Functional Skills English Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A

Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
Functional Skills English Assessment
Writing Level 1
Learner name
Learner Registration Number
Learner signature
Question Mark
Assessment date
Instructions to candidates
Check that you have the correct paper. Please complete the information
You must use complete sentences. You will be assessed on your use of English.
Use black or blue ink. Do not use a pencil.
You may use word processing software to complete the assessment, but
printing out should take place after the end of the assessment time.
You may use a dictionary.
There are 2 tasks in this assessment. You must complete both tasks.
Total marks available: 25
Allow time to check your work before the end of the assessment.
You have one hour to finish the assessment.
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
Writing Task 1 – Allow around 25 minutes for this task
Important events in a person’s life can often be found in a diary. Here is the beginning of
a diary entry.
Friday 10th May
I am so excited. My cousin is coming to visit today. She lives in America
and I have never met her although we have kept in touch by email. I have
made so many plans for the next few days…
Write a diary entry of a really important event in your life. You should write between 150
and 200 words. Write in complete sentences.
You will be assessed on:
Relevant content
Presenting information clearly
Writing in complete sentences
Using language and style of writing suitable for the purpose and audience
Accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar
10 Marks
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
Monday 15 June
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
Writing Task 2 – Allow 35 minutes for this task.
You have decided that you are going to bury a time capsule in your garden. You can make a time
capsule from a metal biscuit tin which is 30 centimetres square and about 12 centimetres high. A
time capsule captures a moment in time for people in the future. You can put anything you like into
a time capsule but remember that it is not very big. It should give people of the future a picture
of your life and what it is like to live in the world today.
Think of three things that you would put in a time capsule. You are going to write a formal letter
to put in the time capsule to tell people in the future why you chose these items and why they are
important to you.
You should include:
 An introduction setting out the reason(s) for writing
 A section explaining what the items are and why you chose them
 A conclusion that summarises your main points and says what you plan to do next.
Write your letter in the appropriate way, using a suitable format for your audience.
You will be assessed on:
 presenting your work clearly and in a logical sequence
 including relevant information and a suitable amount of detail
 well structured with sentences and paragraphs
 accurate spelling
 correct use of punctuation
 correct use of grammar
(15 marks)
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
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Functional Skills English
Level 1 Writing Family History SAMPLE PAPER A
Assessment Task Sheet
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