RADARSAT-2 and Polarmetric Applications Ian Cumming, UBC (ianc@ece.ubc.ca) IET Radar Conference Guilin, China, April 20-22, 2009 (slides 2-26 courtesy of MDA) RADARSAT-2 Overview MDA is the owner and operator of RADARSAT-2 and holds the worldwide distribution rights for all products. Launched in Dec. 2007 with a multi-mode, C-Band SAR Mission duration: 7 years Data continuity from RADARSAT-1 – all RADARSAT-1 imaging modes supported – plus many additional capabilities Co-funded by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and MDA 1 RADARSAT-2 – Features and Benefits Offers a range of resolutions, swaths, and incidence angles Finer resolution than RADARSAT-1 and other SAR satellites Increased geometric accuracy Operational multi-polarization modes 12-24 hour routine and 4-12 hour emergency programming Fast processing and delivery Solid-state recorders Global Positioning System (GPS) Reception at Beijing Ground Station since 2008 2 RADARSAT-2 Beam Modes 3 4 RADARSAT-2 Imaging Modes 5 RADARSAT-2 Polarization Diversity RADARSAT-2 supports a variety of polarization modes that dramatically increase the information content per pixel. The polarization modes are… Selective Single Polarization HH or VV or HV – -22 dB NESZ (nominal) HH or VV Selective Dual Polarization – -23 dB NESZ (nominal) HV or VH + Interchannel Phases Polarimetry (Quad Pol) – -30 dB NESZ (nominal) – relative phase error 5° HH VV HV 6 VH Enables better discrimination and recognition of objects on the ground and improved classification capability -- complementing high-res optical sensors Provides for unsupervised classification and much better: (1) target identification, (2) change detection, and (3) land cover type (surface moisture, roughness, vegetation cover) Wide Beam Mode Dual Pol Acquisition (only VV channel shown) Straight of Gibraltar (Europe-Africa) February 5, 2008 Wide 1 used (small incidence angle) Ocean features visible with the HH co pol channel, yet ships still visible when ocean clutter is low 7 Wide Beam Mode Dual Pol Acquisition (only VH channel shown) Straight of Gibraltar (Europe-Africa) February 5, 2008 Wide 1 used (small incidence angle) Good ship detection with the VH single cross pol beam mode. (1 bit BAQ) 8 ScanSAR Narrow Dual Pol Acquisition (only HH channel shown) Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, 2008 Circles indicate ships. Similar to RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR. Ocean surface features more visible. 9 (1 bit BAQ) ScanSAR Narrow Dual Pol Acquisition (only HV channel shown) Gulf of St. Lawrence Canada, 2008 Circles indicate ships. New CROSS-POL channel on RADARSAT-2. HV suppresses ocean clutter 10 (1 bit BAQ) Fine Quad-Pol San Francisco Bay, USA April 2008 (single channels shown) VV polarization provides best ocean surface information. VV HV polarization provides good discrimination between surface (ocean) and volume (land) scattering, and gives better ocean-target contrast (ship in lower left). VV and HV images are a subset of the Fine Quad-Pol image 11 Google Earth ® image (not coincident with RADARSAT-2 acquisition time) HV Maritime Surveillance: Polarimetric Target Analysis © 2 000 C a n a d ia n S p a c e A g e n c y , C a n a d ia n I c e S e r v ic e H ib e r n ia Cameron Decomposition Ship: Dominant Scattering Mechanisms are: Trihedral, Cylinder, Dipole P r o d u c t io n P la tfo rm Iceberg: Dominant Scattering Mechanisms are: Trihedral, Cylinder, (Dipole weaker) Photo 12 Individual components RADARSAT-2 Quad Pol Vancouver Airport Trihedral Polarimetric scattering analysis: Cylinder Dipole Narrow Diplane Dihedral Quarter Wave 13 Cameron Decomposition gives a “visual” interpretation of the types of scatterers Polarimetric - Biomass Estimation HH: Scattering is from the canopy HH HV: Penetrates Further HV VV VV: Most Penetration Ground Return Difference in Scattering Provides estimate of Biomass and Height 14 Fine Quad-Pol (SHH-SVV) (SHV+SVH) (SHH+SVV) (RGB composite, with Pauli components) Golden Gate Bridge & San Francisco, USA April 2008 RADARSAT-2 Image, Pauli color coded NASA/JPL AIRSAR image of San Francisco (left) With Freeman-Durden decomposition 15 Sinclair color coding – R (HH) + G (HV) + B (VV) Fine Quad-Pol Golden Gate Bridge & San Francisco, USA April 2008 28 nominal incidence angle Most vegetation shows green, as HV scattering dominates. Water shows blue, as VV is the strongest. Over the built up areas, the dominant colors are white and red. White pixels correspond to equal amplitude over all polarimetric channels, whereas red indicates that the phase argument of HHVV* is close to π, caused by a double bounce reflection VV HV HH 16 RADARSAT-2 Agricultural Example Fine Quad-Pol HH, HV and VV (RGB color composite) Brazil February 19, 2008 Sugarcane fields Composite image is displayed in a red-greenblue colour scheme (closest to natural colors) 17 Polarimetric Scene Analysis Rough 91% Double-bounce 3% Volume 6% HH Delta, BC, Fine Quad Pol 15m res May 6, 2008 3 km x 3 km subimage 18 Rough 56% Double-bounce 24% Volume 20% RADARSAT-2 Polarization Diversity: Freeman-Durden decomposition 19 Quad Pol Applications Derived Surface Roughness Map (RMS Height in cm) Smooth Rough 0.0 2.6 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.1 6.1 Relative Soil Moisture Dielectric Constant) Dryer .00 20 Wetter .35 .47 .55 .63 .71 .80 Tandem Demo DLR, July 23, 2008 TDM-PM-52- 7133 Issue/Rev: 0/1 .91 1.03 1.20 1.52 Disclosure restricted as noted on the cover page. Page 20 Improvements to Magnitude Change Detection: Using Finer Resolution UltraFine mode provides greater detail and context for change detection Change detection based on Fine mode data (~9 m resolution) Change detection based on UltraFine mode data (~3 m resolution) Simulations based on Convair-580 airborne SAR data acquired over Vancouver airport 21 Improvements to Magnitude Change Detection: Using Selectable Polarization Selectable single- and dual-polarization provides a more robust capability for detecting changes whose visibility is polarization dependent Aircraft on runway Change Detection at HH polarization Change Detection at HV polarization RADARSAT-2 Ultrafine mode simulations from Convair-580 airborne SAR data 22 Polarimetric Change Detection and Change Classification Polarimetry not only provides a novel capability for more comprehensive and robust change detection, but also the potential for change classification Repeatpass images Detail images Quantify Change Change Image Detection Change Detection Map 23 Image A / Image B Change Image Radiometric change Pure polarimetric change Data Fusion: Polarimetric and Higher Resolution Single-pol Data Interpretation of polarimetric data and polarimetric change detection will benefit from fusion with higher resolution single-polarization data RADARSAT-2 Quad-Fine polarimetric image (~9m resolution, -angle representation) 24 RADARSAT-2 Ultra-Fine single-polarization image (~3m resolution, HH) Result of sharpening polarimetric data with a higher resolution image Improvements to Coherent Change Detection RADARSAT-2 provides substantial improvements to CCD Increased resolution => reduces blurring inherent to spatial coherence estimation Selectable polarization => coherence maps with higher SNR contrast Improved orbit knowledge: better geocoding of coherence maps with other imagery, e.g. optical high-resolution, ascending/descending SAR) Better orbit control => smaller baselines allow to minimize spatial/volume decorrelation and the topographic bias 25 RADARSAT-1 RADARSAT-2 Application improvements Orbit knowledge 50 m (1 SA off, postprocessed) 0.2 m (1 SA off, post-processed) Provides improved: Registration accuracy Baseline estimation Reduction of artefacts Orbit control 2 km pipe 1 km pipe Provides more suitable baselines for CCD Improvements to Persistent Scatter Interferometry RADARSAT-2 will provide for more reliable and quicker PSINSAR analysis Persistent scatterer interferometry: – Uses image stacks to measure surface displacement to millimeter precision – Applications: detecting subsidence, tunnelling and tectonic activity PSINSAR will benefit from improvements in orbit knowledge and control of RADARSAT-2 RADARSAT-2 polarimetry also offers potential improvements to PSINSAR: – Polarimetry may shorten the time required to acquire a reliable PSINSAR stack, for RADARSAT-1 this is currently 1-year (15 images). – Polarimetry provides additional tools for testing the stability of persistent scatterers and classifying them Persistent scatterers detected in different polarizations 26 A new object-oriented classification method for POLSAR data A two-step technique for classification of polarimetric SAR data is proposed: [1] – We try to use the visual information content that humans utilize when they perform manual segmentation – Based on “Spectral Graph Partitioning” that was shown to perform well on grouping problems in computer vision. – “Contour” and “Spatial Proximity” information is used for segmentation – Classification is based on pair-wise similarity of mean coherency matrices of segments Results are given on subsets of CV-580 (C-band) and AIRSAR (L-band) data Perceptually plausible results: more homogenous, agree with the reference (i.e., manual) segmentation Resulting segmentation is cleaner and classification is better than Wishart This scheme is flexible: allows further improvement using additional information [1] K. Ersahin, I. Cumming and R. Ward, “Segmentation and Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data Using Spectral Graph Partitioning”, Trans. of Geoscience and Remote Sensing (Under Review) 27 Proposed Scheme PolSAR Data Classification Segmentation Multi-looking Perform multi-looking on SLC data set Form affinity matrix W for each data channel Proximity To account for proximity in the image plane, calculate affinities only within a neighborhood. Contour Information Contour information is measured using Orientation Energy (OE) Perform the Spectral Graph Partitioning (SGP) using the Multiclass Spectral Clustering (MSC) algorithm. Form pairwise similarity matrix W and perform SGP SGP Similarity of Coherency Matrices SGP Segments obtained from the previous step are used to estimate mean coherency matrices for segments. Symmetric Revised Wishart distance (Anfinsen et al.) is used to group segments into classes. 28 CV-580 Data Set: Westham Island, BC, Canada Potatoes Hay Barley -1 Pumpkin Bare Soil Barley – 2 Turnip Strawberry 29 Westham Island Results: CV-580 data RGB (HH-HV-VV) Ground Truth Wishart Result Proposed SGP Technique Wishart: 81.6 % SGP: 86.4 % Wishart: 74.1 % SGP: 93.0 % Wishart: 63.1 % SGP: 81.0 % 30 Flevoland Results: AIRSAR data RGB (HH-HV-VV) Wishart Result ( 74.1 % ) Ground Truth Proposed SGP Technique ( 81.2 % ) 31 Conclusions RADARSAT-2 is working well, and is available for data takes around the world – all RADARSAT-1 imaging modes supported – plus many additional capabilities Several multi-polarization modes are available to enhance image interpretability – dual polarization modes offer wide swaths, with improved image interpretation over single-channel modes – quad-polarization mode offers superior image classification, at the expense of narrower swath widths 32
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