Coffee, Black Tea & Coffee Cream/ Creamer Industry in Japan 2012 (Subtitle: New Product Development Trends & Sales Strategies at Japanese & Foreign-Owned Companies in the Coffee, Black Tea & Coffee Cream/Creamer Industry in Japan 2012) Sample Universal Data Resources, Inc. Coffee report 1 INTRODUCTION TO REPORT Sales of non-essential foods such as coffee, tea and home use coffee cream/creamer have been struggling because of this year’s earthquake and high summer temperatures, but in autumn and winter when the temperature drops, the demand for hot food products rises. This is the time to aim for sales of these non-essential foods to grow. Especially this autumn and winter, there is a rising trend of eating at home, economizing and conserving electricity, so the industry plans to boost demand for home non-essential foods. The home coffee market uses the expanding mix (stick) coffee products as the engine for growth and aims to turn the negative growth into positive. Tea companies plan to lift consumption by strengthening items mainly with product updates and revitalizing sales floors. The home coffee cream/creamer market seeks to increase usage amounts with market stimulation measures such as sales promotions. The home coffee market is struggling somewhat. The reasons are that product supply was delayed in some cases because of earthquake and there was falling demand following rising temperatures in summer. The main categories—regular coffee (RC) and instant coffee (IC)—are basically declining. On the other hand, mix (stick) coffee products are growing and continue to do well with double-digit growth. An issue for the coffee industry this year is rising product prices. Raw material costs rose steeply from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, so that the four major companies modified their manufacturer shipping prices. This was true for RC and IC products, which use more raw coffee beans. Prices of other products will not be altered this time. However, the companies cannot make up the coffee bean cost increases with this price increase alone, but the range of the price increases was set to 11% to 20% on average, considering the impact on demand. The hottest sales war this autumn/winter season in the home coffee market seems to be among mix (stick) coffee products. This product category has grown this summer and is currently pulling the home coffee market. This category offers a variety of items including café au lait and caramel macchiato (which is usually enjoyed at cafés), and these items appeal mainly to the younger generation and expand the range of demand. Besides coffee, other products such as matcha green tea latte and black tea latte have become popular and are supporting the growth of this category. This autumn and winter, companies will release a number of new and updated products, so these beverages are expected to rise more. The international market price of raw coffee beans was unstable: in May the market price at one point passed 300 cents and another price increase in autumn seemed to be possible. However, from spring to summer, the market price started to stabilize, though at a high level, so many of the manufacturers seemed to put off autumn price increases. The autumn/winter season has now started and the period of black tea demand is here. Mainly in the East Japan home black tea market, consumption is declining as a result of the earthquake. In this season, however, there have been noticeable attempts in the market to strengthen items with updates and revitalized sales floors. Tea leaf imports, an indicator of black tea demand including ready to drink (RTD) tea products, grew 8% in volume by May, so the market is good. For tea bags and tea leaves, which have been stable, changes in consumption as a result of the earthquake would be the current issue. In the light of these circumstances, the biggest topic this autumn is expected to be Lipton’s achievement of 100% Rainforest Alliance (RA) certified tea 2 Coffee report leaves. This is the most significant environmental happening in the black tea industry so far and could quite possibly appeal to consumers. There is a presently some social influence that discourages enjoyment of non-essential food products; RA certified products could draw attention as a new way to energize the market. In the home coffee cream/creamer market, for instant cream powder (ICP), the three companies Morinaga Milk Industry, Nestlé Japan and Ajinomoto General Foods have about a 98% share. This autumn, Morinaga Milk Industry’s Creap, which has the top share in monetary terms, will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Therefore the company is stepping up sales promotion and that should revitalize the ICP market. Nestlé Japan will also stimulate the stagnant cream/creamer market by releasing new products. The coffee and black tea industry in Japan features domestic companies such as UCC Ueshima Coffee and Key Coffee and foreign companies such as Nestlé Japan and Unilever Japan; the competition among them is very heated. This study discusses new product development and sales strategies at each company in detail. The report also includes plenty of statistics from the All Japan Coffee Association such as amount of coffee imports in Japan, Japan’s raw bean import amounts by country, Japan’s regular and instant coffee import amounts by country, and non-essential beverage consumption in Japan. It also contains many photographs of each company’s main and new products. We believe this study will be very useful for your company especially for creating new product development and sales strategies. Coffee report 3 Table of Contents <1> Trends in the Coffee, Coffee Cream/Creamer and Black Tea Industry P5 <2> Coffee Market Trends P12 <3> Coffee Trends by Category (A) Instant Coffee (B) Regular Coffee (C) Mix (Stick) Coffee (D) Easy Extraction Regular Coffee (E) Bottled and Portion Coffee P13 P13 P14 P14 P15 <4> New Product Development Status and Sales Strategies of Major Coffee Companies (A) Nestle Japan, Ltd. (B) UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. (C) Key Coffee Inc. (D) Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. (E) Art Coffee Co, Ltd. (F) Kataoka & Co., Ltd. (G) Ishimitsu & Co., Ltd. (H) Nippon Coffee Trading Co., Ltd. (I ) Meiraku Group P15 P17 P19 P21 P21 P25 P25 P28 P28 <5> Auction of Msmeralda Special High-Quality Coffee Beans P31 <6> Coffee Cream/Creamer Market Trends P31 <7> New Products Development Status and Sales Strategies at Major Coffee Cream/Creamer Companies (A) Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. P31 (B) Nestle Japan, Ltd. P33 (C) Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. P33 (D) Meiraku Group P33 (E) Melodian Co., Ltd. P37 <8> Black Tea Market <9> New Product Development status and Sales Strategies at Major Tea Producers (A) Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. (B) Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd. (C) Kataoka & Co., Ltd. (D) Meito Sangyo Co., Ltd. P39 P39 P42 P45 Plenty of tables, figures and color photos 4 Coffee report <1> Trends in the Coffee, Coffee Cream/Creamer and Black Tea Industry . The non-essential food market for coffee, black tea and coffee cream/creamer emphasized iced products for the summer. For home coffee, along with regular coffee and instant coffee products, liquid products such as bottled coffee and portioned coffee products are energizing retail sales. In the black tea market, many companies are taking measures to respond to consumers’ diversified lifestyles by keeping the key products as the core and subdividing items around those key products to support them and meet the needs for different ways to enjoy beverages. In the home coffee cream/creamer market, companies are trying to increase the purposes of black tea and matcha green tea to increase consumption and strengthen sales. Through such means they are working to step up market demand since sales are on the decline. Even though the non-essential food market environment continues to be challenging because of rising raw material prices and slumping consumption, the companies aim to expand the range of demand by actively suggesting products and advertising. The market is now more diverse and there are not only regular and instant coffee products but also coffee mixes and bottled coffee products. More consumers are drinking multiple categories of coffee products. An issue for the coffee industry this year is rising product prices. Raw material costs rose steeply from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, so that the four major companies altered their manufacturer shipping prices. However, the companies cannot make up the coffee bean cost increases with this price increase alone, but the range of the price increases was set to 11% to 20% on average, considering the impact on demand. The New York Coffee (NYC) raw bean market price is perhaps what the domestic coffee industry watches most closely. NYC, an index for raw material prices, had already been high, but since the middle of last year, it has risen even higher. The industry has been keeping close watch of the price trends, but the outlook remains uncertain. Raw coffee beans in Japan Producing countries imported from/imported volume/YOY change (AJCA) Table 1 Rank No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Producing country Brazil Colombia Indonesia Vietnam Guatemala Tanzania Ethiopia 2010 2,050,988 1,315,806 984,330 912,290 569,591 174,761 170,644 2009 1,836,847 1,277,173 872,309 964,416 555,185 232,673 18,464 Change (%) +11.7 +3.0 +12.8 -5.4 +2.6 -24.9 +824.2 No. 8 Papua New Guinea 127,385 107,794 +18.2 No. 9 No. 10 Honduras El Salvador 105,555 84,482 106,106 115,102 -0.5 -26.6 Other 346,338 429,567 -19.4 6,842,169 6,515,635 +5.0 60 kg bags Total Coffee report 5 Change of coffee imports by item in Japan Table 2 Unit: ton Year Raw coffee beans Roasted beans Instant coffee Coffee extract products (sweetened) Coffee extract Total of raw products beans (unsweetened) equivalent Raw Raw Raw Raw Amount Amount Amount beans* beans* beans* beans* 2001 381,745 3,630 4,320 8,387 21,806 2,956 1,537 13,078 11,901 2002 400,771 4,070 4,843 8,465 22,009 2,485 1,292 11,895 10,824 2003 377,647 4,292 5,107 9,057 23,548 1,622 843 9,945 9,050 2004 400,977 4,150 4,939 7,633 19,846 1,727 898 10,410 9,473 2005 413,264 4,776 5,683 7,778 20,223 1,940 1,009 11,458 10,427 2006 422,696 5,588 6,650 7,444 19,354 1,148 597 10,121 9,210 2007 389,818 5,816 6,921 7,089 18,431 1,128 587 11,012 10,021 2008 387,538 6,652 7,916 7,850 20,410 108 56 8,502 7,737 2009 390,938 6,020 7,164 7,400 19,240 102 53 8,836 8,041 2010 410,530 6,311 7,510 7,445 19,357 120 62 7,723 7,028 Note: Raw benas means raw beans equivalent amount. Source: Custom statistics by Ministry of Finance Amount amount 421,309 439,739 416,195 436,133 450,606 458,507 425,778 423,657 425,436 444,487 6 Coffee report <2> Coffee Market Trends FY2010 export volumes (source: ICO) have been confirmed, and Brazilian exports were at a historic high. Export volumes from coffee producing countries for 2010 have been released. Since NYC reached 250 cents, it was thought that supply would decline, but on the contrary, the export volume increased by 1,340,000 bags. This is historically the second highest level and only slightly different from 2008. Robusta sharply decreased and other milds increased by 2.3 million bags. Arabica may have completely sold out even at a high price. When monthly export volumes are compared to the past, months in the first half were less but the volume increased in the latter half when prices started to rise. The increase of 2.66 million bags from Brazil, which had greatly increased production, actually seems rather small. Vietnam and Indonesia sharply decreased, probably due to damage by torrential rain caused by global warming. Ethiopia had a comeback and India and Peru increased. Tanzania and Kenya, which are in the Colombia mild group, decreased along with Colombia. All Japanese consumption figures for 2010 are out. Estimated consumption was unexpectedly 7.33 million bags, the second highest historically. [Imports] The total for FY2010 was a 5% increase compared to last year. Brazilian coffee, which is less expensive and has stable quality, increased steeply. Colombia also rose even though the production volume is expected to be poor. Indonesia and Vietnam are competing for third place. Tanzania’s production declined and imports from there steeply declined. Tanzania’s export volume last year declined 50%. Ethiopia rose but is still not comparable to its one-time level of 600,000 bags. [Price] What got the most attention in 2011 was import prices, since NYC at the end of December 2010 was 240 cents. That means a rise of 85%. However, with the high yen, 10% of that is assumed to be absorbed by the exchange rate. In FY2010, for raw beans only, there were imports of 410,000 tons. If Japan were to import the same amount at a price of 100 cents more on average in FY2011, 80 billion yen would be borne at the shoreline. Raw beans contain close to 20% moisture, a price which must also be borne, so it means 20 billion yen would evaporate. [Consumption] Consumption recovered in 2010. There seem to be various reasons including the knowledge of coffee as a health drink among consumers, people who were heavy coffee drinkers at companies have retired and started drinking coffee at home, instant coffee (IC) that is considered comparatively cheap has made a comeback, and big chain stores are competing with price and quality and this has vitalized the coffee market. There seem to be more reasons as well. [Summary] In any case, the recovery of consumption is a positive. The year 2010 ended peacefully and uneventfully. Currently consumers’ disposable income has not improved. So, if the 250-cent level continued for one year and this price increase were shifted to users, they would have to bear 100 billion yen (345 cups x 3 yen x 100 million people = 103.5 billion yen). 1. It is generally estimated to be 12 million bags less since it is a secondary crop year. CONAB estimates 43.3 million bags. Coffee report 7 2. The year 2011 is also considered a good year for demand. The newly rising nations (Asia and the BRICs) are especially active. The International Coffee Organization (ICO) and trading companies that specialize in international trading estimate 134 million bags (a 3 million bag increase). 3. However, consumer price increases could reduce demand, though an increase of 3 to 5 yen per cup might have limited impact. 4. Long periods of rain caused by abnormal climate because of global warming could lower quality and production. In Colombia’s case, 2009/2010 production was 8.1 million bags and the next year’s production forecast is 8.9 million bags (Colombia’s export volume was 11 million bags each in 2007 and 2008, and about 7.9 million bags each in 2009 and 2010). <4> New Product Development Status and Sales Strategies of Major Coffee Companies <A> Nestlé Japan, Ltd. (http;// . Nestlé Japan aimed to catch summer iced beverage demand by releasing new products in the spring/summer season of 2011. The company updated bottled coffee product Nescafé Clear Taste. The product emphasizes a refreshing coffee aftertaste and is even more user-friendly and ecofriendly than before. Responding to consumer opinion that it is hard work to separate the materials for recycling, the company made the size of the label about half that of the previous product. That makes it easier to separate the material for recycling and also reduces waste from households. Nestlé Japan released a dilutable portion type coffee, Nescafé Excella Portion. The product has the rich flavor and deep body that Excella is known for, and consumers can choose how much milk to use according to taste and enjoy various ice coffee lattes. Additionally, for users who are concerned about calories and sugar content, it has a large display of the caloric value of each portion. Along with this item, the company added Royal Milk Tea Latte to the Home Café Portion series. This item uses 100% select Assam tea leaves so it has a strong tea taste that milk does not diminish. The company also added Darjeeling, Earl Grey and Jasmine tea to the Nestea portion series and with these items the company tried to catch customers and charge up the market. For mixed coffee products, the company released new varieties in the Nescafé Home Café series and Nestlé Home Café series. The new varieties are Italian Espresso Latte that has strong espresso 8 Coffee report Coffee report 9 flavor with refreshing aftertaste and Framboise Tea Latte that has a flamboyant sweet and sour berry flavor. With these items, the company aims to catch new users. The company added the new item Hokkaido no Bokujo Milk Tea (Hokkaido farm milk tea) to the Hokkaido no Bokujo series that was released last year. There are two package sizes: eight sticks and 25 sticks. Through the end of April 2011, the company conducted a new campaign called Nescafé Uchinaka (in the home) Café Present to promote coffee consumption at home. Nestlé Japan’s non-essential food strategy this autumn is expanding demand for coffee at home using two aspects: a sense of luxury with the Nescafé brand, and economical products. The company also aims to boost coffee consumption at home by proposing, mainly to younger consumers, drinking latte beverages at home, in addition to black coffee with the original coffee taste. The coffee machine Nescafé Barista had sold over 500,000 units by the end of May. Sales of the Eco & System cartridges used by the Nescafé Barista are growing. For the premium aspect, the company developed topmost Nescafé brand President into a regular soluble coffee by using a milled bean enveloping method, and a refill cartridge Eco & System Pack was added to the lineup. The package of Nescafé Komi-baisen (flavor roasted) has been updated. It now uses a blue colored jar to make it stand out and differentiate it from existing IC products. Through the sale of such products, the company aims to establish regular soluble coffee as the third category after RC and IC. The mixed coffee product Nescafé Home Café Premium is offered as a premium type by adding a very fine regular coffee powder as added value. Along with coffee, the company also released a tea series as Nestlé Home Café Premium. To meet the need for economy, the company sells a refill bag type of Nescafé Maroyaka Latte ga Tsukureru Excella (Excella for smooth lattes). The price is set at an affordable price of 298 yen for 90 g and 498 yen for 180 g. Nestlé Japan hopes to revitalize refill bags and recover sales with such affordable prices. The company also added the new product Uji Matcha (green tea) Latte to enrich its line. 10 Coffee report Coffee, Black Tea & Coffee Cream/Creamer Industry in Japan 2012: New Product Development Trends & Sales Strategies at Japanese & Foreign-Owned Companies in the Coffee, Black Tea & Coffee Cream/Creamer Industry in Japan 2012) Publisher: Published in: Product code: Pages: Price: Multi-user License: Universal Data Resources, Inc. January 2012 Study#DC111 47 US$ 1,550.00 US$3,800.00 Author Hiroshi Shimizu is an independent consultant analyst. After worked at a consulting firm, Yamasaki International, he founded Pacific Research Consulting. He offers market research and a consulting service in a wide variety of industrial fields at leading foreign firms and public organizations’ request. Universal Data Resources, Inc, N313 ARK Hills Executive Tower 1-14-5 Akasaka, Minatoko, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan Phone: +81-3-5545-9597 Fax: +81-3-5545-9598 Website: Copyright© Pacific Research Consulting This report cannot be duplicated without prior written permission from Pacific Research Consulting and Universal Data Resources Inc. Coffee report 11
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