null ; ' . • * , * •-' * V - VOTE FOR THE PROGRESS AWD PROSPERITY Or SEPT, 2 1 AS -"" . 1 . . Hiiver-Lined Clouds. 4.682 li^^SAS^^^^-" 3 , 5 10- k ^ ' v i r . The healthful, | g / l i f c V > ' t l . living. pure air . rjff39- MtRFA SCHOOLS OPENS FOR I UK FALL TERM |^jflHVi»nKs.\.wsEWKns' 'jjli Prepared for .Marfa) . . . .,--,- i i v n r v " m i r* "* * Monday morning at nine o'clock ripUon or II.- iVWer-Worta Ihe Marfa High School opened for • W " a u d . investigations-taw (lie fall term. A short program hail , ^de'an.rt...... «!•« «l.afe fiwt hen prepared for the occasion, and when the tihie arrived flKZAudilorline Water Works and Sew- ium was idled with'visitors teachlb rtbend«il5H««..TI»er«iiiire- iU.«s and pupils. ITlie opening began i of the Fire Insurance Lom- by all present singing "America," . -« ,l,avf 1"VII complied with so followed a short' service, consisting of reading^one of the Psalins \ " . ' ^ i j m ..^..<.«. \ 7 ^ § ^ ^ ^m*t*jn^i\ii,c LB«»ibU-.TIii*w done in order and prayer. Mrs. T..M. Wilson, presi - i ^ f^ure tin' l»»»"st possible insur- dent of 4be ParenL-Teachers made a _ .!L jttv rate. . . . splendid * talk." which was followed " a solo rendered by Mis* Francis IrLiapacitx „f the wells no* by Mitchell. 1 ,n Marfa have h e n deter At the close Superintendent J. E. I and from information gather (•regg gave a timely talk on School ttao'.wrious'Tocal sources, t h e Topics both of an interesting and ' [ 0 f ttt -o 8-inch 500 foot, wells instructive nature. The following compose the facul"«Ils will he pun'P«-'d w i t h ty of liie Marfa High and the grades LT.«jair. T h e water will be In lie taught by each: n (lull t i l from the well t o a 50,000 J.. E. tSregg, Superintendent, HisUM in 0*1 -"concrete cistern which will tory. ollowiaj j . » iwht concrete roor o r cover T. I - Comer. Principal. .Spanish. appoinUdi • nler tli'ii?'stored will be p r o - Mrs. JECi Jones, Mathematics. Miss Mary 'Newman,- English. >n. (owrlrl i fruunLu:: dirt •»«««• ins«*.«». • Miss Freida Burns, Commercial. , i n t e r will he taken from t h e Jno. Ho "uir iu«t described b y a c e u - Miss Sclby Mrxire.Hqmr-Economics and Mill MissTSIella Caughran^Ari Mimetic," puiup. having capacity, o r and M. D. writing. -r italloiK per day." and capable Miss Ola Varner. Oensri-aphy. and ,l , al ns SJudiii Itaiin? th--pi-"*""* i«» ^; i " 1 . History. • l Jno, Htt 1 » wnin<M. This IMIIHH will d e h v Miss Eva Haocork. Reading and i the sail | IV'water nit., a 73.000 gallon Spelling. '. \Vi\"v T-.w-r.-wlVich Will e l e Miss I.e\a Diilaney. L-uigiiase ajji Mrs.W.J.1 f,, M,c aruLHisli^yr^r »»»-~*-=-=-'=-'"""1' id eltffiM.1 tilh'e waf'-r " " ° ' above ; o-HiuM .lif'tlie ' •Miss-niays Leslie. T»r<| Grade. -j-^TrnPrEwill he housed i n Mis.s Aline duty. 2nd Grade. jronf-pinup s'alion«• of tfctl -Miss Xovolla^Sinith. Primary, dijtriludiiiii system or w a t e r In the Mi'Xiran, srlinol Prof. Jesse of Jbt will'l.'e -I'-rasI iroi. mains. ftlackwpll is the principal and Miss iffed votml !f7CE:n.>-' feel, g a ' v a n w ' d Margarel_J[Iaci»er. . Sallie Freeman <>r« nf a i | | iff linW -.'-'."••Vi feet, a total;-of and Hai*4*>-James. "'Tnle.-; ffcl of water inam lerp wilt 1"' :l1 V"'p Hydrants rin? !» : *Ja!e Valve? and cast represent a f+Hh.-TPid oft tiii'U5i_a Lbs . tlW'al.-i VilwoV'tes : : : : , ! .fourth, of the "total, cost pt the 'cuiirieciiiin* will l>e m a d e plant as a direct sifvingas comHIP mainare being laid. t h e pai-ei'l with having -contraclor3-~<b tar.hMl paTirfe fur (hi?. purchase tliis material and sell it is Water Works--System will to the City in a lump sum bid. •f the key rale from !>2e In 63c, The Engineers, who have maca IT of! •tolinn of- aliiml one-third. II the plans, have built more :han two W v f r . believcii llt;it IheElnsUr hundred Water Works and Sewer L Omtnissmii will re-rale t h e Systems in Uie past twenty-five it Ec in as niiirh as there is years. They are equipped not only isaLsluM inJiirance carried in,, the M e x - with a splendid organization of sea-: upon Iter I Mflifin nf Ihe C i l y . -, soiled and-experienced constructors jnrrolSwJ ii!l rpqmii a 15c ia\- "o p»>"but have one of (he most extensive iolw-tt ind retire the bonds. tool equipments in the entire South, ifl*inc<s house, that carries power driven trenching machinery, bolding aidl W «f insurance would liii-re3cdby*J Bakf a .savins of SI2.6'> on In- power driven concrete mixers, po agOnerfl f'whi|5> the tat on 75^5- val'in-l wer driveu'.drilliiig and blasting tna it IV would reoi-pseni 813¾)!'''nierj". TJiey are-to furnish'all.or ii i*-1. - i n 7 , n . . . « f « i t l , e equiiinient and all of (he ll, ,',, i t i f - ^ l '»*« ^'»' superintendents * andtake ««bii ? me>. property /^ »r»- charge of the iJcal labor in I h e alfly e-' lax in P T j 1,,,11,,(,^ „ r „ l i s W ork. For Hie use |ttf bonds, rf i? nn dniil.l that lliis W a t e r fof their tools and fur the paymen' iiflmill. will make a h e j r e - of their fouemen and. siiperintefldifrom its o|>r;iiinn miite equal enls, in shorL for the enjire service lit'-'tiai <if tV-|t t l |td- paytnenls. which Micj" render in. the matter of IBrsrripliiiii uf Tin- Sanitary ^instructing these plants receive It) ^ iper cent oT the arlual cost of the •_ .sewrr Kvsieni. | wyrk, not. includitig any purchase or !*wvr s>-.,,1 is designed to j;,,,,), nght .id way, atloihays fees, I«r MM [,,.,.-,1,.. The c.iMeet ion expense* or printing ami selling *i!l rcusi-! „f p.'.630 feet of bonds, etc, pUftlvwei hi,, in which there! T4tf common labor that will be •»» Minln,!.:.. :,: ci..ii..ii:i*. «t iused i n l h e ITuirding. or the plants «nm].v j w j,l be-on Uie City's.payroll and a miilr.5 v :M 1,,. installed at j Citv Time-keoper will be-in-eJiarge MHiinss f..r . ronvenienre of „f Ihe k«;eping of "lime of these men.-* tnnnpcti,.-,,... :„„, a s t b a .«ew- 'i'j„. oriv will ftx Die rate o f w a g e s /-. "jmiH'a , . , , .will l.e laid fr»:ii' and the h o u r s to he worked'and t h e r*£'"nin .»••• the e n r h . o f p r n - | i s t y willJ'pmV these m e n direct."In irao r„r - . - 1 , restdenre nrlslnirt, e v e r y cent or t h e Cilv's funds ! -n'J!i5" , ,' ' j will-be handled by the City itseir. rnitrv^'i'n, ' ! , n ' ' Tlie engineering and construction fw„ "" v v i , K l "' °f ""*' company has guaranteed the cost :..iyp».wnn,.„..,| will, a h>-ppcli! or t h e s e plants and n o s u m will l y mr ,i,^„r,., r i, (1 n. and w i t h ; pnid t h e m ort their construction r * frfii,!" m" , " , U ' " r l " , r i f i - until I h e plant i s J i n i s h e d an.l put "IP efTIne,,!. . j j n O ) ^ r a , j o n „,(,, l l n m i ( i s k n o w 7 I " Estiorr-fee APPB0T1 guarantee Aaiw*-1 ttic -rmr yfr-gtf i ,cn in,,,. ,, " e n n - Estimate'-then t h e surfis r e m a i n i n g riurf*-.1 tlw! 11,. r-. v""an n a r t n f ' h e ' w h i r h w o u l d be contractor's pro'••" -tin-, fits, remain in the Cily/Treasury 18 ••in rtbolisli ,!! nrrf,m and are saved to the pedpie. -¾ . th Tin- wisdom and economy or |uIs i l^"*^ h arc « . Incited method of building public fc work Iraki lias , > anfi|. ..nienl In each v been demonstrated in hundreds dfj "'0. " " whics h n m e « Lilies and isowwliieil hv no oilier . illait.-.Ti. . . r ^ — • ngineering and construction- com-i E^iill II,,. emivenicnce!! pany i n c i t e entire country "except while the Municipal Eriglnering Company "r»n» to ijr,j , ,,, ,,, ,ir v of Dallas". •"•ill h., To sum up the entire project it Jj_ nlfieps ,, r t • t n . >,. ""-'T* no. may well be said Wat to'-vote : for (he bonds' for Water and'ScwersE rf to authorize (he City Commission, V,,, v to borow the* money necessary to1 ^ for " M V ^ 1 ° ' ° '" 1 "- build these improvements, with' Ihei • win? :"'" , r - , , r * " ' « . of assurance t h a t t h e r will, when hullr,l '*fll h* ' ^ ^ m e nfrnm l v the return-a revenuelWiich will make LP* £ri« «""" any burdensome lax Unnecessary. r n I ,^ wO ,''"'-•—»• --y • E-'TT.'' E. '• . " " " ' <he plants- will Were surh business opportuniliesj offered any business _ - . lo . _ ~a*JF I F i l . - I I I T / i J man I I I U I I for ( I I I his lll^l & > " l - . v <*Hise for bids :^JT all or V, ' „E,j: , .V"' , ( ' PW-WMMI personal .profit profit «-A* iT , j * apparent that tRal! h & » > n n . ^ r r f f „ nAf f, n"p? ^ he ?r would «n»M Ins h>se Tiltle.lime In avail •"?^*j ra«\. ,1 1 rnr ^ 1 ha" ' himself imself of of the the rl,«nr» chance. t. H on n1, himself of tin Hon'. much-more should the ciU: Hon' much r 11 . »*esl|)tens desire to acquire these health hT*" arc K..IM ". •—•Tiiitens |, 11 &'> ^ v . n t ' ^ . t t r . ' . ' " ' ^ ' " " " . . ^ t i i e ' g ^ d of the City' f o r t h n profit of everv person! nr • . "' U . ~^i "'• -'-v- . I ""• material. w n , and living in Marfa. I Tuesday evening at 8^0 the P. T. at , Over TOO Rerrlvc Escellenl Instruc- A. gave an Informal reeeption the School Auditorium fut1 the. Marfa teachers,- A . Although the attendance WES' notw' Pecos entertained the Trans-Pe as. large as Uie occdsToTT warranted, cos Teachers Consolidated- institute yel there were many-present to„en^-JMast week with one of the best nice' joy^the program of music prepared ings ever held in this districL A lar- under the director of Miss Nell Witge enrollmeiU of 109 gatbotod. for son r and -at its close partake"of the i " u ' discussion and |nstrUiT.8?Fw1^h- tynch served. Th.e following prbtheme 'The Challerie of t)hild- grani_was-giveiu ' "Address o f w e l c o m e to t h e t e a c h :E^ • '^ y, ; Ueginning Monday, SepUiciubcr 0, er*. Hev. Marsh. Saxaphone duel "Candler Jones and lasting until, Friday, Uie lOlh •••>-'. the teachers of the various towns and'tarver Moore. treated with daily instructions-from - Vocal Solo, Miss Francis Mitchell. Violin solo, Mrs. K. C. Miller. " ".•••-^'M eminent, educators, and entertained .-v^SilJ Vocal-solo Mrs.1Cnpatrlclc. •^ r ;WJ by people and organizations Of tlio ' '"-S^l town, Their spontaneous praise has • Piano Solo, iss Daisy Hamio.'-''' Vocal solo. Miss Minnie Joe Qutok. -..--Mti -£i| been fit tribute to 4he sponsors. -r >!?_••. I Piona solo, 7Mrs. Floy Wong. . - *_ Eight Counties Represented Eight counties were represented -'Piano solo, Ladislaus Nedbalek! Popular selections, Hfgh School ul tliis'tnJlilute o r which President II. W. Murelock of Sul Ross College Orchestra. was • conductor. 'Tho instructors uf tlie various classes were'Professor W.-MT & LUNCHEON R. J. JarrelLhcad of Department of IE- : ; E K ? t f Educaloin, WestTl'exas State-TeachThe luncheon served at noon wed ers College,"TJauyoii,- who talked^of uesday at the City Hall by the W.— ; the high"school and"il8 heeds. Pro- M. S. of i h e Marfa Methodist Churlch .fessor J. \V. Baldwin, proffesor of was largely attended. Mr. O'neill of the Art of Teaching, Lhiversily or Texas, who had charge of Uie work the Municipal Eiigijicerliig _np, 'QIJ=ZJ^ on intermediate grades, and Miss dallas^was present, anddiscusscd iu E-*»•" , , - , ,--••••• . . . , an instructive'and'interesting,man.Jiilm J . i p a ^ n j i j ^ j i i ^ u c t u r - i n - l ! ^ . ^ . j ^ i i c - ^ Q ^ , , ^ , ^ o i ^ T O S ^ ^ r k T x E inary hducahon. Lollwlge of Indus- .mil Sewers for the Cily of Marfa;-;' trial Arts, \Vfiii ably^discussed '"' Alie ' Arterward8, lie - answered'a nuinher":--^| - -'•'•• "'••• oX questions jiropoiihded by citions;. ' Opening .Monday at 8 in Ihe m o m - In an article published today in T h e ' " '' ii,8. the adilresses of welcome were" New Era will lie found : »n nrti>t ,l- --.;. maik'Tiy .Mayor J. \\". Moore fbrttle "\\ nler Works-mid Sewers", whichB City of I'ecosrand Judge Ii. AE Mc- every citzen. should read. -•-:••• Ki'irei-.Tor Ileeves Cutrnl>". Tkllh ad However, owing tor* general misl dresses were especially good. Judge understanding on the part of'many r E— -McKeller's ilalk about Ihe financial inregard to Ihe localton^of the: situation o t T e x a s schools xvas re'''•..«.;'..'."EV'^l) ceived wilh approval, to the extent wells, Mr.-O'iveil emphasized this plansiJUki-ID.-'•-"•'•: tholHhejrachers voted TOP UjMiObli;. fact: In drawing the. : * ? ? ^'•'••••VS'-M -'Uwipta» iy>0n.j Ecy'jon in all papers of the district.'',-' ' t X V ^ Proniinent Peopir on Proflram. r-JiJiich the wells were placed.''this* done puicly as a matter iuf form : Foliowin^ the oi-ganiziilion and was O Neil stated emphatically that registration, in which 109 teachers Mr. certain place had been wleclcd,", • • ' • • • • • • ' E E M enrolled. Proressor IL P.' Jarrcll no. hat fills w a s a nlaMer entirolvlrf pave an excellent talk o n T l i e Clinl- tno hands of the City Governnion'4 .E U-iice of . Chililhood." Instrnrtinn and that no place would or could b V then began with HIP,three educators selerleil until it was seen whctlK-r ^giving lectures upon the methods the bonds carried. .Moreover,- the' and means of success in teaching. City authorities authorizes the S t n - Many events were^featured during lament lhal in the event the bonds i h e week,'-and many distinguished are voted, a suitable place-wouTd~he • people gave addresses. Among them selected for Iho location of 'the were Mrs. H. B.-Broadus, president wells,.and that said place would noi« of the Sixth District Federation of he.on Block 10 nor nn>"whero In the Women's Clubs; Mrs. Hugh Reber- cenlral or low part'of the Cily. son, president of the Parcnt-'Teacber Association of Pecos; flay M. Camp, ESlEETIJVfj OF THE P. f. A^. -.;'. ••'~'::h'* publicity director of Uie Texas,Slate • "''Jj*} Teachers Association; JudgirJasLEf: .Tuesday afternoon at the. ScTiool -• Ross, and others'. " • The program for Iho week.was TVmliloriuiiv the ParenUTeachera one of perfect barmopy and enter- Association- hacLa splendid alten-tainment. YThc: problem of housing dance, over-10members being prethe visitors was ablv accomplishcrf £ l R t _ . . ^ : -.E-, ..:-- .•,..•> . I I MrsELillic-Cole and Mrs. O. B, j_TheEmejii|)ers presold- showed a ' Finley. On the social entertainment grtat interest'in the work of the • committee, Mrs. A. E. "Wilcox. Mrs. schools.-A motion was made nnd • Hugh Robinson and Mftl M. W; Carried -thai parlie^ and other en- '•"". : Collie were, amply repaid fob their tertuinmonts -for students during , the school w e e k b e discouraged. Fri"efforts by the praise of-Ihe guests. ' The ehirprmenl as real and many d a y a n d Saturday, e v e n i n g s b e i n g " wyinderfillVromplfmenls were given titifficienl ':f o r - s: u c h social ' e n j o y - ' '_ :'-"" *hr<J^ ladies for"."their"" successful D:cnls.-.T--:". —^" "' -.""-r E* "•' A number of .bills;"- c u r r e n c y t s - .E work in providing -suitable enterB.ied by thejlepublic of Texas, had tainment. 1*E . Not nnh" \\as .apnreciatYon fell by been framed, and was to be prcjenl 'he miesls. ihe town of Peros ed eacliEmonlliTo the room-rente--: o these people responsible for. the scntcd by • the: largest n'umlwr- of >ucce? Ihe Trans-Pe"«a ronsnli parents«tlei>ding tire P. T. A. T(ie .. '•' "»"' •' * i l ' Mated'.Institute at Pecos. Ruch suc- Sixth grade.will have the honor, o | :e*4ful endeavors are wrVMhr of Iho having possession-of this treasured -ommunlfyV approval and gratitude. cutisosity tliisTnonlh. '•'-•"fr. —Peros Fnlerprise. At the close of (he meeting arrant The folfiwfnar i»rH fhose wlio. a l - Kemenl* were--made for a recopUon ' lefTfled -|he TnMilufe: lo the leached iii.lue. cvenltfg. '.. -"' • \ : : ^ Annie L. Ad.inTs, Alpine; Jewell Binion, Kent; Mabel E. Bloys, Kbrl ODDFELLOWS A\I> HEREKAIIS Davis; K. J. Ilcannon, Mnratlion; •_ HOLD ENJOYABLE SOCIAL • ' ' . Mrs. Brannon, Marathon; Nellie Tliii' Odjlejjoxys . Hall wiis tlie earmark. Furl dnvij', Fie.ila" Dulancy Marfaf Aline Duly,. Marfa;: Ecllh scene ol a. dcifglitiuL social ThursEaslenvood. Alpine; Eiusie Easller- day.evening when-^he. Mnrfa Lodun wood.-Alpine; Rillie EfOemanE-Mar- cnlenlnincd The Oddfellows and .-.-; J fa;" Daisy Mac Fulcher, Van Horn; Rehvkahs.of Aliu'ne, also the Marfa .1. E. (jrozK. Marfa; I.illie Creep, Rebekahs, at their monthly social. Marathon: Josephine Oray. Alpine; This being Ihe fhird social of tlie* fRircne Oranger, Forj. Davis; Fona season and next month will closo Oddfellows ex-Harper, Terlingua^ Callie Holt,- FL, the socials, tad Ihe hale sunn1 OIlleT Ulhd ol enP n v t f - I I I I H A I-imng,- Mnnf, W . C. Jones. Fort Davis, W . C. Jones' terlainnfeht, perhaps a Turkey dlnFort D a v i s ; II. C. K e n n e d y . ' A l p i n e ; ner?-A !iurnher_Qf Contests w e r e the 01.10^;? Leelic... Mavfa*1- Josephine divcrBiorf'oPiht!"jveiling; Tlio rccourse served consisted .Linn. Alpine: s-' "M/ Melton. AJpinn; rresluncnl . , o f fiertrtule McrVinald, Ah'ine; C . D i c h e r r y r m i l i r e c r e a m and .layer" McKinnie. Alriine; SaituteCp. .Vrtson, cake. Aboijl 'fwcnly-five Oddfellows JUUI Reheknhs • froju Alpine were Mnralhon:-Onnie Mae Olirii'n. P y -• -> o l e : A'dma 0 ' l l r i « i . P y n l e ; Olad^r present, •;. II. Peter*. Alpine: J . O. Prude. F o r t D a v i s : E«felle Rn«e. Alpine': AUte Fo*4-hall is~off. In full swing al -Run\nn.,-fihaner.:Euna Sarhse.iPfirl Ihe Marra" High'School. With Coaon Stockton: Dnrnlliv W e a t h e r b v . F o r , •Gomer-mitllng his.. 22 candjdKtM.'. Davi.v .Mrs-Oeo. II._JVrlghl. ^ a r a - through soine pretty stiff workooU. : ^ \ J l i p n ; Mrs. r.rare Anderson. A l p i n e ; •- Their first 6^m> will be n | t h Pecos here on or abotu. the f i n k of 'T'e.Mr- fiJarkwHI. Marfa. Oftnber, . ' .;E » If yon ha\>-nny little n'ews'ilpm that is of any interest to ynu or if niLLSFDE GARDEN— 1. R. Jacob* vou think lhal'if may be of Interest Grape»—Be»l PunileEJolly. • to" a n y o n e else, don't heoilnte to Choice Mixed Eating. send it In the nres? fur puhlirojlion. jiist pliomr W and wo will sladlv Vrjjrtables—Tomatoes, Cfrots,.. ' '• Siring Beans, Butter BeatOL^ take iL • ' • ' . • REMEMBER: That o^&ptert-;,;11?^ ber 21st, you will be called on to register your^ Vote eitnerihuodAgainst or For Water Worjks arid^Sewers for Marfe^* your tio^^^^^l And if you Vbte^A(^INSf, itrwill number you among those who- are JfeAlN^^Pro Prosperity arid Sanitation, But if youu Vote FOR, you will be numbered among the class placing self above the general good. ".. ^ 1 C I r> :*~m ^:: :;Tm • • • • • - • - ^ , . , • REMEMBER: "Man does not live unto himself alone." \ .•Uk Sample Ballot To be voted September 21 E EOR THE ISSUANCE OF WATER WORKS BONDS v TO"?'. - ™* - AGAINST THE ISSUANCE, OF WATER WORKS BONDS. ft4Vin r ' . * ^ «''^ wtt FOR THE ISSUANCE OF-SEW£R BONDS. ; •'"''""'•i^ Ihe > IP n tt,/J^t" ;' ' "" . ' '' y • " > • ' " ' " - • . . . . - ' - - " . . t: AGAINST THE IS^SUANCE ^Xfl^SEWER BONDST ;V \>-. r *-hiS 2~y^x.»™w'-~r-^ . ••• -i V +7-TT& - fK.-i-r- ' • > ..- i.-i j J±_>i>" : ! »• .E 'lj» ,. 'irE-'uE^WfiJfeiia • ' ; , . : • ' + \; ^ , - , . . . . - , •&'.* MARFA NEW ERA, MARFA, TEXAS id k DEBONAIR VAGABONDHFELTS; " BEACH WEAR IS PRACNCM- Daddy's 'i BEFORE HER I3WAHE: * I.' ' HAT something now In mllllner/i In any sort of bathing suit Is bent on (fc JIM. WHttrt Ntmpapar Unlom.) always due to appear for late sum- swlmralng^in the most practical and v~ mer, h a s arrlred this year In 'tore*. unhampered fashion. The demand i s - Y o u r d r u m * are the Wealth 61 your Used Lydia E. PhJrl_w_ " , iplrlt, the coal, Hhop windows and promenades are for knitted o n e . a n d two-piece suits; Vegetable Corppoinj LTb« Ideal you Jong to attain, dV/*\ARY* GRAHAM BQWJER full of gay emigrants- from Paris— some of them in dork.colors and man- ' The radiant vision that «lad<J«n» j f c — ^ t » r » » < . " i i» tnnw« mnntaH*fa——»— ^ ^ — — newly -arrived and very captivating, nish styles and many others In strong your soul, Adklns, T>*x**.—"Monm^^ \ Put in Wafer Syifem THE PENNIES light felt hats, to be worn with the shades of rod, green, blue" and orange,- , T h . hope, that illumines the years ime I was so weak I h»„ J L . » % . came * ^ * «» tt/.y roll, Eolld colors-predominate but there U / Wif/iouf Much Outlay airiest day dresses and sports clothe* _ And robs them of sorrow and pata. time nntu ivJJ? . People living outside of water zones The- little toy bank w m 'almost and probably destined to reappear In. .soine diversity supplied by pdlka dots and stripes, usually In colors, aqd a darker colors, -or brighter ones, for~ .Will undoubtedly be Interested to filled pennies. Thuy Jostled with --••• HINTS AND THINQ8 -learn-how «me BlraHarly-hUuttUtd-se. — .iilifnit Htul hniL M XttlL Thn«fl nro the '•vHeiibond" liaU smart, Individual touch appears In the "cured''a water and sewer system for very good time In with"which summer Is ringing down "monograms worked on diamond-shaped If fond of oysters add a little oyster LomDounTTI! I or oblong patches. motaer-lm»w J S « less than '$1(10. The man tells ubout their shut-In, pen-" fm? curtain on the best performance liquor to tomato bouillon; It Rrtatly Having determine*} upon a bathing In millinery for several years. They It in a letter pubjished In Liberty, In ny fashion. Improves the fla:, ,£*•: connection with- un article on homeThey knew they are only successful In tluo qualltlos Mift, tho next thing Is the business of vor. ) stay in bed. R ? bulldlug, after explaining that when. would-_bave" a bet- ami are made'wfth narrow orjnedlum- choosing a cape o r robe to wear over Vanilla flavor/ told m. to g*. • he moved lntd the country from a ter time later on wlde, floppy brims TETlTght tans, gray, It, and here Is where the story of should not be LydlaiiHai^ u s e d I n fried city homo th'eVffJiiiilly-ratssuLrunning when they were palo rose, pinkish tan, ivory, putty beachwear departs from, the convenfoods like dough-water. spent. j color, and other delicate shades. tional and becomes exciting. - T h e yei»tabl7S2 choice lies betweenjjgarments' of rob- \ nuts, crullers and help me. s h e Z Z 7 , ¾ "We had *a fine driven well." the T h e y T n tnr T Usually they are trimmed with fibyour litUe books tied I readttiS?^" such cukes. Nutman writes, "and talkj-d of a windg u e s s i n g whor mill, and «-Wg-tank. *)ne day an Idea they would buyr roeg .piuo.flL.o_f_ - t h a t night and got a bottUM:2? ' came to me. I had heard of septic HIILW un;-approprlate. "I think, we're wonderful medicine. I took t, Z S tonka for sewage, and Investigated j going.' to go toI t silver Is washed and dried "as the baby-was born and. waV_b«_ b S ward, a bicycle," soon .as possible after using, much u p - ? ? d ?J» m r w °rk. B»by U i u H and found they wero easy to build. I said one penny. ofme~polishing will be eliminated..' built mine In a series of three tanks ! mpntha-old-now and welglui 14 t«J_» "' Lay a cold cloth dipped in cold I baTO plenty of milk for h " 2 ¾ o l e o n c r e t e , and rnn the outlet Into • "I think we're witter over the bottom of a cake tin— gains steadily. I recommTOH^J the Held far below tho house. In , going to buy a w m i n g to answer letters m itJ' the cake will be removed much easier. am t r a i n .of^xara." town-one day I picked up, for n.dol- j do anything I can for any * O S _ L ^ "J Dry bits of cheese put through the I know how I suffered."--ii_sEi?, J 8aTd"Va tecoiW lar, a . discarded \huiidred-gallon_ tank j Almost Full.. meat-grinder and mixed with bolllng- TacmaiLiaT, R. No. 2. Box 5 ^ ¾ 'J penny.which had been a heater.- I got thli | hot cream, a dash of cayenne, will " to tho roof of our rear, porch, and I "I thlnk,we're going to buy an exLydia B . Plnkham's VegeUM, rw make a good cream che.ese to serve connected pipes down from It to the <press cart," sara.artMrd penny, In various waysT^Spread on crackers pound has bees Iff use by * o n e a S ' •ttik, the lavatory,, and the bath. Then j -/'Xyblnk. we're going to buy an airover years. ItisaTeeeUbleteS and served' with a salad It makes a madofifty I connected It with the well and lu- ! plane.1^. suld'a fourth penny. _i from roots and herba BM l i S ' good luncheon dish. ' b / a l l druggists— ,-»»•« stalled a hnnd force pump. j "I think we're gnlng-to .buy a toy -----When-roasting-meat n teaspoonful "It required more than 1)00 strokes | nutomolillc,"'sald a fifth penny." • • ; Recammeadediy Women ereryttleri of sugar added to the water when of the pump's piston To nil the tank : "I think we're going to buy u set of Ebastlng ad.ds flnvor a s well as- color nlebt and morning, and* I cot plenty ; railway tracks,'; said, a-sixth peuny>". itM__*__ic«»tuH; to the roast and gravy. of exercise. We pumped by. hnnd for j "I think we're-golng to buy a scout Always dry granltewure away from a year, then I bought a little electric ; Hult," Mild n seventh penny. tho heat, as It will chip and crack1; pump us soon as tho. lighting com- : "How we. do plan uud wonder," said 5 often bits Will get Into-the fpo<. In this' puny--extended through our district' un 'eighth penny. way. nnd supplied u s IwllirilgllL* 1 - — .J , *} low we do grpw, In nulubers," Buld If n child should get any foreign For -over,—5Q-f~ oMj'th'pemiy. substaiKle_up his nose, do not try to- y c a r s i t h a s b e e n "We' something pretty nice," , CorruDtmity Grows With probe-for it, but p u L a bit of pepper the-household said ii wlulie lot of pontiles tumbling or snuff on the Up under the .other Surrounding Country over each other ns they spoke. r e m e d y f o r all nostril; he will sneeze and dislodge • , A community Is snmewhar like n "We-' have a lot of fun when we're forms o f 1 and- ' '—^-tfte obstruction, unless firmly lodged. man; Sometimes'it man waits and being Jingled." siild another penny. In such case*'call a physician. Blow"Oh.' yes," said still another, ""It Is hopes for something to. turn Up that ing up the free no'strll Is often a help,: It i s a R e l i a b l e , will-give a'boost. He lives to lenrn-J—so-nice to be till mixed up and have G e n e r a l InvigIf the object Is not too tightly. Jodg?<L -that such things happen very seldom. | u grand change nnd upset. 1 nlways KeefT old stocking legs to slip on - o m t i n s f T o n i c . Our community has tried to land me- like It when the boy comes nlong-nnd -life arms when cooking to save good chanical 'Industries hut "Rflch enter- feels us or. turus us upside down uud dress sleeves, or use them for coverprises want the community to put ! Huys:. ' - ^^., After A B«ib ing legs of chairs or tables" when movthem In business mid let them make i "'Almost full. Pretty soon I can ing. Cut into two-Inch strips, silk ^ the profits. Our farmers have solved ' open It.'" t wwi—r stockings of various - colors nre cro__Cuticura Soap the problem. They have taken their "I io you know," snld the first penny, chet edjOr woven_'lnto_prettr covers jor^ Ptutwaii ' first lesson In -illverslflcufhm and It Is '"there~ ls-orio thlug=tBliLliunkes^me cushions; worth* more, to the (-(immunity than nervous, yet I huve really no reason 'GuticuraTttlctmi Cover the smnll clock with a glass nil the cotton tfHln—jyii_could -locate for It." • , Dtli««e»lr M*4IMM4 "bdWl If t h e ticking annoys a t night. and every .mun.Mbtititces himself, and • "What Is that?" asked the second lgr Of Plcutai Fratmw The time can "be seen without the. dh> Is supposed to know how much to In- pehuy. turhance of the' noise. • . vest. The $'.'(»,IHK) that came to inir What makes you nervous?" asked Tel&ph one by Radio When washing greens add a hnndful truckers this year was practically n L_the third penny. Radio telephones-are to-betasUllrtof salt t « t h e water. it-Will dislodge , . „ ^ ^ t o n the o l r „ne3 of ^ surplus, ns. each farmer who grew * "Te!t-tis," said the fourth penny. nny Insects that may„;,hp,clinging t o ^ _,_ , „ r_-_.,.„.,-_ . . « _ _ . . J berries made Ills, usual crop Resides. "Vayhe we can help you," suld the ah? service In addition tO"motltf. the Ienves._ Now the onions will soon bring In llffli penny. • » ' ~. and. phonograph - music J>assentn Zinc filings or small p i e c e s o f zuic more spot cash—how much we cannot "You'd better let'us'kliow," said the bon_hut they ennnot be described a s will be able to talk with any ttfc placed on the coals In n grate or fursay until.they nre'sold. Hut "this" new sixth penny. simple, for the trims are Intricate phone subscriber In any large dtjJi nace will clear the chimney of BOO'L means of gutting ready niuney en"Hy all menas, tell us," said the se»* and the ribbon sometimes a hit gorthe country. A tnblcspoonful— of vinegar added ables nftto feel Independent of for- flit Ii- penny. geous, when, gold or slUer metallic to stews of meat that are FoiTgh seem eign Industries, for wejjjjjy pfosper us "oh, yes," .snld the eighth'penny. put turns nro used to-soften ther tough fibers wondetv the - -farmers prosper",—UmileTsvllIo "Iio;" suhl the ninth penny. The group of late summer hats fully. (Alu.) Democrat. , ' ' "I'lense," said all the pennies as shown here Includes four felts of tho Soma Emigrants F I - O M - E M U . ^_ v x "Bummer Dishes. they Jingled about a little. __ vagabond type and one French sullor 'bnrjng. the hot weather the meat"Well," suld tiio first penny, "every In straw. Uoth t h e smooth, creamy berlzed-pllk (Including ' rubberized ' Placing Shrubbery once In awhile I hear some »ne say felts nnd the rougher "scratch" varie- mofre) >or those o f cretonne or terry supply •shoultlbe cut down. If there In mussing shrubbery- near the a?©-] mushrooms t o * e to come oiuLj;lse: ties ure shown In the new shapes,- cloth, Tho silks axe shown In g a y - house It should Tie set about two and had from the fields one The group lends oft with aTinrrow- colors or quiet- ones, 'and In many " 'A penny for your thoughts.' one-half feet from tho foundation In need not miss having ap"Well, I have been so nervous that brlmmed j n o d e l - t h a t flares upward novel, futuristic designs. TJray ls'the or*der't<> assure plenty of room for petizing meats. Take without Fear as Told across the front and left side. The favored solid color but there Is far. •they would give one of us pennies for. roots uud foliage. Vliies_onen'cun be Tuna Flih With Mushcrown Is draped with ribbon collar moro demnnd for bright-figured patT\ used with good effect around porches the person's thoughts, nnd that If they rooms.—Take_Jtwo - CUDand ornament which Is placed at the terns. Whatever the cape or robe may in "Bayer" Package and on trellises near tho windows. It did gtve-n- penny every time they mako fuls of~TunaE nsh, one" right side. The French sailor. In nat-' be made of, fashion approves a choice that speech, there would be none of Is not Well to plant trees In rows on cupful ofthin cream, ural 'straw color, lias its brim edge of colors that will harmonize with luwns. often they, as.well as shr'uh- us left for buying a n y t h i n g ! one teaspoonful of butbound with narrow gilt braid, nnd this bery. are desirable for hiding defects, i - "I 1 ">••»••«»<» a » « » • n c " ' o u s - S t , » . binding Is repeated on the ribbon col- the bathing suit and show some relater, one-half teaspoonful tion t o . l t , - A new Idea i s a beach for framing vistas and for the slmdo !' « • »'«"y-*" a >« P"" a P» o» reason,,to lar and buckle-'made of ribbon. A of salt, a few dashes of cayenne, a blanker of- terry cloth that does grating of nutmeg, two cupfuls of Jhey furulsh. Too much Bbmle. how- ! b e "" xou f. ... EE~ h a mushrooms c u t Into~dlce and cooked e w . Jrill kill the grass nnd ^ I L k c c p J ^ ^ , ° , th ,'? "*«* + f *f needed sunshine from the-house. A^ number, of times, but they haven't in butter five minutes, one-cupful of, once, thgt I know white sauce and a tablespoonfnl of durk, damp house makes a good of, -bothered to minced parsley.. .-Add the mushrooms breeding placo-for disease germs. g i v e a pAs'nny, to the tuna, tho cream and the seaShrubbery and- trees properly placed even though tho sonings,-stir In the butter and simgive a house a look of permanency. one n s k c d has mer 15 minutes. Serve on buttered Tho. Idea Is to mako the homo an said: toast and-pour the hot, well-seasoned .. Integral part of tho landscape, to " 'Oh, I w o*4 white sauce with the—parsley added, give It' tho npponranco of belonging thinking of vcryover all. • • to the place where It Is located. llttlc, only whethQueen of' Bread Pudding.—During er 1 would buy a ITnless yon see the'"Bayer-p^,| the - summer when bread moulds Regional Planning green dress, or a quickly, various puddings and' au on package or^in tableU yon • " " * ! I m n o n j - t h n n n ^ d o z t t j cities "defi- blue one, or a gratln dishes may b e made occasion- getting t h e . genuine BavtrjAgW; nitely organized regional planning thick, one.' a l l y ^ Take one plnt<?of milk, one pint proredsafe by millions andprewwj. agencies" have been set to work. "Often they tell of bread crumbs, the yolks of two by phyaIclans-overtwcnty-nTexW"«. f e w These, are In addition to other bodies t h e i r eggs, one .cupful of sugar, a tableCojds HeadtctaE' which have limited plnnnlng functions. t h o u g h t s , but spoonful of melted butter, the rind and LnBb,lI NeurlUs ! l „ :< Including park commissions. That they don't receive • Juice of half a lemon. Beat the whites Toothache ' W ' T Sf-much more activity' InrtliTsTTWld may any pennies. of the eggs very stifTHa'dd. two tableNeuraigia P*W ^ "1 do iiope they "A P e n n y f o r be expected'^ seen by the recent spoonfuls of powdered sugarr Cover 'enactment ofJeglslallon In New Vork ., won't, on uccount Your Thounhta." the pUddlftiRtfter mixing with' a "layer bi Eachunteoken "Bayer" P * * ? ^ designed to facilitate reglonul. plnn- of us .nil being of sugar and Tetnon "Juice and rind, 'talfls proven directions. HindJ-»?j£ nlng by cities and towns of'the state. saved for something fine." then rcover with the meringue antt bttwelve tablets costTew « n t i j * « •'I'on't worry," said-one of the other The rapid growth of this movement bake until brown: Serve with cream gists also sell.bottles o f J L f M * : pennies. "I have been about a good seciii<i to Indicate that the lesson of or a hard sauce. costly delay, tnught by belated steps deal,-nnd I havo been used toward Cottage Cheese With L e t t u c e s toward planning within tho cities. Is iminy purchases, but I've never paid Heap creamed cottage cheese on fresh -twins taken to heart. The dallv enn- for n thought.yet, and I.don't believe crisp lettuce, top with a spoonful of .- • , * ^: •nd veulence and general welfare of the 1 ever will. good boiled dressing and garnish with Sncct'ti "It Is more "of- a speech than anyllirn ;is|nc numbers will be |Womoted !*&£ a cuberof Jelly or a bit of preserve. thing—M> ns regional planning gains heuihviiy. Uda penny bcllcvcs—any Sprinkle wmJYclioTip^d^nitrlf-dcslred.way.'.' Be«t Lima B«ans,—Tnke two cup"fills of fresh lima beans, ndd one meCivic Rcipontibility . ' . _ ?,. , . . _,, ' , . 1M dlum-stzed green • pfpper, one onion Rvery hoiiw along Its residence Temperature m the Shade . "ahd^one^enrrot, chopped. Cook In streets, ns well ns every building In j__ Llye-.venfrMild - U c n . convalescent '•i Tboiling water until tender, then s a l L Its business blocks. Is "responsible for f«"n n slight attack of the llu. and Practical Wear f'cVtba feaach;. Hint city's good name. One sluihby. thoroughly enjoying the fuss that was l e s t n l m i vHteli -draining onc-hnlf of double dnlMi semliig ns II Wl'np us ell 'neglected" house can spoil the appear- -»i'l»K '"'J1'1' f c f h l m . whs eitpUllnl;<c tmall tlinpo that hints of tha riipnluxiil the liquor. Melt twb'tabjcspoonfuls jisva blanket. Cupes nre the type bus n handsome collnr about the ost the seriousness of his Illness to one of butter^jtda^tyo |ablespj>onfuls of .mice of un entire nHghhorhood. popular wraps for bench -wenr anil nil crown, made of overlapping lengths of When home owners everywhere en- of his.playmates who had just dropped velvet ribbon and i s 'finished with/ n of them mny be pnssed up for the floor, pepper anjd salT-to^ taste, t h e w - - ' ln_to.yee him. add one-halt c u p f u L o r t h * Hquor and X'lH-TUte with the city fntherailn preT-TTTio night." said Ren, who loved small ornament at the ftont, *but%ry ^5_Ucker."_ Even the cap.must follow tho same amotmt-yf rnlll^'; cook ontll serving nnd Improylpc jirlvatc ns well vngu/iondlsh Is Its;.neighbor with tho lead "of the suit nnd__».mp in as"public property b y frequent pnlnt- to evncgeriitp. "\ was so sick my. tcm- dented crown, brim widened and color, If It Is to register smartness. smooth, pour over the vegetables and Ing the beauty of American cities will " pernture went up to over ajinndred s e K e hotE . . turned tijjS^nt the back.. A ribbon col- There IB. considerable variety In this In the shade." ' Veal Blrds<—This Is a dish that Is keep -|iti«" with .their growth. wflter millinery, with the helmet> SAFE, VtVWVW*yZ!^ Jnr and n rosette, made with Irregular shaped nfTalr a great fnVorite. Itubbcr especially enjoyed In sniinier: Have plaits, trim I t _.. . -, 'referred Nickeh slippers or'sntln shoes dispose,of tho a slice, of veal cut from the leg. Pound Neea* for Board of Trade \ A similar shape with two ridges In It until thin, cot .Into strips and place Ing grandfather did A strong bonrd of trade or slmllnr ] the c m w n ' u ' w n ^ ^ -••'-• ai . - on each a spoonful of seasoned See us was to gather civic orgnnlxnllnn which unites nil the ; "•".oxes that look like -undenfcred crumbs. Roll, up tho-strlpeEtlo or l«in collnr finished with groups of Industrial, business, civic nni\ social i th* children about him anjl give them plaits a t .tho side where two . smfjll b o l t s , with rubberized lining. skewer, dip Into seasoned flour and money. When It came to Tommy, the Interests of the comthunlty for the I cn«Mchoua.jjiade of strips of felt are serTo t o carry beachward nil bathing fry until well browned; now add a needs, but 'lamming bags of rubberpun»"»e of concerted action In sup- j youngest, he asked which-he'd rather .placed. ' ' " " " . ' • . ised silk that simulate quect-dpils and Ecupful or "Snore of thin cream and slm^porting those nctlvltles which jure. have, n dlmev>r two nlrkclsT It does not take long "to tell the • "Two nlckehv" responded Tommy conventional bags of cretorihe out- mer-for half nn hour. Serve-wlth the ""h'roadpr than any stngle^huslnrss or story of that most essential article number them. Very pretty bench pil- skewers removed and the sauce promptly. Industry, but ^Tilch promote tlw Inpoured over the Wrds. "\\Miy7" asked gfatidpa. wjonderlng. of bench wear—the bathing s u i t It Is low* are made of colored oilcloth. • tsrest and we'lfnreof the community "Cux," ahswered Tonhnyr-fitt I Tost brief In * r w y particular. 'Apparently "as • whole Is an essential part of ev' . . JULIA BOTTOM LEY. e world that goes to the beaches 'one. I'd still h a \ e ohe-h-fL* ery growing town. .(CL itti. W»«Urn K I M B I M I Vato*.)'' %; T Fairy Tale H c^T^vm^l ll^ERSMlT^ CHIU-TONKJ Malaria ChillsFever e TV 1 ^ m mr-. IJ "BAYER ASPIRIIi!' JIWME :v •- ,-:<• f i S*. : l ... .^ Relieves conat^Hg bmousness.diAh^5 \c\r Grove's Tasteless Tonft sr HtML te»S? \,'-i !t#<wa»"1l»n**" , - u **"" ^rf-—..#•».» ^-1*^*^^-..^-^ »-. .V'.— -. ^ ¢ - . ^ . : ^ • .~t — --- r — **'."!' :£i — •sw I f • • s i > i | IS»J • in l^-fc,, ^ ^ _ tufeflK/v-l v,v:i.vaffi3£ ' • - t ' t ' S ^ E^F-^- i : i u ^ . - mM0WWmWM Ml" i ' « ^ - •yjimiAx+m&i *rr~ * j ' * «»^»«i-iiri,"..r-»—r MARFA N E W ERA.THARFA; T E X A S fEATTENTION TO WICATION WT|..,.„„-• 1 Road ^Commandment* 1. Thon *h.a];t learn to recog,/. nise, railroad crossing* • and ap_; proach them with extreme care,. 2. Thon sbairToolT both way* and listen for trains. 8. Thon «halt be doubly alert Good Way to Avoid Expen' If there are two or more track*. 4. Thou sbalt always nse food sive Repair Bill*. Judgment a t railroad crossing* that thy days may be long npon no- to the fact that motorists use the land and t h e enjoyment o f S t tin f-r longer, trip* «n the «umthy car continuous, SSfttoe lifan In any.other period of C. Thon shalt. not kill the pas£ rear ..ll" dealer* sound a warning senger* within thy care, : 21/carVful attention to lubrication _ ^ l r ^ t s E i a _ i * s £ n t l « l » costly-re- 5__B-iThoa-shnlt:keep' thy brake* girded with effective brake linI T WIN »™ to , , e a™1'14*1- J n s t ^ ing. J . L tlie car run* all right some mo7.'Thon shalt not depend^ prists feel doe* not need atupon the driver of the c a T a h e a l " tention- . .„, & Thou shalt. when in doubt, • Draining and Refilling. take the safe coarse always. M , b , y could but see what Is going 0. Thou shalt cross crossings - . insWf tlielr gear cnses when the cautiously. ™ " n j m | s <|nii and differential are not 10. Thou shalt keep thy car W*r!v cured for. say the oU men. under control, so that It can alE,i woul-I <"»"' realize that periodic ways be stopped In the clear Slnlng nnd refilling of these vital space ahead.—Wyoming Roads. nois is m'srhty Important. The only „mlnF riven 1* when the,car howls, bat wlien i <-nr hov-ls It Is Loo late for hbrfcati<'H " l 0 damage has been done. •Robert Uortliiricton. president of a Clock Will T u r n O n a n d Mr company. In discussing this"matter. Off P a r k i n g Light aid- "R i""k <l u l t o a-perlod of time " d i d I turn on my auto parking to Imrre'-'.-' motorists with the ncces1 "Sjof slniriu? and refilling the crank- light?' With this clock your worries will come to an end for It can-be ad•e »' re.-i!»r .Intervals. One of the tnmiiles UMJ was-to-fwrtnt out that Justed to-automatically turn o n ' a n d fear quarts of dirty oil plus one quart off the light aLany desired time. The «ffre«h clsan oil always results-In j T e quarts of dirty oil. This was an Ejur-wap to-illustrate the Importance (ft complete change of oil. ; No Pressuro Gaugo. : T h e matter of transmission, differential and chassis lubrication, while tet as lint'ortitnt. is.not a s easy to Boitrate, due to the fact that there, b no pressure gauge, at these points. Tie mere fact that many car manufac. ttrtrs are building in lubrlcntlon systems for'tLii-chassIs that can be operited-by- t)i£~Sluu>le pressure on a danger slioiild nwnkep motorists t o the point where nil lubrication rajulrecents would he properly observed." - • 7% JJuRING the first sue months of 1926 onelns_. every four buyers of new automobiles bought a Gen* eral-Motqrs car. Earing 1925 the proportion-was about one in five* During 1924 it was"^ne in six. This steady additionj.of new rxiencjs for^the, products of General Motors JLias .a_double~ significance. s . -l.-Jt is p r o o f that t h e g r o u p i n g o f strong c o m p a n i e s i n o n e b i g f a m i l y is e c o n o m i c a l l y s o u n d . L a r g e s c a l e o p e r a t i o n s do m a k e p o s sible important economics; a n d these econo m i e s d o benefit t h e b u y e r , in greater value. T h e public has recognized this principle a n d profited b y it. n^L-Sz^^^:?;^'' ARE TESTED CHEVROLET ^ O N T I A C ' . W i t h great pride w e invite y o u t o inspect these* n e w G e n e r a l M o t o r s c a r s . - r O L D S M O B I L E V OAKLAND , • * " — — * — — — * • — i. • • * • • • . • Forest Ranger? Learn ~"•"• Tricks of Lightning • • ". . . ' - : , ' • • < EITHER • AWHITE G r rORNCOLOMea T s * ^. MEN OR WOMEN ^- 1 f Lightning plays fib favorites. It Go In butlntM far.rourielf. do not be • peddler picks on spruce, pine,fir,.cot ton wood, orcantajMer.all TOOT lifo but s e t Into wimethlaa«h«nf joa ean estabUth roonelf in • rood J»rhemlock—anything. _,lt'_iiluys more manent btulncea. W« will help you atari. Write often over some parts of the hlUstlian natoday.'Mentionthiapaper; THE OZONIZED OX MARROW C O . otliers; It will hit tho same tre& sevWARSAW. ILLINOIS eral times. O n t h e hill wjiere I live there isn't W. N. U., HOUSTON, NO. 34-1926. a tree of an age of 200 years that Quite the Opposite • docs 'not show lightning scars, and the almost human inuntierTn KhicU , 'Vtlfe—"So' you object to "seeing m o such trees heal their wounds is a In tills batlilni;~fiult.** Hulv-"No, to marvelous rcvelntlon.' seeing s o much of you out of l l . " Llglitnlng, when it strikes n vltnl, maturing tree, leaves no - burning puth; but when a dead snug or u devitalized tree Is struck there Is Imminent danger, that in the groove left by the stroke a bit of pitch or tinder will Ignite and cause Uie tree-to smold e r and throw off n lurge quantity of Smoke. This generally rises In spirals straight up from the forest and expert observers become so clever thut they easily tell' tl'uit k,U.ul of lire_nnd so-notify tlie rangtl-.of what he T muy expect before he sets ouL—SaturMay Evening I'osL '. ' P WANTED — SALKSUKK E v m r m i K B J t Hundred per eeet profit Oreateet repeat order buslneae. Inforrhatlon; writ* Nature's Iron nemedr Co.. I l l Bryan. «.Worth.T»xaa. LADlESt tVE PAT SIOJO PKB nUMOKED . to Klld (-netlnc earda. Free particular* tor addrtaxed enteidpea. TOnKVU.t.B CARD. D«pt. P. I l l Lezincten Arenu*. New Terk. Ride the Interurban FROM Houston to Galveston -» Every Hour_on the Moor -ExpriMM-Savted— Non-Slop Trains 9:00 a. m. and J.-00 p. m. i OuMa.aOvoi.)j Arcjyrovhilng boredta de&thT M OSQUITO torture irquickly endedif you keep a can of Flit handy. " E ' Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of di>jease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. Itia-deaij, safe and easy t o use. - Kills All Household Insects • *E£*! v - [S " w*»f- ¢1052 ~ • General Motors passenger cars, Delco- Light electric plants a n d Frigidaire electric refrigerators may be purchased o n the GMAC Plan. . A complete scientific hjnltlon system cl 'the same general design as the Atwater Kent Ignition1 Systems used as staroliulyequip* • ment on many ol America's foremost cars.' Twenty-six years in making scientific ignition sysThe Spy Evil tems? back of it. Installed in less Surgeon General Hugh Cummlngs ." Tru ^ k *. r Jf v « Prov*i.Thslr Valiis In Transporting Freight ' than an hour. Ever- was talking on. the George Washinglastingly, depend- ton about the spy evil. n ,Uawn m dnUl ob and at the same time t o measure the l hSrtUC,lo . f ^° " able. r"** I n »C furies of' tests of motor proportional'deflection of the trnclc **Of course," ;,Jie snld, "European V " , l r e ImpnctR on road surfaces, spring adjacent to the wheel. countries can't,' trust, one n n o t W r when_they are 'continually arresting BH ° v , ' r t w o Vean a n d " " • - The result* show that pneumaUc one another's spies In ,their airplane L^Lxiot In co-o|>oratton with the So- tire's may make a Tough rood seem plants nnd shipyards. , | "JJ* ° f Automotive Engineers, are reasonably smooth and solid tires In poor, condition, may make a, smooth •^They tell » story In raris-abnut a I I ? » p n p e r nr<,P*««<l recently by munition factory head w h o ' s a i d t o J-LBachaii-nn, of the United States road seem unreasonably roueh. A few tests Indicated that no -great differone of his secretaries: laduWCtUe •«*nn of public roads. •ad Rttjnga J''l,bnk out. That-new clerk with J"*** coudusior-s. a s set forth In once In effect.-sais produced by vnrythn nnrmnii.nrMi«nt lllis Kllflrp ears.* [Jg Buchanairs paper, are that the Ing th> unsprung wVlghf thnt 1« thn i ^ 1 rwcilnrn. or force of the blow. weight of wheel, tire" nnd axle below .."f^Tcs, sir,' wild t h e secretary. T v e . r j w M Hi.- weight supported by the" vehicle spring supporting tho > > : nnflcMl.thnt tho d<x»rs-nre-g»uftrg-nT Atwater Kf n t M< "uf7i'^iTr ng^ ^ frnnif wrirl Itc inoil, — 7.Z* 'nrreased. but that the ratio scratched Up .around' the keyholes.'" A. AtwMer KentTfrnUoK & f e ' i'\ HitI nMght becomes Ellmlnats^Much Roughness. ^SpWUMdtickonAr*. . ' PtdlMielphU. Ps. r »* the w,!jht is Increased; that' From a" cushioning viewpoint, the . A f o r e ! Rough Diamonds ",,' . Makers of' lwM B ,? rr0Wer "^e "••»d . rubber, of combination of a low-pressure^ balloon -In the past the United States Imr M lH , l l t ; i P M t h e h*«i^ *• Impact tire or an underlnflnted high-pressure ATWATER KENT: RADIO ported largely polished diamonds, but I W " ' , ' " " 1 " , n t 'ncreasing the pneumatic tire, a relatively 'henvy yn-, In tho. last few years life number of freai S L . " " " rubber has n sprung weight, and « comparatively rough diamonds brought In hits been' ^ , f 7 '•'• rrducing the Impact flexible truck" spring, might eliminate considerably Increased/ the 1023. Imh W '"" ^ S l e nnd dual ure all but the severest road roughnesses. ports being more than double those In * K 1 ' : u n l t l r e '' ""WB'eat. A change- In mounting dual tires 1024. This Indlctftos an expanding m ,h,,n 8ln,tlc tlrcs ot having a very deep nonskld-deslgn, Industry In the United States among1 r«r t l n d reejjt Caat Be Beet so that the depressions In the two lire the diamond polishers. .,-. -• rSight when your feet - are Ured, sore and swollen . ¾ ^^ capacity; that treads were staggered Instead of being ttromlmach walking or K r o i , tn',n{'"uy «f the tread sur- opposite e«ch other, resulted In reduc"dancing., sprinkle two A Bored Bird ' A U m i m - U S I powder* firti . . f lmrf ••rented road Im- ing- I h e J m p n c t reaction froni 3.C00 "Ilellol" said the Chestnut tr> t h e In U*> foot-bath, gently p d u n d T t i l ^ p O pounds nt each repetiw ,h tread rob UM sore and InIlobln. .-What are y o u r tion of the tUfed design on^n smooth flamed part* and "I'm d little bird," said tho Robin. J m i c i R.aetlon. M * « u r . d . , - concrete rood. The greatest Impact rerelief i s like mafic r E, 'Bhekssfl-'sT—t ten "What are jronr actions occurred with all the trucks at Into.yoor sboss In T m a llttlfi burred, too," safd the •» • *Mri^iI ' ; o n " ™< " • " " r e d speeds between"& and 15 mile* an la* morning and Chestnut \ j ^ . , Tb«~tmpact- force, with pneuwalk In comtorL I t I ^ w ^ s ' ' r , " , r o c t e d ' 1 n * , r u r o « t boor. matic tire* .had a duration of 8-1.000 take* U » friction ler I8* tritkxlrT,'r" " " "ountedon ,,Bned ,0 fromthssho*, S*M every wbei*. r o r t m of a second, and with a wornout solid If you want to worry 25 hoar* « Bampl* and • VooUBaa* Walking-Doll, I • " • « < • »l-*ed of upward thmsU Ur« o f about 2-100 of a second. / ^d4i«M,»iiirt rMT-USC. U Bay. «• I . dajr, undtrUke to g i r t a fait. • • **A car for etTery purse aruTpurpose» —with an Atwater Kent Type LA Ignition System for Fords. Its mechanism i s protected from dirt and'OH. The conUcUesa distributor eliminates wear. It means a smoother running motor, easier starting, quicker pick-up, with more"pow«r,wi the w> • YELLOW CABS, B U S E S A N D T R U C K S Getridof trouble «*Rt«4 I T^r^^l^tiJi^ilrVijEJLxj- . ' ^ » I I IILI CTS for Fords I . G^r%HAL MOTORS ATWATER KENT IGNITION kdlls. A s t h e v o l u m e o f production increases there . . must b ea corresponding'increase i n t h e . values offeredVThc n e w series o f cars just p r e s e n t e d does e m b o d y l a r g e r v a l u e s ; i t t s a* direct reflection o f t h e fact t h a t m o r e t h a h 1 , 0 7 5 , 0 0 0 General M o t o r s cars w e r e s o l d \ at retail d u r i n g t h e y e a r just closed. T h e a d d e d q u a l i t y h a s b e e n b u i l t i n w h e r e i t s ip r e s e n c e c o u n t s m o s t i n co"mfoT* a n d s a f e t y _ _ ^ ; a n d , l o n g life. -"'•'.' " >,l Some nmtorlsts experience conslderCble delay In receiving emergency Handy Clock for Parking. itrrlce and cause a great- deal « f antbtance to repair men by fulling to remember their tag numbers. Service clock wns-Invented by Ben C. Jones, i<ms-r<!{mruthat-tliev^are prevents of Washington, D. C. T t ls_shown J t i r f rreT phnrngraph,-^inA^«-f»iT^tw^eW^|^= (d freqnentryTfoTiEreSti)main " IfflmTF | -flately to distress rails because car •stn!le4,-on the da'sTTor.tencealed under owners are-tinable to give the num- the seat of the car. •ttfi when- they summon the repair Bin. Repair men say they often go N e w Y o r k S u p r e m e Court "to the scene of the trouble, but nre unRules T o y Cars I m m u n e ible_lo Identify the car they have Franklin Hussell, sixteen years of keen called to rescue because they tire been given the wrong number or age, of Beacon,-N. Y., arrested for the owner dojcg notrknow "the number operating n toy automobile which the it ill. Knowing the'tag numbers also state alleged h e should have registered and marked with license plates, had It i protection against theft his laugh when Supreme Court Justice A.^S. Tompkins held thnt the legtsl'nObey Traffic S i g n s 'ture did not order licenses for the toy . All tntfiie slgnsr including those cars o f children. T h e miniature car Bed for the control of trnltic at In- has a wheel base of five feet and Is tersections should lie obeyed prompt- Jwenty' Inches wide." At the back Is b ind to the letter. "Slow dotfff*" attached a one-horswpower. gas-driven j&pa near.sclmcds should be observed motor wheel by which the little car Is u wiLjjSw^op. Look and Listen" propelled. It will accommodate two children.. I-r&j atTaii'ioad crossings. TIRES n -womeii a n d children. tqjvhotrTTts'public good is a very personal concern. 2. Increased public patronage involves increased obligation. G e n e r a l M o t o r s is directl y r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e w e l f a r e o f its 1 5 2 , 0 0 0 e m p l o y e e s . a n d t h e i r families^ its 2 0 , 0 0 0 dealers, a n d indirectly for t h e s i x thousand companies w h i c h furnish it w i t h supplies and' materials — a t least a . m i l l i o n m e n , bpprtajit for C a r O w n e r to Remember T a g N u m b e r IMPACTS O F T R U C K ^Si"*'- ' destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed That Flit spray did not stain the most delicate^ —fabrics. • -¾ M Flit is tho result of exhaustive research b y expert entomologists and chemist*. I t is .harmless, t o mankind. Flit has replaced the. old methods because i t kflla oil the insects—and doesilt quickly. . .*••-. \-' (htlaFIirdSiviind sprayer today. For sale everywhere. . . _ STANDARD OIL CO. (NEWL JERSEY). .,_.,__i •~» '- . Ti : .... . ;'""'. . - •^w «?r I*»^„ ^ »•«•"»•• 'v- .r- • - DESTROYS File*) H o e q a l t o M M o t b a Anta Bed D o g s R o a c h * • -^homMmt^mUMOm --L- • • ' ' • ^ '! -.' •. ,,. .//-1--^-,/ V~7 - . ~-*~; \> . V^^-v ^ ;*>*• . ' • ^ • • ^ - • % — «s*!&*y: - '• - i'i • 1 • . • • - . • . . * filK THE NEW ERA Published Ev»-ry Saturday b r "NEW U n A - P I I I N T I N C CCQIPAMt , flnrorporaled) ^| —»• ~~ Hub^rri| p'-i1 year hi •RTij. :1 V IS • • h '-11' *k ".* .! ' "-1 - & • rf- & — GREAT SESQUr STADIUMjbPENED AT PHiLADHp For Rent ALL, or p a r t home, H. H.KII.I'ATHICK. Kdilor and -ijoueral Manager matter -••Entered as second flats May 29. I HMO, at M M fa, Texus. undei tot of Mar. h 2. 1H7U. Newspaper Assoi-iution Member Number 77U8 N E W EBA, 1 U B T * , T E X t S , M T U B P A Y , ISEITKMBiai 1«, ttW. *" • " " ,**«!»•, \Xi" familiar face in the kitchens of the best cooks of thpsouth Lillian Bailey NKUM'M'I.U M|£VS VI IIOThl. (M(NUt)l•'!•' ?2.(i0 iolLLine-of Electrieal-SuppliesC O M P L E T E ^ T O C K OF MAZDA G t O B E A - 110 Volts 32 Volts] " ALL SIZES. ' BIO STOCK OF IRADIO BATTERIES. ^ ^ • 111! !| SOUCITED COFFIELD EEECTRmmOP, . . . . • • *t< • ' y.ymi.mi-mr^m.'mv I *+*~if~* —-*-•n-**T t \ • • • .- ' ' . , •*JP« jfvmMVj'V'-' li**^'"'-* *•*)•* ' ' . ' i v W i " * * , * • ^*» mmw The ( U n t arena In the centre ot the Sosqul-Centennlal International BxpoelUon site In Phlladelpula w a i • built-in approximately 100 working days. It v a a . c o m ptoted- and in nae a month De40Te- the opening ot the big exmoaiUon which celebrates tbe 150th anniversary of the ning o i the Declaration 'of Independence.' This photopli, made from the air, shows nearly 3,000 boys on / * tk% plartng-field, masted there tor the dedicatory exer a Text S-r.„, -. PAofo »* ABRO Servic».C«rftngm cites on May 1 which formally oiieued th» itrStsit. the stands are seated 10,000 peMons watddaj"tt, • gram. A group of 10,000 persfltfs u a Urtioi they are only a""drop In the-buckef in ih» UfU^ phta stadium. The boys paraded onto tilt i , ytoi accompaniment "of fourteen bands and tbertErttt ttm their drill* and athletic exerciser for the ktneitKi officials and parents. - --' E iiV"'' . • -S * -* '-I lependaoiii ferforman^ So Sniootii-so Powerful m an r. Because no other car provide. « u c h j » £ markabte combination of the modern fea£«» essential to^ m o t o r i c satisfaction, tens of * * , sand, are daily asking * " * ^ ™ % J Z do we need in an;automobile? ^ fpromptly and satisfactorily answermg * « ^ g question by purchasing the Smoothest ChevtoW in Chevrolet history! " ^ . .-—_ Ev-®; '• " E T— .,«;..- at these •ices! 510 8^-^645 •Jburiirfir$ ILouKferr j_lllandau Brighter, more striking Duco ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ forts and smartness of .endosedF-shertod^^ time-proved economy « f d e ^ S * brilliantacteleratlon.effortle»control,abmd«B -powerramaiing-onoothpes. a t ^ e v | r y s ^ aU these quaUSes are your, in today1. Chevrolet at Chevrolet's low prices! — 3= m co^'i^*^^^^^^. HTonT<uck$«5 ta**t»o*& * ear! Learn why It T. the overwhelming en— of buyers everywhtte. lToixTrocklUQC in^KOuM (OMMI*OI49) ~ * * ~ ,r* ' N m l i ^ CASNER MOTOR MARFA, . V L ."; JLPINE ^ Q U A L I T Y AT LOW: COSx . V •* i . . *r ; Wmm ^^mm^^^^ TT. i Maria ". completely furnished. Repairs woA^MidLgiring I i*~njr^-, i ; ^vjt,-«<Kt o«, aiiftr-'i w«S*^ HI - I - ... I ' \ . .S.-pl. I.j.—.\e\> ^ L I per in'—i. HH- pioneers ol progies- in AUvetUUojj-Hntcs Hi..- HI r ;i-ij SoUlli>yeal, toroierly de Uispltty Aflvfi-tisi'iifr, • mi of paper, l]ll.-!lU"l * hi- new Hotel Orndoft with •ficl'pt tii st puce. _. J.^r,c. per inch .t \e.\.-|ia;n-i' Men's dinner winch was tin: opening event of the formal t One-iiatf page <>Y more, 2 0 c ' inch iledica inn uf 111** New Oniilnff. . Ad? f" 'date.form 20c. per inc<jli Tbistiiiitnei- to the srniihweslei n | Legal ailvein-.'iig, I0r. per line first and Ki l'a.«.i newspaper- men wasj» iiiHe'i-tioii': Oc. perline c a d i s u b s e - given l«\ it- Hlll'l Orndoll; Vicoji/e's j nlellt ami' Managing Inrerfor lit flie.l • cu^nt i n s e r t i o n Unlet iinidorfL It wu> « w i i ) 4 ! - - m l iliaf no .speeches were scheduled' and m>ne d'-ilM-i ed. In his leller of A CUV HIOM M^LLlJOMA uiMta'ion .V.r. Orndnrtl, wlju has aiii.'my li'ieiiils aiuuiig tlie"* newspaper - II is rt!iiiir(<sd tlitti the Marfa-I'ro 1111*11 of .the s o l i l l i w e i t as any o n e sidio road i* in need of CUiuirgEro•|*ITTTm,. UltllOHOe*--!—Wf^t lll..i.. lf ( |||||l date Jjuile a large sum has been e x - I"- nit speeches, no s e t prograui and ponded (in this important h i g h w a y tlui flic diiiiier w a s planned to givi and up to Hie recent rains w a s ,rj) g lii-ws'paper men and j 4 l b e . " win-king fine.oolidition., . l m l that n o w in woinen a eh liaiice"-rn eat in peace 1 . many places tlj,'.'i^ j-s «••«?•! for con*: for , once without hoiil having ;\ pencil Bideranlo—work^, After a road h a s in i^je hand and a soup s|foon In] TJeeif pnt in good condition il is a b - the other. '1'ln-ie were no •wi*. have i solutely necessary should lie with us ihi- evening' iniiiniluclliins. I maintained and fTPdo this on theno one arose, looked at the pres<| Maria-Presidio liiglrwsiy a m a i n - table and deNvered his reniarUs J tenance crew must be kept at all with appropriate pauses for periodsj t i m e s - o n Ihe j o b ; and eoii|inas in t h e story for t-)— A T t e n l this road a eoi-resimiiileni morrow's paper. Instead Hie newspii from Presidio w r i t e s : _ . • per. wl^itms-A'ere invKed lo j n i t j "From Marfa's vji-wpuinl it is the (heir feet under Ihe -table, devout' 1 most important m a d s h e bus.. II the food which Harl Nelson. foriner brings in all the trade from Shafter manager uf- the Old-Pueblo t'.hlb orj and' Presidio-nnd frqm several oilier T u c s o n and now iininaging slew ar.l J little settlements up and down Hie of Ihe new Wrndorff. h'ad.l irepared -river. , especially for iln> dinner. •"*' From our viewiioint it is the Only 'The favors were large, well s h a r - j road w e Jinve. What w e .eat; whal IP" ned blue pencils which Hie n e w s wo. drink (except from Ojinnpn'-: p a p e r men and w o m e n were invited, and w h a t w e wear, must all come to keep a n l t i s e on any copy vvhjch over Ibis wagon road,. \V« are s e -uiighl drill into' their of fiees about j venty miles from a railroad and are tin- dinner, lib' Iheni-y being that absolutely dependent- on it. Hl.i|. whal Hie ju-e'ss . d'ii.L .was'-nobody' business, dialing Ij-ankly lluil h e and think what il . m e a n s . E I r o m (lie- la.v-payor's vie\v|>.iinf.5 was "li yini; il m i the dog." Manap-1 money has hen invested in i' ing IMrec'lor' .introduced ] and the road shouldn't lie lei «II In Ihe' \ a r i o u s iminbeis \vhie.h h a d —r - ruin. Itight now it .is fast decaying. been planned for (lie l-'iesla l"s|iani»-^E^SllOl. W^havi*-:iit-wa\; o t Jieepoi_--ri - ol;i which w a s a pari of the liinnaTJ oiii'iiing. T h o s oe - numbers fouchwitli.tliTrworld." i ^ E ' ••l.op'enjnjr. numbers incIiMkul-l N(d ouly Jjon.i a Marfa viewpuiaL| «i»aiiisli (Trgnn^ n , i m ' , r r l E ; P ! a > ^ , ( 1 ^ ' ^ Itee ilose,li.°-'T,he r.irl 'Who "CliascVj but from evei;y eipiilaiile and legal " ' " "" consideralioii, Sbiifler. 'Presidio and Ihe Hlues Away",,on Iho n e w . I l e u the sellleiueiils alonu the river in lei-- pipe organ. Spanish selection? conliguons lercilory are taxpayers by the, hotel Orndorff. Orchestra. ; and deserve al Ihe haiiiLs- o f ' n i i r l aand m l Southern Souttiern Enterlainers." Knieriainers. Spanisb spauisn I Louunissioneis ('.iniii greal consider!songs, dances and Spanish sketches. 7" 'ation. A magnificieni highway b e - l T h e dinner w a s given in the. Crystal I w w i y Marin and PwesidU"'should b e | Hall Hoom of l b e New Onvlorff. j u s ! "*' made noil ~DiilllTT.TtTieil. liiil lliere off the main lounge and the n e w s oliiiiild In'- a -s'di-ifTITd highway c o n - paper men were shown through l b e structed between Itedfor'il ml the beautiful Spanish Ilennaissance h o South and I'.an'delnrin m i Ihe North tel by Mr. Orndorff and his staff. '* leading alone i.he Itiu tlrandi' Valley. He was assisted i n m a n g i n g l h e din. .Presidio js m«w iai'r|. In Vie among ner and entertainment by Norman'lie few Oonulies h, Ihe Stale which Walker, . former Associated Press lia< never _is«ned a n \ rouif .ljonds. Staff correspondent and H. W. W a l ('..'in roads be built and maintained ler. Service ,Manager. -.villiniil Ihe issuance of bunds'.' T h i s The menu for the press dinner, i< !i (piesMni) sure in ari^e in (liewhich w a s wri.tlen without regard ; ni'iir future fnr lbe con<ii|erat iin of lo the food buf only for ttie laughs il might contain, w a s as folluwis: Hie vnl'T! if Hie rniuilv. Menu French for (iroeeriesl <\» wnr.fKi.n Soup Snuffle—I'seHo se no Strainers strainers anish Olives, imported from Old I — Uinul. • :!: Ti l l e l i W . Inesilay Spain vin -Mounlnin l':\ik j eveniin: aHnt. •\a= 1.. I . " 'pinni orchards of 'Senor crotsinc >li • II. II. It.Tr: »cvcCadWalladcr ' nil luuiilred y a i i N w i ' v l i f l)n* l'unip lery --lo be eaten only while the lloilie Ilis I* ii- w a s s i n i ' " b v ' l h e >*. orchestra is piaying — . . IV P a - e i y - . Train. \ j . this lime Lobsters il la W e s l b e r g *"" 'here were-thi-ee 'lie car Fillet Minnn besides Mr. Hrile who wns.drivins:. 1. f;i i.r ib (*1!I\ Nnli •!->:• ihe ..•!•.. TETll fn|llll),lle|v tin nlie WJIS sei|,- «;y l-eus'.' Il'li.s'"is in it a fish injured allhouglt I In* i':.\\ w a It. ! a iii Itni 1] I'oiinor—not • as wrecked. ' ' ;- •• lough ;;^s ii looks I'loni ._iiifnri!ia|jnns... \\ nnpears \'iple Saitse ;i la I'.hnck Pwan. <Ws a la Leilev -six miiUiio»i lhal a' Ihe ~ l i s drivinu vei-v Ua-d.eirv Pi Mi half l b e shell i\v ami im! int I.he ';-.iiit ohlil Iris car was oii Hie track, tried in Nun-Skid Ice ('.ream I'se no Hooks back* off but did iinl have sufficient l»enii" Tiionde Loffi direct from pnwer. eiin lei'pienlly .!.!«•• r .-,il siil-' •luarez * i f ' f h e 'cat- was slruck. T h e r o w Minis imporled from the Mini "Par now- called lbe '('.'ir Kelcbei "- -on Nuts a la Copy Headers.-served with front of Hie • engine, was tlNn hadlv Hie Sail of Human.Kindness disabled and was b-fl bvliind.. Flowers from Ihe Poller's Field - • ('osluuie-' from Trivers Stores Prof Jesse lllackwell. ,,f Ma-rf:-, F.ats from Mr, Ne'snn's-T*nnd was II i« giie»| or the News family Foundry ' dining Hie •» •arly.parl of Hie wi>ei; • Appeliterf by the COnipriny -Mr. fllackw ell w a s *.nir lieigjibor fTilTie Kvenly y e a i s ago, and il is a This webk is n i N G WEEK at downright -pWs-ure— to have hhn •I.OilKLF.VP .TFAVELnV STORE E m with us al Ihi-; time. ML'. Plackwell blein Ring all kinds. Ladies set has ben a member of Hie Marfa flings all kinds, in.fact all kinds e x school rnciilfy for. Hie past five cept Wedding Hings oil sale. years, and is in ail«Mulitn''' ahfng (be more than one .hundred Why not -|t>ade your old Watch in teachers fn Ihe institute meeting at .in a liew one.' AI r.Or.KLEY'S y o u P^cos. — Ward Countv News. an do i ifl, • »f m y ' I If]! • E ; Iai» '-*:,f-i'< $&r? * * ?'?Jt R T a 'ttaB/**'* J ' t J B ^ ' r . * * -' • •*• *™ l ' • V -Th>V Tft-kfeQ SBBi XtkiJsiMfU.' sffi.:l4KK^'M'E .'-.,; --1^1¾)¾^ .•> - ' : ' - , . ^ , ^ E | I M [ t" 1r- feW'-J^i • -:-¾^¾¾ THE .NEW ERA; HAHFA, TKXAgT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1«. •9SSS * MODEL MARKET jlorate attft ftrBrntate . Mr. W i l l i a m , H a r p e r , o f t i n ' M u r J d r a l ^ - k i * L v H U i . . g f r i e n d s p h y - W a l k e r C o n T p a n y w a s elrtl«vj b y wire t o McKinney, Texas Tuesday; to b e a t t h e b e d s i d e o f h i s b r o t h e r Kiiicit w h o w a s - v e r y ill w i t h t y p h o i d f e v e r . »ni> • Mr-- ,,.^,,1,,, S uW n idl al iya. m s jildr: s 1.. I' Mr. a n d M r s . J a e k . H a w l t s r e t u r n e d vi.-itnm in E l - P a - . l a s t l-'riday f r o m S a n A n t o n i o , - w h e r e 1 LOrr Kfi'i" ' Mrs. l l a w l s has. b e e n u n d e r m e d i c a l i week- treatment f o r several months and Milk. Can d e - ' i f f ' i r i n a n y f r i e n d s a r e g l a d l;i w e l : c o m e thetn back again. I^^Tl^-' ' , j — - . » »**<«»»»»«« »~»mm Hans Briairi K - ^ We jiandle eggs and butteT—none nicer. Brookfield Sausage, Swift's Sliced Bacon, Fresh Kettle Ren.dered Lard; All Kinds Packing House Products, Veal,, Beef, Pork and Mutton. ' : T h e merchant tically - • .-¾^¾ 'Foreign D i s h * Bring Added Zest to Dinsar A pples! ' • • • — General Texas ^0 00 ** **»**0s** + *s**** **** r*-e~r-t-*-* I MAHFA. Tuetidfty evenings <-a. I. m o n t h . 'FOR SALE J 4 - M i , . ^ .•TITTrh-rM-t-rW. %\ Draya{K>. i -- L i g h t a n d . n r a v y I l a n l l n o . —AgentPierce Petroleum €orpor»tlon Pennant O l l s ' t n d Cnsollna . . 4- • -f •!••• • # +''- + + * * • * — Phohes M. — «. Drlig,s,ore- tinfon Resideotr^. 108 ...jrTTTi; - From $2.00 t o $3'.SO. ^ 5 m H-"' " -,-TE3iAS ft**************'. in J Visiting ,tnen,borsari» cordiallj^' i c v i t e d tcLbt present.-~ I Chas. BisliopV MAIIKA ( J l A t T E R N o . , 3 4 4 U. E . . S , m e e t s t h e 3 r d Ti , 3...--^ ^ - o»»»**+*»w—if ' 1 Practice' : v***-****** Apples! - « """^ e v e r y tbing_ a n d will' Jlurfa. Apples! • * w h o baa prac- Sell It f o r Leas o-Mi-s.' I'aul I ' r o p ' l a n d i;111 Idr«u_aii«i, .1 A l p i n e i s a Btf 1{ ««r= t o m p a n i e d b y M r s . Frank' . M o o r e - p f Jjft-il':!.*^"* •his. w e e k . By MR8. WM. O. P08T I ' r e s i d i o p a s s e d t h r o u g h Marla-XTcMi " lo o^id a y e n i'oiite-for Aliiine, w h e r e Mr*. l i a s t i f i t - » n l b ' 1 P r o p s ! w r j l " p 1 a f t ' - M | s . s J i m i l a a n d II. B e l g h t o f ray c u l i n a r y arabltfon L\fae H"«-'1,1 -!<.!. M e l l e n r y in" tcTJooJ; . _ E _ ' . " a l w a y s hasn>een t o - m a k e dinner e4on day a gastronomic Wthi' w '"' k D'-licioiis'and King D a v i d i poem, ronrided 1 1 !>>' :i fin* ~ — M U ; r i i i i i n u ' . j j j i a t i ^ a H t h w U t u ' L L ^ , » vifi' '' .\j)ples now ready , itsh!. f ' i h ' i i M e n t i s r e t u r n e d S u n d a y #.-ven~~~ stately rime. A ] i n c i'i(n*««;i d e l i g h t f u l s u m m e r * v i g i j ratal t h a t . p l e a s e s : An i w i l h t h e i p " (si-iind p a r e n t s a l D n u p i n s "f -:an Mat* H " ; i | l ejres; n o s e a n d her fa . li's. A r i z o n a . T h e y w e r e a..-111114.:111palate aOkel liojirr - i i y I h e i r grand™ p a r e n f s E 1 tie,| k well-turned j Mr. a n d M r s . M. K ^ M c ' i a w w l i i i w i l l dinner Is like a Sl.eild .T>. !• I . W n _ _ 1 11 US I ' p r t t t y jTOmtuj to • finish hei'i V _ C o m e .t o m y Orchard or - that Jt t m l o o l i ;HS T h u r s d a y I l i e ' J V ' e s l l.ouli(t» t r a i n iLo* A»-- .' m e n ' s h e a r t s w f t n write m e a t Fort Davis^ t h a t w a s d u e In a r r i v e i n Mai-fa a l jtuilie*?a flskl«a k « T ^ I , ; .nk l i o t t l m l t r e l n r 5:15 a. m . . w a s a b o u t t w o h o u r s l n l e . . T e x a s . . B*oiloduibM fcuul *"'-• 1'juiii a v i s i t t o I-<H-) It w s l o a d e d l o r a p a c i t y w i t h P o r l o j jthis tff"'k v I t i e a n s e n r o u t e f o r S a i l H i v e r V a l - i Mrs. W n C P o s t . ' « J f ° « 1»**« H i M. F H1GGINS. Otljsr l a n d s t o | h e ley t o pick colloii. T h e r . s . Ileiiarl-i <Unner table.-,. T h i n g s f o r e i g n a; i f o r l a M i ; r o o m n i e n l o f L a b o r Is i n i p o r l i n c 5.000. THAT O L D ROOF IIEVT-Oii': '•'" t i e romantic sense. Taste o f ,:ir a l a Benedictine transports one for U v k frem >' "Have t h e recent r a i n r + r o u g h t M r s . E . J . K e l l e y a c c o m p a n i e d b y m i n u t e t o the 1 M o n t m a r t e i n g a y P i Mrs F r a n k r . o t U m l t . l o light t h a t w e a k spot i n i h e o l d h e r d a u g h t e r M a r y J e a n , " is, .iu. l l i e a d a s h o f P l r o s k l a n d w e a r e E C i l y v i s i t i n g h e r - p a r e H t e — M r . a n d In a o u a l n t c a f e o n t h e IrTeTsky Wnf?! ' .: . _ T fl h e r e S u n d a y .Mrs. J a m e s S h a n n o n Sp„..Mrs. K e l l e y p e k t m L e n i n g r a d , w h f l e t h e «run Y$# M e k We' a r e prepared t o furnish y o u n e e Miss Mary S h a n n o n , s t o p p e d - f i r j ^ i i Bngltsh t e a cakes fan'Antfinie with a n y a n d all .kinds o f roofing E l P a s o e n r o u t e f o r M a r f a f o r s e v - a l'o n e- o-f t ^ jicemmer'cial e o t i r s c h e r-o i l.i n g mrrrrs flf ftnsssM * -cral d a y s v i s i t i n g h e r s i s t e r , M r s D e l '* A B a n a i d t o t h e h o n s e w i f * b> c a n T ~ E m a t e r i a l s , a n d t h e b e s t p a i n t s i n R i c h e y . M r . K e l e y is e x p e c t e d t o l n g o u t t h i s n e w a n d - f a s c l n a t l n g l d e a ( h e m a r k e t t o p r o l « v ' , i t . special Rinp; -"-ale is n o w On a I j o i n ( h e m j n a b o u t a w e e k . '~\ {n c o o k i n g , t h e f o l l o w i n g o f m y w S p e i G.-C.-;Robinson Lbr. Co_ ' I |JLEY l a r p ' ; ^leck o f l a d i e s . a n d m a y proTe o L p a r t i c u l a r I n t e r e s t t •Ring?!'"1 s'' l c r l f r o i n . T w o M e x i c a n s -said t o 1 h a v + i - l j e e n \ . ' " ;._ j !tallan„Polentai E _^ I s Practical N u i s i n e a n d "Sewings i m p l i c a t e d i n t h e - k i l l i m j o f I J u r a n t t c u p s h o t - c o o k e d 1 ½ tbsp. b a t t e r a t S h a f t c r a f e w w e e k s a g r r J i a v e i - ^ c . J l v a h . ' J o i t l a . n -Holel..".,.. rloe o r muah . e r ollv* oil I j e r r - c a u g h l b y S h e r i f f V a u ' g b a n a n d E B e a t t h e b u t t e r I n t o t h e m n s h whll« l l C i S o . : '-;. a r e n o \ y i n t h e I ' r e s i d i o L o u n t v .Tail. h o t . Torn onto a hot serving plate A M e x i c a n w h o c l a i m s t o h a v e b e e n ! and pour over t h e 'following cheese L LinyriEMiiv-iicll hn= h r n - i n F . l an ey w i t n e s s to. the killing assisted I ; _ lo tbis w e e s t"r l i p d i e a l I r e a l - t h e . s h e r i f f i n l o c a t i n g ( h e t w o M e x - s a u c e : C h e e s e 8 a u c e . icans. I tb.p. t a * . • H cup evsporated I tbsp. floor . milk diluted { * T H A V E h e n d n c h n o n c e in a with • ItfCO" for ' h a n d y home u s e , •"" J n o . Z . M e a n s ' o f V a l e n t i n e w a s a U t « p r - M l t ™ x while, usually coming from H c u p m e a t »to«k . • M i m e d r i e s .'ast a n d l a s t s .. h ' , s l l n ' : . • « M a r f a M o n d a y . H e r e p o r l s Da«h pepper c o n s t i p a t i o n o r t o r p i d liver," s a y s H eilp a r a i e d n al fBi n l,is nn h M r . L. A. M o r p h i a , o f P o t t s v O l e , oheeee AXIL, "and tha-very b e s t w a n e d y l 'l' " Iabout in miles north wesl from V a l M e l t t h e f a t . a d d t h e flour, s a l t a n d ••liline, has commenced. '- . • \ j pepper, a n d s n r until t h e m a s s Is h-L-C. R i i l . ' - h a ? b e e n , o n ( h e «-~Hmgbth.- A d d t h e l d l b t e d ml'lk a n d : »(ijg-^-ptAHTeiu't- eflHiinert • T f o W l P f f donhTriJolIer." Bttr-se. — •- A I H ^ V I T O ^ fer home «ince.1asl S u n d a y . . ally t o keep smooth. _Add grated I . . "^lack-Draught i s t h e v e y b e s t * , , , r,r^—"LaTtleTrien: j u s t t h i n k real b l a c k - c h e e s e t o t h e h o t s a u c e a n d stir until bucative I h a v e f o u n d . " I a l w a y a • ..F.J. \( h a s l i e u here: I b i ^ j | e g . a g g L e s s i n . a t 1 0 c - p e r d o s e , a n d m e l t e d o r a b o u t t h r e e m i n u t e s . _ feel s o n m d b b e t t e r after t a k i n g i i . ) § brisitine I n 5 ni-<Hier-Mrs. I l o l . l , . „ „ 5 o f t h e b e s t o n t h e . m a r k e t . O n e Buffets* Kuehen. "My wife t a k e s Black-Draught, |w. ~ I d o s e p r o j e c t s f o r ' l i f e . ' A V e a v e y . n i r ; 1 H oups . . s u g a r I U o n e s fl.o u r tooC F b r r l t e i n w w , c o s t i v e n e a s " T c a l f , a n d g oe a s y o n y o u r p o c k » t - ; U c u p b u t t e r 4 U p . baktr in*and a n y little stomach disorder, powder eaa*i eeeeppaarraatteed VISI- n o o k . W e m a d e t h i s c u t i n p r i c e t o , J ftf, t.jndMrs. M.-t, . l f f w i ' l - e WB find i t m o a t s a t i s f a c t o r y , a n d I oup e v a p o r a t e d Q r i t e d rind o f 1 •to All-in.- :'.n: •- v e r a l . d a y - II.iS h e l p m i e c a d l e n i e n . • L'ol u s f i l ! v n i s r ! consider Hack-Draught a & m i l y milk diluted lemon W ' l e r s . I-'orl D o d g e S e r u m C o n u i a n y . j tth CD'6t)p«d or' s l i c e d medictneT* S a n 'Antoni.o. T e x a s . W n l l e r .T. n r . - i v ; Constipadion, Tritlron inactxre cup water almonds D i s l r i b u l e r . I>. O". Hov. fi51 o r « i u n - j liver, J o c k s u p p o i s o n a S n t h e Cream butter a n d sugar, a d d yolks |LM£D—A ! H V . ' . u s ' o m e r s f o r ( e r H o t e l ^ H a v * ' s o m e l e r i - i i o r y o p e n ' b o d y a n d a l l o w s t h e m to d o t h e i r j1 .of e g g s a n d t h e l e m o n ' r i n d , s t i r r i n g : ier?ey Milk, q u a l i t y g u u i a n - f o r a g e n c y d e a l . " dangerous w o n c - - . c o n s t a n t l y . M i x floor a n d b a k i n g p o w |!Hire Phone 30—2- r i n g s . B d n g purely vegetable a n d der, a d d t o t h e b n t t e r mhrture, a l t e r containing n o hannftd drugs, C. E . M e a d . E s q . . h a s p u r c h a s e d . n a t e l y w i t h t h e m i l k a n d l a s t l y s t i r to 1 Bladc-Drmigltt acta gently; h e l p JLTJ. 1:. )( I ' r e s i d i o i s t h e J o e S n r n k e r h o m e . , M r . a n d M r s t h e stiffly b e a t e n w h U a s o f e g g s , p j a e t ing t h e system g e t rid o f F l o y l o e . s o r o k e r left f i r s l o f t h i s w e e k ' to w e l l - g r e a s e d s h a l l o w coffee t a k e ..iut-diiA^l'n — M r s . for Arizona, where M r . P o r o c k e r i tins, s p r i n k l e w i t h g r a n u l a t e d i o n r t i e s a n d p r e v e n t i n g s e r i o u s aide* l ; k | this week. h o p e s T o In> bei'iifited s i n c e f o r s o m e c i n n a m o n a n d a f e w n l m o n d s , V&fi' neaa. G e t a p a c k a g e today. -(i t i m e h e h a s b e e n in p o o r h e a l t h . fine o r c h o p p e d . B a k e In a m o ^ f i U i ! i n . J M i - . T. -- M . ' o n i a n d s o n s . oren. "' IVfl siid r.i.rvi-i -peiK S u n d a y a t ••"Oil S A L E — W e o f f e r f o r s a l e a l l if.'rthe p i l o t - ..f their, d a n e h r e r m a t e r i a l left o v e r f r o m o l d s c h o o l LFred iii-.'V liii.i hnsbaniT. Mr. a n d "Mis'. «1reed T a y l o r e r s l e r building. Also t h e lumber building Luhod Sunday -with.-a birthday •3.Oscar Well - mill s o n T o m m y a n d i m p r o v e m e n t s o n s c h o o l g r o u n d d i n n e r ' i n h o n o r o f t h e i r s o n M r . |fct*. Tcxa- w . i e v i s i t o r s l o o u r J. W . H o w e l l Lenard H o w a r d a n d wife" a n d little f Sundav and w h i l e h e r e w i ' i » d a u g h t e r I.ila L e e , o n h i s 25th T . T . Mitcheir Ipestsef .Mrs. \V. A. W e l l s . birthday. T h e occasion being only a F. W . .Inrdon family affair. " Trustees. BYTED^-WiU- p a y c a s h f o r u p • Mead-Metcalfe ATI ORNEYB- A T - L A W " | MODEL MARKET ) 'Bin? fbone^J^K.;.- .>• Per Box, .niiiaiut!!! •,"—r row*************'*******'"******** We're Building ' G c 'noniNsoN- LBR. CO. | ' /•'•"•»nr' ' °. "" ?- 1 r j-jU'iaro box. P h o n e o r write, IffGille't. Slnrfa. T e x a s . fc'< Eli/al.eili r . r o s s o n l e f t last Pi for I.IN A n g e l e s , w h e r e s h e 'Mulish her college education, itlVSiiii.ihi-i-n C h r i s t i a n C o l - Pp. Charlio r . n i s s n n V s o e n l s e v rtoy? in towiYThis w e e k , a r a n g F w t i T little . l a u g h t e r D o r i s l o fthnf.l. b u T w i l l j n i n M r . Crr.sMllhe n»n<:Ti next w e e R . Lodge n o 432 2nd and 4th Friday at~i30^P. M Jlddfellbwa . ... .-. Hall MUs-BIabch Avant, N . O. ON Mrs. Vera Belle Keane, Beo. yw«#*#<«i*<******<»**'eee»el %\ s-l m AND ROTARY INTERNATIONAL -MARFA CLUB GumDippjgd. Tires * -- --- x Meets ovary TueadayV 12 Noon. LoUShorn Cafe Good Gulf Gasoline and Qils, Torovoice Hon's'_ MOORE A. BUHLER. Pres't *Uhe foundation of our neuis SERVICE to the motor BTHILLSMAN DAVIS.^ Seo'y ing public Thai it why v>e sell Firestone Tires— their constant service to their owners Works, and-in-hand toilh our business ^iTinaptesT^Wt inspect land inflale Tires, fill radiators and .'"'' P b y s i d a n a n d S u r g e b u " Batteries and give crahkease'ser- E. O f f i c e O v e r B r i a m a - a t o r e X-ray laboratory i n Connection vice, Freeof Charge-Come in. Wh^flarfUBOtt . P h o n o 107 DUNLAP'S MARFA. TEXAS . _ . 1 Filling Station (Next to Kokernot SldtorsJ ., Marfa*_T«?xas. • % • • * • 1 LODGE .:: VialUng brethren a r e { in%1tcd t o b e p r e s e n t . : ;: . . - - . . . _ . t u m a k e y o u r new^^Boots o rrepair-your old Shoes •- .. 1 - Meets second Thursd a y evening in each snontb. • Our work N'nmber-596- ,\. F » A Ai H . - Let Prices EMARFA Is g n a r a n . t e e d - ^ , Reasonable BOOT A N D S H O E CA. Golboll Brothers ,v :— 1 1 4 CARL W E A 8 E ; W . M / N. Marfa, - Texas »**»«*»»»*»»##«##»#»>»>»«*»**»ew - MARFA\ CHAPTER. f j o . 1 7 a , RE A . M. ' A - ' A m o I d , ^Secretary iNOTie& ' Rebekab .Meets • Headache dizziness Marfa Mce& etb Thursday nifrntln each m o n t h . Visiting'; Qualified voters in the c i t y w h o desirjfe t o vbte o n the question of W a t e r Works" & Sewers o n Sept. 21.,. and who* expect t o leave before said date, b y calling on Hie County Clerk4, c a n cast their v o t e s under provision o f t h e Statute o h "Absentee Voting" : ; compluiions welcome. _ J C B e a n , H. P . J. W J H O W E L L , Sec^; 1 • - . - • 9++++++++++++++++0+++++++^++++++++1 FARMER AGENTS ; . • WANTED T o c a m f r o i n «100_to $500 a n d u p , , Inins inllie . l e w e l r v l i n e e v e r v P.»l Lm-khyV i! w i l l p a v v o n 'i"-'- sj;i!>-» f n i - . y o u r HifL wards during the cultivating season. You m u s t b e a real f a r m e r a n d y o u r ! We show the best Pictures oh TfUCITY l:the Market. Our Prices are fight. ''«'•"'••• <;•--.rue M i m n e - l e f * f o r | I I I I" •''"""•! '!••• I ' n i v e r s i l v . a n d I " ; M\h f..- i ^ i i c g . . S t a ' i o , , t o ^ L E - M Y li-mp i n M a r f a ICE - WATER ; TheJ/illnmnsJsJ:he Full Stock WeElingtiouse Globes r:n ' r w „ H:-.npalow..For. f u -T^trmiU..! fc-^writirMrsTEPai Rrt p r f . s "h" Texas. Progfaipfw *ttl "'^"^ ""•'^ .11. v ' „ r v ! - M""-.a left , a n A The Airierican Beauty Iron- , •%•»:) * n 5 r , h i n c " i s e it i s - D U C O ••£Uiin: • ,,,r G .••nd'iring . f i n i s h , f o r ? m !h« h o m e . - r - ' - R O h l N S O N L B R . CO. A Western. In T I D r F I G I I T I N G J A C K ' rtO.XIE • " M o n T »•?** ""CMMfMHy ^ o n for K i d n e y R l n n * . Hn >«tnt'i," T-" a r t i c l e "thai t**Vo\'. ','" ^ " r ' ' W ' p e r s . juEsl. ' a " ' '•'-- M i l d>. t h e r e - t • ' • ; I ii — • — * • Central Power & Light Co. ::; , fc •-' ~ " -••••-•••. - E - ' • _ . * C. R. Norman, Manager "Courteous Service" • PEACE»IAKER •_ v TUESDAY andW E D N E S D A Y ^ PARAMOUNT E RICHARD DIX I n " W o m a n Handled. THURSDAY a n d F R I D A Y A-FTI*. O. RICHARD' B A R T H E L M E a - I n " - a i o r r SATT:RDA>— ^ » * h ' , t r , h a ' ^ ^ ^ ^ from o n e a n d dT h i g h character. W h o l e o r s p a m tim«j d e m o n s t r a t i n g Ihe F o w l e r culliyalfir--siiowins; f a r mers h o w lo cover 7 lo 8 acres a day, with one man-and o n e horse, o n e i r i p o n l y l/» t h e r o w . W e g i v e a d v e r ; the^it^SmSnl^lS^ STSl jMONDAY— Mri neighbors m u s t regard y o u a sas u o cessful Jewel l^avr." Comedy REOlNALD"YiENNTTn "RolMng Home." Show Starts 7:30 P< ti.- onslraU* the looL No seiling-experienre reoulred—4he demonstraUonsells the^Jool. Big commission* \6 , you. Moat Fanners bay a Fowler for every .horse or mule they own- " you are a real farmer, write us and give hank references-JwVl! do the same arid show yon hnw to make •100 to «50fL4nring the toming season. THE nARRTiMN.llFG. CO, Harrhnan, Tenn. " W h a t O n f O'lj S l n l l n n n r y ! P h o n e » 9 a n d l e i ti« TiT y o " " P - W ' U « TT. r i p h i a n d <jtti**1r. Mo +++++4+44^44^^^^½^^ -^I-EE^S2 "i^M.- '.'-- -'.'.' »:',-. I-E, S»fo«r»Ai v-.M A R F A JJEW E R A . M A R F A , - T E X A S most delicate instrument At various time* various bacteria have been thought to be the cause of colds, bat no definite' organism Has yet~ been *i?~?< chosen to bear the blame. Medical fcA*^t.«»—«i i\ ""** « .authorities generally are not quite •greed as to the bacterial origin o f - the disease, Evidence U still beliw collected and- weighed. Others think that the cold is due to chilling, wet feet, wet clothing, exago-theri) were 2,700 Item* on the drug posure, drafts, etc. - But people who j list, all luld. The fact that there are Uve In the colder regions of the earth { so many "remedies" against the cold seldom suffer from colds. Eskimos i would •(-•••in to Indicate that some of are not subject to coughs and colds, even when exposed to dampness and them are nut remedies at ail. drafts. Tbey often fall 111, howeTer,-r~|f|-| An Enemy of Health. after visiting a ship. According to figures available, the Colds.are most common in the temravages of the conimon cold are far perate tone. In this country few per- • beyond anything imagined by those sons are.-|mmune from them. " Not who suffer from the disease without more than fifteen out of every hunpaying much attention to It. It com- dred are lucky-enough to escape with pels "evTry man, woman a n d v h l l d to only one cold a-year. The aliment Is abstain from work for several days most frequent in early childhood and every y a r — s o m e estimates run us least frequent after middle life. high ns seven days. It paves the According' to Dr. A. K. Dochez' of way for other diseases. It Imperil)! the Presbyterian- hospital, who Is- doand cuuto-H the postponement of sur- ing special research ""In the field, the gical operations, cold. In Itself, Is of comparatively litDuring' the Influenza epidemic nil tle. Importance. Its chief harm lies W'A. such operatfons, except In emergency, In 'the fact that It predisposes the pawere deluyi'd two weeks In all. tjie. tient to more serious diseases; such «•• hospitals In the city. This wns due to measles, typhoid fever, scarlet fever % the fear of post-operative pneuauinln,- und lobar pneumonia. — whlch develops ufti-r an operation und spreads through u ward rapidly. NineHow Chemists Can Help. ' % ty per cent of child mortality Is due Oiemlstry, Doctor Dochez said; enn to colds. r?-*i —The. w«*te caused- bj^common colds contribute to the.-rrtght ngnlnst the ' In the biiKlcaUy Important industries common cold by lnveutlng some antiIs enormous. _lJesIdes suffering direct septic to be used locally to s"h"o*i*ten >*;« loss In productivity, these Industries the life of the bacteria, or stop the-development of the Induced disease. \ ure obliged to maintain expensive The aid which chemistry Is In a pomedical', departments, employ large staffs of health workers and engage, t slrJon-tn-reinl the physician grows in Above, hundreds "of federal-employees in Mexico City parading to demonstrate' their loyalty to President (MM safety directors to' nttend to cnse% KcnTT5T almost dally. In many Instances In thehe-chuiuh slilfe. Below Is .Cnlles* bodyguard lined up • T7* up before the natlonaLpalace. thut arc the outgrowth of colds. ThCJ* ltrhas^nade the very progress of medi• 3¾¾ could afford to pay large, sums to cine possible. Ether,, discovered In ellmlnnte or reduce the loss thus en- the Thirteenth century, began to be utilized as an anesthetic five centailed. Considerable work has been . done turies lator. Magnesium sulphate, used toward ascertaining the nature of the for relieving lockjaw, burns, strychdisease. The bacteriologists have nine poisoning, etc., was recognized, spent years in laborious Investigation. by medl.clne.ouly after two centuries. The medical profession made an ex- The medicinal properties of amyl haustive study of respiratory diseases nitrite became known to the physician during the_ jwrnr. The United .States 2.1 years after its discovery by the public health service, numerous chemist. health committees and Iocnl health deThus, humanity has continued to partments as well as Insurance com- suffer "unnecessarily because physipuhles have contributed to'the purely cian, chemist and pharmacologist statistical presentation of the problem. were not brought together to work out a problem none of them could Cause Still a Mystery. solve separately. _.. ; In spite , of nil attempts to'deter-, The complex ailments of the body nilne the specific cause of the com- cannot now be treated by one class mon cold, the cause remains unknown." of scientists alone. Otlier„g£Oups must A cold, ns the doctors explain It, Is take a hand In the jyork, thejjxhpr; a catarrhal inflammation of the lining of all to be co-ordinated and unified. of the nose, mouth and throat. It—1«- — I t w i l i b e the duty of the new-body heldr by some-to be due to Infection sponsored by MrJGarvin to create the with some pecullnr germ which as yet conditions necessary for co-operative JIBS not beetuTouird. - Some thlnfc'ihnt -research* Into the nature and the cure this micro organism Is so small that of the common cold nud other" ailIt cannot be detected even by- the ments. Xalles Supported by Mexican Federal Enigfoy^" Common Cold Is in for Big Battle Joint, Action, of Many Sciences. Proposed to War on- Disease. 'If -w ;,{! ri % :*-9. &m New York,—Medical men and funds• mental scientists are asked to co-operate In a determined effort to con* qner the common, cold, which Is said to be the most persistent und harmful enemy of munlclnd, canning moro deaths and greater economic waste than any other disease. The Joint attack'was-suggested by Francis I'. Oaf van, presh£t-iit_of 'ho Cheinlcul Foundation, la a recent address before the' Alnerlcan Drug ManTifacturers* association, In which he urged - that- body to bring together physician, pharmacologist, -chemist,.bactcrioTt*glst ahd pathologist for tlie purpo'so of making u i-oordmuted study of the common cold uml formulating a cure for It.--Tin- D{iig MonuEtoc.turcr8"""ass"octatfoh ban uppulnted a. committee to , co-operate "with- tho Chemical rVoundntlon lit IIIMIItirfI'njr tho work of research planned. As In the days o f w u r , scientists In all fields will be asked 'to pool tlieir knowledge and resources In mi exhaustive -investigation of the e i 4 L t u . b e fought. Each will contribute his shnre In close co-ordination with, the others. In this wny all the aspects of the disease will bo coveredLjnnd what Is now u*Ktourge may yield to the common attack of experts and' cease to be a blight on human health and happiness. Collins* Will Help. The 7,()00 hospitals and the 40ft unlrversltlcs In this country, will be asked to become partners In "the undertaking. They will become I'nsteur institutes to study the nature of the cold and to use the facilities of their lnb-' oratories In such a way as to make ---each-supplement the work of the others. Hospital and laboratory work of this kind will be supported frfim n common fund to bo created for tlmt purpuse. . There will be no difficulty In raising the fund. Mr. tiiirvln thinks. The main tusk, according to lilm. Is to lead the public to see the .stupendous Waste In physical energyii|*l economic -productiveness which common .cold causes,, and IndurV orgilfitriitlons already existing and amply equipped to iiijj-gn tlmmsclyes In n collective endeavor." In Mr, Garvin's opinion the re• sources of the w h o l e domain of fundamental sciences are needed/ to achieve victory. As all sciences overlap, tho task of conquering disease Is no Jojig• r that of the physician alone,, hut of the chcirilst. .the physiologist, the pharmncologlst and the bacteriologist as well- The common cold Is "n dlseaso that demands the co-operation of all -these scientists. It challenges, likewise, tho employer, the business maii and the parent. Other Ills Have Yielded. Tho pooling of the resources of nil the sciences Involved, Mr. Garvin be? lleves, can bo'depended on to accomplish ugalnsfl -eolds-what -touiw—wiini similar Niiiiiiiir ico ooperation has ns nccompllslicdf^nKnlnst other diseasess! Scarlet fever, smallpox. tuberculosis, hookworm, yellow fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever aiid diabetes have tluis been subdued.' Intelllttellt Interest on the part of the public In uny struggle of tills sort for .human well-being Is a requisite of success. The whole human-nice Is weakened by the common 'cob!; The expectant mother Is .affected by Itjuid transmits Its Influence lo the child. Iteciluse'the common cold Is regarded as an unBvoldahle disease, people are Inclined to pay little attention to it. though the-noed-tOf-flsht-lt-ULjis. urgent as IfIt were 'fa ><U»ease with a terrifying • name.' More than half of the expenditure of the hospitals of the cou'iltry goes toward combating the effects of the common 'cold.' From 00 to so per..ccnt. of the physician's practice deals with .ailments attributable t o . , tho samecause. The lion's share of the niitlun's. 1300,000.000 drug.blll Is spent for.cold remedies. -Of this amount throo-flfthsi s paid, for patent 'medicines, nlone. - most of which ore sold ns cold allovlntlves. • *- • , There ore said to be • 4.1.000 drug Items on the market, most of them. supposed remedies against- the common cold or Its effects. Thirty years III New York.—Science- has unearthed new evidence In support of the old Testament, and. has under-scrutiny possible new evidence corroborating the'New Testament. Melvln O. Kyle, president of the Xcnla Theological seminary In S't. Ixiuls; arrived ' hsce froui~ an arch-, eologtcal Inspection of the excavated ruins of the ltlbllcul city of Klrjnth-* .Sephrr founded by the Canaaultes In 2WW It. C. and finally destroyed by NebuchaOnezzar, the a>aldc»n king, in o«po a c Doctor Kylo declared .that successive ages of the city, mentlone<V tn'the' book of Joshua, and now called TellIWIt-Mtrsam by the Arabs, were traced, by layers of ashes from the five times R w a s burned, and by kitchen uteaaUa • ; » tftl 3E Preparing for a- Big Exposition in St. Louis Hawaiian Invents New Instrument .St; Loula, "\Io~Js making elaborate preparations for the Greater Loufs exposition, which will M idd] September 4 to 10. Above Is shown one day's output of sculptured nrt fer the- adornment o l the buildup.- DR. MIGUEL MENQEZ Liberty Bell of Lehigh Valley Jonah Kumalae, who Is known as the food king of the Hawaiian Islands becuuse ho controls the crop of taro from which tho native dish-of "pol"Ts made. Is In Chicago, In connection with a musical instrument he has Invented and which will probably be manufactured there. It U a combination*"**)? banjo and ukelele, thus far nameless. •—: The liberty, bell^tlnir - announced ,lhe signing of .tho Declaration "of ; Independence To the people o f - t e h l g h valley,. Pennsylvania, was- sent to ! the Sestjulcentennlal exposition from AllenloAcn, where It wns lildden during d r . -Miguel Monde* hat Jnrt ? ]1 UUUUt** *i**m. * — - • * "_^ the ltCTolutlonory. war. i t was accompanied on Its trip by more than 150 njuto? -of -augurated as President of t t a j g moblles a'i)d.5O0,cltlrens of that_fjectlon. Photograph shows Miss Thomas lie of Colombia. He was " ^ " j I the Pennsylvania State building and Mayor Gross of Allentown with the bell, February by the ConserratlTei «*• | will hold the ofnee for. four yetf* Only Public Bee Market in World PROOF OF OLD TESTAMENT _ ACCURACY FOUND IN RUINS Story of <Joshua Supporttd by Exesvjtlum lii Biblical City uf ~ KlrJath.Sephcr. ..ffipiip1 ffl 'Jewish-Wars,'* presumably written. In ,-60'Ar D., In Aramaic, . >i_ ._-.,„ _ Kxtant Slavonic versions of Josephus- contain references to Jesus, but their, authenticity Is (rdestlnned by some scientists whcEbclIeve them to and rope-worn well stones, placed one have been Inserted by -translators, ^ upon nnmliiT.""—;——. '— 'scholars noiil that If'J'rofess'or'Zed The'city, which Doctor Kyle estl- lln establishes the-nuthentlclty of the linili ,1 I , , * ( , . . - I , , v | fl | . n , f - a H m o pMPlI- Itheyliin-ilnriimniit, on.I n n , | , | n | t lutlon_'iif 5.0()0 and a war time popu lntloii of perhaps 15,000, had underneath It rock-hewn' rooms tor water, food nud war supplies.- He estimated Hint the ruins provided a complete ac* count. In agreement with the Bible, of Ihe- Canuanltes from 2000 B« C. until ttte exodus and the city's" destruction" In ftix* It. O. Tlie expedition led by Pot-tor Kyle, which has'employed from sixty-five to eighty-five lalmrera'sTnce excavation began, cost but $2,500. Possible scientific conflnnstlon of the existence of Jesus Is 100(111 by I'rof. Solomon Zeltlln, It Is said in dlipstches from Parla. as afr Incident tp_jcximtalllflu o L a manuscript **• Cently found in" Rttisii. Hs will go to Russia to study •-document said to b$^o-copy In SlaTtinlc . p n o s e p h u s ' reference to Jesus It will amount toa refutation of claims made In 1S35 by the • German. Doctor Straus, that the wholo story of Jesus was a" myth, as w e l l n s claims thnt the enrly historians Josephus, had Ignored the existence of'Jesus. v L J , PETTIJOHN } wtf '\iitsgsr ,a»; ^ <m i'M *•'• Latest in B a n g s Uirhfon.—Where there nre women there are styles. The latest thing in bangs Tor the.London shingled girl Is the' nve-poln,L fringe, The middle Vandyke point recches the bridge of the nose and two points in each side come down ro the eyebrows. Racing pigeons weigh only sixteen ounces and eat only an ou&c* of food a day. St&Hii^i - ' VV*_ " S . ',^. W- V<.V.>*...*w,~ *» • '• V -. ,1110, only public bee market In the world Is held annually In the little Tillage of Veanendoal, Holland. F r o n u t l l sections -pf tn"3--eountry tji* bee. An-especially P ° ^ f r f i l « « * \ farmers arrive, carrying their hires with thslr thouiapds upon thousands Pettljohn. member of tbe t***y. of bees. • • - • . ^.. . . '- . • loon board. . , - V v > ^ ' « — » • — — - — » - -p-r—•*•> " . ^ . . - Mlll'lW? IPkwj&^Pr-? -; ZAwMtiQi I L^Wii Bf^fclM^Awrntfaa^dbyrjsYf!*^ > - t - E -!, --.... -—-; — .;. ,_ -V • - • • _ •W'.T^-'W^PJti . _••.',—,--,••;. •' -*-*,,-•' ., -.•' - - " - ^ E ^ r A MARFANlkw EltA.MARFA. TEXAS - . - ^ - •- I , '4. " • f Peter rose. .„ "I said .seven hundred thousand to ; "We go," Ki said. "Ja." "" be divided betwixt the two ship*." On deck . Murray^ had the longboat ~ A"shrewd look dawned In Flint's called away, and we1 embarked In si- face. lence. Twa* a hot night with very "And where are ye a-goln' to.pluck little air stirring,* and the ribald up- this million and a hai/ o' treasure roar on the Walrns' was amazingly fromT- he demanded. "You ha' said distinct. The-James was. like a tomb mucb.-4f i t but you told me'Utue. • ^ ^ u' •' . ." , ' by contrast. Not a sound came from What course dotb the treasure ahlp Until Dodton's Liver Tona her, and the only lights she showed salt? Where do you lurk, for her? • - _r By Drove Out Quarts of Sour were In the walstTfcnd. the main cabin.. There's wide seas betwixt the'Main .The Walrus was a-blnie of lanthorns anri^tho -Atlantic, and ye Can't stop Bile and Other Poisons. from poop to fo'eale. but Murray everynpie." Murray." ' balled the deck twice before he had» "You may safely entruit that porCopjrickt I T ArthoT D. Howdra Smith There are entire sections when er» ytfVSnrtc an answer. tion of tire task to me," replied my eryone seemsJ/i tnlnk tlysi' have ma- "Bunr fihoy I" responded a husky great-uncle dryly.' laria. Others believe they never fully lie offered me his Hand, and.some- got the malarial poison out of their 'lies," he replied absently, and kept/ spars tested and a weak topmast re- voice then. "Why'n -—- don't ye what to my_ own surprise I found systems. on.' | placed, guns varnished, stores checked come aboard?" SYNOPSIS "'Tls Captain Murray to see .Cap- myself Inclined to accept It ~ Arnold Whlteson says: "For years X * The shadows were lengthening as and tSt'owed,' sufficient great-cartridge tain Flint," replied ray ' great-uncle "Robert," he said,' "I regret' exceed-" took calomel for the achesrblllotuF- ~ we stepped out of the forest Into a for three actions prepared bs the gun New Torlc. .-. . ^ Ingly the necessity I am under'of'in- ness. Headache, constipation, and the glade on the'river's bank. .Several ner, ballast aboard, and 'distributed calmly. Eight' l-TJJ „„ middlenobert «f theOrmer&jl,. "Aye. aye, sir," answered the husky flicting this unpleasantness upon you. deathly feeling associated w.lth what additional Ores had been kindled., and with n- careful eye .for sailing trim. t«lklnn t••o around each were huddled groups; of . : - . . i i i t h e ttalt, a l t , Is i» »»••»•"» "As sweet and proper as .though she voice on a quaver of fear. "We'll I shalL endeavor to provide you ade- we believed to be malaria., "Last year-I heard about Dodson's S i r c i ' l i . r . c-l.l.f of the trad pirates much the-worse for the last was Just from the bands' of the dock' call! him directly. . Will ye come quate -reparation. You al^o, friend ,nd .nan of enormoui . ^ - i t . ' Peter, jiemerober, -we ara working Liver Tone and bought a bottle for a night's' . drinking-bout. _ John Silver yard fitters at Portsmouth," was aboard, sir?" ' My great-uncle turned to Peter wtlh for 4 greater cause than our personal few cents." Man, mafijlwhat a Uodsead. was the only man who appeared to Murray's comment on an evening •f'l'Lo'nrte 1 l>oy. b r l n s . n.«ri In the m3l\»i0g-It drove" out quarts have any animation left-^M1 Mm." about the beginning of August "The1 one~footroh' the side laddSfc -~— ^ensJLBliment" » ' ! A n ,,M « a captain a n He Suited lightly to the top of of black,7sonr bile. I.goLback' my •Twas he first saw us, and evidently tide ebbsJ_on the break of dawn, "Are you certain you must go with spoke to Flint, who sat with. Bones purpose sailing then." Robert?'.' he ' asked. "I can assure the bujwnrka and dropped out of sight Appetite for food, braced right up and l l W ' V . . . ' . . , ^ ulrate. Captain on the further side. haven't had a sick spell since. Whenand several other cronies-"at the i n » wie "•••— Ormerod "And you must deliver the body of you no harm shall come to him." S f f i e r t the Pirate Is Andrew .-"(Jut me)'-But-''there's times I think ever I feel a little billons or the stomsmallest of the fires. He swung to- your hostage beforehand," I answered -**Ja. I go." •'-" J hfjif. hi. (Hoberf.) .""atward UB as Flint rose unsteadily and as disagreeably as I could. -.-My great-uncle's reply was a^shrug he believes all he says," swore; Flint ach gets soar, one dose of Dodsott** .u comrnandlnK the, pirateLiver Tone Is all I need.. It Is sorely tacked In his wake.. J a m Murray "Even so," he acknowledged. " T l s tif Indifference, and . Peter and _I r ^ t h . K .ral "a blessing." J ? « ird'.pt Jacobite. Hob.rt CHAPTER IX "Come a-vlsltlnV captain?" Silver regrettable, Robert, yet the time.will climbed_after(hlm to the, deck. "The Hundreds of others tell the saw* l - i t i » >'''•""* w o m a n , r o m . * Inquired cheerfully. "Mighty kind o' come, I venture to predict, when-you1 -Walrus was a' revelatlori nfter the or«. I k /rn-i'i" w h o !• " e k l n e experience. . • ~ ye, sir, seeln' as how- most o' our lads wllh^look back with prldd—«p©n~thtr "defed discipline of the Royal. James. Pfuthe .-ol..n.l O'Donnelt P e t e r ' P l a y s sit B o w l s w i t h Take a spoonful of dodson's Liver Is a bit the worse for liquor and Inconvenience you suffered." In a word, shtj^was pig-dirty. Her DestinyS , t ? t l K "rm.rod hotise H e Tone tonight and yon will wake.f up blood-lettln*. My duty -to ye. Master "I'll accept the Inconvenience If—I- deck was Uttered, with all -kinds" of & . - M hi* i n ^ n t l o n of c a r Darby McGrawT red head shr.nft-la-Lfoding—gr^Bt, ftin mnr^ hllloriTIgWi Ormerod. I hopes I sees you and rubbish ;* her rigging was. slackrHnd mny escape the rascals nllve," I reIrrtWf 0« H"'"-rt- b y f o r C e - '.' the lanthorn Ilgltf. constipation, sluggishness, headache,your frlend_.wel.l7" • tortetl. • t' spliced In a fashion wlilch seemed, lub"Whisht, but It's Master Bob again t coated tongue or sour stomach.'-"Your « " " * Th^-R'O-al James and •"Hlood.lettln7" repeated Murray, Ig- .- "Of that yon need have no doubts," berly to me, who was-a lubber; her 1 ¾ Walrus, th? latter c o m m a n d Now ain't this the mighty"" forchune druggist says If you don't find Dodcanvas was torn, pojrly patched and noring the balance of his remarks. he said earnestly; "I shall accom1-j Irr-nint Murray's partner In "The old story, eh7 Well, well! pany you, and you may hear my part- wretchedly furled; boats, barrels, lum- to have ye with us I Ha' ye left th"e son's Liver-Tone-acts better than hor- lJLicr apprKr. Murray. Itobert rlble calomel your . money Is waiting S i P«ter 1"-.'I rd the James. MurYou'll never learn. IloirTnatiy for ,the Hng Instructions to Flint. Friend' T>er,,spare spars' and unifies lay about old devil yon for good?" ". . i, He nodded his torch jof hair a t for you, n, offers Flint a share In t h e snllmnker's palm and needle?" Peter, will • you - Indulge me for theIn entire confusion. The planks we toot of a Sp-inlsh treasure ship the vngue hull "of the James. Flint trod on were..slippery with" grease.. "Three, captain. And mala_lu_ki4 space of half an hour whilst I visit I |f he will .n-.>r«'rate with him. Introduce-'your enemies to your The paint was peeling from the bul- exploded, with-raucous laughter. •• ibcrt be left w i t h we are as—" the Walrus with my nephew7" runt Insists " 'The oli^-devrir yon,'." he repeated. wife's relations .and then forgive them.' 'ere, w h i l e Murray, I Urn u * hn .Flint lurched up beside hjjn. .; "Keen", answered Peter, and pushed warks. There were spots of rust-on 1 lithe Itov:i! James, t a k e s t h e " .. . + . = * , ' "Stowtlltatr John," growTeSl his'cap- -away from the table. "I go too;" • the muzzle of a chase gun, which Itself •*-7— me, but It takes Dnrby to put treisn" ship. The pirate v c » the right word to rr man. T l s what t » i e « » « « ><•••<«• >s»»siSjji>»>.ssnsj^, sjj, aB ) ^ a was hauled out of Its proper position: Ii arrive'At their rendezvous. tain. T i l . do. the talkln'. Aviiat's "No. no^-'< B : Flint came awaggerlng down to us he Is, blast him for the -—• • —— your trouble, Murray?" . '. "•I go" too." ^; My greaLuncle took n pinch of snuff "Hut naught was said of two hos- front the poop In a condition 'which he sets himself up to be!" was lnTiarmotly .with his. surround- ." Darby proffered him a hUgfl-sllver ] JDHILD'S BEST .LAXATIVE i ICHAPTER V H I r - C o n t i n u e d * with his Inimitable knack -of express- tages—" —• ings. Like most of his "men, he hnd "Weaker of rum." ing acute, disgust..without moving a "If Rob goes, I go," Insisted the —?— discarded coat, shirt, stockings and "I /etched this from the cabin after | IS CALIFORNrA FIG SYRUP j muscle of his face. Dutchman. "Ja.".-.• Nrth*— — - — -,-but.i shoes to accommodate himself to the ye, captain." said the Irish boy in • ) • • • * • • • • • • • • • • * « ^ « s > « « * * s « s * a r * * « w « e w « * « « a ^ _ . "I have been n-huntlng," he replied. Murray shook his head. I'twas tl;jit" •— Flint come "Shooting for the pot. We stopped of n tropical-summer. His loose his wheedling brogue. " Troth, sny;I "For you I mrght not be responsi- heat { ttkln' ni!>el,i<T." he complained. canvas-trousers. Identical with those To" mesclf. If the captain must talk op the way to our boat to pass the ble, Peter." . I'TTliere Is Civtnin Murray?" I nn- time o' day Vith ypu„ FUnL" the seamen wore, were streaked with Murray he'll ha' a bad -talterln .-"I will be responsible for myself," dirt nnd tor- His bare calves and with the mouth him to be swashed, out, Flint snorted. ' said Peter., "I go to ^er. Walrus or forearms "were covered with dr-led and I'd besto-hn' j«Ia bis caliin." a-sup-o" sugar-Julte "Time o' dny! H—11 ^Taln't like you you go oudt^ der window." _ he liiiljn tli>" same mild, manner blood where they find been scratched to tnke the trouble." i " My great-uncle stared at- him for by brambles In his shore expeditions' handy for"hla~needln's." mPn : — Sued to hi" Flint seized the rum. threw back "I nm a person of most uncertnln a moment, then burst into laughter. out of ^the matted hair on his chest I lb your stations. Remember proclivities," replied my grent-uncle. "By gad, you-would 1 And after, was thrust the hend of. a tiger, most his head and dralnedJthe fiery stuff nV( orders. Now these two arc"I hear..from—Silver"thnt last night's as If It-had been wine. ' _- ' marvelously tatooed In black and yelai, jell fire iirrmy hoat that np- episode was accompanied by the usual "You. said. rlghL rtny lad," he anlow. His hair wns'tTTShk frame for swered sourly. -«-»'And I'm thinking adws and challehge afterward." fntnllties." his saturnine face, stubbly with a I'll maybe need alL the-luck thnt red |Qe negro lackeys stood aslilej. as "Three," assented Fifrrr "Two o' week's growth of beard. n u i t n r MOTHER I A-teaspoonful fltime to tin' caltln entrance .under 'etn could be spnred—lousy dogs. The Jiead^o* yours can bring me. Whero*a of "California Fig Syrup" jiow will j poop; the-door was open. Down other was Toby Welsh, as stout a felBilly Bones?" "What d'ye seek, Murray?" he irk tuniieLof the, f onipanlonwny "Dhruuk under the cabin .table," re- thoroughly clean the'little.bowels and ~ T O - eltlrer -low ns 'wc'-Borl? growledr-—"Gome- tfr-tjook ;jigtiovecTi. turnen~TJBrl^-tr^tAr>lly.. iu-a-faw- Uuui'H-ywi "its'slater,,cm dreirs-rrn-el ~ "Nor'bad for' one night's- work,"' "I am come to fulfHl my. contract -"Out him" for the souse he Is I And ful child again. Even If cross,' feverf-Peter and I could see my grentj with you,*' "replied my grent-uncle, "I Long John?" idc clttlns at the table In the. main commented Murray. sish, bilious, constipated or foil of cold, -'Ftlnt-was-obvibuslyJn no very hpl. nm sailing with tiie morning ebb, and _ "Sur6T"captaln—dear,- 'twas yourself children love Its pleasant taste. a glass" "f wine at Ills elbow, Hgcrent-mood; he could scarce.stjtnd. XjTrlng you"; not one hostage, bnt two." sent him ashore io-keep- the.lads up ktkirt spread out before him. Tell your want only theE Ilttmunted hrielly our conversation But he (lamed up nt this. Flint stepped closer and scrutinized to the fort from carvInTKelrselves." genulno "California Fig'Syrup"-which "Aye, and what d'ye expeet? Mow I Flint am! the determination I'eter Peter arid me. -'.. "So"I did. Well. I'll see to the,.pris^ has directions for babies and children, I had rein-lied In consequence. ninny monthsEdld ye tell me I must of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, "Two,-eh?"" What do I want_wl' oners myself then.1 - _ ft bide here wl' n crew that knows nodded agreement wljh It. two?" What good's this fat man to ' "Prls"ners I" protested Dnrby, .wide- you most say "Oallfornla." Eefusa any | Ton did titiite richt, Hobcrt I'otcr nought but how to brew the devil's me? He means nothing to you;*' eyed. "Och, • captain, ye won't be" imitation. J tot eiagcerate the dangers lnher- broth? And how many_men d'ye think, "On the contrary," denied my rela- hard on Master Bob! He's as kindly The will he alive by the end of the time? t In the situation." 'P»Perhanser finds business tive. "Master Corlaer Is an old and a jroung. gentleman as ever I BC«Hooi w t e n l M | Ion will excuse me," he went on, Gut me. but 'twill be like the song grand flghtUV-f i *?* him to the/wralL and Peter there Is valued enemy of mine, of whom I II return to my studies. I have we sing o' the Dead Man's Chest!" have, hopes of ranking-in time a feller., Ye should hear to tales' they ---i*l—fearJt will," agreed my greati upon piy mind;" . Cutlcura Soothes Baby pashes i friend." E" • - tell o* his murtherln' and slaying with |W»bade lilm pood night and went uncle. "Unless you take measures the red Injuns." That -1tch-and*n»nrn, by hot' baUuT "Well, he's no good to me; gut me to prevent^ It." ' »wr staterooms, weary enough from "I'll be as hard as they make me of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle If he Is I" "Measures? There's n deal to be inmronted exercise of rowing. As be," returned Flint "But for tonight anointings of Cutlcura Ointment "You will take both or none," said | that my dour I noted that he was done In keeping twclvescore men Nothing better, purer, Sweeter,, espemy great-uncle In the voice- like a I'must have them safa^nring distances In the Caribbean from fighting on this chunk o' earth Peter, at my elbow, spoke for the cially If a little of the fragrant Cutldripping icicle which he knew so well Stallpers, and Jotting figures-upon and rock!" . •.-.'_... cura Talcum. Is dusted on at.the finfirst time. E . how to assume. i margin of the chart.__ "There's your ship to be cleaned," "JB,-'JaV-""We go. I have a wish ish; 23c each,—Advertisement"'•"' — "Nnsty^—are ^~yeT' rasped Flint [ h the morning nil hands were . OC,-. said my, great-uncle tentatively. "Blast ye for a—" . . . to sleep, I wlth_t!ie task of careening-the "I'd ha' mutiny on my hands did I Is T t r Jejred Flint . "That Nothing la stronger than custom. Twaa when the work was pror call for ItJ They're all for a ran A light ln_ Murray's tnwny eyes ye Sleep. shall, my- hearty I Coma along o' satisfactorily that my great- ashore, and there'll be no. working kindled like a flame 'under, the reflec- me." " ^ - . . : - . - -£-• . •• • "There Is Flint," I Said. — • tion of the hattle-lanlhorns which bade Martin tell off a dozen them aboardshlp until they ha' had He'led us aft, the others following. i who were good shots" adST'call their fill o" woods and mountains." become captain In my place.-no tddnbf. were bung from the lower spars. Darby In the. rear almost In tears. the longboat. "Aht" «nid my great-uncle. "Doubt- You are unmatcbable, Peter. What do "Two It Is," Flint ended hastily. At the end of a dark passage Flint "But yell never j e e either one o' 'em less that Is ao. Well, If they must II marvel that you dare to leave you say, nephewT' unhooked a lanthorn from a wall and iJtmea In this defenseless condl- remain _ashore a time. Is It not In "I'd not have Peter risk his throat If ye (fon't make good^on your bar- one of his men heaved op a trapdoor. •>* I said to him as the longboat their own Interest to erect themselves with mine," I answered uncomfort- gain. 1 "ha' supported much from ye. Below was a pool of_shadowa that Murray, but—" " 1 off op the anchorage past theI ^some shelter fxom the elements?" We ably." scuttled and swayed as If to escape 6 BEU-ANS ''have often-said .that some day we , "I go wit' yon, BobA-tepeated^tha "You'll support more ;ifor anfllclent the. feeble lightir-There was an odor, t bnlk of the Walrus. gold,"-rebuked my-great-uncle.' "Tut, should'build ourselves a fort on the I-Tlere need not necessarily- be Hot.water also, none' too pleasant Dutchman. r this afternoon," he said. "'Tls Island." • " " . . • "You seel" cried Murray;- " T l s man, I read you like a book. When - I. drew back. ••-''' \ Sure Relief-— 1 l««l«t ashore, and I doubt If there "We ha'." i"" — useless -to object. Gdy with" you he we first encountered yon were proud "Certcs, you could lodge'us securely II man Bufflciently sober aboard "I came- .upon the Ideal spot this (wfll. Well, you'll have company at to be mate of a trading brig. I have Otherwhere than this," I protested.;.. • Walrns to carry a carton «if pow- afternoon—a sand hlHock overgrown least—and I shall laci^lB. companlAn put yon In the way: to rank and for- "NbT no/^ answered -Flint; "There'a Krom the nuy;azlne." -^with fine pines and oaks eastward of whose presence Is not'the less valu- tune. If. you know how to exploit your hot a door aboard hath a lock would \%t by-evrtilng they'll ha' slept thej-Bwnmps.—It—hath—the • airs from able for his silence. - A good friend Is opportunities.. Dark ye!" ,—• ——^fhol.d-darby; let alone yon two.- - I'm the ocean, a good prospect of-the^nn Peter, Robert I _would he were . "You said seven hundred thou sorry for ye, lad,'-If It's'no fault o' f»V I Insisted. :2¾ and 75« Pki]s.Sold Everywhere sand," snapped Flint. .. [•far, and with It their lust for chorage and_ the nearer waters, .and mlnel" yours that you're-here; but jpr to^ ' . W—for the time being, at^anv I there Is a spring at the very .top." -. > . . . - . , —„ — night at least you_must lie ln the h "And TJ'm to Hdo work I" •—--!. snarled Onr probleni then will ^ePto "*""* '~ •«* ~ , the - ~«.bi» lazaret Here, ye shall ha' .the ian : a^g;^s^ws^ga»ts^iBa»fiBswaa»R-i»giB»5Ki>s:^^g^?^ Hint's nrmtr-to some undertnk- Flint "j thorn to keep the rats .off. and In the l*Behw||I divert hlsjttentlon and "Your men are to do the work," cormorning we'll manage' different" ' Egotism That Might -Be, JTermed Sublime WJdm until we need no longer rected Murray. "I should glndly as'etcr^tished-past--ihle,--andHlookUhe, ^jirtmttteL • wecerned for his whlrasleaJ: sist them In It but for the fact that lanthorn from "his hand. *j [M.UniJed south of the first'river my own crew will be occupied aboardStanding passively by the dancing stantly avoiding .their- praise, n e "We go, Ja," he squeaked. "Confer there Flint's pnrty had held , shlp during the duration of our stay. bor he glanced Innguldjy oyer the strolled into the smoking room, pulled ^lob." carouse. -,„,i proceeded Inland- _V« of ,tho Royal James, Kmay point aolss-that-ogled h M as they out hli"sllver cigarette case— gold was V'^i--young I followed him without another Dr.8ehetr«floe-p*d4 ti the u A j i n n Jb—Qaa"W a wo/nied valley, with hill: ;ut, are laborlitfT In the common' ln" passed. Carelessly he 'brtI5ncd the srr gnudy-=ta'mpcd a long, thin cig- word, alrendy wondering jiL-hls extrtstaMot for eora*. At drag aba (be* atona. t-to rlKht at.d left of ns.and tin-' crest no less than your people will suspicion of n stray bnlr back Into arette reflectively, lit It and" walked traordinary t*. Fr* Smtlt Ksalkt SdaU life. U, (Wo** docility.A hasp clncked ma towering In the dlstnnce • >c If thcy_undertnke the construction place. There was Lorettn—a giddy over to the mirror. He "studied him-' home In a holt, nnd .footsteps thudded: ««T was verv eienr, and the moun— _>t. the fort." • ' " " L . thing fir*Xpril blue—and, as us.ual. self a.moment- His features stiffened, awny. I sat "on the bottommost step iwmmlt was a gray cone agalnsj ! "Blast me lor a -: fool If trying to make "him. Ho met her i e bit his lip. of the ladder and peered hopelessly •N«toftl,i.,ky. Kven our sullefl.! I core "two ' . for the com- .glance coldly and pulled softly at his Finally, his eyes blazing, he hurled nround tiic as I'eter, swinging the v tutcn»o»~tlm' »«: escort of seamen beenme a!- mon Interest 1" cried Flint. "But 'tis tie— It would", bring tho red out a little his clgarctto case at the gloss." M f « M U M l - # h . fffftf fif StfTf f lanthorn ns high as the low deckroom cheery un!,^ the lnilur;nce\of' true there Is need of the fort, nnd more In the knot . - "Liar"," he muttered and turned and allowed, prowled 'around the" limited rtansed snrnM.n.llnRs, nnd_MlIi.If .'the men will. bide ashore, they JttHc—n crenrox-blt pt lnnnlty-* walked out of the room,—Notre Dame area of our -prison. _« ««PJof ti,e;: tirst coat they began i hoiild ha' a roof to their heads 'and ; : =atlnglns-r*pljr-Arrlshed-her-ineonlng^ Juggler. ,«A iiincKrat nw large as a cat rnshetf *KMn>rt^muIrifS schoolboys. 'I ''better place to camp thnn down here less babble.- He wondered a little. brobbing sndvsmintni— "•^iiDrt «rmTirrike ncross my feet Squeaks and ^ th a soothing touch o7 Ijat-a-r: u f l . E ! 7 " ' ' ' i S " c o - Wfqa 'PI* "« r y I '" «•"* river vnpnrg. I'll SoO WllBt^ ns fspry IAght*r.m„ K g sounded In 'the corners.-- rusthough. If ho' hnd blended Uio face ', Slam at Patent — rTTiflTs, and he never to ho done. Murray." B. 0. Wells Is responsible for the r- Peter returnetl to the ladder-foot pawder—properly. . Nanette—a -drub • ' « nhot. "You'll' not-regret It," repilcd~nfy splurge of colors—was simply not following story:. At a certain fancy deposited the. lanthnrn nn the floor-lr S '.hVd ,,1»"'"'»H*I a brisk pace Krcat-unclo. "I shall-be glad to lend noticed. He-pulled the handkerchief dress ball all the costumes were in- arid plumped himself beside Itr .-. 1 nn you aught I possess In the way »T tended to represent names of famous E "What you fink, Bob?" Tie. said out a little from his pocket - .1.. / T" "'"' '' «e-reached "«?f the s , ) r | n B well before UMHS or advice." Oh, well, he-was tired of being ad- books. TflefflUJoTl.iy"o'l- book titles" blandly. "Do we stay or get oudtT" The buildtfafcfMhe-hllUop-fort ap- mired, and It was-baring to ha «pn- were, prbmptly .recognized, but every^ »» E'eat-uncle sun-eyed the I, frowned at him. one waspuzzled b'y'the costume of one Ilk.., ' '.' '' al(U,,l,in B eye, Mtl- pealed to some hoylsh strain subw " T l s no Joke," I snapped.';. "I had T merged'-beneatli .the surface villainy £y£S QisriGW&C00** T^Tcharming young lady. It wns des1gned reftsons for—" —. - • ... '"•itand nf timber on the hill's Quick Thinking of Flint's scoundrels. They went to to Wok like a patent cigarette lighter.. _; "Ja," lie n'greWT.~TT»er ifltre galiCJl. , ' ^ exclaim,,, „ l n t there was « . m.^MlTCUBXtooKsfrgh'™***-* A famous automobile racer was All sorts of titles were suggested, but —-»'Uow dlil you know?" I exclaimed. whence-"an llielr task with positive enthusiasm, r r t SALVK tn tt—ti JJW»rlBlj eminenceIt. I sn nil*. AMduttlr uffc clearing the hillock of Umber, sawing speeding at night through a town that to each, one the firL shook her head. jfj»t»lt<lraf»l.t^ ["to""'1 '""'"'and nnd squaring the logs and erecting was In darkness owing to an electri- Finally, someone ventured to ask ber "I know," ho replied with-his sln> OKXL, N«w York City TflS perlng Imitation of » laugh. "You k'.VttV"" ^117° """erted it to a .substantial house of the more mas. cians' strike. Sonielhlng went_wrong outright the title, of the book repre- fink tier little gnl Is-a good gaL Too r,,nv 'Un I f . '^" er,jt glves-ae slve logs and* after that nn open stock with his bsttertes. and thTTlghts of sented by—her dress. "Why I" she fink It Is hot gooilt dot she be taken VU. six his" car went out He was accosted by laughed. ."Don't yon see7 It's T h e aboard der James. You wanLto. be th. * " , n wWch-Fe may ade 'or paling of sapling stakes ; - ^ - - E ' a policeman,' "whor'pointing^to his Light That FaUed.'" ^ 'taw'? 1 ''* o f CaP«n«n-TTTnt feet high. there amirTio sure dot she IS Safe.",}] , Carboll draws out the core -" Murray's personal object was alUjlaiJieiicd lamps, asked his name and and Aivcs quick reHcf lt ^Umt,, f-r the ensuing ^eeks ready »_ ^Accomplished. —— . . . . «.. The Itoyal ^1 . addreis. ..—il The trt racer ~w A\A did .some Inl.l. , ,mnl<0 M n m . ^nick~ ~Vhl>ndleliTblngu€i ~~~- ' >ttj lri f {h MMtA up beJames-was back upon an even keel, thinking, and said, "Of course my The hostages escape. i .taTt. ° " r "- ulet «» the her bmtom scraped clean, her hull I lights are' o u t . They're oat all OTBT. Many a publicist In the course of ^S> GlNttlOUS sot BOX fresh-painted Inside nnd out, her rig- town." 'That's right, 1 forgot," stam- his career learns that free speech may , (TO I B CONTINUED.* ^ ' u Fltat." I .aid. be'costly. - — • - •*•", glng overhauled and canvas In order, | ruered the poHctnian. "Go ahead." Porto Bello Gold THOUGHT MALARIA STILL INiYSttH I V: A R T H U R D. H O W D E N SMITH > !.' - > t > 1 x*\i *-»+?fl "if "til vA • * 13 i -»i <a .',E".: T ELL-ANS A id rt "* V FOIT INDIGESTION pqinirione CORNS DzSctioll's T^ino-pads ndSGrVtDS— ,'.* * . ' • — ' . . , - * • -m ' • '" •V. . ¥.7'' • : _ r ; "1~ ~*~ .^- • , --~ -• .. , ^^^ 1- "i . -t Kesinol :-fj CARBUNCLES CARBOIL 4 t\J^=. • r ~:rA*-,'A--'" » '•• . - ^ = ¾ ^ £ i J ... ;m SjLfcSWtt^^fcw^ Xi ••M«-._.^j] 4 - * - 7 "«?»; 1 H L ^ , L W EHAT MABFA, TEXAS, HATt'RDAV. sKTHtMBKB 18.~M2B. "«-fr< SENATOR MAYIELU f ItCKS 2 V I'EII in. FOR flfas c<riTov • 1 -I NOTICE OF ELECTION PARENTS ANNOUNCE DAUGHTER TO \\ ED NOTICE-OF ***** THE STATE OF TEJ(A8 MAEFA iYour SUCCESS depends on how you use your S P A R E TIME and your SPARE CHANGE Bank w i t h AILS) in Tex.. Sept. tC 'SI*'. -JSIMI- -^JUUs Julia Murhme Ellison "to THE STATE <,^TEX.\S CI'IY OF MAill-A' . ator Km i- H. Mayfietd appeu.«-d li> Murrv Scott l . w I'luinlily ^ U V OF MA11FA the c o m iii*!>ioner<i i | f - t h e uurieulC l l l N T Y O F PRESIDIO Seplcililiei- 2litU. COL'MV OK P l l E s n > , 0 tural *L ti:>' in mi'i'liiiK at 1 •:»!!;«^ Sepleinber \'r to "do j-veryilimit iu_ WUK^KA S, the juii; Gommis(heir power to serure for ilie-fai'".Mr. and Mrs. It. 1< Ellison. L'l'J Ihe City of'.Marfa, T e x a s , b e a u t h o r ••l> a price nf a leusl ".'5 c e n t - pel North F.I I'aso street, a n n o u n c e the deem it advisable, to issue t h e bonds SlUII 01 U.e i:,U. City •„, of ^ v , ^«41 " puimd for i-nUoii.' Senator .Maj!_t!'!l! engagement tinrt approaching w e d deem it ad al,ie i„ ^ ¾ of the saiu City for t h e purpose here WS j t Suggested a millimuin of ?!i i! m>l ^MutUn'l ding of -their daughter, Miss Julia inafler m e n t i o n e d : of tlie«aidCIiy-fc, P U l THl c e n t s per pound. ' -PurWj Marlowe Kllisnii. to Scott LeeTMumKenaliir May field 'declared I he! inartei- mentioned:.' THEREFORE. U- it ORDERED meeting at I (alias "was my um-l eii-.| hley. thusiaslii- endoriieme'ut. and I tru*' 1 T h e . w e d d i n g will take place S u n - 1>> the City Commission of t h e T i l y will nut adjourn until it I n - set day. ,-ept. ;.'<> in t h e First --Christian "i Marfa, T e x a s , that an election b e Basset ( as c h u r c h , willr-i»r. within motion a move, t. t h e ,-,.«,|is! Huwcli. i.nui^e-ItarteU o| w h i c h will give the farmers or! ••rficienl.f and from n..w -until t h e held on t h e 21st day of September, tin- «oulh a priee for t h e 192C f-otfon! wedding Alate-lm/merous social ar- I'.r.T) at w h i c h election the following Md onftiM. S h t J J ^ ^ f i q a c . o p that-will at lea?! b e a b o u - n , P ' fan-s. willl ro.i.pT.ment the b r u l e - i o - proposition shall b e s u b m i t t e d : _ T h e s t a t e m e n t ^ " ' ami M r fiance. Mrs \ \ . L Deiipropo.S|tio„,ha,lbeStlhi*J^ cost of. production." T h e s l a t e m e n l u u a n t •Shall t h e City Commission of ie m a d e to p u t ' l Mr*._Hal « o o d l e y . s i s t e r c-f J that an attempt-will be . c e n t s "which I M c l ' l t i n i b l e y , will enter a in for Mis» Uie City of Marfa, exas, be a u t h o r 'Shall u,e City c o ^ he price at at lest 20 j n v j . iis s entirely putirelv! Ellison Saturday in the opinion of many*, ,, . . . , wiUi a tea and m i s-fzei l6r- i s s u e bonds of t h e City of r, too low." h e said. FoT-tlie farmer* cellaneous giH shower. TBarfc HH-xas. in the sum M Firty^ "ed lo issue bonds orik tn rerelve b e n e f i f s l ' f , indicated i n 'I'lie bride-to-!<~ \'*i li\-i*<»- b w e creased rale of cation, "the in. erase _j,i„ cv _ childhood, naving c o m e tn:El Eight Thousand.Dollars (to8.000.00), must crime w h i l e t h e c o t t o n is inj t h e p a s o w j ( n other* m e m b e r s of t h e payable, serially within any given MX riiousan.} DoiUrs^, hands Of (he farmer'.**E • " family from their former h o m e in number of years not to exceed forty a J' >J.We^K-i-Jl r wiUUn'L1 Udnes Co-opei-utlon. . 4 | Maffa, Texas.- Miss Elltson grartua- years from the date Uierof, beafnumber of years not to t ^ . . 1 ' Iiivifation-to-«ip Cotton s t a t e s Prfti ted from high s t t i o o L a n d later af- interest at the M e ,»r not (o >'ears from IK« onm, - .i e dJa .l e. .-r^^. " fective k - j c i t ^ bankers. I j u s i n e s - . J tended t h e T e x a s Christian Univfiir- exceed-Six per cent (C%V.per anmgr interest a i , h e ^ . ^ . 1 m e n - a n d all c h a m b e r s of c o m m e r c e sity at Fort.iWorth ll Six per cent ( « , M , She is a sj-ter of Mrs. Percy Moot num, payable serni-anriualiy", and to exceed hr attend t h e m e e t i n g should be Uln na abl > ? ^mu,^"' given, senator Mnyfield said. A nin goinery ami of Hob and Clarence El- levy taxes 3tiffieeiit to pay the in-." ' venfenl to m a k e cnllon%pj'ii-es at-Hison^. t< rest on, said bojlids and provide h ! ' ^ 7 ' « ? » shfficent lo juy'i,! 25 c e n t s or .TO rents, per pound wilL 7 Mr. I'lumbfey. son of Mrs. W. G. sinking fund "sufficient to~ pay the ^rJgJ5l_on said bonds J M , r e c e i v e "my hearty endorsement." Brown, lias, also lived here for sevinl i fundJ sufficient|,^J bontis at maturity, said bonds being | csinking ' "" '"~ ' he said. u\ years, his former home haviif~;Iniportance of concenL»d effort been in Houston, where" lie was edu- issued for the purpose of the con- i>oncls at maturity, jaidboBiJI f immediately w a s stressed in Hie cated. He is employed by the South- struction of \\aler works within a n d T ^ * ' ' °r the*purpose of iw . . . . . . ... S l n t ^ l i n **r sewers-wjOA . ^ s t a l e m e n l . Cotton m e n ~ a r e 'hearty ern Pacific railroad, and he and his rfor s_a-i•cr^iS-i f C i l y . as authorized b y t h e stni^tionn of 7rtt-"huHish" in tlrti outfook toward bride will make their- home in El for ilaiil City, as authornMV.1 Constitution and General L a w s of the market, i| w a s said, and a s a t i s - Paso.—El Paso Herald. the S l a t e of -Texas, particularly Constitution and Oeneril factory price rate should b e fixed Miss- JuH.a_ Ellison was born and Chapters 1 and 7 . ' t i t l e ' 2 2 , R e v i s e d ithe , a , e o off Texas, at once, SP.nalatlMavfield.said. ' n e sStale passed her girlhood (lays in Marfa Chapters Land 7, Title :¾ Statutes. 1925." ,." ' • , j Chapters UrSZ^.^ TIIK M A l ^ A N A T I O N A L B A N K (YaurXonierwatHre-Cuitodian.) '«« '.-..,.. --leSottS^ FOH SALE—Government", bought, All kiwi*-or'Junk. Krass, Copper, -cnaiwl d i s h e s ' f o r Sale cheap._aIso A l u m i n i u m , Lm<L Rubber, Tildes* a" number of f e c u n d - M u d governB o n e s and Raas. V ' * ment was'ons. cheap astong; a s they last. -.fl IIMlfo &. METAL CO. . -7— •. . u -\V. M L O l T J U a A . V ,..Maria, Tesas. El Paso, T e x a s . Maria Lumber Go J. W , H O W E L t ; Mgr. . ",: ^¢^01¾.¾¾¾ ^ - - ^ - ZrV*™' in,be i and on lierTathcrs ranch near Ala- Lets talk about your Sweetie, b u y mita. For the last ten years she has t h e said election slialtf b e h e l d ] S , a , u t e ^ , 9 2 5 ; ' her a nice Ring at •LOCKIjEY^BJnsIlived with her parents in El Paso. al County Court House in t h e City rThc) said election 'shall it 1 Snle Ibis week! S e e w i n d o w display .- . • i * of Marfa. and Hie TolIoWihg pained aiirl this naper_for w e e k l y Speciaj?. If y o u h a v e a n y news, don t hesi^ persons a r e hereby appointed m a n - a I County Court House or Marra. and .the follifo!, tate to st'iid it to llie pa|K>rs;' just a g e r s of said eIcction.-_!owit:EM. D. persons are hereby appoint^*, phone 2W anil w e will do t h e rest: Everybody has been asking "When n e w s p a p e r is."-in -business solely liownds. B e n Avant. Jno. Humphris, agers^oLsaid election, tmrS: ] can we 'have. DKCO to brush on at A for t h e purpose of pleasing its "ctis- Mrs. Harry Hubbard and Mrs. W . J . Bownds. i Ben AvaTK, Jno. Ha home" we havE^il n o w . - " • •- lomers. w e will be glad lo « l o . a n y - Mrs^Harry Hubbard "and M r s r W : J. Mrs, Hary Hubbard and Mai . . . „ _ _. r.. c ROIUNS"(TN T7nn.-ox tiling 1» serve vou. s o "don'l be a f r a i d V1a. (1e ~s " a n ' -., t» s e u l l J n vour n e w s . ' : d t h p ? a i d M. J L E B a w n d s , Yates; amd Jhe said M^ -hall be t h e presiding judce^jind the shall b e t h e presiding jodjtsajj said B e n Avant and Jnn. H u m p h r i s said Ben Avant and Jnd Ha r & shall b e judges, and t h e said Mrs. shall be- Judres. andMheTiir Harry Hubbard auxLMjrs.W. ,T. Yates Ilnrrv^Hublianl and MnW. J.1 shall bo clerk? at said eleirtnij shalHh^Tdtn^kS-SrEsaiiL^ceno^ T h e said elrtion jhsti he | T h e said elrtion shall b e held " g r a d u a t e Philadelphia Optical Cotl|ge u n d o ] - - t h e provisions j ) f t h e Con- under_jjie nrnvisions of the I s t i t u l i o n and Law? of rR6~5fafc of sfituflon and T-iws of the $hs| T e x a s , and o n l y qualified voters w h o Texas, and only qualified TrialI are property taxpayers of said. City a f e . p r o p e r l y taxpayerj^of-jiaj "sliall b e allowed to rote. shair b e a l l o w e d to vote. ". ( G U A R A N T E E P E R F E C T SATISFACTION) All vote_r?' desiring lo All v o t e r s desiring to support Hie proposition shall have w r i t t e n I h e proposition shall hiT? • or printed upon t h e i r ; baMol t h e or printed upon their t i M | words: worete*- Wagons ^ ^ fencing Material -~~ - Builders9 Hardware ^ _ Carpenters' Tools Paints, Oils, JDr.1Vlonroe Sldck^O^D XilasSj Lumber^ WE„HAVETGRINDIND PLANT Lenses Duplicated Varnishes, Slack and Jones . Doors „ Sash, Shingles — satisfiedl MARFA, _ * TEXAS Works c u s t o m e r is our m o t t o X You will be able to arrange ^- . ajrld close that business deal mare quickly in this' w a y . - ^ "BemTelephohe Connection Gzt inclosertouch with your friends Pecos & Rio Grande Telephone •<i Company Marfa, Texa i'i s^s 1 f MrjUKi,- 3 » J ^ ; B : » » * Marfa Manufacturing Co. (INCOItPOIlA T E D ) *uts Ftigficlaire in.Your Yidme '• • '-'• SAMSON W I N P M 1 U . S —>. ter^iPSEUTN'mnixs •-''''—nASOLINK'ENUKF's" IMPKS> .\NI» I' T" " W E L L CASINT.S E F l T T l N t i S AND VALVES ^ - VL i CYLINDER A N D ~ S U ( l i E R RODS I PU3IP ..._ • •- '.«r DH.E CASINGS ANli^TlBES •-*•': i : _. • M.fRF. A. T E X A S BLACKSMTTfi. MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE , MARFA — — .- - Phone. 83 — — - — — r TEXAS jrMgidaire TIMT* a n a m FHgUUint <m «•> slum " . •II Mar tUctrie nfristruun cwmblmtd n. \. i •,>FF(Kl.H ,-**•<—.«**- r LODGE Citr, , .;o—. fy^ri-.nrrwr^a: • .1 0IWE|fV0TJR~C<KEar , " « • • * •••d « i complrtc Information about Frwidaire and th* a m low rnsylaiK pricta. Nairn Addnt...... m Alitor ofltle mr^ATTEST: Katheriur Duckworth Citv Secretary.' » 'VsOTtPCSgs • ..., *.«',.. S««»a The Ladies of the Baptfct W. Mi f5; will be phased to take orders for raices at any time, phone Mrs. MeCracken or Mrs. Orr Kerr. / nsr-r.if**. MARFA • ' m —L-——j.- lst Tuesday Night, 1st Degree 2nd Tue«day'Night, 2nd Degree 3rd Tuesdar Night, 3rd Degree 4th Tuesday Night. Initialory Degree. All visiting brothers tre cordiallv invited to be present.' J. U. FORTNER N. G. E. F. NlfJCOLLS, Setretary. RLLING STATION. Vr - - / •###»»»* —-_H- A. COFFIELD GASOLINE AND TRUCK TIRES " *" ' • ; OMOBILE ACCESSORIES I - '"' A I T E S T : ., .•erlne Dneltworth City Secretary. Don't wait another day t o find out how little Frigidaire.will cost completely installed in your borne and. how easily you can "Buy It on the,. General Motors drfrffrd payment plan. Coma i n today. Or mail thecoupoa. JACKS leclioiu . PASSED AND APPRpVED. o n " 'PASSED ANO APPB0^ this t h e 16th a y of AugusL 1926. his the lC'lt.ny of"A"^ JNO. -T. HAMIC JNO. T. HA! "fTInyor o ? t h e City of Mnrfa.^Texas. Never beforeJias_jucJi_a-J^ue^«s^hls^1Scen"~ IraieansEhat your home can have all the convenience and economy of the best electric refrigeration at a new low cost. It means that you can have a,.tenuirte Frigidaire—the' product of General -Motors, word's largest builder of electric refrigeratori. It meani, too,.,; thaLyou will be assured o f the same dependL «tiiHty nnA rinrability that have won the endortement of more than 200,000 Frigidaire users. -XTTT>l«iaalr« prica art.rtductH. Mcctuinltal null antuUfw$l70. Or yew can r«t a cimfTnt metal cabIMS FHtidairt for 'aillBU a* T h e m a n n e r of holding said elec T h e manner of holdiesiiaj t i o u shall b e governed by the laws- lion shall be governed by the | of the S t a l e governing General E l e c - or the stat«-"governingCCMTIII tions. • " :_ tions. •••- A copy of this order, signed by A - e « i y 'of this order. i lie Mayor of t h e .-City "of Marfa, and Hie Mayor' of theCily of JUrf»,| .attested by t h e City Secretary of a l l e s r e d l b y TTielily S«n said City, shall serve as a proper said c'ity. -hall serve l i a I notice of said election. nolice of said election. T h e Mayor i? authorized .- and T h e .Mayor is aulhome41 diiefie~it lo cause said notice to b e directed lo cause said notice I posted at t h e C o t m t y Court* House pnstetkal theCounly Conrfl The Jikice designated for holding T h e place "designated for' satd clrr/Mon"!. and at t w o ' o t h e r p u Tjnid election and at two< blic places jn t h e City of Marfa, all hlic places in llie-Cilyof J of. said n o t i c e s to b e posted f o r a t of sluiV nonces to be least thirty (30' full days -prior to Ieasi thirty "(3d'. full dil» 1 the date of said election. the dale of said elcthm.The—Mayor i s further a u t h o r ,'--~Tlie Mayor is further i ized and direcle<i to-have said n o t i c e ir.ed and directed to-hstif s * ' nf ejection pubIished|pitcth.a_Marfa of elertioiv published in 0«I New Era, n n d B i g $ e n d . S e n f i e i , New Era. and Big BeriflTS^ f <M,vsp:«;••••.-=. / genardl ci.-'-ii.itton, - n e w s p - i f ' s - f genertl/'" published-i»-6aid city.'ond w h i c h n o published in said-cay*-»f" tieo shall ho published, o n c e each tice shall be pi»blteh_f4««] week for five w e e k s , the d a t o o f t h e week for five weeks, the « « ^ firsl publication to he not less than Tirsl publication toi benotk*! 1 thirty Tnll d a y s . p r i o r to t h e fhjte of r i o r• to the ^ thJrivJiilLdayi P ! •'lecfiom . '"" | HINK O F ITJlAVithoutrmwinrM^Kcring your present ice-box you cjui'convert U into a genuine Fri^dalre-^at.a c o s t t s low as $170, plus a smalt charge for freight and installation. :.'H; Si I BondsE^ And those opposed thill 1 - And tlH>3;?,-upposed shall h a v e written o r printed upon their '.Bal- written or printed upon Ihor j l o T t h e words; ' lot t h e w o r d s : *, ' -" "Against t h e Issuanee of W a t e r 'uA'BninstTli'e Issuance »f{ W o r k s Bonds." Bonds." BittmKmtB;qi^,;;irM^B'iiii;maii^iaiii!Jim^ I. -if "For the Issuance o? I Bonds." "Fnr t h e Issuanyp of W a t e r Phone MOT 201 >.-i'J,^S¾•1'«WM>'Je!,*"^' uti r-X^ffl* Agent. Marfa. Te*.;
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