c2i - Composites Innovations International

Advanced light-weight carbon-fibre composites:
Market outlook, applications, technology
by Patrick Hessel, CEO, c2i
Smolenice, 13.12.2011
• c2i overview
• Product development process
• Production technology comparisons
• Applications
• Market overview
• Technology of the future
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
C2i: history
2005: Finalist of £50k Business-Plan competition: Cambridge University
2006: start-up c2i
C2i stands for: Composites Innovations International
C2i’s vision :
Leader in composites design and production
Leader in innovations
Leading player internationally
Carbon-fibre technology as a platform technology for design &
development of state-of-the-art engineered products
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Product design / Engineering
Tooling (Glass-fibre, Carbon-fibre, aluminium, steel)
Production of composites components (prototype – series production
55 people
High-growth plans
Development of innovative production technologies for high-volumes
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
c2i references
Product development process
Component engineering / Simulation
Tooling / jig design
Tooling / jig production
Development of ply book / cutting plans
Lay-up of carbon-fibre
Component curing
Component trimming
Component bonding / assembly of inserts
3D measuring / CMM
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Component engineering / Simulation
Design of 3D model
Design of fibre orientation and component thickness ply-book definition
Definition of fibre material / resin
Use of drape simulation software possible (FiberSIM / CATIA )
FEM simulation of composites
Suitable only for large, simple shapes: Aerospace, not common with small companies
Ortothropic material: X, Y, Z
Special experience required
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Bicycle break booster – Tailored Fibre Placement
Source: Tajima GmbH
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Tooling / jig design
Carbon-fibre , aluminium , steel
Volume, cost, accuracy, manufacturing process dependent
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Resin Flow Simulation – RTM Technology
Flow simulation for resin flow possible
– Suitable for highly complex parts and very large structures
Darcy’s law:
φ: porosity of the reinforcement
κ: permeability of the reinforcement
Η: viscosity of the resin
l : flow distance (length of the strip)
∆P: applied pressure difference
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Resin Flow Simulation – RTM Technology
Dry spot
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Tooling / jig production
5-axis and 3-axis CNC milling machines for patterns and tools
Multi-piece tools for complex parts
Thermal expansion compensation
Integrated heating & cooling possible
Vacuum / pressure integration into tooling possible
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
5 axis milling machine : 6 x 3 x 1.5m
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
5-axis CNC milling machine: 3 x 1.5 x 0.8 m
(also for aluminium tooling)
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Prototype tooling – side wall of EV
3-axis milling machine:
Aluminium / Steel tooling
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Development of ply book / cutting plans
Development of ply book / cutting plans
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Lay-up of fibre
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Lay-up of fibre
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Component curing
RTM Press
Typical epoxy curing temperatures: 130 C @ 30 - 60 minutes
High-temperature composites (+ 250C possible, post-cure needed)
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Component trimming
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
3D measuring / CMM
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Comparison of production technologies
Source: SP Systems
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Comparison of production technologies
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Comparison of production technologies
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Comparison of production technologies
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Bentley Continental GT
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Apollo Gumpert
Mercedes Motorsport SLS GT3, Porsche Motorsport GT3 RSR, Citroen Rallye
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Satellite Communication – mobile satellite device
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Satellite Communication - Radome
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Wind turbines
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Lightest guitar in the world
Played by:
- Eros Ramazotti
- David Bowie
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Carbon-fibre monocoque - gyrocopter
Market overview - aerospace
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Market overview - aerospace
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Aerospace composites applications
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Online learning & development platform
• C2i organized e-learning RTM course:
– www.technology-RTM.com
– Participants (“students”) included Porsche, Audi Leichtbau Zentrum, Magna
Steyr, BMW, Bentley, Lamborghini, Airbus, FACC, Eurocopter, GKN Aerospace,
Israel Aerospace Industries, Volvo Aero etc.
• AIM: train engineers in specialist field about technology and
applications of RTM : the future of light-weight construction in mass
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Market forecast – automotive carbon-fibre applications
Source: Prof. Bjekovic
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Carbon-fibre: structural applications in automotive
BMW i3 and i8 EV: Market introduction 2013 / 2014 – full carbon-fibre passenger cell
McLaren MP4 -12C CFRP monocoque
Volkswagen 1-Liter Car:
Source: Internet
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Source: Prof. Bjekovic
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Source: Prof. Bjekovic
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Source: Prof. Bjekovic
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Multi-step preforming
Source: RWTH Aachen
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Multi-step preforming
Source: RWTH Aachen
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
– Structural applications
– Niche cars, supercars
– Applications: prestige design
applications, technical application
Dramatic reduction of cost
New materials and processes
Improved software for intelligent component
design and optimalization
Natural-fibres and resins
New design of components and systems
Heavy investments into R&D needed
– Growing use, high cost still a barrier
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Dunajska Streda
Patrick Hessel
Email: p.hessel@c2i.com
c2i - Composites Innovations International
Dunajska Streda, Slovakia