WASHINGTON STATE MATHEMATICS COUNCIL 2006 MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH OLYMPIAD 5 Session I: FIFTH GRADE PROBLEM SOLVING Trailblazer Problem – Sample Solution Sample calculation for the simplest route. The calculations for one route are sufficient to establish understanding, and to communicate strategy. Fox and Kinnikinik Trails (FK) :Tree points = 50 + 160 = 210 Length = 3 + 1 = 4 km Route time = (4km x 8min) = 32 min (since 1 km per 8 min) Route time points = 400 from second row of table 2 because 30 < 32 < 40. Total points for the Route = 210 + 400 = 610 The subsequent routes will be designated by the order of the marked trees on the route (or by first letter in the trail name which is the same thing). The following calculations need not be shown, a table or list summarizing the results for their routes is sufficient as long as a sample calculation such as the one above is show. ABC (meaning Acorn-Bobcat-Crow Trails) - A three trail route Tree points = 100 + 200 + 120 = 420 Length (L) = 2 + 2 + 2.6 = 6.6 km Route time (T) = 6.6 * 8 = 52.8 min Route time points = 200 Total points = 620 ADGK – a short route containing both the Acorn and Goose Trails as requested by Louise Tree points = 100 + 125 + 180 + 160 = 565 L = 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6km T = 6 * 8 = 48 min Route time points = 300 Total points = 865 ADHJGEFK – a route containing the most number of trails Tree points = 100 + 125 + 75 + 80 + 180 + 0 + 50 + 160 = 770 L = 2 + 1 + 1.7 + 2.1 + 2 + 1.7 + 3 + 1 = 14.5km T = 14.5 * 8 = 116 min Route time points = 0 Total points = 770 Items in italics are what I would expect in a response that goes beyond the requirements of the problem. There will be a few teams that list more than the 4 routes required and draw inferences and make recommendations that are clearly beyond the minimum asked for. ABHGK - a long route that contains both the Acorn and Goose trails one that leaves out the low point Eagle and Fox trails. Tree points = 100 + 200 + 75 + 180 + 160 = 715 L = 2 + 2 + 1.7 + 2 + 1 = 8.7 km T = 8.7 * 8 = 69.6 min Route time points = 100 WSMC 2006 Middle School Math Olympiad Session 1 Sample Solution, Grade 5, Page 1 of 2 Total points = 815 Route FK ABC ADGK ADHJGEFK ABHGK Tree points 210 420 565 770 715 Route length in km 4 6.6 6 14.5 8.7 Route time in minutes 32 52.8 48 116 69.6 Route time points 400 200 300 0 100 Total points for Route 610 620 865 770 815 We notice the following when designing the different routes:1. A short route earns more time points but possibly fewer tree points. 2. If we make the routes long in order to get as many tree points as possible from the marked tree, the travel time for the route becomes longer and Louise will not get as many points for the travel time as she would with a shorter route. (There is also the chance that that she will get too tired on the long route and be unable keep up the estimated pace of 1 kilometer in 8 minutes over the entire route.) 3. Even if we wanted to, we can not design a route that will get her all the points from the marked trees (i.e. Tree points) because then she would have to go on some of the trails twice and will be disqualified. 4. A route that has a travel time close to the upper time limit of the route time point time interval is risky in case Louise stops for a short while along the trail to look at something or slows down a little. Our recommendation is that she take the Acorn-Dogwood-Goose-Kinnikinik Trail route because, a. It has the highest points among the routes that we considered. b. It has 565 sure tree points that do not depend on Louise being able to keep up the one kilometer in 8 minute pace (she has some slack time). c. It is one of the shortest routes, it is the second shortest among the routes that we considered (and even though we did not show it in the table, there are only two routes, FK and EGK, that are shorter). So we think that Louise will be able to do this route in the estimated time and earn the Total points (865) that we have calculated. d. Fortunately, this route has both her favorite trails, but we are warning her not to slow down too much at her favorite trails because she has only 2 minutes to spare before she drops down into a route time interval that is 100 points lower. We see that our choice is reasonable because we have chosen a short route that earns Louise a lot of time points, yet includes trails that have trees that are marked with high tree points. Justification b and c make the same point. So this statement is not necessary to earn the reasonableness points. In the absence of justification b and c or some thing similar (observation 3 or 4) and appropriate for their solution, then something along the lines of statements 1 and 2 will earn 3 reasonableness points. If the solution does not contain anything similar to 1, 2, b, or c that is appropriate for their solution, a statement that the calculations were double checked will earn one reasonableness point and the fact (either stated or unstated) that they choose the route with the highest total points will earn one reasoning point for a maximum of 2 in the reasonableness/reasoning category. WSMC 2006 Middle School Math Olympiad Session 1 Sample Solution, Grade 5, Page 2 of 2
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