Development Department Report Prepared by: Name: Cormac Quinn Position: Development Manager Date: 23 June 2014 Telephone Number: 028 38339795 Email: Dev 1 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT PAPER Agenda Item: 10 Agenda Item: Legacy Schemes Sponsor: Kieran Matthews Draft Resolution The Board of Management is asked to note and comment on the attached Development Department Report. No recommendations are included for Board of Management approval. DECISION SOUGHT Approval Recommendation to the Board X Review and Comment Information Other Executive Summary: The Board of Management is requested to review the current position of the Legacy Schemes, in terms of NIHE grant outstanding and schemes yet to be complete in relation to adoption of Street Lighting, Sewers and Roads. 1) NIHE Grant outstanding for completion of schemes On W/C 09 June 2014 the NIHE cleared an additional payment of £64,060 for Portadown Phase 6a. There has now been a total of £353,746 paid on the outstanding schemes. This is the full amount due for each of the schemes without the Code For Sustainable Homes/EcoHomes Certification. SRN 5072 9547 10044 10010 9582 10047 10135 Scheme Moy / Gilford / Dromore Ennis Green / Princes Street / Beechgrove Ennis Green Phase 2 Annaghdale / Garvaghy / Rectory Portadown 6 (changes from rehab to rebuild) Portadown 6A - 6 x gn rehabs Portadown 6B Status PAID PAID Amount £70,547 £71,203 PAID PAID PAID £67,375 £54,971 £25,590 PAID Not Due Total £64,060 £353,764 Dev 2 2) EcoHomes/Sustainable Homes payments The table below demonstrates payments received against the Code For Sustainable Homes/Ecohomes. The Northern Ireland Housing Executive released payment for Ennis Green/Princes Street/Beechgrove w/c 09 June 2014. SRN 5072 9547 10044 10010 9582 10135 Scheme Moy / Gilford / Dromore Ennis Green / Princes Street / Beechgrove Ennis Green Phase 2 Annaghdale / Garvaghy / Rectory Portadown 6 (changes from rehab to rebuild) Portadown 6B Status N/A PAID Amount £30,234 £70,789 ONGOING ONGOING ONGOING £33,687 £27,486 £55,100 ONGOING Total £10,599 £227,895 3) Total Payment received to date and outstanding matters For these legacy schemes a total of £424,553 has been released by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. Please see below status of schemes which have CFSH/EcoHomes Outstanding. Moy/Gilford/Dromore As previously reported to the Board of Management, it is highly unlikely sufficient works were carried out to allow certification to be achieved. Ennis Green Phase 2 South Ulster Housing Association has provided all requested information to the Code Assessor who is currently preparing documentation for submission. Annaghdale/Rectory/Garvaghy Annaghdale was submitted for certification on 15 May 2014 with no certification received to date. We are awaiting feedback from the Code Assessor in relation to Rectory and Garvaghy. Portadown Phase 6 Eleven of the units have achieved the required EcoHomes Certification. We are awaiting feedback from the Code Assessor on all outstanding matters for the 4no. units were changed from rehab to new build. Dev 3 Portadown Phase 6b We are awaiting a report from the Acoustic Consultant which will allow the submission to be made. 4) Schemes yet to be completed As previously reported there are 7 schemes identified that do not to have their Street Lighting/Sewers or roads adopted. They are: Scheme Granemore Park, Keady Phase 3 Granemore Park, Keady Phase 3a Ballygowan Road Phase 3 Ennis Green Phase 1 Ennis Green Phase 2 Beech Grove Old School Court, Kinallen Project Architect NIHE Design Team NIHE Design Team NIHE Design Team Tony McGuffin Architect Clive Henning Architect Tony McGuffin NIHE Design Team All works identified by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive Design Team as required for the completion of Granemore Park, Ballygowan Road Phase 3, and Old School Court Kinallen have been processed through a competition process with quotes sought from 11 constructionline registered companies on 04 June 2014. The tender return date was on 17 June 2014, and the most competitive quotation was advised accordingly (James Oliver Hearty and Sons Ltd). The contract amount is £7,373. Contract signing is due on 26 June 2014 for the works to be carried out within the next month. Roads Service has provided a Completion Certificate of satisfactory completion of the adoptable surfaces for Ennis Green Phase 1 and Ennis Green Phase 2. The preliminary adoption will be provided in due course. 5) Additional Claims for payment being received South Ulster Housing Association are currently withholding payment for an invoice for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. It was previously agreed with the NIHE this invoice would not be issued until the NIHE had clarified their position in relation to perceived outstanding invoices for services previously completed. The Finance Department of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive has confirmed they have placed this case on hold pending resolution. Conclusion All applicable grant receivable for the completion of the schemes has been paid. The works involved in obtaining the relevant CFSH/EcoHomes certification is making steady progress with grant received on one scheme. Submissions for accreditation for two further schemes is due within the next month. Dev 4 A tender exercise to facilitate works for the Adoption of the roads and sewers for the outstanding schemes has been completed. Dev 5 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT PAPER Agenda Item: 10 Agenda Item: New Developments Sponsor: Kieran Matthews Draft Resolution The Board of Management is asked to note and comment on the attached Development Department Report. No recommendations are included for Board of Management approval. DECISION SOUGHT Approval Recommendation to the Board X Review and Comment Information Other Executive Summary: There are currently 3 sites which have received support for development from the NIHE, two of which are being investigated by Architects who were commissioned to investigate their feasibility. Reports are due with the Development Department w/c 23 June 2014. There are 7 sites which have not yet received support from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. Where support is received, South Ulster Housing Association is ready to proceed with a feasibility study for these sites. Progress has been made in relation to the potential partnering arrangement with Praxis, and this has the potential to deliver 11 units in this years programme. 1) Option 1 – Develop on existing Land Canal Street Newry a) Redevelopment of Ogle House The interim feasibility report is due today with a meeting arranged to discuss the contents between the Chief Executive, the Development Department and Tate Stevenson Architects. This is dealt with in more detail later in this paper. b) Dangerous Building Notice and Demolition of 16-26 and 30-32a Canal Street A separate paper has been prepared by the Development Department to deal with this issue. Dev 6 Westacres, Craigavon The Head of Housing has indicated a healthy waiting list for accommodation in this area. However, given the lack of support for a re-improvement scheme from the NIHE, a fuller understanding of the area and the potential difficulties is needed from the NIHE prior to carrying out a cost analysis of refurbishment of the site. Having spoken to the Housing Services Manager for the NIHE, Denise McNally, South Ulster Housing Association received a letter on 5 June 2014 advising no support for the refurbishment would be forthcoming. Subsequently South Area Planning advised they would attend a meeting with South Ulster Housing Association to address this scheme and any potential for refurbishment. We are seeking to have this meeting as soon as is practicable for the NIHE. Hill Street, Lurgan The Northern Ireland Housing Executive advised on 16 May 2014 that no support would be forthcoming for general needs development on the land. The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is yet to confirm whether they have any complex needs proposals for this land. 2) Option 2 – Developing Potential Partnering Arrangements Praxis Care There has been ongoing communication with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in relation to the potential grant funding for 11no. ESP’s. Due to the fact this type of acquisition for a supported housing scheme does not fit within the normal parameters as set out within the DSD Guide, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive is seeking guidance from the DSD as to whether this would be an acceptable scheme for grant funding. At this time, South Ulster Housing Association is awaiting formal written confirmation from Praxis Care as to the Strategic reasons they are stepping away from their landlord function. This information will allow further communication with the NIHE. 3) Option 3 – Acquisition of land 3.1) Currently there is support received for 3no. Sites as follows: 3.1.1) 16-32a Canal Street Newry Support has been received from the Area Planner for the development of the site for social housing with a request for a majority of 3 person 2 bedroom homes (which is a change to the current proposed mix). Dev 7 Since the original scheme design in 2010, there have been changes to Building Control Standards, DPG NIHE requirements and planning requirements. It is very likely that changes to the current mix will be approved if it is deemed there is a viable scheme which is approved by the Board of Management. Tate Stevenson Architects have been appointed to carry out a feasibility study for the refurbishment of Ogle House. They have indicated a potential for and are presenting their findings to the Development Department w/c 23 June 2014. This presentation will cover a couple of options and will form the basis of a cashflow and options analysis. A meeting will be arranged with planning, within the next couple of weeks, to update them on our preliminary conclusions. It is the intention of the Development Department to seek a quotation from Tate Stevenson Architects for an extension to their works to provide a cost analysis for the remainder of the scheme. This will mean that we will have a cost projection for the total scheme from a Conservation Architect who specialises in this type of work. This overall costing will provide the basis of a business case and recommendation to the Board of Management for the future of this site. 3.1.2) Ballygawley Road, Dungannon On 10 June 2014, Strategic Planning were commissioned to provide a feasibility study for the potential development. It was received on Thursday 19 June 2014 and will be reviewed by The Development Department and Chief Executive w/c 23 June 2014. An update will be provided to the Board of Management on 30 June 2014. 3.1.3) Catherine Street Newry As previously advised to the Board of Management, the Development Department does not, at this time, recommend any expenditure investigating this site further due to the challenges associated with developing the site. 3.2.) Details below of sites where support has been requested and no formal response has been received. 3.2.1) Hill Street, Lurgan – Sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 03 April 2014. The current status was covered earlier in this paper. 3.2.2) Bridge Street, Dromore - Sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 17 April 2014. We were advised by the Area Planner on 16 May 2014 it was very unlikely support would be received. This confirmation has not yet been formalised. 3.2.3) 76 Canal Street Newry - Sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 01 May 2014. There has been no formal response to this request for support. The Development Department has advised the land owner no feasibility investigations will take place until support is received from the NIHE. 3.2.4) Mourneview Street Portadown - Sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 27 May 2014. South Ulster Housing Association is still awaiting a response. Dev 8 3.2.5) Craigmore Way, Newry – This land forms part of a larger piece of land on which a proportion is to be provided for social housing in the Banbridge/Newry and Mourne Area Plan 2015. This site was sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 27 May 2014. We have yet to receive a response to this request for support. 3.2.6) Freeduff Road, Cullyhanna - Sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 27 May 2014. South Ulster Housing Association is still awaiting a response. 3.2.7) St. Patrick’s Hall, Hill Street, Banbridge. – This site is situated in an ideal location within Banbridge Town. It is in close proximity to shops and bus stops. The South Area Planner advised on 16 May 2014 that should the owner allow South Ulster Housing Association to register the site it would be a very suitable location for social housing. Previous Planning Permission (Q/2008/0237/F) documentation indicates that whilst it was designed by a private developer, the proposals were intended to be suitable for a social housing development (24no. Apartments). This was sent to NIHE DPG for registration and support on 27 May 2014. No support has been received. 4) Option 4 – Progressing with other options ESP’s/OTS Since the last report, there have been no OTS opportunities which have arisen. As detailed earlier in this report, we are in the process of investigating the potential of purchasing properties from Praxis as ESPs. 5) Complex Needs Scheme – Keady, Armagh As previously advised to the Board of Management, South Ulster Housing Association has agreed, in principle, to investigate this option further. On Thursday 29 May 2014, the Complex Needs Officer and Occupational Therapist were to meet with the potential tenant and the health support workers to ascertain which options would be acceptable to the family. Unfortunately, the family were not available and therefore this cannot be investigated further at this stage. The Development Department will be seeking further clarification this week from the Complex Needs Officer as to the current position of this case. 6) Conclusion The Board of Management is requested to note the progress made on investigating potential new developments and the Development Department welcomes any comments/questions on progress to date. Dev 9 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT PAPER Agenda Item: 10 Agenda Item: 16-26 and 30-32a Canal Street Sponsor: Kieran Matthews Draft Resolution The Board of Management is asked to note and comment and approve the Development Department Report. No recommendations are included for Board of Management approval. DECISION SOUGHT X Approval Recommendation to the Board X Review and Comment Information Other Executive Summary: On 28 May 2014, Newry and Mourne District Council called to advise they were issuing a dangerous structure notice on 32a Canal Street Newry. On 02 June 2014, a tender was issued to 2no.architects who were familiar with the buildings, with the instruction to proceed issued to JL O’Hagan on 03 June 2014. On 09 June 2014, a Structural Report was received which recommended immediate demolition of all properties (with the exception of Ogle House). This was forwarded to planning for consent to demolish. On Friday 13 June 2014, it was considered the properties needed to be demolished without delay given the risk to public safety. Planning were notified and consent requested. Planning advised no consent was forthcoming on 13 June 2014. A site meeting took place between South Ulster Housing Association, the Project Structural Engineer, the Project Architect, Building Control, a representative from Felix O’Hare (who control the site adjacent to our buildings) and PSNI on Friday 13 June 2014. As no consent was given for demolition, it was agreed there needed to be an immediate temporary road closure to prevent any danger to the general public. On Wednesday 18 June 2014, the Planning Department confirmed agreement in principle for the demolition of 16-26 and 30-32a Canal Street. The Demolition Contract was signed on 19 June 2014 and the Date of Possession for works to begin was on Friday 20 June 2014. Works are underway. The road adjacent to 30-32a Canal Street has now been re-opened and it is anticipated the road adjacent to 16-26 Canal Street will be re-opened by Wednesday 25 June 2014. Works are due to complete on 04 July 2014. Dev 10 1) Background On the updated risk register of 16 April 2014, the health and safety risk associated with the condition of the derelict properties were included. South Ulster Housing Association have voiced concerns with the buildings to Planning. On 02 May 2014, Planning indicated they would look favourably on a separate application to demolish properties 16-26 Canal Street, given their condition. Anthony McKay indicated he would check what needed to be done and advise accordingly. Upon notification of a dangerous buildings notice being issued on Wednesday 28 May 2014, the Development Department took immediate action to deal with it appropriately and this paper demonstrates the action taken to protect the public and provide best value for money in procuring a suitable Design Team and contractor to carry out the works. 2) Chronology of Events Date 28/05/14 Action Notification Building Control were going to issue Dangerous Building Notice for 32a Canal Street. 28/05/14 South Ulster Housing Association notified Planning to address. 29/05/14 Telephone conversation with Planning. Agreement to amend the application to demolish to exclude Ogle House. 02/06/14 Amended boundary drawing issued to Planning. 02/06/14 Request for Quotation issued to JL O’Hagan and JNP Architects. 03/06/14 Quotations returned and JL O’Hagan provided Best Value For Money. 03/06/14 JL O’Hagan instructed to proceed. 05/06/14 Structural Engineer visited site and completed draft report. Required access to 30 and 32 Canal Street (boarded up). 06/06/14 Meeting at JL O’Hagan office, with Chief Executive, Development Manager, Grainne O’Hagan (JL O’Hagan), Brian O’Neill (JL O’Hagan), Michael Doran (Nicholas O’Dwyer Structural Engineers) to discuss the implications of Structural Findings and agree the most appropriate action to take. 09/06/14 Structural Report Issued to Planning and Building Control. 09/06/14 Insurance Company notified. 09/06/14 Board of Management updated by Michael Healy on current position. Dev 11 10/06/14 JL O’Hagan drafting Scope of Works for demolition contractor. 11/06/14 Building Control seeking clarifications on the issues and the extent of the danger to the public. 11/06/14 Response to Building Control clarifying issues. 11/06/14 Response from Building control requesting timescale for rectification. 12/06/14 Written confirmation from DSD no consent was required from them for demolition. This had previously been confirmed verbally. 12/06/14 Response to Building Control from JL O’Hagan confirming we were still awaiting confirmation from Planning to demolish and were in consultation with roads to allow matters to progress. 13/06/14 Confirmation from Building Control remedial works must be carried out immediately. 13/06/14 Consultation with primary school who own land behind the Canal Street development. 13/06/14 Request from JL O’Hagan to Planning seeking immediate approval for demolition as works needed to take place immediately. 13/06/14 Confirmation from Planning “No letter of comfort will be issued by the Department today and you should note the demolition of any of the buildings (16-26 and 28-32 Canal Street) without the prior consent of the Department will be considered as a breach of planning control and subject to enforcement action.” 13/06/14 Meeting onsite with Development Manager, JL O’Hagan, Nicholas O’Dwyer Engineers, PSNI, Building Control and Felix O’Hare Contractors. It was agreed that until Planning agreed to demolition the only way to protect the public safety was immediate temporary road closure. The PSNI arrange the Road Closure and Building Control liaised with Roads Service for appropriate barriers to be erected. 15/06/14 Visit to site by Development Manager. All necessary barriers were in place to prevent traffic and pedestrian access adjacent to the buildings. 16/06/14 Calls were made to every local political party and independent councillors covering Newry City. The local community Dev 12 representative was also contacted. 16/06/14 Given the delay in receipt of planning consent, additional quotations were sought to ensure best value for money for demolition contract. 17/06/14 Receipt of confirmation Planning had no objection to demolition. Letter included properties 16-26 and 30-32 Canal Street. 17/06/14 JL O’Hagan requested immediate mobilisation plan from two most competitive tenderers, as the mobilisation was paramount to any decision regarding the award of the contract. 18/06/14 Mobilisation details received from contractors. 18/06/14 Tender Report received from JL O’Hagan. 18/06/14 Meeting held between Michael Healy, Kieran Matthews and Cormac Quinn and it was agreed to appoint Tinnelly and Sons. 18/06/14 Amended letter from Planning received confirming the addresses to be 16-26 and 30-32a Canal Street. 18/06/14 19/06/14 Confirmation from Michael Healy the majority of the Board are in agreement to proceed with the appointment of Tinnelly and Sons Ltd. Award Letter issued to Tinnelly and Sons Ltd. 19/06/14 Email from Michael Healy to all Board Members notifying of position. 19/06/14 Pre-Contract Meeting and Contract signing. 20/06/14 07.30am, Tinnelly and Sons took possession of the site. 20/06/14 Consultation with residents and businesses in Canal Street, face to face, due to the short timeframe. Consultation resulted in the lower part of Canal Street remaining partially opened for traffic on Saturday night to facilitate the local taxi company. 21/06/14 Visit to site by Chief Executive and Development Manager works well underway. Upper Canal Street closed to traffic. 22/06/14 Visit to site by Development Manager. Road opened to upper part Dev 13 of Canal Street and the road adjacent to 16-26 Canal Street closed to traffic. Works underway to these properties. 23/06/14 Telephone conversation with community representative who confirmed development works were quick and considerate to the local community. The community representative thanked South Ulster Housing Association for the comprehensive consultation carried out under the circumstances. 23/06/14 Update provided to Hughes McMichael Ltd., Project Managers for adjacent school site. 23/06/14 There were 3no. businesses who had expressed concern about potential loss of trade during the consultation on 20 June 2014. The Development Department opted to contact each of those businesses for feedback on works to date. 23/06/14 Contact made with Taxiline, who were originally concerned about disruption to their business. They confirmed there was no disruption on Saturday 21/06/14 and contractors were very accommodating on 22/06/14 allowing traffic through where possible. They confirmed the road is partially opened now which allows through traffic. 23/06/14 Contact made with Timoney’s Ices who had previously advised they understood works needed to be undertaken, but were concerned about the potential loss of business on Sunday 22/06/14. The proprietor confirmed the road was partially opened on Sunday at 1pm which allowed normal trade to resume (it was closed Sunday AM). He advised he was extremely happy with the workmen and the accommodation made to ensure local business’ trade losses were kept to a minimum. 23/06/14 Contact made with owner of Vivo Newsagents who had expressed concern on Friday 20/06/14 about the potential loss of business. He advised he was very satisfied with the speed and diligence of the contractor in opening up the road. He thanked South Ulster Housing Association for the consultation and taking into account his concerns and addressing appropriately. 3) Conclusion South Ulster Housing Association dealt with the Dangerous Building Notice received from Building Control effectively, efficiently, and providing value for money in the emergency situation we were faced with. More importantly, we ensured we were in contact with the relevant stakeholders at the right times to Dev 14 protect the public whilst awaiting the necessary consent to allow us to demolish the properties 16-26 and 32-32a Canal Street Newry. The Board of Management is requested to note the action taken and the tender reports attached for the procurement of the consultants and the procurement of the contractor to carry out these works. In addition, the Board of Management is requested to ratify the following actions taken by South Ulster Housing Association in dealing with this matter. 1) To utilise emergency procurement procedure to both procure and appoint a demolition contractor. 2) To authorise management to award the contact to Tinnelly and Sons Ltd, at a value of £44,500 plus VAT. Dev 15 Appendix 1 Structural Survey/Report and Appropriate Management of Works. Consultants Quotation Paper Dev 16 Appendix 2 Demolition Contract Tender Report Dev 17
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