The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing Master of Science in Nursing Health Care Systems: BSN-MSN Administration, Informatics or Outcomes Management (36 credits) SAMPLE FULL-TIME PLAN OF STUDY (2014) Year One Fall N646 Health Care Policy (3) Spring N871 Leadership in HC (3) N704 Scientific Writing (1) N8721 Human Resource Management (3) N778 Interpreting Research Reports (3) Summer N873 Financing Valuedbased Care (3) Special Topics (3) N870 HC Informatics (3) Two Total Credits = 10 N874 Improving…Outcomes (3) Special Topics Course (3) Total Credits = 9 N878 HC Residency/ Integrative Sem (5) 2 Total Credits = 3 N992 Master’s Paper4 (3) (student considered full-time by the University when enrolled) Total Credits = 8 Total Credit = 63 N872 offered generally in spring, even-numbered years. Informatics students will take a 3rd Special Topics course in place of N872 2 N878 must be taken after all other MSN coursework is completed or in process 3 If full-time status required fall semester, student may take electives (see number 4 below). 4 N992 may be taken at any point in the program after N778 has been completed. 1 Part-time study is also available. Time in the program will be approximately 3 years with Approximately 3-6 cr per semester. You will meet with your academic advisor to develop a plan of study upon entry. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing Health Care Systems: RN-MSN Administration, Informatics or Outcomes Management (36 graduate credits; 12 undergraduate credits bridge) SAMPLE FULL-TIME PLAN OF STUDY4 (2014) Year One (bridge) Fall N490 Conceptual Basis (3) Spring N494 Community Health Nursing (6) Summer N491 Improving Practice (3) Two Total Credits = 6 N646 Health Care Policy (3) Total Credits = 6 N871 Leadership in HC (3) N704 Scientific Writing (1) N8721 Human Resource Management (3) N778 Interpreting Research Reports (3) N873 Financing Valuedbased Care (3) Special Topics (3) N870 HC Informatics (3) Three Total Credits = 10 N874 Improving…Outcomes (3) Special Topics Course (3) Total Credits = 9 N878 HC Residency/ Integrative Sem (5) 2 Total Credits = 3 N992 Master’s Paper (3) (student considered full-time by the University when enrolled) Total Credits = 8 Total Credit = 63 N872 offered generally in spring, even-numbered years. Informatics students will take a 3rd Special Topics course in place of N872 2 N878 must be taken after all other MSN coursework is completed or in process 3 If full-time status required fall semester, student may take electives (see number 4 below). 4 N992 may be taken at any point in the program after N778 has been completed. 1 Part-time study is also available. Time in the program will be approximately 4 years with about 6 cr per semester. You will meet with your academic advisor to develop a plan of study upon entry.
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