Application of green sample preparation techniques for the isolation, preconcentration and gas chromatographic determination of organic environmental pollutants Spietelun Agata1, Marcinkowski Łukasz1, Kloskowski Adam1, Namieśnik Jacek2 1Department of Physical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty Gdańsk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdansk, 11/12 G. Narutowicza St., Poland * 2Department 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai FURTHER CHALLENGES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY accurately monitoring the state of the environment and the processes taking place in it determining an wide range of analytes, often present in trace and ultratrace amounts in sample matrices with complex or variable compositions need to introduce to analytical practice new methodologies and equipment in order to comply with the principles of sustainable development and green chemistry 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai (SHORT HISTORY) GREEN CHEMISTRY 2003 the GREEN CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE (EPA) came into being in the USA. It fosters contacts between governmental agencies and industrial corporations on the one hand, and university research centres on the other IUPAC Working Party on Green Chemistry founded 1997 Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report, from the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) was published the first international GREEN CHEMISTRY symposium took place 1996 1995 Green Chemistry Program was inaugurated by the US EPA the first national conference devoted to GREEN CHEMISTRY took place in Poland – EkoChemTech’03 an annual award was established for achievements in the application of GREEN CHEMISTRY principles 1991 Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics launched a research grants program called Alternative Synthetic Pathways for Pollution Prevention 1987 Paul Anastas coined the term GREEN CHEMISTRY 1993 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai GREEN CHEMISTRY PRINCIPLES of GREEN CHEMISTRY (P.T. Anastas, J. Warner, Green Chemistry. Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998, p. 30) PRINCIPLES of GREEN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY (N. Winterton, Green Chem., 3 (2001) G73) PRINCIPLES of GREEN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (P.T. Anastas, J.B. Zimmerman, Environ. Sci.Technol., 37 (2003) 94A-101A.) 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai GREEN CHEMISTRY ‘Green chemistry, is the invention, design and application of chemical products and processes to reduce or to eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances’ P. T. Anastas, J. C. Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and Praktice. Oxford Science Publications, Oxford (1998) GREEN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY-GAC ‘The use of analytical chemistry techniques and methodologies that reduce or eliminate solvents, reagents, preservatives, and other chemicals that are hazardous to human health or the environment and that also may enable faster and more energy efficient analyses without compromising required performance criteria’ H. K. Lawrence, Green Analytical Methodology Curriculum,2,Curriculum 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai KNOWN TYPES OF DIRECT TECHNIQUES OF MEASUREMENT Potentiometric techniques (ion-selective electrodes- ISE) Flameless atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP) Neutron activation analysis (NAA) X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) Surface analysis techniques (AES, ESCA, SIMS, ISS) Immunoassay (IMA) 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai MILESTONES IN GREEN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1974 Development of flow injection analysis - FIA 1974 Development of purge-and-trap technique - PT 1976 Development of solid phase extraction - SPE 1978 Development of cloud point extraction - CPE 1985 Development of microwave-assisted extraction - MAE Development of supercritical fluid extraction - SFE 1987 The concept of ecological chemistry (H. Malissa) The concept of sustainable development 1990 Development of solid-phase microextraction - SPME Development of micro total analysis system - µTAS 1993 Development of molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction - MIMSPE 1995 The concept of environmentally friendly analytical chemistry (M. de la Guardia, J. Ruzicka) 1996 Development of presurized solvent extraction - PSE Development of liquid phase micro extraction - LPME Development of single drop microextration -SDME 1999 The concept of green chemistry (P.T. Anastas) The concept of clean analytical method ( M. de la Guardia) The concept of green analytical chemistry ( J. Namieśnik) Development of stir bar sorptive extraction- SBSE 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai NEW EXTRACTION MEDIA GREEN SOLVENTS Parameter Supercritical CO2 Supercritical H2O Analyte solubility can be changed 10-100 times 50-1000000 times Extractable analytes polar constituents non-polar constituents Easily extractable analytes non-polar constituents polar constituents Analyte reactivity low low-average Analyte preconcentration (after extraction) usually easy variable level of difficulty Selectivity of extraction of analytes of different polarity average good Selectivity of extraction from samples with a given matrix composition (e.g. soils) good poor Range of analyte polarity(ε) 1-2 10-80 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai NEW EXTRACTION MEDIA GREEN SOLVENTS IONIC LIQUIDS – SOLVENTS OF THE 21ST CENTURY IS are salts containing: • an organic cation • an anion (usually inorganic) Terminology • Room-temperature ionic liquid • Task specific ionic liquid • Neoteric solvents • Non-aqueous ionic liquid • Molten organic salt • Fused salt 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai INTERESTING AND PROMISING PROPERTIES OF IONIC LIQUIDS • at room temperature these salts are liquids • dissolve organic and inorganic compounds • thermally stable • high viscosity • usually immiscible with water • non-volatile (very low vapour pressure at 25°C) • high electrical conductance, wide electrochemical windows • dissolve catalysts, especially complexes of transition metals without damaging the walls of glass or steel reactors 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai SOLVENT-FREE SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES Sample preparation - most critical step of the whole analytical protocole NO SAMPLE PRETREATMENT BEFORE ANALYSIS NECESSARY AN IDEAL SOLUTION BUT only a limited number of such techniques! preconcentration of the analytes to a level above the limit of detection of the measuring/monitoring instrument isolating the analytes from the original sample matrix and/or matrix simplification removal of interferents and elimination of sample constituents being strongly adsorbed in the chromatographic column and thus accelerating its consumption 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai CLASSIFICATION OF SOLVENT-FREE SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES SOLVENT-FREE SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES Application of stream of inert gas as extractant Solid phase extraction techniques with thermal desorption: Static Headspace analysis (S-HS) Purge and Trap (PT) Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry (MMS) Dynamic Headspace (D-HS) Closed Loop Stripping Analysis (CLSA) Membrane Extraction with Sorbent Interface (MESI) Cryotrapping (CT) Gum-Phase Extraction (GPE) Hollow Fibre Sampling Analysis (HFSA) Inside Needle Dynamic Extraction (INDEX) On-line Membrane Extraction Microtrap (OLMEM) Inside Needle Capillary Absorption Trap (INCAT) Membrane Purge and Trap (MPT) Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) Pulse Introduction Membrane Extraction (PIME) Headspace Sorptive Extraction (HHSE) Semi Permeable Membrane Devices (SPMD) Open-Tubular Trapping (OTT) Thermal Membrane Desorption Application (TMDA) Coated Capillary Microextraction (CCME) Passive permeation dosimeters+thermal desorption Supercritical Fluid Extraction Membrane extraction techniques Thick Film Open Tabular Trap (TFOT) Thick Film Capillary Trap (TFCT) Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) C. W. Huie, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 373, (2002), 23. 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai MICROEXTRACTION TECHNIQUES Liquid phase microextraction techniques: • SDME (Single Drop Microextraction) • HF-LPME (Hollow Fibre Liquid-Phase Microextraction) • DLLME (Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction) • SM-LLME (Stir Membrane Liquid–Liquid Microextraction) Solid phase microextraction techniques: • SBSE (Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction) • μSPE (Micro Solid-Phase Extraction) • AμE (Adsorptive μ-Extraction) • SCSE (Stir Cake Sorptive Extraction) • SPNE (Solid-Phase Nano-Extraction) • SPME (Solid-Phase Microextraction) C. W. Huie, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 373, (2002), 23. 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai SINGLE DROP MICROEXTRACTION (SDME) EXTRACTING SOLVENTS FOR SDME DI-SDME HS-SDME IL-SDME n -Hexane n -Octane iso-Octane Cyclohexane n -Hexadecane Butylacetate Diisopropyl ether n -Octane n -Decane Tetradecane Ethylene glycol Toluene o -Xylene 1-Octanol BMIM PF 6 HMIM PF 6 OMIM PF6 HMIM NTf 2 Drop volume 1 – 8L • High selectivity • Low detection limits • Simple, fast, and easy • Minimal sample preparation • Can be automated with commercially available equipment • Possible application for trace water analysis G. Liu, P.K. Dasgupta, Anal. Chem. 68 (1996) 1817 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai HOLLOW FIBER LIQUD-PHASE MICROEXTRACTION (HF-LPME) Inexpensive, simple, clean-up Possibility of automation Compatible with GC, HPLC, CE High versatility and selectivity Headspace/immersion mode Possibility of n-situ derivatization Fig. D. Han, K. H. Row, Microchim. Acta,176 (2012) 1 HF-LPME may be accomplished in: • three-phase mode (a) • two-phase mode (b) S. Pedersen-Bjergaard, K.E. Rasmussen, Anal. Chem. 71 (1999) 2650. 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ADVANCES IN HF-LPME TECHNIQUE Hollow Fiber-Protected Ionic Liquid supported three-phase (Liquid–Liquid–Liquid) Microextraction (HFM-LLLME) Hollow Fiber Solid–Liquid Phase Microextraction (HF-SLPME) Solvent Stir Bar Microextraction (SSBME) dynamic-HF-LPME Solvent Cooling Assisted Dynamic HF-LPME (SC-DHF-LPME) Electro Membrane Extraction (EME) on-chip EME 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai SDME MODES CONTINOUS FLOW W. Liu, H.K. Lee, Anal. Chem., 72 (2000), 4462 LLLME M. Ma, F.F. Cantwell, Anal. Chem., 70 (1998), p. 3912 DI-SDME HS-SDME L. Xu, C. Basheer, H.K. Lee. J. Chromatog. A, 1152 (2007), 184 DROP-TO-DROP H.F. Wu, J.H. Yen, C.C. Chin, Anal. Chem., 78 (2006) 1707 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai DROPLET-MEMBRANE-DROPLET-LPME (DMD-LPME) • Reasonably high selectivity • Cheap (commercial propylene membrane) • No gluing or clamping process • Simple and easy • Minimal sample preparation T. Sikanen, S. Pedersen-Bjergaard, H. Jensen, R. Kostiainen, K. E. Rasmussen, T. Kotiaho, Anal. Chim. Acta 658 (2010) 133 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai SOLIDIFICATION OF FLOATING ORGANIC DROP MICROEXTRACTION (SFOD/SFOME) Physical and chemical properties of solvents for SFOME: • immiscible with water • low volatility • low density • able to extract analytes Common used solvents in SFOME o Organic solvent Melting point ( C) 1-Undecanol 13-15 1-Dodecanol 22-24 2-Dodecanol 17-18 n-Hexadecane 18 1,10-Dichlorodecane 14-16 M.R.K. Zanjani, Y. Yamini, S. Shariati, J.Å . Jönsson, Anal. Chim.Acta, 585 (2007) 286 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ELECTRO MEMBRANE ISOLATION (EMI) ELECTRO MEMBRANE EXTRACTION (EME) On chip- EME S. Pedersen-Bjergaard, K.E. Rasmussen, J. Chromatogr., A 1109 (2006) 183. M. D. Ramos Payán, H. Jensen, N. J. Petersen, S. H. Hansen, S. Pedersen-Bjergaard, Anal. Chim. Acta, 735 (2012) 46 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai DISPERSIVE LIQUD-LIQUID MICROEXTRACTION (DLLME) Fig. A. V. Herrera-Herrera, M. Asensio-Ramos, J. Hernández-Borges, M. Á. Rodríguez-Delgado, Trends Anal. Chem., 29 (2010) 728 Inexpensive, simple, fast Easy to operate Possibility of automation Enormous contact area between acceptor phase and sample Compatible with GC, HPLC, CE, UV-vis spectrometry Fast extraction kinetics High enrichment factor obtained M. Rezaee, Y. Assadi, M.R.M. Hosseini, E. Aghaee, F. Ahmadi, S. Berijani, J. Chromatogr., A 1116 (2006) 1. 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ADVANCES IN DLLME TECHNIQUE ULTRASOUND ASSISTED DLLME VORTEX-ASSISTED DLLME SURFACTANT-ASSISTED DLLME SOLVENT DEMULSIFICATION DLLME SOLVENT TERMINATED- DLLME LOW-DENSITY SOLVENT-BASED SOLVENT DEMULSIFICATION-DLLME SEQUENTIAL INJECTION–DLLME NEW EXTRACTION SOLVENTS EXTRACTION SOLVENT LIGHTER THAN WATER SPECIAL HOME-MADE EXTRACTION DEVICES DLLME BASED ON THE SOLIDIFICATION OF A FLOATING ORGANIC DROP IONIC LIQUID COLD- INDUCED AGGREGATION MICROEXTRACTION (CIAME) IN SITU SOLVENT-FORMATION MICROEXTRACTION (ISFME) TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED IONIC LIQUID EXHAUSTIVELY DLLME (TILDLME) COACERVATES AND REVERSE MICELLES 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai STIR BAR SORTPIVE EXTRACTION (SBSE) Rapid, simple, solvent-free Sensitive and effective extraction Compatible with GC, HPLC, CE Headspace and immersion modes High thermal and chemical stability of stir bar coatings Advances in SBSE technique: Application of poliurethane foams, PPESK, alkyl-diolsilica RAM, silica materials, molecularly imprinted coatings, monoliths and sol-gel technique to prepare of stir bar coatings Double-phase stir bar coatings E. Baltussen, H. G. Janssen, P. Sandra, C. A. Cramers, J. High. Resolut. Chromatogr., 20 (1997) 385 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai STIR „CAKE” SORPTIVE EXTRACTION (SCSE) Fig. X. Huang, L. Chen, F Lin, D. Yuan, J. Sep. Sci., 34 (2011) 2145 Combines the advantages of stirring with the high absorption capacity of the monolithic material high availability preparation simplicity low cost excellent longevity of monolithic cakes (lifetime more than 1000h) very versatile approach, broad applicability good extraction results 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai MICRO SOLID-PHASE EXTRACTION (µSPE) Inexpensive, simple, clean-up Conveniently applicable Easy to be manipulated Compatible with GC, HPLC Headspace and immersion modes Sufficient sensitivity, Good reproducibility Excellent enrichment Advances in (µSPE) technique: Application of mulberry paper bag, electrospun composite of polyaniline-nylon-6 (PANI-N6) and electrospun composite of polypyrrole-polyamide (PP-PA) as sorbent sheet C. Basheer, A. A. Alnedhary,B. S. M. Rao, S. Valliyaveettil, H. K. Lee, Anal. Chem., 78 (2006) 2853 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ADSORPTIVE μ-EXTRACTION (AμE) Modes: •bar adsorptive μ- extraction (BaμE) •multi-spheres adsorptive μ-extraction (MSAμE) cost-effective easy to work-up devices are easy to prepare robustness and good μ-extraction efficiency demonstrating to be a remarkable analytical tool for trace analysis presents the advantage to tune the most suitable sorbent to each specific type of application N.R. Neng, A.R.M. Silva, J.M.F. Nogueira, J. Chromatogr. A, 1217 (2010) 7303 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai APPLICATION OF NANOPARTICLES IN NANOEXTRACTION TECHNIQUES MICRO-PLANE GLASS WITH Au NPs WATER SAMPLE SHAKING AND CENTRIFUGATION COLLECT PRECIPITATE SOLVENT ADDITION SHAKING AND CENTRIFUGATION SUPERNATANT COLLECTION HPLC LETRESS VARIANT I H. Wang, A. D. Campiglia, Anal. Chem., 80 (2008) 8202 VARIANT II Y. Zhu, S. Zhang, Y. Tang, M. Guo, C. Jin, T. Qi, J Solid State Electrochem, 14 (2010) 1609. Solid-phase nanoextraction(SPNE) SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION (SPME) simplicity of operation short extraction and desorption time solvent-free operation small size (convenient for designing portable devices) possibility of full automation direct linkup with a GC possibility to in-situ and in-vivo sampling C. L. Arthur, J. Pawliszyn, Anal. Chem., 62 (1990) 2145 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plunger Barrel Injection needle Inner needle Coated fused silica fiber 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai PRINCIPLES OF SPME 1. direct-immersion SPME 2. headspace-SPME Operation steps: 1. Immersion of the needle in the sample 2. Exposition of the fiber 3. Extraction of an analytes 4. Retraction of the fiber 5. Introduction of the fiber to injection port 6. Desorption of analytes 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai MILESTONES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPME SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION (SPME) first paper on concept of SPME 1990 HEADSPACE SPME (HS-SPME) - Analytes are sampled from headspace above the sample, particularly useful for analysing the composition of solid samples or samples containing matrix constituents and in the extraction of very volatile analytes 1993 COOLED COATED FIBRE SPME (CCF-SPME) - approach improving extraction efficiency by heating the sample and simultaneously cooling the SPME fiber. The temperature is easily controlled by cooling the fibre coating from the inside with a coolant and by altering the core diameter of the arrangement 1995 IN-TUBE SPME - the extraction phase is immobilized as the inner coating of the needle or part of the chromatographic column. Analytes are retained in the extraction medium during a few draw/eject cycles of the sample, or extraction takes place following a one-off filling of the needle 1997 FIBRE-IN-TUBE SPME - polymer core is inserted into the capillary of the in-tube SPME arrangement. The core reduces the capillary volume, but the surface area of the sorbent is not reduced 2000 SOLID-PHASE AROMA CONCENTRATE EXTRACTION (SPACE) - the SPACE rod is fabricated from stainless steel coated with an adsorbent mixture (mainly of graphite carbon) fixed on the head of a closed flask, where it adsorbs the aroma for a given time 2004 MEMBRANE-SPME (M-SPME) - physical separation of the two phases with a membrane impermeable to both of them or by immobilization of the extracting agent in the membrane pores 2009 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ADVANCES IN SPME TECHNIQUE AUTOMATION NEW EXTRACTION PHASE IONIC LIQUIDS CARBON NANOTUBES AND GRAPHEN SILICA MICROSTRUCTURES NEW DEVICES AND MODIFICATIONS MEMBRANE-SPME LIQUID-LIQUID-SOLID MICROEXTRACTION ELECTROSORPTION ENHANCED-SPME 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai COMMERCIAL SPME FIBERS limited choice high cost poor selectivity for polar analytes some fiber coating have active adsorption centerspossibility of competing of the matrix compounds with the analytes for available adsorbent sites need to high temperatures to be used to desorb the less volatile compounds- can lead to degradation of the analytes, adsorbent materials and promote catalytic breakdown of the trapped analytes 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ABSORPTION VS ADSORPTION ADSORPTION artefact formation incomplete desorption strong catalytic interactions of trapped analytes with adsorbents ABSORTION analytes are retained by dissolution analytes can be desorbed at moderate temperatures analyte decomposition can be ruled out non-specific interactions between analyte and sorbent 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai LIQUID–LIQUID–SOLID MICROEXTRACTION (LLSME) simple exciting low-cost environment-friendly negligible organic solvent consumption enhanced efficiency high selective and sensitive pretreatment Y. Hu, Y. Wang, Y. Hu, G. Li, J. Chromatogr. A, 1216 (2009) 8304 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ELECTROSORPTION ENHANCED SPME (EE-SPME) simple, fast, sensitive good performance short adsorption time wide linear range low detection limit high recoveries X. Chai, Y. He, D. Ying, J. Jia, T. Sun, J. Chromatogr. A, 1165 (2007) 26 Q. Li, Y. Ding, D. Yuan, Talanta 85 (2011) 1148 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai MEMBRANE-SPME (M-SPME) 1) silica fiber 2) coating of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3) coating of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Inner coating Outer coating PEG PDMS 40-50μm 100-110μm Length of sorbent coating 1cm 1,2 cm The role of sorbent coating very polar retaining medium hydrophobic, nonpolar membrane Absorbent material Average thickness of coating A. Kloskowski, M. Pilarczyk, J. Namieśnik, Anal. Chem., 81 (2009) 7363. 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai M-SPME ADVANTAGES low cost of fiber preparation high thermal stability (PDMS is stable up to 300oC) short extraction and desorption time lack of water sorption (due to the presence of hydrophobic membrane) high affinity to polar analytes At the extraction temperature PEG of low molecular weight behaves as an immobilised liquid (viscous liquid polymer) Analytes are retained by dissolution in the sorbent layer absorption nature of the retention partitioning mechanism of the extraction 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai Determination of phenols using M-SPME and GC Linearity range (µg/L) R2 15-1500 2-Chlorophenol Compound LOD (µg/L) M-SPME PA 0.9953 7 50 3-300 0.9936 43 530 2,4-Dichlorophenol 3-300 0.9987 15 120 2,4-Dimethylphenol 3-300 0.9921 9 110 2,4-Dinitrophenol 10-1000 0.9963 110 950 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 15-1500 0.9898 81 680 2-Nitrophenol 3-300 0.9945 9 60 4-Nitrophenol 15-1500 0.9937 150 1800 Pentachlorophenol 15-1500 0.9914 83 740 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 10-1000 0.9932 61 440 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol A. Kloskowski, M. Pilarczyk, J. Namieśnik, Anal. Chem., 81 (2009) 7363 Determination of VOCs using M-SPME and GC LOD (mg/L) R2 Compound M-SPME DVB/CAR /PDMS M-SPME DVB/CAR /PDMS chlorobenzene p-xylene o-xylene isopropylbenzene n-propylbenzene 2-chlorotoluene 4-chlorotoluene t-butylbenzene sec-butylbenzene 1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.997 0.992 0.986 0.994 0.998 0.997 0.995 0.997 0.987 0.989 0.994 0.994 0.986 0.994 0.995 0.997 0.993 0.995 0.985 0.992 0.998 0.987 0.031 0.022 0.018 0.015 0.013 0.016 0.017 0.011 0.011 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.018 0.017 0.019 0.018 0.021 0.021 0.017 0.023 1,2-dichlorobenzene 0.986 0.988 0.016 0.028 RSD (%) DVB/CA M-SPME R /PDMS 11 9 9 6 12 7 12 8 14 10 8 6 10 6 12 8 11 8 14 10 13 7 13 7 M-SPME conclusion partitioning mechanism of the extraction, which is characterized by significantly higher linearity range when compared to commercial fibre enabling highly polar sorbents to be used without the risk of dissolving in polar sample matrix povides opportunity of application of quite new kinds of materials, which due to low melting temperatures or solubility in water have not been taken into consideration so far in this kind of applications high extraction efficiency of phenols and VOCs obtainable with M-SPME fibres, comparable and better than the extraction efficiency using commercially available fibres M-SPME combined with determination by GC may become a powerful, environmentally friendly tool for sampling, isolation and preconcentration of organic pollutants • applicable on the sample preparation step prior to the final quantitative determination of analytes on the ppb level 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES TOOLS: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)1 Eco- Scale2 Eco-Compass3 Consoli, F., D. Allen, R. Weston, I. Boustead, J. Fava, W. Franklin, A. Jensen, N. de Oude, R. Parrish, R. Perriman, D. Postlethwaite, B. Quay, J. Séguin and B. Vigon., ‘Guidelines for life cycle assessment: A ‘Code of practice’, SETAC, Brussels and Pensacola, 1993. 1 Aken K., L. Strekowski, L. Patiny, EcoScale, a semi-quantitative tool to select an organic preparation based on economical and ecological parameters, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2, 3, 2006. 2 3 “Home Sustainability Assessment”, 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai ANALYTICAL ECO-SCALE A new tool for evaluation of the greenness of analytical methodology Eco-Scale = 100 – total penalty points The result is ranked on the following scale: >75 – excellent green analysis >50 – acceptable green analysis <50 – inadequate green analysis Penalty points are assigned for amount of reagents, hazards (physical, environmental, health and occupational), energy used and waste generated in the analytical procedure Gałuszka A., Konieczka P., Migaszewski Z.M., Namieśnik J. 2012. Analytical Eco-Scale for assessing the greenness of analytical procedures. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 37, 61–72. 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai THE PENALTY POINTS (PPS) TO CALCULATE ANALYTICAL ECO-SCALE REAGENTS Amount Hazard (physical, environmental, health) <10 mL (g) 10-100 mL (g) >100 mL (g) None Less severe hazard More severe hazard Subtotal PP 1 2 3 0 1 2 Total PP Amount PPHazard PP INSTRUMENTS Energy Occupational hazard Waste ≤0.1 kWh per sample 0 ≤1.5 kWh per sample 1 >1.5 kWh per sample 2 Analytical process hermetization 0 Emission of vapors and gases to the air 3 None 0 <1 mL (g) 1 1-10 mL (g) 3 >10 mL (g) 5 Recycling Degradation Passivation No treatment 0 1 2 3 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL FACULTY GDANSK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Analytical Chemistry This lecture can also be found on the homepage of the Department of Analytical Chemistry 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai EUROPEAN MASTER IN QUALITY IN ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES- EMQAL 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai MODAS „Production and attestation of new types of reference materials crucial for achieving European accreditation for polish industrial laboratories ‐ MODAS” 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai 47 48 MEMBERS OF MY RESEARCH GROUP 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 16-18.10.2012, Shanghai
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