli Parpart, Justin Jacobs, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, and Stacey Haas Peer tutor assignments made Monthly review of students’ math scores to make future placement recommendations; Debbie Purnick, Paul Shriver, Justin Jacobs, and Bart Becker Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams Facilitate a math peer tutor center during Learning Lab (Hours 1-6) Peer tutor assignments made Use nonfiction writing strategies All IB Collaborative Teams are required to “report out” one nonfiction writing strategy implemented each trimester Monitoring of student grades at least every 2-3 weeks; total number of student contact hours Make regular positive contact with families of Black (not of Hispanic origin) students in Geometry and Algebra 2 Redesign a plan to provide structured support during Tuesday and Thursday Math Intervention PRIORITY THREE: Plan and supporting materials are developed and communicated to Intervention teachers run grade distributions for students assigned to interventions at the end of each trimester Review Learning Lab students’ math scores; feedback gathered from Learning Lab teachers ; run grade distributions for the students’ math classes at the end of each trimester Feedback from Process Leaders at IB Collaborative Leadership Team meetings Debbie Purnick, Learning Lab teachers, and Bart Becker All licensed staff are responsible for use of nonfiction writing strategies Share out and feedback from IB Collaborative Teams and department chairs Geometry and Algebra 2 teachers Student grades/progress; share out and feedback Stacey Haas, Debbie Purnick, Marshal Thompson, Paul Shriver, Justin Jacobs, and Bart Becker STUDENT BEHAVIOR Data Collected: Total number of 2012-2013 office referrals for the Class of 2015 (current juniors) Evidence of Need: There were 1,142 office referrals for the Class of 2015. This number represents 49.7% of all office referrals for the 2012-2013 school year. Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams Student Behavior (Example: Office Referrals, Suspensions, etc.) Office Referrals Baseline Data by Subgroup (Example: Ethnicity, Socioeconomic, Grade Level, etc.) 49.7% of all 2012-13 office referrals were generated by the Class of 2015 (current juniors) Goal Decrease the percentage of overall office referrals for the Class of 2015 from 49.7% to 45% Actual Outcomes Click here to enter text. ACTION PLAN: Identify Actions, Strategies and Interventions What research-based actions, strategies, and interventions will support students in meeting the goal? What knowledge and skills (professional learning) will adults need to support students in meeting the goal(s)? Step: Measure/Indicator: Monitor: What steps will your site take? What data will be collected? How will you know a step is completed? How will you monitor progress throughout the school year? Reinstate ISS (In-School Suspension) ISS will be fully functional; data will be collected on number of students served, repeat students, repeat behaviors, etc.; completion of student reflection sheets Implement ATS (Alternative to Suspension) ATS will be fully functional; data will be collected on number of students served, repeat students, repeat behaviors, etc.; completion of student reflection sheets Introduce PBIF (Positive Behavior Intervention Framework) Evidence of PC’s PBIF will be present throughout the building and communicated to all PC stakeholders; data will be collected on number of reward tickets dispersed (according to our 5 PRIDE areas); Cognos data will be Meet with ISS monitor throughout the year; solicit feedback from staff as to effectiveness of ISS; run data on number of repeat students/behavioral trends; review student reflection sheets; Cognos Meet with ATS monitor throughout the year; AP will meet with AAs monthly to evaluate students referred to ATS/behaviors that are repeated/etc.; develop behavior plans for repeats; examine Cognos data for behavioral trends; review student reflection sheets PBIF Committee will meet throughout the school year, develop new classroom lessons, examine the reward system, and analyze Cognos data (i.e. specific behaviors; time of day of occurrence, etc.) to Person(s) Responsible: Kelli Parpart, Heather MillerCink, and Karen Piepho Kelli Parpart, Heather MillerCink, and Arthur Crutch Heather Miller-Cink and Park Center’s PBIF Committee Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams Conduct student handbook review Offer cultural competency training Present student management information three times a year to all staff(this review covers expectations/provides suggestions for positive student/staff interactions) Orchestrate Love and Logic training sessions (provide staff with the tools and skills to build positive student relationships) analyzed for PBIF “Top Five;” data will be collected on trends in regard to specific behaviors and time of day of occurrence All teachers will show the handbook video review Trimester I and then conduct a review lesson during Trimesters 2 & 3; absences will be noted; Admin will complete makeup sessions; late enrollees will have material covered by respective counselor Trainings will occur throughout the year; attendance at staff development training opportunities; # of staff involved in voluntary book club All staff (licensed and nonlicensed) will be presented the student management information 3x/year; attendance is mandatory Monthly Love and Logic sessions will be offered by administration; Love and Logic tips will be emailed to all staff on a consistent basis; Love and Logic training will periodically be included in staff development/staff meetings determine next steps Admin will collect attendance sheets from staff and ensure all students are viewing the handbook review; admin will coordinate make-up sessions; conversations will occur with counselors regarding new enrollees All PCSH staff Staff Development Committee members will evaluate training sessions and determine future training offerings; collaborate with Equity Teacher and Equity Specialist on book club and training opportunities Attendance will be taken at the meetings; follow-up will be provided for those not able to attend scheduled meeting Staff Development Committee (including two APs), Christine Weatherman, Equity Teacher and Equity Specialist assigned to assist PC, and Kelli Parpart Meet with AP and AAs to ensure that the monthly meetings are held and emails are sent to all staff; AP and AAs will develop new lessons as needed Kelli Parpart, Heather MillerCink, John Turner, Ryan Linneman, Mark Harris, and Dave Velasquez Heather Miller-Cink and Macky Knutson Form A2 – School Improvement Plan School Performance Goals and Action Plan Principal: Kelli Parpart Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Teri Staloch School: Park Center Senior High Date: 10.31.13 School Leadership Team: Kelli Parpart, Heather Miller-Cink, Bart Becker, Rick Arvidson, Kristi Elmquist, Tracy Hahn, Sherrie Hamre, Bernadette Heaney-Deuel, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Katherine Hutchinson, Justin Jacobs, Kate Kallevig, Suzanne Kottke, Jake Manders, Darren Nelson, Val Neri, Ben Nicholson, Steve O’Toole, Jon Peterson, Debbie Purnick, Matt Sauter, Patty Sorensen, Mike Vecellio, Terry Westermann, and Cory Williams Share the student handbook with parents and guardians (handbook explains all school expectations for appropriate student conduct) Schedule monthly AP/AA team meetings Contact parent(s)/ guardian(s) for all referred students Newsletters will be sent to all families (4x/yr) with information on how to access student handbook; student handbook will be placed onto the PC website and referenced on Facebook and Twitter Monthly data will be collected on the number of referrals for students in the Class of 2015; trends will be examined and evaluated; case managers and counselors will be consulted as needed Communications entered into EV205 screen for each student; re-entry conferences will occur involving parent(s)/ guardian(s); collaborative relationships with parents/ guardians will be built; decrease in repeat referrals Meet with AESP and APs to confirm that the information is updated and included in the newsletters and communications via website, Facebook, and Twitter Kelli Parpart, Heather MillerCink, Jennifer Ajsenberg, and Jeff Rholl Cognos data for referrals for the Class of 2015 will be analyzed, noting trends for certain behaviors/students; development of behavioral plans for students with multiple incidents Heather Miller-Cink, John Turner, Ryan Linneman, and Mark Harris Conversations will occur with the AAs on a regular basis to make sure communications between school and home are occurring Heather Miller-Cink, John Turner, Ryan Linneman, Mark Harris, and Tammy Mickelson The Principal and Assistant Superintendent will sign the School Improvement Plan Measures to indicate that the school performance goals and action plan have been shared, discussed, and agreed upon. The School Improvement Plan must include: (1) the utilization of MCA’s as a data point for one or more goals; (2) articulated goals related to proficiency rate(s), growth, and achievement gap reduction; and, if applicable, (3) a graduation rate goal. Assistant Superintendent: Principal: ____________________ Date: 10/31/2013 Date: 10/31/2013 2013-14 Site Staff Development Plan 1. Please list the names and positions of your site’s 2013-14 Staff Development Committee: Co-chairs: Bart Becker and Heather Miller-Cink Members: Anne Burtman, Mike Cassidy, Jon Eversoll, Amy Getsch, Anne Johnson, Sara Jones, Jon Peterson, Christine Weatherman, and Kim Wingrove 2. Which of these Staff Development Committee members is your site’s representative of the District Staff Development Committee? Bart Becker 3. Describe your site’s process for seeking input on the staff development goals listed below: (attach a sample if you used a survey): Feedback was collected from staff members, department chairs, MYP coordinators, and through collaboration with the IB Leadership Team. Two documents were utilized to design our staff development goals: ISD 279 “Planning for Professional Development 2013–2014” and the “Digital Learning For All” vision statement 4. Describe the staff development goal(s) that correspond to each of your site goals: Site Goal #1: Raise the percentage of 10th grade students in 2014 who met or exceeded the State standards on the Reading MCA from 45% to 47% Staff Development Goal #1: By the end of the 2013–2014 school year, all Park Center staff members will: a) implement the 2013–2014 Standards-Based Grading benchmarks, b) utilize common assessment data in IB Collaborative Teams to inform instruction and ensure equitable achievement, and c) focus literacy efforts on nonfiction writing Site Goal #2: Raise the percentage of 11th grade students in 2014 who met or exceeded the State standards on the Math MCA from 35% to 37% Staff Development Goal #2: By the end of the 2013–2014 school year, all Park Center staff members will: a) implement the 2013–2014 Standards-Based Grading benchmarks, b) utilize common assessment data in IB Collaborative Teams to inform instruction and ensure equitable achievement, and c) focus literacy efforts on nonfiction writing Site Goal #3: Decrease the percentage of overall office referrals for the Class of 2015 from 49.7% to 45% Staff Development Goal #3: By the end of the 2013–2014 school year, all Park Center staff members will: a) understand and implement the Park Center PBIF and b) engage in courageous conversations about racial equity If applicable, please list other site and staff development goals: ISD 279 – Osseo Area Schools Collaborative Decision-making Implementation Plan (Example Evidence) System/Site/Division/Department: Park Center Submitted by: Kelli Parpart Instructions: List at least 5 substantive decisions that directly impact building community, ensuring student learning or creating a safe, healthy, and responsive learning environment that that will be made during the upcoming school year that will require diverse participation. Implementation plan is to be turned in: o Sites (principals and assistant principals) with the School Improvement Plan, o Programs and departments (directors, coordinators, accountants, supervisors) with your annual goals to your supervisor. Complete each of the five columns for each decision included in the plan. Decision Conference schedule Allocation of Compensatory monies Distribution of FTEs within each department School Improvement Plan Site Staff Development 2013–2014 Who should be involved? Type of Decision Decision Maker(s) Facilitator of Decision Process All licensed staff Democratic All licensed staff Principals Principals, Department Chairs, Business Manager Consensus Principals, Department Chairs Principals All members of each respective department Consensus Department chairs of each respective department Principals All staff Consultative Principal, SIP team Principals Staff Development Committee Consultative Principals, Staff Development Committee Principals
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