Purification of GST fusion proteins, on-column cleavage and sample clean-up Conclusions Affinity tags such as GST can be used for many purposes, including one step affinity purification. Two of the constructs described here held a protease site next to the GST-tag to allow removal of the affinity tag from the target protein. The use of PreScission protease gave pure GST-free protein in a straightforward on-column reaction. After cleavage with thrombin, the protease was easily removed with HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) connected directly to the GSTrap FF column. Jill A. Sigrell, Amersham Biosciences AB, SE-751 84 Uppsala, Sweden. Introduction The use of tagged proteins is widely spread due to their many benefits, such as high purity with only one step affinity purification, on-column refolding possibilities, and easy detection. Glutathione Sepharose™ allows fast and easy protein purification of recombinant proteins fused to the affinity tag Glutathione S-transferase (GST). This affinity tag is widely used, and has the possibility to increase the expression yield and the solubility and folding of the expressed protein. In this work, we show the purification of six different human proteins all produced as fusions to GST using different pGEX-vectors, and expressed in E. coli. Acknowledgement We thank Dr. Kristina Bäckbro (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden) for GST-hippocalcin, Pharmacia Corporation (Stockholm, Sweden) for SH2-GST and Martin Hammarström (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden) for the GST-fused ORFs. Asia Pacific Tel: +852 2811 8693 Fax: +852 2811 5251 Australasia Tel: +61 2 9894 5152 Fax: +61 2 9899 7511 Austria Tel: 01 57 606 1620 Fax: 01 57 606 1627 Belgium Tel: 0800 73 888 Fax: 03 272 1637 Canada Tel: 1 800 463 5800 Fax: 1 800 567 1008 Central, East, South East Europe Tel: +43 1 982 3826 Fax: +43 1 985 8327 Denmark Tel: 45 16 2400 Fax: 45 16 2424 Finland Tel: 09 512 3940 Fax: 09 512 1710 France Tel: 0169 35 67 00 Fax: 0169 41 96 77 Germany Tel: 0761 4903 401 Fax: 0761 4903 405 Italy Tel: 02 27322 1 Fax: 02 27302 212 Japan Tel: 81 3 5331 9336 Fax: 81 3 5331 9370 Latin America Tel: +55 11 3667 5700 Fax: +55 11 3667 87 99 Middle East and Africa Tel: +30 (1) 96 00 687 Fax: +30 (1) 96 00 693 Netherlands Tel: 0165 580 410 Fax: 0165 580 401 Norway Tel: 23 18 5800 Fax: 23 18 6800 Portugal Tel: 01 417 7035 Fax: 01 417 3184 Russian Federation Tel: +7 (095) 232 0250,956 1137 Fax: +7 (095) 230 6377 South East Asia Tel: 60 3 724 2080 Fax: 60 3 724 2090 Spain Tel: 93 594 49 50 Fax: 93 594 49 55 Sweden Tel: +46 018 612 19 00 Fax: +46 018 612 19 10 Switzerland Tel: 01 802 81 50 Fax: 01 802 81 51 UK Tel: 0800 616 928 Fax: 0800 616 927 USA Tel: +1 800 526 3593 Fax: +1 800 329 3593 RAK design AB. Sepharose, PreScission, ExcelGel, HiTrap, GSTrap and ÄKTA are trademarks of Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Limited or its subsidiaries. Amersham is a trademark of Nycomed Amersham plc. Pharmacia and Drop Design are trademarks of Pharmacia Corporation. Coomassie is a trademark of ICI plc. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB Björkgatan 30, SE-751 84 Uppsala, Sweden. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech UK Limited Amersham Place, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire HP7 9NA, England. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Inc 800 Centennial Avenue, PO Box 1327, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Europe GmbH Munzinger Strasse 9, D-79111 Freiburg, Germany. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech K.K. Sanken Building, 3-25-1, Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan. All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the company within the Amersham Pharmacia Biotech group that supplies them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on request. © Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB 2001 – All rights reserved. 18-1150-20 Edition AA Elution of GSTrap FF On-column cleavage using PreScission protease Columns: Binding and wash buffer: GST elution buffer: Flow rate: Instrument: Protease treatment: 2 ml clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed GST-hippocalcin, Mr 43 000 2 x GSTrap FF, 1 ml 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 0.15 M NaCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM DTT, 10% glycerol 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 20 mM reduced glutathione 0.5 ml/min ÄKTA™prime 80 U/ml PreScission protease overnight at +4 °C and at room temperature for 2 hours 0.80 GST-tag and PreScission protease PreScission Continued protease column wash Column wash 0.20 Lane 1: Lane 2: Lane 3: Lane 4: Lane 5: Lane 6: 20 30 40 ml 2 x GSTrap FF High salt buffer wash Gel: ExcelGel SDS Gradient 8-18%, Coomassie staining Elution of GSTrap FF A 280 nm Thrombin activity A 405 nm GST-tag 0.30 97 000 66 000 45 000 0.20 30 000 20 100 14 400 0.60 Thrombin Column wash 0.40 0.20 0.10 fr.14 fr.6 fr.7 fr.8 fr.2 fr.21 fr.22 SH2 0 0 10 0 A) 15 A) 20 25 50 B) ml A) A) GSTrap FF B) HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) B) Fig 3. Chromatogram and activity curve demonstrating all steps in the purification of the SH2 domain. Column: Binding buffer: GST elution buffer: Flow rate: Instrument: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.80 A) Clarified E. coli homogenates containing expressed GST-tagged ORFs GSTrap FF, 1 ml 20 mM Na phosphate, pH 7.5, 0.15 M NaCl 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 20 mM reduced glutathione 0.5 ml/min ÄKTAprime 1 2 Mr Sample: Sample: Clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed GST-hippocalcin Flow through (fraction 2) GST-hippocalcin Pure hippocalcin after on-column cleavage (fraction 5) Same as lane 4, but fraction 6 Eluted fraction from GSTrap FF containing PreScission protease, and GST-tag released by cleavage (fraction 12) Fig 2. SDS PAGE analysis. Elution of HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) Thrombin Material and Methods GST-hippocalcin PreScission protease GST hippocalcin Hippocalcin 10 On-column cleavage using thrombin As part of a structural genomics project, where the aim is to determine 3D structures of proteins at high speed, open reading frames (ORFs) were cloned as GST-fusions. The proteins were first produced and purified in a small scale. Using a pre-programmed template on ÄKTAprime, the purification of these four proteins from cell extracts was quickly performed, making it possible to evaluate easily each protein's expression, purity and stability. The results seen in Figure 5 show good protein expression. However, a clear degradation pattern was observed for all the purified proteins. 6 20 100 14 400 GSTrap FF Initial purification screen within a structural genomics program 5 30 000 0.40 0 2 ml clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed SH2-GST, Mr 37 000 Columns: GSTrap FF, 1 ml and HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub), 1 ml Binding buffer: 20 mM Na phosphate, pH 7.5, 0.15 M NaCl High salt wash buffer: 20 mM Na phosphate, pH 7.5, 1.0 M NaCl Benzamidine elution buffer: 20 mM p-aminobenzamidine in binding buffer GST elution buffer: 20 mM reduced glutathione, 50 mM Tris, pH 8.0 Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min Instrument: ÄKTAprime 20 U/ml thrombin (Amersham Biosciences) for 2 hours Protease treatment: at room temperature Thrombin activity: S-2238 (Haemochrom Diagnostica AB) was used as a substrate and its absorbance at 405 nm was measured 4 45 000 0.60 0 Material and Methods 3 97 000 66 000 Fig 1. Chromatogram showing the purification of human hippocalcin. When expressing the SH2 domain from a phosphatase, a fusion protein containing a thrombin site between the SH2 domain and the GST-tag was created. Thrombin (a serine protease that can bind the synthetic inhibitor p-aminobenzamidine) could be completely removed after on-column cleavage by placing a HiTrap™ Benzamidine FF (high sub) column in series after the GSTrap FF column. The removal of thrombin was verified with an activity assay using the substrate S-2238. From one gram of wet cells, 5 mg of pure tag-free SH2 domain was obtained. 2 Mr fr.12 Sample: 1 A 280 nm fr.5 fr.6 Material and Methods fr.2 The gene for human hippocalcin, a member of the neuronespecific calcium-binding protein family, was incorporated in a pGEX-vector holding a PreScission™ protease site next to the GST-tag. After capturing the expressed fusion protein on a GSTrap™ FF column, PreScission protease (which is GST-tagged itself) was added. The on-column cleavage reaction took place at +4 °C overnight and at room temperature for an additional 2 hours. To recover hippocalcin, another GSTrap FF column was placed in series after the first, to make sure no PreScission protease, uncleaved GST-fusion or free GST-tag came through with the sample during the additional wash with binding buffer. For every gram of wet E. coli cells, 10 mg of pure, nontagged hippocalcin was obtained. Gel: ExcelGel™ SDS Gradient, 8-18%, Coomassie™ staining SH2 Lane 1. Lane 2. Lane 3. Lane 4. Lane 5. Lane 6. Lane 7. Low Molecular Weight marker Clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed SH2-GST Flow through fraction (fraction 2) SH2 domain, washed off with binding buffer through both columns (fraction 6) Same as lane 4, but fraction 7 Same as lane 4, but fraction 8 Eluted fraction from HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) with the highest thrombin activity (fraction 14) Lane 8. Eluted fraction from GSTrap FF containing cleaved off GST-tag and un-cleaved fusion protein, SH2-GST (fraction 21) Lane 9. Same as lane 8, but fraction 22 Fig 4. SDS PAGE anaysis. Gel: ExcelGel SDS Gradient 8-18%, Coomassie staining Clone A, Mr 37 000 S FT E Clone B, Mr 36 000 Mr Mr S FT E Clone C, Mr 39 000 Mr Mr S FT E Clone D, Mr 36 000 Mr Mr S FT E Mr Mr 97 000 66 000 97 000 66 000 97 000 66 000 97 000 66 000 45 000 45 000 45 000 45 000 30 000 30 000 30 000 20 100 14 400 20 100 14 400 20 100 14 400 30 000 20 100 14 400 Fig 5. SDS PAGE analysis of 4 different human open reading frames (A-D) expressed as GST-fusions. S) sample loaded on a GSTrap FF column, FT) flow through during sample load and wash, E) eluted fusion protein and Mr) low molecular weight marker proteins. Elution of GSTrap FF On-column cleavage using PreScission protease Columns: Binding and wash buffer: GST elution buffer: Flow rate: Instrument: Protease treatment: 2 ml clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed GST-hippocalcin, Mr 43 000 2 x GSTrap FF, 1 ml 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 0.15 M NaCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM DTT, 10% glycerol 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 20 mM reduced glutathione 0.5 ml/min ÄKTA™prime 80 U/ml PreScission protease overnight at +4 °C and at room temperature for 2 hours 0.80 GST-tag and PreScission protease PreScission Continued protease column wash Column wash 0.20 Lane 1: Lane 2: Lane 3: Lane 4: Lane 5: Lane 6: 20 30 40 ml 2 x GSTrap FF High salt buffer wash Gel: ExcelGel SDS Gradient 8-18%, Coomassie staining Elution of GSTrap FF A 280 nm Thrombin activity A 405 nm GST-tag 0.30 97 000 66 000 45 000 0.20 30 000 20 100 14 400 0.60 Thrombin Column wash 0.40 0.20 0.10 fr.14 fr.6 fr.7 fr.8 fr.2 fr.21 fr.22 SH2 0 0 10 0 A) 15 A) 20 25 50 B) ml A) A) GSTrap FF B) HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) B) Fig 3. Chromatogram and activity curve demonstrating all steps in the purification of the SH2 domain. Column: Binding buffer: GST elution buffer: Flow rate: Instrument: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.80 A) Clarified E. coli homogenates containing expressed GST-tagged ORFs GSTrap FF, 1 ml 20 mM Na phosphate, pH 7.5, 0.15 M NaCl 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 20 mM reduced glutathione 0.5 ml/min ÄKTAprime 1 2 Mr Sample: Sample: Clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed GST-hippocalcin Flow through (fraction 2) GST-hippocalcin Pure hippocalcin after on-column cleavage (fraction 5) Same as lane 4, but fraction 6 Eluted fraction from GSTrap FF containing PreScission protease, and GST-tag released by cleavage (fraction 12) Fig 2. SDS PAGE analysis. Elution of HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) Thrombin Material and Methods GST-hippocalcin PreScission protease GST hippocalcin Hippocalcin 10 On-column cleavage using thrombin As part of a structural genomics project, where the aim is to determine 3D structures of proteins at high speed, open reading frames (ORFs) were cloned as GST-fusions. The proteins were first produced and purified in a small scale. Using a pre-programmed template on ÄKTAprime, the purification of these four proteins from cell extracts was quickly performed, making it possible to evaluate easily each protein's expression, purity and stability. The results seen in Figure 5 show good protein expression. However, a clear degradation pattern was observed for all the purified proteins. 6 20 100 14 400 GSTrap FF Initial purification screen within a structural genomics program 5 30 000 0.40 0 2 ml clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed SH2-GST, Mr 37 000 Columns: GSTrap FF, 1 ml and HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub), 1 ml Binding buffer: 20 mM Na phosphate, pH 7.5, 0.15 M NaCl High salt wash buffer: 20 mM Na phosphate, pH 7.5, 1.0 M NaCl Benzamidine elution buffer: 20 mM p-aminobenzamidine in binding buffer GST elution buffer: 20 mM reduced glutathione, 50 mM Tris, pH 8.0 Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min Instrument: ÄKTAprime 20 U/ml thrombin (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) for 2 hours Protease treatment: at room temperature Thrombin activity: S-2238 (Haemochrom Diagnostica AB) was used as a substrate and its absorbance at 405 nm was measured 4 45 000 0.60 0 Material and Methods 3 97 000 66 000 Fig 1. Chromatogram showing the purification of human hippocalcin. When expressing the SH2 domain from a phosphatase, a fusion protein containing a thrombin site between the SH2 domain and the GST-tag was created. Thrombin (a serine protease that can bind the synthetic inhibitor p-aminobenzamidine) could be completely removed after on-column cleavage by placing a HiTrap™ Benzamidine FF (high sub) column in series after the GSTrap FF column. The removal of thrombin was verified with an activity assay using the substrate S-2238. From one gram of wet cells, 5 mg of pure tag-free SH2 domain was obtained. 2 Mr fr.12 Sample: 1 A 280 nm fr.5 fr.6 Material and Methods fr.2 The gene for human hippocalcin, a member of the neuronespecific calcium-binding protein family, was incorporated in a pGEX-vector holding a PreScission™ protease site next to the GST-tag. After capturing the expressed fusion protein on a GSTrap™ FF column, PreScission protease (which is GST-tagged itself) was added. The on-column cleavage reaction took place at +4 °C overnight and at room temperature for an additional 2 hours. To recover hippocalcin, another GSTrap FF column was placed in series after the first, to make sure no PreScission protease, uncleaved GST-fusion or free GST-tag came through with the sample during the additional wash with binding buffer. For every gram of wet E. coli cells, 10 mg of pure, nontagged hippocalcin was obtained. Gel: ExcelGel™ SDS Gradient, 8-18%, Coomassie™ staining SH2 Lane 1. Lane 2. Lane 3. Lane 4. Lane 5. Lane 6. Lane 7. Low Molecular Weight marker Clarified E. coli homogenate containing expressed SH2-GST Flow through fraction (fraction 2) SH2 domain, washed off with binding buffer through both columns (fraction 6) Same as lane 4, but fraction 7 Same as lane 4, but fraction 8 Eluted fraction from HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) with the highest thrombin activity (fraction 14) Lane 8. Eluted fraction from GSTrap FF containing cleaved off GST-tag and un-cleaved fusion protein, SH2-GST (fraction 21) Lane 9. Same as lane 8, but fraction 22 Fig 4. SDS PAGE anaysis. Gel: ExcelGel SDS Gradient 8-18%, Coomassie staining Clone A, Mr 37 000 S FT E Clone B, Mr 36 000 Mr Mr S FT E Clone C, Mr 39 000 Mr Mr S FT E Clone D, Mr 36 000 Mr Mr S FT E Mr Mr 97 000 66 000 97 000 66 000 97 000 66 000 97 000 66 000 45 000 45 000 45 000 45 000 30 000 30 000 30 000 20 100 14 400 20 100 14 400 20 100 14 400 30 000 20 100 14 400 Fig 5. SDS PAGE analysis of 4 different human open reading frames (A-D) expressed as GST-fusions. S) sample loaded on a GSTrap FF column, FT) flow through during sample load and wash, E) eluted fusion protein and Mr) low molecular weight marker proteins. Purification of GST fusion proteins, on-column cleavage and sample clean-up Conclusions Affinity tags such as GST can be used for many purposes, including one step affinity purification. Two of the constructs described here held a protease site next to the GST-tag to allow removal of the affinity tag from the target protein. The use of PreScission protease gave pure GST-free protein in a straightforward on-column reaction. After cleavage with thrombin, the protease was easily removed with HiTrap Benzamidine FF (high sub) connected directly to the GSTrap FF column. Jill A. Sigrell, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB, SE-751 84 Uppsala, Sweden. jill.sigrell@eu.apbiotech.com Introduction The use of tagged proteins is widely spread due to their many benefits, such as high purity with only one step affinity purification, on-column refolding possibilities, and easy detection. Glutathione Sepharose™ allows fast and easy protein purification of recombinant proteins fused to the affinity tag Glutathione S-transferase (GST). This affinity tag is widely used, and has the possibility to increase the expression yield and the solubility and folding of the expressed protein. In this work, we show the purification of six different human proteins all produced as fusions to GST using different pGEX-vectors, and expressed in E. coli. Acknowledgement We thank Dr. Kristina Bäckbro (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden) for GST-hippocalcin, Amersham Biosciences (Stockholm, Sweden) for SH2-GST and Martin Hammarström (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden) for the GST-fused ORFs. Asia Pacific Tel: +852 2811 8693 Fax: +852 2811 5251 Australasia Tel: +61 2 9894 5152 Fax: +61 2 9899 7511 Austria Tel: 01 57 606 1620 Fax: 01 57 606 1627 Belgium Tel: 0800 73 888 Fax: 03 272 1637 Canada Tel: 1 800 463 5800 Fax: 1 800 567 1008 Central, East, South East Europe Tel: +43 1 982 3826 Fax: +43 1 985 8327 Denmark Tel: 45 16 2400 Fax: 45 16 2424 Finland Tel: 09 512 3940 Fax: 09 512 1710 France Tel: 0169 35 67 00 Fax: 0169 41 96 77 Germany Tel: 0761 4903 401 Fax: 0761 4903 405 Italy Tel: 02 27322 1 Fax: 02 27302 212 Japan Tel: 81 3 5331 9336 Fax: 81 3 5331 9370 Latin America Tel: +55 11 3667 5700 Fax: +55 11 3667 87 99 Middle East and Africa Tel: +30 (1) 96 00 687 Fax: +30 (1) 96 00 693 Netherlands Tel: 0165 580 410 Fax: 0165 580 401 Norway Tel: 23 18 5800 Fax: 23 18 6800 Portugal Tel: 01 417 7035 Fax: 01 417 3184 Russian Federation Tel: +7 (095) 232 0250,956 1137 Fax: +7 (095) 230 6377 South East Asia Tel: 60 3 724 2080 Fax: 60 3 724 2090 Spain Tel: 93 594 49 50 Fax: 93 594 49 55 Sweden Tel: +46 018 612 19 00 Fax: +46 018 612 19 10 Switzerland Tel: 01 802 81 50 Fax: 01 802 81 51 UK Tel: 0800 616 928 Fax: 0800 616 927 USA Tel: +1 800 526 3593 Fax: +1 800 329 3593 RAK design AB. Sepharose, PreScission, ExcelGel, HiTrap, GSTrap and ÄKTA are trademarks of Amersham Biosciences Limited or its subsidiaries. Amersham is a trademark of Nycomed Amersham plc. Coomassie is a trademark of ICI plc. Amersham Biosciences AB Björkgatan 30, SE-751 84 Uppsala, Sweden. Amersham Biosciences UK Limited Amersham Place, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire HP7 9NA, England. Amersham Biosciences Inc 800 Centennial Avenue, PO Box 1327, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA. Amersham Biosciences Europe GmbH Munzinger Strasse 9, D-79111 Freiburg, Germany. Amersham Biosciences K.K. Sanken Building, 3-25-1, Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan. All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the company within the Amersham Biosciences group that supplies them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on request. © Amersham Biosciences AB 2001 – All rights reserved. 18-1150-20 Edition AA
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