Contents 1

Implementation on robotic workstations
Product selection guide
Smarter DNA sample preparation
DNA isolation procedures
Invisorb® Plant DNA Kits
InviMag® Plant DNA Kits
Smarter RNA sample preparation
RNA isolation procedures
InviTrap® Plant RNA Kits
about STRATEC Molecular
Smarter Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation
for Plant Applications
Patented complete solutions for customer applications
Contact information
STRATEC Molecular GmbH
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
D-13125 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-9489 2901/2910
Fax: +49-30-9489 3795
Sample preparation kits for the isolation of DNA and RNA from:
fresh, frozen or dried plant material
food of plant origin
Plant genotyping, DNA fingerprinting of plants, microsatellite analysis or single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) marker analysis are technologies that have matured and are poised for widespread practical
applications. Plant genotype analysis can be used for the identification of plants in commerce, plant
breeding and research. Further it allows the analysis of wild plant populations, germplasm collections
and plant protection. In food diagnostics GMOs have to be identified in soy or corn compounds. The
presence of GMOs can affect the use and value of products of an entire lot. For these purposes
STRATEC Molecular offers high-performance DNA and RNA isolation kits for a wide variety of plant
material incl. food from plant origin.
Under the trademarks Invisorb®, InviTrap® and InviMag® STRATEC Molecular offers a growing panel
of DNA and RNA isolation kits for plant materials starting from single sample preparations up to 96 well
isolation systems using different extraction principles like binding to membranes or to magnetic particles.
pure, ready-to-use DNA/RNA for enhanced performance in sensitive downstream applications
various isolation systems available to suit your special needs
cross contamination free processes
ready-made and customized purification protocols
Implementation on robotic workstations
The adaptation of well established STRATEC Molecular kits to common liquid handling workstations
allows for a simple and automated isolation of nucleic acids. The procedures are designed to avoid
sample-to-sample cross contamination.
The InviMag® DNA Plant Kits for medium and high throughput applications using magnetic particles are
designed for use on the KingFisher mL, KingFisher 96 and KingFisher Flex platforms.
special customer tailored solutions are also available on request
programs can simply be downloaded from
for adaptation to robotic platforms please contact STRATEC Molecular: +49 30 9489 2901 or
Product selection guide
Starting material
Product name
DNA purification
Single tube,
Single tube,
bead based
bead based
100 - 300 mg fresh or frozen and up to
Invisorb Spin Plant Mini Kit
60 mg dried plant material
50 preps
250 preps
up to 500 mg fresh or frozen plant
Invisorb Spin Plant Midi Kit
25 preps
50 preps
up to 100 mg fresh or frozen fresh,
processed or preserved food sample
of vegetable origin
Invisorb Spin Food Kit II
50 preps
250 preps
up to 50 mg fresh or frozen plant
Invisorb DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C
7037300200 2 x 96 preps
7037300300 4 x 96 preps
7037300400 24 x96 preps
up to 50 mg fresh or frozen plant
Invisorb DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ V
up to 100 mg fresh or frozen plant
(96 well; using a centrifuge)
(96 well; using a vacuum manifold)
InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit
(for manual use on a magnetic rack)
up to 100 mg fresh or frozen plant
InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL
up to 100 mg fresh or frozen plant
InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KF96
(automated; for use on KingFisher mL)
7037310200 2 x 96 preps
7037310300 4 x 96 preps
7037310400 24 x96 preps
50 preps
250 preps
75 preps
150 preps
300 preps
(automated; for use on KingFisher 96 and
KingFisher Flex)
7437300100 1 x 96 preps
7437300200 5 x 96 preps
RNA purification
Single tube,
up to 100 mg or 1x10 cells of plant
material or filamentous fungi
7064300200 2 x 96 preps
7064300300 4 x 96 preps
7064300400 24 x96 preps
InviTrap Spin Plant RNA Mini Kit
25 preps
50 preps
up to 50 mg fresh or frozen plant
InviTrap RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C
up to 50 mg fresh or frozen plant
InviTrap RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ V
up to 50 mg fresh or frozen plant
InviTrap RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ R
for parallel purification of genomic
DNA from the same sample
add-on module for InviTrap RNA Plant 7064000200 2 x 96 preps
HTS 96 Kit
7064000300 4 x 96 preps
(96 well format; for centrifuge & robot)
7064000400 24 x96 preps
(96 well; using a centrifuge)
(96 well; using a vacuum manifold)
(automated 96 well; using a robot)
7064310200 2 x 96 preps
7064310300 4 x 96 preps
7064310400 24 x96 preps
7164300200 2 x 96 preps
7164300300 4 x 96 preps
7164300400 24 x96 preps
Smarter DNA sample preparation
Superior non-chaotropic chemistry – low salt DNA binding
Improve Effectiveness - More intact DNA
no DNA degradation by using a gentle, low-salt (non-chaotropic) buffer system
Improve Effectiveness - High yields and purity
pure DNA free of polysaccharides and other secondary metabolites
Maximize Capabilities - For various plant materials
leaves, roots, fruits, flowers, wood, oily seeds
Maximize Capabilities - Downstream applications
suitable for PCR applications, restriction analysis, real-time PCR, cloning, genotyping etc.
Optimized protocols
The homogenized sample is lysed in an optimized lysis buffer and proteins are degraded during the
lysis with Proteinase K. Using membranes in spin columns or 96 well filter plates the cell debris is
removed via prefiltration. In the magnetic bead based procedure this step is not necessary. The DNA
binds to the filter membrane or magnetic particles, followed by washing steps and the final elution.
The purified genomic DNA is of high quality and can be used for a broad panel of subsequent
downstream applications:
real-time PCR
RFLP analysis
RAPD analysis
AFLP analysis
Southern Blotting
GMO analysis
DNA isolation procedures
spin column - membrane
96 well - membrane
Lysis of homogenized
starting material
Lysis of homogenized
starting material
of binding
of binding
magnetic beads
Lysis of homogenized
starting material
Addition of
InviMag beads
and Binding
Solution to the
DNA binds to
magnetic particles
Binding of DNA
Washing of the
particle fixed DNA
Binding of DNA
Removal of
Removal of
Elution of
pure DNA
Elution of
pure DNA
Elution of DNA
Elution of
pure DNA
Invisorb® Plant DNA Kits
The Invisorb® Spin Plant Mini Kit is an effective solution for isolation of high-quality total cellular DNA
from a wide variety of plant species and tissue types. Up to 100 mg of fresh or frozen material can be
processed in less than one hour. The optimized procedure incorporates the Pre-filtration spin column, a
unique filtration and homogenization column that efficiently removes cell debris and improves sample
handling following lysis. Up to 35 µg pure DNA can be obtained, free of polysaccharides and other
secondary metabolites. For larger sample volumes (up to 500 mg plant material) the Invisorb® Spin
Plant Midi Kit can be used.
Fig. 1
RAPD analysis of Brassica and Raphanus species
DNA was isolated from leaves of Raphanus sativus, Brassica oleracea and hybrids of both species using the
Invisorb® Spin Plant Mini Kit. DNA (20 ng) was amplified with the operon-decamer primer OPC-10 and
separated on a 4% polyacrylamide gel.
lane 1
lane 2
lane 3
lane 4
lane 5
lane 6
lane 7
lane 8
2 3
6 7 8
100 bp ladder (GIBCO BRL)
Raphanus sativus plant I
Raphanus sativus plant II
Brassica oleracea plant I
Brassica oleracea plant II
hybrid I Raphanus x Brassica
hybrid II Raphanus x Brassica
100 bp ladder (GIBCO BRL)
(Data kindly provided by Dr. Budahn, Institute for Breeding Methods of vegetables; Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants;
Fig. 2
AFLP analysis of Chlorella vulgaris
DNA was isolated from different strains of Chlorella vulgaris using the Invisorb® Spin
Plant Mini Kit. Isolated DNA (100 ng) was digested with EcoR1 and Msel followed by
selective amplification with EcoRI-C/MseI-C primers. The AFLP-analysis was carried
out on ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyzer.
(Data kindly provided from Frau J. Müller, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for plant science, University of
Invisorb® Plant DNA Kits
The Invisorb® Spin Food Kit II simplifies DNA purification from food of plant origin. A wide variety of
starting materials can be processed, e.g. fresh, dried, preserved, cooked, or frozen vegetable tissues
and processed foods like flour, tofu, corn chips, bread, and cookies. The procedure yields high-quality
DNA that is ready to use in downstream applications, such as sensitive DNA-based detection of
genetically modified crops (GMOs) in various materials (e.g. soy and corn).
Lane 1/ 8
Lane 2
100 bp ladder (NEB)
soy, 35 S1/2 (CaMV-promotor, 195 bp), contains 1.5% GVO-amount according the results
of the interlaboratory test
maize, 35 S1/2 (CaMV-promotor, 195 bp)
mixed fodder, 35 S1/2 (CaMV-promotor, 195 bp)
100 bp ladder (NEB)
soy, soy detection GM 03/04 (lectin-gene, 118 bp)
maize, specific GVO-detection T25 (CaMV- pat-gene, 209 bp (contains 0,1 % T25- amount
according the results of the interlaboratory test)
Lane 3
Lane 4
Lane 5
Lane 6
Lane 7
Fig. 3
Isolation of genomic DNA from food and feed
DNA was isolated from soy and maize samples of an interlaboratory test and from an animal feed sample of different plants with the
Invisorb® Spin Food Kit II. 5 µl of the eluted DNA were analyzed on a 2% agarose gel (figure A). The isolated DNA (A) was amplified. The
PCR analysis was performed with specific primer according § 35 LMBG method. 20 µl of the amplified product were analyzed on a 2 %
agarose gel as shown in figure B.
(Data kindly provided by Mrs. Häger, AG Dr. Baier, JenaGen GmbH, Jena)
The Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C is designed for convenient DNA purification from up to 50 mg
of a wide variety of plant species in 96 well format using filter plates and a centrifuge. A vacuum-driven
process is available on request. There is also the possibility to automate this process.
Fig. 4
DNA isolation from Arabidopsis thaliana and subsequent PCR amplification
DNA was isolated from single leaves from Arabidopsis thaliana using the Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C on a deep well rotor
centrifuge. The leaves were homogenized before lysis by using a Retsch Mixer mill under liquid nitrogen. The DNA was eluted in 60 µl and
5 µl were used in a subsequent PCR reaction. 10 µl of the eluted DNA were analyzed on a agarose gel (figure A) and 10 µl of the PCR
products were analyzed on a 2% agarose gel (figure B).
InviMag® Plant DNA Kits
The InviMag® Plant DNA Kits allow for rapid and economical purification of genomic DNA from up to
100 mg of fresh, frozen or dried plant material using magnetic beads. The InviMag® Plant DNA Mini Kit
is designed for manual use on the InviMag® Rack. The InviMag® Plant DNA Kits/ KF are designed for
automated preparation on the KingFisher workstations.
Fig. 5
Analysis of plant DNA
DNA from each 60 mg of Allium cepaand and from 60 mg Hedera helix was
isolated using the InviMagPlant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL on KingFisher mL and
10 µl of the eluate were analyzed after an RNAse A treatment on a 0.8 % agarose
Lane 1, 8
Lane 2 - 4
Lane 4 - 7
10 kb ladder
DNA from Allium cepaand
DNA from Hedera helix
Fig. 6
Analysis of DNA yield from different plant species
DNA from 60 mg of cress, leaves of clover, or maize, maize seeds and
parsley was isolated using the InviMagPlant DNA Mini Kit/ KF 96 on
the KingFisher 96 and the yield was detected using a spectrophotometer
for the different species after an RNase A treatment.
InviMag® Plant DNA Kits
Identification of GMOs in corn compounds
Examples of GMOs are diverse, and include transgenic experimental animals such as mice, several fish
species, transgenic plants or various microscopic organisms altered for the purposes of genetic
research or for the production of pharmaceuticals. The presence of GMOs can affect the use and value
of products in an entire lot.
Genomic DNA from Corn
positive control
Red curve – positive control
Light green curves – samples
Dark green curves – standard
GMO determination
positive control
Red curve – positive control
Light blue curves – samples
Dark blue curves – standard
Fig. 7
DNA was isolated from 60 mg hackled corn compounds including defined amounts of GMO material, using the InviMag® Plant
DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL. The DNA was eluted in 100 µl Elution Buffer. 5 µl of the eluted DNA were used for the real-time amplification of
genomic DNA and GMO-DNA, to determine the copy number. By measurement of genomic and GMO copies the relation between the two
genetic components was calculated. It was compared with the known data of the materials.
Percentage of GMO copies to DNA copies
Genomic DNA copies
Genomic DNA: GMO DNA
Theoretical amount of
GMO copies
0.02 %
0.03 %
0.2 %
0.3 %
0.74 %
1.0 %
5.2 %
8.0 %
(Data kindly provided from Dr. St. Mergemeier, Congen Biotechnologie GmbH)
Smarter RNA sample preparation
InviTrap® - pure RNA without DNase
The unique feature of InviTrap® products is the specific removal of DNA from RNA sample preparations.
Efficient RNA purification from plants
Improve Efficiency - Pure RNA without DNase digestion
selective genomic DNA removal during lysis step
Improve Effectiveness - High yields
up to 100 µg pure RNA from 100 mg plant material or 107 plant cells
Maximize Capabilities - Optimal processing of various samples
two sample-specific lysis buffers included - contaminants, such as polysaccharides, or
polyphenols are removed
Maximize Capabilities - Versatile use
incl. simultaneous isolation of RNA and proteins or RNA and DNA
Optimized protocols
The homogenized sample is lysed in an optimized and RNase inactivating buffer. To satisfy the variable
composition of plants two sample-specific lysis buffers are included. Contaminants such as
polysaccharides and polyphenols are efficiently removed.
During lysis the genomic DNA binds to the surface of specific carrier particles. Digestion with DNase is
not necessary. After removal of the cell debris and the DNA-binding carrier the RNA binding conditions
are adjusted. Total RNA binds to the membrane of the spin column or 96 well plate followed by washing
steps, leaving pure RNA to be eluted in RNase free water. The isolated RNA is ready-to-use for
subsequent downstream applications, e.g.:
real-time RT-PCR
Northern Blotting
RNA isolation procedures
spin column - membrane
96 well - membrane
Lysis of homogenized
starting material
Lysis of homogenized
starting material
Adjustment of DNA
binding conditions
Selective removal of
genomic DNA
Adjustment of DNA
binding conditions
Adjustment of RNA
binding conditions
Selective removal of
genomic DNA
Adjustment of RNA
binding conditions
Binding of RNA
Binding of RNA
Washing steps
Elution of pure RNA
Washing steps
Elution of pure RNA
InviTrap® Plant RNA Kits
The InviTrap® Spin Plant RNA Mini Kit is the ideal tool for fast and easy isolation of total RNA from a
wide variety of plant samples and filamentous fungi. Pure RNA can be isolated from up to 100 mg of
plant material or 107 plant or fungal cells in less than 30 min. The genomic DNA is removed without an
enzymatic digestion step. RNases are inactivated to prevent RNA degradation. Furthermore the
InviTrap® RNA kits feature capped spin columns for safe and reliable RNA purification.
Fig. 8
High-quality total RNA from Arabidopsis thalianan
Total RNA was isolated from Arabidopsis thalianan (leaves) using the InviTrap® Spin
Plant RNA Mini Kit. RNA was separated on a denaturating agarose gel.
(Data kindly provided from Ms. Weißleder, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research,
Gatersleben, Germany)
Fig. 9
Excellent RNA performance in downstream RT-PCR assay
Total RNA was isolated from 100 mg of fresh leaves or young shoots of
orange, mandarin and grapefruit plants using the InviTrap® Spin Plant
RNA Mini Kit. RNA was eluted in 50 µl of elution buffer and amplified
in a RT-PCR assay using viroid specific CVd-IIb primers. Lane M, 50 bp
DNA ladder; -, water; H, healthy citrus; +, positive control; 1-4, tested
citrus samples
(Survey and molecular detection of two citrus viroids affecting commercial citrus orchards in
the Northern part of Sudan. Mohamed Yousif Adam Abubaker and Siddig Mohamed
Elhassan. Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2010, 1(5): 930-937)
The InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C simplifies RNA isolation from 96 plant samples in parallel
using a filter plate in a centrifuge. The genomic DNA is not digested with DNase but removed using a
DNA-binding carrier. Therefore simultaneous DNA isolation is possible via an additional module.
A vacuum-driven process is available on request. There is also the possibility to automate this process.
Fig. 10 RNA isolation from transgenic Populus tremula x tremuloides
RNA was isolated from young leaves of heat-shock inducible transgenic lines of
hybid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides) (1-6) and from more difficult
tissue-culuture grown stem (8), apex (7) and greenhouse leaves (9) after
disruption of the plant material in a bead mill using the InviTrap® RNA Plant
HTS 96 Kit/ C. The figure shows a representative selection of RNA samples, the
sharp ribosomal RNA banding pattern shows that the kit produces high quality
intact RNA from young leaves, and also from more difficult tissues such as
(Data kindly provided from A. Karlberg, Umea Plant Science centre, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden)
Plant DNA
Phylogeny of the leafy liverwort Ptilidium: cryptic speciation and shared haplotypes between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Kreier HP, Feldberg K, Mahr F, Bombosch A, Schmidt AR, Zhu RL, von Konrat M, Shaw B, Shaw AJ, Heinrichs J.
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One species or at least eight? Delimitation and distribution of Frullania tamarisci (L.) Dumort. s. l. (Jungermanniopsida, Porellales) inferred from nuclear and
chloroplast DNA markers.
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Mycotoxic nephropathy in Bulgarian pigs and chickens: complex aetiology and similarity to Balkan endemic nephropathy
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Diversification and Taxonomy of the Liverwort Jubula Dumort. (Jungermanniopsida: Porellales) Inferred from Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Sequences
Pätsch, Ricarda; Hentschel, Jörn; Linares-Palomino, Reynaldo; Zhu, Rui-Liang; Heinrichs, Jochen
Systematic Botany (2010), 35(1): pp. 6–12
In vitro vs in silico detected SNPs for the development of a genotyping array: what can we learn from a non-model species?
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Genome size correlates with growth form, habitat and phylogeny in the Andean genus Lasiocephalus (Asteraceae).
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Studies on Lophocoleaceae. XIX. The systematic identity of Cyanolophocolea R.M. Schust., an intriguing liverwort from New Zealand and Australia, based on
morphological and molecular evidence.
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Natural hybridization in tropical spikerushes of Eleocharis subgenus Limnochloa (Cyperaceae): Evidence from morphology and DNA markers
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Reexamination of the genus Pterocladiella (Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea based on morphology and rbcL sequences.
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First Report of Aster Yellows Phytoplasma in Grapevines in South Africa.
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Hylodesmus singaporensis gen. et sp. nov., a new autosporic subaerial green alga (Scenedesmaceae, Chlorophyta) from Singapore.
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Isolation of microsatellite markers for the common Mediterranean shrub Myrtus communis (Myrtaceae).
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Plant RNA
Recognition of A. thaliana centromeres by heterologous CENH3 requires high similarity to the endogenous protein.
Moraes IC, Lermontova I, Schubert I.
Plant Mol Biol. 2011 Feb;75(3):253-61
Over-expression of an FT-homologous gene of apple induces early flowering in annual and perennial plants.
Tränkner C, Lehmann S, Hoenicka H, Hanke MV, Fladung M, Lenhardt D, Dunemann F, Gau A, Schlangen K, Malnoy M, Flachowsky H.
Planta. 2010 Nov;232(6):1309-24
RLK7, a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase, is required for proper germination speed and tolerance to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Pitorre D, Llauro C, Jobet E, Guilleminot J, Brizard JP, Delseny M, Lasserre E.
Planta. 2010 Nov;232(6):1339-53
Kinome profiling reveals an interaction between jasmonate, salicylate and light control of hyponastic petiole growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ritsema T, van Zanten M, Leon-Reyes A, Voesenek LA, Millenaar FF, Pieterse CM, Peeters AJ.
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Expression divergence of the AGL6 MADS domain transcription factor lineage after a core eudicot duplication suggests functional diversification.
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The proteome map of spinach leaf peroxisomes indicates partial compartmentalization of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) biosynthesis in plant peroxisomes
Lavanya Babujee, Virginie Wurtz, Changle Ma, Franziska Lueder, Pradeep Soni, Alain van Dorsselaer, and Sigrun Reumann
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Two novel proteins expressed by the venom glands of Apis mellifera and Nasonia vitripennis share an ancient C1q-like domain.
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A Study of Gene Expression in the Nematode Resistant Wild Peanut Relative, Arachis stenosperma, in Response to Challenge with Meloidogyne arenaria.
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Survey and molecular detection of two citrus viroids affecting commercial citrus orchards in the Northern part of Sudan.
Mohamed Yousif Adam Abubaker and Siddig Mohamed Elhassan
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Identification of host genes potentially implicated in the Malus pumila and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ interactions.
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Identification and evaluation of new reference genes in Gossypium hirsutum for accurate normalization of real-time quantitative RT-PCR data.
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The Unique Biosynthetic Route from Lupinus β-Conglutin Gene to Blad.
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Abscisic Acid-Induced Resistance against the Brown Spot Pathogen Cochliobolus miyabeanus in Rice Involves MAP Kinase-Mediated Repression of Ethylene
David De Vleesschauwer, Yinong Yang, Casiana Vera Cruz, and Monica Höfte
Plant Physiology, Apr 2010; 152: 2036 - 2052.
About STRATEC Molecular
STRATEC Molecular – part of the STRATEC group since 2009 – is a globally active provider of
innovative system solutions for nucleic acid sample collection, stabilization, and both manual and
automated purification from any sample type. Since 1992 the company is internationally respected for
its outstanding and high performance technology platforms and offers a broad spectrum of superior
products for molecular diagnostics, drug discovery and Life Science research.
As an EN ISO 13485:2003 + AC 2007 and EN ISO 9001:2008 certified company all STRATEC
Molecular products are subject to extensive quality control. In compliance with Directive 98/79/EC
(IVDD) many STRATEC Molecular products are CE-certified. STRATEC Molecular guarantees the
correct function of all products and highest quality support by first-rate service.
About the STRATEC group
The STRATEC group consists of the publicly listed parent company STRATEC Biomedical AG and of
subsidiaries and second-tier subsidiaries in Germany, the USA, the UK, Switzerland and Romania. The
STRATEC Biomedical AG ( designs and manufactures fully automated systems
for its partners in the fields of clinical diagnostics and biotechnology.
Core technologies
InviTrap - Selective removal of DNA
Non-chaotropic chemistry
shorter protocols through reduced salt
higher yields from complex/precious samples
more intact chromosomal DNA
InviMag - Magnetic beads
MSB - Minimal salt binding
the fastest way to purify DNA fragments
excellent purity without washing
RNAsure - Viral RNA protection
Extraction Tube provides all lysis components,
Carrier RNA and standards stabilized at RT
safer sample handling due to reduced
hands-on steps
PSP - DNA sample stabilization
manual and automated DNA and RNA
RTP - Ready to prep
highly purified RNA for better RT-PCR
no DNase digestion required
stabilization of host/pathogen DNA at RT in
stool, saliva or swab samples
preservation of bacterial titers at the time
of sampling
immediate lysis and viral RNA stabilization
in biological samples
RNA resistant to degradation for up to 6
month at RT