Eighth Edition July 2011 Instructions For Use GenDx SBTexcellerator® For high-resolution HLA Sequencing Based Typing (SBT) For Research Use Only Genome Diagnostics B.V. Phone: +31 302 523 799 Email: info@gendx.com Web: www.gendx.com Address: Yalelaan 48 3584 CM Utrecht Distributed by the Netherlands Sample & Assay Technologies For Research Use Only Not for use in diagnostic procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of a disease. Copyright This publication, including all photographs, illustrations, is protected under international copyright laws, with all rights reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material contained herein, may be reproduced without written consent of the author. © Copyright 2011 Disclaimer Genome Diagnostics B.V. has made every effort to ensure that this Instructions For Use is accurate. Genome Diagnostics B.V. disclaims liability for any inaccuracies or omissions that may have occurred. Information in this Instructions For Use is subject to change without notice. Genome Diagnostics B.V. assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this Instructions For Use. Genome Diagnostics B.V. reserves the right to make improvements to this Instructions For Use and/or to the products described in this Instructions For Use, at any time without notice. If you find information in this manual that is incorrect, misleading, or incomplete, we would appreciate your comments and suggestions. Please send them to info@gendx.com. Page 2 Eighth Edition July 2011 Contents For Research Use Only 2 Contents 3 Key to Symbols 4 Kit Content 5 For HLA Class I 5 For HLA Class II 7 Shipping and Storage 9 Warning and Precautions 9 Product Use Limitations Safety Information 9 10 Intended Use 10 Technical Assistance 10 Principle and Procedure 10 Important notes before starting 11 Sample preparation 11 SBTexcellerator® primer preparation 11 Assay set-up 11 Equipment and Reagents to be supplied by User 12 Protocol 1A: HLA Class I Loci Amplification 14 Protocol 1B HLA-DRB Loci Amplification 17 Protocol 1C: HLA-DQA1 Locus Amplification 21 Protocol 1D: HLA-DQB1 Locus Amplification 24 Protocol 1E: HLA-DPB1 Locus Amplification 27 Protocol 2: PCR product Clean-up 30 Protocol 3: Sequencing of HLA Loci 31 Protocol 4: Clean-up and Analysis of HLA Sequencing Products 33 Troubleshooting Guide 35 Appendix A: Control of Contamination 39 Notes 41 Page 3 Key to Symbols Material Number Components In Vitro Diagnostics Medical Device Batch Code/ Lot Number Catalogue Number Consult Instructions for use Contains reagents for N tests Legal Manufacturer Add liquid Page 4 Eighth Edition July 2011 Kit Content For HLA Class I SBTexcellerator® HLA-A Kits Catalog no. Core Kit (50) Extd. Kit (50) 4100034 4100134 50 50 HLA-A Amplification Primers (red cap) 1 tube – HLA-A Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) Multiple tubes* – – Multiple tubes* 1 tube 1 tube HLA-A Protocol Sheet 3000101 – Instructions For Use 3340000 – Number of reactions HLA-A GSSP Primers (green cap) Nuclease Free H2O (clear cap) SBTexcellerator® HLA-B Kits Catalog no. Number of reactions HLA-B Amplification Primers (red cap) HLA-B Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) HLA-B GSSP Primers (green cap) Core Kit (50) Extd. Kit (50) 4101034 4101134 50 50 1 tube – Multiple tubes* Multiple tubes* – Multiple tubes* 1 tube 1 tube HLA-B Protocol Sheet 3000201 – Instructions for Use 3340000 – Nuclease Free H2O (clear cap) * See the protocol sheet for primer details. Page 5 SBTexcellerator® HLA-C Kits Catalog no. Number of reactions HLA-C Amplification Primers (red cap) HLA-C Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) HLA-C GSSP Primers (green cap) Core Kit (50) Extd. Kit (50) 4102034 4102134 50 50 1 tube – Multiple tubes* Multiple tubes* – Multiple tubes* 1 tube 1 tube HLA-C Protocol Sheet 3000301 – Instructions for Use 3340000 – Nuclease Free H2O(clear cap) * See the protocol sheet for primer details. Page 6 Eighth Edition July 2011 For HLA Class II SBTexcellerator® HLADRB Kits HLA-DRB1 Core (50) HLA-DRB1 Extd. (50) HLA-DRB3/4/5 (50) 4105034 4105134 4105334 50 50 50 HLA-DRB1 Amplification Primers (red cap) 1 tube – – HLA-DRB3 Amplification Primers (red cap) – – 1 tube HLA-DRB4 Amplification Primers (red cap) – – 1 tube HLA-DRB5 Amplification Primers (red cap) – – 1 tube Multiple tubes* 1 tube – – – Multiple tubes* 1 tube Multiple tubes* – – – 1 tube 1 tube 1 tube 1 tube HLA-DRB Protocol Sheet 3000601 – 3000701 Instructions for Use 3340000 – 3340000 Catalog no. Number of reactions HLA-DRB1 Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) HLA-DRB3/4/5 Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) HLA-DRB1 GSSP primers (green cap) HLA-DRB3/4/5 GSSP primers (green cap) Nuclease Free H2O (clear cap) * See the protocol sheet for primer details. Page 7 SBTexcellerator® HLA-DQA1 Kits Catalog no. Number of reactions HLA-DQA1 Amplification Primers (red cap) Core Kit (50) Extd. Kit (50) 4106034 4106134 50 50 2 tubes – HLA-DQA1 Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) Multiple tubes* Multiple tubes* Nuclease Free H2O (clear cap) 1 tube 1 tube HLA-DQA1 Protocol Sheet 3000801 – Instructions for Use 3340000 – Core Kit (50) Extd. Kit (50) 4104034 4104134 50 50 1 tube – SBTexcellerator® HLA-DQB1 Kits Catalog no. Number of reactions HLA-DQB1 Amplification Primers (red cap) HLA-DQB1 Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) Multiple tubes* HLA-DQB1 GSSP Primers (green cap) – – Multiple tubes* 1 tube 1 tube HLA-DQB1 Protocol Sheet 3000501 – Instructions for Use 3340000 – Nuclease Free H2O (clear cap) * See the protocol sheet for primer details. Page 8 Eighth Edition SBTexcellerator® HLA-DPB1 Kits Catalog no. Number of reactions HLA-DPB1 Amplification Primers (red cap) HLA-DPB1 Sequencing Primers (yellow cap) HLA-DPB1 GSSP Primers (green cap) July 2011 Core Kit (50) Extd. Kit (50) 4103034 4103134 50 50 1 tube – Multiple tubes* Multiple tubes* – Multiple tubes* 1 tube 1 tube HLA-DPB1 Protocol Sheet 3000401 – Instructions for Use 3340000 – Nuclease Free H2O (clear cap) * See the protocol sheet for primer details. Shipping and Storage SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits are: - shipped at ambient temperature and should be stored at -20°C upon arrival - stable until the kit expiration date when stored at -20°C - stable for 5 months after dissolving primers in nuclease free H2O when stored at -20°C Warning and Precautions Product Use Limitations For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease. To ensure the best performance, use the SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits with the materials, reagents, and equipments recommended in “Equipment and Reagents to be supplied by User”, page 12. Use of materials other than specified, must be validated by user! Reconstitution or dilution of primers in volumes other then described in these Instructions For Use is strongly discouraged! Please take special note of Appendix A: Control of Contamination on page 39. Page 9 Safety Information When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective goggles. Intended Use SBTexcellerator® products are intended for high-resolution identification of alleles of the Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) by means of Sequencing Based Typing (SBT). The specimen material is human genomic DNA. Technical Assistance For technical assistance and more information, please see the Technical Support Center at www.qiagen.com/Support or call one of the QIAGEN Technical Service Departments or local distributors. Principle and Procedure SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits are primer/oligonucleotide sets dedicated for highresolution HLA sequencing Based typing (SBT). For high resolution typing of HLA Class I and Class II, sequencing of the exons 2, 3 and 4 of the HLA locus can be performed (exon 4 sequencing not available for al loci) using the sequencing primers in the SBTexcellerator® HLA Core Kits. Sequencing of other exons or the use of group-specific sequencing primers (GSSP), included in the SBTexcellerator® HLA Extended Kits, is only required when ambiguities need to be resolved. 1. HLA locus-specific amplification is performed in a thermal cycler using the amplification primer mix, template DNA, and the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit. 2. Before sequencing, the PCR products are cleaned up using Exonuclease I and Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (or alternative methods) to remove unincorporated primers and nucleotides. 3. Sequencing is performed using BigDye® Terminator sequencing chemistry. 4. The sequence products are purified using Sephadex G-50 Superfine (or alternative methods) to remove unincorporated sequencing primers and residual nucleotides. 5. Denatured samples are loaded on an automated genetic analyzer. Page 10 Eighth Edition July 2011 Important notes before starting Sample preparation Purified DNA should have an A260/A280 ratio between 1.7 and 1.9. If necessary, DNA should be diluted in Nuclease Free H2O before use. Blood samples should be collected in tubes with ACD or EDTA as an anticoagulant. Do NOT use heparinized samples. SBTexcellerator® primer preparation Briefly centrifuge the tubes containing the amplification primers (red caps) and sequencing primers (yellow and green caps) before opening for the first time. Resuspend each primer in Nuclease Free H2O (provided), using the resuspension resuspension volumes listed in Table 1. Assay set-up Read the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Handbook, paying particular attention to the “Safety Information” and “Important Notes” sections before beginning the procedure. Set up all reactions on ice. Table 1. Resuspension volumes for amplification primers and sequencing primers (resuspend each primer in the provided Nuclease Free H2O) Loci Amplification primers (red caps) Sequencing primers (yellow and green caps) HLA-A 55 µl 55 µl HLA-B 55 µl 55 µl HLA-C 55 µl 55 µl HLA-DRB1 55 µl 55 µl HLA-DRB3/4/5 55 µl 110 µl HLA-DQA1 55 µl 110 µl HLA-DQB1 55 µl 55 µl HLA-DPB1 55 µl 55 µl Page 11 Equipment and Reagents to be supplied by User When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective goggles. For more information, consult the appropriate material safety data sheets (MSDSs), available from the product supplier. For HLA locus amplification QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit Ice Pipettes and pipette tips (use of pipette tips with hydrophobic filters is strongly recommended) Thermal cycler Micro centrifuge Vortexer PCR tubes (use thin-walled 0.2 ml PCR tubes recommended by the manufacturer of your thermal cycler) Agarose gel electrophoresis system For sequencing of HLA loci Exonuclease I and Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase; alternative clean-up methods can be used Pipettes and pipette tips Thermal cycler Micro centrifuge 1.5 or 2 ml micro centrifuge tubes BigDye Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit or BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit* * This is not a complete list of suppliers and does not include many important vendors of biological supplies. Page 12 Eighth Edition July 2011 For clean-up and analysis of HLA sequencing products Note: Alternatively, other size-exclusion methods or ethanol precipitation of sequencing products can be used. Sephadex G-50 Superfine Multiscreen 45 ul Column Loader Multiscreen Column Loader Scraper Clear Multiscreen-HV Multiscreen Centrifuge Align Frame Blue EU Frosted Sub skirted Thin-wall 96 x 0.2 ml plates Pipettes and pipette tips Multichannel pipette (recommended to facilitate handling) Centrifuge; rotor and adapters must be capable of centrifuging 96 wells microtiter plates) Deionized water Capillary sequencer (e.g., ABI PRISM® 3100 or Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyzers, or ABI PRISM 3700 or Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzers, Applied Biosystems) §† SBTengine® software or other suitable HLA typing software to analyze sequence files and to create HLA typing reports § This is not a complete list of suppliers and does not include many important vendors of biological supplies. † SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits have been tested with various polymers and sequencing chemistries. Page 13 Protocol 1A: HLA Class I Loci Amplification This protocol is for amplification of HLAHLA-A, HLAHLA-B, or HLAHLA-C genes using the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit and the respective SBTexcellerator® HLA Kit. Procedure Important: Set up all reactions on ice. Note: Prepare a separate reaction mix for each locus (HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C). 1. Thaw 10x LongRange PCR Buffer, dNTP mix, Nuclease Free H2O, and primer solutions. Mix the solutions thoroughly and centrifuge briefly before use. 2. Prepare a reaction mix as shown in Table 2. The reaction mix typically contains all of the components needed for PCR except the template DNA. Prepare a volume of reaction mix at least 10% greater than that required for the total number of PCR assays to be performed. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. To streamline the process, validate your DNA purification procedure so that you can use a set volume corresponding to 50–200 ng DNA. Page 14 Eighth Edition July 2011 Table 2. Composition of reaction mix for amplification of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C loci amplification (prepare a separate reaction mix for each locus) Volume in each reaction Final concentration LongRange PCR Buffer with Mg2+, 10x 2.5 µl 1x; 2.5 mM Mg2+ dNTP mix (10 mM each) 1.25 µl 500 µM of each dNTP HLA Class I 1 µl – LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix 0.4 µl 2 units per reaction Nuclease Free H2O Variable (14.85–18.85 µl) – Template DNA Added at step 5 Variable (1–5 µl) 50–200 ng per reaction (optimal 100 ng) Total volume 25 µl Component Amplification Primers (red cap) 3. Mix the reaction mix thoroughly, and centrifuge briefly. 4. Dispense the reaction mix into each PCR tube. The appropriate volume is 25 µl minus the amount of DNA added in the next step. 5. Add 1–5 µl template DNA (50–200 ng) to each tube containing reaction mix. The final volume must be 25 µl. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. 6. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 3. Page 15 Table 3. Cycling protocol for HLA Class I amplification Comments Initial activation step: 3 min 95°C Initial denaturation of template DNA. Denaturation 15 s 95°C Do not exceed this temperature. Annealing 30 s 65°C Extension 3 min 68°C 3-step cycling: PCR product sizes 3.1 kb to 3.4 kb Number of cycles 35 Final extension: 10 min End of PCR cycling: Indefinite 68°C 4°C 7. Important: For a simplified hot start, place the tubes immediately into a thermal cycler that is heated to 95°C and start the cycling program as outlined in Table 3. Use the simplified hot start to ensure PCR specificity. After amplification, samples can be stored overnight at 2–8°C. Clean-up of the PCR products (page 33) should be carried out within 24 h. 8. Confirm the PCR products using an appropriate detection system such as agarose gel electrophoresis. Prepare a 1% w/v agarose gel according to your laboratory protocol, and analyze 3 µl of each PCR assay. See Table 3 for approximate size of PCR products. 9. Proceed with “Protocol 2: ”, page 30. Page 16 Eighth Edition July 2011 Protocol 1B HLA-DRB Loci Amplification This protocol is for amplification of part of the HLAHLA-DRB1, DRB1, HLAHLA-DRB3, HLAHLA-DRB4, and/or HLAHLA-DRB5 genes using the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit and the SBTexcellerator® HLA-DRB1 Kit and/or the SBTexcellerator® HLA-DRB3/4/5 Kit. Procedure Important: Set up all reactions on ice. Note: Prepare a separate reaction mix for each locus (HLA-DRB1, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, and HLA-DRB5). 10. Thaw 10x LongRange PCR Buffer, dNTP mix, Nuclease Free H2O, and primer solutions. Mix the solutions thoroughly and centrifuge briefly before use. 11. Prepare a reaction mix as shown in Table 4. The reaction mix typically contains all of the components needed for PCR except the template DNA. Prepare a volume of reaction mix at least 10% greater than that required for the total number of PCR assays to be performed. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. To streamline the process, validate your DNA purification procedure so that you can use a set volume corresponding to 50–200 ng DNA. Page 17 Table 4. Composition of reaction mix for HLA-DRB loci amplification (prepare a separate reaction mix for each locus) Volume in each reaction Final concentration LongRange PCR Buffer with Mg2+, 10x 2.5 µl 1x; 2.5 mM Mg2+ dNTP mix (10 mM each) 1.25 µl 500 µM of each dNTP HLA-DRB1, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, or HLA-DRB5 Amplification Primers 1 µl – LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix 0.4 µl 2 units per reaction Nuclease Free H2O Variable (14.85–18.85 µl) – Template DNA Added at step 14 Variable (1–5 µl) 50–200 ng per reaction (optimal 100 ng) Total volume 25 µl Component (red cap) 12. Mix the reaction mix thoroughly, and centrifuge briefly. 13. Dispense the reaction mix into each PCR tube. The appropriate volume is 25 µl minus the amount of DNA added in the next step. 14. Add 1–5 µl template DNA (50–200 ng) to each tube containing reaction mix. The final volume must be 25 µl. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. 15. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 5. Page 18 Eighth Edition July 2011 Table 5. Cycling protocol for HLA-DRB loci amplification Comments Initial activation step: 3 min 95°C Initial denaturation of template DNA. Denaturation 15 s 95°C Do not exceed this temperature. Annealing 30 s 65°C Extension 5 min 68°C 3-step cycling: PCR product sizes: 3.7 to 4.8 kb for HLA-DRB1 3.8 kb for HLA-DRB3 0.4 kb exon 2 & 1.3 kb exon 3 for HLA-DRB4 4.0 kb for HLA-DRB5 (see figure 1, page 20) Number of cycles 35 Final extension: 10 min End of PCR cycling: Indefinite 68°C 4°C 16. Important: For a simplified hot start, place the tubes immediately into a thermal cycler that is heated to 95°C and start the cycling program as outlined in Table 5. Use the simplified hot start to ensure PCR specificity. After amplification, samples can be stored overnight at 2–8°C. Clean-up of the PCR products (page 30) should be carried out within 24 h. 17. Confirm the PCR products using an appropriate detection system such as agarose gel electrophoresis. Prepare a 1% w/v agarose gel according to your laboratory protocol, and analyze 3 µl of each PCR assay. See Table 5 for approximate sizes of PCR products. See Figure 1 below for an example of agarose-gel analysis of HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, and HLA-DRB5 loci. Page 19 Figure 1. Locus-specific amplification for HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, and HLA-DRB5. PCR products were analyzed on an agarose gel. M: GelPilot® 200 bp Ladder. 18. Proceed with “Protocol 2: ”, page 30. Page 20 Eighth Edition July 2011 Protocol 1C: HLA-DQA1 Locus Amplification This protocol is for amplification of part of the HLAHLA-DQA DQA1 gene using the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit and the SBTexcellerator® HLA-DQA1 Kit. Amplification primers sets QA1*01/3 and QA1*02/4/5/6 are provided for typing allele groups HLA-DQA1*01/03 and HLA-DQA*02/04/05/06, respectively. Both amplification reactions should be performed. Procedure Important: Set up all reactions on ice. Note: Prepare a separate reaction mix for QA1*01/3 and QA1*02/4/5/6 amplification. 19. Thaw 10x LongRange PCR Buffer, dNTP mix, Nuclease Free H2O, and both QA1*01/3 and QA1*02/4/5/6 primer solutions. Mix the solutions thoroughly and centrifuge briefly before use. 20. Prepare a reaction mix as shown in Table 6. Prepare a solution for both QA1*01/3 and QA1*02/4/5/6! The reaction mix typically contains all of the components needed for PCR except the template DNA. Prepare a volume of reaction mix at least 10% greater than that required for the total number of PCR assays to be performed. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. To streamline the process, validate your DNA purification procedure so that you can use a set volume corresponding to 50–200 ng DNA. Page 21 Table 6. Composition of reaction mix for HLA-DQA1 locus amplification (prepare a separate reaction mix for QA1*01/3 and QA1*02/4/5/6 amplification) Volume in each reaction Final concentration LongRange PCR Buffer with Mg2+, 10x 2.5 µl 1x; 2.5 mM Mg2+ dNTP mix (10 mM each) 1.25 µl 500 µM of each dNTP QA1*01/3 1 µl Component QA1*02/4/5/6 Amplification Primers (red cap) LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix 0.4 µl 2 units per reaction Nuclease Free H2O Variable (14.85–18.85 µl) – Template DNA Added at step 23 Variable (1–5 µl) 50–200 ng per reaction (optimal 100 ng) Total volume 25 µl 21. Mix the reaction mix thoroughly, and centrifuge briefly. 22. Dispense the reaction mix into each PCR tube. The appropriate volume is 25 µl minus the amount of DNA added in the next step. 23. Add 1–5 µl template DNA (50–200 ng) to each tube containing reaction mix. The final volume must be 25 µl. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. 24. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 7. Page 22 Eighth Edition July 2011 Table 7. Cycling protocol for HLA-DQA1 locus amplification Comments Initial activation step: 3 min 95°C Initial denaturation of template DNA. Denaturation 15 s 95°C Do not exceed this temperature. Annealing 30 s 65°C Extension 6 min 68°C 3-step cycling: PCR product sizes 5.4 kb to 5.8 kb Number of cycles 35 Final extension: 10 min End of PCR cycling: Indefinite 68°C 4°C 25. Important: For a simplified hot start, place the tubes immediately into a thermal cycler that is heated to 95°C and start the cycling program as outlined in Table 7. Use the simplified hot start to ensure PCR specificity. After amplification, samples can be stored overnight at 2–8°C. Clean-up of the PCR products (page 30) should be carried out within 24 h. 26. Confirm the PCR products using an appropriate detection system such as agarose gel electrophoresis. Prepare a 1% w/v agarose gel according to your laboratory protocol, and analyze 3 µl of each PCR assay. See Table 7 for approximate size of PCR products. 27. Proceed with “Protocol 2: ”, page 30. Page 23 Protocol 1D: HLA-DQB1 Locus Amplification This protocol is for amplification of part of the HLAHLA-DQB1 gene using the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit and the SBTexcellerator® HLA-DQB1 Kit. Procedure Important: Set up all reactions on ice. Note: addition of Q-Solution is required! 28. Thaw 10x LongRange PCR Buffer, dNTP mix, Nuclease Free H2O, and primer solutions. Mix the solutions thoroughly and centrifuge briefly before use. 29. Prepare a reaction mix as shown in Table 6. Please note that the addition of Q-Solution is required! The reaction mix typically contains all of the components needed for PCR except the template DNA. Prepare a volume of reaction mix at least 10% greater than that required for the total number of PCR assays to be performed. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. To streamline the process, validate your DNA purification procedure so that you can use a set volume corresponding to 50–200 ng DNA. Page 24 Eighth Edition July 2011 Table 6. Composition of reaction mix for HLA-DQB1 locus amplification Volume in each reaction Final concentration LongRange PCR Buffer with Mg2+, 10x 2.5 µl 1x; 2.5 mM Mg2+ dNTP mix (10 mM each) 1.25 µl 500 µM of each dNTP HLA-DQB1 Amplification Primers (red cap) 1 µl – LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix 0.4 µl 2 units per reaction Q-Solution, 5x 5 µl 1x Nuclease Free H2O Variable (9.85–13.85 µl) – Template DNA Added at step 32 Variable (1–5 µl) 50–200 ng per reaction (optimal 100 ng) Total volume 25 µl Component 30. Mix the reaction mix thoroughly, and centrifuge briefly. 31. Dispense the reaction mix into each PCR tube. The appropriate volume is 25 µl minus the amount of DNA added in the next step. 32. Add 1–5 µl template DNA (50–200 ng) to each tube containing reaction mix. The final volume must be 25 µl. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. 33. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 7. Page 25 Table 7. Cycling protocol for HLA-DQB1 locus amplification Comments Initial activation step: 3 min 95°C Initial denaturation of template DNA. Denaturation 15 s 95°C Do not exceed this temperature. Annealing 30 s 65°C Extension 4 min 68°C 3-step cycling: PCR product sizes 3.7 kb to 4.1 kb Number of cycles 35 Final extension: 10 min End of PCR cycling: Indefinite 68°C 4°C 34. Important: For a simplified hot start, place the tubes immediately into a thermal cycler that is heated to 95°C and start the cycling program as outlined in Table 7. Use the simplified hot start to ensure PCR specificity. After amplification, samples can be stored overnight at 2–8°C. Clean-up of the PCR products (page 30) should be carried out within 24 h. 35. Confirm the PCR products using an appropriate detection system such as agarose gel electrophoresis. Prepare a 1% w/v agarose gel according to your laboratory protocol, and analyze 3 µl of each PCR assay. See Table 7 for approximate size of PCR products. 36. Proceed with “Protocol 2: ”, page 30. Page 26 Eighth Edition July 2011 Protocol 1E: HLA-DPB1 Locus Amplification This protocol is for amplification of part of the HLAHLA-DPB1 gene using the QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit and the SBTexcellerator® HLA-DPB1 Kit. Procedure Important: Set up all reactions on ice. 37. Thaw 10x LongRange PCR Buffer, dNTP mix, Nuclease Free H2O, and primer solutions. Mix the solutions thoroughly and centrifuge briefly before use. 38. Prepare a reaction mix as shown in Table 8. The reaction mix typically contains all of the components needed for PCR except the template DNA. Prepare a volume of reaction mix at least 10% greater than that required for the total number of PCR assays to be performed. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. To streamline the process, validate your DNA purification procedure so that you can use a set volume corresponding to 50–200 ng DNA. Table 8. Composition of reaction mix for HLA-DPB1 locus amplification Volume in each reaction Final concentration LongRange PCR Buffer with Mg2+, 10x 2.5 µl 1x; 2.5 mM Mg2+ dNTP mix (10 mM each) 1.25 µl 500 µM of each dNTP HLA-DPB1 Amplification Primers (red cap) 1 µl – LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix 0.4 µl 2 units per reaction Nuclease Free H2O Variable (14.85–18.85 µl) – Template DNA Added at step 41 Variable (1–5 µl) 50–200 ng per reaction (optimal 100 ng) Total volume 25 µl Component Page 27 39. Mix the reaction mixture thoroughly, and centrifuge briefly. 40. Dispense the reaction mix into each PCR tube. The appropriate volume is 25 µl minus the amount of DNA added in the next step. 41. Add 1–5 µl template DNA (50–200 ng) to each tube containing reaction mix. The final volume must be 25 µl. The optimal amount of template DNA to use in the reaction is 100 ng. However, template DNA in the range of 50–200 ng (in 1–5 µl) can be used without affecting results. 42. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 9. Table 9. Cycling protocol for HLA-DPB1 locus amplification Comments Initial activation step: 3 min 95°C Initial denaturation of template DNA. Denaturation 15 s 95°C Do not exceed this temperature. Annealing 30 s 65°C Extension 6 min 68°C 3-step cycling: PCR product sizes 2.9 kb exon 1 & 5.7 kb exons 2–5 Number of cycles 35 Final extension: 10 min End of PCR cycling: Indefinite 68°C 4°C 43. Important: For a simplified hot start, place the tubes immediately into a thermal cycler that is heated to 95°C and start the cycling program as outlined in Table 9. Use the simplified hot start to ensure PCR specificity. After amplification, samples can be stored overnight at 2–8°C. Clean-up of the PCR products (page 30) should be carried out within 24 h. Page 28 Eighth Edition July 2011 44. Confirm the PCR products using an appropriate detection system such as agarose gel electrophoresis. Prepare a 1% w/v agarose gel according to your laboratory protocol, and analyze 3 µl of each PCR assay. See Table 9 for approximate size of PCR products. 45. Proceed with “Protocol 2: ”, page 30. Page 29 Protocol 2: PCR product Clean-up The PCR products are treated with Exonuclease I and Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (ExoI/SAP) prior to sequencing to degrade unincorporated primers and to dephosphorylize residual nucleotides. As an alternative to PCR product clean-up using the ExoI/SAP, the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit can also be used. Important note before starting Set up the reactions on ice. Procedure 1. Prepare an ExoI/SAP master mix in a sterile microfuge tube according to table 10. Table 10. Composition of reaction mix for amplicon clean-up N=1 N=10 N=25 ExoI 0.5 µl 5 µl 12.5 µl SAP 1 µl 10 µl 25 µl 1.5 µl 15 µl 37.5 µl Total 2. Add 1.5 µl ExoI/SAP Master Mix to each of the PCR products. 3. Gently vortex the mixture to produce a homogeneous reaction and spin down briefly. 4. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 11. Table 11. Cycling protocol for amplicon ExoI/SAP clean-up Time Temperature Activation step: 30 min 37°C Inactivation step: 20 min 80°C Cooling: Indefinite 4°C 5. Proceed with “Protocol 3: Sequencing of HLA Loci”, page 31 Page 30 Eighth Edition July 2011 Protocol 3: Sequencing of HLA Loci This protocol is for sequencing of both HLA Class I and HLA Class II loci. This procedure is optimized for BigDye Terminator chemistry, with subsequent analysis on ABI PRISM 3100 or Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyzers, or ABI PRISM 3700 or Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzers. Important notes before starting Set up the reactions on ice. Briefly centrifuge the tubes containing the sequencing primers (yellow and green caps) before opening. Read the BigDye Terminator protocol manual, paying particular attention to the “Safety Information” and “Important Notes” sections before beginning the procedure. Procedure 1. Prepare a sequencing master mix according to Table 12. The sequencing master mix should contain all of the components needed for all sequence tests to be performed. Prepare a volume of sequencing master mix at least 10% greater than that required for the total number of sequencing assays to be performed. Note: Prepare a separate sequencing mix for each sequencing primer. Table 12. Composition of sequencing master mix for sequencing of HLA loci (prepare a separate master mix for each sequencing primer) Component BDT Ready Reaction Premix, 2.5x Volume in each reaction 1 µl BDT Buffer, 5x 1.5 µl Nuclease Free H2O 5.5 µl Sequencing primer (yellow or green cap) 1 µl Total 9 µl 2. Gently mix the sequencing master mix and centrifuge briefly. 3. Dispense 9 µl of the sequencing master mix into each PCR tube. 4. Add 1 µl purified PCR product to each tube containing sequencing master mix. The final volume is 10 µl. Page 31 5. Program the thermal cycler according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the conditions outlined in Table 13. Table 13. Cycling protocol for sequencing HLA loci Comments Initial denaturation: 10 s 96°C Denaturation 10 s 96°C Annealing 10 s 50°C Extension 2 min 60°C Number of cycles 25 End of PCR cycling: Indefinite 4°C Initial denaturation of template DNA. 3-step cycling: 6. Place the tubes immediately into a thermal cycler and start the cycling program as outlined in Table 13. 7. After the sequencing reaction is finished, proceed with “Protocol 4: Clean-up and Analysis of HLA Sequencing Products”, page 33. Page 32 Eighth Edition July 2011 Protocol 4: Clean-up and Analysis of HLA Sequencing Products This procedure uses the Sephadex size-exclusion method for clean-up of HLA sequencing products. Sequencing products are purified over a Sephadex column to remove unincorporated sequence primers and free nucleotides. Important notes before starting Prepare Sephadex at least 3 hours before use. As an alternative to clean-up using sephadex, other equivalent sizeexclusion methods (e.g. Qiagen DyeEx Kits) or ethanol precipitation of sequencing products can be used. Preparation Procedure (3 hours before use) 1. Fill the wells of the 45 µl Column Loader with Sephadex G-50. Remove any excess powder by scraping the remaining Sephadex G-50 with the Multiscreen Column Loader Scraper. 2. Lay a Multiscreen-HV filter plate upside-down on top of the filled 45 µl Column Loader and turn it upside-down so that the filter plate is filled with Sephadex G-50. 3. Add 300 µl deionised water to each well with a multichannel pipette. Be sure to avoid air bubbles during pipetting. 4. Steep the Sephadex G-50 for at least 3 hours at room temperature covered by the lid. Ensure the sephadex does not dry out due to excessive heat and/or airflow. Steeped Sephadex can be stored for a week at 4°C. Clean the Column Loader by tapping the plate up side down and remove residual powder with a dry tissue. Clean-up of sequencing products: 5. Put the Multiscreen-HV filter plate, containing the steeped Sephadex G-50, on a 96-well round bottom micro plate placing the Multiscreen Centrifuge Align Frame in between. 6. Spin down at 750g for 5 minutes. 7. Discard the water in the 96-well round bottom micro plate and store the plate for future use. 8. Replace the 96-well round bottom micro plate and the Multiscreen Centrifuge Align Frame by the EU Frosted Sub skirted Thin-wall 96 x 0.2 ml plate. Page 33 9. Add 10 µl deionised water to each sequencing reaction product using a multichannel pipette. 10. Pipette the sequence sample (20 µl) on the Multiscreen-HV filter plate in the middle of the well. 11. Spin down at 750g for 5 minutes. 12. Load the EU Frosted Sub skirted Thin-wall 96 x 0.2 ml plate containing the samples into the thermal cycler, heat the samples for 2 min at 95°C and subsequently put them on ice until loading in the genetic analyzer. 13. Load the EU Frosted Sub skirted Thin-wall 96 x 0.2 ml plate containing the samples into the genetic analyzer and run it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Note: Matrix standards must be run for first-time use of BigDye Terminator reactions. Follow the instructions provided in the BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit or by the manufacturer. SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits have been tested with various polymers and sequencing chemistries. If sequencing is not possible the same day; seal the plates with an adhesive seal and store the plate at -20°C. 14. Process the collected raw sequence data with the sequencing analysis software SBTengine® or other suitable HLA typing software. Page 34 Eighth Edition July 2011 Troubleshooting Guide This troubleshooting guide may be helpful in solving any problems that may arise. For more information, see also the Frequently Asked Questions page at the QIAGEN Technical Support Center: www.qiagen.com/FAQ/FAQList.aspx. The scientists in QIAGEN Technical Services are always happy to answer any questions you may have about either the information and protocols in this Instructions for Use or sample and assay technologies (for contact information visit www.qiagen.com). Comments and suggestions Little or no PCR product a) LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix was not added to the amplification mix or not mixed properly when added Repeat amplification paying attention to the addition and mixing of LongRange PCR Enzyme Mix with the amplification mix. b) Cycling conditions not optimal When using a fast thermal cycler, reduce the ramp rate to 1°C/s. c) DNA concentration not optimal Requantify the DNA and adjust to 50 ng/µl. If the sample concentration is below the recommended range and little or no amplification product is visible, sequence the sample. Acceptable sequence and typing may be achievable. d) Poor-quality or degraded genomic DNA Run genomic DNA on a 1% agarose gel to evaluate quality. Purified DNA should have an A260/A280 ratio between 1.7 and 1.9. e) Weak amplification of HLA-DRB4 exon 3 Use the recommended amount of purified PCR product for sequencing, even if amplification of exon 3 is weak. Use 63°C annealing instead of 65°C as described in Table 5, page 19. Acceptable sequencing data should still be obtained. Page 35 Comments and suggestions Unusual PCR products a) Two PCR products visible after amplification of HLA-DRB1, HLA-DRB4, or HLA-DQB1 locus In a heterozygous sample, 2 bands may appear for the HLA-DRB1 or HLA-DQB1 PCR products due to length polymorphism in intron regions of the HLA-DRB1 or HLA-DQB1 gene. Amplification of HLA-DRB4 normally results in 2 PCR products (see Figure 1, page 20), except for DRB4*0301N, which does not possess exon 2. b) HLA-DRB1 or HLA-DQB1 amplicons of different samples have different sizes Due to length polymorphisms in intron regions of the HLA-DRB1 or HLA-DQB1 gene, amplicons may vary in size in different samples. Excessive background noise a) PCR products not cleaned up prior to sequencing Clean-up the PCR products using the ExoI/SAP clean-up method before using them in the sequencing reaction. b) No or poor clean-up of sequencing reactions Be sure to perform clean-up of sequencing reactions using Protocol 4: Clean-up and Analysis of HLA Sequencing Products. Pipette the sample directly onto the center of the gelbed surface. Do not allow the reaction mixture or the pipette tip to contact the sides of the gel-bed or the sides of the wells of the plates. c) Signal strength too high See “Excessive signal strength” below. d) Poor or incorrect matrix Repeat the spectral calibration and re-inject samples. e) Poor injection Re-inject samples. f) Injection time set too high Reduce injection time and re-inject. Signal strengths of 100–1500 are optimal. Samples of poor quality may have lower signal strengths but may still be analyzed and typed. Some samples may have signals that are over 1500 and will not have excess background. g) Peaks shifted or on top of each other Incorrect mobility file chosen. Choose correct mobility file. Page 36 Eighth Edition July 2011 Comments and suggestions h) Poor sequence quality in one of the HLA-DRB1 exon 2 forward sequences There are 2 forward sequencing primers for exon 2. Both should be used routinely. Primer R3 is specific for sequencing alleles in group DR1/2/3/5/6/8/10. Primer R4 is specific for sequencing alleles present in group DR4/7/9. With homozygous samples, sequences will be obtained from only one of the primers. In heterozygous samples possessing 2 alleles from the same set of groups (e.g., group DR1 and group DR6), heterozygous sequence data is to be expected from the primer for the relevant groups, and the other primer will generate bad or no sequence. The SBTengine® software will reject this sequence data in most cases, so it does not interfere with typing analysis. Weak signal a) Injection time needs to be increased Repeat sequencing reactions and increase injection time. b) PCR product concentration too low Increase the amount of PCR product in the sequencing reaction, and reduce the amount of Nuclease Free H2O proportionately. Excessive dye blobs a) No or poor clean-up of sequencing reactions Be sure to perform clean-up of sequencing reactions using protocol Protocol 4: Clean-up and Analysis of HLA Sequencing Products. Pipette the sample directly onto the center of the gel-bed surface. Do not allow the reaction mixture or the pipette tip to contact the sides of the gel-bed or the sides of the wells of the plates. b) Poor sequencing reaction Be sure that both the cleaned-up amplicon due to error in pipetting or and the correct sequencing mix are added weak amplification product and combined. In the case of weak amplification, confirm the intensity of the amplicon by running an agarose gel. Page 37 Comments and suggestions Excessive signal strength a) PCR product too concentrated Dilute the PCR product with Nuclease Free H2O before sequencing. b) Too much BDT Ready Reaction Premix in the sequencing reaction Reduce the amount of BDT Reaction Premix and adjust the amount of BDT Buffer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. c) Injection time set too high Reduce injection time and reinject. Signal strengths of 100–1500 are optimal. Samples of poor quality may have lower signal strengths but may still be analyzed and typed. Some samples may have signals that are over 1500 and will not have excess background. Page 38 Eighth Edition July 2011 Appendix A: Control of Contamination It is extremely important to include at least one negative control in every PCR setup that lacks template nucleic acid to detect possible contamination. General physical precautions Separate the working areas for setting up the PCR amplification mix and DNA handling, including the addition of starting template, PCR product analysis, or plasmid preparation. Ideally, use separate rooms. Use a separate set of pipettes for the PCR amplification mix. Use of pipette tips with hydrophobic filters is strongly recommended. Prepare and freeze small aliquots of primer solutions and dNTP mix. Use of fresh Nuclease Free H2O is strongly recommended. In case of contamination, laboratory benches, apparatus, and pipettes can be decontaminated by cleaning them with a 1/10 dilution of a commercial bleach solution.*† Afterwards, the benches and pipettes must be rinsed with Nuclease Free H2O. General chemical precautions PCR stock solutions can also be decontaminated using UV light. This method is laborious, however, and its efficiency is difficult to control and cannot be guaranteed. We recommend storing solutions in small aliquots and using fresh aliquots for each PCR. Another approach to prevent amplification of contaminating DNA is to treat individual reaction mixtures with DNAse I† or restriction enzymes† that cut between the binding sites of the amplification primers used, before adding the template DNA sample. * Most commercial bleach solutions are approximately 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite is an irritant and should be handled with caution. † When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective goggles. For more information, consult the appropriate material safety data sheets (MSDSs), available from the product supplier. Page 39 Ordering Information QIAGEN’s sequencing Based typing (SBT) products are supported either directly by QIAGEN subsidiaries, by your local QIAGEN distributor or reseller. Please contact your local HLA distributor or QIAGEN Customer Care Service at +49 2103-29-12250. Limited License Agreement Use of this product signifies the agreement of any purchaser or user of the SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits to the following terms: 1. The SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits may be used solely in accordance with the GenDx SBTexcellerator® Instructions For Use and for use with components contained in the Kit only. Genome Diagnostics B.V. grants no license under any of its intellectual property to use or incorporate the enclosed components of this Kit with any components not included within this Kit except as described in the GenDx SBTexcellerator® Instructions For Use and additional protocols available at www.GenDx .com. 2. Other than expressly stated licenses, Genome Diagnostics B.V. makes no warranty that this Kit and/or its use(s) do not infringe the rights of third-parties. 3. This Kit and its components are licensed for one-time use and may not be reused, refurbished, or resold. 4. Genome Diagnostics B.V. specifically disclaims any other licenses, expressed or implied other than those expressly stated. 5. The purchaser and user of the Kit agree not to take or permit anyone else to take any steps that could lead to or facilitate any acts prohibited above. Genome Diagnostics B.V. may enforce the prohibitions of this Limited License Agreement in any Court, and shall recover all its investigative and Court costs, including attorney fees, in any action to enforce this Limited License Agreement or any of its intellectual property rights relating to the Kit and/or its components. For updated license terms, see www.GenDx.com. © 2011 Genome Diagnostics B.V., all rights reserved. Trademarks: QIAGEN®, QIAquick®, DyeEx® (QIAGEN Group); ABI PRISM®, BigDye® (Applera Corporation); SBTengine®®, SBTexcellerator®® (Genome Diagnostics). SBTexcellerator® HLA Kits are licensed from Genome Diagnostics BV. QIAGEN acts as a co-exclusive distributor of SBTengine® software. 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