12 Public Notice Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – MILLER COUNTY LIBERAL SAMPLE BALLOTS MILLER COUNTY OFFICIAL ABSENTEE/PROVISIONAL/CHALLENGED BALLOT OFFICIAL ABSENTEE/PROVISIONAL/CHALLENGED BALLOT OFFICIAL REPUBLICAN PARTY PRIMARY AND NONPARTISAN GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA MAY 20, 2014 OFFICIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY AND NONPARTISAN GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA MAY 20, 2014 To vote, blacken the Oval ( ) next to the candidate of your choice. To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, manually WRITE his or her name in the write-in section and blacken the Oval ( ) next to the write-in section. If you desire to vote YES or NO for a PROPOSED QUESTION, blacken the corresponding Oval ( ). Use only blue or black pen or pencil. To vote, blacken the Oval ( ) next to the candidate of your choice. To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, manually WRITE his or her name in the write-in section and blacken the Oval ( ) next to the write-in section. If you desire to vote YES or NO for a PROPOSED QUESTION, blacken the corresponding Oval ( ). Use only blue or black pen or pencil. Do not vote for more candidates than the number allowed for each specific pecific office. Do not cross out or erase. If you erase or make make other marks on the ballot or tear the ballot, your vote may not count. pecific office. Do not cross out or erase. If you erase or make make other marks on the ballot Do not vote for more candidates than the number allowed for each specific or tear the ballot, your vote may not count. If you change your mind or make a mistake, you may return the ballot by writing “Spoiled” across the face of the ballot and return envelope. You may then mail the spoiled ballot back to your county board of registrars, and you will be issued another official absentee ballot. Alternatively, you may surrender the ballot to the poll manager of an early voting site within your county or the precinct to which you are assigned. You will then be permitted to vote a regular ballot. If you change your mind or make a mistake, you may return the ballot by writing “Spoiled” across the face of the ballot and return envelope. You may then mail the spoiled ballot back to your county board of registrars, and you will be issued another official absentee ballot. Alternatively, you may surrender the ballot to the poll manager of an early voting site within your county or the precinct to which you are assigned. You will then be permitted to vote a regular ballot. "I understand that the offer or acceptance of money or any other object of value to vote for any particular candidate, list of candidates, issue, or list of issues included in this election constitutes an act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law." [OCGA 21-2-284(e), 21-2-285(h) and 21-2-383(a)] "I understand that the offer or acceptance of money or any other object of value to vote for any particular candidate, list of candidates, issue, or list of issues included in this election constitutes an act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law." [OCGA 21-2-284(e), 21-2-285(h) and 21-2-383(a)] For United States Senate (Vote for One) PAUL COLLINS BROUN ARTHUR A. "ART" GARDNER O O F F PR PR PPRR O O OO O O OO F F FF MILLER COUNTY For Attorney General DERRICK E. GRAYSON SAMUEL S. OLENS (Incumbent) For Commissioner of Agriculture (Vote for One) J. MARK BUTLER O. "STEEN" MILES KEITH G. HEARD For Public Service Commissioner M. MICHELLE NUNN ELIZABETH N. "LIZ" JOHNSON GARY W. BLACK (Incumbent) BRANKO "RAD" RADULOVACKI For State School Superintendent (Vote for One) HERMAN D. "DOUG" EVERETT (Incumbent) For Commissioner of Insurance TODD ANTHONY ROBINSON For Governor (To Succeed Lauren McDonald) (Vote for One) (Incumbent) MARION SPENCER "DENISE" FREEMAN (Vote for One) JASON J. CARTER DOUGLAS T. KIDD For State School Superintendent TARNISHA L. DENT WINFRED J. DUKES (Incumbent) DEMOCRATIC PARTY QUESTIONS -1- For Public Service Commissioner RALPH T. HUDGENS For State Representative in the General Assembly From 154th District (Vote for One) (To Succeed H. Doug Everett) (Vote for One) O J. H. "JACK" KINGSTON For Commissioner of Insurance (Incumbent) (Vote for One) KAREN C. HANDEL (Vote for One) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) J. P. "PHIL" GINGREY For United States Senate For Commissioner of Labor (Vote for One) Should Georgia raise the state minimum wage above the current $5.15 an hour? JURITA FOREHAND MAYS YES ALISHA THOMAS MORGAN NO (Vote for One) MARY KAY BACALLAO CHARLES C. "CRAIG" LUTZ For Governor (Vote for One) JOHN D. BARGE J. NATHAN DEAL (Incumbent) DAVID E. PENNINGTON III. For Lieutenant Governor (Vote for One) L. S. "CASEY" CAGLE (Incumbent) For Secretary of State (Vote for One) BRIAN P. KEMP (Incumbent) ASHLEY D. BELL MICHAEL L. "MIKE" BUCK GREGORY P. "GREG" DUKE For State Senator From 11th District KIRA G. WILLIS (Vote for One) RICHARD L. WOODS K. DEAN BURKE (Incumbent) For County Board of Education District 2 TURN BALLOT OVER TO (Vote for One) CONTINUE VOTING Four (4) requesting a Republi- RICK LITTLE Write-in For Judge, (Incumbent) NONPARTISAN (Vote for One) For Justice, Judge, Court of For Appeals of Georgia Supreme Court of Georgia GENERAL ELECTION (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) Court of Appeals of Georgia ROBERT BENHAM For Judge, Write-in NONPARTISAN (Vote for One)Ray, II) (ToNONPARTISAN Succeed Robert Benham) (To Succeed (Incumbent) Court ofWilliam Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One) (Vote for One) For Judge, Write-in GENERAL (To W. Succeed Carla Wong McMillian)GENERAL ELECTION CARLA MCMILLIAN For Justice,ELECTION (To Succeed Robert Benham) (Incumbent) can Ballot will have these races for One) Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia (Incumbent) WILLIAM M. RAY (To Succeed William Ray, II) (Incumbent) appear on their ballot or touch For Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Robert Benham) Supreme Court Georgia ForofJustice, Write-in (VoteKeith for One) (To Succeed R. Blackwell) Supreme Court of Georgia (Vote for One) For Justice, (To Succeed Robert Benham) ROBERT BENHAM NONPARTISAN (Vote for One) Supreme Court of Georgia (Incumbent) KEITH R. BLACKWELL CARLA (Vote W. MCMILLIAN for One) (Incumbent) (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) (Incumbent) ROBERT BENHAM (Incumbent) For Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Robert Benham) (Vote for One) WILLIAM M. RAY (Incumbent) Judge, Write-inFor Court of Appeals of Georgia Write-in For Judge, (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) For Judge, Write-in For Judge, Superior Court of Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia for One) GENERAL ELECTION screen NONPARTISAN Write-in ROBERT BENHAM (Incumbent) PR O For Justice, (Incumbent) Court of Appeals of Succeed William Ray, II) GeorgiaSupreme Court of Georgia the(To Pataula Judicial Circuit KEITH R. BLACKWELL For Judge, GENERAL ELECTION (To (Vote Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) Write-in CARLA W. MCMILLIAN for One) (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) (Incumbent) Justice, Write-inFor Court Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One) (Incumbent) For of Judge, for One) NONPARTISAN For(Vote Judge, Court Write-in(Vote for One) Supreme Write-in Court of Georgia (To William Ray, II) of WILLIAM M. Succeed RAY Superior For Justice, Court of Appeals offor Georgia CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (To Succeed Robert Benham) (Vote One) the Pataula Judicial Circuit KEITH R. (Incumbent) For Justice, BLACKWELL JOE C. BISHOP For Justice, Write-in GENERAL ELECTION (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) For Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia (Incumbent) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) Supreme (Incumbent) Court of Georgia (Incumbent) Supreme Court of Georgia (Vote for One) (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) WILLIAM M. RAY Supreme Court ofJustice, Georgia (Vote for One) For (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) (To Succeed Robert Benham) Write-in ROBERT BENHAM (Incumbent) (Vote forHarris One) (To Succeed P. Hines) Write-inW. MCMILLIAN (Vote for One) CARLA Supreme Court of Georgia (Vote for One) (Incumbent) For Justice, (Vote for One) For Justice, (Incumbent)JOE C. BISHOP Succeed R. Blackwell) KEITH(To R. BLACKWELL (Incumbent) KEITH R. BLACKWELL Judge, Supreme Court ofKeith Georgia Write-inFor ROBERT BENHAM (Vote for One) Supreme Court of Georgia (Incumbent) Write-in (Incumbent) P. HARRIS HINES (To Succeed Robert Benham) Forof Judge, Court of Appeals Georgia Write-in (Incumbent) Write-in NONPARTISAN (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) (Incumbent) For(To Judge, Superior Court of (Vote One) Succeed Ray, II) Georgia KEITHfor R. BLACKWELL Court ofWilliam Appeals of For Judge, (Vote for One) Write-in For Justice, the Pataula Judicial Circuit (Vote for One) (Incumbent) GENERAL ELECTION (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) Write-in BENHAM Court Joe of Appeals of GeorgiaSupreme Court of Georgia ROBERT (To Succeed Cherry Write-in (Vote forBishop) One) Court of For(To Judge, Superior (Incumbent)P. HARRIS HINES Write-in WILLIAM M. Succeed RAY (Vote for One)William Ray, II) Write-in (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) (Incumbent) Justice, Write-inFor the Pataula Judicial (Vote for One) Circuit (Incumbent) For Judge, CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (Vote for One) ForofJustice, Supreme Court Georgia For Justice, Write-in Write-in (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) JOEof C. BISHOP (Incumbent) For Keith Justice, Appeals Georgia WILLIAM M.of RAY (To Succeed R.Justice, Blackwell) Supreme Court of Georgia Court (Vote for One) Supreme Court (Incumbent) For P. HARRIS HINES of Georgia Write-in (To Succeed William Ray, II) For Judge, Supreme Court ofRobert Georgia (Incumbent) (Vote for One) (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) (To Succeed Benham) (Incumbent) Supreme Court of Georgia (Vote forBISHOP One) (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) JOE C. Court of Appeals of (Vote for One) Write-in (Vote forGeorgia One) For Justice, (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) Write-in KEITH R. BLACKWELL (Incumbent) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Write-in WILLIAM M. RAY Supreme Court of Georgia (Vote for One) P. HARRIS HINES (Incumbent) For Justice, ROBERT BENHAM (Vote for One) For Judge, (Incumbent)Write-inFor Judge, (Incumbent) (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) P. HARRIS HINES NONPARTISAN (Incumbent) For Write-in Judge, Superior Court of Supreme Court of Georgia BLACKWELL (Vote for One) Court of Appeals of Georgia Court ofR. Appeals of Georgia Write-in GARY B.KEITH ANDREWS (To(Incumbent) Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) For Judge, the Pataula Judicial Circuit (Incumbent) GENERAL ELECTION (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) Write-in (To Succeed Gary Andrews) (Incumbent) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Joe Cherry P. HARRIS HINES Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia For Judge, Superior Court of forBishop) One) (Vote for One) Write-in For Judge, (Vote for One)William Ray, II) (Incumbent) (To Succeed Write-in the Pataula Judicial CircuitCourt Write-in KEITH R. BLACKWELL of Appeals of Georgia Write-in CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (Vote for One) GARY B. ANDREWS (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) (Incumbent)Write-inFor Justice, JOE C. BISHOP (To Succeed Gary Andrews) (Incumbent) For Judge, (Incumbent) For Justice, Write-in (Vote for One) of Supreme Court of Georgia For Judge, (Incumbent) Superior Court WILLIAM M. RAY Write-in for One) Court of(Vote Appeals of Georgia ForofJustice, Supreme Court Georgia Write-in(To Robert Benham) (Incumbent) ForSucceed Judge, the Pataula (To Succeed Gary Andrews) JOEJudicial C. BISHOP Circuit (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) Supreme Court of Georgia For Justice, (Vote for One) GARY B.(Vote ANDREWS Write-in for One) (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (Incumbent) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Keith R. (Incumbent) Supreme Court ofBlackwell) Georgia (Vote for One) (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Court of Appeals of Write-in ROBERT BENHAM (Vote forGeorgia One) Hines) GARY B. ANDREWS For Judge, (To Succeed P. Harris Write-in Write-in HARRIS HINES (Vote for One) (ToP.Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) (Incumbent) (Incumbent) Write-in JOE C. BISHOP Court of Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One) (Incumbent) For Justice, KEITHfor R.For BLACKWELL (Vote One) For Judge, Judge, (Incumbent) Write-in Succeed Gary Andrews) GARY B.(To ANDREWS (Incumbent) Supreme Court of Georgia P. HARRIS HINES (Vote for One) Court of Appeals of Georgia Court of Appeals of Georgia (Incumbent) Write-in ELIZABETH L. BRANCH (To Succeed P."LISA" Harris Hines) For(To Judge, Superior Court of Write-in Succeed William Ray, II) (To(Incumbent) Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) (Incumbent) (Vote One) GARYfor B.(Vote ANDREWS the Pataula Write-in (VoteJudicial for One) Circuit for One) Write-in For Judge, (Incumbent) (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) P.Write-in HARRIS HINES For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia Write-in WILLIAM M. RAY (Vote for One) ELIZABETH "LISA" BRANCH For L. Justice, (Incumbent)Write-in Court of Appeals of L. Georgia (Incumbent) (To Succeed Elizabeth Branch) (Incumbent) For Judge, Write-in Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) JOE C. BISHOP Write-in (Vote for One) For Justice, Court of Appeals of Georgia Write-in (Vote for One) (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) (Incumbent) For Judge, (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Supreme Court of Georgia For Judge, (Vote for One) ELIZABETH L. "LISA" "LISA"BRANCH BRANCH Write-in For Judge, Court of (To Appeals ofP. Georgia ELIZABETH L. (Vote One) Succeed Harris Hines) (Incumbent) Court offorAppeals of Georgia (Incumbent) (ToWrite-in Succeed Elizabeth L.Georgia Branch) Court of Appeals of KEITH R. BLACKWELL (Vote for One) For Judge, (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Write-in Write-in GARY B.(Vote ANDREWS forSara One) (To Succeed Doyle) (Incumbent) Court of Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One) (Incumbent) For Judge, P. HARRIS HINES (Vote for One) For Write-in Judge, Superior Court of For Judge, (To(Incumbent) Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH Court of Appeals of Georgia GARY B. ANDREWS (Vote for One) the Pataula Judicial Circuit Court of Appeals of Georgia (Incumbent) SARA L. DOYLE (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Write-in (Incumbent) (Incumbent)(To Succeed Sara Doyle) (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) ELIZABETH L.for "LISA" BRANCH (Vote One) Write-in (Incumbent) Write-in GARY B. ANDREWS SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent)Write-inFor Justice, (Incumbent) For Judge, Write-in Supreme Court of Georgia Write-inFor Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia Write-in JOE C. BISHOP (Incumbent) (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) ForElizabeth Judge, (To Succeed L. Branch) Court of Appeals of Georgia For Judge, (Vote One) Write-in Court of (Vote Appeals offor Georgia for One) (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Sara Doyle) Write-in P. HARRIS HINES (Vote for One) For Judge, (To(Vote Succeed Elizabeth Write-in ELIZABETH L.for "LISA" BRANCHL. Branch) One) (Incumbent) Court of Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One) (Incumbent) For Judge, GARY B. ANDREWS (To Succeed Sara Doyle) SARA DOYLE (Incumbent) Court of L.Appeals of Georgia ELIZABETH L.for "LISA" BRANCH (Vote One) (Incumbent) (To Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) (Incumbent) (Vote SARAfor L. One) DOYLE Write-in Write-in For Judge, For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed (Vote forSara One) Doyle) (Vote for One) SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in (To Succeed Gary Andrews) BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" (To Succeed SaraJudge, Doyle) Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia For for One) Write-in One) (To(Vote Succeed Elizabeth Branch) Court offorAppeals ofL.Georgia Write-in GARY B.(Vote ANDREWS forSara One) (To Succeed Doyle) BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" Write-in Write-in SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent)Write-inFor Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 Write-in For Judge, (To Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia for One) SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, no shall any person distribute any campaign literature, newspaper, pamphlet, card, sign, or any other Write-in written or printed matter of any kind, nor shall any person conduct any exit poll or public NO For Judge, Write-in opinion poll with voters of any primary or election day: Court of Appeals of Georgia Voters residing in County (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law." [OCGA 21-2-284(e), 21-2-285(h) and 21-2-383(a)] WINFRED J. M. MICHELLE NUNN ELIZABETH N. "LIZ" JOHNSON NO CARLA W. MCMILLIAN Write-in (Vote for One) For Justice, (Incumbent) (Incumbent) For Commissioner of Insurance Commission or For Board of EduState School Superintendent Supreme Court of Georgia For CARLA W. MCMILLIAN ForJudge, United States Senate (Incumbent) of Appeals (To Succeed Robert Benham) Court of Georgia (Vote for One) BRANKO "RAD" (Vote forRADULOVACKI One) (To Succeed William Ray, II) (Vote for One) O. "STEEN" MILES ROBERT BENHAM BACK Card 2 RptPct "002-ColquittM" Court of Appeals of 10-10 Georgia (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) (Vote for One) (This includes all types of campaign signage, i.e. magnetic signs, fans, t-shirts, buttons, CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (Incumbent) pens, NONPARTISAN hats, etc.) GENERAL ELECTION No person use a cellular telephone Forshall Justice, Write-in or other electronic communication device once Supreme Court of Georgia such person has been issued a ballot or,For in Judge, the case of precincts using voting machines (To Succeed Robert Benham) Court of Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One) (To Succeed II) or electronic recording voting systems, onceWilliam the Ray, person has entered the voting machine ROBERT BENHAM (Vote for One) (Incumbent) or voting enclosure or booth. WILLIAM M. RAY (Incumbent) Write-in (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) (Vote for One) 12 Public Notice.indd 1 (Vote for One) KEITH G. HEARD (Vote for One) Write-inFor Judge, TARNISHA L. Judge, DENT of Georgia Court of For Appeals (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) ELIZABETH N. "LIZ" JOHNSON Court of Appeals of Georgia cation GENERALDistricts ELECTION Two (2) or Four NONPARTISAN (Incumbent) WILLIAM M.TODD RAY ANTHONY ROBINSON Write-in (Incumbent) For Judge, M. MICHELLE NUNN Court of Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One)Ray, II) (To Succeed William MARION(Vote SPENCER "DENISE" FREEMAN for One) CARLA W. MCMILLIAN School Superintendent (4) requesting For a State Democratic (To Succeed William Ray, II) For Write-in (Vote for One) ForGovernor Justice, BRANKO "RAD" (Vote forRADULOVACKI One) Write-in Supreme Court of Georgia For Justice, WILLIAM M. RAY (To Succeed Robert Benham) (Incumbent) Supreme Court ofof Georgia JASON J. CARTER For Judge, Superior Court (Vote for One) (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) (Incumbent) WILLIAM M. RAY (Incumbent) for One) JURITA(Vote FOREHAND MAYS Ballot will have these races apNONPARTISAN the PataulaTODD Judicial Circuit ANTHONY ROBINSON (Vote for One) BENHAM (To Succeed ROBERT Joe Cherry Bishop) (Incumbent) (Vote for One) KEITH R. BLACKWELL Write-in For Lieutenant Governor (Incumbent) GENERAL ELECTION JOE C. BISHOP Court (Vote for One) For Judge, Superior of For Governor (Incumbent) the Pataula Judicial Circuit (Vote for One) CONNIE J. STOKES (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) Write-in (Vote for One) Justice, JASON For J. CARTER JOE C. BISHOP Write-inFor Justice, (Vote for (Vote for One) One) For Justice, WINFRED J. DUKES CLYDE JINKS Supreme Court of Georgia BENHAM ForROBERT County Commissioner DEMOCRATIC PARTY (Incumbent) District 2 QUESTIONS (Vote for One) (Vote P. forHarris One) Hines) (To Succeed ROBERT BENHAM (Vote for GERALD B. BECKUM (Vote for One) One) (Incumbent) KEITH R. BLACKWELL NONPARTISAN (Incumbent) CONNIE J. STOKES P. HARRIS HINES (Incumbent) GENERAL ELECTION DOREEN CARTER Write-in For Secretary of State Write-inFor Justice, (Vote for One) For Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia For Attorney General Write-in For Justice, Supreme Court ofBenham) Georgia (To Succeed Robert (Vote for One) GERALD B.Court BECKUM Supreme ofBlackwell) Georgia (To Succeed Keith R. For Judge, (Vote for One) forHarris One) Georgia (To Succeed P. Hines) Court of (Vote Appeals GREGORY K. "GREG"ofHECHT ROBERT BENHAM (Vote for One) (To Succeed Gary Andrews) KEITH R. CARTER BLACKWELL (Incumbent) DOREEN (Vote for One) (Incumbent) P. HARRIS HINES NONPARTISAN (Incumbent) GARY B. ANDREWSof Agriculture Commissioner For GENERAL ELECTION (Incumbent) (Vote for One) For Attorney General Write-in (VoteJustice, for One)IRVIN Write-in CHRISTOPHER JAMES For Justice, Write-inFor Supreme Court of HECHT Georgia For GREGORY K.Justice, "GREG" Supreme Court ofBenham) Georgia Write-in (To Succeed Robert For Judge, Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) for One) Court of(Vote Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed P. Hines) For Judge, (Vote forHarris One) for One) (To Succeed Gary Andrews) ROBERT BENHAM Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia KEITH R. BLACKWELL For (To Commissioner of Agriculture (Vote for One) (Incumbent) Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) P. HARRIS HINES (Incumbent) (Vote for for One) One) (Incumbent) GARY B.(Vote ANDREWS (Incumbent) CHRISTOPHER JAMES IRVIN ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in Write-in For Justice, Justice, Write-inFor Supreme Court of Georgia For Judge, Supreme Court ofBlackwell) Georgia Write-in (To Succeed Keith R. For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) for One) Court of(Vote Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Gary Andrews) For Judge, (Vote for One) for One) (ToKEITH Succeed Elizabeth Branch) BLACKWELL Court ofR.(Vote Appeals ofL.Georgia P.(To HARRIS HINES (Vote forSara One) (Incumbent) Succeed Doyle) GARY B. ANDREWS (Incumbent) (Vote One) (Incumbent) ELIZABETH L.for "LISA" BRANCH (Incumbent) SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in Write-in For Justice, Judge, Write-inFor Supreme Court of Georgia Judge, Court of For Appeals of Hines) Georgia Write-in (To Succeed P. Harris Judge, Court of For Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Gary Andrews) for One) Court of(Vote Appeals ofL.Georgia (To Succeed Elizabeth Branch) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Sara Doyle) P. HARRIS HINES GARY B.(Vote ANDREWS for One) (Incumbent) ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH (Incumbent) Write-in ForWrite-in Commissioner For Judge,of Labor For Judge, for One) R. "RITA" ROBINZINE Court of (Vote Appeals of Georgia Write-in For Judge, Superior Court of Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) ROBBIN K. SHIPP the(To Pataula Judicial Circuit Succeed William II) (Vote for One)Ray, (Vote forCherry One) Bishop) (ToVALARIE Succeed D. Joe WILSON CARLA (Vote W. MCMILLIAN for One) WILLIAM (Incumbent)M. RAY For Public Service (Incumbent) JOE C. BISHOP (Incumbent) Commissioner For Commissioner of Labor (To Succeed Lauren McDonald) (Vote (Vote for for One) One) Write-in ROBBIN K. BLACKMAN SHIPP Write-inFor DANIEL A. Judge, For Judge, Write-in Court of Appeals of Georgia For Judge, Superior Court of Court of Appeals of McMillian) Georgia (To Succeed Carla Wong the Pataula Judicial Circuit (To Succeed William (Vote for One) Ray, II) For Public Service Succeed Joe (Vote forCherry One) Bishop) For(To U.S. Representative in 114th (Vote for One) Commissioner CARLA W. MCMILLIAN Congress From the 2nd WILLIAM M. RAY (Incumbent) (To Succeed Lauren McDonald) JOE C. (Vote BISHOP Congressional District of (Incumbent) for One) (Incumbent) Georgia DANIEL(Vote A. BLACKMAN for One) SANFORD D. BISHOP Write-in Write-in (Incumbent) Write-in th For Judge, For U.S. Representative in 114 For Judge, Superior Court of Court of Appeals ofthe Georgia Congress From 2nd the Circuit (ToPataula SucceedJudicial William Ray, II) Write-in CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (Incumbent) Write-in (To Succeed William (Vote for One) WILLIAM M. RAY (Incumbent) Write-in (To Succeed Joe Cherr (Vote for One) (Incumbent) (Vote for One) For Justice, - 2 -of Georgia Supreme Court JOE C. BISHOP (Incumbent) Write-in (To Succeed P. Harris Hines) VIC C. FLEET (Vote for One) Should Georgians' federal tax dollars be HARRIS HINES returnedP. to Georgia to fund Medicaid (Incumbent) HOLLIS W. SMITH expansion and relieve the indigent care burden on our hospitals? YES Write-in DEMOCRATIC PARTY For Judge, CourtQUESTIONS of Appeals of Georgia (To NOSucceed Gary Andrews) (Vote for One) -1GARY B. ANDREWS (Incumbent) Should Georgia raise the state minimum wage above the current $5.15 an hour? YES Write-in TURN BALLOT OVER TO NO CONTINUE VOTING (Vote for One) (Vote for One) Georgia (Incumbent) (Incumbent) For Judge, Superior the Pataula Judicia (Vote for One) (Incumbent) FRONT Card 7 RptPctJoe 10-70Cherry "009-ColquittM" Congressional District of (To Succeed Bishop) WILLIAM(Vote M. RAY for One) JOE C. BISHOP (Incumbent) (Incumbent) SANFORD D. BISHOP SARA L. DOYLE Write-in screen (Incumbent) (To Succeed Sara D (Vote for One) For Judge, Court of Appeals of (Incumbent) (To(Incumbent) Succeed Robert Benham) (Vote for One) For County Board of NO Education District 2 Write-in (Incumbent)D. WILSON VALARIE JOE C. BISHOP ALISHA THOMAS MORGAN Write-in For Judge, Court of Appeals of RANDY BROWN -1Judge, Court of For Appeals of Georgia For Justice, MARION SPENCER "DENISE" FREEMAN Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) For Judge, Superior Court of Supreme Court Georgia Should Georgia raise theof state minimum (VoteJudicial for One)Ray, Succeed William II) (To KREG Succeed Keith R. Blackwell) the(To Circuit R.Pataula "RITA" ROBINZINE wage above theFREEMAN current $5.15 an hour? (Vote forCherry One) Bishop) (ToCARLA Succeed Joe W. MCMILLIAN JURITA (Vote FOREHAND MAYS for One) (Incumbent) WILLIAM M. RAY (Incumbent) (To Succeed Carla Wong (Vote for One) For State Representative in the NONPARTISAN For County Commissioner General Assembly From District 4 GENERAL ELECTION th 154 District YES R. BLACKWELL KEITH Supreme Court of Georgia (Incumbent) Write-in Supreme Court of Georgia (To Robert For Justice, ForSucceed Secretary ofBenham) State (Vote for One) One) (To Succeed Keith R. Supreme Court ofBlackwell) Georgia (Vote for For Lieutenant Governor Write-in TARNISHA L. DENT Write-in Judge, ALISHA For THOMAS MORGAN Write-in ELIZABETH L. "LISA" B For Judge, Court of Appeals of DUKES pear on their ballot or touch BACK Card 3 RptPct 10-10 "002-C TURN BALLOT OVER TO CONTINUE VOTING Write-in FRONTWrite-in Card 5 RptPct 10-20 "003-ColquittM" For Judge, Superior Court of the Pataula Judicial Circuit (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) (Vote for One) JOE C. BISHOP (Incumbent) Write-in (Incumbent) SARA L. DOYLE BACK Card 6 RptPct 10-70 "009-ColquittM" (Incumbent) BACK Card 4 RptPct 10-20 "003-ColquittM" Write-in Write-in Write-inFor Judge, For Judge, Write-in Court of Appeals of Georgia Judge, Court of For Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Gary Andrews) Court of Appeals ofL.Georgia (To Succeed Elizabeth Branch) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Doyle) (Vote forSara One) BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" for One) GARY B.(Vote ANDREWS ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH (Incumbent) SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in Write-inFor Judge, For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia Court of Appeals (To Succeed Elizabethof L. Georgia Branch) BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) (Incumbent) Write-in Write-in For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) Write-in BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" NOTICE TO VOTERS -3- Should the Constitution of Georgia be amended to create an independent ethics commission, not tied to the Governor's office, legislature, or other elected office, to more effectively police potential ethics violations by elected officials? (To Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) (Vote for One) Write-in NO For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia If you think you have received the wrong ballot on election day, tell the poll manager (To Succeed Sara Doyle) (Vote for One) 4 immediately! DO NOT CAST YOUR VOTE. Once your vote has been cast, there is SARA L. DOYLE (Incumbent) Should Constitution of Georgiathe be amended no the way to correct error. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the to make the education budget Georgia's first funding priority? registrar’s office at 758-4118 or the office of the Election Superintendent at 758-4110. YES Write-in (To Succeed Joe Cherry Bishop) For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia If you are unsure of the District you L.are to vote in, please contact the ELIZABETH "LISA"registered BRANCH (Incumbent) office of the Miller County Board of Registrar’s to verify this information. It is the YES BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" responsibility of the voter to know which district you reside in. NO For Judge, Superior Court of the Pataula Judicial Circuit BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" (To Succeed Sara Doyle) (Vote for One) (To Succeed Sara Doyle) BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" (Vote for One) SARA L. 1. Within 150 feet of the outer edge ofDOYLE any building within which a polling place is (Incumbent) established; 2. Within any polling place; or YES Write-in 3. Within 25 feet of any voter standingFor inJudge, line to vote at any polling place. For Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Elizabeth L (Vote for One) for One) CONTINUE VOTING If you(Vote change your mindStates or make aSenate mistake, you may return ballot by writing “Spoiled” the face of the ballotthe and return envelope. Youbemay then Should Constitution of Georgia amended For State Representative in For United FortheCommissioner of across Insurance make Alternatively, the education the budget firstthe mail the ballot back your county board of registrars, and you will be issued another official absenteetoballot. you mayGeorgia's surrender CARLA W. spoiled MCMILLIAN (Vote fortoOne) (Vote for One) funding For Judge, (Incumbent) ballot to theNONPARTISAN poll manager of an early voting site within your county or 3the precinct to "002-ColquittM" which you are assigned. You willpriority? then be permitted to vote a regular FRONT Card RptPct 10-10 General Assembly From Court ofG.Appeals ballot. O. "STEEN" MILES KEITH HEARD of Georgia YES 154th District ELECTION (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) ForGENERAL Judge, (Vote for One) for One) Court of Appeals of the Georgia "I understand that offer or acceptance of money or any other object of value to vote for(Vote any particular candidate, list of candidates, issue, or list of issues included in this election constitutes an Should the Constitution of Georgia be amended to make the education budget Georgia's first funding priority? NO For Judge, Court of Appeals of (Incumbent) For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" For Judge, (To Succeed Elizabeth L. Branch) Write-in Should the Constitution of Georgia be amended (Vote for One) Court of Appeals of Georgia to create an independent ethics commission, BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" (To Succeed Sara Doyle) not tied to the Governor's office, legislature, or ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH (Vote for One) other elected office, to more effectively police (Incumbent) potential ethics violations elected officials? SARA by L. DOYLE BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" (Incumbent) YES -4- OFFICIAL ABSENTEE/PROVISIONAL/CHALLENGED BALLOT (To Succeed (Vote forSara One)Doyle) (Vote for One) Campaign Restrictions at the Polls -3Write-in Commissioner To vote, blacken (Vote the Ovalfor( One) ) next to the candidate of your choice. To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, manually WRITE his or her name -3(To Succeed McDonald) in the write-in section and blacken the Oval ( ) next to the write-in section. IfLauren you desire to vote YES or NO for a PROPOSED QUESTION, blacken the GREGORY HECHT (Vote for One) corresponding Oval ( K. "GREG" ). Use only blue or black pen or pencil. Should the Constitution of Georgia be amended OFFICIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY NONPARTISAN GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT DANIELAND A. BLACKMAN to create an independent ethics commission, Do not vote for more candidates than the number allowed for each specific office. Do not cross out or erase. Ifnot youtied erase orGovernor's make otheroffice, marks on the ballot to the legislature, or OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA other elected office, to more effectively police or tearCommissioner the ballot, your vote may count. For ofnotAgriculture MAY 20, 2014 potential ethics violations by elected officials? (Vote for One) th Forthe U.S. in the 114 If you change your mind or make a mistake, you may return ballotRepresentative by writing “Spoiled” across face of the ballotYES and return envelope. You may then To blacken the Oval ( to )your next to the board candidate of your choice. Towill vote a person whose name is not onballot. the ballot, manuallyyou WRITE his or her the name Congress From the 2nd mailvote, the spoiled ballot backJAMES county of registrars, and you befor issued another official absentee Alternatively, may surrender CHRISTOPHER IRVIN in the write-in section and of blacken thevoting Oval (site )within next to thecounty write-in If youtodesire toyou vote YES or NO for PROPOSED QUESTION, blacken the ballot to the poll manager an early your orsection. the precinct which areof assigned. Youa will then be permitted to vote a regular Congressional District corresponding Oval ( ). Use only blue or black pen or pencil. NO ballot. Georgia (Vote for One) For Do not voteJudge, for the more the number allowed each specific Docandidate, not cross or erase.issue, If youor erase or make other marks onconstitutes the ballotan "I understand that offercandidates or acceptancethan of money or any other object offor value to vote for anyoffice. particular listout of candidates, list of issues included in this election Courtorof of vote Georgia tearAppeals the ballot, your may not count. SANFORD D. BISHOP act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law." [OCGA 21-2-284(e), 21-2-285(h) and 21-2-383(a)] - 4 - OVER TO TURN BALLOT (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) "002-ColquittM" BACK Card 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" Should Georgians' federal tax dollars be returned to Georgia to fund Medicaid expansion and relieve the indigent care burden on our hospitals? DOREEN CARTER ROBBINAND K. SHIPP OFFICIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY NONPARTISAN GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA NO MILLER COUNTY MAY 20, 2014 For Public Service For Attorney General Court(To ofSucceed Appeals Georgia Sara of Doyle) Write-in Write-in (Incumbent) ELIZABETH L. "LISA" BRANCH (Incumbent)Write-inFor Judge, For Judge, Write-in Court of Appeals of Georgia Write-in Forof Judge, Court of Appeals Georgia SARA L.(Incumbent) DOYLE (Vote One) (Incumbent) For Judge, ELIZABETH L.for "LISA" BRANCH (Incumbent) of Georgia Court of Appeals SARA L. DOYLE -2- For Commissioner of Labor OFFICIAL ABSENTEE/PROVISIONAL/CHALLENGED BALLOT (Vote for One) YES NANCY T. JESTER T. FITZ JOHNSON VALARIE D. WILSON MILLER COUNTY GERALD B. BECKUM VIVIAN L. CHILDS Education Districts Two (2) or (Incumbent) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) ALLEN BOWLES FORT GENERAL ELECTION (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) ROBERT T. ELDRIDGE (Vote for One) For Judge, NONPARTISAN FRONT CardCourt 2 RptPct 10-10 "002-ColquittM" of Appeals of Georgia CARLA W. MCMILLIAN For Justice, GENERAL ELECTION (Incumbent) (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) For County Board of Education Supreme Court of Georgia (Vote for One) NONPARTISAN District 4 (To Succeed Robert Benham) (Vote for One) CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (Vote for One) For Justice, GENERAL ELECTION (Incumbent) (To Succeed Sara Doyle) Write-in ELIZABETH L.for "LISA" BRANCH (Vote One) For Secretary of State For U.S. Representative in 114th Congress From the 2nd Congressional District of Georgia SHARYL H. DAWES Supreme ROBERT BENHAMCourt of Georgia R. "RITA" ROBINZINE (Incumbent) For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Sara Doyle) (Incumbent) (Vote for One) CONNIE J. STOKES LAUREN W. "BUBBA" MCDONALD NONPARTISAN Voters residing in Board of ROBERT BENHAM (Vote for One) For Lieutenant Governor (Vote for One) PR DAVID A. PERDUE NONPARTISAN GENERAL ELECTION Write-in For Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia (To Succeed Carla Wong McMillian) (Vote for One) CARLA W. MCMILLIAN (Incumbent) 5/6/14 8:15 AM
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