Log‐in(登入 L 入) with yourr student ID(學 s 學號(帳 號))AND pa 號 ssword(密碼 碼) 研究 究生範本 (SSample for Graduate Sttudent) Your perso onal information, log oout(登出) if you no longger needs to b be on the pa age 1. 2. Please filll‐in basic information for Alumnuss Profile. A. Make ssure you have returned all loaned materials to the department. B. Make su ure you have also o full‐fill the graduuation requireme ents. 3. A. Upload d your Thesis Ele ectronically and Table of Contents; Submit origin nal copy of Power of Attorney (授權書 書) B. Submitt two copies of yo our thesis (either r Hard or Paper Co opy) C. You haave returned all loaned books annd paid the fines if needed. Click 申請清查 (clearance e check) if you want to check wheether you have all requirements saatisfied. 4. Fees are all p paid up. 5. Returned loaaned Cap and Gow wn. 6. Not Applicab ble for those who did not take Eduucation Credits. 7. Steps TO che eck‐out the dorm: a. Pleasse fill out the che eck‐up form with your dorm advissor within three d days (apply to both BOT ressidents and on‐ca ampus residents)) b. For those wh ho stay in on‐cam mpus dorms, pleaase click CHECK‐O OUT REFUND SYSSTEM (退 宿退費系統)to apply for refun nds. c. Bring the cop py of Check‐out F Form to Student H Housing Service D Division. d. Complete the process of Checcking‐out. 8. NOT APPLICA ABLE TO International Students 9. Have you already file your application to be reemoved from Nattional Health Insu urance? 10. a. Please he elp fill up the surv vey for “career paath”; click Underg graduate(學士班 班),Master (碩士班)or Doctoral(博士班 班). b. Please submit your survey to Career Center. 11. For those e who have completed credit requ irements and the esis requirementss, please bring your perssonal stamp and sstudent ID for a D Diploma (CHINESE). a. for those who wish to apply for English Diplom ma, please have N NT$100 when gettting your diploma. b. for those wh ho lost his or her sstudent ID, pleasee apply for “APPLLY FOR STUDENT ID LOST”(個人卡片 片掛失申請書) on MyNTU. Bring ttogether your pe ersonal identificattion and get your diplom ma. d. for those wh ho wish to obtain diploma for a stuudent, please havve your ID ready, along with letter signed byy the student of h his/her agreemennt on having diplo oma received by ssomeone else. th FOR GRADUATES, please submit your thesis by August 20 , you u can do all the p procedures after thesis sub bmission.
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