The Annals of Applied Probability 1996, Vol . 6, No . 2, 687-694 THE NUMBER OF WINNERS IN A DISCRETE GEOMETRICALLY DISTRIBUTED SAMPLE BY • PETER KIRSCHENHOFER AND HELMUT PRODINGER Technical University of Vienna In this tutorial, statistics on the number of people who tie for first place are considered. It is demonstrated that the so-called Rice's method from the calculus of finite differences is a very convenient tool both to rederive known results as well as to gain new ones with ease . Let the random variable G be geometrically distributed . That is, P{G = k} with q = 1- p . Also, assume that n independent copies are given . Finally, let X count the number of random variables with highest value . A popular realization of this situation is to consider n "players" who independently toss coins until each of them sees the first head . In this interpretation, X is the number of players who gain their respective heads in the very last round of the game, that is, the "winners" of the game . In [1] the probability distribution of X, the expectation EE X of X and the asymptotic behavior of P{X = 1} (probability of a single winner) for n were to be determined . In the solution [2] it was remarked that-surprisingly-this probability does not converge as n -> 0o but rather has an oscillating behavior . At the same time, Eisenberg, Stengle and Strang [5] discussed this problem and related topics, exhibiting the structure of the periodic fluctuation, for which an explicit Fourier expansion was given . Also about this time, Brands, Steutel and Wilms [4] came independently to roughly the same results . A recent paper by Baryshnikov, Eisenberg and Stengle [3] deals with the existence of the limiting probability of a tie for first place . In fact, a fluctuating behavior in asymptotic expansions is not at all uncommon . There are numerous results of that type, for example, in the analysis of divide-and-conquer recursions [7, 8, 16] or digital sums [6], that play a prominent role in the probabilistic analysis of algorithms . Our aim in this paper is to some extent tutorial : the asymptotic technique that yields the Fourier expansions of the fluctuating functions very comfortably is called "Rice's method" (see the recent survey [9]) . In order to convince the reader of the advantages of this method, we will rederive a result on the initially mentioned problem in the sequel, and afterwards present some new results concerning higher moments of distribution as well as the number of persons reaching a specified level beyond the winner(s) . = pqk-1, Received October 1994 ; revised November 1995 . AMS 1991 subject classification . 60C05 . Key words and phrases. Geometric distribution, generating functions, Rice's method . 687 688 P . KIRSCHENHOFER AND H . PRODINGER log Q . Also, let pm denote the Let us abbreviate Q 1/q and L that is, the probability of having m winners probability Pm = P{X = m}, . Then (amongst n players) (1) q j-1 ) n-m =P°'(m' ( l j,Lr ~I (j-1)m 1 P,,, This follows from the observation that m out of n people have a (winning) n - m, value j, while the other ones have a smaller value . Now we set N expand the binomial and sum over j to get the alternative formula N (2) pm - pm m 1 N k=o k ( -1 ) k 1_ Q- m The key point in analyzing this alternating sum asymptotically is the following lemma. Let f(z) be a function that is analytic on [n o ,+ x[ . Assume LEMMA 1([9]) . that f(z) is meromorphic in the whole o f C and analytic on = U . where the y~ are concentric circles whose radius tends to 00 Let f(z) be of polynomial growth on f . Then, for N large enough, N (3) N (-1) k f(k) _ Res[N ; z] f(z), z k=n O (k) where ! - -1N [N ;z] _ r N+ i)r(-z~ z(z-1) • •• ( z-N) _ I'(N+1-z) and the sum is extended to all poles not on [n0, + x[ . The following proposition collects the asymptotic results concerning the distribution of the number of winners among n players . We demonstrate the use of Rice's method by giving our alternative proof for the asymptotics of the probabilities, mention the (known) expectation and derive the (new) asymptotics of the variance . PROPOSITION 1 . Let X be the random variable "number o f winners among n players" as described above . Then pm ( 4) (5) _ P{x = m} 1 p "Z p "` Lm + L n1 Sm(1ogQn)-h m fixed, n -> 00 , 9 E n = E X= q L ~1+S 1 (log Q n)) +(-) WINNERS IN A GEOMETRICALLY DISTRIBUTED SAMPLE 689 and Vn = Var X (s) P i Qi PZ 1 ?' 2 L 42 + 7 1 (log Qn) )I L ~>_ j_ 1 i (Q~' + 1) n where 6m (X) and 7 1(x) are continuous periodic functions of period 1, mean 0 and small amplitude . PROOF . In order to prove (4), we apply the lemma (with no = 0) to expression (2) . In this instance f(z) = 1/(1- Q -z- m) has poles at z = - m + Xj, with x j = 2 jir i/L, and is bounded on concentric circles Cj about the origin passing through the points (2j+1)iri -m± L = 1, 2, . . . . Therefore we only have to consider the residues of 1 [N; z] 1 Q -z-m at z = - m + X3. The computation of the residues is simple ; Res z=-m+X3 - FN+1)r(m-x) 1 I'(N+ 1 +m -x) L' whence we have [after multiplication by the factor pm(n) and going back to n > m instead of N > 1] the formulas (7) 1 pm F(n + 1) ~ ~F(m-Xj ) L m . jE~ r(n + 1 X~) pm =- n>m where according to the previous remarks-the series stands for the Cauchy principal value . Using Stirling's formula for the approximation of the F-functions, we find that I'(n+l) X( ( 111 _ni ~1+6~ ~, F(n + 1 -x3 ) 1n~1 l n-°°, so that, for n getting large, the series converges to the Fourier expansion of a periodic function in log Q n. Pulling out the term with index j = 0 (the "mean") and denoting the remaining periodic fluctuation (of mean 0), 6m(X) we gain formula (4). _ 1 F(m m. j o 690 P . KIRSCHENHOFER AND H. PRODINGER It is interesting to note that the alternating sum (2) can also be rewritten using the partial fraction decomposition of the meromorphic function 1/(1qz+m), namely, 11 1 _ q z+m 2 (8) 1 1 Lz+m+Xj with Xj = 2 jir i L (Compare [11], 7 .10 .) Again, the sum stands for the Cauchy principal value . The usual argument to derive (8) is to compute the sum of the principal parts of the function and to show that the difference between this sum and the function-which has to be entire is bounded, and thus a constant . Inserting (8) into (2), we find N P,,, = P °'( m) Now, for x e r' 1 N ~ ( k )( - 1) k12 + LP °`( m) =0 je7L k=0 1 ) - k+m+Xj C\{ -N, . . . , 0}, N1 I'(N + 1)I'(x) N! ()_1 ~ k+x r(N+l+x~ - (N+x)(N+x-1)x .. . (compare [101, (5 .41)), so that (remembering 1 pm pm pm N = n - m) n! n, m + L m .I FEZ m+Xj ) n+Xj ) pm 1 pm I'(n+ l) I'( m Sn, m + -) 2 L m! jEa X' I'(n + 1 - X~) 2 (9) In order to get (5), we observe that En = Q(p 1 - p 6n,1) as was already reported in [2] . Let us now engage in the proof of (6) . For this we compute the second factorial moment Mn for n > 2 : Mn = 2m(m-1)pm m>_ 2 n(n-1) 10) - j) n-m I n-2 p m g Jm ( 1q m~2 l m-2 j>_0 F n(n - 1) p 2 a-z q2 ~, q2(1 _ q) j>1 n(n 1)p2 -2 n - 2 qz ~ ( k )~ -1 ) Qk+z _ 1 = 2Q 2p2 PZ 2 2 6n,2 9 2Q 2 (p2 p 26n,2) • WINNERS IN A GEOMETRICALLY DISTRIBUTED SAMPLE The variance is obtained in the usual way by computing Vn = Mn Hence (11) Vn=q2 L+qL-q 2 L2 691 + E n - E, . +T(log Qn)+Y(n) . t This time p22 T(x) = q2 -5 L 2(x) p 1 + --5 qL 1( x ) 2 1 2 q2 L2 51 (x) p _ has (integral) mean different from 0! While this quantity is quite small, it can be extracted using the methods described in [12], and we find the alternative formula (6) of the proposition . 0 There is a nice way to derive the explicit forms of the expectation and the second factorial moment, using (probability) generating functions . Let the coefficient of z k in Fn (z) denote the probability that n players produce k winners . We get the following recursion : (12) (n) p n-kg kFk(z) + p n z n, k Fn ( z) n 1. It is convenient to set F0 (z) = 1 . This recursion is almost self-explanatory . When, at a certain level, the remaining players all fail, we label each of them by a "z" and leave the recursion (equivalently we might think of z as the probability of an event independent of the game) . The expectation En is obtained via F,(1) ; therefore n En = ~ (nk )p n-k g kEk +np n , k=1 Defining the exponential generating function tain n >_ l . E(z) = E n , En z'/n!, we ob- E(z) = epzE(gz) + pzep z . Using the "Poisson transform" zn E(z) = e -ZE(z) _ n>_1 n. this simplifies to qz) + pze _ qz . Equating coefficients we see that, for n > 1, En = np gn (- 1) n_1 q 1-q n P . KIRSCHENHOFER AND H . PRODINGER 692 n > 1, and furthermore, for n n )Ek k ( k) q (_l)k k~ Qk - 1 1 11 ( _ l) k Q k+1 - 1 k which coincides with the formula in [2] . For the second factorial moment we differentiate twice and evaluate at z = 1 . An almost identical computation gives the same expression that we obtained already. This approach was used by Knuth in [15] under the name "binomial transform" and subsequently used by many people (see, e .g., [17]) . Finally, we want to produce some additional new results which shed some additional light on the original question about the number of winners . Assume that the winners have reached the level j . We are interested in the number of players who reached the level j - d, where d is a parameter. (d = 0 is the case that was just considered .) Call the random variable in question Xd . Then we have the following proposition . Let Xd denote the random variable "number of players who reach level d below the winners ." Then PROPOSITION 2 . ~~ Xd l _ n - mdl - (13) J>d+1 ( m, ~ . . .,md, µ . . .(pqi_d_1)m'1(1 X (pg j_1 ) mo where the first sum runs over all m o - . . .- md, (14) F' nd~ 1 - L 1 p2 q' mo p2 + L Q,d+ l > 1,m 1 >- q i_d-1)µ 0, . . . , an d _ 1 > 0 and j = n 'l\ ) S1(1ogQn) + ~( n and 2 Vn(d) = p 2d+2 q 1 L (1 + q d+1 ) _ q 4 p 2d+2 (1 + Tld~(log Q n) PROOF . The formula for the probabilities is self-explanatory [compare the comments on formula (1)] . The expected value is just the sum of an d times WINNERS IN A GEOMETRICALLY DISTRIBUTED SAMPLE 693 this quantity. We get n = 1) n-1 pq j-d-1 (pqj-1 + . . . +pq j-d-1 + 1- qi-d _ n j>d+1 - (pq j- 2 + q j_d_ 1 = pn (1- q J - d - l) n-1 ] -d-1 +1 - . q J_1 \n - 11 q j ) '1 - ~/ 1 1 j>_d+1 p2 j 1- qi)n-1- p n d o-1 n ~) q ( ( 1- q qd+1 j>d q This formula holds only for d >- 1 . Since j j E~° ~ - En p ~q(1-q)'', n -n q >1 we find (16) nE= 2 d-1 - p n j E~°) ~ q( 1- qj) n-1 - p n(1- qd) o-1 d o d+1 q q =1 q p and, because the extra terms are exponentially small, we can use the asymptotic result for En° ~ and have p E~' = q d+ 1p1 + exponentially small terms in n n >- 2,> from which (14) is immediate using (4) . The second factorial moment Mn d ~ for 1 is computed analogously as (with Mn° ~ = Mn ) d> - Mnd~ = n(n - 1) (pqi_d_1)2[(i - q') n-2 - (1 - q j _ 1) n-2 j>_d+1 p3 (17) = 2 d)o -2 -1 2 j1j n-2-p 2d+ 2n(n ) ~ q ( q ) 2 n( n-1)(1- q q j> d q q2d n + exponentially small terms in n n - 00 ..~ Thus formula (15) gives us the asymptotics for the variance . 0 REFERENCES [1] E3436 (PROBLEM) (1991) . Amer . 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