The 2009 Preqin PE Real Estate Review - Sample Pages The 2009 Preqin Private Equity Real Estate Review - Sample Pages © 2009 Preqin Ltd 1 The 2009 Preqin PE Real Estate Review - Sample Pages Contents 1. Executive Summary 7 12. Private Equity Real Estate Fund Performance Analysis - 2. Data Sources 13 3. History of Private Equity Real Estate Industry 17 - History and evolution of the industry, effects of credit crunch on the industry, decrease in number of funds on the road, average fund size evolution, increase in number of funds abandoned 13. 4. Listings of Private Equity Real Estate Funds Closed: 2008 - 2009 23 5. Overview of Current Private Equity Real Estate Fundraising Market 35 14. - 6. Momentum in fundraising market, success in achieving target, fundraising by geographic focus and manager location, fund size, property focus, targeted returns, manager experience, funds on the road, interim closes, geographic focus of funds in market Overview of Private Equity Real Estate Fundraising by Strategy - Overview of core-plus, value added, opportunistic, debt, fund of funds and distressed fundraising 57 8. Review of Placement Agents 69 9. - 10. 11. 16. Private Equity Real Estate Firm Preferences 141 - 18. 19. 89 20. Real estate firms by region, country and city, fund manager experience, largest firms © 2009 Preqin Ltd 105 21. 377 Private Equity Real Estate Fund Managers Investors Figure Index Other Publications - 299 Detailed profiles for over 250 investors in real estate funds Index - 289 Why investors are attracted to private equity real estate, make-up of investor universe, strategy preferences, investor size, effect of credit crunch on investor appetite Profiles for Key Investors in Private Equity Real Estate Funds - 153 Detailed profiles for over 350 firms managing private equity real estate funds Review of Investors in Private Equity Real Estate Funds - 81 Matrix showing firm preferences by location, strategy and property type Private Equity Real Estate Firm Profiles - Key terms and conditions for 181 real estate funds Overview of Universe of Real Estate Firms - 137 Management fees, hurdle rates, carried interest, fee rebates to investors, manager commitments, key man provisions, no-fault divorce clauses Listings of Private Equity Real Estate Fund Terms and Conditions - Top 50 Private Equity Real Estate Firms Why placement agents are used for fundraising, factors determining use of placement agent services Overview of Real Estate Fund Terms and Conditions 125 Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, China, India, MENA, North America, Scandinavia, South America, UK, Western Europe 15. 17. Listings of Private Equity Real Estate Funds on the Road 119 How much dry powder there is to be invested in real estate projects, dry powder by fund strategy and by region focus Regional Focus: Key Facts and Figures - 45 7. - Dry Powder Analysis - 111 Performance of private equity real estate funds, IRRs of private equity real estate funds, distributions, net multiples, cash-flows, target net IRR by fund strategy, fund manager experience and performance of private equity real estate compared to other private equity types 381 Other Preqin Products 2 1. Executive Summary - Sample Pages Fig. A: Momentum in Fundraising Market - Trend in Quarterly Close Rate 2007 - Q2 2009 Executive Summary A Dramatic Turnaround Figs. A and B demonstrate the scale of private equity real estate’s turnaround in terms of fundraising following the global financial downturn over the past 12 months. The amount of capital raised quarterly has been consistently declining since Q4 2008, reaching a nadir of $10.3 billion in Q2 2009, a 74% reduction on the $39.5 billion raised one year previously. At the time of writing, with only two weeks left to run in Q3 2009, only $2.5 billion has been raised in Q3 2009 as fundraising has almost entirely ground to a halt. Fig. B: Final Close as a Percentage of Target Value 2007 - September 2009 Of the funds that have been able to close, an increasingly large proportion are doing so below target. As shown in Fig. B, only 18% of funds closed in 2009 achieved or exceeded their targeted amount, compared with 79% in 2007 and 54% in 2008. Supply and Demand Balance Although there has been a reduction in the number of funds on the road, there are still currently 367 vehicles in market seeking an aggregate $191 billion. This does represent a 16% reduction from the beginning of this year, when a total of $228 billion was being sought, but clearly a drop in the supply of funds is not the primary contributing factor to the decline in fundraising. With the stock of new vehicles remaining © 2009 Preqin Ltd 3 1. Executive Summary - Sample Pages relatively high, it is clearly therefore due to a decline in investor appetite for new fund commitments that fundraising is at a low point. Fig. C: Horizon IRRs as of 31-Dec-08 by Fund Type The primary factor driving the unprecedented growth in the PERE market from 2003 to 2008 was the excellent performance that funds of this type were returning. As recently as last year, funds of vintages 1999-2003 all had median IRRs in the range of 1528%, with top quartile IRRs regularly exceeding 30%. In addition, the range of returns was not as varied as within other private equity fund markets, such as buyout and venture. Investors were seeing excellent returns, with the added bonus of a relatively low level of risk. Horizon IRR (%) Loss of Appetite Change in Fortunes Of all the different types of private equity, real estate fared worst following the onset of the credit crunch and global economic downturn. As Fig. C shows, real estate horizon IRR performance was -40% over a one-year period to December 2008. The same chart also shows that despite the recent poor performance, over a five-year period real estate funds are still the top performers in private equity, which further emphasises the magnitude of PERE’s change in fortunes. Investor Attitudes: Short-Term Hiatus or LongTerm Shift? With recent performance for the fund type at an all-time low, and with the wider real estate market remaining extremely unstable and unpredictable, it © 2009 Preqin Ltd is understandable that investors are not as keen to invest in new vehicles as in previous years. The industry’s problems have been compounded by the direct effects of the credit crunch, which has left uncertainty hanging over real estate markets worldwide. Liquidity issues have hit the real estate industry hard and part of the fall-out has been investors in the asset class having to take a step back until the market stabilises. There is a strong feeling amongst investors that they need to be more selective; most still want to commit to private real estate, they just have to be more vigilant when doing so. Private equity real estate investors of all sizes are taking fund manager selection even more seriously than they would have done in the recent past. Such sentiment is likely to continue whilst markets try to find their feet again. However, commitments to the private equity real estate market will resume, with many investors indicating to Preqin that Q4 2009 and 2010 will see them returning to the market. A Good Time to Invest? Many fund managers and industry professionals are reasoning that the near future could turn out to be an excellent time to commit to the asset class as fallen property prices and the distressed environment has left the market rife with potential bargains. The greater the bargain, the greater the potential opportunity for 4 1. Executive Summary - Sample Pages positive returns. This is being emphasised by real estate firms and, rather than shy away from the industry, certain investors have reasoned that it will soon be a good time to enter the private equity real estate fold. However, there is certainly a prevailing concern over investing before prices bottom out, as a more cautious investor base is keen to avoid being stung for a second time. Fund Manager Information Within the body of the Review we have details for the 350 most important fund managers from across the world, with specific details on all funds being raised, and also previous vehicles, including performance data for 645 funds. The 2009 Review also contains detailed analysis and listings for fund terms and conditions, an overview of the history of the industry, analysis on fundraising, and of all different subsets of the industry - including core-plus, value added, opportunistic, debt, fund of funds and distressed. It also includes analysis on placement agents, performance trends and dry powder. As a result, the Review represents an excellent source of intelligence on the industry for real estate firms, and will save hundreds of hours in gathering information on trends and firms active in the sector. In addition it can help further understanding of the latest developments within the industry, and can be used to improve marketing materials and presentations. Investors and advisors also use the Review to ensure they fully understand the market, and to search for new investment opportunities. © 2009 Preqin Ltd A New Approach The market for private equity real estate has changed dramatically, with the days of cheap debt and highly leveraged deals now departed. A shift in focus and investment style will be necessary in order to adapt to the new real estate landscape, and when speaking with investors, it is essential that managers are able to communicate that they understand the new environment and have adapted their approach to suit. Although they are not investing right now, investors are still evaluating potential opportunities, and within the body of the Review we have details for over 260 investors that will be investing in the coming year, with details of their fund preferences and direct contact details for the decision makers. Fundraising is becoming a much longer, more complex procedure than in recent years, and the average time taken for funds to achieve a final close has increased dramatically. A longer dialogue with existing investors and newer investors will be more important than ever in securing a successful fundraising. We hope that the 2009 Preqin Private Equity Real Estate Review serves to increase understanding within the industry for fund managers and marketers, advisors, investors, law firms, and all other professionals involved in the industry. As ever, we welcome any feedback that you have. 5 3. History of the PE Real Estate Market - Sample Pages the increase in the number of funds being abandoned between 2007 and 2008. In 2008 there was a significant increase in the number of funds abandoned as it was during this year that the effects of the financial crisis were being felt in the industry. It is expected that more funds will be abandoned throughout the rest of 2009. Fig. 3.2: Funds on the Road over Time The Evolution of the Industry As Fig. 3.4 shows, there has been an increase in the proportion of the overall capital raised by debt vehicles and a slight decrease in the proportion raised by value added vehicles. Whilst it shows a decrease in the proportion of capital raised by distressed vehicles from 2008, it must be noted that many opportunistic fund managers are now also investing in distressed assets as part of their investment mandate in order to take advantage of the opportunities in the current market. © 2009 Preqin Ltd Fig. 3.3: Number of Funds Abandoned Each Year Number of Funds The credit crisis has had a profound effect on the private equity real estate industry, changing the makeup of the industry in terms of what funds have been raised and what opportunities are out there. Recent years have seen a growth in the numbers of distressed and debt vehicles. The credit crisis has resulted in a number of real estate managers, operators and owners becoming distressed, looking to refinance projects and sell off properties or being unable to pay back loans. Whilst this has meant that other private equity real estate strategies have suffered, it has created new opportunities in the debt and distressed market. Fund managers raising these types of funds have become more active, increasing fund sizes and launching more funds. Traditional private equity real estate fund managers usually associated with value added and opportunistic funds are also moving into this area. 6 5. Listings of PERE Funds Closed: 2008-09 - Sample Pages Fund / Firm Name Rockwood Capital Real Estate Partners Fund VIII Rockwood Capital Sarofim Multifamily Partners II Sarofim Realty Advisors Secured Capital Japan Real Estate Partners IV Secured Capital Japan Co. Spear Street Capital 3 Spear Street Capital Square Mile Partners III Square Mile Capital Management STAG Investments IV STAG Capital Partners Stam REI III STAM Europe Starwood Debt Fund II Starwood Capital Group Stockbridge Real Estate Fund III Stockbridge Capital Partners Stratford Land Fund III The Stratford Company Fund Final Close Close Placement Target (mn) (mn) Date Agent 1,175 USD 964 USD Apr-09 150 USD Property Preference Investors US Any, Hotels, Office, Retail LP US Multi-family LP China, Japan, Asia Hotels, Mixed Use, Office, Residential, Retail NYSTRS, Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Kansas Public Employees' Retirement System, New Mexico Public Employees' Retirement Association, Santa Barbara County Employees' Retirement System San Joaquin County Employees' Retirement Association Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, UTIMCO Office University of Michigan Endowment 600 USD 600 USD Sep-08 Opportunistic US 850 USD 806 USD Mar-09 Debt, Distressed, Opportunistic US 38 USD Sep-08 Value Added LLC US Industrial, Office 250 EUR Jan-08 Value Added SCA France Industrial, Office, Retail, Warehouse / Distribution 630 USD Feb-09 Debt LP US LP Global LP US Industrial, Leisure/ Entertainment, Office, Residential, Retail Land Development 1,000 USD 2,500 USD 400 USD 1,230 BRL 500 USD 200 CAD UFG Real Estate Fund II UFG Asset Management Unitech International Realty Fund I Unitech Realty Investors US Industrial REIT II USAA Real Estate Company Nordic Aktiv Fund II Valad Property Group - Europe 150 USD 154 USD Nov-08 Geographic Preference 700 USD Tricon X Tricon Capital Group © 2009 Preqin Ltd Value Added Legal Structure LP Core-Plus, Value Added 535 USD Aug-09 Eastdil Secured Opportunistic Thor Urban Property Fund II Thor Equities Tishman Speyer Brazil Fund II Tishman Speyer Tishman Speyer China Fund Tishman Speyer Strategy 1,150 USD Mar-09 Farrell Marsh & Opportunistic, Co., Gold Bridge Value Added Capital 350 USD Nov-08 HFF Securities Opportunistic, Value Added 673 USD Sep-08 Credit Suisse Private Fund Group Aug-09 Opportunistic, Value Added LP US, Puerto Rico Mixed Use, Retail Opportunistic LP Brazil Mixed Use, Office, Residential 884 USD Oct-08 Not Used Opportunistic LP China 400 USD Debt, Opportunistic, Value Added 125 USD Jun-09 XT Capital Distressed, Opportunistic 269 USD Jan-09 UBS Real Estate Opportunistic Group (All) 450 USD Jan-08 Value Added 150 EUR 107 EUR Jan-08 Not Used 500 USD Florida PRIME, Teacher Retirement System of Texas, Kansas Public Employees' Retirement System, San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association, University of Washington Endowment, Hatteras Investment Partners 85 CAD Apr-09 Value Added New York City Employees' Retirement System, Industriens Pensionsforsikring, Juristernes og Økonomernes Pension Fund Canada Residential, Retail LP Russia LP India Commercial, Land Development Apartment, Commercial, Residential Industrial, Warehouse / Distribution Commercial, Industrial, Office Private REIT US LP Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association CalSTRS, New York State Common Retirement Fund, Teacher Retirement System of Texas, NYSTRS, PSERS Teacher Retirement System of Texas, Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System, LACERS, Dallas Police & Fire Pension System, Fort Worth Employees' Retirement Fund University of Michigan Endowment, Aviva Investors Real Estate Multi-Manager, Houston Police Officers' Pension System Life Insurance Corporation of India CPP Investment Board, NYSTRS 7 17. PE Real Estate Firm Profiles - Sample Pages CapMan Real Estate Funds Raised (mn): 1,433 EUR Tel: +358 (0)207 207 500 Realprojekti Oy, Korkeavuorenkatu 32, Helsinki, 00130, Finland Established: 2005 Fax: +358 (0)207 207 510 CapMan Real Estate invests in commercial premises in the Helsinki metropolitan area, in property development in Finland and hotel properties in Finland and Sweden. CapMan’s value creation plan for real estate assets is based on a wellstructured portfolio and in particular on the active development of individual targets by means of real estate management, construction contracting, new service concepts and active leasing operations. CapMan Group is an alternative asset manager focused on private equity and real estate in the Nordic countries. The B shares of CapMan plc have been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since 2001. Strategy: Core-Plus, Opportunistic Regions: Scandinavia Countries: Finland, Sweden Property Types: Commercial, Hospitality, Hotels, Industrial, Office, Residential Distributed Rem. Value Net IRR Benchmark Fund Vintage Status Size (mn) Legal structure Called (%) Multiple (X) Quartile (%) (%) (%) IRR (%) CapMan Hotels RE 2008 Closed 333 EUR KY 88.8 3.7 95.1 0.99 n/m n/m n/m CapMan RE II 2006 Closed 600 EUR KY 47.5 0.7 85.3 0.86 n/m 1.7 3 CapMan Real Estate I 2005 Closed 500 EUR KY 94.5 99.0 35.1 1.34 n/m 9.3 1 Contacts Name: Job: Tel: Email: Jerome Bouix Senior Partner & Head of Investor Services +358 (0)207 207 558 Markku Hietala Head of Real Estate +358 (0)207 207 631 Jorma Lehtonen Senior Partner & Deputy Head of CapMan Real Estate +358 (0)207 207 614 Pirjo Ojanperä Head of Real Estate Hotel Fund +358 (0)207 207 642 Date Reported 31-Mar-09 31-Mar-09 31-Mar-09 DRA Advisors Funds Raised (mn): 2,998 USD Tel: +1 212 697 4740 220 East 42nd Street, 27th Floor, New York, NY, 10017, US Established: 1986 Fax: +1 212 697 7404 DRA Advisors creates and executes value added real estate strategies. DRA's investment philosophy centres on the belief that the most successful real estate strategies are conservative, opportunistic and adaptive. The firm conducts investment activities through a series of commingled funds, the DRA Growth and Income Funds, whose investors are public and private pension funds, university endowments, foundations and individuals. The firm currently manages over USD 10 billion in real estate assets. DRA Advisors prefers properties in primary and secondary major markets, typically less than 10 years old, that it can provide equity or mezzanine capital to. DRA will acquire properties with or without existing debt, and will make investments on an outright acquisition or joint venture basis. All cash or leveraged purchases are in the range of USD 15-300 million. Strategy: Value Added Countries: US Property Types: Industrial, Office, Residential, Retail Distributed Rem. Value Net IRR Benchmark Fund Vintage Status Size (mn) Legal structure Called (%) Multiple (X) Quartile Date Reported (%) (%) (%) IRR (%) DRA Growth & Income Fund VI 2007 Closed 1,250 USD LLC 29.1 7.0 112.7 1.20 n/m n/m n/m 31-Dec-08 DRA Growth & Income Fund V 2005 Closed 1,000 USD LLC 89.2 11.4 108.6 1.20 11.5 9.3 2 31-Mar-08 DRA Growth & Income Fund IV 2003 Closed 368 USD LLC n/m 20.4 n/m DRA Growth & Income Fund III 2001 Closed 250 USD LLC n/m 21.7 n/m DRA Growth & Income Fund II 1999 Closed 130 USD LLC 100.0 9.5 15.1 14.2 2 31-Mar-08 DRA Growth & Income Fund 1998 Closed 175 USD LLC n/m 10.2 n/m DRA Opportunity Fund 1995 Closed 83 USD n/m 21.7 n/m Contacts Name: Job: Tel: Email: David Luski Executive VP, East Coast Office Acquisitions +1 212 697 4740 Paul McEvoy Senior Managing Director +1 212 697 4740 Brian Summers Managing Director & CFO +1 212 697 4740 Francis Tansey Co-Founder & President, West Coast Office Acquisitions +1 212 697 4740 Diana Tully Marketing Director +1 212 697 4740 Secured Capital Japan Co. Funds Raised (mn): 205,725 JPY Tel: +81 (0)3 5776 1300 Toranomon Towers Office 20F, 4-1-28 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0001, Japan Established: 1997 Fax: +81 (0)3 5776 1033 Secured Capital Japan Co. (SCJ) was established by the principals of Secured Capital Corp. in California. The company has built its business in real estate investment and asset management in Japan. SCJ manages investments in properties and non-performing or sub-performing loans for Japanese and international institutions. Strategy: Opportunistic Regions: Asia Countries: China, Japan Property Types: Commercial, Hotels, Mixed Use, Office, Residential, Retail Debt Strategies: Distressed Debt © 2009 Preqin Ltd * = Fund Target 8 17. PE Real Estate Firm Profiles - Sample Pages Fund Secured Capital Japan Real Estate Partners IV Secured Capital Japan Residential Fund II Secured Capital Japan Real Estate Partners Asia Secured Capital Japan Real Estate Partners II Secured Capital Japan Real Estate Partners I Secured Capital Japan Residential Fund I Contacts Name: Hirohisa Hirayama Katsuya Takanashi Jon Paul Toppino Michael Van Konynenburg © 2009 Preqin Ltd Vintage Status Size (mn) 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 535 USD 132 USD 758 USD 176 USD 125 USD 174 USD Distributed (%) Legal structure Called (%) Job: General Manager, Property Acquisition Department Chairman, President & CEO Director & CIO Director LP LP LP LP LP LP 85.3 98.7 95.7 96.9 97.5 Rem. Value (%) 5.1 0.9 41.3 122.8 88.2 Tel: +81 (0)3 5776 1300 +81 (0)3 5776 1300 +81 (0)3 5776 1300 +81 (0)3 5776 1300 * = Fund Target Multiple (X) Net IRR (%) n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m Benchmark IRR (%) n/m n/m 12.0 12.6 n/m n/m Quartile Date Reported n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m n/m 30-Nov-08 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-08 Email: 9 18. Overview of Investors in PE Real Estate Funds California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) is one investor to have put a hold on its private equity real estate investment program. The $180.9 billion public pension fund has been one of the most prolific private equity real estate investors in the market for a number of years. It has built up an extensive portfolio that spans the globe and incorporates a range of strategies. In Q1 2009 it was overallocated to the asset class so decided to suspend further investments until 2010. However, as of August 2009 it had increased its self-imposed private fund embargo and decided it would not look to make any fund commitments in the following 12-24 months. Fig. 18.5: Private Fund Strategy Preferences of Private Equity Real Estate Investors Percentage of Investors real estate programs. Some found themselves overallocated to the asset class at the beginning of 2009 due to the denominator effect caused by falling stock market prices and back-dated private fund valuations. As a result many found themselves temporarily unable to commit to further real estate investments, due to internal or external regulations prohibiting overweighting, or due to the uncertainty caused by this dramatic shift in allocation levels. Others are simply waiting. The instability caused by the credit crunch and global economic downturn have led some investors to delay planned investments. Some delayed at the beginning of 2009 until Q4 2009, others planned to wait until 2010, whilst some will not return to the market for up to 24 months. Fund Type as quickly as they predict. The likes of Tokio Marine and Nichido Fire Insurance and Veritas Pension Insurance Company fully intend to resume private equity real estate investment activity, but whether they will have to delay for longer than originally envisaged, like CalPERS, remains to be seen. Strategic Preferences There are many investors, such as Merseyside Pension Fund and Arkansas Teachers’ Retirement System, that continue to invest in private equity real estate, with their plans formulated and strategies being actively pursued. However, with commitment levels at a low point and the industry alive but enduring unprecedented difficulties, it remains to be seen whether those delaying investments for the next few months or quarters will return to the market place © 2009 Preqin Ltd Those interested in the private equity real estate asset class - whether it is investors currently looking to invest, or those that have in the past and intend to again in the future - have interest in a number of different private fund strategies. In some ways the areas of interest to investors are not dissimilar from last year. As Fig. 18.5 shows, value added and opportunistic funds remain the most popular fund strategies. 71% of private equity real estate investors are interested in value added funds, compared to the 73% interested in 2008, and 70% are interested in opportunistic vehicles, which is the same proportion as last year. Investors prefer these vehicles as they provide higher returns than both core and core-plus investments. One investor looking to allocate to value added and opportunistic vehicles over the next 12 months is Intel Corporation Pension Plan. The private pension fund is under allocated to the asset class and wants to fill some of its target. 10 19. Profiles of Investors in RE Funds - Sample Pages ATP Real Estate Asset Manager Gothersgade 49, Copenhagen, DK-1123, Denmark Tel: +45 33 36 61 61 Fax: +45 33 36 61 62 Total Assets (mn): 2,000 EUR Established: 1995 Allocations to Real Estate Current Target Real Estate (mn): 2,000 EUR (100% of Total Assets) 2,000 EUR (100% of Total Assets) Private Equity Real Estate (mn): 1,300 EUR (65% of RE Target) Core Funds (mn): 700 EUR (35% of RE Target) Real Estate Advisor Townsend Group Core Core-Plus Value Added Opp. Distressed Debt • • • • • • N. America Europe Asia & RoW Emerging Mkt First-Time Fund • • Considering ATP Real Estate had a EUR 2 billion allocation to real estate in Q2 2009. The asset manager makes investments in private real estate vehicles and prefers to invest in US and European focused funds. For US fund investments, ATP employs Townsend Group to filter and select potential fund commitments. It does not invest in funds with a global strategy and will not consider taking more than a 20% stake in any fund. As of Q2 2009, ATP Real Estate had a 25% to 45% target range to core funds. The remaining allocation is spread across a wide range of private equity real estate strategies. ATP Real Estate planned to make commitments to five real estate funds in the 12 months following April 2009. It may invest in the UK or the US as it believes there are interesting opportunities in these markets. It typically commits EUR 50 million per fund, but it is looking to invest EUR 300 million across the five potential vehicles. It is considering club deals because it wants to reduce or spread risk, commit smaller amounts to more funds and know who the other partners are in a fund. It prefers smaller clubs with up to seven investors rather than funds with around 30 limited partners. ATP Real Estate plans to invest with managers it has existing relationships with, but will also consider those it has yet to work with, including those raising a vehicle for the first time. The asset manager is also interested in co-investment opportunities. In light of the credit crunch, it carries out more due diligence on the funds it considers investing in. LaSalle Income & Growth V (2008), CB Richard Ellis Strategic Partners US Value V (2008), Heitman European Property Partners IV (2008), Goldman Sachs Real Estate Mezzanine Partners (2008), CB Richard Ellis Strategic Europe Fund III (2007), AREIM 1 Fund (2007), Aberdeen Real Estate Fund Finland (2007), ING Real Estate Iberian Value Added Fund (2007), ProLogis European Properties Fund II (2007), Tishman Speyer European Real Estate Venture VI (2006), UBS European Value Added Fund (2006), UBS European Value Added Fund (2006), LaSalle Euro Growth II (2006), LaSalle Euro Growth II (2006), Heitman Sample Investments: European Property Partners III (2005), Heitman European Property Partners III (2005), Europa Fund II (2004), Grosvenor Retail European Properties (2004), Grosvenor Retail European Properties (2004), Euroind High Income Fund (2004), Euroind High Income Fund (2004), ING Retail Property Partnership Southern Europe (2004), AREA International Real Estate Fund (2003), AREA International Real Estate Fund (2003), Heitman Central Europe Property Partners II (2002), Heitman Central Europe Property Partners II (2002), Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund (2001), ProLogis European Properties Fund (1999), ING Lionbrook Property Fund (1997) Contact Name Position Tel Email Jens Christian Britze Partner +45 33 36 61 41 Clemenz Fraessdorf Investment Associate +45 33 36 61 47 Managing Director, Head of Michael Nielsen +45 33 36 61 67 Real Estate Ville Raitio Investment Manager +45 33 36 61 49 AustralianSuper Level 33, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia Tel: +61 (0)3 8648 3900 Fax: +61 (0)3 8648 3999 Total Assets (mn): 26,800 AUD © 2009 Preqin Ltd Allocations to Real Estate Current Target Real Estate (mn): 3,495 AUD (13% of Total Assets) 4,020 AUD (15% of Total Assets) Private Equity Real Estate (mn): 150 AUD (4.3% of RE Allocation) Core Funds (mn): 3,300 AUD (94.4% of RE Allocation) General Consultant Frontier Investment Consulting, JANA Investment Advisers Core Core-Plus Value Added Opp. Distressed Debt • • • • • N. America Europe Asia & RoW Emerging Mkt First-Time Fund • • • • AustralianSuper has a target allocation of 15% to the real estate asset class, and currently has around 13% of its total assets invested in real estate. This was achieved through a variety of investment vehicles, although the majority of the real estate allocation is weighted towards unlisted real estate funds. The superannuation scheme invests on a global basis and is open to considering investment opportunities in a wide range of locations. However, around 87% of its real estate capital is committed to Australia focused funds. AustralianSuper has a strong preference for unlisted core real estate funds, with 94.4% of its real estate portfolio weighted towards core vehicles. It has 2.5% of its real estate allocation in value added vehicles and 1.8% in opportunistic funds. Charter Hall Opportunity Fund 5 (2007), Fortius Active Property Trust No.1 (2006), Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund V Intl (2006), GPT Wholesale Office Fund (2006), Charter Hall Sample Investments: Opportunity Fund 4 (2005), ISPT Core Fund (2005), ISPT Grosvenor International Property Trust (2004), Gresham Property Mezzanine Fund No. 2 (2004) Contact Name Position Tel Email Mark Delaney CIO & Deputy CEO +61 (0)3 8648 3900 Montana Board of Investments Public Pension Fund 2401 Colonial Drive, 3rd Floor, Helena, MT, 59601, US Tel: +1 406 444 0001 Fax: +1 406 449 6579 Total Assets (mn): 5,921 USD Established: 1972 Allocations to Real Estate Current Target Real Estate (mn): 308 USD (5.2% of Total Assets) 355 USD (6% of Total Assets) Private Equity Real Estate (mn): 142 USD (46.1% of RE Allocation) 148 USD (41.7% of RE Target) Core Funds (mn): 128 USD (41.6% of RE Allocation) 148 USD (41.7% of RE Target) General Consultant RV Kuhns & Associates Core Core-Plus Value Added Opp. Distressed Debt • • • • • • N. America Europe Asia & RoW Emerging Mkt First-Time Fund • • • • Superannuation Scheme Established: 2006 11 19. Profiles of Investors in RE Funds - Sample Pages Montana Board of Investments invests in private equity real estate funds through its Montana Real Estate Pool, which it created in April 2006. The board approved a target allocation of 5% of total assets to this pool, but could invest up to 8%. Montana Board of Investments can also invest up to 1% of its total assets in direct real estate; however it does not invest in public real estate. Therefore the board has an overall target allocation of 6% to real estate. As of June 2009, the board had an allocation of 4.9% to the Montana Real Estate Pool and 0.3% to direct real estate, an overall allocation of 5.2% to the asset class. Approximately 94% of its portfolio was in private real estate funds, which consist mainly of core, opportunistic and value added funds. The investment policy of the Montana Real Estate Pool requires the pension fund to invest half of the private fund allocation in open-ended core vehicles and the other half to be equally split between value added vehicles and opportunistic funds. Montana Board of Investments has invested in funds utilising other strategies such as core-plus, debt and secondaries. The pension fund aims to diversify its private real estate portfolio by regional focus, and aims for 10-45% of its investments to be in the Western US and 10-45% to be in the Eastern US. It has a policy range of 10-40% to the South and 10-40% to the Midwest. Montana Board of Investments aims for up to 30% in international real estate funds. The board has target ranges for different property sectors that the Montana Real Estate Pool invests in. The retail, industrial and residential sectors each have policy targets of 10-40%, and the office sector has a 10-45% target range. The board remained active in private equity real estate in H1 2009, as it was below its target allocation to this portion of its portfolio, and made a new fund commitment. TA Realty Associates IX received a commitment of USD 15 million in June 2009. Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund VI Intl (2007), Carlyle Europe Real Estate Partners III (2007), DRA Growth & Income Fund VI (2007), Beacon Capital Strategic Partners V (2007), AG Core Plus Real Estate II (2007), CIM Urban Real Estate Fund III (2007), AG Realty Fund VII (2007), O'Connor North American Property Partners II (2007), MGPA Asia Fund III Sample Investments: (2007), JER Real Estate Partners IV (2007), Hudson Realty Capital Fund IV (2007), AREA Real Estate Finance Corporation (2006), TA Realty Associates VIII (2006), Strategic Partners Value Enhancement Fund (2006), Five Arrows Realty Securities Fund IV (2006), ABR Chesapeake Fund III (2005), INVESCO Core Real Estate - USA (2004), Clarion Lion Properties Fund (2000), JP Morgan Strategic Property Fund (1985) Contact Name Position Tel Email Portfolio Manager, Private Ed Kelly +1 406 444 0523 Equity Cliff Sheets CIO +1 406 444 0001 Portfolio Manager, Jon Shoen +1 406 444 0250 Alternative Investments © 2009 Preqin Ltd 12 2009 Preqin Private Equity Real Estate Review: Order Form Preqin’s Review is the ultimate guide to the PE real estate industry, with comprehensive profiles and analysis gathered via direct contact by our analysts with hundreds of leading firms and investors worldwide. Highlights of this year’s edition include: • Detailed analysis examining the history and development of the PERE market; recent funds closed; the current fundraising market; fund terms and conditions; investors; performance; plus separate sections showing key facts and figures for the most important sub-sectors (opportunistic, value add, debt etc). • Profiles for 350 most important active PERE firms and details for over 1,500 funds, including investment strategies and key information. • Profiles for over 250 active institutional investors in the sector, including investment preferences and key contact details. • Detailed listings for all funds recently closed, plus funds currently raising. The 2009 Preqin Private Equity Real Estate Review For more info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2009 Preqin Private Equity Real Estate Review Order Form - Please complete and return via fax, email or post I would like to purchase the Preqin Private Equity Real Estate Review: £795 + £10 Shipping $1,345 + $40 Shipping €895 + €25 Shipping $180 + $20 Shipping €115 + €12 Shipping Additional Copies £110 + £5 Shipping (Shipping costs will not exceed a maximum of £15 / $60 / €37 per order when all shipped to same address. If shipped to multiple addresses then full postage rates apply for additional copies) I would like to purchase the Preqin PE Real Estate Review Graphs & Charts Data Pack in MS Excel Format: (contains all underlying data for charts and graphs contained in the publication. 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