A A TYMOFF+MOSS ARCHITECTS Provide one THE REVIEW IS ONLY FOR THE GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPTS AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. REVIEW OF THE SPECIFIC ITEM(S) SHALL NOT INCLUDE APPROVAL OF AN ASSEMBLY OF WHICH THE ITEM(S) IS A COMPONENT. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL DIMENSIONS AT THE JOBSITE, FABRICATION AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION, QUANTITY OF MATERIALS, AND COORDINATIN OF THE WORK WITH ALL OTHER TRADES. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPENCIES BETWEEN THIS ITEM(S) AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. BY DATE REVIEWED REVIEWED AS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT REJECTED Michael Schnekser 14 JUL 2014 full size sample of each paver color (estccD ia (757\ 722-0050 FAX (757) 728-0135 Product Submittals Noah Enterprises, lnc. - Downtown Norfolk Job #10L5, Subcontract #24tI Section #321.4L3 Precast Concrete Unit Pavers Submitted: May27,2Ot4 Bus Transfer Station To include the following: 1,. Hanover PlankStone Paver Data 2. Brick Colors - Color to be determined with a Natural Finish Brick PlankStone Paver Dimensions 3. 4. Brick - Guideline Specification 5. Hanover PlankStone lnstallation Designs - Running Bond 6. Hanover Prest Brick - Performance Evaluation Test Report 7. Snap Edge Corporation - Edge Restraint Data Sheet 8. Snap Edge Corporation - tO" Nail Specifications 9. Aggregates lndustries Concrete Sand Material Certification - Paver Bedding 10. Aggregates lndustries Masonry Sand Material Certification - Paver lnfill 11. Quikrete - Masonry Cement Type S - Mortar Mix Prest Hanover Prest Hanover Prest Hanover Prest Reference Web Pages: Hanover Architectural Products Snap Edge, lnc.: Westwood Contractors, lnc.: www. ha noverpavers.com Upon receipt of contract, approved submittal and the receipt of paver order, the paver manufacturer requests 4 -6 weeks for production and delivery of the pavers. PO. BOX 398.802 WEST PEMBROKE AVENUE. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA 23669 VIRGINIA CLASS A CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER 2701 O25274A,HIH ?å tçlt3 Helnover's NEW PlankStone:"'' inlioduci=;s c c;omplefely new lr:uk far rlr:ciulr:r pcrving. SizerJ r.-¡-i 2 i /,t" x 23 | lz",,vifi'r cl ¿l ' ilricknr:sr;, l-lclrroverÐ Plclr,lcStonç'"' ctectes lire look cf trcclrlirncil Fi*ces cqn be lclicl I'roi'izoriïctl!y, rrertically or in c;lterri'ri'irrg <lireclio¡'rs.lnsfoilati*n clesigirs üro= er'¡clless (See, pcge 47). r¡¡ooc.l i¡oclrrJ ejeci<ing Hicjo.ç¡l specsrs cllc-¡,,f,:r scrrrcl jr:int i¡rterlock, Planksionc'nn is sL-¡clr:lçrlecl fr:r pecle'striçln use e¡t|,.¡. l-i(;rir-,,1erE PlunkSlr;rì4)'"0 i$ stc,cked lri Chocc;k:tel tcl I'Jsturclll(lhci'cccl color k-.lencl=t v¡ilI cri |''JûiLrrqt lìlli:¡h, Tr-lc¡cr'Þ) v'.¡ell crs criulor¡r aggregoles cincJ ce:lcr blenrJirrç1 ar+ clvcrircbl<: t vlren e1 ucrntilies permii, Ton ct¡ finisl¡. r::; NEW PLAi\IKSTOI'IF^, r \.ff I /'¡' prest brick colors ond lextures o ronge of stondord, blended, ond custom colors in o choice of finishes: Noturol,Tudor@ ond Ground.The Noturol Finish hos o close-knit top surfoce which gives o cleon "designer" oppeoronce,The Tudor@ Finish very lightly exposes the oggregote, similor fo o flomed gronite texture, Ground Finish brick ore lightly honed to reveol more oggregote for o smoother distinctive oppeoronce. The photos below demonsfrote the woy in which the finish of the brick con offect the oppeoronce of the color. Honover@ offers slondord presT' brick colors Nolurol Tudor@ Ndturol Tudor@ Nolurol Tudor@ Noturol Tudo16 Quorry Red Limestone Groy Red 15 Chorcool Trodilionol@4" x 8" Troditionol@ 8" x 8" Troditionol@ 4" x 8" Appion@ 6" x 6" Noiurol Tudo16 Nolurol Tudor@ Pt¡^""ç- ç. tncrcraç- þehr:c,e.n èt OR Ton Chocolote Potriol@ Troditionol@ 4" x 8" ñ.^-{hr*s /<."nø\{æ! ßBr^d Ttr..Ï,"À 9t u-) blended prest" brick colors Noturol Tudor@ Noturol Tudor@ Noturol Tudor@ Ton/Chorcool Blend Noturol/Cho rcool Blend Red/Chorcool Blend Appion@ Mixed Appion@ ó" x 9', Trodifionol@ 4' x Noturol 8' Noturol TudorÆ Chocolote/Ton Blend Cothedrol@ Tudor@ Solmon/Chorcool Blend Appion@ Mixed Pleose Note: These Preslo Brick somples show vorious colors in different sizes ond styles. Eoch Presto Brick style con be ordered in o voriety of colors ond is not limited to whot is shown, Pleose contocl o HonoveP Representotive for o current listing.The dimensions stoted for product sizes of HonoveP Presl@ Brick ore nominol, Products ore mode lo fit metric modules, HonoveP PlonkStone@ 27/8" x23 1/2" x4" 27/8" 23t /2' 4 PlonkStone@ is olso ovoiloble in 175/a" ond 8r3/ro" lengths 27/a,,x17 s/a,,x4,, 2t/a" xgtsfio" x4" Pleose Note: Sizes shown ore nominol. Products ore mode lo fl metric modules. Overoll dimensions include one spocer PlonkStone@ is suggested for pedestrion use only NO Archite ctural tHt IEIK Pro du cts 5000 Honover Rood, Honover, PA I 7331 717 ,637 ,O5O0 fox 717.637 .7145 www. honoverpovers.com 9.22,09 PAGE I HANOVER.' GUIDELINE SPECIFICATION Poving ond Surfocing Prest@ Brick PRODUCT NAME: Honover@ Presl@ Brick MANUFACTURER: Ho nover@ Arch itectu ro I Products, 5000 Honover Rood, Honover, PA I 7331 717.637.0500 Fox 717.637.7145 info@honoverpovers.com www.honoverpovers.com T PRODUCT DESIGN: BASIC USE: Most ony oreo copoble of being poved con utilize Honover@ Preslo Brick povers. These pressed concrete poving bricks provide o surfoce equolly suited to municipol, residentiol, ond urbon projects. lnstollotions will benefit from its oppeoronce, slip resistont properties, ond obility to withstond snow removol ond freeze thow conditions.Typicol instollotions include plozos, drivewoys, courtyords, wolkwoys, porking oreos, pool oreos, low speed roodwoys, ond tree grid poving. COMPOSITION AND MATERIALS: HonoveP Preslo Brick Povers ore mode from Portlond cement, fine ond coorse oggregotes.These high density, hydroulicolly pressed concrete poving units, ore monufoctured to (+/-) I /to" toleronces. Eoch brick is uniform in size, permitting eosy instollotion of ony poving pottern. Severol styles, sizes, lhicknesses, colors ond finishes ore ovoiloble. LIMITATIONS: Honover@ Troditionol@ 4' x 8" x 3'size ond fhe 6' x12" x 4' size ore recommended for both pedestrion ond low speed vehiculor usoge when instolled in o herringbone pottern. All other styles con be used for both pedestrion ond low speed vehiculor opplicotions. The Troditionol@ I 2" x I 2" ond PlonkStone@ ore recommended for pedestrion use only. 2 TECHNICAL DATA: APPLICATION STANDARD: HonoveP Preslo Brick povers meet or exceed ASTM specificotions for concrete poving stones C936-82 requiring o minimum compressive strength of 8000 psi, moximum obsorption of 5% or less of 50 cycles of freeze thow testlng per section ASTM Có7. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Honover@ Presl@ Brick ore resistont to oil spilloge ond diesel fuel.They hove been designed with spocers on oll four sides providing o uniform t/to" joinf oround every brick. Prest@ Brick Styles: Trqciitionol@ Prest@ Brick Multisided Preslo Brick Appion@ Presl@ Brick Serengeti@ Slone - Holifox@ Flogstone PlonkStone@ Riven - - Olde HqnoveP - - rectongulor or squore in shope, beveled edges; 4" x B" ,6" x ó", B" x 8". ó" x I 2" ,12' x 12" ond Triod shopes ontiqued edges, cobbled oppeqronce; 6" x 6" ,6" x 9", Mixed, Rondom, Circle, Fon irregulor sides ond lop surfoce, rough ond rugged; Serengeli@ Gronde'", 6" x6",6" x9" wide joint style, cleft sudoce; lnegulor, Mixed, I 2" x 12":3" thickness norrow ond rectongulor in shope, beveled edges; 3" x 24" ,3' x I 8", 3' x 9", 4" thickness foce texlured to simulote noturol riven slone, conloured sides, wide joint style; Riven Viisi'" look of oged cloy brick povers, contoured sides, wide joint style; 3" x 9" Polrioi@, Cothedrol@, Hexogonol, Congressionol@ Preslo Brick Textures/ Finishes: Noturol close'knil surfoce, fine groin oppeqronce Tudor@ llghtly exposed oggregole, surfoce wifh o courser lexture worn stone effecl, oged oppeoronce Tumbled Chiseled slightly chipped surfoce, rough edges Squore Edge smotfh sufoce, non-beveled edge ovoiloble in Troditionol@ 4"x 8" size: score is o folse joint providing lhe oppeoronce of o 4"x 4" Scored smoolh, but not polished wilh exposed oggregote, no bevel,l /4" thinner in finished thickness Ground - HonoveP Preslo Brick thicknesses ronge from I t /2" - 4" . Not oll sizes ore ovoiloble in oll lhicknesses. PAGE 2 LAMININ@ PAVER INFUSION TECHNOLOGY: HonoveP Presl@ Brick povers covered in this section will be monufoctured with Honover's LAMININ@ Pover lnfusion Technology. LAMININ@ is not o lopicol surfoce treolment. LAMININ@ is o Moleculor lnfusion Technology thof provides monolithic stobility throughout the enfire producl moss. Presl€ Brick with LAMININ@ Pover lnfusion Technology provide chorocteristics to resist: . Acid roin . Ultro Violet . Lighl Alkoline . Stoins from oils ond foods . Efflorescence (resulls verified per ASTM C-ó7) LAMININ's obility to provide resislonce to UV degrodotion hos been tested in occordonce wilh ASTM D-458705, which showed o minimum chonge in surfoce oppeoronce ofter 2,000 hours of ultrolight exposure (equivolent of l5-20 yeors) 3INSTALLATION: : lntedocking concrele brick povers ore typicolly instolled on o bed of sond conforming To ASTM C 33 or o biluminous setting bed. After units ore instolled on sond bed, They ore vibroted with o high frequency, low omplitude plote vibrotor. Units ore pressed into sond bed ond sond is compocted. Joints ore then filled with sond ond brick povers ore vibroted unlil oll joinls ore complelely filled. Excess sond is removed. EDGE RESTRAINTS: Adequote edge restroints ond o properly prepored bose ore essenliol to lhe successful pedormonce of Honover@ Presl@ Brick povers. When ulilizing o sond or biluminous setting bed, edge restroints con be wood, steel, PVC, Honover@ RockCurb@ or onother system specifcolly designed to restroin concrele povers. BASE: Sond setting bed over o compocted void free gronulor bose is ihe prefened melhod for HonoveP Preslo Brick povers. Alternote instollotion methods include o biiuminous setting bed over o compocted oggregoÌe bose or concrele slob. Coreful ottention musl be given to locol soils ond droinoge conditions, type of expected troffic, ond municipol requirements Bose is lypicolly compocted oggregote. Fobric soil seporotors ore recommended for vehiculor povements belween the soil subgrode ond bose moleriols. Honover@ Preslo Brick moy olso be instolled os on overloy system on existing concrete or ospholt povements. Filter cloth is recommended over the existing povement prior to instolling brick povers. 4 AVAILABILITY AND COST AVAILABILITY: HonoveP Preslo Brick in stocked colors ond blends ore reodily ovoiloble in lhe continentol United STotes. Custom colors ore For further informotion coll HonoveP Architecturol Products, lnc. ovoiloble when quonlilies permit. COST: Cost will vory depending upon pover sizes, finish, color ond quontity ordered 5 WARRANTY HonoveP Architecturol Products, lnc. will certify specific povers to meet or exceed internol stondords os well os previously sloted ASTN/ performonce stondords. ó MAINTENANCE Honover@ Preslo Brick require procticolly no mointenonce if instolled properly. Degree of soiling ond sloining will depend on lype ond omount of use over time. Contoct monufocturer for informolion regording seoling ond cleoning of brick. 7 TECHNICAL SERVICES Complete technicol informotion ond printed lileroture from monufocturer NO IEIK tHt Architectural Products 5000 Honover Rood, Honover, PA 17331 717.637.0500 fox 717.637.7145 wwwhonoverpovers.com 1 .20.14 Honover' PlonkStonet lnstollotion Designs Bosketweove Bosketweove x 231 /2" 27/ø" x813ho" 27 /a" 7 s/e" 2t/ø" x23t/2" Running Bond* 27/8"x23t/2" Running Bond * * 2 /8" x 23 /2", 2 /a x 17 /a", 2 /s x $ t 7 t s þ0" 27/B'x231/2" Running Bond * * * ts 90'Herringbone* 45'Herringbone* Bosketweove 2t/e'x17 Bosketweove 2 t /s" x 17 s /s", 2 /B' x g t ts ho' 2t/a"x23t/z' Lengihs ore inlended lo be inslolled rondomly, *Herringbone designs con be ocheived wilh ony of The three lpngths. ** Running Bond designs con be ocheived with ony of the three lengths individuolly or combined. When combining lenglhs, determine the percentoge of eoch length the intended instollotion design requires. Pleose Note: Sizes shown ore nominol, Products ore mode to fit metric modules. Overoll dimensions include one spocer PlonkStone@ is suggested for pedestrion use only. NO tHt IEIK Architectural Products Honover Rood, Honover, 5000 PA 17331 717.637 .O5O0 fox 717.637 .7145 www. honoverpovers.com 2,13.14 A 4- Archltectu ral Tesllng pARI'"$RM,ANCft: IlVÂf ,LJA'rION T Hft'f RAPORï Rendcred to: HÀNOVITR ARCilTTACTURÀI, PROT}UCTS PII{}DUCT': Hanovtr PrcstCI llri*k lleport Ns: 92147.CI2-lû6-31 Report Hxpiratiorr 130 Derry Coilrt York, PÀ 17406"8405 ptutne: 717-764-7IAt (ax: 717"7M"4129 wr\rw.arcfutext.(om Datc: Dnte; ll¡2l.lt9 09/l fl/13 Ârchitecturat Tasting ïl: R¡r(}ïìM A NCX IIYA L U Ä't'lON'l'üSl' ltt POUT Rcndcrcd to: I I HOI'IJI{ AI" PRODU C'I'S ?40llcnder l{oad llanover, Pennsylvania l73l I IÂNOVI,:R A RCII Itepoll Ncr 92 l4?.02-106-3 Dnt*s: Thraugh: lìcp<rrt D*t*:; Iixpi*rticn Dirlc: Tcçt I 06126íJ"9 09/18/09 lllÌ3Ílì.9 ü9/l tt/|3 ProrluelI Flanovcr Prcstfi) Il'ick Proj*cf Sum*ary: Architccluml "I'csting, lnc. w¿ts cr¡ntmct{,'ti by Ilrinovcr ¡l"rchitcci*ral Products to pcrt'orm evaluntiolrs an Îhçir l)¡est$Ð lìrick prnduct. Ðfflorescottce, uV [ixposule, Absorption, üornpressive Strcngth, ilrseze/'I'hnw l{csistancç, Static Coclficient of lTriction, Aluasion Resist¿*cc alrd Stain llcsist¿r¡lcc evaluations wcrc perfnrfired on thc l'resffiì l]rick prnduct. 't'hc prruduct met tlìe perfirnnarrcc uitedu prescnted in ASTM Û 936: Scction 5.3, Conrpr*ssive Strength (¡8,ûOtl psi rvith no uuit lcss than ?,200 psi); Seclion 5.4, Absotplion ing anrl un 5,5" Itcsistar un 55 cs) and 2-î iiecz tcil to rcalcr 'asio¡r (-3ltltlt s). 'T'hs mcan t , rner¡n St¿tie Cocflîcir:¡rt of F'riction fbr thc Prcst0 llrick was dctsnninecl to bç L0fl fol fhe dly cotrtliti+ri and 0.85 fol'thc wet cc¡nditìon. 'l'hc UV Resistancc cvaluation resr¡ltcd in c nrcan AII -Ihe Stahr ll$sistance olf the Prest$) of l,?0. lifflorescorrce wÍts not obscrved in ihs samples. Brick produ$f w¿¡s found to be such that no stairtirtg agcnt cvaluutcd rva* obscrvccl to pcnctratc farthcr than û.05 iu, ilomparativc ililivitluaì Stain lìesist¿ncc santplc cvaluatir¡ns al'c k:catcd in tlie resulls scctiun. 130 Dery Court York, P 17406-8405 phone: 717-764"7700 la:x: 717.764"4129 www.archtest.com 4- 92147,02-l 0ú-3 I P*gc ? ol'7 Archltectural Testlng 'l'esf Mcthotls: 'l'hc f*st sp$cirîcn wâs evrlu¡rted in accordance witlr the folTowingl 1.\STM C 6?-09- Standard Test fulethntls 'l'ile for SantpÌing und 1'esting ßrick snd Stnu.tural Oluy, . ASTM C 154-06, Strsndurd Pruúit:e,fìtr öperuling |t'luore:;mnl Lìghl ,{p¡>urutu,s.lbr Ulr li.x¡sosu rc ¡l' Non me t çl.l ic ll,lut erfu [ s. AS'¡'M C 936-08, Stun<Jar¡lSpecificulíon.fi¡r Splid Conucte lnteriacl:ing Pnving Unirs. ASTM C 140-08, Stttnclurtl Te,rt Me¡hods.for Sumplittg and ?'astìng (\wcrele fi,ftt"st¡t.rv Iinito and Ìlelutod Units. AS'f'M C 1645-0(r, Standurd 'l'est Method.[or l;i't:r:ze-thnut tuul I]e-king Salíd (.\¡nrtvle lntcr[r¡cking PuvÍttg {J'tits, Sul¡ Ðurahilit¡, ,r¡ ÄS'lìfvf C 1028-07, Standar¡l T'est Ì+,Íethod_þr' Detennining the Stulit: Coe//ìe.'ienf of lirit:littrt ofCcrumic Tile emcl Othey l,íke ftflines b¡, the |lorizotttal l)¡,numonØs Í>t¡ll-il,futer Metho¿|. ASI'M C 4ll$-05, ,4lsrusion Rcsista¡u:e of {}on<:r*te by Sandhlasting, ÂS1'M C Ì378-ii4 (2009), Stçndurd Tesr Method jbr Ðeten¡tittatian o! Resistunca to Stuíning. I'cst Procedurcs: 'l'csfing wrls pcrlfurrreci otr tniìtcrial$ wltich werp mantifactrred by llanover Archit$ctural ilrurìucts ancl nuidif¿c<ì by Architcctr¡ml 'l"esting person*el ns required fur testing, Iìl'l1çrcscc¡rcc wns detcrminpd in nccordanÇe with lhc ptcccdurcs dctailed in ¡51¡'¡4 C: 67. UV cxposurc rv*s coll<Iuctcd in uccorclnnce with the ploce<lures cletailed in ASTM C 154. Àbsorptiol nn<f Coinpre$sive Strength rtnd werc delcnnillccl ir¡ acccrdanco with thc protcdurcs dctniletl in AS'IM C 936 ân{t ASTM C 140. FrcczclThtrw Rcsintancc wzrs dcttlr¡rincd in accordâI1$e with tlrc proccdurcs detailcd in ASI'M C.936 and ASI'M C 1645. Slalic Coctlicicnt tif Fristiön was tlctcrrnilcd in accorclancc with tlu: ¡rroccdurcs elctailcd in AS'I'M C 1028. Ahrasion llcsistal¡ce "i"esting was cçnductcd irr accordance with the prnccclurcs detailed in AS"I"M C 93(r ¿n<t C 4liJ, Siailr l{csislåncc w¿ts dctcrmined in accord*rce wíth tlie proctldttres detailcd in AS'I'M C l37ll with rnodif,ied staining iìgcnt$ (Molor Oil, Colïee, Col*, Ketchup. Mtlstartl and Red Wine). lrrior to completion of the $lcrnirig procethucs, r;tain rcsistancc stn:plcs wcn: ctlf i* half (through ccute¡ qrf obscrvecl stain) to tlctcrmi*c tlcplh ol'sfaitring. 92t4"t,02-t06.]1 Ärchitectural Testing Itage 3 of 7 Test Rerults: Thc rclir¡lts ailü ropoflod iå the lÌrllowing tablcs, ASTM C 67, fÈcrfion I f - Hfflorestencc 'I'est Paranrters S*rm¡rlr Numbm Dcpth of ilurntion of trYater (in) Ë,xrtosurs Efflorssccnce ü b servÉil I .Not Íiflloresced 3 Nr¡t ljfflorcsccd Nr:rt lr,lïlolesced ) t.0 ? dtrys Nc¡t Ëflli¡rcsccd 4 { Not üfilolesecd t.0 rl verngr: Nof HfÍïoreseed 7 days ÄSTM C I54 - UV llesistan.:e .Hxpnsure Duration liample Number Ärt ll{ours) I I.JÓ 3, 1.95 3 1,55 5ûCI 4 2.tt 1.32 1.73 $ 6 Àveragt t.?0 s{}ü ÀSTIM C 936, Soctlon 1.4 - Absorpti<ln P*'rformancc Sat;rafccl Wctght (g) 0vcn Ðry welght (g) Á"bsorption Numbcr lmmers*d t/rteighr (g) t 752.10 1309,3ü l25B.1A Yes 2 7',t2.50 1340.00 I 289. 4.t2 'Ì g{ 3 732.3t 1289.?û 1241.6A 3,87 Ycs 4 742.{¡0 l298.rJü l24rì,5û 4.03 Yes Averoge 749.fiS 1309"45 I259.48 3.97 Yes Snnrple rt {%) Cr:iteri¿r Mct Yes 9214?,0? 106"31 Architacturåf Testing Pa¡gc 4 of 7 ï'e,sf Results: (Ccntinued) Àti'Í'M C' 9360 ficctlon 5.3 - Conr¡rrcssive litrengfh .Snnlole üimcnsÍons Àr'e¿ Height (in) (int) fiample Numbcr P*ak Pcrfarmanüe CrilcrÍ* Met Loud (lbr) I 2.32 ¡ 4.-5q 126,0û0 8600 Yris , 2.3? M.sq 139,000 9sû0 Yes 3 2.32 t4.6',1 137,000 93üt) Yes Av*rage 2.32 14,6î, 134,000 9200 Yes .fw Crntp'essiv+ 7"lv is r1torlul tu lhp m,un:st I0Û psì. i\S'fM C 93ö, Scction Saru¡rlr Nunrbcr Cycles Complettd 1 , 25 3 Avrrage lllrus 1-<¡.r'.r ? 25 $.5 * Nreezc*'l'h¡rrv $ample üvcn Dry Dimeusions Mass Loss Mass Loss {m}) lg) lslml)' û.G19 0.378 t9.q 0.019 0.4n6 25.(,i 0.019 ù.5q4 3t,3 0.0r9 9,486 25.ó thlcnninaû ryton c'onrpletiou rrt è5 l;ratuúl'hatt cj-t:les as Pcrfsrmance Criteria il{ct 2 Yerr per ÁS'l'!ll C llt4i-ûtt, C 93ö, $ecfion 5.6 / ASTM C 4t8 - ¡\brnslon Resistnnce ^"STM Snmple N*mber t 'llcst Cavitv I 2 I z ., Âvcrage tlean Clyitv Volumc {crnJ) 0.6415 0.5979 0,só67 ¡\brasion Cocfliclent 'T'ltirkntss l,oss (rnm) Pcrfor$¡rtüûo 0.0q95 0.0927 <1.û <1.û Ycs Ycs Criteila Mc* 1crn.l/cm¿¡ 0.û87{) <1.CI Ycs 14 ü.0948 <í1.0 Ycs ü.ú044 û.ß93? <l.B Yes 0.ól Ð2 I 47,0?- f 06-3 t Àrchitecturål Te$ting Pagc 5 ttf 7 'l'csf llesults; (ConlÌrrued) ASI'M C 1028 Dry Valuc flhs) 'l'rial Samplc Numbc¡' Co¡ttraI $ta*dard Cnlibrntion I - Stafic Cor¡ffirirnf of Friçtir¡n Coutrol Brick t 36 27 JO 26 3 4 35 25 24 J8 .: 50 2 3 4$ sû 49 46 48 I 3 t t 49 3 48 r45 x 43 43 42 42 44 4, 44 44 42 42 46 4 0, llrick 43 44 47 4{) 45 4 Tot¿rl l'resllS) St*ndnrcl 2 z 3 (l lts) Prest(O 4 2 W*rl Value t02 5'11 l6 514 û.02 Coefficienf of lrriction l.ßfi iF) 0.8$ ÀSTM C I3?8 - St*in Rusistance fiamplr St¡in Nurnh¿r 'Hre¿rtment t 2 3 4 5 6 Krtchun J\lust¡rd Sample Affoctcd (S(ain Obsrrvetl forf'Clenning Procetlure) I /\ Ë C Yes Yss Yes Yes No Yes Yes {faìnt) Ycs {fnint) Yes C'ola Ycs Coffec Iled Winc ${otor Oil Yes A xun¡tte is Yes Ycs Y*s Ycs Ycs D Ðcpth of StaÍr (in) No û.û5 Ycs tfaint) 0.05 0.ü5 No No CI.05 No No 0.05 Ycs Ycs CI.05 de/ìned os "rllfectwl" h7' aJ'su(brc ,rrûir, tqreu t'isual cvaluutiou âÍ o 2Jcttt, lJ'tro t-ut{øce.rlr¡l¡l !r ttblzrvcd upott t¡vuluuliutt, tht wmple is constûen¡d lt¡ Ûta "not u.flt:çled", A 4- 92147.02-106-31 Fagc 6 of7 Architectural Testing Daia slrccts, rcpl'er*:nittivc urnples ol'fcst spr:cirtrclrsn a üopy o{'this tcst repuli will be letailled by Architectural 'festing, hic, f<lr a pcrir:cl of f'our ycam fiom tlie original tcs( dtìtc. At titc end of tllis ¡¡:tcntion psriod such nrrtcl'iRls shall be disca*decl',vithout lìotise and the *ervice life of this report by Atrhitectural 'l'esling r,vill oxpire, Results obtainsd flre tosfed values oud wet.s seoursd using the design*ted te$t methûds. This rcpcrt does not oonstitufe ce$ificaçiûn of :his pro<luct Iror äl¡ opír:ion or cqdursemcnl by tlris labanrtory. lt is ttrc cxclusivc propcrty of thc cìir:r¡t sir narnccl hrroin and rclrtcs only tr: thc spc*imi:ns Tcslc¿l. 'fhis rcpnrt lluy not bc n:ptoduccd, rixcÐpt in fi¡ll, witho*f fhc wrillcn ap¡rnrvaT <lf Archilscturnl 'l'csting, ltrc. 1¡or ¡\ RCI I l' l'ilC' ltj ll A L' l'l iS'!" I NG, I NCl.: lla¡tnan Scolt D, Scallorn -'T'cchnicinn I Com¡:onerrts / M aierials'lcstirig Cmy tlnrnunn, P,li. - ilirector Components / Matcrials 'l'csting äDS:sddnlh (pages) 'l'his rcporl is oornplclc unly rvlrcn atl a{t*chrncrtls lìsle¡l rrc ittclurlcd. Appcndìx A - Phu(ogmphs (?) Àttacluncnts 3å \,ì\3 + r 05 EJ'ËE @ Ra,o$"o,..Ì SNAP EDGE Components I' 2 4 The Snap Edge Advantage . Engineened to 6 5 pnovide a stnong, easy 3 concnete/claY Pavens' . One single unit can be used to fonm straight or nadius Installations' . Convenient tongue and gnoove connection sPeeds installation. . Speeds radius installations due to its unique "SniP and Flex" feature. . Unique design allows the tightest nadius in the industnY' . SNAP EDGE CrosE Sectlon 4 to install edge.restraint fon .1. ti 1. Restraining Bnace 5. Stacking Peg 2. Connecton [Male] 6. Spike Boss 3. Back Tie [cut to flex edging] 7. Connecton (Femalel 4. Open to allow for root gnowuh 4 6 1 2975', 3 Full depth backfill gives the tunf a solid place to anchon so as to increase the strength of the system. . I' length transports easily in the back of a pickup ruck. . lnventory costs and shontages ane minimized as only one piece is nequired Typical 7 Gross Section 1. 4.Turf Snap Edge 2. Spike 3. Soil 5O 1o") 5. Sand Jointed Pavers 6. Sand Setting Coarse 7. Aggregate Base 8. Compacted Subgrade lnstallation Guidelines . Excavate and install gnavel base at least 6" past the penimeter of the actual paved area' . consult your paving stone supplier on soils engineer to determine the proper base depth for the particular installation. unifonm edge along entine length' snap all pieces together at tongue and gnoove connection to form a strong outside radius' Snip flex connector wìth diagonal cuttens to allow fon inside or fon walks/patios, one spike snap Edge down on top of compacted and graded base. one spike every two feet . . . spike . . every foot fon drivewaYs. 3/4" ' Scneed sand fnom the top of Snap Edge using a 2" x 4" notched out' The full depth backfill allows the roots to Backfill the entine perimeter with topsoil and then seed on sod as nonmal. help anchor the edging in Place. Distrihuted ÉsttrE CORPORATION www.snapedgeusa.com email: info@snaPedgeusa.com bY: PEMBROKE STONE MART 802 W. Pembroke Avenue Hampton, Virginia 23669 723-8895 (757)722-2691 FaxQ STO FORALLYOUR NEEDSI Snap Edge Corporatron Page 1 û :IITÜ ¡ ÜTII 3âtq\3 -+ Ð.o5 ofl INJECTION MOLDED PLASTIC EDGE RESTRAINT FOR GONCRETE'CLAY PAVERS UNIQUE ONE PIECE DESIGN ALLOWS FOR BOTH_STRAIGHT AND RAD]US EDGES 3 llsm-e-lBack-tp-Lngla-lle"tio-n--s-p-e-c-lf ic-atio-n-s_ Nail Specifications o Nails (1) shall be standard headed, steel, 3/8" diameter "Landscape Spikes". o Nail be 12" to24" ¡ ects immediately backfilled with 18" or24" Commercial A. B. c D 10, 9q þinches long. These nails are commonly referred to as with the 12" aparl is preferred to 8" long nails B byfr lon nails with 18" or 24" ll depth) (2) with a complete root producing foliage such as grass (3) will be when the roots are entwined with the ications: Paving stabili$ is a function of nail spacing and base stability. The strongest edging is useless if it is free to move laterally. Therefore: Commercial projects shall have a full depth compacted base (5)that extends 12" beyond (6) the edging nail hole center line. Sod or grass backfilled (full depth) commercial projects may have a maximum nail spacing of 18". Other backfills require 12" nail spacing. Backfill must be full depth (2) (i.e.: from base to top of pavers), For commercial pedestrian walkways (sidewalks) only: nail spacing may be 24" with full depth grass or sod backfill. pavers full de backfill (2) ail hole center line ' comnacted base (5) (1) Notes: b ase denth exlention (6) (A)Under no circumstances is it permissible to install edging (4)on paver bedding sand (7). (B) ln all cases the edging (4) must be covered completely with backfill (2), and/or grass (3), etc. http //www. snapedgeusa.com/nailspecs.htm : ail t21t512004 \q t3 * g.oL 3& A Povro- B"¿A '^3 AGGR GATE rËu3rilE!¡ Mafarial (ìa ifiealinn Hickory Hill Sand & Gravel 4315 Sears Country Road Ark, VA 23003 (804) 693-2280 Concrete Sand Matêrial Descript¡on SG,CONCRETE SAND,#4-#2OO,W This material meels the requirements for ASTM C33. Sieve Analysis Sieve Sizes inches Results Specifications metric % Passing 3t8 9.5 mm 100o/o #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 100Y0 99o/o 95-100% 97o/o 1.18 mm 80-'1000/0 85Yo 50-85% 45o/o 25-60% 7o/o #1 00 150 p 5-30o/o .4o/o 0-100/ 600 300 ¡r ¡r ASTM C33 Physical Properties Desígnation Test c 136 Finus Modulus 2-72 c128 Bulk Specific Gravity 2 613 c128 c128 Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) 2.618 Apparent Specific Gravity Absorption o/o 2.624 Unit Weight (dry loose) 93 Un¡t We¡ght (dry rodded) 100 Designation Test Result ASTM C33 c117 Material Finer than #200 .2o/o 3.0% c8B Sulfate Soundness (sodium) o/o c88 Sulfate Soundness (magnesium) 4.5% C128 c29 c29 Deleterious Result 2.3 - 3.1 .2 Su bsta nces Specificatíon 10% 15o/o c1 31 LA Abrasion s1%" 50% c535 LA Abrasion >l %" 50o/o c142 c123 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 0o/o 3.00/o Coal and Lignite 0o/o 0.5o/o c40 Organ¡c lmpur¡ties Color Plate #1 Designation Test Resu It D2419 Sand Equivalency 96 c1252 Uncompacted Vold Content 48 Other Tests CERTIFIED 74-4ñl* Technical Services Departuìent January 2013 3e\{13 .é\" rF FHu"n }-^F, p. 04 \\ AGGREGATE ilrûlEtffi Masonry Sand Hickory Hill Sand & Gravel Mater¡al DescrlPt¡on 4315 Sears Country Road SG,MASONRY SAND,#8-O,W Ark, VA 23003 (804) 693-2280 This material meets the requirements forASTM C1.14' Sieve AnalYsis . Sieve Sizes metric inches 4.75mm # #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 Specifications Results ASTM C144 % Passing n 10}o/o 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 p 300 ¡t 150 p lÙOo/o 99% 95-100% 960/o 7C-10}o/o 58% 13o/o 40-75% i0-35Yo 3% 2-15o/o Physical ProPeÉies Designation c136 c'\28 c128 c128 c128 c29 c29 Test Result Finus Modulus 2.31 Bulk Specific GravitY Bulk Specifìc GravitY (SSD) 2.613 Apparent SPecific GravitY Absorption % 2.624 2.618 2Yo Unit Weight (dry loose) 93 Unit Weight (dry rodded) 100 Test Result ASTM C144 Material Finer than #200 Sulfate Soundness (sodium) 2o/o 5.0% Sulfate Soundness (magnesium) Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 4.5% 15Yo Oo/o 1.0% Lightweight Particles (SpGr 2.a0) lVo 0.5% Organic lmPurities Organic Plate #1 Test Result Deleterious Substances Designation c117 c88 c88 c142 c142 c40 Specification Other Tests Designation 10% CERTIFIED 7#,/,fi72' Technical Services Depaftment Jantary 2012 pR- I {^tsv:r*o,ø- a<rL ga V€À/: arö .lnJ DIVISION 4 fVnnsoru tVIx Pn,o.o¡erNo.'l'[3,6 Masonry Mofaring 04 05 13 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUlXnEtEo Mason Mix is a contractor grade moilar mix designed for laying brick, concrete masonry units and stone, n^rür'x frr.ttu --.& PRODUCT USE QUIKRETEo Mason Mix is a contractor grade mortar mix designed for laying brick, concrete masonry units and stone, QUIKRETEo Mason Mix is a pre-blended, sanded product. the standard formulation meets ASTM C 270 and C 1714 as Type S mortar. Other types are available by special request. coLoRs QUIKRETEo Mason Mix is available in gray and additional colors by special order, Color can also be added to the product as it is mixed by adding QUIKRETEo Stucco and Mortar Color (#1319) to the mixing water. Twenty standard colors are available. MIXING . For each 80 lb (36,3 kg) bag, add 9 pt (4.3 L) of fresh water to mixer . Tum the mixer on and begin adding bags of Mason Mix . lf the material becomes too difficult to mix, add additional water until a workable mix of trowelable consistency is obtained Note - Final water content should be 9 - 14 pt (4.3 - 6,6 L) for each 80 lb (36,3 kg) bag and 7 - 10 pt (3.3 - 4,7 L)for each 60 lb (27,2 kg) bag, . OUIKRETE@ Mason Mix , 60lb (27 ,2 kg) bags INSTALLATION . Apply a full bed of mortar onto the base, approximately 112' - 314 (12.7 - 19.1mm)thick . Push downward into the mortar bed and sideways against the . 80 lb (36.3 kg) bags YIELD . Each 80 lb (36.3 kg) bag of QUIKRETEo Mason Mix will lay up to 37 standard bricks or 13 standard (8' x 8" x 16" [200 mm x 200 mm x 400 mml) blocks. TECHNICAL DATA APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM lnternational . ASTM C 270 Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry . ASTM C 387 Specification for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Mortar and Concrete . ASTM C 1714 Specification for Preblended Dry Mortar Mix for Unit Masonry PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL PROPERTIES QUIKRËTEo Mason Mix meets or exceeds the property requirements ofASTM C 270, ASTM C 387 and ASTM C 17141or the type selected, Refer to Appendix Xl of ASTM C270 for guidance in selecting the proper mortar type, See Table 1. previously laid block with a siight twisting motion . Toolthe mortar joints when.they become thumbprint hard, This will make the mortar joint watenight and provide a neat appearance Hydraulic Cement- Lime Mortars or Cement Mortars Type M s N 0 Surfaces to receive Mason Mix should be clean and free of dirt, loose debris, grease, oil, etc,, for the best possible bond. Compressive (MPa) 2) 1800 (12.4) 750 (5.2) 350 (2.4) Water Retention Minimum % Air content Maximum % 75 12 75 12 75 141 75 141 Masonry Cement Mortars Type Minimum Compræsive N psi(MPa) (17,2) 1800 (12 4) 750 (5 2) 0 350 M ù Strenglh, 2500 Water Retention Minimum % Air content Maximum % 75 75 18 75 202 18 75 202 content z INSTALLATION SURFACE PREPARATION Minimum Strength, psi 2500 (17 When structural reinforcement is included, the maximum air content shall be 18% CURING Curing of masonry mortars is required only if conditions are very hot, dry or windy, ln such cases, a gentle mist of water applied to the surface will prevent premature drying and improve the strength of the mortar. PRECAUTIONS Variations in mix water amount, mix time, curing conditions and finishing will cause color variations. intended. Liability under this wananty is limited to the replacement of its product (as purchased) found to be defective, or at the shipping companies' option, to refund the purchase priæ, ln the event of a claim under this waranty, notice must be given to The QUIKRETE@ Companies in writing, This limited wananty is issued and accepted in lieu of all other express warranties and expressly excludes liability for consequential damages. WARRANÏY The QUIKRETEo Companies warrant this product to be of merchantable quality when used or applied in accordance with the instructions herein. The product is not wananted as suitable for any purpose or use other than the general purpose for which ' it The QUIKRETE@ Companies 0ne Securitiæ Centre 3490 Piedmont Rd., NE, Suite 1300; Atlanta, GA 30305 (404) 634-9100 . Fax: (404) 842-1425 is Refet to www,quikrcte,com for the nost cwrent technical data, MSDS, and guide spec¡licat¡ons
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