Working Report 2003-38 Soil sample analyses of Olkiluoto 2003 Petri Hanna Geological Lintinen Kahelin Survey of Finland October 2003 Base maps: ©National Land Survey, permission 41 /MYY/03 Working Reports contain information on vvork in progress or pending completion. The conclusions and vievvpoints presented in the report are those of author(s) and do not necessarily coincide vvith those of Posiva. TEKIJAORGANISAATIO: Geologian tutkimuskeskus PL 96 (Betonimiehenkuja 4) 02151 ESPOO TILAAJA: Posiva Oy 27160 OLKILUOTO TILAAJAN YHDYSHENKILO: Kimmo Lehto Posiva Oy TILAUSNUMEROT: 9640/03/KIL TEKIJAORGANISAATION YHDYSHENKILO: Petri Lintinen GTK Tyoraportti: SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES OF OLKILUOTO 2003 LISAHUOMIOT: Espoossa 01.10. 2003 Q~\i(~t~ Reijo Salminen tutkimusprofessori ~& Petri Lintinen erikoistutkija SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES OF OLKILUOTO ABSTRACT A geotechnical and geochemical soil survey was carried out in the Olkiluoto nuclear waste disposal site as part of an overall site characterisation. Sedimentary cover (Quaternary deposit) in the study area was studied and sampled in 2 test pits dug by excavator. Standard procedures were applied in logging of physical properties including compactness, stone content, stone size, roundness and moisture. Following determinations and chemical analyses were carried out: anions (Br, Cl, F, N0 3 and S04); metals (AI, Ca, Cs, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Sr and U) from synthetic rainwater leach, humidity and organic mater content. Fallowing geotechnical analyses were conducted: grain-size analysis (sieving, sedigraph) and permeability (K-value determination, constant head). This working report presents the all above analyses and shortly describes the results achieved. OLKILUODON MAAPERANAYTTEIDEN ANALYSOINTI JA RAPORTOINTI TIIVISTELMA Geotekninen ja geokemiallinen maaperatutkimus tehtiin Olkiluodon tulevan loppusijoituspaikan ymparistossa osana alueen yleisempaa karakterisointia. Tutkimusalueen maapera tutkittiin ja maaperanaytteita otettiin 2 traktorikaivurilla kaivetusta koekuopasta. Koekuoppien maa-aineksen fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien, mm. maa-aineksen tiiveys, kivien maara, kivikoko ja kosteus, maarittamiseksi sovellettiin GTK:n vallitsevia standardikaytantoja. Naytteista tehtiin seuraavat kemialliset maaritykset ja analyysit: anionit (Br, Cl, F, N0 3 and S0 4); metallit (Al, Ca, Cs, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Sr ja U) synteettisesta sadevesiuutosta; kosteuden ja orgaanisen aineksen maaritys gravimetrisesti. Naytteista tehtiin myos raekokoanalyysi (seulonta ja sedigrafi) ja vedenlapaisevyyden maaritys. Tassa tyoraportissa esitetaan kaikki yo. analyysit j a maaritykset. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT TIIVISTELMA TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 1 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 2 2 FIELDWORK AND SAMPLING ......................................................................... 2 3 GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSES .......................................................................... 2 4 CHEMICAL ANALYSES .................................................................................... 4 5 UNCERTAINTY ESTIMATIONS ....................................................................... 5 6 RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 6 6.1 Sediment cover ................................................................................................ 7 6.2 Soil chemistry .................................................................................................. 8 7 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 9 8 APPENDIXES ..................................................................................................... 10 Appendix 1. Test pit logging forms ......................................................................... 10 Appendix 2. Grain size distribution and statistical analyses ................................... 13 Appendix 3. Permeability measurements ................................................................ 21 Appendix 4. Chemical analyses ............................................................................... 29 2 1 INTRODUCTION This working report presents GTK's results of geotechnical and geochemical soil survey that was carried out in spring 2003 at the Olkiluoto nuclear waste disposal site as part of an overall site characterisation. The research activities were carried out based on Posiva's order number 9640/03/KIL (23.5.2003). Kimmo Lehto from Posiva acted as supervisor of this work. FIELDWORK AND SAMPLING 2 Sedimentary cover (Quatemany deposit) in the study area was studied and sampled in 2 test pits, dug by excavator. The total number of the samples was 8 (Table 1). Standard procedures were applied in logging of physical properties including compactness, stone content, stone size, and moisture. These properties were estimated in the scale of 1 to 5, where 1 donates the smallest degree with respect to each property and 5 the largest (Kujansuu 1976). Description on stratigraphy, sediment properties and sample positions and codes were recorded in logging forms shown in Appendix 1. The logging system slightly modified after Hirvas & Nenonen (1990) were applied. Samples were taken by unpainted spade in order to avoid contamination. All samples were stored in temperature less than +6° C before analyses. Locations of the studied test pits are marked in Figure 1. Study pits, numbers 1-12, dug during previous phases of the geochemical and geotechnical survey also are also indicated in the map. Previous results (excluding study locations KK1- KK5) are reported in Posiva Working Report 2003-01 (Lintinen et al. 2003). Table 1. Sampling locations, sampling depths and analyses carried out from Olkiluoto soil samples. Sampling location KK 12 KK 12 KK 12 KK 13 KK 13 KK 13 KK 13 KK 13 3 Sampling depth 0-0.8 m 0.8-1.4m 1.4-2.1 m 0-0.4 m 0.4-1.5 m 1.5-2.6 m 2.6-3.7 m 3.7-4.7 m Geotechnical analysis Chemical analysis X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSES Physical and geotechnical properties of 8 samples were determined including grainsize distribution, organic matter content, humidity and permeability. Analyses were performed at GTK's Geolaboratory except permeability, which was measured at J aakko Poyry Infra Geokeskus. ~ ...., 0 0 0 .'t~< 01 .-·.· "·ru. .;.. . ' ' ~ ---' 0 3 m. ;:;,....-· ~ §·· . . .~. . 3 m ~ <:n <:n ~ ... 3 "'C1> "' ~ @ 0 0 0 0 0 <Jl 0 3 3 3 3 m m ~ C1> 0 0 0 'J 0 0 m m 0 m <:n 'J 00 0 0 0 3 m w ~\~ . OLKILUOTO Naytteenottopaikat KKJ1 (Projektio : Gauss-Kruger) 27.9.2002 Saanio & Rlekkola OyJKF SELITYKSET: KK1 0 Koekuoppa (uudet merkitty punaisella) RK1 e Raekokon:lytepiste ~rh Figure 1. Soil sampling locations at Olkiluoto. Square: Test pit (new ones marked with blue), black point: grain-size sampling points. 4 Analyses and techniques used were as follows: 1. Organic matter content was determined gravimetrically by combusting the samples at 800 °C. (GTK's method code 8180). 2. Humidity was determined gravimetrically by drying the samples at 105 °C. (GTK's method code 8140) 3. Grain-size analysis of> 0,063 mm particles was carried out by dry-sieving the samples by Retsch mechanical sieve shaker. The sieves apertures used were 20 mm, 6,0 mm, 2mm, 0,60 mm 0, 20 mm and 0,063 mm (GTK's method code 657).Grain size analysis of < 0,063 mm particles was carried out by using Sedigraph 5000ET analyzer. Analysis included washing-and-screening of the samples and dry screening (GTK's method code 661). Results of sieving and sedigraph analysis were combined at 0,063 mm for grain-size distribution graph. The statistical parameters of the grain-size distribution were calculated by in-house computer programme by using the following equations: MZ =(D10+D30+D50+D70+D90)/5 (1) where MZ = average grain size MZ (phi) = 2 based logarithm of grain size D = diameter D10, D30, etc =diameter, when percentage of passed material is 10, 30 etc. MZ(mm) = TMz (2) Sorting= -((D97-D3)+(D90-Dl O)+(D80-D20)+(D70-D30))/9.1 (3) Skewness = ((D84+D16)-2*D50)/(2*(D16-D84))+((D95+D5)-2*D50)/(2*(D5-D95)) (4) Kurtosis= (D95-D5)/(2.44*(D75-D25)) (5) DM 25, DM 50 and DM 75 are the quartiles of the distribution 4. Permeability analysis of the bulk samples, were performed by constant head technique (ASTM-standard Dis 084-90). The analysed samples consist of either till or sand packed on in test cell. 4 CHEMICAL ANALYSES Altogether 8 soil samples were analysed at the Geolaboratory of GTK. The soil samples were dried at +70° C and sieved to <2.0 mm fraction prior analyses. Easily soluble compounds were determined by extracting 2 hours with "synthetic rainwater", which consisted of a mixture of deionised water and HN03 having pH of 4.5. Chemical analyses and techniques used were as follows: 1. Fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrate and sulfate concentrations were determined from the water-leached samples by ion chromatography (Dionex DX120). The 5 solid /solution-ratio used in the leach was 3 g I 30 ml. (GTK's method code 206I and 206R) 2. Metals from synthetic rainwater leach (GTK's method codes 217M and 217Pp) Aluminium, cesium, potassium, strontium and uranium concentrations were determined from the synthetic "rainwater" (2 hours, pH 4,5) leached samples by inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Perkin Elmers Sciex Elan 6000). "Synthetic rainwater" consisted of a mixture of deionised water and HN0 3 having pH of 4.5. Calsium, iron, magnesium and sodium concentrations in the samples were determined by ICP-AES (Thermo Jarrel Ash IRIS Advantage). 5 UNCERTAINTY ESTIMATIONS Detection limits and estimated uncertainties for analyses are shown in Table 2. Uncertainty estimations are based on analytical results of certified and other reference materials, replicate analyses of real samples and on interlaboratory test results. Uncertainty of grain-size distribution analysis and gravimetric determination of water and humus content was estimated from the measurement accuracy of analytical instruments, repeatability and reproducibility data given by supplier of analytical instruments and replicate analyses of real samples. Uncertainties were calculated in 95 %confidence limit (z=2) by using equations: Uncertainty of the measurement: B = z * U (1 ), where z =factor which depends on the confidence limit= 2 U = combined uncertainty ---~-~--~ U= [LV 2 systematic ~-~----~-~--- 2 +U random (2), where Usystematic = Systematic error Urandom = Random error 6 Table 2. Estimated uncertainties for analyses. 1Units are in mg/kg if not otherwise indicated. 2Relative uncertainty, expressed as% from the measured result marked. Method code 206R 206R 206R 206R 217M 217P 217M 217P 217M 217P 217P 217M 217M 814G 818G 657 661 661 6 6.1 Element or Determination Cl F N03 so4 Al Ca Cs Fe K Mg_ Na Sr u HzO-% Organic matter-% Sieving analysis Sedigraph analysis Grain-size analysis Permeability Detection limit (mg/kg) 1 Concentration range (mg/kg) 1 2 1 2 1 0.5 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.05 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.001 0.01% 0.01% 2-20 1- 10 2-40 1-40 0.5-500 2.0-1500 0.05-0.1 2-500 0.05-10 2-50 2-2500 0.01-500 0.001-10 1-20% 0.1-5% - - - - - U ncertainty2 % 20 15 15 20 35 10 25 20 20 30 10 30 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 Concentration Uncertainty2 range % (mg/kg) 1 0.1 - 20 15 10- 100 15 RESULTS Sediment cover In the study area the sediment covering the bedrock is till. In some isolated depressions also fine-grained glacilacustrine sediments were observed in the study pits dug during the earlier phase of the study. The till cover smoothes the high amplitude bedrock undulations resulting a relatively flat surface topography. The thickness of the till cover is commonly 2-3 m. Typically the bedrock surface undulates in a short distance causing distinctive differences in the sediment thickness. Till in the study area rests in many places on glacially striated bedrock surface. The till is massive or weakly laminated and it is rich in clay fraction. In study pits 12 and 13 (Figures 2. and 3.) the clay fraction (0 <0.002 mm) content of till varies from 7 to 12 %, whereas the fine fraction (0 <0.06 mm) content varies from 32 to 41 %. The permeability (K-value) of till varies from 10-7 to 10-9 m/s. The organic matter content of till is low, less than 1,2 %. The till in the study area can be described as basal till deposited by actively flowing basal conditions of ice sheet. At both study localities, pits 12 and 13, the surficial (uppermost) sedimentary unit consist of coarse-grained littoral sand and gravel deposit from 0,4 to 0,8 m in thickness. The permeability (K-value) of the littoral deposit varies from 10-s to 10-6 m/s. 7 The test pit descriptions and photographs (Figure 2 and 3) are presented in Appendix 1, results of the grain size analyses including statistical parameters in Appendix 2 and results of the permeability analyses in Appendix 3. Figure 2. Test pit KK 12 at Olkiluoto 8 Figure 3. Test pit KK 13 at Olkiluoto. 6.2 Soil chemistry Results of the chemical analyses show similar trend related to the depth and soil type in the two studied test pits. Concentrations of the easily soluble anions and cations are lower in the uppermost sedimentary unit, which consists of littoral sand, comparing underlying till. The results reflect the natural leaching and surface absorption due to increasing fines and clay fraction content. Concentrations of the analysed cations and anions are in line with the results of the earlier phase of the study conducted in Olkiluoto (Lintinen et al. 2003). Results of the chemical analyses are presented in Appendix 4. 9 7 REFERENCES Hirvas, H, & Nenonen, K. 1990. Field methods for glacial indicator tracing . In: eds. R. Kujansuu & M. Saarnisto Glacial indicator tracing. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 217-248. Kujansuu, R. 1976. Glaciogeological survey for ore prospecting purposes in Northern Finland. In R.F. Legget (ed.), Glacial Till. Royal Society of Canada, Special Publication 12, Ottawa: 225-239. Lintinen, P., Kahelin, H., Lindqvist, K. & Kaija, J. 2003. Soil sample analyses of Olkiluoto. Posiva Working Report 2003-01. 123 p. 10 8 APPENDIXES Appendix 1. Test pit logging forms. Instruction for the test pit forms: Physical properties are estimated in the scale of 1 to 5, where 1 donates the smallest degree with respect to each. Mo denotes moisture: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dry Moist Moderately wet Extremely wet Water running Co denotes compactness: 1. Extremely loose 2. Loose 3. Normal 4. Compact 5. Extreme compact, concrete-like St denotes stone content: 1. Stone less 2. Few stones 3. Normal 4. Abundant stones 5. Extremely abundant stones Ssz denotes stone size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Small stones, < 6 cm Large stones, 6-20 cm Small boulders, 20-60 cm Boulders, 60-200 cm Large boulders, > 200 cm Geological Survey of Samples Finland Lithology Mo Co St Ssz Colour m ...................................·········· Droving Description <::;g<y_S.~. ~~~9.~l:ll... ~~P9.S.i~ ..... QuatemiD straigraQhy Field work: Posiva Oy Study location: Olkiluoto lo-0.8 m Gravel 1 Map sheet: 1132 10.8-0.4 m ········· ············································· ···································· Position: X: 6791.803 Y: 1525.833 IZ:8.0 m !Number of study locality: KK 12 I Till . 13 14 12 2 Grey 3 4 2 2 Grey Massive till ········································ 2 l.4-2.1 m Massive till Bedrock: diabase with gr.~~!~~p~g~l:}~~~-~--~-i~~···· Bedrock Method of investigation: Test pit Depth of groundwater surface: 1.8 m Photographs: Figure 2 3 !Notes: 4 ................................... 5 1--" 1--" Geological Survey of tSamples, Finland Quaternary straigraphy ·' ILithology IMo Ieo 1St 'Ssz IColour I m' I IO:Q4~11 J . ••.••.••.. . . . . . . ! . . J .· ]GIOVOi . . . . . . . • l t l: Field work: Posiva Oy ···t·· Droving IDescription I ~~.':ll:~~--~i.J!<?r.C1~. 4~P~.s.~t. . . .. ··•· Study location: Olkiluoto IMap sheet: 1132 Position: X: 6791.769 Y: 1525.898 1 r •1 T 0.4-l.S m :r : Jfiij 13 jJ j2 ...J.2. ·Mass"i~e-tiif JGrey . +·····•··· lz:8 m IN umber of study locality: KK 13 2 ~ N Method of investigation: Test pit ·loepth of groundwater surface: r~-~·~~-l :. J I : ~~Ill. ·]~ lj Massi~etiii···· 2 [Grey Photographs: Figure 3 3 !Notes: 12:6=i7 m Till Mass·i'~e-ti!I···· 2 .......... Grey 4 13.7-4.7m Till 12 Massi~e-tiii'. rrey I 5 · Appendix 2. Grain size distribution and statistical analyses of soil (Quaternary deposit) samples from Olkiluoto. The analysis methods have been described in the text. 2003 LAB0000097 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 % 100.0 87.7 55.2 11.6 1.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% DM50% DM75% HUMUS-% KK12 0-8 Order 80427 D97/03 -0.886 1.849 1.563 -0.067 1.018 0.869 1.732 3.906 0.00 L03043831 I I Depth m: 0.00- 0.80 ~ L_ - w - - GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 SAVI CLAY 0.02 SILTTI SILT 100 90 f-- ···--·---·· 0.06 0.2 0.6 . 2 ····-- HIEKKASAND ---...-···-·-·-· ---- --· ··--- 1- :z UJ u 0:: a. 50 I ... --·--·-·· :::c (!) LiJ 3: (J) <t :z ::> 0 :E <t :z ~ (!) •.. 25 HIESU ·-·- - ---- SILT ········-- 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION HIETA FINE SAN[ 0.06 0.2 ~-~ ····· --··-·····~-- ~ ---·-SAV1 CLAY --·--·········--··--- / V -~I ---· ·---..-- 10 / I 1- 1- 60 SO RAGRAVEL -··-· 75 UJ 20 6 ----- STONES -·-···-·- HIEKKA SAND 0.6 --···- SORA ..• .I 2 6 GRAVEL 20 KIVET 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003LAB0000098 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 Depth m: 0.80- 1.40 -- -- -- --- - % 100.0 94.6 82.2 67.8 53.1 36.7 29.5 18.7 11.9 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% DM50% DM75% HUMUS-% KK 12 8-14 Order 80427 D98/03 3.159 0.112 4.085 0.143 0.773 0.012 0.159 1.095 0.00 L03043832 - ~ ~ GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 - ·-·---·- SAVl CLAY lOO 90 0.02 . 0.06 0.2 SILT r-- [-------- ··-· V z UJ u 0:: 50 / ~- V 1- :::z:: (!) UJ 3: en --- <( 25 1- z ::> 0 :E10 r-- ~ - ....... ~ / V HIESU --··r-· .,./'...-" ~ -------- -- ·- -!- -··-·------··~~· CLAY 60 ------ ---------- z SAVI 20 SORA GRAVEL - <( ~ (!) 6 -----······-· ~·-·- 1- a.. 2 HIEKKA SAND 75 UJ 0.6 --~-· SILTTI SILT 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION HIETAFINE SANC HIEKKA SAND! 0.2 0.6 SORA GRAVEl ······--·---- -.-········~-· 0.06 ----- r-STONES 2 6 20 . KIVET .L._ 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003 LAB0000099 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 Depth m: 1.40-2.10 % 100.0 100.0 87.4 73.7 59.4 41.0 31.2 18.9 11.5 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% OM 50% DM75% HUMUS-% KK 12 14-21 Order 80427 099/03 3.586 0.083 3.767 0.109 0.792 0.011 0.108 0.673 0.00 L03043833 1--' -- -- - - L_ - - - - - - - GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 SAVI CLAY I ·······-·-·-- SILTTI - ------ 0.02 siLT 100 ----------- 0.06 r· 0.2 --- Vl - 0.6 HIEKKA r· 90 75 ·· 6 sAr\lo -ob-=---- 20 SOHA ~-=t=-- ·--+-------'f.-······· ··········- ! 1-- :z: w I ~ w a.. . 60 GRAVE~··L- ! I 50 1-- ::I:: (!) jjJ 3: en <( Z5 1-- :z: ::> 0 :::!: 10 <( z ~ (!) J s~ VJ_GLA v f_____ HIESU Silo! 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION ____ HIETAFINE 0.06 S~I'JD 0.2 nrr;:~_ 0.6 SAND , 2 sonA 6 --~~-'WE Kl\fll:T_,_ 20 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003LAB00001 00 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 Depth m: 0.00-0.40 % 100.0 74.9 54.9 20.2 2.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 - KK 13 0-4 Order 80427 D100/03 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% DM50% DM75% HUMUS-% -0.940 1.918 1.952 -0.102 0.803 0.709 1.687 6.029 0.00 --------- ------- - - I L03043834 ----~---- --------- ....... 0\ GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 SAVI CLAY 00 0.02 SfL'l'Tl ·~·- 0.2 0.06 SILT 0.6 2 1- z w (.) 0:: ... - ...-.--·· -· /V (.!) jjj t ~ --- -- ·- ----- l $: en - <( 25 / 1- z => -------i t-- -· <( --~·~··-· l z ~ (.!) l I :::I: 0 :E 10 1/ l 1- ·+ 60 / t --- 50 20 SORA GRAVEL -~--· 75 w c.. 6 HIEKKA SAND ·- . .. BO -- ... i SAVI CLAY 0.002 HlESU .. _.J... 0.006 SILT I . 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION I 0.2 HIEKKA 0.6 _] I v/ / I_L_ HIETAFINE SAND 0.06 ··-····--···-- --- i I ____________l SAND SORA 2 6 - GRAVEL 20 STO_~_::LJ KIVET -~-J 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003LAB0000101 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 % 100.0 97.2 87.8 74.9 57.4 32.5 21.9 11.9 7.3 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% DM50% DM75% HUMUS-% KK 13 4-15 Order 80427 0101/03 3.022 0.123 3.372 0.096 1.056 0.028 0.140 0.606 0.00 L03043835 Depth m: 0.40- 1.50 ....... -.....) GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 0.02 ,..-·---· -··-·--······--···--r··········"-----·----·........-----SAVl CLAY SILTTI SILT 0.06 0.2 0.6 2 6 20 60 tOO 90 75 1-----+··---~·····-··---······t·--· ·-····---·--·-·+··-·------···--!---····-·-··--·+·..-·. -·-··--~·----+---·-·--·-··::~;.._ ..... _...................-.... -·+···----- ~·----·····- ...........~-t---................ ______+-- 1- z UJ u 1 0:::: l I UJ 0.. 50 1- :::t: (!) u::i ;: en <( .... '~5 1- I _.. ·-~__..At- z :::> 0 :::i!: <( 10 ~--·--..·-· STONES! z ~ (!) sA vi CLAY 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION ~il_!!~f;\ FINE_~ANq 0.06 0 .. 2 ..... ~~-~~.;1~~~'--· 0.6 ~~~~. .- .......... so~/~.........~RAVEL 2 6 1 20 KIVET 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003LAB0000102 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 % 100.0 97.1 89.4 78.6 61.7 36.6 24.9 12.6 7.7 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% DM50% DM75% HUMUS-% KK 13 15-26 Order 80427 0102/03 3.345 0.098 3.376 0.075 1.032 0.020 0.114 0.475 0.00 L03043836 Depth m: _!_J_O- 2.~_0_____ ......... 00 GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 0.02 .-~~~·;··CLAY .. SILTTI SILT fOO 0.06 ····- 0.2 0.6 ····-·········-----=-----···-=----~ - 90 75 1---+----------·-·-1---·~-..... 50 ~ - - . 2 -;u;-~sAND ----· 6 20 ., -~OHAGRAVEC-· .=::-f~-: / 60 + .- - / / 1- z w u 0::: w a.. 1::I: (.!) jjj --- ~v-- ;: en <( --- 25 1- ~ ~-----1·-----l--,---·..···--- J f............... --·---+- z :::::> 0 ::2: 10 <( 2 ~ (.!) ~:=I·-----=--=-~-----.-~~~]. ~----~~~~~---·-- f--·+··---··-···········--·----+~-_=__ ___z:::::.=:SA:.Y.:f_____ g_LA'(.1..___. HIESU ......L....-. SILT HIETAFINE SAND -------·····-·· 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION j HIEKKA 1-.. . . . . . . . .J--····· .... _-· ....... SAND ...... --.......L----------'--····--·····---l- 0.06 0.2 0.6 2 SOHA ............... 6 -.. .J s~~~E~--t·-GRAVEL I 20 KI~.!:.T. ......t......... 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003LAB0000103 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 % 100.0 100.0 91.0 80.3 63.8 37.6 25.6 12.6 7.5 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% DM50% DM75% HUMUS-% 3.475 0.090 3.254 0.094 1.008 0.019 0.106 0.422 0.00 KK 13 26-37 Order 80427 D103/03 ! L03043837 I ! I I I I Depth m: 2.60-3.70 i """"" \0 GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 tOO 90 75 1- z w ~ w a. 50 1- . jVI(';L~----t- ---1 ---. c~ ::J: 0.02 0.06 f__ SlLTTI SI ~T_______ "- -- 0.2 0.6 2 6 20 60 0 - H HIEflSORAGRA.TEL - - ". • ---- " - _ _ _____ - - "---" -----,--~--- -----t- --·--~--r- 7 (!) jjj ~ Cl) <t 1- 25 z ::> 0 :E <t z ~ (!) 10 ~-SAVl ~~ ----t=:r----1----=r=_- .. <?'::::~:X......------------~~~~T..~---~-~-~! . . . . "" 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION l HlE~~INE 5_~-~~L;) 0.06 0 .,:;, I HlEKKA 0.6 SAND I ·---- 2 . -~~ SOHJ':___~-~-~~VEL L----~~ET 6 20 60 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 2003 LABOOOOl 04 mm 20.0 6.0 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002 Depth m: 3.70-4.70 % 100.0 92.3 83.6 73.5 59.3 35.3 24.2 11.6 7.4 MZ(PHI) MZ(MM) Sorting: Skewness: Kurtosis: DM25% OM 50% DM75% HUMUS-% 2.954 0.129 3.699 -0.014 1.014 0.022 0.125 0.717 0.00 KK 13 37-47 Order 80427 0104/03 L03043838 I - - - --- N 0 GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION 0.002 0.006 0.02 0.06 0.2 0.6 2 6 HU<:KKA SAND STLTTI 20 SORA 60 GRAVEL 00 90 75 1- z UJ (.) 0:: UJ a. · - t - - - · -·--·· '""···-- 50 1:::I: (.!) jjj ::= en <( 25 1- z :::> ~ <( z ~ (.!) 10 tr-~- __j~----l~ . :'~ _ ._.".. 9LAY Hms:::r___S_!IoT 0.002 0.006 0.02 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY CLASSIFICATION ~=~~-~:--~h~~~~~ __ _HIETAFINE 0.06 s~=~E.'_!S_Kl<A !;J\~ SORL~~___ 0.2 0.6 2 6 20 60 Appendix 3. Permeability measurements of soil samples of Olkiluoto. Analytical methods have been described in the text. .JAAKKD PDVAV INFRA Geokeskus PERMEABILITY _(Constant Head), Sample Depth Date Customer OPTIMALW% L03043831 kk12 0-8 18.6.2003 Geoloaiantutkimuskeskus Properties of pecimen before esting eight, g Diameter, mm height, mm ater Content, 0/o et density Dry density Degree of compession MAX. Dry density kN/m3 Degree of compession % #VALUE! Properties of specimen after testing 1574,3 101,0 97,0 19,88 19,876 #DIV/0! measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 eight, g Diameter, mm height, mm ater Content, % et density Dry density Dearee of compession Water head m time starts 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 1574,3 101,0 97,0 Temperature time ends 13:12 13:13 13:14 13:15 13:16 13:17 oc 21 19,88 19,876 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. 18.6. permeated water ml 880,0 865,0 820,0 845,0 825,0 825,0 13:13 13:14 13:15 13:16 13:17 13:18 0 k 20°C (average) 9,30E-05 k 20°C (med) 9,25E-05 1,24E-06 Std.Deviation E (average) - - - - - - L__ 4,03 m/s m/s m/s }-~r . I ' ul 0 • • . ······I;····················· I······ I .. -8 oil 0,02 0,04 - 0,06 ti•e (.,) ....... l I 0,08 0,1 0,12 N ~ .JAAKKD PDVRV INFRA PERMEABILITY( Constant head) Sample Depth Date Customer Geokeskus OPTIMALW% L03043832 kk12 8-14 25.6.2003 Geoloaiantutkimuskeskus Properties of pecimen before esting eight, g Diameter, mm height, mm ater Content, 0/o et density Dry density Degree of compession measurement 1 2 MAX. Dry density kN/m3 Degree of compession °/o #VALUE! Properties of specimen after testing 1782,6 101,0 95,0 22,98 22,980 #DIV/0! ~eight, g 1ameter, mm eight, mm ater Content, % et density Dry density De ree of compession time starts Water head m 1782,6 101,0 95,0 temperature oc 21 22,98 22,980 time ends N N permeated water ml - 3 4 5 6 26.6. 6:35 26.6. 17:00 27.6. 8:25 28.6. 9:42 29.6. 10:49 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 7 8 9 10 k 20°C (average) 3,51 E-09 m/s k 20°C (med) 3,57E-09 m/s Std.Deviation 1,55E-10 m/s ! 26.6. 17:00 27.6. 8:25 28.6. 9:42 29.6. 10:49 30.6. 7:17 20,0 30,0 50,0 45,0 40,0 _,ll- ~--r···~-- -···r··-··· -~- -~-·- · · · · --.~--- - -~-,-· · -·-·- - · - · · ~ oil 0 20 40 60 ti•oe: ( .. ) E (average) -- 8,45 80 100 120 .JAAKKC PDVAV INFRA Geokeskus PERMEABILITY( Constant _head) Sample Depth Date Customer OPTIMIW% L03043833 kk12 14-21 25.6.2003 Geoloa iantutkim uskeskus Properties of pecimen before testing eight, g Diameter, mm height, mm ater Content, 0/o et density Dry density Dearee of compession measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MAX. Dry density kN/m3 Degree of compession % #VALUE! Properties of specimen after testing 2002,7 101,0 105,0 23,36 23,358 #DIV/0! Water head m ~eight, g time starts !. 1 - - - - - - - -~- - - - - .k 20°C (average) 2,31 E-09 m/s k 20°C (med) 2,41 E-09 m/s Std.Deviation 2,33E-10 m/s E (average) 8,64 • 0 Temperature 211 permeated water ml I ----.------------- - - - - - ~- - ------ - .-- - - - - - -~- - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 - 20,0 15,0 30,0 30,0 25,0 26.6. 17:00 27.6. 8:25 28.6. 9:42 29.6. 10:49 30.6. 7:17 20 oc 23,36 23,358 time ends 26.6. 6:35 26.6. 17:00 27.6. 8:25 28.6. 9:42 29.6. 10:49 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 2002,7 101,0 105,0 ameter, mm eight, mm ater Content, % et density Dry density Degree of compession 60 tiaoe: (.,) .- -~- - - - - - - - - - -----~-~80 100 -1 120 N VJ .JAAKKC PDVAV INFAA Geokeskus PERMEABILITY( Constant head) Sample Depth Date Customer OPTIMALW% L03043834 kk13 0-4 18.6.2003 Geoloaiantutkimuskeskus Properties of pecimen before testing eight, g Diameter, mm height, mm ater Content, % et density Dry density Degree of compession measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MAX. Dry density kN/m3 Degree of compession % #VALUE! Properties of specimen after testing 1569,9 101,0 92,0 20,90 20,898 #DIV/0! Water head m 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 time starts 2,58E-06 m/s k 20°C (med) 2,56E-06 m/s Std. Deviation 1,28E-07 m/s E (average) 5,59 Temperature oc 21 20,90 20,898 time ends 18.6. 13:11 18.6. 13:44 18.6. 14:22 18.6. 14:53 18.6. 15:25 19.6. 7:04 19.6. 7:31 19.6. 8:02 19.6. 8:37 19.6. 9:16 k 20°C (average) 1569,9 101,0 92,0 eight, g Diameter, mm height, mm ater Content, % et density Dry density Degree of compession permeated water ml 755,0 890,0 730,0 735,0 300,0 815,0 800,0 860,0 920,0 900,0 18.6. 13:44 18.6. 14:22 18.6. 14:53 18.6. 15:25 18.6. 15:38 19.6. 7:31 19.6. 8:02 19.6. 8:37 19.6. 9:16 19.6. 9:55 - !_.ll-r~T~I----r~T---l 0 1 2 3 ~ih 4 ( .. ) 5 6 N ..j::::. GI:OKESKUS OY L03043835 kk 13 4-15 -6.42 3.799E-07 MAX.D -6.46 3.491 E-07 m/s Degree of compassion% ~6.89 1.298E-07 m/s eolo ian tutkimuskeskus -6.56 Properties of specimen before testing Properties of specimen after testing Weight, g Weight, g Diameter, mm 1560.70 101.00 Diameter, mm 1560.7 101.0 Height, mm 90.00 Height, mm 90.0 E (Average) Water content,% 0.00 Water content,% 0.0 Temperature, Wet density 21.24 21.24 Wet density 21.24 21.24 Measurement cell diameter, mm Dry density m/s Dry density rn/s 6.4 oc 23.0 30.0 N Vl Degree of compassion% permeability -5.00 o.oc I #JAK0/0! I ~~:~~ m-6.37 rn -6.44 13 -6.41 -8.00 -9.00 -10.00 -11.00 0.00 40.00 _ 30 00 ession% m m m m 1.00 m ~ m GJ ID 0.00 water ________ m-6.38 m-6.26 13 -6.55 1.50 2.00 time,h 2.50 250 200 150 100 20.00 10.00 0.00 m-6.56 ID -6.52 0.50 --~--~ #JAK0/0! solution 0 0 o 0 e o 0 so 0 0 ............................_.................. ........_..... ~ 0.50 1.00 1.50 e (inflow/outflow)*1 o mgradient i 2.00 2.50 0 0 0 0 0 _...___.~---__, 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 ____ 2 0 effective tension • cell pressure A. front pressure Ill back pressure 2 PERMEABILITY(FIE:)xible•.wall) L03043836 kk13 15-16 -6.83 -6.83 Std. deviation Degree ofcompession % -8.06 -6.97 eolo ian tutkimuskeskus Properties of specimen before testing 1585.30 Weight, g 1585.3 Diameter, mm 101.00 Diameter, mm 101.0 Height, mm 90.00 Height, mm 90.0 E (Average) Water content, % 0.00 Water content, % 0.0 Temperature, Wet density 21.57 Wet density 21.57 Measurement cell diameter, mm Dry density 21.57 Dry density 21.57 ession% #JAK0/0! !iil-6.77 0.00 m-6.83 1.00 m -6.84 1.50 2.00 40.00 30.00 !iil lll1 1$ m/s m El m !El ~ 1 6.8 oc 23.0 30.0 water ---~---- ·-·~··· !iil-6.84 El -6.83 3 .00 tirne,h 2.50 3.50 0.00 0.00 • e 4.50 . . • • 250 • 200 , • ·:~ 100 @ 4.00 150 20.00 10.00 m/s N 0\ #JAK0/0/ solution --~--.----·-·-·----- 19 -6.79 0.50 mls 8.733E-09 Properties of specimen after testing Weight, g -6.00 -7.00 -8.00 -9.00 -10.00 -11.00 m/s 1.477E-07 1.463E-07 • time, h 3 4 50 0 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 e (inflow/outflow)"10 2.50 3.00 El gradient i 3.50 4.00 4.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 0 effective tension +cell pressure • front pressure • back pressure 4 t PERMEABILITY(Fiexible.wall) S~mple L03043837 OPTIMALW% Depth KK13 2,6-3,7m MAX. Dry density Date 18.6.2003 Degree of compessipn% ~N/m3 Iqeoloqian tutkimuskeskus Customer Properties of specimen before testing Properties of specimen after testing Weight, g Diameter, mm Height, mm Water content, o/o Wet Density Dry Density Weight, g 1815.70 3.169E-07 m/s -7.46 3.505E-08 m/s m/s Std;Deviation k 4°C (average) -6.65 101.00 Diameter, mm 101.0 105.00 Height, mm 105.0 E (Average) 0.00 Water content, % 0.0 Temperature, 21.18 Wet Density 21.18 Measurement cell diameter, mm 30.0 21.18 Dry Density 21.18 #JAK0/0! Degree ~f. £9.. !!!~ssi_~!:! % solution water 6.5 oc 23.0 0.00 m-6.50 El -6.57 0.00 !ill -6.50 Ell -6.57 . .. .. 0.50 1.00 1.50 i Itime, hi 40.00. IS 8 IEI m fii) $ • e • 0 . 0.50 . 1.00 l 1.50 IO(inflow/outflow)*10 Ill!! gradient i • 2.00 1 Ell -6.45 li1 -6.49 .. time,h 2.00 2.50 .. 250 ..• •.. •~ • 200 mt 150 20.00 0.00 0.00 -6.50 k 20°C(med) -....J 0.00 10.00 -6.50 m/s N -5.00 -6.00 -7.00 -8.00 -9.00 -10.00 -11.00 30.00 ·. 3.144E-07 1815.7 0 Degree of compassion % permeability 1 GEOKESKUS OY ·. k 20°C (average) + + 0 0 0 1 • + A:~ • ! time, h 100 50 . 2.50 0 0 0 ·~ 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 • • 1 Oeffective tension +cell pressure A front pressure • back pressure 1 . PISRME~Bll...ll'Y(Fie}(ible·•vvatl) L03043838 GEOKESKus.·ov OPTJMAL W% kN/m3 -6.13 7.370E-07 -6.13 7 .340E-07 m/s m/s -7.15 7.017E-08 m/s ~6.28 Customer Properties of specimen before testing m/s Properties of specimen after testing Weight, g 1598.00 Weight, g 1598.0 Diameter, mm 101.00 Diameter, mm 101.0 Height, mm 89.00 Height, mm 89.0 E (Average) Water content,% 0.00 Water content,% 0.0 Temperature, Wet density 21.99 Wet density 21.99 Measurement cell diameter, mm Dry density 21.99 Dry density 21.99 #JAK0/0! De ree of compassion% #JAK0/0! solution 6.1 oc 23.0 30.0 N 00 water -5.00 -6.00 -7.00 : -8.00 -9.00 -10.00 -'11.00 0.00 0.20 ID m-6.20 -6.71 0.40 . 30 00 ' m ID m . m m ~ ~ . tm-6.14 m-6.18 time,h 0.80 m-6.08 1.00 250 1.20 • • • . • · + ~ ~ ~ ~ !lt~me,tj 200 • 1so 20.00 100 e 10.00 e . so _.....__"-__.._.....__a.-.....a.-..J 0.00 0.00 llll-'6.13 0.60 40.00 m m-6:19 0 '-41......................_......................._....... 0.20 0.40 0.60 • (inflow/outflow)*1 0 0.80 mgradient j 1.00 1.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 effective tension • cell pressure .A. front pressure Ill back pressure 1 Appendix 4. Chemical analyses of soil samples from Olkiluoto. The analysis methods have been described in the text. Synthetic rainwater leach Water leach Lab. number Field code L03043831 L03043832 L03043833 KK 12 0-8 KK12 8-14 KK12 14-21 Depth 0-0,8 m 0,8-1,4 m 1,4-2,1 m H 20- Org. matter {800°C) Cl F 504 N0 3 K Sr u Cs AI ea Fe Mg Na mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg_ mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/k_g_ % % 2,8 <2 <2 2,0 <1 2,1 5,1 19 36 <2 <2 <2 6,58 24,4 25,8 0,03 0,14 0,08 0,007 0,008 0,006 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 2,47 24,4 15,2 13,0 53,9 37,8 1,75 16,0 16,7 3,28 10,2 11,4 8,13 10,3 8,74 6,48 11,8 11,0 1,05 1,10 1,01 {105°C) N \0 L03043834 L03043835 L03043836 L03043837 L03043838 KK13 KK13 KK13 KK13 KK13 0-4 4-15 15-26 26-37 37-47 0-0,4 m 0,4-1,5 m 1,5-2,6 m 2,6-3,7 3!7-4,7 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 --·····------- 1,7 16 18 11 13 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 11,0 9,29 12,9 9,91 11,1 0,04 0,05 0,09 0,07 0,07 0,012 0,009 0,011 0,004 0,003 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 3,91 3,78 8,87 7,15 3,99 10,4 22,9 47,3 43,3 40,7 2,12 4,00 10,2 7,75 4,99 2,64 4,40 5,21 3,43 3,30 5,06 4,89 5,53 4,44 5,69 8,72 10,8 10,6 11,2 10,3 1,18 0,65 0,66 0,61 0,74
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