Calendar of Special Events For a complete calendar of PTA, School, and Foundation events, visit Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 28 Oct 30 Foundation Frozen Dessert Orders/Money Due Fall School Picture Day - free dress Science Fair Kick-off Night, 6:30-8:00 Red Ribbon Week PTA & Foundation Meeting, 7pm, Library Red Ribbon BBQ, 12p -1p Awards Assembly, 1:15 – 2:15pm Pumpkin Walk Carnival, 5-8pm Nov 4 Nov 11 Nov 16–23 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 26-27 Reflections Reception, 6:30-8:00pm Veterans Day, School Holiday Parent Conferences/Minimum Days, 2pm dismissal Togo’s Night, 4-9p PTA & Foundation Meeting, 7pm, Library Thanksgiving Break, School Holiday Dec 3 Dec 9 Dec 21 -Jan 1 Make-Up Picture Day & 5th grade Class Photo Vendor Faire, 2pm Winter Break, No School Jan 18 Jan 26 Jan 29 Martin Luther King Holiday, School Holiday PTA & Foundation Meeting, 7pm, Library Teacher of the Year Essays Due Feb 8 Feb 16 Feb 20 Feb 23 Feb 25 Feb 25 Lincoln’s Birthday, School Holiday Washington’s Birthday, School Holiday Mar 9-10 Mar 12 Mar 19 Mar 23 Mar 19 Mar 29 – Apr 2 Minimum Days, 2pm dismissal Fun Run Career Day PTA & Foundation Meeting, 7pm, Library, PTA Elections Tentative Talent Show Auditions Read In Week/Book Fair Apr 5-9 Apr 15 Apr 19-23 Apr 23 Apr 27 Spring Break Kite Day, 2:30 – 4:00pm Secretaries' Week/VIPS Appreciation Spring School Pictures (Optional), Free Dress????? PTA & Foundation Meeting, 7pm, Library May 17 – 21 May 22 May 25 May 28 May 31 Staff Appreciation Week Casino Night, El Dorado Park, Garden Pavilion Event Center, 6-11pm PTA & Foundation Meeting, 7pm, Library Talent Show, 6-7pm Memorial Day, School Holiday Jun 16 Jun 17 5th Grade Promotion, 10-11:30am 5th grade picnic, Last Day of School, Minimum Day Pancake Breakfast -Teacher Auction, Classroom Basket Auction, 8-12 PTA & Foundation Mtg, 7pm, Library, PTA Officer Nominations Togo’s Night, 4-9 pm Open House, 6pm William F. Prisk PTA Founded in 1954 Mission Statement Here at Prisk Elementary we encourage and welcome involvement of parents both in the classroom and as members of the PTA. The objectives of the PTA at Prisk are to: promote parent and public involvement in Prisk and our community; assist the staff at Prisk in promoting the welfare, quality of life and educational opportunities for our children and, bring together the relationship between parents and teachers so that we may create a more informed approach to the education of out children. CA PTA’s Mission The mission of the California State PTA is to positively impact the lives of all children and families by representing our members and empowering and supporting them with skills in advocacy, leadership, and communication. California State PTA Board of Managers, July 2007 Purposes of the PTA To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship. To raise the standards of home life. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education. Emergency Procedures (cont.) The decision to keep students at the school will be based upon whether the streets in the area are open and safe. Tune in to designated radio stations for updates. Students who happen to be on a school bus during such an emergency will be kept on the bus and the driver will ask for assistance through radio contact. In case of a “hazardous release event” near the school area, “Lock Down” procedures will be implemented to provide in-place protection until such time as an “all clear” signal is given. Students will be released only to parents and persons identified on the School District Emergency Card. Please be sure to bring valid identification with you. Please be patient and understanding with the student release procedures, as it is the safest and most effective method in an emergency. Please instruct your child to remain at school until you or a designee arrives. Emergency/Disaster Procedures Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise while school is in session, we want you to be aware that the schools have made preparations to respond effectively to such situations. Our school District has detailed disaster plans which have been formulated to respond to any major catastrophe. Table of Contents Page PTA Welcome 1 PTA Meeting Dates 2 Your cooperation is necessary in any emergency. Please follow these guidelines: PTA Officers and Chairpersons 3 1. Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication. PTA Friendly Faces 5 2. In the event of a serious earthquake, students will be kept at their schools until they are picked up by an identified responsible adult who has been designated such on a School District Emergency Card which is required to be completed by the parents at the beginning of every school year. Please be sure you consider the following criteria when you authorize another person to pickup your child from school: a) the person is at least 18 years of age b) the person brings valid identification when picking up c) they are usually home during the day to receive emergency calls from the school d) they can walk to the school site if necessary e) they are known to your child f) they are both aware of and able to assume this responsibility District, State & National Contacts 7 School Numbers, Hours and Schedules 8 Prisk Staff List 9 Prisk School Code of Conduct 11 Class List/Room Parents 12 Prisk Family Contacts 16 PTA Events & Programs 26 Fun Run—PTA Fundraiser 32 3. Turn your radio to KFI 640 AM, KNX 1070 AM, or KFWB 980 AM for emergency announcements. If students are to be kept at school, radio stations will be notified. If electrical services is not affected, information will be relayed via the School District’s cable channel 51. In addition, information regarding day-today school operations will be available by calling the LBUSD Administration Building @ 562-997-8000. Foundation Info & Fundraisers 33 Emergency/Disaster Procedures 35 4. Impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of any school personnel in times of an emergency. 35 Long Beach Council PTA Thirty-Third District PTA California State PTA Welcome! from the Prisk PTA The members of the Prisk PTA would like to sincerely welcome you to the 2009-10 school year. We look forward to working hard on enhancing all of the students’ educational experiences with both academic and fun activities throughout the year. Prisk is so fortunate to have a very active, friendly and dedicated PTA – but we still need more help, so please feel welcomed to join us! If you have any questions about what the PTA does for Prisk, please read through pages 26-31 of this directory for detailed program descriptions. The PTA has compiled this PROGRAM & DIRECTORY for the purpose of keeping you and your kids connected with the school and the other Prisk families. It is a useful tool when your child may have questions about homework or you need to check with another parent about activities or schedules. Please note that the student information may be incomplete because participation is totally voluntary and some have opted out. We have also included some important emergency procedure information on the last two pages. We suggest that you keep this handy so that it is easily referred to in an actual emergency situation. IMPORTANT: We would like to remind you that any information in this document may only be used for the convenience of the Prisk staff, parents and students. It may not be used for any commercial purposes or distributed to anywhere outside of the Prisk community – to do so would be illegal. We wish you a wonderful year, and if at all possible, please plug into PTA – you are an essential piece to our success! 1 Sincerely, Andrea Sams PTA President 00 $5 . kfast a e r B ke Panca t Auction & Silen Co m e en jo y b r e akf a st w ith y o u r teach er s an d su p p o r t th e P r isk scien ce an d co m p u ter p r o gr am s. Bid o n cla ssr o o m b as ket s in o u r S ilen t Au ct io n . b. 20, Sat., Fe 2010 m –12:00a m a 0 8:0 LI A U CV E T E A “ da TI ON ! C H ER t fa v e” wi t Wi n a orit e te h your ach er! Pa n ca k e s, s a u s a g e , j u i ce a n d co f f e e w i l l b e s e r ve d u p f r e s h by P r i s k ’s ow n C h e f G r e g B e l l ( a k a M r s. B e l l ’s h u s b a n d ) Â\ËÅ TÄÄ \ÇÊ THIRD ANNUAL CASINO NIGHT Don’t miss the fun at this adults-only evening benefitting the Prisk Science and Computer programs Save the Date Saturday, May 22 , 2010 El Dorado Golf Course “Garden Pavilion” 6:00—11:00 pm FOOD, DANCING, RAFFLE PRIZES, MORE Tickets will be ADVANCE PURCHASE ONLY! Details coming home Spring 2010 34 Help your PTA What is the Prisk Foundation ’09!’10 PTA Meeting Dates All funds raised by the Prisk Foundation will be deposited into our account with the LBEF. These funds are kept in an account for the exclusive use of Prisk. Why do we need a Foundation? California public schools are facing a severe funding crisis. Over the past 6 years Long Beach Unified School District has had to cut over $90 million. This does NOT include the proposed cuts for the upcoming fiscal year. What this translates into is drastically reduced funding for all “extras” such as Prisk’s Science and Computer labs. We, as a school, must now find a way to pay for the salaries of both our Science Teacher and Computer Aide. This year, the Foundation is funding our Science specialist 4 days/week and a Computer Aide 1 day/week. In order to continue both of these programs next year, we need to raise approximately $50,000. 33 Every Piece Is Essential..... The Prisk Foundation falls under the umbrella of the Long Beach Education Foundation, a non-profit 501 (C)(3) corporation, started in 1989 to support schools in the Long Beach Unified School District. Every Teacher, Every Student, Every Parent Regular meetings are typically held in the school library at 7:00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month - except September. Foundation meeting immediately following. September 15 - PTA Hospitality October 27 - Special Needs Kids November 24 - Kindergarten Dec– no meeting January 26 - 1st grade February 23 - 2nd grade (Teacher of the Year/Officer Nominations) March 23 - 3rd grade (Officer Elections) April 27 - 4th grade May 25 - 5th grade Indicates specially featured topics and the grade level providing snacks 2 Prisk PTA Contacts Feel free to contact any of the following people regarding their PTA event or Program. You may also contact us via email at or visit us on the web at Position Prisk PTA Officers Name Home President Andrea Sams 431-0949 Executive VP Jill Rubinelli 490-0744 VP Membership Marylou Flores 938-1761 Cell email 519-2276 310-880-6772 Private info not for web 480-2359 VP Room Parents Lynn Fischer 420-6946 889-8579 VP Ways & Means Shari Alpern 252-1537 301-8996 Secretary Treasurer Scrip Treasurer Auditor (this information is voluntarily provided Amanda Foelber 354-6284 209-1307 by PTA officers and chairpersons - we 938-7183 221-3139 Jill Reyes obtain permission before publishing in 431-0949 519-2191 Alan Sams hardcopy document is distributed school wide) 598-9378 335-0338 Thea Walker Financial Secretary Tamara Wilhite 421-2803 ------------ Historian Allyson Noel 493-5925 631-0452 Parliamentarian Liz Jimenez 431-4934 230-6311 Position Prisk PTA Chairpersons Name Home Cell email Back To School Packs Marylou Flores 938-1761 Book Fair Debi Bowers 430-2450 Box Tops/ Labels Vivian Panou-Kiousis ------------ 949-579-0129 Career Day Cynthia Brayboy Directory 420-6946 889-8579 Lynn Fischer (this information is voluntarily provided Disaster Prep by PTA officers505-3603 and chairpersons - we Lisa Gonzalez 430-2560 431-3589 -----------Cindy Tostado obtain permission before publishing in Environmental Stewardship hardcopy document is distributed Cathy Tesch 497-1671 -----------431-6015 221-7470 Crystal Wysong school wide) E-Scrip Sharlene Leventhal 433-6246 787-5682 Family Fun Night Jill Reyes Liz Jimenez 938-7183 431-4934 221-3139 230-6311 3 480-2359 225-7537 Private info not for web 420-1738 310-993-9620 32 Prisk PTA Chairpersons, cont. Teacher Appreciation (All Year) PTA spends some money thanking our wonderful teachers for their hard work. We have a “Teacher of the Year” Essay contest with prizes for the winning teacher and all student essay writers. We also have a year long campaign of special treats for our teachers once per month and then for a week in May. Fifth Grade Activities Lynn Fischer Jill Rubinelli 420-6946 889-8579 490-0744 310-880-6772 Fun Run Jill Rubinelli 490-0744 310-880-6772 Togo’s Night (Nov 17 & Feb 25 Fundraiser) Hospitality Jennifer Bourgeois 598-6234 Our local Los Altos Togo's will give the school a percentage of the sales from a designated day/time period. It’s a fun and easy way to give money to the school. Lunchtime Library Shery McCoy Cindy Carroll Marquee/ Posters Candice Nantais 618-6626 493-3055 T-shirt Sales/Spirit wear (All Year) School logo t-shirts, embroidered polos and sweatshirts will be made available in student and adult sizes for minimal cost throughout the year. In addition, the PTA has set up accounts with Lands End and French Toast brand uniform suppliers in which any orders that you place on line will benefit the school (this also makes it convenient to find school clothes throughout the year). * If you shop with Land’s End at and enter our Prisk Preferred School Code: 900081480 Prisk will receive 3% of all sales Position Name Home Cell email 335-0726 493-4245 310-991-9225 597-2428 787-5005 Private info not for web Meet the Masters Debi Bowers 430-2450 225-7537 Paper Doll 490-0744 310-880-6772 Jill Rubinelli Parent Workroom Alana Stevens Pennies for Prisk Prisk Press Pumpkin Walk 430-6511 818-1168 (this information is voluntarily provided 420-7240 -----------by PTA493-5925 officers and chairpersons - we Allyson Noel 631-0452 obtain permission before publishing in Shari/David Alpern 252-1537 301-8996 hardcopy document that is distributed Amanda Foelber school 354-6284 wide) 209-1307 Aysun Grunseich Jennifer Wenger 761-3488 n/a Haunted Hallway Crystal Wysong 431-6015 221-7470 * If you shop with French Toast at and enter our Prisk Source Code: QS46QCH Prisk will receive 5% of all sales Read In * If you shop with Skool Duds they gives 10% of sales back to Prisk – they will be on campus a number of times throughout the year (watch for dates and times) or you can visit them at Reflections Web Site/E-mail (All Year) Smencil Sales Anne McConnell 420-6151 756-3888 Snack Shack Shery McCoy Cindy Carroll We are very proud of our new PTA website and email services which make connecting with us very easy. You will find a calendar of events, the Prisk Press newsletter, flyers and forms, important PTA news and information, links to other websites, and a general PTA email address. You can view the website at or reach us by email at W.I.N.G.S. (September) Stands for “We Include Newcomers and Give Support”. It is intended to reach out to families which are new to Prisk and offer up answers and information so that they feel both welcomed and informed. If you are a new family and wish to connect with helpful people, please email the PTA and we will help you out. Red Ribbon Wk. Lisa Gonzalez Talent Show 493-5925 631-0452 420-2560 505-3603 Anne McConnell 420-6151 756-3888 431-4934 230-6311 Liz Jimenez School Pictures Beth Marchak 431-7835 493-4245 597-2428 Cynthia McGarity n/a 431-4934 Liz Jimenez ------------ 787-5005 754-7851 230-6311 310-991-9225 Teacher Appreciation Cathy Tesch 497 1671 ------------ Crystal Wysong 431-6015 221-7470 Teacher of the Year Essays Steffeni Kikuta 420-1722 !!"#$%"$& Togo's Night Tamara Wilhite 421-2803 ------------ T-Shirt Sales Ken McCoy 493-4245 480-5395 Website Manager Jason Gordon WINGS 31 Allyson Noel Jill Rubinelli Allyson Noel 342-6253 916-469-5623 490-0744 310-880-6772 493-5925 631-0452 4 PTA Friendly Faces Not for web publication School Pictures (10/15, 12/3, 2/11 & 4/23) Fall school pictures will be taken on October 15th. This is a free dress day. You can purchase packets of pictures and order yearbooks. Make up picture day will happen on December 3. On February 11, class group pictures will be taken – all students should be in uniform. Another optional picture day will happen on April 23 – this will include a casual backdrop and can be a free dress day. Science Labs (All Year) We provide equipment and supplies for the science lab and the boards for science projects (some money is recovered with the sale of science project boards). Andrea Sams President Jill Rubinelli Executive Vice President Not for web publication Not for web publication Marylou Flores VP Membership Lynn Fischer VP Room Parents Scrip Sales (All Year, Fundraiser) Help your school just by buying gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants through the Prisk scrip program and by registering your credit cards with “e-scrip”. A percentage of total sales are then donated to our school, and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Scrip sales happen about twice a week (check the bulletin board by the office for dates and times) plus we are planning a couple of special events stay tuned for details! Snack Shack (All Year) Almost every Thursday your kids will be begging you for $0.50 so that they can buy a popsicle or other snack from the tables set up outside the PTA work room. Students also have opportunities to earn free ice cream tickets from their teachers and by participating in certain activities. Smencils (scented pencils) are also available for sale, on occasion, for $1. Student Planners (September) Money donated to pay for AVID student planners for the 4th & 5th grade students. Not for web publication Not for web publication Student Recognition (All Year) PTA sets this money aside for student recognition needs, such as awards and certificates, “WOW” student buttons and anything else that may come up throughout the year. Talent Show (May 28) Shari Alpern VP Ways & Means 5 Amanda Foelber Secretary An annual talent show gives every student an opportunity to audition for this fun event. Costs include some equipment rentals, usually a professional emcee, and student recognition materials. 30 PTA Membership (Sep – Oct) Even if you don’t have time to volunteer, it is important for every Prisk family to become members of the PTA. It serves as a fundraiser, but more importantly, having a high number of members gives our school PTA power and influence at the state level. Pumpkin Walk (October) Our annual fall carnival is provided for a low cost, good family fun experience including games, activities, food and music. It requires a huge amount of volunteer support from parents, but typically the cost is recouped through the purchase of game tickets and food purchases. The 2008-09 carnival made a profit of nearly $500. Please feel free to ask questions of any of these friendly faces that you will likely see around campus. Not for web publication Not for web publication Treasurer Jill Reyes Scrip Treasurer Alan Sams Read In (March) A week of activities which celebrate reading and Dr. Seuss’s birthday. This past year it included guest readers, a visit from “The Cat In The Hat”, an assembly, a barbecue, a “green eggs & ham” breakfast, and other fun activities intended to celebrate reading. Recreation Equipment Twice per year, the PTA donates $500 for the purchase of recreation equipment (balls, jump ropes, games, craft supplies, etc.) for use during recess, before and after school playground activities. Red Ribbon Week (October) This is a time focused on helping our kids understand that being drug free is the most important healthy choice they can make in life. Activities supporting the “Just Say No” message are provided over a week in October. Reflections (October) This is an annual event where students can submit an artistic creation (visual art, music, literature, photography or dance choreography) for display and for judging, with the possibility of being moved on to further judging levels all the way to a National level. It is a great opportunity for students to express themselves and be recognized for their artistic talents. Costs are incurred by some display materials, thank you gifts to judges, student recognition materials and for refreshments and materials for the award reception/art show. Not for web publication Not for web publication Thea Walker Auditor Tamara Wilhite Financial Secretary Not for web publication Not for web publication Room Parents: (All Year) PTA recruits, organizes and mentors room parents for each classroom. Room parents serve as a liaison between the PTA, the teacher and the families. 29 Allyson Noel Historian Liz Jimenez Parliamentarian 6 District, State, and National Contacts Long Beach Council PTA, President Leslie Gebb 1515 Hughes Way, Rm 227, Long Beach, CA 90810 562-494-6131, Thirty-Third District PTA, President: Tom Horn 5629 Pearce Ave, Ste 75, Lakewood, CA 90712,P.O. Box 1235, Lakewood 90714 Phone: (562) 804-4519 FAX - (562) 804-5460 District Web Site: District E-Mail: California State PTA, President Jo A.S. Loss 2327 L Street Sacramento, CA 95816-5014 Telephone: (916) 440-1985 Fax: (916) 440-1986 PTA National Headquarters, President Charles “Chuck” Saylors 541 N Fairbanks Court, Suite 1300, Chicago, IL 60611-3396 Ph: (312) 670-6782 Toll-Free: (800) 307-4PTA (4782) Fax: (312) 670-6783 E-mail PTA at LBUSD Superintendent of Schools, Christopher Steinhauser 1515 Hughes Way Long Beach, CA, CA 90810 (562) 997-8242 (562) 997-8280 FAX LBUSD Board of Education Members: 1515 Hughes Way, 4th Floor Long Beach, CA 90810 (562) 997-8240 (562) 997-8280 FAX District 1—Mary Stanton, Board Pres. District 2—Felton Williams, Board Vice-Pres. District 3—vacant District 4—John Meyers, Board Member District 5—David Barton, Board Member & Prisk Representative State Assemblymember, 54th District, Bonnie Lowenthal 110 Pine Avenue, Suite 804 Long Beach CA 90802 (562) 495-2915 Fax: (562) 495-2983 State Senator 27th District, Alan Lowenthal 115 Pine Ave, Suite 430 Long Beach, CA 90802 562-495-4766 fax 562-495-1876 US Congressman, 46th District, Dana Rohrabacher 101 Main Street, Suite 380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 T (714) 960-6483 F (714) 960-7806 Hospitality (All Year) This expense includes a luncheon for the teachers the day before school begins, refreshments for four choral/instrumental student concerts, three annual PTA ceremonial luncheons, PTA meeting refreshments, and refreshments for W.I.N.G.S which welcomes incoming parents at the beginning of the year. Lunchtime Library (All Year) Every Thursday at lunchtime, students are allowed to visit the special PTA library and check out books (this is separate from the school library). There was virtually no cost to run this program this year, but money has been spent in the past on bookshelves/storage, magazine subscriptions, etc. Meet the Masters (All Year) Prisk received an arts grant this year which paid fully for this program, but next year it will likely return as a PTA funding need. This is an educational arts program which teaches about the history of artists, genres and styles of visual art, professional training of volunteers who will teach an art lesson to children and lead them through an art project in the classroom three times per year. Parent Workroom (All Year) Volunteers provide copying and other support services for the teachers. PTA provides supplies for the workroom such as staplers & staples, hole punches, binding machine, scissors, glue, tape, etc. Pennies for Prisk (All Year) Each classroom has a jar for the collection of students’ loose change/ donations. Every month the jars are collected and counted and awards are given to the classes with the biggest totals. Profits go directly to the school for purchase of classroom supplies. Prisk Family Meet & Greet (September 25) Attend our “Welcome Back” event in September where you can enjoy dinner and some fun. You will have the opportunity to meet other Prisk families, the Principal, PTA leadership and Foundation leadership. There will also be Spiritwear, Scrip, PTA membership, and emergency kits available for sale. US Senator, Barbara Boxer, D-CA 312 N. Spring Street, Suite 1748 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 894-5000 Prisk Press /Newsletter (Al Year) US Senator Diane, Feinstein, D–CA 11111 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310)914-7300 Approximately five times per year, the PTA puts out a newsletter featuring school news, policies, events and other items of interest which keep parents connected to the school. 7 28 Disaster Preparedness (Sept. – Oct) Every student is encouraged to provide a disaster kit which the school stores for use in case of emergency. In September the school will send a list detailing what needs to be in the kits. You can either purchase those individual items on your own or, for your convenience, the PTA will make complete kits available for purchase. All kits are collected, labeled and placed in storage and then returned if unused at the end of the school year. Environmental Stewardship (All Year) This committee accomplishes many “green” projects at Prisk, including recycling, anti-litter program, garden maintenance costs and the new landscaping and energy garden in the front of the school. Money is mainly spent on professional tree trimming in the garden which our volunteers cannot do. The profit from the recycling program helps to cover about half of these costs. School Numbers, Hours, and Schedules Prisk Office Prisk Cafeteria Kids Club School Website 562-598-9601, 8:00am - 4:30 pm 562-596-8711 562-493-0818, 6:30am - 6:30 pm PTA/Foundation Messages PTA Website PTA Email Foundation Website Foundation Email 562-598-8601, room B-29 http: // School Hours E-Scrip (All Year, Fundraiser) Breakfast 8:30 am - 9:00 am This fundraising program asks the parents to register their debit and credit cards with E-Scrip which results in rebates to the school. It costs no money for the parents, but raises easy money for the school PreK am - Room 28 PreK pm - Room 28 8:30 am - 11:30 am 12:30 am - 3:20 pm Kindergarten Grades 1 - 5 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 9:00 am - 3:20 pm (M, T, W, F) 9:00 am - 2:15 pm - Every Thurs. Minimum Days 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Field Trips (All Year) Funds donated to the school to pay for student field trips - calculated at $15 per student. Fifth Grade Activities (May/June) We strive to make the 5th grade year special for every student in our graduating class - including an exclusive 5th grade t-shirt, a graduation ceremony (rented stage, chairs, decorations, refreshments), a graduation picnic, and a yearbook. PTA donates an amount to help offset the costs to the 5th graders’ families. Fun Run (March 12, 2010, Fundraiser) This is PTA’s one big fundraising event of the year. Teachers and students are encouraged to find donors to sponsor them for this jog-athon type event. It requires huge support from the parents for both the gathering of sponsors and in helping to run the event. The kids earn prizes for participation, and special awards go to the students who raise the most funds. This big fundraiser is needed to support all of our programs for the year. Supervised Playground 8:45 am - 9:00 am After school - 3:55 pm Crossing Guard 8:15-9:15/11:15-1:05/1:45-4:00 Lunch Schedule Recess Schedule Kindergarten 11:30 - 12:15 Rm 2,1,29a - 10:00 Rm 3,26,27 - 10:20 Grade 1 11:50 - 12:35 10:40 -10:55, 2:00 - 2:10 Grades 2 & 3 12:05 - 12:50 10:40 -10:55, 2:00 - 2:10 Grades 4 & 5 12:15 - 12:55 10:40 -10:55, 2:00 - 2:10 Weekly Events PTA Lunchtime Library Thursdays, Rm B-29, 11:50 - 12:55 PTA Snack Shack Thursdays, 2:15-2:45 27 except rain/special schedule days 8 Prisk Staff PRISK PIONEERS OF THE FUTURE Cynthia Young, Principal ! Trish Ross, Counselor (M,T, W, Th) ! Melissa Traches, Psychologist (Tu, Th) ! Classroom Teachers When you support PTA with your membership, your contributions and your volunteerism, you are helping to provide the following programs to the students at Prisk. Grade Room Susan Sandoval Pre-K 28 Back to School Packets – (Early September) Marybeth Murray Pre-K 4 Jennifer Wenger K 2 The packet sent home the first week of school, which provides important PTA information and volunteer forms. Vicky Stanton K 26 Box Tops/Labels For Education (All Year, Fundraiser) Laura Atwood-Jimenez K 1 Nancy Kimm K 27 Mary Beth Budai K 29 Every family has the opportunity to help make money for our school by simply collecting and turning in to Prisk PTA your box tops, UPC code labels and lids from certain products. For more information visit or Marie Riray K-1 3 Career Day (March) Gina Bonetati 1 5 Cathy Khoury 1 7 Kim Koerner 1 8 Not for web publication A day where 4th & 5th graders have an opportunity to attend classes presented by professionals who discuss their careers and opportunities for employment in their fields. Kaarin Bell 2 6 Debra Simmons 2 31 Jolene Fournier Arredondo 2 30 PTA donates up to $7 per student to each teacher for the purchase of classroom supplies and materials. Teachers purchase supplies and submit receipts for reimbursement. George Spiegel 3 19 Computer Lab (All Year) Maya Smith 3 21 Colette Napier 2/3 23 Several years ago, the PTA purchased all the computers for the “new” computer lab and now continues to support it with software, supplies, equipment and a subscription to an educational website. Linda Patton 2/3 20 Lori Green 3 25 Ujima Thompson 2/3 22 Stacey Beck 4/5 12 Maria Harris 4 14 Marcia Myers 4 15 Lillian Yoshimura 5 9 Lisa Ruggiero 5 11 Sharon Murray 4/5 17 9 email PTA Events and Programs Classroom Grants (All Year) Directory/Program (October) The Prisk Program & Directory is a wonderful way for you and your kids to stay connected with the school and the other families at Prisk. Families volunteer to provide their contact information, which is then published in a phone book, which includes many other useful bits of information. It is a great tool when your child may have questions about homework or if you need to check with another parent about school activities and schedules. 26 Prisk Staff, cont. Y-Z Family Names Specialists Specialty Room email Jan Wolfe RSP 18 16 24 Not for 32 web Michelle Rosenquist Beth Iovine Students/Families have the option of having their names and personal contact information included in the directory - only those who give express permission and provide their info are included for privacy protection purposes. Those pages have not been included in this sample to protect privacy..... Science Visually Impaired Claudia Banuelos Speech Limen Weng Speech publication Dining Rm. Amy Moy Speech Main Office Jennifer DiBenedettoAd. PE Dining Rm. Anne Yoon Choral Music (Th) Rae Boeving Instr. Music (T,W) Office Support Staff Ronnie Frazee, Secretary Linda Johnson, Clerk (M,F) Mary Bush, Clerk Pamela Crissman, Nurse (T,Th) TBD, Computer Tech (F) Cafeteria Mary Castro, Supervisor BJ Gooledge Carmela Lozano Library Melody Hubbard, Librarian (F) Braille Office Lisa Torrecampo Cheryl Yacoubian Custodial Staff Ron Capps, Supervisor Ray Bullard William Nelson Kids Club Amy Munoz, Supervisor-Rm. 37 Nicole Stonehouse–Rm. 37 Recreation Connie Coelho, Supervisor Debbie Rassmussen Maria Syracopoulos Sheila Bowdry Jim Pegan Anna Jones Rivera 10 Prisk School Code of Conduct YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A PRISK PIONEER • • • • • • • • • Realize that education is important. You are responsible for your success. Come to school clean, rested and dressed proper. (follow uniform guidelines) Treat classmates and adults the way you wish to be treated. Show respect by not distracting others, not using profanity, stealing or vandalizing. Share with your parents what you are learning in school. Ask questions when you don’t understand something. Complete and return homework on time. Spend time at home reading daily. Be responsible for your own behavior. YOUR RIGHTS A right belongs to you and cannot be taken away by anyone. Here are some of your important rights. 1. You have a right to be yourself at school. 2. You have a right to be respected and treated with kindness at school. 3. You have a right to be safe at school. 4. You have a right to tell your side of a problem. 5. You have a right to learn at school. SCHOOL RULES There are six (6) school rules everyone must learn and remember. If you follow these rules, you will have few problems at school. They are: •Use common sense (if someone might get hurt, don’t do it!) •Remain in assigned areas. •Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. •Complete all assigned work. •Use only kind words towards others. •Be truthful about the fact. BEHAVIORS NOT ACCEPTABLE 1. Tardiness/unexcused absences 2. Cheating 3. Being disrespectful to staff members 4. Stealing 5. Profanity/obscene gestures 6. Behavior which causes disruption 7. Destruction of property 8. Fighting (real or play) 9. Possession of alcohol or drugs or cigarettes 10. Wearing inappropriate clothing 11. Weapons/dangerous objects-leads to suspension or expulsion 11 TUVW Family Names
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