CORRELATION ANALYSIS (SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT) Objective: Identify the correlation and association of smoking habits and the life behaviours. Smoking habits is the dependent variable and qualification, unit drinks etc are independent variables. We want to test the association between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Independent Variable Dependent Variable 1.1 Whether ever smoked Categori al 1.3 Number of Cigarrette/week Scale 1.4 Cigarette smoking 2.2 Any qualification Scale 4.1 House hold tenure 3.1 Whether currently drink 2.1 Age when ended F-T 4.3 receiving i ncome support 3.2 No. of uni t of beer drunk in a week 3.3 No. of uni t of spirit drunk in a week 3.4 No. of uni t of wine drunk in a week 3.5 No. of unit drunk in a week 6.1 number of adul t i n HH 6.2 Number of chil dren in HH 5.1 whether father smoked 5.2 whether mother smoked Table no. 1 1. Hypothesis 1 In hypothesis testing the box plot is un-necessary because the variable whether ever smoked is categorical variable and it has only two options. The bar chart is used to analyze the whether ever smoked. The bar chart shows that about 1025 persons replied yes and 433 replied no. 2. Hypothesis 2 In hypothesis 2 H0: There is no association between the currently drinks and ever smoked. H1: There is an association between the currently drinks and ever smoked. Hypothesis 4 H0: There is no association between the CigarettesPerWeek and QuantityWine in a week. H1: There is association between the CigarettesPerWeek and QuantityWine in a week. (D) Number of cigarettes per week * (D) No. units of wine drunk in a week Crosstabulation Count (D) No. units of wine drunk in a week Medium Low drink drink Total 671 24 102 1070 118 5 14 194 101-200 cigarettes a 59 week 99 1 9 168 201-300 cigarettes a 6 week 11 0 2 19 >300 week 4 0 0 7 903 30 127 1458 (D) Number of Non Smoker cigarettes per week 1-100 cigarettes week None Drink Very drink 273 a 57 cigarettes a3 Total 398 low The above output shows that 273 numbers of respondents are non-smoker and they never drink in any week. The association shows that the people who smoked fewer cigarettes also drink low or very low. Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 13.425a 12 .339 Likelihood Ratio 15.194 12 .231 Linear-by-Linear Association 9.652 1 .002 N of Valid Cases 1458 a. 8 cells (40.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .14. The chi-square value is 13.425 and the p value is 0.339 which shows that we fail to reject the null hypothesis because the p value is greater than the alpha. It is concluded that there is no association between the two variables. Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Approx. Errora Tb Approx. Sig. Interval Interval by Pearson's R -.081 .024 -3.116 .002c Ordinal Ordinal by Spearman Correlation -.083 .026 -3.161 .002c N of Valid Cases 1458 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. The correlation matrix is measured to analyze the relationship between the two variables. The pearson’s R correlation is calculated between the number of cigarettes smoked in a week and the unit of wine drunk in a week. The correlation(r=-0.081) which is weak and it is not significant so we fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no association between the two variables. H5: H0: The number of years education gain cannot affect the smoking habits (number of cigarettes smoked in a week). H1: The number of years education gain can affect the smoking habits (number of cigarettes smoked in a week). Model Summary Model R 1 .081a Adjusted R Square Square .007 .006 R Std. Error of the Estimate .77906 a. Predictors: (Constant), Age when ended F-T education Coefficientsa Model 1 (Constant) Unstandardized Coefficients Standardize d Coefficients B Std. Error Beta .598 .060 Age when ended F-T -.036 education .011 -.081 t Sig. 9.930 .000 -3.113 .002 a. Dependent Variable: (D) Number of cigarettes per week The regression equation is y=0.598-0.036*x Where y= number of cigarettes smoked in a week and x is the age when ended F-T education. The association is negative because the educated people have fewer tendencies to smoke but the association is not significant. visit us at or email us at - or call us at - +1 520 8371215
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