Credits Sa m ple file Author: Robert J Defendi Line Editor: Josh Peltier Additional Contributions: Scott Llewelyn Cover Art: B.C. Hailes Interior Art: B.C. Hailes Art Direction: Christopher Mitchell Pagemaking: Wallen Ashcroft Copy Editing: Christine Fortune Publisher: Robert J Defendi Editing, Development, & Production Staff: Robert J Defendi, Scott Llewelyn, Josh Peltier, Christine Fortune, Christopher Mitchell, Wallen Ashcroft Web Master: Robert J Defendi Play Testing: Amanda Peltier, Angela Daley, Bjorn Olsen, Brandon Leavitt, Brenda Llewelyn, Dan Willis, Gary Llewelyn, Jennie Mollerup, Josh Peltier, Kori Emerson, Mark Giffune, Mason Emerson, Mat Daley, Matthew Fitt, Robert J Defendi, Scott Llewelyn, Stephen Johnson. Special Support: Heike A. Kubasch, Bruce Neidlinger; Tim Dugger, and Steve Long. We’d also like to thank all the fans on the Iron Crown Forums who have shown so much support and enthusiasm, especially Allenrmaher, Buddha, Cormac Doyle, Grafton, Ictus, Ironmaul, Lichemaster, Lorenen, Maelstrom, Markc, Norin, Pendragon, Quasar, Smiling DM, Wolfram Riegler (our first customer), and Yammahoper. Rolemaster, HARP and Spacemaster are Copyright © 2006 Aurigas Aldebaron, LLC, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Rolemaster™, HARP™ and Spacemaster™ are trademark properties of Aurigas Aldebaron, LLC; no unauthorized use permitted. Copyright © 2013 by Final Redoubt Press. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission. Produced and distributed by Final Redoubt Press, 2072 Weeping Willow Way, Eagle Mountain, UT, 84005. Stock #0009 What Is an Adventure Seed? m What this Product Includes What Next? You can begin play almost immediately. If you want to get straight to the meat, skip to What Came Before if you’re playing in The Moving Shadow, or to Setup if you’re not. It probably takes an average reader 10 – 15 minutes to read this adventure once through. If you are about to run the game and you grabbed this as an emergency measure, step out of the room for a few minutes, and you’ll be ready in no time. If your players seem likely to bug you, start them arguing about a sixth month old GM call, their favorite sports teams, or reality shows. You’ll be ready to start before they are. If you have a little more time, we welcome you to read the next sections. They should give you an idea about what The Echoes of Heaven and The Moving Shadow is all about. ple An Adventure Seed is a story idea. In The Echoes of Heaven, an Adventure Seed is a story idea that we at Final Redoubt Press promise never to contradict in future canon. It’s a chance to allow you to expand an idea or mystery in the setting without worrying about whether we’ll contradict you with future products. But this Adventure Seed is a full product, and that means it’s something more. This is a fully written adventure plot, meant to allow you to get your game moving almost immediately. This outlines all the major steps of a story, carrying you through an entire narrative arc. With this product, the rule books of your game (including maybe a monster book and whatever manual holds sample NPCs), and just a touch of imaginative table improvisation you should be able to run an adventure with almost no preparation at all. file Introduction This product contains no rules. You probably know the rules you use at your table much better than we do. This product contains no firm idea of what system you are using. The Moving Shadow is statted for four different game systems; however, there’s no reason you need to use this with The Moving Shadow or even The Echoes of Heaven. This product contains no firm rules on how experienced the characters are. It’s designed with experienced characters in mind, but since there are no stats, you can use it to challenge characters at any point in their careers. Sa This product includes a full adventure plot, with enough notes that you should be able to run with no preparation at all. This product also includes a description of the Dramatic Purpose of each stage of the story. This way, if your story moves off in a new direction, you know what you need to do to maintain the dramatic arc. Finally, this product includes notes for how to fit this adventure in The Moving Shadow™ campaign, our epic series of adventures in The Echoes of Heaven™ that will take the world to the brink of destruction. What this Product Does Not Include This product includes no creature stats. You have your monster books. This adventure contains no NPC stats. Almost every game has premade NPCs for the GM to use, and many GMs are used to improvising NPCs on the fly. What Is The Echoes of Heaven Campaign Setting? The Echoes of Heaven is a game world of darkness and danger, where a monolithic church has split into dozens of quarreling factions and holy war looms like a shadow. Here, strength and brutality win the day and only those with the most faith, honor, and courage can stand against the terrible tyranny of those who would enslave everyone of a different belief, a different philosophy, a different race. Worse, it is a world infected by the very fabric of Hell itself. -3- file Game System GSL OGL HARP Rolemaster Starting 3rd lvl 2nd lvl 3rd lvl 3rd lvl Ending 30th lvl 20th lvl 30th lvl 30th lvl In addition, The Moving Shadow has a series of Teasers which take place during the last days of the War in Heaven. It is truly a campaign that spans ten thousand years. Sa m ple It’s a world that once knew perfection, where Mortals and Angels labored side by side and all spent their days basking in the light of God. There was no Mortal Realm. Hell was nothing more than a province of Heaven. All lived in Paradise, and they knew what it was like to wander in Grace. Then came the War. The Fall of the first third of the Host of Angels nearly destroyed Heaven. The Fall of the second third came as a death knell. Only the foresight and planning of the Five Prophets saved everyone from languishing under the rule of the Fallen . . . but it came at a terrible price. Enter Meridrin, the Mortal Realm, a world sundered from Paradise, a world both familiar and strangely different. A world where you can make a difference. The Echoes of Heaven is designed for use in four different game systems. They are games using the Open Game License or the Game System License (for use with the 3rd and 4th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game, owned by Wizards of the Coast), as well Rolemaster™ (owned by Iron Crown Enterprises), and HARP™ (owned by Iron Crown Enterprises). This product can be used with any fantasy game. What Is The Moving Shadow? The Moving Shadow is a ten part adventure path that takes the world to the very brink of destruction. In it, characters must fight against the depredations of some of the greatest villains the world has ever known. In the end, only the smart, the brave, and the lucky have any hope at all. These adventures are statted with versions for four different games: games using the Game System License, the Open Game License, as well as HARP and Rolemaster. The Moving Shadow gives characters the opportunity to take characters through an entire career of adventures. They start inexperienced but will end as some of the most powerful characters in the world. The range of experience depends on the game system: Line Elements The Echoes of Heaven contains two main elements. They are sourcebooks and adventures. Sourcebooks Some of the existing sourcebooks are as follows: The Echoes of Heaven Campaign Setting—The Echoes of Heaven Campaign Setting details the Mortal Realm and includes a bonus supplement describing the Kingdom of Ludremon at no extra charge. Bestiary—The Mortal Realm is filled with many horrific creatures and some that merely terrify. Here you will find creatures unique to The Echoes of Heaven from the Nephilim to Angels and Demons, to the Cambionic Beastmen and beyond. In His Name—Religion is a central theme of The Echoes of Heaven. In this book you will find all of the major churches detailed and ready for play. This book also includes a chapter on Sulvican City, the seat of the human church, at no extra charge. -4- m Our Philosophy Quad Statting The Echoes of Heaven contains stats for four different games. We at Final Redoubt Press purposely chose these games for their compatibility. Each of these games has the same general levels of power and abilities for the major classes or professions. Mages in all four have similar spells and clerics in all four have similar divine powers. This means that we can weave a story without worrying about whether a mage can cast a fireball in all three systems. We can provide a GM with everything he needs to run his game, and he can do that with his own house rules and his own style of game play. As much as possible, we intend to stay out of the way. This isn’t saying that we don’t add optional abilities or even change the way that some things work. That’s necessary in all game worlds. It just means that we won’t stumble all over ourselves because an OGL Bard can do a bit more with illusions than a Rolemaster Bard. Each game group should play the game the way they like to play it. ple Each sourcebook comes packaged with an adventure. Between these two works, your campaigns can explore an ever widening world of intrigue and danger. The Throne of God (Episode 1) A story that spans 10,000 years, here the players learn the lay of the land in the Mortal Realm and fight to find an ancient relic, a diamond splinter said to come from the throne of God Himself. The Tainted Tears (Episode 4) With the character’s success in Uzarâg, they must now make a mad dash across Belkanâth in an attempt to stop the end of the world. The Last Hallowed Place (Episode 5) With the end of the world nigh, the characters seek guidance and refuge in Sulvican City. There they must defend the walls and the world against the end of days. This Adventure Seed can fit neatly after either The Last Hallowed Place or The Quiet Time (from Guild Adventurer 3 by Guild Companion Publications) and before The Day Before Apocalypse. find Adventure Seeds in every product that will allow the characters to explore the world around them until they’re ready for the next episode of the series. That is one of the possible uses of these Adventure Seeds. They fit neatly between the full adventure products, allowing you to flesh out your game while you’re waiting for the next release. file Adventures Sa At Final Redoubt Press, we wish to bring high quality products to the hands of the gamers who need them. Starting with characters ignorant of the world around them, players can discover the Mortal Realm even as the story unfolds. With each new adventure, player and character alike will discover a world rich in excitement and adventure, a world as intriguing as their GM can make it. An Ongoing Campaign We’re aware that different games progress at many different rates. Some groups play almost every day and some fight to meet once a month. Therefore, we’ve tried to devise this world and this series for any rate of play. Each adventure is designed for characters of a certain level. A GM needs only to adjust the rate of experience gain to meet the needs of his group. If a group can play an entire adventure in one weekend and that leaves three more until the next product releases, then the GM can match the experience gain to move hand in hand with this pace. Meanwhile, he’ll Dramatic Purpose Every stage in this adventure has a dramatic purpose. These are there so the GM can better decide what to do if the party goes off book. If a group diverges wildly from the written adventure, let them. Take the dramatic purposes of the skipped stages and invent new events that serve the same purpose. Maybe the party abandons the adventure entirely and refuses to go back. If so, who are any of us to say they did wrong? Take the remaining dramatic events and create new ones for the party, following their new path. It might not be this adventure, but it will be an adventure, and it will be a lot more fun -5- than arguing about whether the party is ruining the GM’s plans. As long as all the purposes are served, you will have a workable story, probably even a good one. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t the story you set out to tell. Gaming is a collaborative effort, after all. lot less experience each time. It doesn’t matter how fast a group advances as long as everyone understands what to expect and why to expect it. If you tell a party you want to game every single night but the next adventure isn’t out for two more weeks, they’ll understand they might need to advance more slowly. Running the Campaign Character Power Level This Adventure Seed fits neatly into the ten part, ongoing campaign The Moving Shadow. This brings up some issues one wouldn’t have in a standalone adventure. If you are plugging this adventure into The Moving Shadow, then it likely takes place right after the events of The Quiet Time or The Last Hallowed Place and before The Day Before Apocalypse. It’s likely that characters came out of the last adventure at a certain approximate character level or point value. Game System GSL OGL HARP Rolemaster Character 17th lvl 11th lvl 17th lvl 17th lvl Sa m ple It’s possible that someone will want to run these adventures before the entire series has been released. It’s likely that a game group may finish an adventure before the next one is available. We’ve taken this into consideration. You can’t run a ten part adventure and not expect to take some side trips. Don’t worry if this is your intention. We’ve built downtime into the story between each adventure, and these Adventure Seeds are handy ways to fill that down time. Near the end, it might be nice to run the adventures concurrently, but there’s no point in this series where one adventure must be played directly after the one before. file Down Time Experience and Table Pacing If you’re running the adventures in a series, then the issue of experience will come into play. Some groups might want to do the adventures one after another. Others might have ten sessions between each adventure (especially if they meet frequently while waiting for the next release). The thing to remember about experience is that it’s all arbitrary. Many GMs ignore official experience guidelines. Some have home systems. Some just assign experience by story points, some by number of sessions, regardless of session content. The important thing to remember is that no experience system is set in stone. If you have multiple adventures in this series and you wish to run them back to back, then a party will need to gain two or three levels in a single adventure. If you want to run eight adventures in between, then they need to average a But since you choose the power of the adversaries in this adventure, they can be just as powerful as you want them to be. This means you can use this Adventure Seed in any setting or any point in your characters’ careers. Stats No opponents have stats in this adventure, most every game has NPC stats in one of primary books. Use them to flesh out the guys in this Adventure Seed, or, if it’s easier, -6- but the bad just Descriptions This Adventure Seed has no “boxed text.” That means the descriptions of rooms, people, and places are up to you. Tailor them to your game and your characters. This is most of the improvising you’ll need to do to run this Adventure Seed. Mechanics We’ve left mechanics as simple as possible in this work. We’ve listed all bonuses as a percentage. 5% = 5 in a percentile system or 1 in GSL or OGL games. What Came Before This adventure begins, by default, in Sulvican City. If the characters played The Quiet Time, they’ve just returned with the bad news that evil is rising in the world, and their actions in The Last Hallowed Place delayed things at best. If they haven’t played The Quiet Time, no one really knows what’s happening with the state of evil in the world. Either way, the Faerarch of the Church (the Church’s supreme leader) has upped patrols of Sulvican Island around the holy city. He believes that things out there might be bad, and this might be causing Ulcers to form at greater than normal rates (an Ulcer is a place where hell infects the fabric of the Mortal Realm). He sends the party out on one of these patrols, after a regular patrol disappears. The party has done things for him that no other person in this city can, and he’s not afraid to use them like a ball-peen hammer against a cockroach. There’s no such thing as too much force right now, in his mind, so he calls his most destructive asset: the party. Sa m ple If you’re running this Adventure Seed as part of The Moving Shadow, it fits neatly after the events in The Quiet Time or The Last Hallowed Place. In The Throne of God, the villain created a powerful Unholy relic. In The Festering Earth they tracked a murderer and discovered more about the relic’s nature. In On Corrupted Ground they became involved in a plan of a powerful evil force. The characters foiled this plan, but in the end fled Uzarâg. They ended in the Elven-Dwarven Alliance, a union of Elven people and the refugee Dwarves who fled before Uzarâg’s fall. From there, they chased a Duke of Hell across the countryside, only to be sidetracked in a village corrupted by evil in The Tainted Tears. In The Last Hallowed Place, they ended up fighting a holding action in Sulvican City against a tide of evil. Now they wait in Sulvican City. If you played The Quiet Time (it was only released under a license for Rolemaster and HARP), they know that the level of evil in the world is slowly rising. If they didn’t, then they might still be wondering how much good they actually accomplished. Setup file improvise them as you go. Many GMs can stat an NPC in their head without skipping a beat. The Adventure Plot What follows is the plot of the Adventure Seed. This is only one course the adventure could take. If the party diverges from this plot, let them. Teaser The party is likely living in the Holy See at this point as personal guests of the Faerarch. Regardless, when the summons is sent to bring them in, they are in the city itself and have to walk to the Holy See. On the way, they notice a ruckus on one of the streets and see members of the Sulvican Guard. They hear panicked screaming and there’s a crowd. Upon closed examination, they discover that there’s a man in a wine shop, holding a woman hostage with a knife to her throat. The man is one of the many refugees that came to the city during the events of The Last Hallowed Place. Some have left since then, but many are afraid to return to their homes. They fear the worst is yet to come. This man in particular has run out of money to feed his family. He came here intent on robbery and things escalated out of hand. Now he’s holding the woman hostage (her family owns the shop). He’s a trapped rabbit, and he doesn’t know how he’ll get out. This has made him desperate and dangerous. -7-
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