ש October 16, 2015 ג' חשון ה'תשע"ו Volume 14 #2 שבת פרשת נח Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Avraham and Carol Kubayov in honour of the Aufruf of their son, Amitai. ***** Kiddush downstairs is sponsored anonymously as Shvach V’Hodoah to the ultimate Shomer Yisroel. May He continue to provide protection and peace to His children in Eretz Yisroel and the world over. מוצאי שבת מנחה פרחי בנות חצות סוף זמן ק"ש 7:43 6:05 5:05 2:30 1:03 10:18 7:21 9:42 שחרית שקיעה 8:45 8:00 6:33 מנחה והדלקת נרות בזמן 6:15 6:15 לקראת שבת 5:45 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday דף יומי נזיר נ"ז נזיר נ"ח נזיר נ"ט 'נזיר ס נזיר ס"א נזיר ס"ב שחרית 7:00 7:30 8:00 6:31 6:50 7:00 7:11 6:33 6:55 7:05 7:12 6:34 6:55 7:05 7:14 6:35 6:50 7:00 7:15 6:37 6:55 7:05 7:16 מנחה מעריב דף היומי בהלכה 4:30 6:00 6:20 4:30 6:00 6:20 4:30 6:00 6:20 4:30 6:00 6:20 4:30 6:00 6:20 6:05 6:55 9:45 'מסימן נ"א סעיף ד 'עד סעיף ו 6:55 9:45 מסעיף ו' עד תחילת סימן נ"ב 6:55 9:45 מתחילת סימן נ"ב עד "אמצע ס"א "ומכל מקום Rabbi Moshe Silver’s Halacha shiur will resume this Tuesday evening at 8:45. ***** In light of the tragic & frightening events in Eretz Yisroel, Rabbonbim, Shlita of the city have requested that everyone, Men & Women, make an effort to attend a Kinnus Sunday, October 18th Bais Yaakov Elementary School 15 Saranac Boulevard Divrei Hisorerus and Tehillim at 8:30 p.m. Maariv at 9:30 p.m. Please bring your own Tehillim 6:55 9:45 מאמצע ס"א "ומכל מקום" עד סימן נ"ג ס"ג 6:55 9:45 מסעיף ג עד אמצע סעיף "ד' "ושלא יצא עליו חזרה Rabbi Lowy's weekly shiur for ladies has resumed, each Wednesday morning from 10:30am to 11:30am in the main Bais Medrash. Hashovas Aveidah 1. A silver becher was found in the downstairs coffee room. Please speak to R’ Dovid Aber to claim. 2. A watch was found in Dovid Kleiner’s locker. Please speak to Mr. Kleiner to claim. Simchos & Life’s Events מזל טוב ושמחת החיים Mazel tov to Mr. Gerald Papoff on the engagement of his granddaughter, Esther Malka Hyman, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mayer and Sarah Hyman, to Shloimy Grossman of London, England. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. David and Riva d'Ancona on the wedding of their granddaughter Hinda, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Avraham and Aidel d'Ancona to Yiddy Tauber from N.Y. Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avraham and Carol Kubayov on the upcoming aufruf and wedding of their son Amitai to Chana Botwinick of Far Rockaway. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov and Pessy Florans on the upcoming aufruf and wedding of their son Yisroel Zev to Racheli Ottensoser of Lakewood. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Benzy and Phyllis Friedman on the birth of their grandson born to Ari and Malka Gejerman in Yerushalayim. Mazel tov to Mr & Mrs. Peisach and Sima Libersohn on the birth of their grandson born to Chani and Shloimie Bernstein in Lakewood. Mazel tov to great-grandmother Mrs. Marlene Urman. Mazel tov to Dr. & Mrs. John and Shelley Goldhar on the birth of their granddaughter Mindy born to Moshe and Devorah Geft in Lakewood. Mazel tov to great-grandparents Mr. William Wolfe and Dr. and Mrs. Colin and Arlene Geft. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Josh and Maidy Frankel on the birth of their great-granddaughter Orly Shlomis, granddaughter to Mr. & Mrs. Cemmie and Aliza Green born to Rivky and Jesse Nathanson. Mazel tov to greatgreat-grandmother Rebetzen Faigye Frankel. Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch and Tova Reis on the engagement of their daughter Adina to Yehuda Roberg of Lakewood. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. David and Penny Zimmerman on the birth of their grandson, born to Shifi and Simchi Zimmerman in Montreal. Mazel tov to Mrs. Ila Menzelefsky on the engagement of her granddaughter Rena Lowy, daughter of Eli & Leah a'h Lowy of Rochester to Nachum Modes of Brooklyn. ניחום אבלים Mrs. Marlene Urman is sitting shiva for her sister Pearlie Rose a"h from Manchester, England. Shiva concludes today at 2:00 p.m. at 68 Charleswood Drive. Remember to check the status of the Eruv before Shabbos by calling the hotline at (416) 350-2879 or www.torontoeruv.org/eruv LOOP INFO LINE: AgudahLoop@gmail.com
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