JERALD RHODES 1726 W Gillbreath Hill Rd Newberry, IN Sample ID: CAVE Rec #: 2 Analysis Date: 04/26/2013 Dealer: 47449 Grower: Report #: 12-291-0722 GRASS HAY - Lab #: 24394152 Previous Crop: ton Recommended Nutrient Applications Analytical Laboratory Findings (%) Results 2.9 (ppm) 5 Sub-Soil Nitrate (Lbs) 6 P1 Phosphorus (ppm) 4 VL P2 Phosphorus (ppm) 8 L Bicarb - P (Olsen) (ppm) -- -- Potassium (ppm) 56 L Magnesium (ppm) 115 M Calcium (ppm) 1396 H Sulfur (ppm) 8 L Zinc (ppm) 1.4 M Manganese (ppm) 23 H Iron (ppm) 56 VH Copper (ppm) 1.1 M Boron (ppm) 0.4 VL Sodium (ppm) 6 OM Nitrate Surface Soluble Salts mmhos/cm 0.1 Excess Lime L L pH 6.2 Buffer Index 6.8 Hydrogen MEQ: 1.1 Rate M VL ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ L Pounds per Acre M H Intended Crop VH Yield Goal CORN - bu 175 bu/A Nitrogen 200 Phosphate 150 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Potash ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Magnesium ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Calcium Carbonate ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sulfur ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Zinc ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Manganese ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Iron Copper ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Boron ♦ 140 15 19 2.5 ---1.4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ K % 1.6 Cation Exchange Capacity: 9.2 Soil Analysis performed and provided by Mg % 10.4 Ca % 75.9 Lime (Lbs) 1800 Lime (tons) 0.9 H % 11.8 Na % 0.3 JERALD RHODES 1726 W Gillbreath Hill Rd Newberry, IN Sample ID: CAVE Dealer: 47449 Grower: Report #: 12-291-0722 Rec #: 2 Analysis Date: 04/26/2013 GRASS HAY - Lab #: 24394152 Previous Crop: ton AgroVantage Recommended Fertility Program for 1 acre(s) of 175 bu/A CORN - bu Starter Fertilizer FS Secondary & Micro Nutrients S Nitrogen Management N Number of Rate per Applications Application Soil Ammendments A System Component Method Feast® 3-18-18 Feast® Side-Kick™ Feast® Zinc Feast® Boron In-Row In-Row In-Row Side Band / Foliar 1 1 1 1/1 5 4 2.0 2.5 ⁄ 1.2 Gal/A Qts/A Pints/A Pints/A N Guardian® DL or DF Side Band 1 1.85 or 5 Qts or Lbs/A A SuperCal 98G (Lime) Soil Broadcast 1 500 Lbs/A FS S Units Total Amt. Needed 5 Gal. 1.0 Gal. 2.0 Pints 3.7 Pints 1.85 Qts or 5 Lbs/A 500 Lbs. Additional Fertility Requirements when ALL the above Products are Applied Pounds per Acre Lime N P 2 O5 K2O Mg S Zn Mn Fe Cu B lb. 90% CaCO3 Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Magnesium Sulfur Zinc Manganese Iron Copper Boron 300 165 110 90 15 11 -- -- -- -- -- Starter and/or foliar fertilizer recommendations contained on this soil analysis are calibrated only for Conklin Feast Yield Master/ Profit Master/Micro master/ Side-Kick formulations. Other brands may fail in use, cause crop injury or damage, or not meet expected results due to differences in raw materials, formulations, manufacturing methods, changes during storage, and other unknown factors. Conklin Company, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw these specific recommendations from the user and disclaims all warranties and accepts no responsibility in the event AgroVantage products are not used exclusively. Changes from the above recommendation should not be done without a review from a qualified Conklin Company, Inc. agronomist. FS Alternate Feast Starter Recommendation Number of Rate per System Component Method Applications Application Feast® 2-15-19 +3(S) In-Row 1 6 Units Total Amt. Needed Gal/A 6 Gal. Analysis indicates that the above alternative starter fertilizer is an appropriate substitute for Feast 3-18-18 & Side-Kick. CR-1) Apply FEAST foliar fertilizers at a maximum of three gallons per acre per application. CR-2) Apply 2 ounces of Amplify-D per fifty pounds of seed or apply one pound of Amplify-L to treat 1,500 pounds of seed. Follow label instructions. CR-4) Use a maximum of ten ounces of FOLIAR X-CYTO plant growth regulator per treated acre during growth stage V-3 to V-6 to stimulate more vigorous early plant growth and improve plant health. CR-5) Use ten ounces of SOIL X-CYTO plant growth regulator per acre in-row at planting with starter fertilizer to stimulate more vigorous early plant growth and improve plant health. CR-6) To increase protein, seed size and test weight, it is recommended that up to a total of 5 gallons per acre of FEAST XL be applied at the white blister stage (R-2). CR-8) Conklin has a full line of forage inoculants, PROSERVE II and FEEDSTORE. Information on these products may be obtained by calling your Conklin representative or by clicking here to be redirected to the hyperlinks form. CR-9) Conklin recommends a minimum of 15 pounds of nitrogen be applied either at preplant or at planting in addition to the starter fertilizer. Do not mix UAN solution with Conklin starter fertilizers. CR-10) Feast starter fertilizer should not be considered a source of nitrogen required by Corn. A) It may not be practical to broadcast small amounts of phosphorus and/or potassium each year. If the suggested rate is small, an alternative would be to double the rate and broadcast on alternate years. Also, soil testing is a good management tool to monitor phosphorus and potassium levels before rotation to the next crop. C) Due to the lower soil Cation Exchange Capacity value for this sample it is recommended that the amount of Nitrogen applied at any one time not exceed the value of 10 times the soil CEC value indicated. Application of Nitrogen pounds in excess of this amount will result in lower Nitrogen utilization and losses due to soil leaching and denitrification. D) To determine the most effective way to provide additional micronutrients either call your Conklin AG Product Services Representative at (952) 445-6010. E) If Boron is recommended, it can be band-applied together with other crop chemicals. However, do not apply Boron in-row or splitter on crops. F) Because of economics and or potential seedling damage concerns, Conklin does not recommend more than a total of five pints of all micronutrients be applied in-row or splitter. G) No more than four pints per acre of Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese or Zinc either individually, or in combination, should be placed in-row or splitter because of economics and /or potential seedling damage. Remaining amounts can be applied in an application other than in-row or splitter. H) No more than two pints per acre of either Copper or Iron should be used in-row or splitter because of economics and /or potential seedling damage. If both Copper and Iron are used together, do not use more than two pints per acre total. Remaining amounts can be foliar fed or applied in an application other than in-row or splitter. I) For timing and method of foliar applications consult the specific Conklin Crop Recommendation Sheet or call your Conklin Ag Product Services Representative at (952) 445-6010. J) Check pesticide label caution statements and compatibility before mixing FEAST with any pesticide. KOMBIND may improve compatibility. K) Yield response to starter fertilizer is most likely under conditions of limited drainage, cool spring temperatures, or high residue minimum tillage. L) You should consult each product label for specific application instructions. M) For maximum benefit, Guardian DF or Guardian DL should be used with at least 80% of the total Nitrogen in a fertility program. N) When using UAN, Urea or NH4NO3, to satisfy soil nitrogen demand, it is recommended that either Guardian-DF or Guardian DL be used. Note that the Nitrogen application in the Additional Fertility Requirements section of this report has been reduced 15% to reflect the recommended usage of Guardian-DF or Guardian-DL. O) Refer to Conklin crop recommendation sheets for additional foliar yield enhancing options. P) Use RAINFAST, SATURALL 85, and WEX to optimize foliar applications of fertilizers and pesticides. Refer to product labels for specific uses and application rates. Q) Use BULL'S-EYE for pesticide drift management where water is the primary carrier. Refer to the label for specific uses and application rates. R) Use COMPLETE with ROUNDUP ULTRA and other pesticides allowing the addition of AMS solution (ammonium sulfate) to the tank mix to enhance pesticide activity. Refer to the label for specific uses and application rates. S) Use HOME RUN in pesticide applications requiring crop oil. Refer to the label for specific uses and application rates.
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