The Asheville Quilt Guild d isPatc h The purpose of the Guild is to promote and preserve the art and history of quilts through education of its members, and to inspire community involvement. The Guild depends on the cooperation of the entire membership for the success of its projects. May 2012 Volume 25 Issue 3 P r e s i d e n t ’s N o t e While the AQG Board is still working through some questions about costs, book cover, photos, and potential advertisers, the proposed cookbook fundraiser needs one more facet to make it a "go." That is two or three recipes from you. Though almost 100 recipes have been put on the website (see page 4 for easy instructions on how to add 2 or 3 of your recipes), those have been put on by about 20 people. We know from the annual picnics at the Governor's Western Residence and other get togethers where you bring food that this guild has cooks and bakers who produce delicious edibles. So open the website and look at the categories (including Quick and Easy) and add two or three of your own. Sharon Smaldone wants to ask some of our guest lecturers and workshop leaders to provide recipes, but she needs to know first that we have enough already on the website to publish a cookbook. Please add your great recipes this week. If we are to sell the cookbooks at the quilt show, we need this lead time. The Board wants your recipes to be public, but it is concerned about your privacy rights and about minimizing the number of guild emails you receive. Your new guild Directory has valuable info, phone numbers, email and snail mail (my mother's term) addresses, the Board is trying to balance your "need to know" with your desire for privacy. We do NOT publish the information listed above in our newsletter because that is available on the website to the general public. You always have access to the website information and to the information in the monthly newsletter, the disPatch, whether you receive it online or it comes in your mailbox. Alice Inside this Issue: Lectures/Workshops"...............2-3 Membership"..................................3 Ways and Means"..........................4 Helms, our newsletter editor, will send information between newsletters to everyone by email only when it is news that involves the entire guild such as an emergency cancellation of a guild meeting because of unfavorable weather conditions. And Sandy Gillis, our webmaster, will follow the same policy. Alice welcomes news for the disPatch about items of interest involving our members and quilting so, if you will provide those to her by the last day of the month and there is space, she will include those articles in the next newsletter. If you have questions about guild news or the cookbook proposal or anything else, please talk with one of the members of the Board. You have our numbers! " " " " Janie Instructions for Sara's Quilt Blocks It’s not too late to make a block or two or three for Sara Hill’s president’s quilt. Sara will assemble the blocks into a quilt which will hang in the offices of Habitat for Humanity. Make an 8 1/2" unfinished block with a house (for Habitat) either pieced or appliquéd with or without embellishment. Use mostly primary colors. Use some kind of sky fabric as background at the top. Please put your quilt block in a ziplock bag and pin your name to the block. Accompanying the finished quilt will be a page that identifies the maker of each block. Bring to the next Guild meeting. There will be a designated space on a table as you enter the meeting room. Guild Challenge"...........................4 Quilt Show"....................................5 Member News"..............................5 Bee News"......................................6 Events".........................................6-7 Official Business".......................8-9 Programs May Lecture and Workshop Tuesday & Wednesday, May 15 a.m. & 16 Betty Ekern Suiter has won numerous prestigious awards, among them, one of her quilts was selected as One of the Best 100 Quilts of the 20th Century! Betty’s quilts have been featured in many books and magazines. You will have an opportunity hear about her quilt making at her lecture, “Stitched by Hand.” “Grapes” or “After the Harvest” are the patterns from which to pick for Betty’s workshop. Students will learn to appliqué sharp inside and outside points and tight inside curves. Embroidered tendrils add the finishing touch. Betty will show you how to conquer the circles to make grapes. You are ready to take this class if you are a CONFIDENT BEGINNER. This means you are familiar with what an appliqué stitch is and have given it a try. This workshop is to help you take your skills a step further whether you are a confident beginner or an advanced hand-appliquér. Pattern fee: $10 (You bring your fabrics.) - OR - Kit fee: $27 (Betty provides all the fabrics you need to make the entire quilt top.) June Lecture and Workshop Tuesday & Wednesday, June 19 pm & 20 Pat Speth’s trunk show, “Five-Inch is a Cinch: How Nickel Quilts Are Created,” is sure to get you fired up about using 5" squares of fabric. Pat will bring a great assortment of quilts from her collection. She states, “We focus on the blocks in the quilts and the simple components they are made from.” Pat’s workshop, “Half Square Triangles and Four Patches” offer 15 quilts to make featuring: Jewel Box, Northern Lights, Sunny Lanes, Mount Hood, Flying Home from Bali Bali, Beach Party, Shoo Fly, Jacob's Ladder, Path and Stiles, Idaho Beauty, Churn Dash, Heritage Trail, Market Square, Hickory Hills and Texas Two Step. These units could be considered the cornerstones of quilting. Simple sewing and cutting techniques will turn your 5" squares into many great quilts. Once you play with these units on a design wall you may come up with a new block of your own! You will also learn how to make two different sizes of nine patches from 5" squares and sew a mystery block! A handout will be given and discussed on how to make your pieced border fit your quilt top. Rated: All skill levels. To see Pat’s quilts related to this workshop, go to or see her books at the Workshop table. July Lecture & Workshop Tuesday & Wednesday, July 17 a.m. & 18 At her lecture, Ellen Guerrant will tell us about her “Journey of a Quiltmaker.” For the workshop, Gimme Shelter, ‘Ignore the quilt police, leave your sewing machine at home, have fun and relax making a neighborhood of charming houses in your own style,’ wildly funky or traditional. Fast workers should leave class with enough blocks for a small wall quilt. All skill levels." Class fee: $10, covers pattern and novelty fabrics. Additional information including downloadable supply lists and registration forms are available on the website: disPatch May 2012 Page 2 Workshop participants please note changes in place and time: May and June 2012 workshops will be held at Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road, (near Airport Road) Arden, NC. " The May workshop runs from 9:30 to 4 pm. " The June workshop runs from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. " Place and time for the July workshop are to be announced. WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM Betty Suiter" " " Pat Speth" " " Ellen Guerrant" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Wed. 5/16" " " Wed, 6/20" " " Wed, 7/18" " " Are you an AQG member? Yes/No" " Grapes & After the Harvest" " " " " Half Square Triangles" " and Four Patches" " Gimme Shelter" " " " " " " " $40 AQG members $55 non-members $40 AQG members $55 non-members $40 AQG members $55 non-members Total Amount Enclosed" $___________ Indicate your workshop selection by circling the name of the workshop. If you are signing up for more than one workshop, please write separate checks for each workshop. Please date your checks with the date of the workshop and make payable to Asheville Quilt Guild. Name:___________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ email:_______________________________ Mail to: Peggy Tobin" 20 Stonebridge Drive Asheville, NC 28805 " " 828-299-1910" Cancellation policy: Workshop cancellations must be made with the workshop chair at least 14 days before the workshop date in order for the registration fee to be refunded. Otherwise, you must find a replacement for your workshop space and notify the workshop chair. Membership New name tags, membership cards, and directories are here! You can pick these up at the next meeting, if you haven't already done so. By our figuring, last month some folks picked up directories and cards, but not name tags. New members in April: Kathryn Zimmerman, Sherry Durbin, and Deb Walker. Welcome! Renewing members include Brenda Baldwin, Barbara Wilkins, Michael Goodwin, Diane Mullins, and Peggy Schackley. An addendum to the directory will be printed later in the year to include members who have renewed or joined since the end of March, and any corrections to current listings. Our current membership total is 245 and rising." " Membership co-chairs, Jean Karpen & Peggy Newell disPatch May 2012 Asheville Quilt Guild Library The AQG library is housed in the Folk Art Center library on the second floor. Library hours: 9-6 April through December; 9-5 January through March. Quilt teachers needed A new Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store is opening in Asheville on May 18th in the Overlook Village Shopping Center across from the Asheville Mall. They are looking for quilters who would be interested in teaching part-time at the store. They get paid based on the paid registrations of the students, and they get a discount card to the store. If anyone is interested, they should contact Kelli Scaglione, Education Coordinator at (828) 299-7687. Page 3 Ways and Means Small Quilt Silent Auction Quilts, Quilts, Quilts – I need your quilts! Be creative, and best of all, NO rules, just have fun! Make a small quilt using your favorite pattern, your own creation, whatever strikes your fancy… And, remember, members will vote on their favorites at September Guild meeting and ribbons will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and HM quilts. Small Quilt Silent Auction forms are on the Guild website and at Guild meetings. Opportunity Quilt Don’t forget to pick up your tickets to sell/purchase for our beautiful 2012 Opportunity Quilt. Members who sell/purchase their packet of 12 tickets are eligible to win a miniature replica of the full size quilt – there will be two miniatures available to win! Drawing will be at the September Guild meeting. Cookbook Recipes are coming in – thank you to all who have submitted recipes. We still need more, so sign on and submit your favorite recipe(s). It quick and easy – just follow these simple steps: 1. Log onto Morris Press Cookbooks at 2. Click on “typensave” (at top of page) 3. Click on “Login” (top right) 4. Enter our Group name: AQG2012 5. Enter our Password: recipes2012 6. Enter your name 7. Under “additional contributor” – enter your city & state (i.e., Asheville, NC) 8. Use “spell check” icon at end of recipe 9. “Preview Recipe” and then click on “save” – DO NOT indicate that it has been proofed. HELPFUL HINTS: 1. Please use recommended abbreviations (on the recipe page, there is a icon to click on to list the abbreviations) 2. When entering ingredients, use the tab button to advance to next line NOTE: Recipes are NOT copyrighted, so get out your recipes and submit them! (even if you are not an avid cook – everyone has a favorite recipe.) If you have any questions about any of the Ways & Means events, please contact me at or 828-782-8588. " " " Sharon Smaldone, Chair – Ways & Means 2012-13 Challenge Home of the Brave Blocks A big “thank you” to all the members who returned completed blocks and quilt tops. It was very heart warming to receive the response from guild members at our March and April meetings. We hope you continue to make blocks, choosing fabrics from your own stash or picking up kits. We encourage you to sign the center of the blocks with your name, city, date, and/or a brief comment. Here is an excellent example of the variety of fabrics you can use! Yolanda Hall, AQG President-Elect disPatch May 2012 Page 4 2012 Quilt Show Color Your Life …. With Quilts September 28 - 30, 2012 We have a Quilt Show Facebook page now, thanks to our Publicity Chair, Peggy Newell. If you participate in Facebook, use the search bar at the top to find "Asheville Quilt Show" & please "Like" our page, and encourage all of your "Friends" to do so also. Let's show Peggy how much we appreciate her efforts on this. We're offering a free raffle ticket for the Opportunity Quilt to the 50th, 100th and 150th person to "Like" our page! It's a way to get news out to those who might like to attend our quilt show, especially "late breaking" news, like the hotel discounts we got last year, and already have in place this year. If you were at the April AQG meeting, you got a lot of information about what qualifies to be entered into our quilt show. The short answer is: almost anything you made in the past 2 years! Can you enter a quilt made from a pattern in a magazine, book, a purchased pattern, or inspired by a quilt you saw? YES! Can you enter one started in a class? With the exception of the Art Quilt categories, YES! Can you enter one that is strip-pieced, paper-pieced, appliquéd, fused, decorated with paints, or thread painted? YES! Does your entry have to be original? NO, except in the Art Categories. The main restriction is that your quilt not be made from a kit (we don't want 15 identical quilts hanging in the show - choose your own fabrics). It has to have been Member News The Spring class of Asheville Living Treasures will be publicly honored in an induction ceremony on Sunday, May 20 at 1:00 pm in the sanctuary of the First Congregational United Church of Christ located at 20 Oak Street in downtown Asheville, light reception to follow. Sara Hill will be inducted. AQG members are invited, it is open to the public. Please keep Helen Kehoe and her husband in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to experience loss in the family. Congratulations to Sheila Cheek! The students at The Asheville School voted for her quilt as their favorite, best fitting the theme of the show. disPatch May 2012 finished in the past 2 years - that means you can find a UFO in your stash and finish it and enter it! If you have a quilt that doesn't meet the criteria for some reason, but you'd still like to share it, there is a category called "Exhibit Only." It will hang in the show, but won't be judged, and won't be eligible for prizes. Those who started this show have reassured me that they wanted it to be inclusive, not exclusive. And that's still true today. Let's all share what we've been working on, and inspire each other, as well as our neighbors and friends who might like to try the art of quilting, or just enjoy the variety of talents that we know exist in our wonderful guild. Your friends will ooh & aah when they see your creation hanging in our wonderful new venue! Keep your eye on our Quilt Show page on the website for new developments. Sandy Gillis is doing a wonderful job of posting new information. Soon we'll have a listing of Sponsors, as well as our 20+ Vendors and our Demos. And we are very close to having a new way to sign up for volunteer jobs from your home computer, thanks to the hard work of Lorie Groetzinger, JoAnne Hewatt, Yolanda Hall & Sandy Gillis. Thanks to Charlotte McCranie for the idea to pursue this. Remember that each member is asked to volunteer for at least 2 hours to help make the show happen. We need everyone's energy and time to bring off our annual celebration of everything quilts." " " " " " " " " Katie & Roger Winchell, Quilt Show Co-Chairs Micki Batte recently organized a quiltmaking project for families and friends of organ donors in Western Carolina. When Micki found out that families and friends had made quilt blocks several months ago, she volunteered to make them into quilts. Norene Goard quilted the quilts and they will be hanging in the lobby of Mission Hospital until May 9th when they will be displayed at a ceremonial dinner for the families of these wonderful gift givers. More blocks will be collected at the dinner which Micki will make into a quilt for next year. Micki said, “It’s been an honor to do this in memory of the donors for their families.” Contact Neysa Hurt at 281-3258 or with your news for this space. Page 5 Bee News Joan Tolley and members of the East-Enders Bee worked from September to April with Mr. Jim Griffin's fourth grade class at Black Mountain Elementary School to make pillows for their Mothers for Mother's Day. Mr. Griffin used the beginning classes to show how math is used to create squares for quilts. “The children learned to thread a needle and hand sew their blocks together for the first few meetings and then we brought our sewing machines and they really liked that,” said Joan. The children sandwiched the top with batting and backing and then tied them. In the final class the children stuffed their pillows and hand sewed them closed. Everyone had a great time working with the children. The class was featured on the WLOS Never Stop Learning report on April 24th. To see the video, go to: What is your Bee doing? Send your Bee news to Ann Bordeau, Member Bee Chair at 828-650-9708 or 2012 North Carolina Quilt Symposium "Stars over the Smokies" Hosted by Smoky Mountain Quilters and the NCQSI Board The 2012 Symposium will be held at the beautiful Western Carolina University campus in Cullowhee, N.C. on June 7-10, 2012. The Smoky Mountain Quilters are looking forward to everyone visiting their beautiful mountains and enjoying their quilting heritage. The guild will be celebrating its 30th anniversary with 3-1/2 days of workshops and lectures by well-known quilt instructors. You can stay on campus or attend as a day student. There will be a quilt show with over 400 quilts, 24 vendors, a Small Quilt Silent Auction, an opportunity quilt, a 50's ice cream social, evening lecture, and many other events. The Quilt Show and Vendors will be in the Hines University Center - two floors of quilts and shopping! Additionally Western Carolina University will have quilt related exhibits at their Fine Arts Center and at their Heritage Center. 2012quiltsymposium.html disPatch May 2012 Quilt Art Exhibit by the Shady Ladies Friday through Sunday, June 1-3, the Shady Ladies quilting group of Waynesville, N.C. will exhibit 100 of their recently made quilts at Lake Logan Episcopal Center in southern Haywood County, not far from the Blue Ridge Parkway. The exhibition will include quilts ranging from artistic wall hangings to traditional bed quilts, as well as hangings created in response to the annual challenge. The 2012 quilting challenge is called PUSHING TRADITION. Each Shady Lady will choose one of three traditional blocks (Log Cabin, Ohio Star or Double Wedding Ring) as the starting point for a completely original wall hanging. The show also includes a boutique stocked with small quilts and quilt-related items. The quilt show will be open Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. The $3.00 admission charge will be donated to Lake Logan’s Summer Camp Program. A quilt created by the group will be raffled during the show, with 100% of the proceeds donated to Haywood County charities. Lake Logan’s Dining Hall is open for lunch on Friday and Saturday and brunch on Sunday. For directions to Lake Logan visit; for more information about the Shady Ladies and the exhibit, contact Jane Cole, Page 6 Armed with Artistry, Energy and Enthusiasm... Quilters Take Raleigh! Become part of the effort to document and preserve of the art of quilting as you join us at Original Sewing & Quilt Expo as Quilters Take Raleigh, an evening of fun, food and friends! Friday, June 22nd 7:00pm at the Raleigh Convention Center. Come experience an extraordinary, interactive evening of enthusiasm, information and inspiration at this unprecedented celebration benefiting the Alliance. Begin with chocolate and an array of beverages as you mingle with other quiltmakers and quilt influencers from all aspects of the craft. The evening culminates with a dynamic panel presenting Show and Tell from a Bird’s Eye View: Trendspotting Across the Quilt World, a lively discussion of where quilting has been, where we are now, and where we’re headed. See the premier of Home is Where the Quilt Is, the 2012 Quilt Alliance contest and auction quilts. Enjoy clips from Quilters' S.O.S. – Save Our Stories interviews. Q.S.O.S. is the largest grassroots oral history project about quiltmakers. And that’s not all! Help launch our newest program, Go Tell It At the Quilt Show, 5-minute quilt-and-owner interviews sure to resonate long afterwards, especially if it’s YOUR interview! The event is sponsored by FreeSpirit and Rowan, the premier fabric brands of Westminster Lifestyle Fabrics headquartered in Charlotte, N.C. Friday, June 22nd 7:00pm at the Raleigh Convention Center $45 (includes 1-Day Expo Admission, Dessert and Coffee) QTR.php The Alliance for American Quilts contest theme this year is “Home Is Where the Quilt Is”, a broad theme celebrating the form and meaning of Home. It’s not too late to make a small quilt to enter--the deadline is June 1st. Contest quilts become a donation to AAQ. All entries will be auctioned with 100% of the proceeds supporting the AAQ and its projects. This auction is one of AAQ’s most successful annual fundraisers and a great way for quiltmakers to support the AAQ mission in a creative way. For more information, go to and click on Home Quilt Contest. Upcoming events: May 4 - 5: “Asheville One Stop Shop Hop,” WNC Ag Center Expo Building May 12: "Airing of the Quilts Festival" in Franklin, N.C. June 1-3: Quilt Art by the Shady Ladies quilting group at Lake Logan Episcopal Center in Canton. For more information, call Jane Cole, 828-456-8885. May 18 - 19: “Sunny Days and Starry Nights Quilt Show” Salisbury Rowan Quilters' Guild. June 7-10: “Stars Over the Smokies” 2012 NC Quilt Symposium hosted by Smoky Mountain Quilters Guild at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC. June 11-16: "A Bite of North Carolina" 2012 Mid Carolina Run Shop Hop. June 20-23: Blue Ridge Quilt Festival Blacksburg, VA June 21-23: Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Raleigh Convention Center. July 26-28: Tennessee Quilts QuiltFest 2012 Jonesborough, Tenn. disPatch May 2012 Page 7 Official Business Asheville Quilt Guild Board Meeting Minutes Date: April 3, 2012 Members Present: Janie Wilson, Yolanda Hall, Linda Schissler, Nancy Dalzell, Sara Hill, Jean Karpen, Nancy Goodwin, Susan Lerner, Diana Ramsay, Katie Winchell, Roger Winchell, Sharon Smaldone, Barbara Pate Others Present: Alice Helms Meeting called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Janie Wilson. Minutes of the March 6, 2012 Board meeting were approved. Treasurerʼs report Nancy clarified board questions concerning budget items. Announcements: •Susan Lerner - Bella Vista Retirement Community requests member help in getting a community bee started. Sue will contact the Beaucatcher Bee to see if there is interest. •American Red Cross requests help in creating a quilt to honor volunteers. Details in the newsletter. •Programs/Workshops - Diana Ramsay announced that the April, May and June workshops will be at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity. Ways and Means Opportunity Quilt - Sharon Smaldone announced that the Guild will have an Opportunity Quilt table at the Quilt Symposium for all 4 days. See newsletter for details. Cookbook - There are no copyright restrictions on recipes for the cookbook. See the newsletter for details about the photo contest to customize the cover, back and dividers. Nancy Dalzell will research sales tax issues for cookbook and quilt show gift shop. The board will evaluate this project again in May. Old Business Katie requests that the directory addendum be available before the quilt show. New Business Jean Karpen moved that the Board recommend to the membership the purchase of the racks and muslins from the Rotary Club for $350.00. Barbara seconded. Motion passed. Janie will present this to the members at the April meeting. Barbara Pate suggested the Guild purchase a video camera, and will research options. Jean Karpen suggested that the Guild consider using Paypal. This will be added as a future agenda item. disPatch May 2012 Alice Helms reported on the newsletter. Submissions should be in final form, and sent to Alice by the last day of the month. The newsletter goes to printer the Wed. after Board meeting. An email will announce when the newsletter is on the website. By Thursday or Friday print copies will be mailed. The newsletter needs to be equally beneficial to online and print readers. Nancy Dalzell suggested members be informed of the exact mailing costs. Jean suggested omitting the Bee information from the newsletter. This could be made available to new members in print form, and could be printed in the directory. Alice suggested including news from the Bees in the newsletter. The board is considering how best to send out email information between newsletters. The meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m. Linda Schissler, Secretary Asheville Quilt Guild General Meeting April 17, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Janie Wilson. The minutes from the meeting on March 20, 2012, were approved as written. There were no questions on the Treasurer’s Report. Announcements: Programs and Workshops - Diana Ramsay reviewed the upcoming workshops. President-elect - Yolanda Hall reminded members to participate in the Home of the Brave quilt project, and to make a house block for Sara’s quilt. Joanne Shafer, NCQSI board, announced that openings are available for the Quilt Symposium June 7-10, 2012 at WCU. Ways and Means - Sharon Smaldone Volunteers are needed to sell Opportunity Quilt tickets at the NC Quilt Symposium. Contact Sharon Smaldone at Forms are available for the small quilt Silent Auction at the Quilt Show. Opportunity Quilt raffle tickets are available for pickup. Members are encouraged to submit recipes for the Cookbook. Recipes are not copyrighted. See newsletter for details. Page 8 Asheville Quilt Guild Official business continued Connie Brown reminded members to bring in clothing labels for George Shuster. See the newsletter for details. Quilt Show - Katie Winchell clarified requirements for quilt submissions for the show and encouraged all members to enter a quilt. The entry form is on the website on the Quilt Show page. Cindy Shock encouraged members to enter a quilt. The Gift Shop is seeking quality handmade items for sale. There is no requirement for makers to work in the shop. Super Saturday Quilt in a Shoebox - Joan Tolley requested volunteers for Super Saturday classes in April, and for the next session in the fall. Membership - Peggy Newell welcomed visitors and new members. The new directories are available, along with nametags and membership cards. Marie Cochrane announced that the Foothills Piecemakers quilt show is on Saturday, April 21. Old Business - none New Business: Janie Wilson presented the Board motion to buy racks and muslins from Rotary Club. The cost would be $350. Nancy Dalzell seconded the Board motion. Motion carried. Diana Ramsay moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Linda Schissler Secretary Treasurer's Report - April 2012 Fiscal Budget Category April, 2012 YTD Income Donations 20.00 Guild Projects Holiday Banquet 50.00 Interest Library Membership Dues 331.00 5,538.00 Newsletter Quilt Show 854.00 874.00 Ways & Means 32.00 272.00 Workshops 710.00 1,275.00 Total Income 1,927.00 8,029.00 Expenses Accounting Services 0.00 377.46 Awards Bank Charge 13.65 Community Quilts 99.15 99.15 Equipment 19.99 19.99 Gifts and Donations Guild Projects 194.89 208.20 Historian Holiday Banquet Hospitality Insurance Library 23.76 Membership 648.88 648.88 Mentorship Newsletter 44.16 126.29 Programs & Workshops 1,832.44 2,602.40 Publicity Quilt Show 219.36 1,998.07 Rent 150.00 275.00 Subscriptions & Dues Supplies & Misc. 20.76 Ways & Means 368.84 368.84 Total Expenses 3,577.71 6,782.45 Excess or (Deficit) -1,650.71 1,246.55 Budget 0.00 500.00 0.00 150.00 50.00 6,875.00 520.00 33,515.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 51,610.00 475.00 1,075.00 10.00 300.00 200.00 0.00 800.00 150.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 150.00 1,000.00 125.00 1,200.00 12,000.00 250.00 30,000.00 1,000.00 350.00 25.00 1,100.00 51,610.00 Cash - checking $ 19,673.28 Cash - CD's $ 22,547.21 Nancy Dalzell, Treasurer Past AQG president Sara Hill at her thank-you luncheon on April 3rd. disPatch May 2012 Page 9 The Asheville Quilt Guild meets on the third Tuesday of the month, at 10:00 a.m. in odd-numbered months and at 7:00 p.m. in even-numbered months (in the evening in even-numbered months) at the Folk Art Center auditorium, Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville, N.C. disPatch Publisher: Alice Helms (828) 277-9223 The deadline for the June disPatch will be May 31st. May Meeting Tuesday, May 15th, 10:00 a.m. Folk Art Center Betty Ekern Suiter “Stitched by Hand” Asheville Quilt Guild P.O. Box 412 Asheville, NC 28802 disPatch Guild Projects Camp Bluebird, cancer retreat in Flat Rock will hold its AQG project May 22 and 23, 1-5 p.m. They will make arm support pillows. See Julie Simpson for volunteering. Starting a new ‘Bee’- Bella Vista Retirement Community (55 Piney Mountain Dr.) wants to start a quilt group. They are hoping that we can help them with classes such as ‘talking about quilting’ and some lessons. Nancy Goodwin has volunteered to work with this group along with some volunteers from the Beaucatcher Bee. Quilt Exhibit at the Reuter Center UNCA- They have requested 3-4 bed-sized quilts to be on display for a month to be viewed by both the summer students at the Center for Creative Retirement, as well as those attending seminars on retirement/relocation to Asheville. Contact Sue Lerner. NC Arboretum Exhibit May’s exhibit is sponsored by PTA (Professional Textile Artists.) July-Aug will be sponsored by The Boxers. Quilting Bees or individuals are invited to reserve the remaining dates of: Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec, Jan-Feb 2013 or March-April 2013. Contact Sue Lerner for further information.
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