52L01SEOO06 2 16546 WONDERLAND LAKE REPORT ON PROSPECTING, SAMPLE DRILLING, TEST QUARRYING, CUTTING AND POLISHING OF WONDERLAND LAKE FINE GRAINED RED GRANITE 2.16546 G.R. ZEBRUCK NELSON GRANITE 010 - l - 52L01SE0006 2 16546 WONDERLAND LAKE 01 OC TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction............................................. l Location and Access...................................... l Prospecting.............................................. l Fig: l Location of Claim Block........................... 2 Fig: 2 Access............................................ 3 Sample Drilling.......................................... Test Quarrying........................................... Fig: 3 Test Quarry Sites................................. Sawing & P olishing Tests................................. Results.................................................. Recommendations.......................................... Appendix A - Drill Core Logs B - Summary of Expenditures C - Certificate of Author D - Map Prospecting Map Drill Sample Locations Map Test Quarry Locations E - Names and Addresses of People who Preformed 4 4 5 6 6 6 Work Introduction: During the summer of 1994 Nelson Granite carried out a fairly thorough prospecting program in the area around Wonderland Lake in the District of Kenora. This work resulted in the discovery of a fine grained red granite at the southeast corner of the lake. A twelve unit claim block was staked over the area of interest and was recorded on October 7, 1994. Location and Access: The location of the claim block is at 50" 04' 25" latitude and 94 0 05' Access which leave junction of 30" longitude Fig. 1. to the property is via a series of old logging roads the Jones Road at a point 4 kilometers north of the the CNR main line and the Jones Road Fig. 2. Prospecting; The fine grained red granite with blue quartz eyes is located south of the portage between Wonderland and Delaney Lakes. This granite appears to grade into a less attractive lighter shade which is mapped as fine grained pink granite with blue quartz eyes. At the southeast corner of the lake the deposit presents it self as a cliff with a height of some 150 feet. Large blocks of rock have broken away from the cliff face and have fallen down the slope of talus and into the lake. From the shape and size of these large pieces (many larger than 50 cubic meters) it is easy to see that large blocks can be obtained from the deposit. From the vantage point of the lake it looks as if the ledges get better with depth. At a point about half way down the portage trail between Wonderland and Delaney Lake traveling south on the property a series of north facing ledges are encountered. These vary in height but some are as high as 4 meters and slope gently to the east. Joint spacing varies from l to 3 meters but some thicker sheets were observed in a number of places. At the top of the hill which is - 2 - more than 200 feet in elevation higher than the lake a covering of soil fills the depressions between granite outcrops and a forest cover of spruce and pine obscures about 5055 of the area. Rock out crop tends to be humpy except in an area west of the small unnamed lake in the southeast corner of the claim block. Here the granite is massive with few vertical joints and dips gently toward the lake. A map showing the major outcrops and the colours of the granite is appended to this report. Fig. l Location of Claim Block Wonderland Lake ( Wonderland Lake Area Map G-2658 Scale: l in. - 800 M 80o 1600 - 3 - Fig: 2 Access Scale: l in. s 3 mi - 4 - Sample Drilling; With the difficulty in obtaining rock samples from a smooth granite surface and the need to get deeper samples (away from any surface weathering) it was decided that the best sampling method would be to drill shallow diamond drill holes. A Boyles - GSC sampling drill was used to do this work. 10 holes were drilled to an average depth of about 40 cm. The core was sawn in half using a diamond bladed core saw so that flat surfaces could be observed. The round drill core does not give a true picture of the colour and texture of the granite. In some of the holes feldspar crystals were redder or had red alteration haloes around them giving the granite a redder and sometimes blotchy appearance. Yellow alteration films were observed in some of the holes, in particular around black minerals. A location map of the drill holes and drill core logs are appended to this report. Test Quarrying; In late summer, early fall of 1995 the Wonderland Lake Road was upgraded for a distance of 4 kilometers and 2 kilometers of new road built to access the test quarry area. Two test sites were opened up and a number of blocks were removed. The location of these test sites are plotted on a map appended to this report. All blocks removed remain on site except for l from each location were sent to Vermilion Bay for sawing and polishing tests. The dimensions of the workings and location of the open faces are shown in Fig. 3. Some of the test blocks extracted at test site l show some foliation (streaked). - 5 - Test Quarry Site l Scale: 1-1000 meters LEGEND Stripped Area Quarry Face Drilled Line Test Quarry Site 2 I5t1 Scale: 1-500 XO - 6 - Sawing and Polishing Tests; The two blocks were sawn and polished at Nelson Granite*s Vermilion Bay monument plant. The granite is hard in sawing and grinding but polishes well. The colour of the polished stone was not as red as expected. The rough blocks and the drill core appeared to be redder. On the polished surfaces small circular fractures were observed They had a whitish appearance on the margins similar to blasting cracks. The cause of these circular fractures is not known but may be due to pressure. Results: The results of the work done to date are rather disappointing. The granite is not as red as observed in rough block or in drill core. The presence of circular fractures in the stone detracts from it's overall appearance and may preclude it's use as a monument or dimension stone granite. Recommendations: If future work is contemplated it should be directed towards establishing whether these circular fractures continue to depth or are simply a surface feature. Since the colour of the granite grades from red to pink it is possible redder material will be found further to the north. Future work should focus on locating redder material. APPENDIX A DRILL CORE LOGS Ministry of l ^TV I iNqnnern ueveiopmeni \SJ and Mines Ontario Ministere du ueveioppemeni au rsora e. des Mines Diamond 1 11 , Drilling Log Drilling Company r- -oagnie de forage ..R. dlamant Zebruck S Associates 21, Date Completed Date d'achevement 1994 Nov. 21, Compltta this form and related sketch In duplicate. Rempllr en deux exemplalres la present* formula at le croqula annexe *^.^^* ... f0ra9e 8 U Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Nov. Journal de Staring of hoi* from irui Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du long* Avancement total du Inclinaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage 40 cm . Collir/collHr | "^ Date Logged Logged by Date d'lnscrlpilon au Inscrit par journal 1994 Nov. 9/95 Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'exptoratlon, proprietalre ou tltulaire d'optton Date Submitted Date de depot NELSON GRANITE G. R. " Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroil ou la caron* est stock** 0 Zebruck Submitted by (Signature) Depose par (signature) FI./PI Nelson Granite Vermilion Bay Quarry Office Fl./PI Dec. 12/95 0 cm. Rock Type Type de roche 40 cm. Granite fine grained brown DDH Page No. Page n" W-l Claim No. N" de concession miniere Wonderland Lake Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude ei longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 07" Lat. Nom de la propnete Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite e pi nkish Map Reference No. N* de reference sur la cane Hole No. Forage n" Property Name FI./PI Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) Very ^ r 0 Ft./PI Footage/Avancement From/De To/A Fill in on every page Remplir ces cases a chaque page Pimi'Mun ConSMcmn FoougdJUmjmu Vow SwnpH No. unammm m piMi M enm dupratptcttur pUM SWIPW FdOMOMNIVMU d* PT*- From/Ot TO/A Stmprt lingth Longutur dt rfchifllillOA Assays t/Analyses mineralurglques granite 40% salmon coloured K-feldspar crystals 25% purple quartz, 20% unidentified black minerals, 15% Na-Feldspar showing slight alteration - colour of crystals pale yellow to pale green. observed surface wetherins less than 5 mm. 0204(03^1) -For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristlques : foliation, schistosity, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a, I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplemental^ sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Noti: Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il design* des personnes. l* masculln etl utilise au sens neutre. Ministry of wyi NuiuMNi uewuumim vyv and Mines oSario Ministere du ueve.opMttine.il uu NO, u et des Mines Drilling Company r- -npagnie de forage Diamond Journal de Dr| ,,, na uniimg 1 on U09 forage 8U IVMO^W HU d amant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Complete thle form and related sketch In duplicate. , , , Rempllr en deux exemplalres la preeente (ormule et le croquia annexe Burma of hoi* Irom true Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/position du forage Avancement total du Inclinaiaon du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage o.R. Zebruck S Associates Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Nov. 21, 38 Date Completed Date d'achevement 1994 Nov. 21, Cm. Collir/coiilcr Date Logged Logged by Date description au Inacrlt par journal 1994 Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'exploratlon, proprtetalre ou titulaire d'optton Nov. 9/95 Date Submitted Date de depot " Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit oil la carotte est stock** 90 " FI./PI Nelson Granite Vermilion Bay, Ont. Quarry Office G. R. Zebruck Submitted by (Signature) Depot* par (signature) - - f. m . .-... Footage/Avancement From/De To/A 0 cm. 38 cm FI./PI! Grani te Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mlneraux, transformation, etc.) Fine grained red grpnite with 60/5 pink K-feldspar , blue nnartz Map Reference No. N0 de reference sur la carte G-2658 Hoi. No. Forage n" " D DH W- 2 Page No. Page n' " Claim No. N* de concession mlniere K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 28" Lat. 94" 05' 42" Long. Nom de la propriete Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite e Rock Type Type de roche k. ^ T Property Name FI./PI NELSON GRANITE Fill in on every page DU * Remplir ces cases d chaque page PWwFMim ConStMmn SvnpM No. MgM'lAngli M Foougt t/longuM You N* d'tehwlillon CnOMMIM Mm MpMIdMCMM pumm du pfow*ct*u( SvnpM FoougfNivf lu di pt* From/0* TO/A SanpH Lmtn tongiwurM Assays T /Analyses mlneralurgiques eves 303 blue Quartz. 103 unidentified black minerals Odd film of yellow alteration perhaps secondary uranium minerals Observed surface wethering less than 5 mm. 0204(03/91) -For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Exemples de caracterlstlques : foliation, schistoslte, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplementalres sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux d'evaluation. Note : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il deslgne de* personnes, le masculln eat utilise au sens neutre. Ministry of Ministers du i ivy 1 iNonnorn uevaiopmoni vyv and Mines Ontario UBveioppomeru au (Nora et des Mines Log Drilling Company rnrnpagnie de forage u.R. Journal de forage au diamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Complete this form and related sketch in duplicate. Rempllr en deux exempleires la presente formule et le croqule annexe Bearing of hoi* from (ru* Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du (crag* Avancement total du Inclinaison du forage au par rapport au nora vrai forage Zebruck & A ssociates Date Hole Started Dete de commencement du forage Nov. Diamond l ll . Orillin g 22, 1994 40 Date Completed Date d'achevement Nov. 22, Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'exploretlon, proprietor* ou tltulelre d'optlon 1994 Cm. Date Logged Logged by Date d'lnscriptlon au Inscrlt par journal Nov. 9/95 Date Submitted Date de depot 90" e G. R. Zeb ruck Submitted by (Signatu Depose par (signature Collir/collKrl ' Address/Location where core stored Adresae/endroit ou la carotte est stock** FI./PI Nelson Granite Vermilion Bay, Ont. Quarry Office CI./PI 0 Ft./PI Footage/Avancement To/A From/De 0 cm. 40 cm Rock Type Type de roche Granite Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mlneraux, transformation, etc.) ^ r Map Reference No. N* de reference sur la carte G-2658 Hole No. Page No Forag* "* Page n* DDK W- 3 Claim No. N 0 de concession minier* K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 42" Lat. 94 0 05' 23" Long. Property Name Nom de la prophet* Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite . r NELSON GRANITE PHI m on every page Remplir cos cases a cheque page MM* Nun Conawcmn Nougtt'Ungwu Youf Swiptt No. cneOMqiMi in PMI Mi cmm N* d'fctantiKon au pra*ptcttur ynttttn SwipK FooligCNIVMU M pr*From/0* SimpM ItngUi LonguwM Assays t /Analyses mineralurgiques To/A Fine grained pink granite with blue quartz eyes 60% pink K-feldspar , 305S blue quartz , 10% u nidentified black minerals Some K-feldspar crystals are more reddish giving a blotchy look. Black line at 10 cm .with 2 mm . thick alteration around the black minerals. Observed surface wethering less than 1 cm. 0204(03/91) -For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosite, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. f Dee credits supplementaires sont offerts. Consulter lee reglements relatlfs aux travaux devaluation. Note : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'll dealgne dea penonnes. le maaculln eel utilise au sens neutre. Ministry of Ministers du I.^IY 1 iwnrwrn ueveiopmem vyv and Mines Ontario ueveioppemem au iNora et des Mines Log Drilling Company r -ipagnle de forage o.R. Journal de forage au diamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Complete this form and related sketch in duplicate. Rempllr en deux exemplalres la presents formule et le croquis annexe Staring of holt from trut Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du torag* Avancement total du Incllnaiaon du forage au par rapport au nora vrai forage y, r Zebruck S Associates Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Nov. Diamond ... 1 DrilllM g 22, 1994 t J Date Completed Date d'achevemem Nov. 22, Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'exptoratlon, proprletalre ou tltulalre d'optlon ^ Cm. Nov. 9/9! Date Submitted Date de depot G. R. 7U PI./PI Zeb ruck Submitted by (Slgnatu re) Depose par (algnatur* ) 0 F.,P) | ; ' Vermilion Bay, Ont. ; FI ./PI 0 cm. 45 cm Granite u DH W 4 Claim No. N0 de concession miniere K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Nom de la propnete Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite NELSON GRANITE Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mlneraux, transformation, etc.) Page No. Page n* Property Name 0 Rock Type Type de roche Hole No. Forag* "' Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 43" Lat. 94 0 05' 20" Long. Quarry Office F1./PI | Footage/Avancement From/De To/A ^ v Map Reference No. N 0 de reference sur la carte G-2658 Nelson Granite nn o Colltr/COIIKr o Date Logged Logged by Date d'micrlptlon au Inscrlt par journal 1994 " Address/Location where core stored Adreaae/endroit ou la carotte eat stockee Fm m on every page Remplir ces cases 4 chaque page niwrwwt ConSncmn FoOUM t'LonOMV CVKUmMM Mm Your Stmplt No. N* d'ternnWlon dupntpicttur Swnpl* FoonotrtJlvMu d* (K*. From/ D* TO/A StflipK Uflgtri LonoiMurm Assays f /Analyses mineralurgiques I'tCMKIlllOn Fine grained pink granite with blue quartz eyes 6055 pink K-feldspar , 30% blue quartz , 10X unidentified black minerals Some K-feldspar crystals are more reddish giving a blotchy look. Observed surface wethering less than 1 cm. 0204 (03/41) .por features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristlques : foliation, schistosite, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available, See Assessment Work Regulation. f Des credits supplementaires sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il dealgne dea peraonnea, le meaculln est utilise au sens neutre. Ministry of IVVI Nortnern Development \\[J and Mines Ontario Ministers du oeveioppement du Nora et das Mines Drilling Company r -ipagme d* forage Diamond , 11 , Drilling Log Journal de diamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier .R. Zebruck S Associates Oat* Hole Started Date d* commencement du forage Nov. 23, 1994 Exploration Co., Owner or Option** Compagni* d'*xploratlon, proprietor* ou litulair* d'optton Bearing ol hoi* from tru* Total Footag* Dip ol Hoi* at North/Position du lorag* Avanc*m*nt total du Inciinaison du lorag* au par rapport tu nord vrai (orag* Oat* Completed Date d'achevement Nov. Complat* this form and related sketch in duplicate. Rempllr an deux exemplalre* la presents formula at la croquls annexe *^-*-* . forage 8U 23, 1994 35 cm, Oat* Logg*d Logg*d by Oat* description au Inacrit par journal Submitted by (Slgnatu Depot* par (aignatun 0 r NELSON GRANITE 0 cm. 35 cm. Nelson Granite Ft./PI pt./pi Footage/Avancamant From/Da To/A 90 ' 0 G. R. Zel3ruck Nov. 9/95 Oat* Submitted Oat* d* depot Colltr/eolllcr " Address/Location where cor* stored Adrcstc/cndroit ou la caron* est stock** Vermilion Bay, Ont. Quarry Office Granite Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Coulaur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) L w Map Reference No. N* d* reference sur la cart* G-2658 Hoi* NO. For*8* n" jjpfj y.^ Page NO. Pag* " 0 Claim No. N 0 d* concession mimere K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot. concetiion. ou latitude *t longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50" 04' 38" Lat. 94 0 05' 27" Long. Property Name Nom de la propriet* Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite e R./PI | Rock Type Type d* roche Fill m on every page Remplir ces cases * chaque page PttvPMnm CMStnmn An#,'Un(MM taugit'U'iguM' Yow SttnpM No. cHMmnmum W 0*01 OM CVMIM N* d'fclunlHIon du pmpictwr Wm Svnplt FoougCNivtw d* prt From/D* TO/A Simp* Ungth LonguM'dt I'fchwtillon Assays t /Analyses mineralurgiques Fine grained red granite with blue quartz eyes 6055 pink K-feldspar, 3055 blue quartz. 1055 unidentified black minerals Feldspar crvstals look liaht pink but have red iron stai.nine around crystal boundaries aivine the eranite a reddj.sh aonearance. 0204(03/91) -For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosity stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplemental sont offerts. Consultar las reglements ralatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Otni cine formul*. lorsqu'il design* dal p*rtonn*a, It maaculin *it utllii* au t*ns neutre. Ministry of i vy i Nuiuiem ueveiupineni VVV and Mines Ontario Ministere du ueveiuppeinem uu uuiu et des Mines Drilling Company r -nagnie de forage Diamond Journal de Drl ii| na uniling Loa y forage 8U iwiayw au dlamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier .R. Zebruck S Associates Date Hole Started Date de commencement du lorage Nov. 23, 1994 Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnie d'exploratlon, proprietor* ou tltulalre d'optlon related sketch In duplicate. r Rempllr en deux exemplalres la present* formule et le croquls annexe Bearing ol hole Irom true Total Footage Dip ol Hole at Nofth/Poiition du forage Avancement total du Incllnaison du lorage au par rapport au nord vrai forage 49 cm. Dele Completed Date d'acnevement Nov. Complete this form and 23, Date Logged Logged by Date d'lntcrlptlon au Inscrlt par journal 1994 NOV. 9/95 Date Submitted Dal* de depot G. R. collar/com., ' Address/Location where core stored Adrease/endroit ou la carotte est siockee " R./PI -, ,OI 0 Ft./PI 1 Footage/Avancement From/De To/A 0 cm. 49 cm. Rock Type Type da roche Granite Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) pp^ y -6 Claim No. N 0 de concession miniere K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot. Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Property Name Nom de la propriete Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite Ft./PI NELSON GRANITE Page No. Page n' Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 36" Lat. 94 0 05' 29" Long. Quarry Office Zebruck Submitted by (Signature) Depose par (algniture) Vermilion Bay, Ont. Hole No. k r Map Reference No. NO de reference sur la carte G-2658 Nelson Granite 90" Fill in on every page /K* Remplir ces cases * chaque page nw* Man MgttVMglt M ConSemwi Foouttriio'iguMf Vow Swipw No. KigiNiMciniM N* d'Achinttllon du pfoiptctMf IMMM Simp)* FooUgiMvNu Ut ptFrom/0* TO/A SunpK Lwfflh Longuturdt Assays f /Analyses mlneralurgiques 1 tCfWItlllOfl Fine grained pink granite with blue quartz eyes 6055 Dink K-feldsoar. 3055 blue Quartz. 1055 unidentified black minerals Odd fleck of pvrite 0204 (03/01) For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Exemples de caracteristlques : foliation, schistosity stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplemental^ sent offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dans cm* formule, lortqu'il deaigne des personnel. \t masculin est utilise au sens neutre. Ministry of l^rVI Nonnern ueveiopment \Z/ and Mines Ontario Ministere du ueveioppement au Nora et des Mines Drilling Company f ' -oagni* de forage Diamond l ll . Drilling Log Journal de *^*-*,- ,JU Torage i diamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Complete this form and related sketch in duplicate. Rempllr en deux exemplalrea la presente formule et le croqula annexe Bearing ol hoi* Irom tru* Total Footage Dip ol Hole at North/Position du lorage Avancement total du Incllnaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage G. K. Zebruck & A ssociates Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Nov. 24, 1994 48 cm. Date Completed Dale d'achevement Nov. Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'exploratton, proprietair* ou tltulalre d'optton 24, conjoin., Dale Logged Logged by Dale d'lnscription au Inacrlt par journal 1994 N ov ^ 9/95 Date Submitted Dale de depot G. R. Nelson Granite 90 0 Zebruck Submitted by (Signature) Oepos* par (signature) - G-2658 Vermilion Bay, Ont. ,, ,B1 0 cm. 48 cm, Granite Claim No. N" de concession miniere K 1178164 Property Name Mom de la prophet* Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite FI./PI Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) Page No. Pagt "' Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 21" Lat. 94 0 05' 24" Long. NELSON GRANITE Rock Type Type de roche Hole NO. g Forag* n" D DH W- 7 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Quarry Office FI./PI Footage/Avancement From/De To/A ^ r Map Reference No. N" de reference sur la carte " Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit oil la carotte est stock** " Ft./PI Pill m on every page Remplir ces cases 4 chaque page Con (damn AngW'IVo* M Fomgit'uiiguM Your Simp* No. emcttnqiM du OfOto*cttut PMMM StmpK Foougc/NlvMu o* or*. From/0* TO/A SifflpK Ltnoih LonoiMoroi I'fcnutnllon Assays f /Analyses mineralurgiques Fine grained red granite with blue quartz eyes 5055 pink K-feldspar, 40/S blue quartz 10/5 Unidentified black minerals Odd film of yellow alteration perhaps secondary uranium minerals Observed wethering less than 5 mm. ' 0204 (03/91) .for features such aa foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Exemples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosity stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplementalres sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dans cane lormule, lorsqu'il design* des personnes, le maaculin eat utilise au sens neulre. Ministry of IVVI Nonnern Development \ZJ and Mines Ontario Ministers du ueveioppement au Nora et des Mines Drilling Company ("- npagnie de forage Diamond 1 11 , Drillln9 Log Journal de Complete thla form and related sketch In duplicate. Rempllr en deux exemplalrea la presente formula et le croqula annexe ****a*,* an 'Ofage 8U dlamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Bearing of hole Irom (rut Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du forage Avancement total du Inclinaiaon du forage au psr rapport au nord vrai forage -.R. Zebruck S Associates Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Nov. 24, 1994 24 Dale Completed Date d'achevement Nov. Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'exploratton, prophetalre ou tltulalre d'optton 24, Cm. CaHaMoWer Date Logged Logged by Dale description au Inscrit par journal 1994 Nov. 9/95 Date Submitted Date de depot G. R. " Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit oil la carotte est stockee Nelson Granite 90 O Vermilion Bay, Ont. Quarry Office Zebruck Submitted by (Slgnatu f*) Depose par (signature ' NELSON GRANITE 0 cm. 24 cm Page No. ag* " Claim No. N" d* concession miniere K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 18" Lat. 94 0 05' 24" Long. n.m\ e Property Name Nom de la propnete Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite FL/Pi] Granite Hole No. orag* n' T\T\II u .o FI./PI e Rock Type Type de roche ^ w Map Reference No. N 0 de reference sur la carte G-2658 0 R./PI 1 Footage/Avancement To/A From/De Fill in on every page Remplir ces cases 4 chaque page Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) Pirni'mm CcnSMcmn AngMVAngftM rooagitiionguw Your StmpK No. UMMflNQUM MWM tn MM Mt cirattM 9WMM dupratpKMw Simpl* Footigi/NlvHu d* prt From/D* Sim pu l tooth LOftOutuf dil Assays t /Analyses mlneralurglques T*A Fine gra Lned red granite with blue quartz eyes 50% pink K-feldspar, 40% blue quartz. 10% unidentified black minerals Odd film of yellow alteration may be secondary uranium minerals Observed surface wetherina less than 5 mm. OHM (03/91) .for features such aa foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteriatlques : foliation, schistoslte, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplementaires sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dans cette lormule, lorsqu'il deilgne des personnes, le maaculln est utilise au sens neulre. Ministry of ivvi iNortnern ueveiopmem \SJ and Mines Ontario Ministere du ueveioppement au Nora et des Mines Drilling Company rompagnie de forage Diamond , 111 Drilling Log Journal de Complete thla form and related sketch In duplicate. Rempllr en deux exemplaires la presents formule et le croquls annexe ****~^~ ~.. TOrage 3D diamant Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Bearing ol hoi* Irom irut Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du lortg* Avancement total du Incllnaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage ..R. Zebruck S Associates Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Nov. 24, 1994 51 cm . Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnle d'explorallon, proprietaire ou tltulalre d'option 24, 1994 Nov. 9/95 Date Submitted Date de depot Submitted by (Signature) Depose par (signature) j G-2658 K 1178164 Vermilion Bay, Ont. Quarry Office e Property Name Ft/Pi | Nomdeiapropriete Wonderland Lake Fine Grained Red Granite FI./PI | 0 cm. 51 cm Granite Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50" 04' 13" Lat. 940 0 5 i 22" Long. 0 Rock Type Type de roche pnw U-Q Nelson Granite FUPl| NELSON GRANITE Footage/Avancement From/De To/A Page No. Page n" Claim No. N* de concession miniere e G. R. Zebruck Hole No. Forage n" Map Reference No. N 0 de reference sur la carte 90" FI./PI! ^ r 0 Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit ou la caron* est stockee e Date Logged Logged by Date d'lnacription au Inscrtt par journal Date Completed Date d'achevement Nov. Collar/collier | Fill in on every page Remplir ces cases a chaque page Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) hip-Mug* M cmMMoun CmtMCHMII toogitiuiiguM Vour SMipM No, i (Mi M afm SvnpM FoouotfNK/tlu d* prt From/D* TO/A Simpto (.truth LongiMurdt I'khtntillon Assays t /Analyses mineralurglques Fine grained pink granite with blue quartz eves 0 to 45 cm. 6055 pink K-feldspar, 30/5 blue quartz, 1055 unidentified black minerals Feldspar crystals light pink with red , iron stained crystal boundaries. Black minerals not evenly dispersed in clumps . 45 to 51 cm. 6055 blue quartz, 3055 pink K-feldspar. 1055 unidentified black minerals Rock is bluer in colour due to the hiah quartz content. Yellow alteration films on black crystals may be secondary uranium staining 0204 (03/81) For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Exemples de caracteristlques : foliation, schistosite, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplementalres sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il designe des personnes, le matculln est utllls4 au sens neutre. Ministry of i-wy i Nonnern ueveiopmem Vji/ and Mines Ontario Ministere du oeveioppement du Nora et des Mines Drilling Company ^ vnpagnie de forage ii. R. 1994 Nov. Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagni* d'exploratlon, proprletalre ou titulaire d 'option 24, Complete this form and related sketch In duplicate. Rempllr en deux exemplalrea la preeente formula et le croquia annexe Burma al rial* from iru* Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du longi Avancement total du Inclinalaon du forage au par rapport au fiord vrai forage 47 cm . Zebruek A AssiDelates Date Completed Date d'achevement 24, Journal de rorage au dlamant foraae au Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Dal* Holt Started DaM d* commencement du forage Nov. Diamond Drilling Log nrllllrw, Coilir/coiliw Date Logged Logged by Date d'hwcnpilon au Insert! par journal 1994 Nelson Granite 90" 0 G. R. Zebruck Nov. 9/95 Date Submitted Date de (Moot * Addreaa/Location where core stored Adreaae/endroit ou la carotte eat slock** Submitted by (Signature) Depose par (aignature) Vermilion Bay, Ont. FI./PI 0 FI./PI * FI./PM 0 NELSON GRANITE Footaga/Avancement To/A From/De 0 cm. 47 cm Ft./PI | Rock Type Type de roche Granite Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometrie, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) Quarry Office Fill m on every page Remplir ces cases a chaque page Hole No. ^ Forage n* v p pjj W- 10 Map Reference No. N* de reference aur la carte G-2658 Page No. Page n- Claim No. N 0 de conceaaion minlere K 1178164 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, conceaaion, ou latitude et longitude) Wonderland Lake Area 50 0 04' 06" Lat. 94 8 05' 24" Long. Property Name Norn del. prophet. W onderland L ake Fine Grained Granite ConSpiciwi mwFMim SwnpW No. SwipM FooUOMNIv*M d* prt SimpK Ltmth *n(W'lfig* M taugitiLontuw Your MvMwni tt rtetiintHkm (M owai Longuturot anotautm WPMIMCVMM N* d'tchiMoA I'tchwMlon dupratpKttur Prom/0* To/A H0,HM Assays f/Analyses mlneralurgiques Fine grained pink granite with blue quartz eyes K-feldspar crystals white to light pink with iron stained crystal boundaries. Visual estimate b QK light pink K-feldspar, 3055 blue quartz, alteration, 203 Na-feldspar with light green 103 unidentified black minerals Yellow alteration on black minerals may be secondary uranium minerals. Fracture dipping 65 0 from horizontal cuts core from 12 cm. to 15 cm. Horizontal fracture at 19 cm. Fracture diopina 65" from horizontal cuts core from 29 cm. 0204 (03WD to 33.5 cm. *For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosita, stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Das credits supplementaires sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dana cette lormule, loraqu'll design* des personnea, le maaculln eat utlllae au sena neutre. APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Prospecting Personal Date 14/09/94 24/10/94 25/10/94 26/10/94 27/10/94 03/11/94 23/11/94 Total Prospecting Mapping 10/04/96 Report Prep 18/04/96 G. Zebruck Mrs Kms 9 134 94 107 9* 108 9 113 8 118 11 111 "56" ~69l C. Nelson Hrs Kms 11 299 10 TT 289 588 G. Zebruck 56 C. Nelson 21 E. Nelson 11 R. Hertz 11 Total Mileage hours hours hours hours above E. Nelson Hrs Kms 11 TT R. Hertz Hrs Kms 11 10 TT TO at 20.00/hr. at 25.00/hr. at 25.00/hr. at 20.00/hr. 1289 Km at .30/Km S 1,120 525 275 220 387 G. Zebruck 11 hours at 21.50/hr. 237 G. Zebruck 129 6 hours at 21.50/hr. 50 750 300' Other Expenses Boat Rental l day at $50/day Lost Motor in Lake ATV Rental 6 days at SSO/day Total *Work done prior to staking Work done after staking S 860 S 3,133 l 3,993 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Drill Core Sampling Personal Date .21/11/94 -22/11/94 '23/11/94 '24/11/94 07/12/94 11/12/94 Total 94 G. Zebruck R. Hertz Hrs 10* 10* 9* 8* Kms 134 113 113 112 26 Hrs 11* 9 9* 8* 498 38* Kms 165 12 11 163 Splitting Core Boxing Core 3 47 09/11/95 11/12/95 12/12/95 14/02/96 09/04/96 19/04/96 5 6 8* 2 5 6 Total 95-6 32* Expenditures 1994 1995-6 Other Expenses 24 21 Drilling tt 351 Logging Core Type Core Logs Nap prep 22 Report 67 G. Zebruck 47 hours at R. Hertz 38* hours at S 2QShr. G. Zebruck 32* hours at S21.507hr. Total mileage above 916 Km at .30/Km 940 770 699 275 200235" 3928^ 102" ATV. Rental 4 days at 2 drill bits Shipping Bearskin Gas for ATV Board for Core Boxes Trim Total S 3 .198 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Test Quarrying Personal Date 07/08/95 08/08/95 09/08/95 10/08/95 14/08/95 15/08/95 16/08/95 17/08/95 21/08/95 22/08/95 23/08/95 24/08/95 R. Hertz Hrs Kms 10 135 10* 30 11 26 10 134 135 10 11 29 11 28 10 135 10 138 10* 29 29 _9i 132 Total 125 11* 981 13/12/95 11/04/96 12/04/96 22/04/96 G. Zebruck Hrs Kms 10 122 8 23 9 65 10 Total 37 Personel Expenditures: J. Elders Hrs Kms 10 64 10* 11 10 65 10 66 11 11 10 65 10 64 10* 11*9* 125 66 390 Map test quarry site Map prep Map prep Report 210 215 Cat Backhoe with operator 125 hours at S VQ/hr. S 11,250 Tamrock Commando Drill Rig w/operator 125 hours at 10,625 G. Zebruck 37 Hrs at |21.50Xhr. 796 Total mileage above 1581 Km at ,30/km 474 Explosives est. l K-pipe -f l trunkline 675 Total S 23,820 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Sawing S Polishing Sample Blocks 3,614.40 1,355.40 250.00 Sawing 753 sq. ft. at SA.SO/sq. ft. Polishing 753 sq. ft. at S 1 .80/sq. ft. Transportation to plant Skene Trucking Total 5,219.80 APPENDIX C CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOR G.R. Zebruck & A ssociates RR#1 Airport Rd. Kenora, Ontario P9N 3W7 Phone (807) 548-4298 Fax (807) 548-1584 CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATIONS I, George R. Zebruck, do hereby swear that: I reside at RR#1 Airport Road, Kenora, Ontario P9N 3W7 ; My occupation is that of a prospector and consultant; I graduated from Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario in 1973 with a BSc. Degree in Forestry; I have 15 years experience as a prospector in mineral exploration and related fields, including 5 years in the exploration and development of granite dimension stone quarries in Ontario, Saskatchewan and B.C.* - I am a member of the Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association and of the Prospectors S Developers Association of Canada; This report is based on work done on the property in 1994 and 1995 by myself and others the particulars of which I have knowledge of. This done and signed on the 30th day of April, 1996. **\ f \*^ ' XT APPENDIX E NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PEOPLE WHO PREFORMED WORK NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PEOPLE WHO PREFORMED WORK Name George Zebruck Carter Nelson Eric Nelson Raymond Hertz John Elders Address RR#1 P.O. P.O. P.O. RR#1 Airport Rd. Kenora, Ontario P9N 3W7 Box 178 Vermilion Bay, Ont. POV 2VO Box 1220 Sussex, New Brunswick EOE 1PO Box 215 Vermilion Bay, Ont. POV 2VO Essex Road Kenora, Ontario P9N 3W7 KAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PEOPLE VHP PREFORMED WORK ( M'nistry of Report of Work Conducted After Recording Claim Northern Development and Mines Ontario Transaction Number P. OOP Mining Act Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be Ised for correspondence Questions about this collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager. Mining Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. Fourth Floor. 159 Cedar Street. Sudbury. Ontario. P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. C* *" A C 2. l o ^ 4 o Instructions: - Please type or print and submit in duplicate. r^ *~ - Refer to the Mining Act and Regulations fc Recorder. - A separate copy of this form must be com) - Technical reports and maps must accomp. ^.^^.^.^....^^^^^^.^.^.^.^.^ - A Sketch. Showing the Claims the work is a 52LoiSEooo6 2 lesw WONDERLAND LAKE Recorded HokJerft) Cb0nt No. Carter B. Nelson 175007 ! Telephone No. Address P.O. Box 178 Vermilion Bay, Ontario POV 2VO Township/Area Mining Division Dates Work Performed 900 Kenora From: (807) 227-5434 M or G Plan No. G-2656 Wonderland Lake Area /\ . * r* October 8, * *\f\ * 1994 To: April 19, 1996 : Work Performed (Check One Work Group Only) WorkGroup Type - Geotechnical Survey I Physic?! Work. Including Drilling : Rehabilitation r—— f————————————— n ri E cC v E *- i- V~ H * Prospecting and Sample Drilling 1 MAY I * -9^ Other Authorized Work MINING LANDS BRANCH Assays Assignment from Reserve t i Total Assessment Work Claimed on the Attached Statement of Costs 6331 Note: The Minister may reject for assessment work credit all or part of the assessment work submitted if the recorded holder cannot verify expenditures claimed in the statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. i Persons and Survey Company Who Performed the Work (Give Name and Address of Author of Report) Name Address l George R. Zebruck t 1 Carter B. Nelson RRI1 Airport Rd. Raymond Hertz Kenora , Ontario P9N 3W7 P .0. Box 178 Vermilion Bay, Ontario POV 2VO P .0. Box 215 Vermilion Bay , Ontario POV 2VO Ir ^attach a schedule M necessary) Certification of Beneficial Interest * See Note No. 1 on reverse side Date 1 certify that at the time the work was performed, the claims covered in this work report were recorded in the current holder's name or held under a beneficial interest - by the current recorded holder. Apr. Recorded HoUer or Agent (Signature) 26/96 Certification of Work Report j l certify that l have a personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Work report, having performed the work or witnessed same during and/or after ! to completion and annexed report is true. Name ' Address of Person Certifying George R. Zebruck l (807) 548-4298 RR#1 Airport Rd. Kenora, Ontario P9N 3W7 April 26. 1996 For Office Use Only 1 Total Value Cr. Recorded tte Nodceflor Ameflftmenfs Sent J*1 (DM1) AM PM 789 10 11 12 1 23-1 56 S8 fi i! u H I Co W 00 U O* OJ \ \ \ \ Claim Don* thli on Work Vatuaof fill 3 8. * fsf* Credits you are claiming in this report may be cut back. In order to minimize the adverse effects of such deletions, please indicate from which claims you wish to priorize the deletion of credits. Please mark (^) one of the following: 1. 2. D Credits are to be cut back starting with the claim listed last, working backwards. D Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims contained in this report of work. 3. D Credits are to be cut back as priorized on the attached appendix. In the event that you have not specified your choice of priority, option one wiH be implemented. Not* 1: Examples of beneficial interest are unrecorded transfers, option agreements, memorandum of agreements, etc., to the mining claims. Note 2: H work has been performed on patented or leased land, please complete the following: l certify (hat the recorded holder had a beneficial interest in the patented or leased land at the time the work was performed. Signature Date Ministry Of Northern Development Ontario and Mines Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Mimstere du Developpement du Nord et des mines Etat des couts aux fins du credit d'evaluation 'Transaction No/N0 de t-ansaction Mining Act/Loi sur les mines Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used to maintain a record and ongoing status of the mining claim(s). Questions about this collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager. Minings Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 4th Floor. 159 Cedar Street. Sudbury. Ontario P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. Les renseignements personnels contenus dans la presente lormute sont recueillis en vertu de la Loi sur les mine* el serviront a tenir a jour un registre des concessions minieres. Adresser toute question sur l? coilece de ces renseignements au chef provincial des terrains miniers. ministers du Developpement du Nord et des Mines. 159, rue Cedar, 4* etage. Sudbury (Ontario) P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. 1. Direct Costs/Couts directs 2. Indirect Costs/Couts indirects Type Description Labour Main-d'oeuvre Wages Sslalras Contractor's and Consultant's Fees Drafts de •'entrepreneur st de I'sxpert- Field Supervision Supervision sur le terrain Type Amount Montan! Totals Total global S3910 275 S4185 * * Note: When claiming Rehabilitation work Indirect costs are not allowable as assessment work. Pour le remboursement des travaux de rehabilitation, les couts indirects ne sont pas admissibles en tant que travaux d'evaluation. '—————————— Amount Totals Type Description Montant Total global | " —————! Type Transportation S 532 Transport Truck AAn^AH Supplies Used Fbumttures -aMIa* A m ^ innwvvv Type Drill Bits 235 ' 79 " Misc. S 532 S 314 Equipment Rental Location de nwtortw Type 4 Wheel ATV 500 i 50 ' Boat 750^ Motor Total Direct Costs Total des couts directs S1300 S5799 Food and Lodging Nountture et hebergement Mobilization and Demobilization Mobilisation et demobilisation Sub Total of Indlirect Costs S 532 Total partiel des cooui Indirects Amount Allowable l eel Costs) Montant admissible (n'excMant pss 20 *4 des Uwls dbsjcts) S 532 Total Value of Assessment Crsdtt Vstour tob•tducrMN (Total of Direct and 4Uhmafato Indirect costs! d'evahutfciM rroWono*sdkMt* S6331 Hole: The recorded holder will be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 30 days o' a request for verification. If verification is not made, the Minister may reject for assessment work all or pan of the assessment work submitted. Note : Le titulaire enregistre sera tenu de verifier les depenses demanddes dans le present etat des couts dans les 30 jours suivant une demande d eel effet. Si la verification n'est pas effectuee. le minist'e peut rejeter tout ou une partie des travaux d'evaluation presentes. RNng Discounts Remises pour depot 1. Work filed within two years of completion is claimed at 10096 of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. 1. Les travaux deposes dans les deux ans suivant tour achievement sont rembourses a100 "Mi de la vateurtotate susrnentionnee du credit d'evaluation. 2. 2. Les travaux deposes trois. quatre ou cinq ans apres leur achevement sont rembourses a 50 "ft de la valeur totale du credit d'evaluation susmentionne. Voir les calculs ckJessous. Work filed three, four or five years after completion is claimed at 5046 of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. See calculations below: i Total Value of Assessment Credit Total Assessment Claimed Valeur totale du credit d'evaluation x 0.50 Evaluation totale demandea x 0.50 Certification Verifying Statement of Costs Attestation de I'etat des couts l hereby certify: that the amounts shown are as accurate as possible and these costs were incurred white conducting assessment work on the lands shown on the accompanying Report of Work form. J'atteste par la presente : que les montants indiques sont le plus exact possible et que ces depenses ont ete engagees pour effectuer les travaux d'evaluation sur les terrains indiques dans la formute de rapport de travail ci-joint. that as Agent (Recorded Holder. Agent. Position m Company) lo make this certification l am authorized Et i titre de. . je suis autorise (Mulaire enregistre. ' P'Asentent. post* occupe dans la compagme) faire cette attestation. Date April 29/96 Nota : Dans cette forgie. tocsqu 'l d*s.gne oVje^nesTiTrnascul." est utrt.se au s^s neuue Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ministeredu Devetoppement du Nord et des Mines Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road 6th Floor Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 September 20, 1996 Scott A. Rivett Mining Recorder 808 Robertson Street P.O. Box 5200 Kenora, ON P9N 3X9 Telephone: Fax: Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Transaction Ontario (705) (705) 670-5853 670-5863 Submission Number: 2.16546 Number(s): W9610.00067 After reviewing the Work Report(s) we have prepared this letter and the attached summary, which lists the results of our review. Requirements of the Assessment Work Regulation may not have been fully met. Please examine the summary to determine the next course of action concerning the identified Work Report(s). NOTE: The 90 day deemed approval provision, subsection 6(7) of the Assessment Work Regulation, is no longer in effect for this submission. PLEASE NOTE ANY REQUESTED REVISIONS MUST BE SUBMfTTED IN DUPLICATE If the anniversary dates for the mining claims affected by this correspondence have not passed, a number of options are available. Please contact the Mining Recorder to discuss these options. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Lucille Jerome at (705)670-5858. Yours sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Ron C. Gashinski Senior Manager, Mining Lands Section Mines and Minerals Division Correspondence ID: 10227 Copy for: Assessment Library Work Report Assessment Results Submission Number: 2 .16546 Date Correspondence Sent: Assessor: Lucille Jerome September 20, 1996 Transaction Number First Claim Number Township(s) l A rea(s) W9610.00067 1178164 WONDERLAND LAKE Status Approval After Notice Approval Date September 20. 1996 Section: 9 Prospecting PROSP 10 Physical PBORE Correspondence to: Recorded Holder(s) and/or Agent(s): Mining Recorder Kenora, ON George R. Zebruck KENORA, ONTARIO Resident Geologist Kenora, ON CARTER BRENT NELSON VERMILION BAY, Ontario Assessment Files Library Sudbury, ON Page: l Correspondence ID: 10227 Distribution of Assessment Work Credit The following credit distribution reflects the value of assessment work performed on the mining land(s). Please contact the Mining Recorder to determine if this affects the status of your claims. Date: September 20, 1996 Submission Number: 2 .16546 Transaction Number: W 9610.00067 Claim Number Value Of Work Performed 1178164 4,878.00 4 ,878.00 Total: S Page: l Correspondence ID: 10227 Ministry of Northern, Development and Mines Report of Work Conducted After Recording Claim Ontario Transaction Number l t flLi* Mi* Mining Act ermonal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information win be used for correspondence. Questions about lie collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager. Mining Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. Fourth Floor. 159 Cedar Street, mdbury. Ontario. P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264 G\ \ G. *-^ Attraction*: - Please type or print and submit in duplicate. ^ * * ^ - Refer to the Mining Act and Regulations for requirements of filing assessment work or consult the Mining Recorder. - A separate copy of this form must be completed for each Work Group. - Technical reports and maps must accompany this form in duplicate. - A sketch, showing the claims the work is assigned to. must accompany this form. Client No. 175007 Tetophono No. (807) 227-5434 M or G Plan No. G-2656 Recorded Holders) i Carter B . Nelson * fi ri r^* a JvQQrMft P.O. Box 178 Vermilion Bay, Won\ Pefllmniod From: POV 2VO Wonderland Lake Area Kenora Dates Ontario Township/Area Waning Division To: Aug 28, 1995 Work Performed (Check One Work Group Only) WorkGroup Type Geotechnical Survey Oct 31, 1995 RECElVbU Physical Work. Including Drilling M6Y 1 4 1996 Rehabilitation utMiMQ LANPS BRANCH irnTljljj^^J^^JiSBai^*^^™ Other Authorized Work Beneficiation Studies - Sawing S PolLishing Assays Assignment from Reserve 5,220 Total Assessment Work Claimed on the Attached Statement of Costs .tot*: The Minister may reject for assessment work credit all or part of the assessment work submitted if the recorded holder cannot verify expenditures claimed in the statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. Persons and Survey Company Who Performed the Work (Give Name and Address of Author of Report) ! Name i i Address George R. Zebruck RR#1 Airport Rd. Kenora. Ontario P9N 3W7 (attach a schedule rf necessary) Certification of Beneficial Interest * See Note No. 1 on reverse side l certify that at the time the work was performed, the claims covered in this work report were recorded in the current holder's name or held under a beneficial interest by the current recorded holder. Date Recorded HoWer or Agent (Signature) May 2 , 1996 tCertification of Work Report ; l certify that l have a personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Work report, having performed the work or witnessed same during and/or after to completion and annexed report is true. .Mam* and Address of Person Certifying Teorge R. Zebruck Tetepone Ne j(807) 548-4298 RR#1 Airport Rd. : Date May 2. Kenora, Ontario P9N 3W7 i Certified By (Signature) 1996 For Office Use Only : Total Valje Cr. Recorded i Date Recorded Deemed Approval Date i• Date *j Notice ^y for Amendments i_ ^—— Sent nved Stamp K. vj di R Ds's Approved i XI OQ N •V Dent l r x. ^ V*- VakMWerk P Q) * . lA ApploneMd retalVsliM Ni f* ^ to N* t \ \ \ Credits you are claiming in this report may be cut back. In order to minimize the adverse effects of such deletions, please indicate from which claims you wish to priorize the deletion of credits. Please mark (*~) one of the following: 1. 2. 3. G Credits are to be cut back starting with the claim listed last, working backwards. Z! Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims contained in this report of work. Z. Credits are to be cut back as priorized on the attached appendix. In the event that you have not specified your choice of priority, option one will be implemented. Note 1: Examples of beneficial interest are unrecorded transfers, option agreements, memorandum of agreements, etc., with respect to the mining claims. Note 2: If work has been performed on patented or leased land, please complete the following: ' l certify that the recorded holder had a beneficial interest in the patented or teased land at the time the work was performed i '^ na u re \ Ministry of Ontario Northern Development and Mines Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Mmistere du Devetoppement du Nord et des mines Etat des couts aux fins du credit d'evaluation Transaction HoJH* de transaction Mining Act/Loi sur les mines Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used to maintain a record and ongoing status of the mining claim(s) Questions about this collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager. Minings Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 4th Floor. 159 Cedar Street. Sudbury. Ontario P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. Les renseignements personnels contenus dans la presente formute sent recueiiiis en vertu de la Loi sur les mines et serviront a. tenir a jour un registre des concessions mmieres. Adresser toute question sur la coNece de ces renseignements au chef provincial des terrains miniers. ministere du Devetoppement du Nord et des Mines. 159. rue Cedar. 4* etage. Sudbury (Ontario) P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. 1. Direct Costs/Couts directs 2. Indirect Costs/Couts Indirects Type Description Amount Montan! Labour Main-d'oeuvre Field Supervision Supervision sur lo terrain Type Contractor's and Consultant's Truck Transpo •t Totals Total global Wages Salaires Foes DroMsde ('entrepreneur et do ('export- * * Note: When claiming Rehabilitation work Indirect costs are not allowable as assessment work. Pour le remboursement des travaux de rehabilitation, tes coots iixtirocts ne sont pas admissibtes en tarn que travaux d'evaluation. Type COOMfl Totals Total global Type Transportation Transport 250 Amount Montan! Description 250 Type Supplies Used Foumttureo _ *m— ^ — — UUIISSOS Food and Lodging Nourrttureet Mobilization and Demobilization HobUsation et demobilisation Type Equipment Rental Location do materiel Sawing 3,614 Polishing 1,356 Sub Total of Indiineel Costs Total partM des coOUi indirect* 4,970 Total Direct Costs Total des couts directs Amount Allowable ( oct Coats) Hontant admissWe (n'excedant pas 20 H des foOts directs) a.jt^j* frmMt 5,220 VmL*,~ lo** MducnkM d'evsJuattOm nant dM tt (Total ol Direct and AHowaM* Indlraet eaetmt 5,220 etbi Note: The recorded holder will be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. If verification is not made, the Minister may reject for assessment work all or part of the assessment work submitted. Note : Le titulaire enregistn* sera tenude verifier tes depensesdemandees dans le present etat des couts dans les 30 jours suivant une demande a cet effet. Si la verification n'est pas effectuee. le ministre peut rejeter tout ou une partie des travaux d'evaluation presentes. Filing Discounts Remises pour depot 1. Work filed within two years of completion is claimed at 10006 of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. l . Les travaux deposes dans les deux ans suivant tour achevement sont rembourses a 100 *fo de la vateur totate susmenbormee du cred* rfevaluation. 2. Work filed three, four or five years after completion is claimed at 50*to of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. See calculations below: 2 . Les travaux deposes trois. quatre ou cinq ans apres tour achevement sont rembourses a 50 *to de la valeur totale du credit d'evaluation susmentionne. Voir les calculs ci-dessous. Total Value of Assessment Credit Total Assessment Claimed Vateur totato du credit d'evaluation x 0.50 ~ x 0.50 Certification Verifying Statement of Costs Attestation de I'etat des couts l hereby certify: that the amounts shown are as accurate as possible and these costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands shown on the accompanying Report of Work form. J'atteste par la presente : that as Agent l am authorized que les montants indiques sont le plus exact possible et que ces depenses cnt ete engagees pour effectuer les travaux d'evaluation sur les terrains indiques oans la formule de rapport de travail ci-jomt je suis autorise Et qu'a litre de -jia -e en-ej s:-6 'ec-esentani. posie occjpe dans la compagnie) (Recorded Holder. Agent. Position m Company) to make this certification Evaluation lotale demandea faire cette attestat or 3 5-3:, -e j^? IDa'e Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Report of Work Conducted After Recording Claim Ontario Mining Act Personal information coflected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used for correspondence. Questions about Ms collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager. Mining Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. Fourth Floor. 159 Cedar Street. Sudbury. Ontario. P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. ^ ^ /^ f* /l C* Instructions: - Please type or print and submit in duplicate. - Refer to the Mining Act and Regulations for requirements of filing assessment work or consult the Mining Recorder. - A separate copy of this form must be completed for each Work Group. *' - Technical reports and maps must accompany this form in duplicate. - A sketch, showing the claims the work is assigned to, must accompany this form. Cfiofit No. Recorded Hoktor(s) Carter B. Nelson Address MMng Division P.O. Box 178 175007 Telephone No. Vermilion Bay, Kenora Dates Work Performed From: Ontario POV 2VO Township/Area (807) 227-5434 M or G Plan No. Wonderland Lake Area . Aug — 7, - ** -^ — 1995 To G-2656 Aoril 22. 1996 Work Performed (Check One Work Group Only) Work Group Type Geotechnical Survey Physical Work, Including Drilling Stripping, Test Quarrying (Sample block removal) Rehabilitation 'p E C E i V b D Other Authorized Work ——MAY i 1 1996—— ITI t* i Assays MINING LANDS BHANUn Assignment from Reserve 23.820 Total Assessment Work Claimed on the Attached Statement of Costs Note: The Minister may reject for assessment work credit all or part of the assessment work submitted if the recorded holder cannot verify expenditures claimed in the statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. 5- Persons and Survey Company Who Performed the Work (Give Name and Address of Author of Report) Name Address George R. Zebruck RRI1 Airport Rd. Raymond Hertz P.O. Box 215 John Elders RRI1 Essex Rd. Kenora, Ontario Kenora. Ontario P9N 3W7 Vermilion Bav. Ontario POV 2VO P9N 3W7 (Mtach a schedule H necessary) Certification of Beneficial Interest ' See Note No. 1 on reverse side l certify that at the time the work was performed, the claims covered in this work report were recorded in the current holder's name or held under a beneficial interest by trie current recorded holder. Date Recorded Holder or Agent (Sg May 2, 1996 Certification of Work Report j l certify that l have a personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Work report, having performed the work or witnessed same during and/or after its completion and annexed report is true. Name and Address of Person Certifying George R. Zebruck j (807) RRfl Airport Rd. Kenora, Ontario Date Teiepone No. 548-4298 ' P9N 3W7 i Certified By (Signature) Mav 2. 1996 For Office Use Only r Total Value Cr. Recorded ' Date Reco'ded ' M'n ;nayflecorder ^^ Received Stamp K. "NOI-:.-. - ••••. ' . -' i Dee-Tied Aacrcvai Date i i Date Notice for Amendments Sent i ,x" - Date Approved 2 i i • ~-"-*' r:a. ; ' rf -"W "^ '" 71 i~v -- '— - ~" ~i - : . - i i 1 A* \ . 1-'. . -j - -' -' - i i t ipf CO I os li oo Ko O 00 r k t Valo*ue 09 M *"*. JO U Credits you are claiming in this report may be cut back. In order to minimize the adverse effects of such deletions, please indicate from which claims you wish to pnorize the deletion of credits. Please mark (.-) one of the following: 1. G Credits are to be cut back starting with the claim listed last, working backwards. 2. G Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims contained in this report of work. 3. IT Credits are to be cut back as priorized on the attached appendix. In the event that you have not specified your choice of priority, option one will be implemented. Note 1: Examples of beneficial interest are unrecorded transfers, option agreements, memorandum of agreements, etc., with respect to the mining claims. Note 2: If work has been performed on patented or leased land, please complete the following: l certify that the recorded holder had a beneficial interest in the patented or leased land at the time the work was performed. . '9na'ure Date Mtftttry of Ontario Northern Development andMinas Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Mimstere du Deveioppement du Nord ei des mines Etat des coOts aux fins du credit d'e valuation Transaction NoJN" de transaction Mining Act/Loi sur les mines Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used to maintain a record and ongoing status of the mining daim(s) Questions about this collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager. Minings Lands. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 4th Floor. 159 Cedar Street. Sudbury. Ontario P3E 6A5. telephone (70S) 670-7264. Les renseignements personnels contenus dans la presente formute soot recueillts en vertu de la Loi sur tes mines et serwont a tenir a jour un registre des concessions minieres. Adresser toute quesiton sur la collece de ces renseignements au chef provincial des terrains miniers. ministere du Deveioppement du Nord et des Mines. 159. rue Cedar. 4* Stage. Sudbury (Ontario) P3E 6A5. telephone (705) 670-7264. 1. Direct Costs/CoOts directs 2. Indirect Costs/Couts Indirects Type Description Labour Main-d'oeuvre Field Supervision Supervision sur le terrain Wages SaMres Contractor's and Consultant's Fees Drottsde ('•ntrepfwwut* et d* I'expertconasll Supplies Used FoumNures utiHsees Amount Montam Totals Total global 796 796 * * Note: When claiming Rehabilitation work Indirect costs are not allowable as assessment work. Pour le remboursement des travaux de rehabilitation, tes couts indirects ne sont pas admissibtes en tant que travaux d'evaluation. Type Transportation Transport Typ* Explosives Description Type Amount Montan! Totate Total global Type Truck 474 625 474 Food and Lodging Nourrtture et 675 Equipment Rental Location de materiel Typ* Cat 215 Backhoe Tamrock Commando Dril ! 11,250 i 10,625 Total Direct Cost* Total des coOts direct* UobUUMkx) and Demobilization Mobilisation et demobilisation Sub Total of Indirect Costs Total partM des couts Indirects 21,875 Amount Allowable (not greater than 20* of Direct Costs) Hontant admissible (n'excedsnt pas 20 M des couts dbects) 23,346 Total Value of Assessment CredN (TeM of Direct and AftowaMe Mlract ctMtmt The recorded holder will be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. If verification is not made, the Minister may reject for assessment work all or part of the assessment work submitted. Vateur totals du cnMH d'evahiadon rTaM 4n cotti dtaeM 474 474 23,820 Note : Le titulaire enregistre sera tenu de verifier tes depensesdemandtes dans le present etat des couts dans les 30 jours suivant urte demande a cet effet. Si la verification n'est pas effectuee. le mintstre pout rejeter tout ou une partie des travaux d'evaluation presentes. Hling Discounts Remises pour depot 1. Work filed within two years of completion is claimed at 1 00"M) of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. 1. Les travaux deposes dans les deux ans suivant teur achevement sont ^efnboursesa100%o^la\^aJewtotalesusmerltionrlee^uaeditd"eva^uation. 2. Work filed three, four or five years after completion is claimed at 50*H) of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. See calculations below: 2 Les travaux deposes trois, quatre ou cinq ans apres teur achevement sont rembourses a 50 "Hi de la vateur totate du credit d'evaluation susmentionne. Voir tes calcute ci-dessous. Total Assessment Claimed i Total Value of Assessment Credit Vateur totate du credit devaluation Evaluation totate detnandee x 0.50 - x 0.50 Certification Verifying Statement of Costs Attestation de I'ttat des couts l hereby cer^fy: J'atteste par la presente : that the amounts shown are as accurate as possible and these costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands shown on the accompanying Report of Work form. que les montants indiques sont le plus exact possible et que ces deperises ont ete engagees pour effectuer les travaux c" eva- jation sur les terrains indiques dans la formule de rapport de trava-i ci-jomt. that as Agent (BecDfSeo HoWe' Agent. Posrt-on -\ Company) to make t^vs certification l am authorized Et qu'a litre de ___________________ je suis autorise (t.tula -e ei-eg sfe reprgsemant. pcsie occup* dans la con-pag- ei a fa^e ce'.te attestajion. ! May 2, K-96 Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ministers du Developpement du Nord et des Mines Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road 6th Floor Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 Telephone: (705) 670-5853 Fax: (705) 670-5863 July 26, 1996 Our File: 2.16546 Transaction /: H9610.00068 .00069 Mining Recorder Ministry of Northern Development 6 Mines 808 Robertson Street P.O. BOX 5200 Kenora, Ontario P9N 3X9 Dear Mr. Rivett: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT WORK CREDIT OH MIMING LAND, CLAIM K.1178164 IN THE WONDERLAND LAKE AREA Assessment work credit has been approved as outlined on the Declaration of Assessment Work Form accompanying this submission. The credit has been approved under Section 10, Physical (PSTRP) and Section 18(4) (INDUS) of the Assessment Work Regulation. The approval date is July 25, 1996. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Lucille Jerome at (705) 670-5858. Yours sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY: f~ Ron C. Gashinski Senior Manager, Mining Lands Section Mines and Minerals Division U LBJ/Jf v! cc: Resident Geologist Kenora, Ontario Assessment Files Library Sudbury, Ontario M O O 0 = 0 am r KILGOUR LAKE G-2626 FORGOTTEN LAKE G-2618 r- x v -^ r J \ NELSON G Delaney Wonderland DRILL SAMPLE L OCfiTfO Lake O4 CLAIM X-SI7S!64 Wonderland, Lake Urea Keno ra Mining NTS 52 L Pivis lo r 1 SE 2.165 46 ^-^ ^~'~'\ - 50" 04 10" Spale l- 4OOO l 06 00 l 94" .05 00' O SO (GO 90 3OO •too zdtss meters 52L01SE0006 2.16546 WONDERLAND LAKE 210 V Wonderla nd Delaney SJS, **i T T Lake o 50 04 / 40 it f* i n;ti ^ f Wonderland nora l J n f fi st 52 L D ? y i s! P r? J S E 4 P ;ink Granite Bed Granite a frne to b coarse c Porphyritic d megacrys*i c e pegmatite f mufticoiour g streake d h Vari gated i foliated j k fractu red bfue medium g rained qusrtz variable -50 04 g r a ; n R tf * '- ., e yes g rain size 10 Scale i -^OOO 94 06 00 94 05 00 SO i (90 200 oo m e Je r ^ 52L01SE0006 2 16546 WONDERLAND LAKE 220 NELSON GRANITE TEST QUARRY LOCATIONS Wonderland -50' 04 k O" CLAIM K-I178I64 Wonderland Kenora Lake Area. Mining Division NTS 52 L 1SE 4 Stripped Area -SO* O 4 10 Scale 1-T4OQO i 94* 06' 00 94 0500 O 50 100 200 300 4 oo met* r B S2L01SE0006 2.16546 WONDERLAND LAKE 230 GZ
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