RBI Sample Question Papers for Reasoning 1) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.Which is the one that does not belong to the group? 1) 99 2) 143 3) 132 4) 88 5) 126 Ans 5 2) In a row of children facing North Amit is 17th from the left end of the row and second to the right of Jyoti who is fifteenth from the right end of the row.How many Children are there in a Row ? 1) 30 2) 31 3) 29 4) 34 5) None of these Ans 3 3) Pole P is to the east of pole H and to the North of pole D.Pole D is in which direction with respect to the pole H ? 1) South-West 2) North-East 3) North-West 4) South-East 5) None of these Ans 4 4) In a certain Code 'She is Busy' is Written as "ka ta jo" .'She has gone' is written as "pa ta ma" and 'days are gone' is written as "bo la pa".How is has written in that code ? 1) ma 2) ka 3) ta 4) ta or ma 5) None of these Ans 1 5) How many such pair of letters are there in the word EDUCATION, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have in the English alphabet ? 1) None 2) one 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three Ans 5 6) If it is possible to form only one three number which is perfect square of a two digit no from the second,the sixth and the seventh digits of the no 76483912 using each digit only once the second digit of that no is your answer. if no such no can be formed in your answer is '0' and if more than one such no can be formed your answer is '5'. 1) 5 2) 0 3) 1 4) 6 5) 9 Ans 1 7) in a certain code DEPTH is written as 7$%#6 and POWDER is Written as %487$5.How is WORTH written in that code ? 1) 745#6 2) 845#6 3) 745%# 4) 854%6 5) None of these Ans 2 8) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.Which is the one that does not belong to the group? 1) Hibiscus 2) Rose 3) Sunflower 4) Mustard 5) Jasmine Ans 4 9) Among Five children T, Q, H, J and F each having a different height.T is taller than only J and H is shorter than only F. Who among them is the third in order of height ? 1) F 2) Q 3) J 4) F 5) H Ans 2 10) How many meaningful English Words can be formed from the letter ADRW using each letter only once in each word ? 1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) None 5) More than Three Ans 2 11) Direction(11-15): Study the following arrangement carefully to answer these questions. 4 D # Q H I 3 L @ R E 6 1 M % F A 7 J P U B5 8 $ K 9 * 11) How many Such Symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately Preceded and also immediately followed by a consonant ? 1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) None 5) More than Three Ans 3 12) Which element is the third to the right of fifteenth from the right end ? 1) 1 2) M 3) E 4) 6 5) None of these Ans 5 13) If all the Symbols are dropped from the given arrangement.Which element will be ninth from the right end? 1) A 2) 7 3) J 4) E 5) None of these Ans 2 14) How many such numbers are there in the following arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a Vowel ? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) Four Ans 4 15) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their Position in the given arranngement and so form a group.Which is the one that does not belong to the group? 1) L@3 2) I3H 3) A7F 4) PUJ 5) $8K Ans 5 Computer Knowledge Sample Question papers – I for RBI Exam 2012 1) Special effect used to introduce Slides in a presentation are called 1) Effect 2) Custom Animation 3) Transition 4) Animation 5) Present Animation Ans 3 2) Computer send and receive date in the form of ------------- signals 1) Analog 2) Digital 3) Modulated 4) Demodulated 5) All of these Ans 2 3) Most World Wide Web pages contain commands in the language 1) NIH 2) URL 3) HTML 4) IRC 5) FTP Ans 3 4) ---------- are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application 1) GUI 2) Drivers 3) Windows 4) Applications 5) Icons Ans 5 5) Which of the following operating system is not owned and licensed by a company ? 1) Unix 2) Linux 3) Windows 2000 4) Mac 5) Windows Ans 1 6) In any window,the maximize button, the minimize button and the close buttons appear on 1) Title bar 2) Menu bar 3) Status bar 4) Ruler bar 5) Tool bar Ans 1 7) Which is the slowest internet connection services? 1) Digital Subscriber 3) T1 3) Cable modem 4) Leased line 5) Dial-up services Ans 5 8) Every component of your computer is either 1) Software of CPU/RAM 2) Hardware or Software 3) Application software or System software 4) Input devices or output devices 5) None of these Ans 2 9) Checking that a pin code number is valid before it is entered into the system in an example of 1) Error connection 2) Backup and recovery 3) Data Preparation 4) Data validation 5) None of these Ans 4 10) A compiler translates higher level programs in to a machine language program which is called 1) Source code 2) Object code 3) Compiled code 4) Beta code 5) None of these Ans 2 11) A field that uniquely identifies which person, thing or event the record describes is a 1) File 2) Data 3) Key 4) Field 5) None of these Ans 5 12) The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately 1) Sequential access 2) File allocation table 3) Direct access 4) Directory 5) None of these Ans 3 13) Computer Connected to a LAN can 1) Run faster 2) Go online 3) Shear information/share peripheral equipment 4) E-mail 5) None of these Ans 3 14) A CD-RW disk 1) has faster access than an internal disk 2) is a from of optical disk, so it an only be written once 3) holds less data than a floppy disk 4) can be erased and rewritten 5) None of these Ans 4 15) The two major Category of software include 1) Operating system and utility 2) Personal Productivity and system 3) System and application 4) System and utility 5) None of these Ans 3 16) Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT are known as 1) Processors 2) Domain names 3) Modems 4) operating system 5) None of these Ans 4 17) Information on a computer is stored as 1) Analog data 2) Digital data 3) Modem data 4) Watts data 5) None of these Ans 2 18) A program that works like a calculator for keeping track of money and making budget 1) calculator 2) Scholastic 3) Keyboard 4) Spreadsheet 5) None of these Ans 4 19) To take information from one source and bring it to your computer is refereed as 1) upload 2) Download 3) Transfer 4) De-Link 5) None of these Ans 2 20) Each box in a spreading sheet is called 1) Cell 2) Empty Space 3) Record 4) Field 5) None of these Ans 1 Computer Knowledge Test Sample Question Papers 1) To identify the first Paragraph of your of your report,you should use this Key? 1) Space Bar 2) Return Key 3) Tab Key 4) Shift Key 5) None of these 2) ----------- are distinct items that don't have much meaning to you in a given Context. 1) Fields 2) Data 3) Queries 4) Properties 5) None of these 3) A website address is a Unique name that identifies a Specific -------- on a Web? 1) Web browser 2) PDA 3) Website 4) Link 5) None of these 4) An example of telecommunication device is 1) Keyboard 2) Mouse 3) Printer 4) Modem 5) None of these 5) Which is the best definition a software package? 1) An add-on for your computer such as additional memory 2) A set of Computer Programs used for a certain function such as word processing 3) A protection you can busy for a computer 4) The Box manual and Licence agreement that accompany commercial software 5) None of these 6) You cannot link Excel Worksheet data to a word Document 1) With the right Drag method 2) With the Hyperlink 3) With the copy and Paste Special Command 4) With the copy and Paste buttons on the standard command 5) None of these 7) You can Start Microsoft Word by Using ---------- Button? 1) New 2) Start 3) Program 4) Control Panel 5) None of these 8) A blinking Symbol on the Screen that shows where the next character will appear is a 1) Delete Key 2) Arrow Key 3) Cursor 4) Return Key 5) None of these 9) Which of the following could do to remove a paragraph from a Report you had written? 1) Delete and Edit 2) Highlight and delete 3) Cut and Paste 4) Undo Typing 5) None of these 10) Data and Time are available on the desktop at 1) Task bar 2) My Computer 3) Recycle Bin 4) Only 1 and 2 5) None of these 11) A directory with in a directory is called as 1) Mini Directory 2) Junior Directory 3) Part Directory 4) Sub Directory 5) None of these 12) You click at B to make the text 1) Italics 2) Underlined 3) Italics and Underlined 4) Bold 5) None of these 13) --------- is the process of finding errors in software code 1) Debugging 2) Compiling 3) Interpreting 4) Testing 5) None ofb these 14) In Excel, Charts are created using which option? 1) Chart Wizard 2) Pivot Table 3) Pie Chart 4) bar Chart 5) None of these 15) Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of Physical equipment 1) Keyboard, monitor, Hard drive 2) System unit, Input/output Memory 3) System unit, Input/output Secondary Storage 4) System unit, Primary Storage, Secondary Storage 5) None of these 16) Which of the following is not a common feature of software applications? 1) Menus 2) Windows 3) Help 4) Search 5) None of these 17) A --------- contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands 1) Tool bar 2) Menu Bar 3) Window 4) Find 5) None of these 18) For creating a document, you use -------- command at file menu. 1) Open 2) Close 3) New 4) Save 5) None of these 19) What is equipment used to capture information and commands? 1) Output Device 2) Input Device 3) Storage Device 4) Telecommunication Device 5) None of these 20) A -------- contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm. 1) Programming Language 2) Programming Structure 3) Syntax 4) Logic chart 5) None of these RBI Exam General Awareness Sample Question Papers 1) The Committee on Financial Sector Assessment(CFSA) set up by the Reserve Bank of India has also recommended several reforms in which of the following laws in India ? 1) Taxation Laws 2) Commercial Laws 3) Banking Regulation Laws 4) Property Laws 5) All of these Ans 3 2) A Bank normally does not have to deal with an issue related to----1) Payment and settlement system 2) Contractual rights of Creditors 3) Intellectual Property of rights 4) Cases of Insolvency 5) Coordination between regulators active in Banking/Financial sectors Ans 3 3) Many times we read in newspapers that some bank has/have to write off certain amount advanced by them.In banking terminology, what does write off mean ? 1) Loans sanctioned on paper but bank has yet to make provision for the same so that borrower can withdraw the money. 2) Big corporate loans for which bank has//have to take approval from RBI. 3) Loans for which documentation work is yet to be completed 4) Bad and uncollectable loan. 5) Those loans which can never become bad or uncollectable loans as they are given under some social assistance scheme by the government of India. Ans 4 4) As per the report published in various financial newspapers/magazines,export to euro zones from various countries and India unexpectedly tumbled again in last two/three months.what does it indicate? A) It has raised fresh doubts about the reality of the economics recovery of "16 Countries strong"Euro zone. B) Euro has yet to established its Credibility as an acceptable currency.Countries still prefer US $ to any other currency for major trans-border trades. C) Euro Zone Countries do not wish to import much from India 1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) All A,B and C 5) None of these Ans 2 5) Who among the following was the chairperson of the "working Group on Benchmark Prime Lending Rate(BPLR) " constituted by the Reserve Bank of India? 1) Dr.K.C.Chakrovorty 2) Mr.Deepak Mohanty 3) Mr.R.Bhaskaran 4) Mr.O.P.Bhatt 5) Mr.M.V.Nair Ans 1 6) The Index of Industrial Production(IIP) is completed and released by which of the following organizations/agencies? 1) Registrars of Companies. 2) Confederation of Indian industries 3) Bombay Stock Exchange 4) Reserve bank of India 5) Central Statical organization Ans 4 7) Many time we read in financial newspapers about public Debt.Which of the following is/are the component of the Public Debt ? A) Market Loans B) External Loans C) Outstanding against Saving Scheme/Provident Fund 1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Both A and B 4) Only C 5) All A, B, C Ans 5 8) Retail investors made Rs 1.9 lakh Crore in market rally.as the news in some major financial newspapers recently.The term "Retails investors" as used in this headline,means which of the following type of stock market investors ? 1) Promoters of the companies 2) Individuals 3) Foreign Institutional Investors 4) Mutual Funds 5) Corporate bodies Ans 2 9) As per the news published in major news papers,the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) raised statuary liquidity Ratio(SLR) by 100 basis points to 24%.What was the reason owing to which RBI raised the SLR ? A) It will help in reducing liquidity in the market. B) Inflation will come down substantially. C) It will facilitate companies to launch their IPOs as the financial climate will become conductive for the same. D) It will facilitate companies to launch their IPOs as the financial climate will become conductive for the same 1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only A and B 4) Only B and C 5) All A, B and C Ans 3 10) As Per the Reserve Bank of India the economic condition in India are not yet suitable for full convertibility of Rupee.At present rupee is convertible at which of the following accounts ? A) Fully at Capital Account B) Fully at Current Account C) Partially at Trade Account 1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Only A and C 5) None of these Ans 2 11) As per the existing norms and political of the RBI. Banks are required to advance how much of their total advances to priority Sectors ? 1) 30% 2) 35% 3) 40% 4) 25% 5) None of these Ans 3 12) The Rate of interest,banks charge to its main and Prime.customer is popularly called as-----1) Risk Premium 2) Prime Lending Rate 3) Repo Rate 4) Reserve Repo Rate 5) Cost of Fund Ans 2 13) Which of the following was the First Mutual Fund listed on the newly launched Mutual Fund platform on National Stock Exchange ? 1) UTI Mutual Fund 2) SBI Mutual Fund 3) LIC Mutual Fund 4) Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund 5) None of these Ans 1 14) Which of the following is one of the eight Millenium Development goals set by the UNO ? 1) Eradication of Poverty and Extreme Hunger 2) Reduction in Nuclear warheads in the world 3) Total Peace in Iraq and Afghanistan 4) Restoration of Peace in Darfur 5) None of these Ans 1 15) A borrowal account is classified as sub-standard if it overdue for more than 90 days.It means that the account has to be overdue at the maximum for ----------- in order to be classified in the doubtful category: 1) 12 month 2) 15 month 3) 18 month 4) 17 month 5) None of these Ans 2 16) Parambikulam-Aliyar Multipurpose project located in the Hills of --------1) Nilgiri hills range 2) Periyar hills range 3) Anamalai hills Range 4) Sahyadri hills Range 5) None of these Ans 3 17) Which of the following cannot be called as a Debt instrument as referred in financial transaction? 1) Certificate of deposit 2) Bonds 3) Stocks 4) Commercial Papers 5) Loans Ans 5 18) Which of the following is not a Social Sector Programme launched by the govt of India ? 1) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan 2) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme 3) Mid Day meal Scheme 4) National Rural Health Mission 5) Overseas Indian Citizenship Scheme Ans 5 19) When was the "Self Help Group"bank linkage Programme Started ? 1) 1992 2) 1995 3) 1998 4) 2001 5) None of these Ans 1 20) The Olympic Games 2016 will be organized in the city of ---------- 1) New Delhi 2) Paris 3) Tokyo 4) New York 5) Rio de Janeiro Ans 5 General Awareness 15 Solved Sample Questions for the RBI Exam 1) As per the notification issued by the banks, the " Third party ATM usage " will now be restricted to certain withdrawals and limits only.What does it really mean ? 1) The ATM Cardholders will not be able to withdraw from other banks ATMs under any circumstances. 2) Customer of one Bank may be able to withdraw only a limited amounts from other banks ATMs. 3) ATM card holders will have to pay a fee if they withdraw money from other banks ATMs frequently. 1) only A 2) only B 3) only C 4) only B and C 5) only A and B 2) The Reserve Bank of India has directed all the banks to ensure that the names of their customers.Individuals or corporates, donot appear in any list published by the security council committee.this act/directive of the RBI is to ensure which of the following ? 1) To ensure that the bank loans/advances taken by the individuals/organizations are used only in those activities for which they are taken. 2) To ensure that money deposited in the bank has not come from unknown and unauthorized sources. 3) To ensure that no one visits a foreign nation for any illegal activities by purchasing foreign currency from a bank 4) To ensure that Indians do not go to a nation where Indians are being targeted for racial discrimination 5) None of these 3) In case of Personal Loan where there is default in repayment, say for 90 days, the account may be classified as -------- asset 1) Sub- Standard 2) Doubtful 3) Loss 4) Dormant 5) None of these 4) What is the full form of UNEP, a term frequently seen in news papers? 1) universal Notification on Energy Protection 2) Universal New Education project 3) Universal Natural Energy Project 4) United Nations Education Programme. 5) United Nations Environment Programme 5) ASEAN recently signed agreement called FTA with India.What is the full form of FTA ? 1) Foreign Trade Agreement 2) Full Trade Agreement 3) Favourite Trade Acknowledgment 4) Final and total Approach 5) Free Trade Agreement 6) Which of the following statement is correct about the budget 2012-13 presented in the parliament on March 16,2012 ? 1) Gross Tax Receipts estimated at Rs 10,77,612 crore. 2) Plan expenditure for 2012-13 at Rs 5,21,025 crore is 18 Percent higher than the budget estimates 2011-12. 3) Fiscal deficit at 5.1 Percent of GDP in Budget Estimates 2012-13. 4) Exemption limit for the general category of individual taxpayers proposed to be enhanced from Rs 1.8 lakh to Rs 2 Lakh 5) All of the above 7) Which of the following derivative products carry a counterparty risk? 1) FC forward contract 2) currency future 3) commodity futures 4) All of the above 5) None of these 8) When in an interest rate swap the floating rate in one currency is exchanged for fixed rate in other currency, it is called: 1) Quanto Swaps 2) Coupon Swap 3) Plain Vanilla Swap 4) Swap option 5) None of these 9) Which of the following is NOT considered as a parameter for defining the Below Poverty Line(BPL) status of a Person ? 1) Food security 2) Martial Status 3) Debt 4) Literacy 5) land holding 10) Which of the following countries has raised objection to India's effort to make a 608 Km long road link through Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarkhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh ? 1) China 2) Nepal 3) Myanmar 4) Bhutan 5) Afghanistan 11) "CRY" is the name of the organization Which works for the welfare of -------1) Cancer Patients 2) Children 3) War Victims 4) Senior Citizen 5) None of these 12) " Mumbai Gold Cup " is a book written by --------1) Cricket 2) Football 3) Hockey 4) Badminton 5) Lawn Tennis 13) " A Good Women " is a book written by 1) Dario Fo 2) V.S.Naipaul 3) Orpan Parmuk 4) Herta Muller 5) Danielle steel 14) Which of the following is NOT called the type of Inflation ? 1) Cost Push 2) Real Wages 3) Demand Pull 1) only A 2) only B 3) only C 4) only A and C 5) only B and C 15) At which of the following places the Seventh Asia Gas Partnership summit was held in March 2012? 1) New Delhi 2) Islamabad 3) Beijing 4) Dhaka 5) Colombo RBI Exam English language Sample Question Papers Direction(1-6): Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the following questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. During the reign of king Veer,there lived a wise magistrate.Haripant's verdict were always just and people from all over the vast kingdom came to him in order to settle disputes . In the city where Haripant lived, there was greedy ghee merchant named Niranjan . He always kept twenty barels of ghee. Of these, fifteen would containgood quality ghee and the remaining would mix the two and sell it. This went on for a long time, till finally the people fed up of being cheated, complained to Haripant. Haripant had the ghee examined and found it to be adulterated. He gave Nirangan a choice of punishment-drink the five barrels of adulterated ghee from his shop, or recieve a hundred lashings, or pay a thousand gold coins to the treasury. Losing a thousand coins was too much and a hundred lashing too painful. So he decided to drink the five barrels of ghee . Though Niranjan sold adulterated goods in his shop, he made sure his own food was of the best quality. So after drinking one barrel of ghee he began to feel sick. By the second barrel, he was vomiting. At this point he decided to opt for the lashings instead. But he was pampered and his body was unused to any harsh treatment. After ten lashes, he started trembling and by twenty he was giddy. 'Stop!' he screamed.'I will pay the thousand gold coins!'And he handed them over. So he ended up suffering all three punishments,something he did not forget in a hurry and the people of the city got to use only the best quality ghee in their food from then on! 1) Why did Niranjan keep five barrels of adulterated ghee? 1) To sell to customers who could not affrd high quality ghee. 2) To make a profit by cheatng people. 3) Being a miser he kept the low quality ghee for his family. 4) Demand for this ghee was low so he kept only a small quantity. 5) None of these. Ans 2 2) Why did the people decide to go to Haripant with their complaint? 1) He was close to the king and would get justice for them. 2) They knew Niranjan was afraid that of haripant who punished people severely 3) They were confident that he would listen to their complaint and give a fair judgement. 4) He was the only magistrate in the entire kingdom 5) None of these Ans 3 3) Why did haripant allow niranjan to choose his own Punishment ? 1) He felt sorry for Niranjan 2) Nairanjan's offence was minor 3) He did not want Nairanjan to appeal to the king for Liniency 4) He did not want ot give the Wrong Punishment. 5) None of these Ans 5 4) Which of the following can be said about Nairanjan? 1) He took a lot of time to make any decision 2) He only cheated those who would not dare complain against him 3) He was allergic to ghee and fell sick whenever he consumed it. a) None b) only1 c) Both 1 and 2 d) All 1, 2, 3 e) None of these Ans 5 5) Why did Niranjan decide to drink adulterated ghee for his Punishment ? 1) Since the barrels were from his shop he thought he could substitute the adulterated ghee with good ghee 2) He wanted to Prove that the quality of ghee he sold was good. 3) He was greedy and had a big appetite so he thought he would easily drink the ghee. 4) He considered it easiest of the punishments he did not realise what effect the ghee would have on him. 5) None of these Ans 4 6) How did haripant arrive at the conclusion that Niranjan sold adulterated ghee ? 1) Niranjan was ill when he drank the ghee from his shop. 2) He had the ghee tested to see if it was adulterated. 3) He trusted the word of those who had complaint to him. 4) He too was duped by Niranjan. 5) Niranjan admittted his guilt when confronted. Ans 2 Direction(7-8): Choose the word which is most similar in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 7) CHEATED 1) Unfaithful 2) Blamed 3) Exploited 4) Prevented 5) Dogged Ans 5 8) SUFFERED 1) Hardship 2) Distressing 3) Hurting 4) Experiencing 5) Trouble Ans 4 Direction(9-10): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 9) BEST 1) Damaged 2) Inferior 3) Spoiled 4) Defective 5) Cheap Ans 2 10) UNUSED 1) Accustomed 2) Routine 3) Often 4) Normal 5) Repeated Ans 1 Direction(11-15):Which of the Phrases 1 2 3 and 4 given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically Correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark 5 as the answer 11) Since books are quite expensive that many children do not have access to them 1) more expensive than 2) so expensive that 3) very expensive 4) too expensive for 5) No Correction required Ans 2 12) At the meeting they told us what kind of difficulties we may like to face while establishing a rural branch 1) may like to face 2) were being faced 3) could be likely face 4) would be likely to face 5) No correction required Ans 4 13) What response you get to the proposal that you circulated among our investors? 1) responses have you 2) responses did you 3) were your responses 4) did you respond 5) No correction required Ans 2 14) one of our representatives will meet you at the airport and accompanies you to our office 1) and accompany you 2) to accompany you 3) accompany you 4) will be accompanied by you 5) No correction required Ans 1 15) I knew that because I Refused to accept the old man gift I would hurt his fellings 1) not to refuse 2) by refusal 3) if I refused 4) should I refused 5) No correction required Ans 3 RBI Assistant Exam Sample Question Paper of Numerical Ability Direction(1-14): What Should Come in place of Question Mark(?) in place of following question 1) 7432 / 32 * ? = 2787 1) 8 2) 14 3) 15 4) 12 5) None of these Ans 4 2) [ Cube of 11 * Square of 6 ] / cube of 4 = ? 1) 2994.75 2) 748.6875 3) 272.25 4) 4492.125 5) None of these Ans 2 3) 75% of 250 - ?% of 380 = 54.5 1) 32 2) 25 3) 35 4) 40 5) None of these Ans 3 4) (4.6 * 2.8 * 5.5 ) - ( 3.2 * 4.5 * 2.8 ) = ? 1) 36.28 2) 30.42 c) 28.35 d) 32.52 5) None of these Ans 5 5) Sq root of 2304 * Sq root of ? = 2832 1) 3249 2) 3481 3) 3721 4) 3969 5) None of these Ans 2 6) 74698 + 365 + 85213 + 95 = ? 1) 160281 2) 160641 3) 160371 4) 160362 5) None of these Ans 3 7) 6.4 * 8.5 * 2.5 / 3.2 * 12.5 = ? 1) 4.4 2) 3.5 3) 4.2 4) 3.4 5) None of these Ans 4 8) Cube root of 103823 = ? 1) 49 2) 51 3) 45 4) 37 5) None of these Ans 5 9) ( 444 * 44 * 4 ) / 40 = ? 1) 1953.6 2) 176 3) 1776 4) 1736.5 5) None of these Ans 1 10) 4550 / 25% of ? = 130 1) 145 2) 140 3) 125 4) 160 5) None of these Ans 2 11) 8529 - Square of 49 - 125 - Cube of 9 = ? 1) 5994 2) 5274 3) 7626 4) 5922 5) None of these Ans 2 12) 748 * 362 = Square of 520 + ? 1) 382 2) 374 3) 365 4) 376 5) None of these Ans 4 13) 1720 - 258 + 428 * 5.5 = ? 1) 3431 2) 3716 3) 3816 4) 3388 5) None of these Ans 3 14) 1895 - 225 / 50 = ? 1) 69 2) 57 3) 63 4) 56 5) None of these Ans 1 15) What least number should be added to 8602 to make it a perfect square? 1) 234 2) 47 3) 128 4) 36 5) None of these Ans2 16) The Costs of 15 Kg of rice is Rs 720 and the cost of 16 kg of Wheat is Rs 576.What is the difference between the cost of 45 kg of rice and the 56 Kg of Wheat? 1) Rs 148 2) Rs 136 3) Rs 144 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these Ans 3 17) In how many different ways can the letters of the word " TEST " be arranged ? 1) 24 2) 10 3) 36 4) 15 5) None of these Ans 5 18) What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series ? 888 888 444 148 ? 7.4 1) 32 2) 37 3) 35 4) 36 5) None of these Ans 2 19) Abhi invested an amount of Rs 16.840 at the rate of 6 p.c.p.a for 5 Years.What total amount will she obtain with the simple interest at the said at the end of Rs 5 years? 1) Rs 20,984 2) Rs 21,764 3) Rs 20,584 4) Rs 21,892 5) None of these Ans 4 20) The average age of 60 boys in a class was calculated as 12 Years.It was later realized that the actual age of the boys in the class was 12.5 years but it was calculated as 14 years.What is the actual average age of the boys in the class? 1) 11 years 2) 11.275 years 3) 11.50 years 4) 11.975 years 5) None of these Ans 4 RBI 16 Solved Sample Questions for Quantitative Aptitude 1) What approximate value should come in place of the question mark(?) in the following question? 9685 / 356 x 12.5 = ? 1) 330 2) 325 3) 360 4) 355 5) 340 Ans 5 2) Birju, Ram and Mohan begin to jog around a circular stadium.They complete their revolutions in 36 seconds, 48 seconds, 48 seconds and 63 seconds resp.After how many seconds will they be together at the starting point? 1) 1008 2) 956 3) 848 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these Ans 1 3) Find the Avg. of the following set of scores. 746 1020 321 12 63 426 226 144 1) 367.5 2) 370 3) 360 4) 368.75 5) None of these Ans 2 4) What is 846 times 323 ? 1) 280872 2) 276488 3) 273258 4) 272412 5) None of these Ans 3 5) A canteen requires 26 kgs of sugar for a week.How many Kgs. of sugar will it require for the month of March and April ? 1) 248 Kgs 2) 240 kgs 3) 250 Kgs 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these Ans 5 6) The Sum of the two digits of a two-digit number is 15 and the difference between the two digits number is 3.What is the product of the two digits of the two digit number? 1) 72 2) 56 3) 54 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these Ans 3 7) Seema obtained 674 marks out of the total 750 marks.what approx percentage did she obtain in the examination? 1) 79 2) 90 3) 81 4) 85 5) 95 Ans 2 8) When (21) square is subtracted from the square of a number the answer obtained is 1584.What is the number? 1) 2025 2) 48 3) 2304 4) 45 5) None of these Ans 4 9) A car covers a distance of 744 Kms. in 12 hours.What is the speed of the vcar in Kms/hr? 1) 62 2) 58 3) 65 4) 60 5) None of these Ans 1 10) The costs of 2 rings and 4 bangles is Rs 2,54,550.What would be the costs of 6 rings and 12 bangles ? 1) Rs 10,18,200 2) Rs 7,63,650 3) Rs 5,09,100 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these Ans 2 11) If an amount of Rs 7,698 is equally distributed amongst 75 people,how much approx. amount would each person get ? 1) Rs 100 2) Rs 110 3) Rs 107 4) Rs 103 5) Rs 96 Ans 4 12) A.,B,C,D and E are consecutive even numbers resp.The average of 5 numbers is 82.What is the Product of C and E? 1) 6888 2) 6720 3) 7052 4) 7224 5) None of these Ans 1 13) 96% of a number is 19584.What is 56% of that number? 1) 11016 2) 11222 3) 11628 4) 10812 5) None of these Ans 5 14) Out of 820 employees in an organization 20% of the employeegot promoted to a higher grade.How many employees did not get promoted? 1) 680 2) 668 3) 656 4) 674 5) None of these Ans 3 15) The average age of a lady and her daughter is 28.5 years.The ratio of their ages is 14:5 resp.What is the daughter age? 1) 12 years 2) 15 years 3) 18 years 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these Ans 2 16) The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 4623.What is the product of the next two consecutive odd numbers? 1) 4899 2) 4891 3) 5037 4) 5183 5) None of these Ans 4 By Ravi Verma My website address: www.myrealwings.webs.com Email address: rpverma84@gmail.com
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