THE WALTON ADVERTISE Page Eight Thursday, April 18, 1940 FOR SALE—61 Ads Classified Covington Super Value Week MAKE YOUR THIS Don't Judge these Shoes by their WATER HAUIjED—Any FIRST STOP! Williamsburg, Ohio Is visiting Charley Rdley, TJnian ends and relatives in Walton. mile west Big Bone Baptist 1 church. it34* HOUSE FOR RUNT—6 WALTON FEED MILLS RADIO KKPAIRS reasonable at Colonial 1121. rates. Scott SOS St tf37 FOR RENT—4-room hous; on Dixie Red Clover Seed, bu. Highway, with garden, orchard, cow pasture, and ample space for Lespedeaa Seed, 100 lbs. chickens IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY IN DIESEL? Low cost course. Shop NOVELTY Nationally known. training. ARCH Transportation — FOR SALE Girls' made Floor ONE LOOK WILL TELL YOU THESE SHOES WERE MADE '— No Sorry, All Sales Final! For. No Lay-Aways! None Exchanges! EVERY IN liable Monument Ave., Covington, Ky. •.** staa - some with calf, and some will freshen this month. Several high test Guernsey cows and one coming 4 years oldi Guernsey bull. of the above are registered and of the Julius Fleischmann We Fit Them stock of Ohio. All. Dorothy R. Tanphone Florence 406, Union. ner, Your Convenience we are open Every Thursday and Saturday Evening. Ky. Up tfl9 FOR SALE—Bronze VALUES Turkey Eggs, for all season, 20c each. to $6.00 K. * P. SALE — Used Tractors and dence 226. •FOR 1. it24» Farm Machinery. Butler Bros., phone Independence RENT—3 fjOR DRESS Men's WORK rooms, Needmore garden. 26 — Boys' Mrs. L. Phone IndepenO. Morning View, Cornelius. Route 1778. family. Shoes For Less and Prove — Every Pair Guaranteed It! iSAirjE—Tested White Hybrid seed corn, Kentucky Experiment No. 69. Lawrence Wilson, Dixie Perfect! Highway, Dry Ridge, Ky. —3 FOR SALE Shop Quality Sample Shoe MADISON AVENUE COVINGTQ^ (Opp. Woolworth's) Combs and Cutters 10c, this returned. KECKAPOO HERB TEA— and Used for years in eradication of Neuritis, Rheumatism and Chronic Constipation and Kidney ailments. REMEMBER FRIDAY A SATURDAY, APRIL — : OWENS C The Reliable A Druggist PIKE A WASHINGTON relative, „.. , 7 W. IR. Powers. —Mrs. W. R. Powers 20 * fT 50c or 3 for $1.00 M — M. 19 During this Sale after the passing of our beloved - & and Paul Family. V WATCH REPAIRING : DEPARTMENT Under New Management— . . COVINGTON CYCLE SERVICE We WE Repair All Makes of Wheel Goods SELL NEW AND USED MR. WE SCHNELL WATCHES CLOCKS - — . . . HEMLOCK LARRY BLANK Jewelry Repairing All Work Guaranteed. BICYCLES. Covington, Ky. 31 East Fifth Street 0730 JOHN & R. CO. 7th A Madison - ers Administrator's Notice All persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of J. D. Powers, deceased, please come forward and settle same, and all persons having claims against said estate please present, properly prov- —J. B. DOAN, Admr. DIXIE STATE BANK $10.00 - Mrs. J. $1.00 M. Kirunan O. K. Powers, - $5.00 Mamie Thomas, - DRAWING THIS WEEK AT MANN'S GROCERY The following Walton merchants are promoting this enterprise. Patronize them and participate in the Regular Weekly Cash Prise Drawings, held every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Drawings under roof in bad weather- Community Public Service Co. Model Food Store Powder Puff Beauty Shop Davis Chevrolet Roberts* Grocery DeMoisey Radio Shop Conrad Hardware B. F. Elliott Farris Brothers Restaurants Jones' Drug Store Laws Grocery Linton's Barber Mann's Grocery WALTON Shop Taylor's Grocery Walton Garage Walton & Readnour Walton Dry Goods Store BUSINESS ASS'N, WALTON, KY. 6 cu. $112.75. the current is turned on SPRING HOUSE CLEANING NEEDS STRETCHERS AND CURTAIN RODS. PAINT, LINOLEUM, CURTAIN Don't forget to . . . try Nu Enamel this year CALL US FOR QUICK DELIVERY . . . CONRAD HARDWARE PHONE WALTON, 23 KY. — NOW THE IS TIME To Have Tour — PLUMBING & HEATING WORK DONE — REDUCED PRICES DURING APRIL — C. S. HANCOCK Route 2 Walton, Ky. ft.,' It24 pair of eyeglasses, witn -THE BETTER YCtl light frames, in small black case. KNOW US- Jean Chambers. FOR SALE—Duroc W. spreader. male hog; Lime 20 TEARS WE CAN SERVE YOU-- -THE BETTER C. Brown, Bracht Station, Ky. U24* W. radio servicing in Chambers SOS Scott Blvd., Covington. COIonial 1121. tf37 THOSE & Grubbs FUNERAL HOME WHO ARE WISE W\LTON, KENTUCKY WILL CHECK UP ON THEIR EYES— LADy EMBALMER LICENSE yon wear glasses, yon should have your eyes examined once a If year. The 50 Acres-Walten, Ky.-50 Acres of this office are at f acilities W. E. TAIT Optometrist COVINGTON, KY. 27 E. 7th ST. STOREROOM and GARAGES B. Balard B. Ballard, Joe Grubbs and Chester Works. ON- IS R. E. A. project is well under way Get your house wired and be ready local "the only pair of eyes you'll ever have." Deposit Insurance Corporation LAST WEEK 57 your disposal to help you safeguard WALTON, KENTUCKY CASH —DRAWINGS — PHONE WALTON If yoc do not wear glasses and it has been some Ime since your eyes were las examlnel, it's advisable to have them checked over again. their friends Member Federal WALTON FEED MILLS W. R. Kenney, Wal- when It34 ML STEPHENSON, Radio Spec- be of service to our customis always welcomed to 6.80 ialist. en acordlng to law. Covington Refrigerator, Owen LOST—A ,• Mrs. Hattie Metcalfe returned home from Florida, last Thursday. She was stricken with pneumonia en the way home, and is now at the home ef her daughter, Mrs. Carl Conner. She is improving at this time. 3tSA opportunity THEand and Roy Rust, Stephenson and Remely Williams. READ THE ADVERTISER COVINGTON, KY. fk Mrs. Woodrow Wortbington, Lucinda and Jane Sutton, Margaret Rust t.45 2J80> WE HAVE THE BEST ELECTRICIANS AND A COMPLETE LINE OF MATERIAL. our sincere Electric L60> L75 tfai The ed Sunday, of that famous Regular $1.00 Pkg. wish to express lbs. 15c, -THE GRAND RUSH Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Worthington FRaOHDAIIIRE Electric Refrigerator, S ou. ft., rebuilt and guaranteed, and family of near Piner entertain$36.00. Parry's, 628 Madison ave., Mr. and Mrs. C. C, thanks to all who were so kind and Covington. See the new General Stahl and son Donald, Mr. and tihoughtful to us during the illness We 36.00 — Covington, Ky. St., 33.00 29.00 Big Bone Dairy, ton See us for prices on Wire Fencing shearing Comb & Ky. ton, CARD OF THANKS is your last chance to see and hear the Indian Demonstration at OWEN'S DRUG STORE r>. 2t24* Mule Feed, ton Cracked Corn, 100 equipment. Cutters. Comb Used Furniture, all binds; 2 good Coal Ranges, cheap for cash. Baldwin Furniture, 41 Pike FOLKS 208. 29.00 33.00 A Re16% Dairy, ton Madison Cutters 20c. Satisfaction guaranteed or money Fresh Cows with Road, .phone Walton FOR SALE JfiJ. 3.00 87.00- Mix Feed, ton Horse 3t22 "**% SHARPENED— Sheep calves; sugar 627 Blue Grass, bu. Yellow Meal, ton W. R. Kenney, Walton, Ky. Scratch Feed, 100 lbs. Phone 1392X Walton. tf23 Starting A Growing Mash, 100 lbs..... SHEEP SHEAR0NG—-4-flinit power Egg Mash, 100 lbs machine. W. R. Kenney, Walton, Ky. Plhone 1392X Walton. tf23 White Fawn Flour, bbl. 2t24» cured Hams; Hickory smoked Bacon; plenty fresh Lard. A. C. Johnson, Beaver Co., 912 PLOWING—Farmall FOR Mezzanine Floor Sell Better and Small itM* 3.00 $1,000 for quick sale. It24* electric, street. Exclusive SPOR1 We Ky., - of Guernsey 7.00 bu.— « Seed, 1669R. mile from Knoxville. In- ings, %, owner. iflne lot 11.00 Corn, ton TRADE-HPure home call Bryan Heifers, Sold to Dealers. STYLE. Urge or Small Phone Erlanger Brlanger. EMan- Timothy FARM FOR SALE— 11 acres, new house, good bam and out build- Independence, All FOR EVERYBODY, BUT NOT trade for 900 Dixie Highway, Write or or Lard. FOR SALE—A TO SELL FOR MUCH MORE SIZE —or will ger property. quire Ashcraffc's store or see the Armstrong, Route 1. A 234-B allowed. Hemphill Diesel BMg., Memphis, Tenn. 4t2i SPORTS Main New James Saturday, April 20th —AT M.— —THE WALTER WHITSON PROPERTY— 1 2% Beaver Lick, Ky., —Free RE Prizes to Theatre WALTON, KENTUCKY ;00 P. miles West of Walton, Ky., and 1% miles East of on black top road; 4 -room house, barn, chicken house, meat house, outside cellar, deep well, springs and creek. Most all in grass. Tobacco base. The richest section that the crows fly over. Easy Terms. Also a Storeroom, 3 Garages and Coal Yard on North Main St., Walton, Ky., will be sold at 3 p. m. New occupied by Simpson A Johnson. Will be sold on terms. 50 acres, Lucky One on Ground FRIDAY A ' APRIL SAT., "Brother Rat &A with Priscella Lane - 19-20 Baby" Waynedgorria SUNDAY, APRIL CAREN 21 Bette Davis in "Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex" MONDAY, APRIL My at Registered Percheron Stallion will make the season of 1940 my farm, 1H miles East of Atwood, on the Morning View and Moffett Pike at $15.00 22 Fred Stone In C. WAYMAN, Agent "Konga, the Wild Stallion" TUESDAY A WED, APRIL HEm. 5107 Lupine Lane ROME K1NMAN, HEm. 0422 fri- rooms; garden. 20 High street. Apply at FOR SALE—One Fordson Tractor Stephens Restaurant, Walton. "where quality tens and price sells" with plow. Walton & Readnour. M24» tttt We are pleased to quote you the FOR SALE— Bay Two Mares, 3 and following prices subject to change; FOR SALE—Ten purebred OIC } years old, good mateh. Jesse of market: sboats. Ottis Readnour, Walton Wilson, Verona, Ky. 2t24* tat Plant Bed Fertiliser, 100 lbs._.$ 1.6» to $6.00 Women's Miss Ednabelle Thornton of near Horse, 432. tf52 VALUES NURSE Ewes, 40-odd Lambs, brown work also 6 years old. pure place, phone Walton Jas. E. Palls, getting them. Up BMcfc; drinking water, 1100 gallon tank. See what they are for yourself, and think of where you are price. — — — — — • 23-24 Seymour Hicks in "The Lambeth Walk" Auctioneer THURSDAY, APRIL 25 Cesar Bsmers In "Cisco Kid & to insure Money due when The Lady" other stock without until season Care a colt is my Colt to stand foaled, consent. and suck. mare parted mith, or bred A lien will be retained on Is paid. will be taken to prevent accidents, but be responsible should any occur. will NOT EARL RICHARDSON — INDEPENDENCE :— to colt
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