Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Kleiner Ring 9 • D-25492 Heist/Germany • Phone: 0049 4122 / 977 381 • Fax: 0049 4122 / 977 382 Sample Connections: Feedback-Module for occupied tracks at a reversing loop RS-8 / RM-GB-8 (Version 2.1) Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç rot red 6 5 IN2 4 3 2 1 IN1 Littfinski DatenTechnik 7 rot red EIN AUS IN OUT 8 braun brown rot red RM-GB-8 RM-GB-8 ST2 Rev. 2.1 rosa grau gelb gruen braun weiss pink grey yellow green brown white braun brown Kehrschleifenmodul reversing loop module 8fach Rueckmeldemodul mit Gleisbesetztmeldern Octal feedback modul with occupancy detectors ST1 Vom Modellbahntrafo From transformer braun brown s88 - Rückmeldebus s88 - feedback bus gelb yellow Intellibox Monitoring a reversing loop with the RM-GB-8 via a reversing loop module on Intellibox. If you want to monitor a reversing loop with changing the polarity by a reversing loop module you have to assemble the reversing loop module between the occupied track feedback module RM-GB8 respectively RS-8 and the reversing loop as per above drawing. It is important that the reversing loop module requires no own or external power supply as this would result to a continuous occupied report of the feedback module. Suitable reversing loop module is the SLX805 from company Rautenhaus. Further information can be found under Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Address Internet / e-mail Kleiner Ring 9 D-25492 Heist/Germany 1 Phone 0049 4122 / 977 381 Fax 0049 4122 / 977 382 Banking connection Kreissparkasse Suedholstein (bank code 230 510 30) Account-No. 3 99 43 57 Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Kleiner Ring 9 • D-25492 Heist/Germany • Phone: 0049 4122 / 977 381 • Fax: 0049 4122 / 977 382 Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç violett/weiß violet/white 6 5 4 IN2 3 2 1 IN1 Littfinski DatenTechnik 7 violett/weiß violet/white EIN AUS IN OUT 8 violett violet violett/weiß violet/white RM-GB-8 RM-GB-8 ST2 Rev. 2.1 rosa grau gelb gruen braun weiss pink grey yellow green brown white violett violet Kehrschleifenmodul reversing loop module schwarz black 8fach Rueckmeldemodul mit Gleisbesetztmeldern Octal feedback modul with occupancy detectors ST1 Vom Modellbahntrafo From transformer s88 - Rückmeldebus s88 - feedback bus gelb yellow FLEISCHMANN TWIN-CENTER Monitoring a reversing loop with the RM-GB-8 via a reversing loop module on TWIN-CENTER. Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç EIN AUS IN OUT 7 6 5 J K IN2 4 3 2 1 J K IN1 Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) 8 rot red Ç rot red braun brown Kehrschleifenmodul reversing loop module RS-8 RS-8 braun brown LZ100 U V RS P Q Lenz Elektronik GmbH D - 35398 GIESSEN Made in Germany L MA B XBUS Rev. 2.2 rot red CDE LZ100 14..18V~ 8fach Rueckmeldemodul mit Gleisbesetztmeldern Octal feedback modul with occupancy detectors R S I / O - Port LV101 UVJK Lenz Elektronik GmbH D - 35398 GIESSEN Made in Germany CDE LV101 Vom Modellbahntrafo From transformer Monitoring a reversing loop with the RS-8 via a reversing loop module on Lenz Digital plus. Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Address Internet / e-mail Kleiner Ring 9 D-25492 Heist/Germany 2 Phone 0049 4122 / 977 381 Fax 0049 4122 / 977 382 Banking connection Kreissparkasse Suedholstein (bank code 230 510 30) Account-No. 3 99 43 57 Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Kleiner Ring 9 • D-25492 Heist/Germany • Phone: 0049 4122 / 977 381 • Fax: 0049 4122 / 977 382 Is it required to monitor up to 4 track sections at a reversing loop it is possible to connect the reversing loop module ahead of the feedback module RM-GB-8 or RS-8 onto one of the inputs IN1 or IN2. It is possible to use reversing loop modules which get the power supply from the digital circuit (e.g. LK100 of company Lenz). At the samples the feedback module will monitor one track section as „normal“ via the output 1. Further three track sections at the layout outside the reversing loop can be monitored via output 2 to 4. The input IN2 of the feedback module gets the supply from the reversing lop module. The outputs 5 to 8 of the feedback module supplys and monitor four track sections at the reversing loop. Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç EIN AUS IN OUT Ç Kehrschleifenmodul reversing loop module 6 5 IN2 4 3 2 1 IN1 Littfinski DatenTechnik 7 rot red rot red ST2 RM-GB-8 RM-GB-8 Rev. 2.1 Vom Modellbahntrafo From transformer braun brown rosa grau gelb gruen braun weiss pink grey yellow green brown white braun brown Ç 8 braun brown 8fach Rueckmeldemodul mit Gleisbesetztmeldern Octal feedback modul with occupancy detectors ST1 s88 - Rückmeldebus s88 - feedback bus gelb yellow Intellibox Monitoring of 4 track sections at a reversing loop with the RM-GB-8 via a reversing loop module on Intellibox. Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Address Internet / e-mail Kleiner Ring 9 D-25492 Heist/Germany 3 Phone 0049 4122 / 977 381 Fax 0049 4122 / 977 382 Banking connection Kreissparkasse Suedholstein (bank code 230 510 30) Account-No. 3 99 43 57 Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Kleiner Ring 9 • D-25492 Heist/Germany • Phone: 0049 4122 / 977 381 • Fax: 0049 4122 / 977 382 Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç EIN AUS IN OUT IN2 4 3 2 1 IN1 Littfinski DatenTechnik 5 Kehrschleifenmodul reversing loop module 6 violett/weiß violet/white violett/weiß violet/white RM-GB-8 RM-GB-8 ST2 Rev. 2.1 Vom Modellbahntrafo From transformer rosa grau gelb gruen braun weiss pink grey yellow green brown white violett violet Ç Ç 7 Ç 8 violett violet schwarz black 8fach Rueckmeldemodul mit Gleisbesetztmeldern Octal feedback modul with occupancy detectors ST1 s88 - Rückmeldebus s88 - feedback bus gelb yellow FLEISCHMANN TWIN-CENTER Monitoring of 4 track sections at a reversing loop with the RM-GB-8 via a reversing loop module on TWIN-CENTER. Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç J IN2 K 4 3 2 1 J IN1 K Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) 5 by Lenz 6 Lenz Elektronik GmbH D - 35398 Giessen Made in Germany Digital plus 7 rot red LK100 braun brown LZ100 UVRSP Q Lenz Elektronik GmbH D - 35398 GIESSEN Made in Germany L MA B XBUS Ç rot red 8 EIN J K braun brown AUS K J Ç RS-8 RS-8 Rev. 2.2 CD E LZ100 14..18V~ 8fach Rueckmeldemodul mit Gleisbesetztmeldern Octal feedback modul with occupancy detectors R S I / O - Port LV101 UVJ K Lenz Elektronik GmbH D - 35398 GIESSEN Made in Germany CD E LV101 Vom Modellbahntrafo From transformer Monitoring of 4 track sections at a reversing loop with the RS-8 via a reversing loop module on Lenz Digital plus. Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) Address Internet / e-mail Kleiner Ring 9 D-25492 Heist/Germany 4 Phone 0049 4122 / 977 381 Fax 0049 4122 / 977 382 Banking connection Kreissparkasse Suedholstein (bank code 230 510 30) Account-No. 3 99 43 57
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