SUNDAY LOS ANGELES HERALD: RENT?HOUSES WAUTED-A RELIABLE PARTY TO take a % Interest In the finest opening.ln the city; must have not less than $1000. Address E. LV, box 70. Herald. 20 GRO»OR SALE?CREAMERY AND cery. J. 8. close In; a bargain at $350. RODMAN, 406 S. Spring st. 20 BOARDING FOR SALE?LIVERY AND must be sold Immediately. Adstable: 25 dress H. T.. Herald. CITT NEWSPAPER SALEFOR Apply C. G. SPRENG. Herald routes. business office. FOR SALE-CIGAR STAND, CHEAP rent, $10; 2 livingrooms ln Spring. " rear. 60415. *°_ WOOD FOR SALE-BROADWAY COAL. and feed depot at sacrifice. 434 Broadzu way. SEE TO SELL OUT YOUR BUBINESS ,J. p. BARNARD. 117% 8. Broadway. SALE-J^ODGJP^IWUSB^ Busi- FOR __ $11, WITH WATER?S ROOMS AND bath. 825 Ramona. $9 with water, 4 rooms, etc, Cleveland St., first house from W. Washington, on north side of Cleveland. $14 with water, nice 5-room cottage, S.W. corner Twelfth and San Julian sts. 1. 3 or 4 rooms cheap at 808%, or see BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. 21 FOR RENT? 4-room cottage, all modern Improvements, $11. 5-room cottage, ail modern improvements, $12. 6- room cottage, all modern improvements, $14. Apply 139 N. Water St. 21 50-room honess and furniture of the bestexchange the FOR RENT?RENT REDUCED 20 PER tel ln Pasadena, or would cent: all modern Improvements: building for Los Angeles property; also 544 Crocker, near Fifth, 6 elegant large houses, clear, on one of the best 40-room rooms, $16.50. Broadway, $3500; would trade for good House 797 Merchant, near Eighth, 6 Byrne & 228 home. MARTIN KURTZ. large bright rooms, $12.50. it block. 787 Merchant , 5 large rooms, $10. Apply on premises. 20 FOR SALE?FINELY FURNISHED 10-room lodging house, close In, price $700, FOR FLAT,FOUR LOWER RENT?NEW paid down, balance out of the busi$300 rooms and kitchen, close ln, completely ness. ALLEN & BUTLER. 252-253 Wilfurnished, Including piano, gas stove and 20 son bock. refrigerator; will rent for 2 or 8 months and perhaps longer to desirable couple; no children. See DARLING & PRATT, FINANCIAL\u25a0 Brokers, Wilcox bldg. 20 uniSlTl^aiTcOm Stimson Block Loans money on all kinds of collateral security, watches, diamonds, seal skins, lodging and furniture ln and boarding removal; houses, and on pianos, without low also on bonds, stockß, mortgages; Interest, money at once; business confidential; private office for ladles; rooms 111. CLARK K. SHAW. Manager, rooms 111 and 112. first floor, Stimson block, tf PACIFIC LOAN CO.?LOANS IN ANY amount on all kinds of collateral security, diamonds, jewelry and seal skins: also on pianos, furniture and household goods ln private lodging and boarding houses and hotels, without removal; Money payments rrcelved. partial business confidential; private office Manager, DEGROOT, E. or ladles. W. rooms 2 and 4. 114 S. Spring st. ?ulck: ColTn] L. B. The Los Angeles pawnbroker, 146 N. Main street, loans money on diamonds, watches, ? jewelry, firearms, pianos, libraries and all other collateral securities: money also sells unredeemed pledges for added; loaned and one month's interest make no mistake, it ls the reliable. L B. COHN, the Los Angeles pawnbroker. 9-10 NOT UNTILYOU HAVE LEARNED Who we are, What wo are. And where we are, Have ycu discovered the cheapest plae» to get money on all good personal and collateral securities, 229 BYRNE BLDG. tf LOAN CO.?MONEY THE SYNDICATE loaned on all kinds of collateral security, diamonds, watches, pianos; in fact, and everything; no delay; business confidential: private office 138% S. Spring st.. rooms 13 and 14. GEO. L. MILLS, man- any su-tf ager. & WADS WORTH, BROKPOINDEXTER ers,rooms 308-310 Wilcox bldg.,buy and sell stocks, mortgages, bonds and any good securites; if you wish to lend pr borrow or Invest In real estate call on us; col- lections made non-residents. and property managed for 28-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, pianos, sealskins, watches, diamonds, and live stock; interest reasonable; private office for ladies; business confidential. C. C. LAMB, 226 S. Spring, en. room 8-21-tf 67. ON DIAMONDS, MONEY LOANEDplanes, livestock, carwaiehes, Jewelry, riages, bicycles, al! kinds of personal and security. LEE collateral BROS. 402 S. Spring st. 8-21 TO LOAN?A BARREL OF MONEY ON diamonds, pianos, furniture and all firstconfidential. class securities; business CRE A SINGER, 247 S. Broadway, rooms 1 5-29-tf TO LOAN?MONEY IN SUMS TO SUIT at reasonable rates. WILLIAM F. BOS10-13tf BYSHELL. 107 S. Broadway TO LOAN-UNLIMITEDAMOUNTFOR small loans: no commission: light expense. SECURITY LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 223 S. Spring St. PRIVATE LOANS ON DlATO LOANwatches, jewelry, furniture; monds. Address P. O. everything confidential. FOR SALE?REAL ESTATB n iww FOR RENT?SI 4. WATER FREE, NEW house, 5 rooms, bath, water closet, sink, closets,pantryivery nice and complete; 924 Towne aye. $15. water free, 5 rooms, bath, barn, 768 Ban Jose st., near corner Eighth and Central aye. $12, water free. 793. also 779, Merchant st. $20. water free, extra fine new house, 6 large rooms, bath barn, 779, also "si, Kohler st. $25, water free.No. 119 W. Twenty-fifth St.. 7 rooms, hath barn. $25, 8 rooms, bath, barn, 1921 Park Grove aye. T. WIESENDANGER, 227 W. Second st. tf FOR RENT?GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE, barn, water, large yard; will make a good chicken ranch, near Downey aye. cars: $12 month. SQUIRES, 225 Byrne building; other properties; what do you want? 20 FOR RENT?PLEASANT AIRY ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping may be bad at Primrose Lodge cottage, Long Beach: terms reasonable. Address box 125, Long Beach. 20 FOR RENT?HOUSE 7 ROOMS, NEAP, two car lines, southwest; fine lawn, flowers, trees, etc., back yard, chicken coop, shed, etc.: rent $15. NEWLYN, 229 Byrne bldg. tf FOR RENT?THE CHEAPEST PLACE in town for mattings, linoleums and window shades: carpets cleaned and laid. THE MATTING MART.SO 4S. Broadway. 11-21 FOR RENT ?COMIE QUICK AND SAVE money at GOODWIN'S, 390 Los Angeles St.; must turn the wall paper Into cash, and will hang same for 5 cents per roll 20 next week. FOR RENT?RENTERS, SEE POWELL. 106 S. Broadway, for bouses, unfurnished and furnished, in all parts of the city. See our 10-room house. 103 N. Olive St. 20 - FOR RENT?2, s'oß no children. sunny rooms; SIS 8. Bunker Hill aye. 22 FOR RENT ? NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping;, with piano. 626 8. Broadway. 6-17-tf RENT?STORBS^^^ FOR East Fourteenth St.,nice modern 6-room loy 40x147 to alley; price $1600; $400 cash. Balance like rent. Apply to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. RENT^REAL^STATB^^ RENT?S ACRES WITH 3-ROOM 1000 ACRES GRAIN OR STOCK RANCH for rent; Riverside county: good house, etc.; lease one or a term of years. BEN 21 WHITE, 221 W. First st. Wolfskin tract, Ruth aye.. 6-room colonial cottage, lot 37%x110; price $2000. Ruth aye., nice 7-room house, for $1900. RENT?MISCELLANEOUS^ ROOM AT TURRENT? ner hall; every first and third Friday of 14tf each month. Inquire of Janitor. torney at law, practices house, on easy terms, large lot;price $1675. Fourteenth st., modern 7-room BARGAIN BARGAIN Burlington aye., large lot, with modern 8-room residence: cement walls, walks, etc.: street graded and sewered; will take $1600 cash. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. $6000?15-room house on Hope st. $2500?5-room modern house on Union avenue. East In all courts. Advice free to any member of any labor union. Charges in accordance with cliSpeents' means: always reasonable. cialties: Probate matters, mechanics' damages, collections, liens, divorce, drawing up of deeds, wills, mortgages Notary public. and all legal papers. Office. Gordon block, 206% S. Broadway. Telephone 896. 10-13 lfl-S $4000 TO LOAN AT ONCE. 8 PER CENT net. LERCH & M'MANNON, 303 Currier block. tf TO LOAN?SSOOU, ONE TO FIVE YEARS, on first-class Income property. E. G. tf SMITH CO., 101 S. Broadway. MONEY TO LOAN-LOWEST RATES ON real estate, personal notes or security. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH. 229 W. First. «500"tcTlOAN AT ONCE. 8 PER CENT net; city property. LERCH & M'MANNON. 302 Currier bldg. TO LOAN?S2OO. $400. $500. $1000. $2500, $5000, cltv or country. LEE A. M'CONNELL, tu-su-tf 113 S. Broadway. $4500 ON FIRST class security. B. DUNCAN, 145 S. Broad- WANTED?MONEY: 2<) way. WANTED?TO jBOWfO W WANTED?MONEY? city property. $1000 on $1250, improved income Pasadena erty. prop- $1000 on land near Santa Monica. $1000 on 160-acre ranch. $500 on first class chattel mortgage. $350 on 5 acres near The Palms. $500 on 6 acres with water right near The Palms. $800, alfalfa land near Burbank. W. J. BRYANT, Agent. 20 204% S. Broadway, room 217. FOR RENT?4-ROOM HOUSE WITH Inquire at 177 Hewitt st. barn. 20 FOR RENT?HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND bath. Apply 707 W. Sixth st. 24 RENT?ROOMS FOR RENT?2 LOVELY ROOMS ON Hill st., everything brand, new; never been occupied; rent only 56 to permapeople; people none but refined nent need apply; this is a rare chance to got a $10 room for $6; no cooking. For particulars call on MR. BAER, 206% Broadway. 20 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS; AT 310 Clay st.: 2. 3 or 4 rooms, with gas for cooking; price $4 to $6 per room. At 312 Clay st., one room. $4: also 2 rooms in basement for housekeeping; 'coal stove and gas: no children. 20 FOR RENT?2 OR 3 ROOMS, MODEL kitchen, gas range, free, hot and cold water, bath, private porch surrounded by shrubbery and tlowers; references exchanged. 910 W. Eleventh St., or A. W. WORM, 113 S. Broadway. 2fl RENT?REASONABLE; LARGE WANTED ?A LOAN OF $2500 ON 117 FOR handsomely furnished front room suita- acres finely improved ranch, worth $18.-fHO; 55 acres ln bearing fruit; will pay 10 per cent net.l to 3 years.all clear. ALLEN & BUTLER, 252-253 Wilson bock. 20 WANTED?TO BORROW; FROM $2COO to $3000 on well Improved city property; must be reasonable and also must have Immediately. Address C. G., box 20. Herald. CAN LEND WANTED TO BORROW-I your money from 2 to 10 per cent a month. NEWLYN, 231 Byrne buld. tf . ONCE A WEEK PERSONALLY CONducted excursions to Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis and all points, leave Los Angeles every Thursday via Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, "World's Pictorial Line," and Chicago and Northwestern railway, crossing the Sierra Nevadas and all points of scenic Interest by ayllght. Upholstered tourist cars of latest Pullman pattern, lighted by gas and run through without change. Comconductors accompany each party 'astest timfl. Lowest rates. For tickets and berth reservations apply to J. H Manager; G. F. P.MAN, PEA HERR G P. A... 223 S. Spring St.. Los Angeles, or to any agent Southern Pacific company. G 3-8 Sassing fetent PHILLIPS, PERSONALLY CONDUCIed excursions via the Rio Grande and Island route, leave Los Anreles Rock every Tuesday, cross tho Sierra Novadas and pass the entire Rio Grande scenery by daylight. We have a tourist sleeper running through to Minneapolis and St. with every party. Our Paul In connection Boston car slops one day at Niagara Falls. Office 138 S. Spring st. BURLINGTON ROUTE?PERSONALLY excursions to tho east every Wednesday over the scenic line of the world; upholstered tourist cars without T. H. DUZAN. agent, 222 S. change. Spring St.. Los Angeles. Cal. conducted CHIROFODISTS^^^^ F. ALEXANDER, THE ONLY ble for one or two gentlemen: also housekeeping rooms. 620 W. Eighth st. 20 FOR RENT?THE MARIPOSA. 321 E. Second st.: furnished rooms, $ per week up; lodging 26c, 25c and 60c per night. 10-1-tf FOR RENT?2 NICE FRONT R00M5.51.75 per week; also good rooms, $1 to $1.50 per week and 25 cents per night. 519 S. Spring 9-15 St. FOR RENT-SUNNY FRONT TWOroomed suite close In; furnished or unfurnished; no housekeeping; gas aud grate. 537 Maple aye. 21 B'OR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS. SlNgle or en suite; ladies or gents: privilege of family hoard or light, housekeeping. 215 N. Hope St. 20 FOR RENT- 3 HANDSOMELY FURnished rooms. 122 N. Hill St.; cheap to permanent people; never been occupied. MRS. SOCLE. 20 FOR RENT ?UNFURNISHED ROOMS, or partly furnished: ground floor; $2 per month; no gasoline; good stable. 525 California si. 20 FURNISHED front room, with or without, board: 922 Bellevue aye.. on private family. 20 car line. FOR sunny FOR RENT?THREE DESIRABLE UNfurnished rooms, newly papered; private family; call Monday. 418 W. Fourth street. 20 FOR RENT?4 NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. $16 per month; water paid. Apply 112 E. Washington street. 20 FOR RENT?3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS' single furnished rooms, $3 up. 316% Pavilion Place, off Temple, opp. Olive. 20 FOR RENT?4 ROOMS UNFURNISHED: board for one taken In payment; no children. 1031 S. Broadway. 20 FOR RENT?FRONT SUITE: OTHER rooms; no children. first-class lady chiropodist ln the city, 519 N. gleasant roadway. of the feet. 106 Wilson treats all diseases 22 tf block, cor. First and Spring sts. FOR NICELY FURNISHED OF THE FEET DISEASES i>R. ZACHAU. 2»«"Winston St.. 11-M 1% blocks from P. O. SB S. Spring et. tf MRS. J. LOST OR STOLEN?ON THE 14TH INST, from Chinese laundry wagon between Seventh and Eleventh sts., on Pearl, clothes marked Woolwlno. Return lo this office. 20 . SEE H. W. COTTLE & SON'S AD. UNOffice, 450 S. Broadder Insurance. 20-23 MUSICAL : brown'family~orchestra furnfshes first-class music for all occasions; Miss Fannie Brown, leader: also teacher of violin and piano; terms reasonable. Studio, 1653 W. Twelfth st. 10-2 $2500?7-room house, modern Improvements, on Forrester aye. $2250?Beautiful 5-room house on Winfield st. $1500?Nice homo on Cypress aye., near Vermont. $2650?Handsome home, 6-room modern house, on Wlnlield st. $2100?6-room house on W. Twenty-first street. ? NOTICE If you want to buy 0 home anywhere in the city go to BEN WHITE, 21 221 W. First st. - RENT' fSPffIM--?"" WW \u25a0? FOR SALE-A 5-ROOM STRICTLY MODthe cor. of ern cottage, one block from lawn, dowers Adams and Hoover sts.: sold and barn; built by day labor; will be one of the furnished or unfurnished; the city: most beautiful little homes in$3000; half cost owner $3200: will sell for cash, balance to suit you. or for cash I will make a great big discount; now II you want to make money, see the owner 21 at once. Room 315 Currier blk. FOR room FOR SALE?HANDSOME UPRIGHT Grand Batis piano at a great sacrifice. Room No. 31. The Savoy, Fourth and Hill sts. Call mornings. tf ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM for two; also large room, south window, $20 for one; gas, bath, (lowers, private family. 311 S. Grand aye. 20 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED?GOOD years old; fine German famfor boy 10 ily preferred: must be near Spring st. C. N., box 90, Herald. 20 Address ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMlly. for lady, 543 Towne aye. 20 INSLV^CE^^^^ - formed on coast: about double those now charged; will take effect in a few days. It is to your Interest to see H. W. COTTLE & SON, 460 S.Broadway, city agents of the North westerp National Insurance Co. and the Co., and have your insurLion Insurance ance carefully re-wrltten at once at cut It is dollars in your pocket to rates. 22 do so. Tell your friends also. DRESSMAKING ladiesTbring yourTdresses to the McDowell school and learn to make them. Patterns cut to measure, 25 cents. The only system taking prizes at all the fairs where exhibited. Room 50, Bryson block. 27 IN FA.Mltailor. 1003 S. 20 WANTED?DRESSMAKING PALMISTRY^ SUCCESS "KNOW THYSELF." A GUAR- anteed: failure unknown. S. Frances Crandall gives the most correct palmistry reading of your life and character of any palmist in the city; reveals past, present and future evenls: these readings are giver: verbally and in charts, with all the candor and faithfulness of confidential No. 355% S. Spring st., communication. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 10-3 MACHINERY yon ~serkky"manuf 234-236 E. Second st., manufacturers of special machinery, dies and models; only accurate work: guaranteed. ~ PATENTS, tors: bldg. COPYRIGHTS, ETC. free book on patents. 424 Bvrne 9-22-6 STORAGE AND COMMISSION FOR SALE?OLD PAPERS IN QUANTIUea to suit, at this office. marble washstand. tine grate, and every modern conmantel andhouse is piped for gas. hoi and venience; only cold water: lot 160 feet deep to alley;price ride from our office: 10 minutes' easy GRIDER & $1850. on installments. 22 DOW. 139 S. Broadway. FOR SALE-HOUSES. INSTALLMENTS. house, Installments'. Comfortable 4-room trees, 7 bath and cellar, 2 lots, 20 fruit large 2-" years old: lot of shade trees: story born and sheds, fenced; well, line see for chickens, pigs. etc.. closeS. in: Broadowner. BOAZ DUNCAN, *0 way. FOR SALE?S2SOO; 8-ROOM COTTAGE, barn, lawn. For terms call at 240 W. Sixteenth St. 20 INSTALLMENTS! IN- chances In stallments! One of the besthouse, 2 large good 4-room Los Angeles:barn, fences, 7-year-old fruit lots, 2 story trees, etc.; don't fail lo see it before you buy. See owner, B. DUNCAN, 145 S. 20 Broadway. SW., HOUSE FOR SALE?4-ROOM walking distance, $1000, easy terms: 6Grand, Twenty-first near St., house. room 60 feet front, $1500 ; 6-room house near $2200, easy terms. E. B. Santa Fe depot, SQUIRES, owner, 225 Byrne bldg, 21 Wilcox blk. 4-ROOM HOUSE, FOR SALE-NEW electric cars: nice hard finished, close to $150 cash, balance lot, fenced; only 8860, J. M'LEAN, small monthly payments. Heights. 22 E st., Pico HOUSE, 4-ROOM SALE?A NEW FOR large 2-story barn, very cheap; terms to of THEO. Inquire suit purchaser. LUTOE, contractor. St. Elmo St.. P.O. 10-16 box 22, sub-station 3. FOR SALE?GOODWIN OF 390 S. LOS Angeles St. will have a special sale of wall paper next week; see those lovely designs and have same hung at 5 cents 20 per roll. FOR SALE?S2OOQ;COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS Main St., north of Twenty-ninth; lot 50x G. W. 150: must sell to close out estate. £0 CONNELL, 206% Broadway. FOR SALE?WANTED PARTY TO BUY and move 8-room house In good condition: price $325. ALLEN & BUTLER, 252-268 Wilson block. 20 - Country Property IF" * way. 23 on and near Tenth St.. will sell all MARY A. 11-12 FOR SALE?A LOT ON E. SEVENTH near Maple, at $2500 that's worth nearly double: also 55 feet E. Fifth St., for $2600. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 W. First St. 20 . Country Property FRED L. SEXTON as CO., t FOR SALE?DON'T WAIT TILLBRYAN Is elected, but buy that lot on the inlnstallmentplannow;lcan locate you and guarantee satisfaction. R. ALTSCHUL, Real Estate Agent. 408 S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE-$l5 PER FRONT FOOT, lots W. side Santee St., bet. Twenty-first and Twenty-third sts: terms to suit; low interest. Apply to R. ALTSCHUL, 405 S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE?S2SOO FOR 100 FEET ON Thirtieth st, near Figueroa: this is a bargain. Call on R. ALTSCHUL, OS S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE?S7SO FOR A 50-FOOT LOT on Pico St.. near Union aye. For sale by R. ALTSCHUL. 408 S. Broadway. 20 treat FOR SALE-T2OOO FOR A 55-FOOT LOT S. Side of Pico St., bet. Flower and Hope sts.; terms to suit purchaser. R. ALT- II SCHULj, 408 S. Broadway. Attention Given to Property for Non-Residents. AND 7 WILSON BLOCK, , Cor. First and Spring sts. i _ 20 aerea Improved peat for stock of hardware. land to trade FOR SALE-SALT LAKE R. Rl: FOR Divestments alone route of Salt Lake R. R. call on Q. C. KTRBY. 632 Stimson blk. tf A ten-acre full bearing fruit ranch at Covlna to exchange for city property. FOR SALE?IRISH SETTER PUPPIES; FRED L. SEXTON. whelped July 16; by Billy Coleralne (81,266 Wilson Block. -666) and Lady Tlpperary (41,608); 310 Cor. First and Spring sts. J. A. PEEBLES, 248 W. Fifteenth each. 20 St. For sale?Lots ln all parts of the city, cheap. ERASER HOKm\V, FOR SALE-ROAD SEXTON, FRED L. 266 Wilson Block. Spring sts. cart, second hand, single: light double, heavy chain and surrey harness. LITTLE ADAMS ST. HARNESS SHOP. 20 For trade?A fine 2-aere ranch with Broora house, at Tustln, Cal. SALE?CHEAP, FOR PROSPECTING outfit, mules, wagon, saddles, etc, complete or mules alone; can be seen at 1011 20,. Altura st. Cor. First and For sale?A cheap atreet. lot on W. Beacon 40 acres alfalfa at Cerltos to exchange for city property. For exchange?Fine For sale?lso bargain. 3 FOR SALE-$190O; FLOWER ST., BET, Sixteenth and Washington: the cheapest lots north of Washington on Flower; east or west front for sale by R. ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE?SS7S BUYS A LOT IN THE Wolfskin tract on Towne aye. ;who would have thunk it? Call quickly on R. ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadway. 20 = FOR SALELAND?ALFALFA?LAND Snap. $65 per acre; 40 to 409 acres, very best soli, level, plenty and perpetual waright: ter best for alfalfa, walnuts or any other fruits; near El Monte: desirable for subdivision; mortgage foreclose* | must be sold at once. Ifyou Intend to purchase land Investigate this rare opportunity: It is genuine snap. JOHN w FAVKOVICH, 220 W. First. 2* FOR SALE?OR TRADE. FINE RANCH 672 acres ln Riverside county; 4» acres ro olives, 5 acres ln other fruit; reservoir house; 200.000 gallons' capacity; piped to Inquire One of the finest well-Improved fruit 6-room house, good barn, etc ranches In California at Orange, for ex913 Los Angeles St. IS change for Los Angeles property. FOR SALE-10 ACRES ON NEW MAIN limits, St., within 100 yards of city part A good 8-room house overlooking Westln alfalfa, part fruit; good 6-room house, lake, for sale or trade for country proplarge barn, plenty of water: price $3500 erty. FRED L. SEXTON. 31000 cash. G. C. EDWARDS, 2*o W. 20 226 Wilson Block. First st. Cor. First and Spring sts. FOR BALE?BAN GABRIEL?ONLT A few 5 and 10-aere blocks left; water right. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE? Now is the time to buy. If yon bare earthing to sell or trade see E. K. ALEXtf ANDER. IS2 S. Broadway. 40 acres good alfalfa land to exchange for city property. FOR SALE?A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE an estate; 40 acres of olive orchard earning 4 years old; close to the city, and for 20 acres full bearing walnut orchard to half its actual value: don't mlaa tnhk exchange for city property. CARR & MYERS, 328 S. Broadway. 29 A fine home ln Santa Ana to exchange for city property; will assume. SALE-J500; CHEAPEST LOT ON on Olrard st. E. of Vernon aye., 60x125; grading, sidewalk, sewer paid. See R. ALTSCHUL, 40S S. Hroadway. 20 ' CoTf -v LOS ANGELES, CAL. i 1 for Los Angeles FRED L. SEXTON. 266 Wilson Block. Cor. First and Spring sts. FOB trie road; location beautiful; excellent soil, water, climate, scenery; unsurpassed for productions, being frostless. HO batter opportunity for Investment will eve* be offered. See far yourself. Take a Santa Monica electric car; fare teneents. egrove InQuire for SBWAIItD 1 r j *, 4 Business blocks with good rent Incomes for exchange residences. 20 UNEQTJALED CHANCE FOR HOMES? For sale?Lots or acres In Colegrove. Cahuenga valley, a western suburb of Los Angeles, on the Santa Monica elee- r Special 2(8 FOR SALE?DON'T WAIT TILLM'KlNley ls elected, but buy that home now, when everything ls cheap. R. ALTSCHUL, Real Estate Agent, 408 S. Broadway. 20 nlshed; horse, buggy Implements, eto,J you could put the $1000 in the bank an* move in and be comfortable; there's ay fine crop of about 1500 worth ef oringaf now on the trees: plenty other klnda tm. fruits, barn, corrals, lawn, flowers, ft miles from Los Angeles en S. P. R. RJ don't fall to come around and talk wltn me and let me show you some facta about the place; you can make soma money by doing so; sse owner. BOAS DUNCAN. 145 8. Broadway. *tl ,he above. Call on V.r.K'lti.?' NIEMEYER. 927 Central aye. City Lots FOR SALE?I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF unimproved city lots; list your lots with me. R. ALTSCHUL. 408 S. Broadway. Chamber of Commerce building. 20 SALE?I6OOO; THAT'S T»"JH FOR pries you've been thinking of paying fa*; a ranch home, how would you Ilk*to gef. the place and have a thousand dollar* given back to you to buy stock, poultry* etc.: the house rood 7-room. already folk FOR SALE-8% ACRES ON CENTRAL aye., 20 9-room house, SW. acres fine grape land at a FRED L. SEXTON. 266 Wilson Block. Cor. First and Spring sts. 20 acres finest orange grove ln California: splendid Improvements: Income for 1896, $4000, guaranteed; for exchange for Los Angeles property. For Rent?A 40-acre farm in Orange county: 7-room house, windmill and tank; cash rent, $150 In advance. FHJ3D L. SEXTON. 266 Wilson Block. FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE,FOR BlCTcycle, desk or anything, a fine, gentle family horse. Address D. E., box 10, Herald. D FOR SALE?FINE YOUNG DRIVUJO mare, fast and gentle, or will exchange for Al lady's wheel. 3218 Hoover st. 20 $40: HARNESS AND or 20 Fe aye. FOR SALE?THOROUGHBRED Newfoundland pups. Call at 221 E. Leroy 21 SALE?HORSE FOR Buggy, or will trade horse for cart \u25a0ulkey. 720 Santa st. FOR SALE?TWO FINE TROTTING Inquire of O. horses and one stud. VICKERY, Bryson bldg., third floor, tf FOR SALE-HORSE, HARNESS AND buggy, cheap, or will trade for lot. In20 quire 747 E. Fourteenth ts. FOR SALE?ONE GOOD PAIR WELL matched young mares, good drivers. Call 22 846 San Pedro St. FOR SALE?GOOD HORSE, HARNESS and delivery wagon; cheap. 287 S. Un21 ion aye. SALE?MISCEILLANBOUS^ FOR S^ALE?HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CONFOR slating of stoves, dining table, sideboard, sets, por- chairs, bed lounge, bedroom tieres, parlor chairs, rugs, mattlng.clock. gas heater, etc.; everything will be sold Monday, 222, Call at private sale. If you have anything for sale or trade or exchange see FRED L. SEXTON a» once, as he can save you money ln any of the above named trades. earl? 21; _ft LEWIS ALDBRSOIt FOR SALE have removed to 429 S. Boring st. Wheat 40 acres best peat land In the world for you want to buy or sell furniture or ea> sale. change old furniture for new, you'll get and satisfaction always the best bargains 2 houses on W. First st. for sale. FOR SALE? at LEWIS &ALDERSON'S, 429 8. s |n S CUT THIS OUT. A well improved farm at Orange, Cal.. of 10 acres, for exchange for city propIf you want to buy or sell any real esFOR SALE-LARGE UPRIGHT PIANO, erty. Ailed cash: ladies tate in Los Angeles or rent a store or cost $450. for $190 spotexchange for good gold watch, $35, or office room, or loan or borrow money on 2 sections of school land for sale or bicycle or roll top desk: 1 Standard sew* city property, or do any business reexchange at a bargain. price, ing machine, almost new, at half quiring the service of a real estate agent, L. A .LOAN CO.. 4T5% S. Spring St. 20 call on R. ALTSCHUL. 40S S. Broadway, Good cheap land near city for sale. Chamber of Commerce building. 20 FOR SALE?2 VERY FINE BOOKS OF FOR SALE?SI3SO: FINEST LOT W. SIDE art. valued by publishers at $250. bindROOM 268 WILSON BLOCK. Alvarado St.. N. of Westlake, elegant ing cost $40, will be sold very low for, residences built on both adjoining lots. cash or exchanged for horse and buggyor For sale by R. ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadoffice furniture. 225 Byrne building. 20 Spring Corner First and sts. way. 20 SO FOR SALE?LADY LEAVING CITY FOR SALE?THIS IS THE VERY BEST will sell singly or In lots her household time to make a little investment in Los goods; parlor, bedroom and kitchen fur70* Angeles dirt: whats' the mr.fter with cor. niture: fine dishwashing machine. SALE GOVERNMENT AND 13-20 Grand aye. and Ninth or cor. Hope and FOR N. Hill St., off Bellevue. school lands, all counties, only 23c acre W. Thirtieth St. ? gr ? Ninth, or many other choice properties for sale by R. ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE?SW. COR NINTH AND Wall street; 100 feet front on Ninth. For sale cheap by R. ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE?GRIDER & DOW'S ADAMS STREET TRACT offered * FOR FOR SALE?I 6 TO 1 OFFER: A CHOICE piece of S. Hroadway properly: price $14.000; terms $10,000 cash, bal. 10 days after Brvan Is elected president. LEE A. lie20 CONNELL, 113 S. Broadway. < FOR SALE-WE SELL THE EARTH. BASSETT ft SMITH. Pomona, Cal. 6-26tf $550?Large 50-foot lot on Albany st., just below Pico, sewer, water and sidewalked; well worth $800. ? FOR SALE?REAL REAL ESTATE AND FOR SALE?ON INSTALLMENTS, 6room cottage on E. Ninth st. Apply 350 GENERAL COMMISSION BROKERAGE SALE?SEVERAL HOUSES SW. on your own payments;worth the money, and cottages in the Wolfskil tract for MARTIN & $100 cash, balance easy. 21 KURTZ, room 22S Byrne block. SALE - ? SALE?ONE SEVEN-ROOM AND one six-room house. Call at 1013 E. Fourteenth st. 19 CASH, BALANCE FOR SALE?S2SO monthly, lovely 5-room modern cottage, street graded, sidewalks, sewers all complete; on beautiful street, near car line. HARRY F. PARKER, 50S S. Spring st.2o ' -? FOR THE TRACTOF HOMES 61 choice residence lots unsold are now at $300 to $1000 on easy payment*; 600 lots have been sold and over 250 homes built in the past 18 months; a sciiool building that cost over $17,000 and a line church are located in this tract: five miles of streets graded, curbed and sidewalked and lined with 2000 lovely shade and palm trees: city water; electric lights; modern street ears, with 10-minute service: only 12 minutes' ride from business center: four W-foot streets and one 100-foot street: lots 60x150 to alley; high and sightly location: loam soil: no mud. Don't buy for a 1 rich home nor for an investment until yon seethe "Adams-street tract," Free carriage from our office. Telephone 1299. For maps, prices and views of this tract call on or write to DOW, GRIDER 22 139 S. Broadway. FOR SALE BY WILDE & STRONG? 2?BARGAINS?2 Bonnie Brae Tract. $825 apiece for four large lots ln Bonnie Brae tract: live high lots between Ninth and Tenth sts.. if sold at once. ITS FOR SALE-SNAP.' $1000. HALF value; 5-room hard finished house, bath stable, etc., on Central aye. south of Seventh st.; lot 47 feet front: terms reasonable: must sacrifice. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 220 W. First. 20_ FOR An'iNSURANCE COMPACT HAS BEEN this the new rates, lles or at home; ladies' Main St. NEW sSALE-LOVELY HOME; cottage, finished In yellowpine; has large bathroom, BARGAIN IN A SLIGHTLY USED Steinway upright piano. Address X., box 100. Herald office. RENT-NICELY FOR SALE?S-ROOM HOUSE AND large lot. K. Sixth st., at a bargain. Address OWNER, box 3, Station No. 1. 20 Are sent out to deceive advertisers by a "stuffed" sworn statement. LOST-SATURADY, AUG. 1, A BLACK letter case containing newspaper cllpbetween Temple and Second on Sings, prlng or Broadway: leave at Herald oflice, MAY ELMORE BENSEN. tf for rTent? elegant'front NEWLY east and south bay window. $15 bath and FOR RENT?THE EMPORIA: furnished rooms with mantels, grates; plenty of sun and good fresh air: call and secure a room for the winter; we have but few rooms left. 410 W. Third St. 20 SALE?SSSO; HOUSE, FOR 5-ROOM large lot, near car line, $100 cash; balance on long time. Address D. S., box 60, 20 Herald. No Sample Copies LUCIEN EARLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. offices, Bullard building, entrance room 420; telephone Black 1445. 7-24-97 SEE LAWYER H. H. HEATH ABOUT FOR RENT-FURNISHED. NEW SUNNY It; over German American Bank; no tin7-room house at 1041>W. Eighth St.; $35. necessary publicity. 8-23 Inquire at 1011 W. Ninth st. 21 BROSSEAU & MONTGOMERY, Law, Attorneys at FOR RENT?S-ROOM HOUSE NEWLY 403 Bradbury blk., Los Angeles, tf painted and papered, new plumbing 1517 S. Flower st. 26 HUNSAKER, WM. 3. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-law. rooms 408-409-410, CurFOR RENT?A 5-ROOM HOUSE. ALL rier building; telephone 1120. 6-20 Apply 802 W. modern Improvements. Seventh st. 20 CHARLES O. MORGAN, ATTORNEY and counselor at law. Room 11, 206% S. FOR RENT?SEE THOSE SPLENDID Broadway. 10-2 flats of 3 and 4 rooms; modern; at 340 Clay street. 20 W. H. SHINN. ATTORNEY ATLAW, 205Spring -208 Wilson blk.. st. FOR RENT?SMALL NICELY FURApply 132 W. Pico St. 25 nished c-ttage. FOR SALE?HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND house for rent. 911 W. Twelfth st. 21 FOR RALE?6SxI6S: 6-BOOMED PLAStered house, on Dalv St., near Mazard: only $1200. FRAGEK & TREOSTI. 1"2 Market st. 20 6-7 Cab FLAT FOR FOR RENT?S-ROOM housekeeping; neatly furnished, bath with hot and cold water. 218 8. Olive St. 20 FOR SALE- Lota graded, on Alpine St.. Lot sewered and 8500 5, iUh?J 700: ST 106 °"ly ts o See BEW WHITE, 221 \V. First St. 21 FOR SALE?A 5-ROOM NEW MODERN FOR SALE?S4OO WILL BUY A LARGE cottage situated SW., $1050, $250 cash, balbuilding lot near the corner of Pico st. ance installments. F. H. PIEPER, 10S and San Pedro: price only $400: see It at S. Broadway. 20 once. GRIDER & DOW, 139 8. Broad- The remarkable growth of The Herald has not been made by inflation. Zach Montgomery. James P. Montgomery. MONTGOMERY & SON.. Attorneys at Law, 526 and 627. Bullard block, Los Angelea, ? box 367. FOR SALE?ON INSTALLMENTS,NICE 6-room cottage; all modern conveniences; will take cheap lot for part of first payment; only $1700. 747 E. Fourteenth 20 street. FOR SALE ? YOU MAY GUESS WHO will be our next president, but you cannot guess how cheap I can sell those 30 feet on the west side of Hill St., bet. Second $2500, part cash, a handsome modern 6and Third sts.; 165 feet deep; of interest; room cottage on Wlnfleld sCTprlce $2500; call on me. R. ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadprettiest cottage on the st. BEN WHITE, way. 20 221 W. First St. FOR SALE?SIO PER FOOT. LOTS IN $500?Large lot, Urmston tract. Woollocott tract, near First-st. car, close to Terminal depot; installment plan. R. $500?Lot sewered and graded on Alpine ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadway. 20 St.: worth double. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. FOR SALE-$5000: CHEAPEST LOT ON Twenty-eighth st, W. of San Pedro; 50 14-room frame building. Third near San feet front, clean side; terms cash. R. large lot; price $5000; part cash ALTSCHUL, 408 S. Broadway. Pedro: 20 and trade. FOR RENT?6SO-ACRE RANCH AT San Jacinto, Cal.l plenty water to Irrigate with. GUARANTY TRUST AND COLLECTION CO., 39 and 40 Bryson 20 block. FOR City cottage, house and large barn, % of a mile from the city limits, at $7 a month; also, 5 acres with 8-room house, barn and 3 acres in fruit In the city near car line, at $18 a month. F. A. HUTCHINSON, 330 S. 20 Broadway. ATTORNEYS^AT-LA\\ H. MARTIN. ATADVICE FREE?C. FOR RENT?FURNISHED COTTAGE. 413 W. Twenty-second St.; rent $22. 22 . ? . FOR RENT?HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS,HALL bath, lawn, flowers, etc.. 2613 E. Third St., Hoyle Heights, at $18 a month. F. A. HUTCHINSON, 330 S. Broadway. 20 FOR RENT?RENTERS, SEE POWELL. 106 S. Broadway, for houses, furnished and unfurnished, in all parts ot the city. 20 FORSALE?REAL.ESTATE Houses and Lola Sleasant FOR FOR RENT?MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE on Toberman St.. near Traction line. Apply 1124 W. Seventeenth St., or 410 S. Main 20 street. Houses and Lois DOR SALE?BY BEN WHITE BEN WHITE 221 W. First st ; 221 W. First st SPECIAL BARGAINS SPECIAL BARGAINS ROOM, FOR RENT?DOUBLE FRONT NOTICE $10, for housekeeping; also single rooms. READ THIS 20 623 Court St. Buy yourself a home: dont' pay rent when such great opportunities are ofFOR RENT?HOUSEKEEPING FURfered: read my ads carefully: you will nlshed rooms; $1.60 to $2. NITTINOER'S, find what you want: just consider the 461 S. Hope. tf terms: after buying any of these properties. If you want to sell again you can FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED, 2 VERY ? ? always do so.and for more than you paid; rooms, single or en suite. 661 while ff you continue paying rent you 20 Hope. never have anything; it's the same as giving money away as paying rent; when you can buy a home on the liberal terms 424 WEST PARKER, FOR RENT?THE Fourth St.; nicely furnished rooms, from hereafter mentioned don't delay, but take 20 Immediate advantage of a good proposi$6 up. tion. FOR RENT?OLIVE INN, 537 8. OLIVE $125 cash, balance $10 per month, nice St., from $7 up; newly furnished rooms. neat 3-room cottage, lot 50x137%; nice 10-15 barn, fence, etc.: situated southwest part of city, within 2 blocks of the elecFOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS FOR tric cars; price $1050: rare bargain. BEN housekeeping. 321% W. Seventh st. tf WHITE, 221 W. First st. FOR RENT?NICELY FURNISHED $100 cash, balance like rent, lot 25x125 to rooms. 707 W. Eighth St. 20_ alley, all fenced; 2-room plain house on Eighth st, 2% blocks from San Pedro FOR St.; price only $600; vacant lot alone worth more. Apply to BEN WHITE, 221 FOR RENT?STORE ROOM IN GOOD W. First st. locality for any business, 1836 S. Main st. (Washington gardens), on east side of $150 cash, balance like rent, lot 60x160, St.; rent very reasonable. Addres sor call with nice large 5-room hard finished coton B. B. NEAL, Herald. tage with bath, on Ramona near Alpine, No. 825 Ramona; go and see this and If FOR RENT?STORE ROOM ON SPLENyou want apply to BEN WHITE, 221 W. dId business corner, at Thirtieth and First St. owner, 15C7 Main; rent reasonable. See Georgia Bell st. 20 $175 cash, balance like rent, nice 4-room cottage, lot 40x160, facing on two streets; FOR RENT?STORE AND LIVING barn, fence, etc.; price $1200. Inquire rooms. Ninth and Tennessee. 20 INNES, 227 W. Second st. M'GARRY & $100 cash, balance $12 monthly, nice 4room hard finished cottage onGrlfnn aye., FOR RENT?STORE. 308 S. LOS ANGElot 50x160; price $1250, or will trade for Ies st.. with basement and elevator. Inranch or vacant lots. BEN WHITE. 221 quire 300 S. Los Angeles St. su-tf W. First St. FOR RENT?STORE IN BEST LOCALEast Jefferson, 5-roomsand bath, latest Call or Ity for any business; low rent. new modern cottage, lot 60x150.g00d barn, address B. B. N., Herald. tf a lovely home :terms $150 cash, balance $15 a month, Including Interest; price $1250. Apply to BEN WHITE, 221 W. FOR RENT?HALF OF STORE. 413 S. 20 Spring st. First St. 21 FOR RENT TEN ROOM HOUSE nicely furnished, with piano and all latest Improvements, cor. of Budlong and Thirty-seventh sts; take Traction car. 21 FOR RENT-OR SALE; HOUSE WITH 13 acres at Pasadena; also house at San Gabriel depot. Call at MRS. J. C. NEWTON'S, South Pasadena, 20 13 MOBNINGr, SEPTEMBER 20," 189* opportunities ln a lifetime: school lands need no residence or cultivation on land and far excel any ordinary investments: information sent; a few very choice bargains: 320 acres timber land, near San Bernardino, $2 acre for patent: easy terms. 400 acres ln artesian belt west of Lancaster; fine alfalfa land; $2 acre for certificate: easy terms. 820 acres near Newhall: fine grazing and timber: $2 acre for certificate. One choice section at Victor, another at Mlnneola Water District, very reasonable. Some government homesteads, one at Calabasas, another Palmdale, Falbrook, Castalc and San Fernando. WISEMAN'S LAND BUREAU, 21 221 West First st. down; grandest FOR SALE?SNAPSFORECLOSURE SALE. LAND-WALNUT, ALFALFA?LAND $60 per acre, 40 to 400 acres very best soil, level; plenty and perpetual water rtgflt: best for alfalfa, walnuts, lemons, or any ot'.icr fruits: m'le from Puente; very desirable for subdivision. $75 to $100 per acre. 40 to 80 acres: al! | very best level soil: plenty and perpetual water right now running on the land: 6-room, hard-finished house, large barn, etc. If you intend to buy land or good Investment at less than one-half Its present cash value. Investigate above rare opportunities. They are genuine snaps and must be sold at once. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH. 20 220 W. First St. FOR SALE-NEW SEWING MACHINE, tendrop head, five drawer, oak case, vear guarantee: for $22. Owner going 21 Wall st. east. Call 758 MACHINES OF FOR SALE?SEWING all the best makes at half price: second hand machines from $5 to $10, guaran20 teed. 507 S. Spring st. . FOR SALE ? REMEMBER GOODWIN" next week and can sell you wall paper per roll. 390 3. hang same for 5 cents 20 Los Angeles st. FOR SALE-iEXPRESS WAGON AND dray. $200: cost $475; will take cattle or rough lumber. Address E. 1., bog 28 40. Herald. FOR SALE-CHEAP LUNCH COUNTER or bar 20 feet long, 4 feet high. Inquire ALF MORRIS, New York Kltchen.Santa 20 Monica. large FOR SALE?A HIGH GRADE BICYCLE Inquire, In Al condition at a, H. G. MILLER, room 6. court tf FOR SALE- ELEGANT NEW PIANO, right party. or would rent cheap to Ad20 dress E. P.. box 10, Herald. SALE SALE?ATTEND Tuesday, etc.. at auction 10 ociock. 1323 E. First St. FOR SALE?A BICYCLE AND Call or address WM. cheap. Water St.. Los Angeles. FOR ture, at FURNl224. 20 ZITHER P., 118 8. 22 Sept. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BICYCLE, SALE?COLUMBIA ranch of 10 acres at Covlna. 21 miles east FOR M. E. model 40. good as new; cheap. of Los Angeles, all set to fruit: oranges, Water St. 20 119 S. prunes; RILEY. lemons, peaches, walnuts and WILDE & STRONG 2 houses, barn, excellent water right: GOOD CONDlFOR SALE?BICYCLE. railway depot: five minutes' walk from tion, $20. worth $50; a big bargain. 228 W. Fourth st. Call a big bargain at $3500 5 acres adjoining 20 Monday. 551 S. Olive St. unimproved can also be purchased. G. FOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL BUILDING C. EDWARDS. 230 W. First St. 20 lots for homes, close in. and on very easy H. W. COTTLE & FOR SALE?SEE terms,in C. A. Smith's Third addition: Oflice, 450 SON'S ad. under Insurance. located on Eighth and Mateo sts.. near FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE. 17 ACRES S. Broadway. 20-22 of fine land nt Gardens, with unllmted Seventh street school: those lots are 40 water, supply by development: alley of sevwide, feet; loet and have an of 15 eral hundred inches of watef"Van be obFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?EQUITT prices $210, $280 and $325; $10 down, $10 tained at small expense, and can be sold ln 13 acres of black sandy soli, cheap. K. nor month. Call on C. A. SMITH, 213 to neighboring ranches at great profit; 8.. box 70. 23 W. First st. tf make an offer. H. F. PARKER, 508 S. Spring st. FOR SALE?2 LARGE LOTS IN SOUTH 20 FOR RALE-FINE STUDEBAKER EXtension-top carriage. Call 145 S. Broadpart of city, 50x165 each, nice 5-room way. house, large barn 40x40 feel; windmill FOR SALE-ONLY SEVEN MEMBUR20_ and lank, water pined all through bouse ships leff In Whlttler co-operative lemon and barn; a splendid place to raise chickto get a ranch cheap FOR SALE?NEW SINGER MACHINE Best ohonoe ranch. cheap. ens, and It con be had for 81800 on good Call at 524 W. Third st. 22 on easy terms. Personal attention not terms. A. A .IRISH &CO., 236% s. Spring required. Apply for circulars and InforFOR SALE?SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT street. 20 mation to WILL S. FAWCETT, Whltand sold. 315 S. Main st. 20 tler. Cal. 20 FOR SALE?SISO: GREAT BARGAIN: fineresideneo lot on Fourteenth st., close FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE; EIGHTY FOR SALE?MALTESE KITTENS. lo San Pedro. ,100 feel deep 10 20-foot al10, dress box Anaheim. 20 acres, mostly In prunes, almonds and ley: street grided and graveled: if you walnuts, just coming into bearing;cholce. are looking for a snap don't fall to see healthy location: prefer Los Angeles FOR SALE?SURGICAL CHAIR us about this lot. GRIDER & DOW. 139 property; ranch is clear: would assume 20 STOTT. 239 S. Hill St. S. Broadway. 22 on good property. Address H., 251 E. A?\u25a0 I 11.11 First st. 20 folTsale" HOUSE'MOVINO $600 800 ACRE RANCH FOR RENT CHEAP. a. Urmston tract, large lot, for $500. BEN flee, 113 N. Broadway. 21 WHITE, 211 W. First St. 21 BEN WHITE. 221 W. First St. ? : AdJ ~
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