The G59D Multiband HF and 4-6m SDR S/H Sample and Hold Transceiver Assembling Manual Dipl. Ing . Tasić Siniša –Tasa YU1LM/QRP Copyright note: Unauthorized commercial use, resale, or electronic transmission of this file is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved under the trade mark The Genesis will give any waranty or has no responsibity for sucessfully assemblig G59D KIT and its work with devoted GSDR software. Full support ahs been given and it is possible obtain from the Genesis and interested Genesis Yahoo group. This is not plug and play project results are hardly related to sound card quality (better card better results) and work with different OS and PC! The new G59.. SDR HF and 6m transceiver KIT is successor previously successfully Genesis published monoband and duoband SDR KIT transceivers G180, G80, G60, G40 and G3020. The new G59 has improved performances over the previously published with usage some new modern IC components and improved design. The assembling new SDR transceiver has allowance because it has several SMT components not too small only and all other components are through hole and easy soldering components. The new one Genesis transceiver G59 is a “black” box type transceiver all comands are coming from PC via USB connection. The G59 has next specification which is hardly related with used sound card, better sound card will give better transceiver performance. This results are achieved with EMU-0202 USB sound card: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Receiving range is going from 1.5MHz to 75MHz. Receiver is optimized for HAM bands! Min synthesizer step is 1Hz and it is adjustable. It is possible improve stability with built in quasi oven circuit. It support demodulation/modulation all type modulation CW/SSB/FM/ DIGITAL and it is software related. IIP3 32-35dBm and it depends from setting in used GSDR Genesis PowerSDR software [1]. MDS is -116 to -122dBm this result depends from used sound card with RF preamplifier turn on MDS is from 132 to -134dBm. Image rejection is from 35 -60 dB with hardware realization only, with software is possible achieve result better than 60dB. RX Sensitivity is 0.15-0.2uV for 10 dB S/N ratio and max S/N measured ratio is 70dB. SFDR (Spurious free dynamic range) is 93-100dB (over 100dB with G59C option), this results are with signals spaced 5 kHz and more. Results are not changing very much if we spaced two test signals to classical 20 kHz or more Receiver 1dB compression point is + 10dBm! Receiver has independent connection for second antenna. Receiver is supporting transverter work with independent RX input. Transmitter output power is 10W min with GPA10 KIT and it is adjustable in software to almost 0W. Transmission is possible only at HAM bands Carrier suppression is from 45-60dBc with hardware realization Image rejection is from -35dBc to -50dBc with hardware realization and it is possible adjust to 60dB or more in GSDR SDR software. G59D has built in microphone preamplifier with adjustable 2 position gain. It has built in IAMBIC CW keyer with independent CW monitor G59 has control circuit for keying RF linear power amplifier Power supply +12 to +14V/3A minus power supply at ground Specified operating temperature range is from 0C to +55deg C Dimensions 240 x 240 x 88mm weight 1.5kg Predicted time for assembling for average experienced builder 100 hours or 12 days The G59D KIT assembling is straight forward process if we strictly obey proposed ten phases in assembling. It is process where is not allowed and permitted to hurry up in assembling and mixed phases only exception is if you are expert for SDR radios but we are not recommending changing proposed way. The assembling process is not for real beginners KIT G59 has over 700 electronic and hundred mechanical parts. For the builder it is necessary to have some elementary knowledge in electronic and soldering skill. It is not necessary to have some special instruments and tools. Required tools and instruments for assembling are: iron solder (30-60W), wire cutter, tweezers, screw driver and digital multi meter (DMM). Although not absolutely necessary oscilloscope, SA (spectrum analyzer), NA (network analyzer) or test receiver are welcome. These additional instruments will simplified and speed up adjustment process and help in obtaining max specification from G59 SDR transceiver KIT. G59 KIT is flexible hardware with some option for future system upgrade in many fields for example 2m and 70cm transverters and ATU tuner. The G59 SDR transceiver has two double side PCB first is G59 PCB or low power HF+6m 10mW SDR transceiver and second one is GPA10 PCB with linear 10W or more power amplifier, low pass filters , SWR bridge and high SWR circuit protection circuit. Both PCBs are acting as SDR transceiver but it is possible to use every PCB independently G59 PCB as SDR transceiver for VHF/UHF and microwave transverters and GPA10 as linear RF power amplifier for some other transceiver system. At picture 1 is given interconnection between this two PCB and PC sound card. The G59D has all processes as ordinary G59. There are few changes to enable work at 4m these changes are listed down: Phases which are different to elementary G59 KIT!!!!!!! Phase 3 – G59D Local Oscillator LO Circuit Assembling Local oscillator LO circuit and their components are marked with letter “G” at PCB G59 visit page devoted to this subject Picture 15 - Si570 G59 LO frequency generator The change for G59D is that is necessary change Si570 type instead Si570BBC000141DG (max working frequency around 260 MHz ) with Si570BBB000141DG (max working frequency is 810MHz). New limitation for G59D design is max frequency for divider FF IC3G 74LVC74 and built in LP filter (75MHz). Except Si570 change there is no need for any other changes!!! Picture 24 - The G59D local oscillator LO circuit schematic diagram in REV1 added R20G from TP1 to ground Phase 5 – G59 Input-Output High Pass-Low Pass Filter Circuits Assembling The G59 receiver input/output high pass and low pass filter circuit and their components are marked with letter “N” at G59D PCB . The receiver is one of the most important subassembly in all transceiver designs especially in the new SDR technology. The Genesis receiver can work without any input filter for transmitter sections LPs or BPs are necessary parts. To prevent overload input receiver S/H(sample and hold) mixer with very strong signals MW stations from neighborhood and static voltage damages at RX input is high pass filter with -3dB at 1,5MHz. Attenuation unwanted bandwidth is in vicinity 40dB what is more than enough. From the other side the same situation is with strong FM station and their signals are removed with low-pass filter -3dB corner at 75-78MHz. To test this circuit it is necessary to remove temporary wire connection for initial test first. Connect processor circuit nylon connector SV3PA with this circuit connector SV3PB with 4 lines flat cable K3 (see section with wire connection at the article end). Next step is to connect RX input BNC1 to the antenna and start GSDR software. Now you can hear signals from the band. Pressing ATT and preamplifier button you can notice change in signal strength and noise floor level! Picture 32- The G59 receiver RX gain distribution HP/BP/LP [dB]max ATT [dB] RF [dB] -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -17 -17 -17 -17 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 0 13 13 PREAMP AF1 STAGE [dB] OVERALL GAIN [dB] 24 24 44 44 24 44 24 44 4 17 37 24 21 41 37 54 Table 1 – The G59 RX gain distribution possibility You have to find best position for sensitivity and IMD free range with different combination attenuator, RF preamplifier and audio gain buttons. Combinations are antenna and radio waves propagation sensitive setup. You can measure control voltage at connection point R4N, R5N and R6N it has to be around +4,5V. BOM component list for G59 HP/LP circuit marked at PCB with extension “N” KP1N SV1NA KP2N KP2NB KP2NC C1N L1N L2N L3N C2N C3N C4N C5N L4N RL1N BNC 3PIN BNC 2PIN 2PIN 3,9nF 1,2uH 47uH 4,7uH 10nF(USM) 1,5nF 3,9nF 4,7nF 5,6uH 12V/1A RELAY RL2N RL3N RL4N RL5N RL6N RL7N RL8N RL9N RL10N RL11N L5N C6N L6N C7N C8N L7N C9N C9N* L8N C10N C10N* L9N C11N C12N L10N C13N R1N R2N R3N C14N IC1N C15N L11N R4N R5N R6N C16N C17N C18N R7N R8N C19N C20N 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 12V/1A RELAY 68nH 56pF 180nH 56pF 18pF 180nH 82PF 180nH 82pF 180nH 56pF 18pF 150nH 33pF 68R 180R 68R 10nF SMT 0805 ERA-4XSM+ 100nF 47uH 470R 270R 270R 10nF SMT 0805 100nF 100uF/25V 1R 1R 100nF 100nF C21N C22N C24N* C23N* R9N C25N 100nF 100nF 100nF 100uF/25V 10R-15R G59MK3 PCB 15pF G59MK3 PCB C9N and C25N is necessary to add to improve RF preamplifier stability in microwave region. Picture 35 – The G59 High-pass/Low-pass circuit schematic The L5N inductor is realized from 6.5cm 0.8mm enameled copper wire close wound at borer diameter 3mm Molded inductors L6N, L7N, L8N, L9N and L10N have big tolerances because of that the -3dB corner of built in LP is changeable and it is not flat at the end in the most of cases. For G59D and even generally it is better to build in isolated Cu wire self supporting inductors realized according to the next table: mark L5N L6N-L9N L10N Inductivity[nH] Wind at borer[mm] 68 5 68 5 180 5 180 5 150 5 150 5 Wire diam.[mm] Wire length [cm] 1 6.7 0.8 6.2 1 14 0.8 12.6 1 12 0.8 10.6 Coil length [mm] 4 3 8 6 7 5 Number of turns 4 3 8 7 7 6 With these home-made inductors G59-G59C RX has better IMD specification and it is possible adjust very precise inductance -3dB corner of LP , LP flatness squeezing and spin carefully inductors! Picture 36 – The G59 High-pass/Low-pass assembled Phase 6 – G59 Input-Output Band Pass Filter Circuits Assembling The G59 Input and output band pass filters circuit and their components are marked with letter “B” at G59 PCB . This circuits is very important and their assembling to obtain maximum from G59 hardware in receiving part and in transmitting part too. All BP filters are realized with standard chokes and it is very important to minimize filter insertion loss to not solder them close to the PCB ground surface. It is necessary that distance is between 3-4mm at that way we are obtaining minimum insertion loss and satisfied out of band selection. If you want obtain max there is G59C option with Amidon ring cores instead chokes. This option will improve sensitivity for 1-2dB typically and offered better IMD free range for 3-4dB! G59C option is offering also better out of band selectivity very important if we have close transmitters in MULTI-MULTI Contest team. To simplify situation in realization for keeping distance to the PCB the easiest way is to insert ribbon fat cardboard under every choke during soldering and removing after choke is soldered. For G59D change is that it is BP for 6m removed and substituted with HP! This combination HP and LP is filter for 6m and 4m! 31.69 MHz 50.57 MHz -21.19 dB -0.6693 dB 72.07 MHz 100.6 MHz -0.5508 dB -0.2837 dB trans 141.6 MHz -0.6009 dB 0 -20 -40 50.8 MHz -23.19 dB -60 70.25 MHz -23.42 dB DB(|S(1,1)|) HP GENESIS G59 DB(|S(2,1)|) HP GENESIS G59 -80 DB(|S(2,2)|) HP GENESIS G59 -100 1 51 101 Frequency (MHz) 151 200 Amplitude frequency response of new HP filter G59D HP filter 50MHz schematics L19B and L21B ARE possible realized according to the given table up as L10N. Take care that is necessary that coils are perpendicular each to other. See picture for assembling down! Goran YT7PWR will enable in GSDR permission for operation at 4m and combination HP/LP filters for these 2 bands as soon as possible! RX will work even without HP 50MHZ but performances can be reduced. RX input can be little overload with strong full HF bands signals especially when RF preamplifier is ON. Reason for IMD is preamplifier overload.. Picture 38 - G59 Input-output band pass filters at G59 PCB details The component values for this band pass filter type are given in table below. In table are given values for filters which are not inside G59 but is possible substitute if you want better performances in some individual band and it is possible also to build in this type filter as special option for specific band as second RX antenna or transverter individual input from VHF/UHF. Picture 39 - General schematic diagram of BP band pass filter built in G59 BAND L[uH] L2[uH] 1.8MHz 3.5MHz 5-7MHz 5MHz 7MHz 7MHz ver2 10MHz 10-14MHz 14MHz 18-21MHz 24-28MHz 28MHz 50MHz 8,2 3,9 2.2 3.3 1,8 2.2 1.2 1.2 1 1 0,68 0.68 0.33 8,2 3,9 2.2 3.3 1,8 2.2 1.2 1.2 1 1 0,68 0.68 0,33 L3[uH ] 8,2 3,9 2.2 3.3 1,8 2.2 1.2 1.2 1 1 0,68 0.68 0,33 C1[pF] C2[pF] C3[pF] C4[pF] C5[pF] C6[pF] C7[pF] 1000 470 390 330 270 180 220 220 120 82 68 39 33 150 150 56 47 82 100 56 4,7 47 4,7 2700 1800 820 1000 1000 1500 680 330 560 220 150 240 100 2200 820 820 560 470 330 430 680 220 150 150 68 47 2700 1800 820 1000 1000 1500 680 330 560 220 150 240 100 150 120 82 47 82 100 56 4,7 47 4,7 1000 470 390 330 270 180 220 220 120 82 68 39 33 15 4,7 15 4,7 Table 2 - Band pass elements for filters built in G59 (yellow marked) with additional band filter solution Inductor winding for G59C option including inductors for HP/LP section: L[uH] 8.2 5,6 4,7 3.9 3.3 2.2 1.8 1.2 1 0.68 0.33 0.18 0.15 Core T37-2 T37-2 T32-2 T37-2 T37-2 T37-2 T37-2 T37-2 T37-2 T37-6 T37-6 T37-6 T37-6 turns 45 37 34 31 29 23 21 17 16 15 10 8 7 Wire diameter[mm] 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Table 3 - Proposal for inductor realization band pass filters in G59Coption BOM component list for G59D BP filter circuit marked at PCB with extension “B” BP 1,8MHz C1B 100nF C2B 1nF(USM) C3B 150pF R1B 1R Wire length[mm] 500 420 390 360 340 270 250 210 200 190 130 110 100 L1B 8,2uH L2B 8,2uH L3B 8,2uH C4B 2,7nF(USM) C4B* C5B 2,7nF(USM) C6B 2,2nF C7B 150pF C8B 1nF(USM) BP 3,5MHz C9B 100nF C10B 470pF C11B 150pF L4B 3,9uH L5B 3,9uH L6B 3,9uH C12B 1,8nF C12B* C13B 1,8nF C14B 820pF C15B 470pF C16B 150pF BP 5-7MHz C17B 100nF C18B 100nF C19B 100nF C20B 390pF C21B 56pF C22B 820pF C22B* C23B 820pF C24B 820PF C25B 82pF C26B 390pF L7B 2,2uH L8B 2,2uH L9B 2,2uH BP 10-14MHz C27B 220pF C28B 4,7pF C29B 330pF C29B* C30B 330pF C31B 680PF C32B 4,7pF C33B 220pF L10B 1,2uH L11B 1,2uH L12B 1,2uH BP 18-21MHz C34B 82pF C35B 4,7pF C36B 220pF C36B* C37B 220pF C38B 150PF C39B 4,7pF C40B 82pF L13B 1uH L14B 1uH L15B 1uH BP 24-30MHz C41B 68pF C42B C43B 150pF C43B* C44B 150pF C45B 150PF C46B C47B 68pF L16B 680nH L17B 680nH L18B 680nH BP 50-74MHz C48B 47pF C49B C50B C50B* C51B C52B C53B 27pF C54B 47pF L19B 150nH L20B L21B 150nH C55B 100nF R2B 100K R3B 100K R4B 100K IC1B HC4028N IC2B ULN2003AN C56B 100nF C57B 100nF L22B 47uH G59 band pass filter will consume some time and best way is test with some signal generator but it is possible perform test without any signal source only with antenna. Connect uC circuits with band pass control logic with 3 wire flat cable K4 take References: 1. 2. 3.
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