2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AA ?AA A??A ?A??A ?A?A?? ?A??A?? Hawaiian lava to bleat (like a sheep) the white substance in the brain a tropical tree AA BAA ALBA BALSA a volcanic to stabilize rock (ships) BASALT BALLAST 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AB BA? BA?? A?B?? B???A? ?A?B??? to strike an a fragrant (HINT: to walk resin (used abdominal comic leisurely medicinally) muscle books) AB 2-letter word AD BAM BALM 3-letter word 4-letter word AD? ??DA Shakespeare's an advertisement AD AMBLE Much ___ About Nothing confusion BEDLAM MARBLED 5-letter 6-letter word word BINGO! AD??? A???D? D??A??? a chemical See ya compound (but luego refreshing!) ADO SODA having a spotty or streaky appearance stays away from to deny responsibility for or belief in ADIOS AVOIDS DISAVOW 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AE ?EA ?EA? A??E? ?E?A?? ??A??E? one a green (Scottish) vegetable in the ocean, the lowest tide a poplar better than springs tree (and peanuts and forward or great skiing much more dances around locale!) expensive AE PEA 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AG GA? G?A? A?G?? G?A??? ??A???G NEAP to between short for agriculture compel white and ASPEN feeling strong PECANS PRANCES granular (also a horse used in tree whisperer? AG (also a fish) black displeasure descriptions) GAR GRAY ANGRY GRAINY BRAYING 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AH HA? ?A?H ?HA?? ???HA? ????A?H posh coffees hunger's alarm clock to press a cured down hard to exclaim in meat (or an a deep pit (or an old amazement overactor) TV show) AH HAM MASH CHASM MOCHAS STOMACH 2letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word AI AI? ?I?A ?A?I? ?I???A ?A??I?? buttery popcorn home a mechanical device a mineral excessively a (and interested in three- to point at toed accurately sometimes a or enthusiastic about boy's name) sloth AI AIM MICA MANIC BINGO! CINEMA MACHINE 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AL LA? L??A ??A?L ????AL ??LA??? to flee or a type an East run away of bean Indian ("on the (ick!) tree ____") servant-like, as a dark computer in a mundane, pigment (found message hard-working in your skin) task AL LAM LIMA EMAIL 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AM MA? A?M? ???AM ??M??A MA????? to be (present tense) ______ and cheese highest point coffee color softener AM MAC ACME CREAM 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word MENIAL MELANIN a judge's scary or chambers (but gruesome (like also takes Poe's writings) pics) CAMERA 5-letter 6-letter word word MACABRE BINGO! AN? AN ??NA most indef. article small plentiful but preceding a fish in the mighty vowel sea? AN ANT N???A? ?A?N? ?AN???? the chewy the place part in some where candybars everyone goes skinny TUNA GAUNT NOUGAT HANGOUT 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AR ?AR A?R? ???RA ?AR??? ????AR? aviation prefix musical drama AERO OPERA canoe the letter R accessory OAR AR early release a carnivorous from prison feline PAROLE LEOPARD 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AS AS? S?A? ?SA?? ??AS?? ???A??S to the same degree venomous snake despised meat(?) among veterans AS ASP SPAM a sacred liquid part song of blood PSALM PLASMA African antelopes IMPALAS 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AT A?T TA?? ?AT?? ??A??T ?T???A? lock a Swiss cottage true to principle in the position of a soft Shakespearean mineral (i.e. segment powder) ACT AT LATCH CHALET ETHICAL TALC 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AW ?AW WA?? ??AW? ??AW?? ??W?A?? a stinging insect deposit eggs WASP SPAWN (interj.) used to animal express protest foot or disbelief PAW AW shellfish removes (or shrimp) paper from PRAWNS UNWRAPS 2-letter 3-letter 4-letter word word word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AX ?AX ?A??X ?XA??? ?AX???? a not AX?? a wheel protective gloves raises up the way cutting tool strict shaft are made of this AX LAX AXLE LATEX shopping should be! EXALTS TAXLESS 2-letter word 3-letter word 4-letter word 5-letter word 6-letter word BINGO! AY ?AY A??Y YA??? ??A??Y ??A???Y an a small affirmative island vote AY CAY _______ breaky heart? ACHY a cruising loquacious vessel YACHT CHATTY covered with plant stalks or foliage THATCHY
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